The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 19, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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MURDERED HER IN IKE HOTEL fit iMMEttat till Wt* itIWM Ht* l «•%. •mw >m>ii ••**• •* Pms ••# ymm- Mmm Omm**** € •&<•«#* 4009 p9M* iP#. 09*** * Pw Hami B*B 9*4 9**m p* i*g 9m inm**» ip* ****** *#*•**•** #PMt B®tl*BL * Wfcl * **•*» mmr9m4 §990*94*9 9m*mm ** * * «* Ift* fti*f*ft §*** *4 *** pwmm ***** #» IWmM* * # 4MMI WH§ptkm4 ***** **•* 9**4 9*4 9*** (MfMMt feM p** 4k ##(■ trf #a3d* "w"* W** twit l»»l *4tt* fcM h*"* l **•* •I «fce 4dww* t*t *"»•** *•* —* '• W»IW p*n* *1 M4*4* "«'• JHMNW *•% w*4#'-k4nw**d Mw VMM MMII MM Yfc* *ISP k*d Vh *»"• «*• « *'• *M*« Hi# WMfvtMf* IkSd 4*WB Mf* ID"* fc#t «W#* MM |M MMMhM !(<"• MM ***** fes*»d* ***. »tIM *• **• Mfl«t **♦ m xuk* TV *UU*d WMMMM** “ • g*W* tM fcwttfct*f wa# Mm* art Mlk |#4 IMMM **4 I" *-I>j MM**** 4kM*. awd 4fc# ■■*•***> deW «ttWk**tn< **4* IV •*•#*<• t» s*• HMD k4l*#k*k# •** *• *r»**4tM ■pkMIM pMMk'* Art* u<m tfc# »•##»**» MMT fc** • snadr •MuikP*. WMkik M* fcnwt* attar *fc# ««•» scad Mm row fiplkled a*4 4M*ti tr 4 lk# fcatkr# fc*d mimth i» •**•*! I K***#d», a *h» IM *4 •* W«M r»*4llr I»MH M***4 kk* ttee* #1 kr* tterfc, 9 * A Mrw*s tfc*i* m| rlirWM'tV •’ rtllrkt * Ik** Im ttMM *M«I KM* Tfc» ho4k mm hmrnd M tutm M •> k M ii'rMi iwlrtlkl »»*'•» k» • qlkasskr,W*id tk« AntM Ml tfc# r*«» mi **** nq larked TV* fcndhr I*4 MM *V* Mm* k*4kr 4M Mil. fa#* drtwnward wtfk *i 4** npword M W I* mm*4 «• ■ Mt* N *•* full* anti fcaadwumrly ottmt4 At«**t tM Vt* mm a pml of kUxxl «fc!<k scad aaiuraiMt iM Ma*r t*r»'t *a« la •fck-V IM U«k( »•> •>»«• M*r mm An}i*l TM M 4 M 4 mt M*m liarfVd Hwrt** a Maiaark ant* ao IM gun* ll ' M 4 >«T IM mom •** *kn*%<* 'Ha»*r* klfMrh mi tkr r«rp#l 04 * taVl* la tv* tvair* el IV* rum* HaM aa rapti rMmpaca* Mill* aatf 44*0 |l*»o riudfr.n Carcfullt Prtpmrtd Oa tM Anur a*ar IM door i*i i m Uoa of UM-nnerM «(rr **M*. »v*k aa la »a#*t la uodatiarouad alortrlr work Oar rad tat* wouad arlth laaul auaa lap# tack a* Mara*** «** la laakiac Jatat*. TV* pl**r of rabl* mm Mr<re* lark** long aad lbrrr-qu*r tar* of aa larli la dlaairfor. with a arlr* about oor-riahth of aa rttrh la 41am rirr raanma tbrouck 11. Oa* cad ara* ao bra I that U lorriNU a cvav*al«ac kaadlr. TM ghaailr Sad was at one* report, ad at the koi I o®r* hr lha i*rrll»*d ■Mild Proprietor Iceland Inform <1 Ike poll** of ihr Wert Thirtieth tlrael sta lloa Police Caplaia Pm* Mcieord to tM hotel with all hla pm-lnd de tectives. aad after a harried Insprciloa, Bound Chief of IJrleclleea larCluekjr. who soon arrived with a squad of head quarters mm. The unraveling of (he myater? wat alow There was no sign of nny alrug gl*. The blind# on tha two wlnoowa which faced Twenty-Brat street were tKkt drawn TMre was no blood on tne furniture or washbasin. The Nkveallgatlon and autopsy by Coroner Bauicta and Corooer's Phynl rtan O'Hanlon developed the fact (bat death had taken place about 1 o'clock yesterday morning. Two lacerated ttalp wounds, each about two tnckei In length, were found on the left side of the head, one Just hack of the apex of the skull, and the other two Inches further back. The weapon used hml act broken the skull. Death resulted from a fracture of one of the cervical vertebrae. Valueless Check Found. Basing their opinion on (be ftndlug of two pools of blood, the police sal t that the woman had been struck whit? reclining on the sofa, and bad dag gered across the room to the spot where she was found. The right ear wae lacerated as If an earring had been torn from it. The only article of Jew elry found wns an Inexpensive louk i in the woman’# comaie was found I,lnc dollars In money and a check on the Onrfteld National bank for 113,000, ntnti« out lu the name of Emma Rey nolds by "Dudley Gideon," tie tad Aug ust 15th, and indorsed by S. J. Kenne dy. The cheek was found to lie worth less. There was also found s card ahowing that the girl had taken les sons at the American Academy, of Dramatic Art In May last, an order for photographs, and a number of blank contracts for a publication entitled "Literature of All Nations,” In ten volumes, with the printed name IS. C. Reynolds as the canvasser. The last And was a piece of paper, on which «as written "Mrs. E. C. Reynolds. 370 West Fifty-eighth street.” Came to Hotel Atone. A questioning of the hotel attendants developed the following facts: The wo man entered the hotel on Monday af ter!,oon. She was nlone. but registered tts ”E. Maxwell and wjfe. Brooklyn." She was notirenbly handsome, a pro nounced blonde, slightly below medium height and wns tastefully dressed— Wearing a light waist, a linen skirt, n green silk petticoat, and a straw hat, trimmed veith bright flowers. The clerk noticed that she wore large dia mond earrings and a dlomnnd and a ruby ring. Her only baggage was a small band satchel with a clasp of pc- Wmurn - ■fhjg fPw-dMMMI DMMfc %i#t 4mm** lug ten MM •#* #M m*m9m 4#ft!§■»'* inn fi at fcg PIN# 4MNM# "•mmi T%** tur irti twr-j Mm*w**** A - # * *4*%*i**m | NNNfWi# mMI libMNmN *4m m*4 *%tf irtif mm an til i m * s»mr4 NifiiKii mS M , |n ||gp NMNmN 9»m»* 1 9* NMMktfM iNiNMMNI * ** InN w %|#t #|MI l(N # INMNI mM iriiti nm N *t*mn*mm Nt« ’ Hiri ffNNi *9* *>** ** INMM • mm 9m* m* 9*ft t* * m m 1 *Mm9 I# PlpP t'lßtfll* T%<M M#* fP# !#M ’nf fNf. 11- mm mm P»!Nl 9f V9* pf * • mm 9m Hmn NnnH## mm wvmm*4 PP ********** : <Nk Pptflf m*m4 tP*t ? l|i flip* rlfij mm WNfflNiMi 11 mm N**i- hmmmm* Nil tM - +m4mmm, 9ms * mm* mmmrn *• tM WPP I%# MttNpftN tt« p*m py>iNp* • mmmmm* iffttN tt ill* ft* t f fjplMti •ttNwM Imnuim* ft ft#* -PR rum* foPpM lla«* M*i wt IM*# N II 9mm rnfmrmm* (Mrt If rfiN |M fir!* pntfctr t»4 tltlM lMhr4%« ts tnm Mmm VmM TM nwnlm* *mm wmt ttjt rrpmfttf **4 inNI mi it* ta«*4M a# Me AaagMae TWa, M- I w«»a tike aaha r I the MkalMf, IV* Ilf* alnry of tM 4t*4 girl was M 4 Kaseiia* ReywoMa teas a d*tighter of Re'ward Reynolds He Mat a groilf r ,ooa Mmsl Vvraoa MMldee, hot (M #■■ htlkMM girl deeDrsd to gsahe Mr way a lea- la the great Hty. AM cause la • New York two rear* ago la study sue !IM stage. Mi had act heea here toag | Mots aha Mats aelltag Maks She storked rbiefr ataong hasher* aad Mo .hers, aad ia Mr work tael Manure B Meadhaa a broad sfrset broker who live* at lit East Sereaty serood street •he man who waa hams* by tM col ored servant as Mr husband later oa, | while having Mr teeth attended ah* l U.aaM acquainted with Pe. Bama*l J. | Kennedy, She ha* a hrttlMr who la a corporal I in Company B of the Taro Hundred and [Third regiment, at Camp Black, aad I Jut «• luMUftri Mtirrt. Bb# brr b/HB* 4#*rl y m+ry Monday to Mouai Verts•#. and her pa rents thought he oras proaperlag handsomely In her business, aa the bad tMtf> deposited la (be Vernon bank Mr* Reynold a atory. which ' rauaed Kennedy 1 * arrest, ended aa fol- Iowa: "Kmetloa came to me hotia# last iThursday. Abe said then ibal Dr. Ken nedy wanted IMd is put on a horse .race for her. and that she would'get 14- ■ noo out of tha transaction Aha said she had already drawn the money from the bank. Ah# said she waa to mast Dr. i Kennedy at ( o'clock on Muuday. and to glva him the money, and I nave her la little satchel to carry the money In. Her brother had a toothache, and she advised me to bring him to New York today to Dr Kennedy. I arrived at the house today, and reporter# told me aha had been killed.** Tha mother then Identified the satch el. and said she had explained the me chanism of the little screw like lock. Kennedy Denies Everything. Dr. Kennedy was arrested at 3:30 o'clock by Sergeant Valley Just ae he «u preparing to leave hla office. He took hie arrest coolly. He was taken at once to the Thirtieth street station, and arrived there eoon after Edward Reynolds, the father of the dead girl. Kennedy denied everything, save that he knew Mies Reynolds. Kennedy’s Iron Nerve. Kennedy la a rather handsome man «t the dark type. He bore tbo ordeal of examination and Identification with perfect composure. Five times he stood up in a line of men, and was picked out ns the man who had been scon with Miss Reynold* at the Grand Hotel, and he did not move a musrle of his face. The most extraordinary feature of the ckkp, the police say, Is that a man of Kennedy's evident refinement and intelligenee, aad with his thorough knowledge of anaetbeltrs and poisons, should choose for murder such a clum sy leaden bludgeon. He was positive ly Identified h;; five employees of the hotel: Mary Higgins, th« chambermaid; Charles McOurry, the head waiter; Stephen Burns, a waiter; J. A. Davis, a hell boy; I’atrick Lenahan. the eleva tor boy. Maurice Mendham. the friend of Miss Reynolds, called at. the station house with his lawyer, during the ex aminations. He said he had not seen Miss Reynolds for several days. Be fore he left the station hoime, Kenne dy, who seemed to know him, turned to him and said: "You've got me in a hell of a lot of trouble,” Mendham did not answer. Valuable Jewels Missing. Kennedy was loekod up bud will be arinlgnetl in Jefferson Market court to day. A police search of Miss Reynolds’ former apartments shewed that all her jewelry was gene. Margaret Adams, the servant, said that Miss Reynolds always carried a chamois-skin bag of THJD AXJO-UQTA BJOTtAXJD f es«*v m* smi mmMm aw* asawb <Nm|. f %.a* mms IpRR !NnmMps w 9 **♦* t4*io£ nnlmi ***** i m mm* mm#* mm§ mm %m #**<* NMNP #$ *** * *«» *#+ mm mmrn **m *mmm§4* 4* II i*«4 mm mm tMMi 9*m m 9m mmrnm rmKT (HWiwifM mmmrn % i h#mi fmmm %ii«k<<>|*-*•» * m-*** 9mm J I ■ mmm imm m*499 *** mm f* 9*4 *9* • tm m* u*t or rnr.M Woo I MH>.j m |lp j fltt pm*» I*49** 9*m IT. IN* 9%fiM4Mi f - fhpphqt m%* A **9*9s *i Up p'p#* !«4feaP ~tr | T 9*mo9m* »IMM #9* I Ip m*4 UAU9 ‘4M4* f AebMawd j N jk* maa • lbv»4 Msgw* Y RisrMsssw. j i M >—bee. 11. W IPWpSuMW Ows fikwa CHs,, Haw. ■ iirsaq. <M* N Ra*v. a ii#» rMtha t#*4k* »*i»4m» l M. Naur J C rwswept* ta-Hew'T fww*« • «*<*wi P.s*Wus I . iTvarkw* Due**. K<** Dwwtbs* fM - Jap *»*■»•. k*- ll , A t» fiskltt*. M W P Pw4.JM*rtDy _ . , fi-ASab* »!■—a*b-» T. O. tJswCwta. I MsrMka Owsmb-4* If-gMMt M*H. R 4r Nxtlaw B IN. jJ-Rawv !«•*• ( TVs K Kirby. * M KiwibaA, 4rntt* Ins*, rwre C. H. Aa«»w« J*.< J. Lnawa M- WsltxW Man*. T. J. Mai ten Re •-* C "Z** "•** r I Jaba ftwatel R-4t fved 4VaaMT iTcbaer RaUpce i laiMFIA .ftSlot* J* I^4M tm* |N— W II RuInIaTIXN R«Ni»N, J. If HitlvffoN. N- I l ** HiwiMf, L 8 KMtlliO. M. w. NmißN* rtrt Kill Hill*. OMBNMW Ahriß MfplK'Ri. O**, Hmtmpmm, Mr mimm. IMP MiM« «rr»l! K iX ilaSllAfK. nr» J. W Mill* W—Wheal*as A (V, H. A. WlllWssa. I « Walker Henry WUaabta, A. Unit# Warm e'kmai.ea. I A—Mr* A M A van l H-Mi-S Farr** Hrinkirv MISS Aual* Burton. Mine Mart Crake, r—Mies Kits Ft tv-*. Mr* Julia Yard O—Ml** Aosta ' Irillla. Mias Heeler Utwy. Mr*. Ernest Ureew. Mr* Jo lla Oraham. Mr* M. 19 OlUlgan. H-Miaa Oust. Hsbbult. Mtaa Mtnnte Harris, Miss MUmle Howafd. Miss leiulaa Hill. Mrs. U. K Hanaon. !j— Mlsa Jones. 1113 i-T Railroad avenue; Miss Nor# Johnaon. Mr*. Alma J»n*a. • M Miss Mamie McClendon, Mies Ag nes Myero. Ml*# Morgan. It! Copter street Miss Delia Maya. N-Mlss Mallle Nelson p-Mi» Mattl# Pollard, tt-Mts. Della Hush. Mlsa Henrietta | Htchardsoa. •g —Mrs. Mattie Scat*!. Mrs, Anna Kan | ders. Mia# Katie Mklnner. Mr*. Ual tle Mnilth |T— Mrs. Cor# Tallard. :V—Mlsa A! Venable. W- Mlsa Manda Wlmssy. Mr*. Sfary Williams. Mra. Emma William#. Mr*. Eva W'llann. Mr*. Annie Wal ker. Mr*. Annie Williams To Insure prompt delivery of malt It la necessary to give atrret and numtwr. W. H BTAUUNGB. P. M E. B. Ptlrher. Supt. Losing Young Chkks. , Many complaint* are heard this year, mainly from those » ho have had their : first experience with an-Incubator, re 'gsrdlng the large proportion of the Chicks hatched which die during the first two or throe week* after hatch ing. In most cases the fault is laid to the Incubator, which Is hardly fair. The cold, wet weather which has pre vailed has been hard on the Utile Chicks and caused the loss of many of them. j Overheated brooders, overcrowding and poor ventilation are also respon sible for many deaths among chicks. It is safe to say. however, that the main trouble, not only this year, but I all years. Is due to Inherited weak ness. and when this Is the case no amount of care or attention in feeding will overcome the trouble. Chicks will often hatch In the Incubator on tlmo, or a little before time, and bo extreme ly lively for a few days, or even for two or three weeks, then suddenly die. Chicks hatched by the old hen frequ ently do the same thing- There Is more In the proper selection of stock for hatching than most people are w ill ing to helleve. and tt pays every time to know something of the ancestry of the embryo chick in the egg you in tend to hatch, even If the breed ts pure. In the majority of oases where a mate runs with forty or even more hens, the proportion of fertile eggs laid by the hens will be small and even the fertile ones will produce weak Chicks. Other well known causes are responsible for weak chicks. —Atlanta Journal. Some time ago a little bottle of Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy fell Into my hands. Just at a time when my two-year-old hoy was terribly afflicted. Ills bow-els were be yond control. We had tried many rem edies. to no purpose, but the little bot !tle of Colic. Cholera and Dlarrhoe Rem ledy speedily cured him.—William F. Jones, Oglesby, Oa. For sale by Alex- Jaqder Drug A Seed Co., G. It. Farr. jut Bell Tower Drug Store. um urr« aui mt mm**#* mum#. An ExtfM T»oic Applied lo Ike Skin Bdfitiflts il as hy Magic. THE DISCOVERY .« AGE h WOHAN WAS ftti IftVWtfttM* V- tW H'. *%*. k yi . / \ j% * \ * a / r, ijf ■ «4 9m* m*4 9mm mm9m*m\ $* m**n m 9*mm *4*rm*m m »*'<Ny |a s 994 9*9*9 M9ms9M*999Ks 9m. mm iiNjUtNi INN •** 9m pm mm : m tr 1 fTrtH Mm If «*<■"• Ml 19* 9**9 4m* n I I 111 II 4 *4 9*9** 9**m*+, fti'Mr 9*9% (Hi Mm r *-** %* mmm «I N»l f*mms+***m Pmfr %%+ smm** 9* 9s9s*9 WMN •• 9**9* nn* iwfurr » dun Mmm*** iMy 9**» mm 9Ah>w*4 *9* *&9* i - ha r fyif - tJWffrnifl—. *** . mmm9 N»* BUN M9** 9sm a!N* Mm# 9%m tm» '* Tke 1 — AMT* GfSufn >«*% *•* _hj *, 1 1 jgUkti ,f t i nipNi 9m b* : ntvf NrwN *m »U s•• *• - 99 m m9sm*d mmmrn It n m 99* **s9*9* *4 |M M »f l# Nat #%«• • tttaVNtNl m9fi* 99* M* *4*4 9*4 ******* 4*9d*4 *o*9 99* UmN i«»iiiiN»i*ty •«!* tM *f%o*o*** mpf , ****H it* MN r#»*i m frit t'wift limiMitii* f. •wN ■« r; -mfi !y Mntiftn fcaim 9mm 99* tin. Mm INfrffclMMlft* MMtll H 4A*a Hnf ifasu rm44mm. nttRMI #ntf4k4M AM « *49* tm*t Ail M! M I **s49*4 99 99*it Uf**A lUmmmtf. Um M*m*» !*»** »•« **f»ng »k# peroeit r »# k» *U rail THE MISSES BELL, 7» ms Asm.. n« vm* c*,. Fcr Sals in Augusts By Jams* Daly & Co. [|ERRY’S EXCELSIOR j^jUS AIJQTJSTA, O-A. 808 WHITE Second Patent. GOLD MEDAL— Fancy Patent. ABSOLUTELY PURE WINTER WHEtT FLOUR. I fully realize the supreme disgust of consumers for Flour, adulterated with Corn Flour. Corn Starch, and other Foreign matter. On and after this Date, August IQth, 1898, l offer the Wholesale trade the above Brands Flour Guaranteed Absolutely Pure Winter Wheat, Goods of the Highest type. Ask for prices Flour, Meal, Grits, Bran and ship stuff delivered your station. J. M. BFRRYt the merchant miller fjp*Georgia and Carolina Papers Report Estimate on Above Space per month. HER AIM BAD. A Woman 70 Years Old Under Arrest For Shooting. . Decatur. Ga.. Aug/ 18. Mis. Mary Robinson, a white woman 70 years old, was arrested yesterday and tiled in Decatur city court foe shooting Tom Kissinger. Mrs. Robinson was defen ded in court by her husband. Kissin ger. It was claimed, had cursed and abused Mrs. Robinson, and she emp tied a five chambered revolver point blank into Kissinger's body, doing lit tle damage. she w;bs put under SI,OOO bond. r Let Cervera Stay. If Spain wlirappolnt Admiral Orv -r --her minister tA this country, it will go a long way tbward restoring good feel ing between rathe two countries.-—Mem phis Commeftial-Appeul. **s Bft iMflt 9m4*ms mm tvtil 9*#* ft* m iMt I ■■***■s*# ***** *9994 9mm®’**** t f#* l * **■■ **4m mm* ihm* m%* **mm*9 **m ***** Pm 4*m tm4 msrns 9* 4*9* immll 99*f m945*m49959 M#*t# m m(p *m* mmm. *M 99*999* f** f**m. m mm mmms9 m fi mms* !«*##»pi 99 m**9}9* ***** ***9*4 9mm m U*4 p* !»•»% W9*m |MI 9*** JN>n 9*49*s**4 Hast* mm kaak. ** Aa**a4* a* RgaMy * TlMs rtlaaHr st-ek I* fkve k* ail *—»*tng H. Tk# kndk Hank* •sksnstM-ir a# *ka mjein i mt a p-d *w*agils*fc*i. ktii* St a amawa R-i ■*»•**• »ro*»f 1.-ntt <4mbM» *• «*• "A* ! the IM4* j W" ** IMS* ta««***M ** •«’!-- hamle* S»tV»»* *f •**» <*««•>* Ms f** y g In_,| 'ififj 9**9*t, *mm 9* | *4* *<* 99m mmrwmmm 9*m 9* kMisfe #*4*4*** !*•»' Rwm tU baa, UN* w»*k ts) In 9* tms*94t*m*m TO»! B**tl#i *9 W**4m4*t €9*** i y4* ««**«» Tmm Pm ** f**9*m, **J9 mm* i | !«•#! «4 |#rfc—< *9*9 MNaNI >9» llmn *%* 44**9** , , .. Cm #BWBB**JF iM A CHECK’S TRAVEL.* A Rome flan Receives One From South Africa. Rome, Ga., Aug. 18.—Mr. P. J. E»- serntan has received a check from Pre toria, South Africa. The check was for £1 10s, and was a bridal present from his brother. M. Essermaa. Pretoria is in the Transvaal, the land ruled by "Com Paul” Kruger. The check was cn a hank In that far-away city and Is the equivalent of about $7.50 in our money. Discreet Approval. John Sherman In his latest remark that the medical department of the ar 'my should be as free as possible from ' -ed tape, evidently intended a diseteet I approval of the Santiago round robia. I—St. Louis Post-Dispatch. JHE ||ERALD'S gTANDARO WITH MARGINAL INDEX CONTAtNtNO MAHI OF Cuba. Phillip.n* Ulandt. W#tt North Am#rtc«. Hfiwaii. South Am one#. Europe. World. Asia* Oc*#n»a, Africa. Chin*. Spain. _ Portugal. AND HARBOR CHARTB OF-^..„ Havana. Clenfuegoa. Santiago de Cuba, Mainila* San Juan. Cardenas and Matanaas. Santa Clara Bays Th*Mi surperb Map* are beautifully printed In five color* on heavy paper, and bound In en attractive cover. RAND, McNALLY A CO., tho*e peerleM Mepmakert. prepared this Atle* especially for THE HERALD and our readers may secure It at a trifling cost. WHATYOU WANT TO KNOW WHEN rou WANT TO KNOW IT. Explanation Harginal Index The ingenuity ts ike device deserve* *R*rt*l eapUnaimn, for tt ia a ■steal system of lastsatan*"** rsjereor*. Tfc* indicss o t aacfc *#A a»- near opna estk a bo*d*r. The tnrorwatioa tie# ta a nutake.l. Tfcea* wonderful plais* rompt.ed by expert*, and nbrolatelr* up to da**, are a miniature counterpart of tfc* world* physical a(>pea aocr a* it ag ists at this bkmkwi. Tfc# map* nr* not merely putortal t*M4r; »b*. nr* also inqnyliini and gar risers comb.ped The ruled ku*4" on the four aide* of ****▼ map I* dtvidud l*U> •qm-dtslaas spam*, destgnaiad *p-o aide by letter*, at the <°P and bottom by nutnens.s. If Unas wur* pro jartad from tbea* ma-giaal P»Uitfc wmll *q«mre* would b# fnr ** l 4b*lr .ntersertion Oa th# margin of earh page appear* a rlaaatflud 1W of all lb* prtmtpal dlrlaioft*, cfciea. and town* In are! bed upon that ape na! map where they ar* rlanaified alphabet trolly and accord in* to thav com mere ,al jmportaare and prominence as centres of population. You ought to have this Atlas You Can have it You will Have it If you wish to see the Atlas before buy ing. call at The Herald. But you Must Hurry. The edition is a short one and will not last many days. Mail orders filled promptly* Price, 30cts Price, 3octs The Herald has exclusive control of the sale in Augusta. CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER Tbs Best on The Market. CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUGHT BEER Tbe Pest on Th* Market. READ HERALD’S WANT ADS 7