The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 23, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TUESDAY 4 THE IUCDSTI MENU) ' p~‘ *: X ~, - *CM HHHMNPRi _ ? " #£ *l* «#■ i iftl!*4P**#il4tt# *• , yt»...* *..*-- c^6* ******* OM*w Aw* toB ! •***'••»* it— :.— * #»»••»*• un iMPtor- ** * IU fflktt ftl# MtJtxt J* in jpirr “ •*•* •** >” ** '** 5*I** 1 ** ** JtT Aft H» •*"«• *■""■* *** ** •*• r **'“*"* s ** *•* ow> * Q**y* to Hr~ tor* OMP ** *** ®* p*» *•* FM*A A «"*—»■ ****** fltttiW J' •*• Y** * ", -,.. v *JT maron** *« tot i. Herald Prize letters From Imerican Summer Resorts. _ _ _ _>m mM+f I • • f , uw M to,*Zr.nHreT« .* A~* ... —m«"< **■**•, Hv» ■*•** fc* H* 4 * | #***> 4# S** l ** * * m f|n**4 «■* •*** (thni will W •w**# - *-iiHI r* • * T -_ 4 iiMMfii*! rtWKiH* **T .TT .*.*»*« <*» ’ "* 52. ro. HZT !f Ihr mix •• •"* •• *■* j 't ' ftoiv*. •■■* •"'**, ' K*>' *•«»*» •»** '* (*,•-' p tor it* *•>»*“•• •' •» r " ,,n " * k m • Oar<*•*•*•* ■«* Iftlerf I# % **•***»• fcw t*'** " CottfitMit* CM Witt* •* m **'* iHlrff •• tttf wttl r«f **• ert**. w* l .T " win awly #•# #f 11** im Imi. • • • tM H*rwl<l w»*t« Mww. •»**»*' ytiiTT wtlt to awarded fwr ’"• tot. anM Httnrlfl *"<* *••*' nad.lle Irttrrr of Bummrr Hr- I;' tort Maw*. Contest Closes Oct. 1. ;jron THE »WT UCTTBR *» •• yoe THA ID AKPT Limit.... I* s fOB THE ID BKCT LKTTKIt • IS A SPLENDID ATLAS. The Hr raid har «. urctl a lew copltr Of the magnliUrnt War A liar U.ucd Sy Kami. McNally * Co, the treat Map Maker* TW» Atlto I* a map of the world, and M you want to keep ported on Cuba. Porto Rko and the Philippine* you ought to hova It. The regular price ot thle Attar, which Ir printed In five color*, con. tain* map* of Cuba, Wegt Indies. Hawaii. Europe. Aria, Africa. Spain, Philippine*. North America. South America, the World, Occanlca, China. Portugal and harbor cherts of Havana. Santiago, San Juan. Maian/a*. Cieo fuegoa. Manila. Cnrdena* and Santa Clara Baye, U 50 cenla. To Herald reader* ,10 cents This Atlas la 14x3 j Inches and con tain* 1* pages. You are aure of get ting your money’s worth wfhen you get the HERALD’S STANDARD ATLAS. The shoe Jobber* anticipate a partic ularly heavy trade thl* fall. The campaign ha* pawed through lALkcn without any fatalities. Beveo of the twelve heroe* of the gccent war are Southern boy*. A large addition will be made on the Massachusetts mills near Rome. The victims of the dldn't-know-lt- Was-loaded habit continue to multiply. How tong before the white primary will come to redeem Richmond coun ty? M The prowth of our empire and pen sion roll will now absorb public atten tion. i , , Col. John Jacob Astor has shown enough manhood to redeem the wbolo family. | t ii*'. H The Columbus Enquirer-Sun is r'glit. What the whole stale needs is white prlmarlea. The Atlanta Journal states that ex- President Cleveland has given 65 acres cf land near Princeton to be used ss a {school farm ior boys from the city * lums - , i^c **Mf9VW I HI Atoftod* »'ij> <Wi» Wl 90 '*4 ,§pt Ms IMI HKHI iH 00&0t om% >!•* iMMNNMi o%k*% 00t*%*0 SOO 000' 001 oso •I*4 <*•**# 00H0000 00$ «•"- I |p. 0m ipm 900 m i•* 000 00*9000* ! ||i Hi# 'Mill,Hit 0§ 00f os*o** : <s" 00$ 00 ~ •* I lIIM In 00$ *oo*9 IMp 4 MMiMttMM IN SOOO [#• HA 00009W* 000000$ ** * **• [ *m y * $ 00mm sssoooo mmmmm 00$ I #%P 000000 0 1 00 000 soss SOOO Mill os% MM* 9 00$ 000$$ §§ 00 900 990$ MM** III# Ik MM $95900 099$ (Ml 090000 I 000909 $0 SO9OOO $990 MM M*ito'« 10909099 $999$ oss9 *i tM* I 99$ ImM tHHNMIM* • $99959w0 •4 * * f • 4 j nil • • SOO IV $999099 990"*** t 999 l 00 9$ *990999 $0 ' vIMpMM# ssos*9 **%*<• \ Ml Miffl# 090$ 09*09 Ml 990% * 009 9990$ f»iVMt $0 0999 09990 *ooos j ••#**♦• 009009 $9990 S9OO 90*9* MM# 3 ' I f trn 9*0909 ||tlf ss9ooo tlt| ft l« Mi# > 9%* slos 9$ 9sss o*9o*9s 999995* $999 $0 I a.. _ „ ... - ,k *. A „ m I tItMP* 1 * 10* li'Wfwtof »- v #>• Itw $999* 9900 990 CM* MM |VMM | 0090 094 0099009099*9 MM • lid 1 9mm90 fit #•£#*#! r»n>wi M* «*«•< | 999$ M#* * $4 ss9*99 909 909195095909 99909- #M* $990 $999099999 90 s9*9 §. *ol9*9* | r |p •§(? $m yiHiiil lif fflh# pittlMi. 1 9994 1"40000$0$90 9990099901909 00 s*9 99$ it*wa dda AmM pa topator tvr* m* vartowa f*wtar** which •MM KlhMs to Hto pwtortwy as •to rwmwuk'ty. w» •*•• • wrw aatoa | top*; •• »*•• • NWPWM'M «f I f M'VM# 990159*4$ 0* 9$ *9 f «li»» 0* fNdWt I 90099 000/W9 , t* wttif * sdVWf t* rdw^w, MlWIt: #t ss999s 99 IllttttfNM tfu; -I# 099999 CHBf fms 0099* *4 IfMi Hi i fp#*f MviMNI 094 99*999 0099. s la abaft, ito* *r* a bskdrM thing* ! a huh would rwulftbwta to aur mate | rial aud ht'ilwtul gnwiwfaa tot they will wr*ar to mew rad until ; tug tier* Ike Qwst City of tto Him | Mb Vilify, ha* income tto pe da and •dminttlou of nil bar nil Mt. tto mb j jart of lhatr ewaataai ihonghi and rare Lat a* nil gat Isgulrr and ac* uhat i a# ran do for Attguwa uni The UtautlA* of tto pobllc dur ng * tto poet taw month* ha* to* directed j to m*t pta of miii* M*if# inpofivirf j than tin C\*9*\994 lre9tm>9o*r #l*« I dettghta to paaa U the Warw.vh of : tto •dmloiaerattoo Tha paor* protarol had not baan i signed two day*, howavar, whan Mar It o* Aurallua bobbad up and began I mapping out a republican campaign | Marrua declare* that the republican Mlmlnlatratioa waa aniltlad to tto credit for the magolfteant victory which ha* crowned American arm*. Ha acordlngty announced that <h» rampa gn would be fought out on tha) Una. Well. It will take aevernl summers for tba American people will not tnuie ly »|* by and sea the fruits of victory diverted into «urh a *llmy channel. It emphatically wan not a republican vic tory. It wu an American victory and no thing leas than the AmerUwn people shall claim the apolla. When the first appropriation of 150,000.000 was introduced, to carry oo the espouse* of the government Incident to prepara tion* for war, it was passed unani mously. The resolution railing upon Spain to evacuatn Cuba, which virtual ly precipitated war. was alao passed without a dissenting vote. Dewey at Manila. Schley and Shafter at Santiago knew no politic* In their operations, nor did the real heroes behind the a guns. II la therefore the veriest poppycock to talk about republican claims to the fruits of victory. Why, Hanna him self, so prompt to hold his party hat for the falling plums, protested long after war was declared (hat it was un necessary, The president has had the manhood to repudiate all partisanship as an element in the war. It re mains for Mark to make a spectacle of himself and his party. lUit the peo ple will pass upon Hanna's "plan.” They will cast the next campaign on a high plane, and if they do their duty they will Ignore Mr. Hanna and his de vious ways. The new secretary of war may some day be forgotten, but the author of ‘Little Breeches” will never be. Mr. Edwin D. Lambrlght ie now cn the staff of the Brunswick Call. He is one of the brightest young men ir. the state aud we congratulate our contem porary on securing hie services. > >«n | >*»••« s «*m f#M mo*#9ssoK9*o so9s 009$ MM #**#* |mA IH. j|l |r%top m UMpMI M 900%*$ 9M „ 09099*0 00 so9s ss9*94oo*o 1 0004 9490 *** Im' «* «#H s9k*9s*4 sss $590000040 900$ f Imhh* m m**m ssm 009*944 *«**•* tM** o*4 49090*4 0094$ 00 9909*90 $0 1 #MI 0490090900 009090"9*0 00*9090* 90 ] I # sf*4s9 90990- MM MM- ****m*99 M* *909949*9$ $4 *«M mMM HI 99*9*4*$ | 90*0 o*o 9454 $* *94000999994 04 W*4n49 \ 090904 0$ 954 tm-0$ s*l4o $0 #**»#••! *%ss IM# *$ 999099$ •*«» I 1M 94 fs4 s9*o-94 $0990 SO4 *9os $99900* 9409** 9040 H*m IMM #MI 099944 $4 e t.MHW’f 4*s s9os fully **4sms •#*'* 900 1 togiTritotot o**-i*499 Hi $0044 $4 f*m# 5 4mm »yM i ‘*‘irt «• «a# $4 100 m 0$ *l ss I| MH *$ $0 $9990900 mm 90*0* *90094044 ■ to 4%* m tawi s9s 94% i *m •«* w”* I '*® |M so99* 99*9 94** $0 *90*40 W o*&t*** s9* *i ss9* s99*9s s**9ooo It* SO4 s9o*o s**s*s fMttV *t *soo*o I 440$ 9t MM os4 ##4M Ml $49409 *f HW | , m m 4 $499094 $ Ml Mi *94 ss* $44 Isof*s99s‘* 4*909 soso*99ls4 M | 4imtm> so*m 1 4* 09*09 ms44mm ,4 ******** **o 9904 t**m9f f*ors $0 •44 *r|»fr|| pTM* '9o*o 9549$ *M !•#• if ! I *to tto eg# mnf M* -*|*J - I - : «4 !• Ill* * I it It ti <*?,* #.) MMN flk# 1 f* a j 0 m *9909 $4409 IMI Mw#J 99044$ mill 4* 4 . rmfilrM l» s*9*s *4smU**sm+om fit »•« ut«vi*« %» IM 49*4494* 4* 4m , iifiniaht n«* itttiwrl/ |*Hflbff ||t | «»#» #r nftltic l<* or id4r*•*!■• r*M i #lll 4* mi-09994 004 irMi i fur grtai'ilo# rfMlttri ft HI lH * Hi* tMit of (IN provision to rill mlflUmi l it (Ik* iroh |oMh MalMi to mi o(h --v+t • 4040**1 a«4 to ipn iflralif +m |vh««ic# iM fii ta Mfort lt» ova ivoylf 1 ot tifktn# TH# pmii*hmr«u will mioitttil* oor * of iM ioo*t aorra Moral kaioti vs*f i tittflt. Hl* (M parpoc# of tk# I#' | rrnmeat th make an aanmple of Hap* I i*an*r. Hl* undoubtnd fslants and j aortal pr'jmlnanra made him all (to I more fsniweta to aorlaty. H* far i niahert (he mean* of leaching all tto ) more emphalunity the great leaaon that boo tto < Is the heat policy. Judge J. K. Hines will address tba Populists of Psyatte county next Prl- j day, the 34th. nt Fayetteville. In the iruly fraternal spirit that ehsrarferlso* thl* era of good feeling, the Fayette vtllle Newe aaya: “Let everybody rome out and give him a creditable au dience. whether we agree with him oo politic* or not.” , , t , , The many friends of Congremm.-i W. H. Fleming extend him a cordial we’romr home. 11a made a hr'lllant record In Congress during the session just closed and achieved national repu tation. He has practically recovered from the serious Hines* which detained him to Boston, but will rest for a few weeka more as a matter of precaution. Hon. Fleming dtißlgnon say* that Georgia must give the largest Demo cratic majority in her history. “We think she will do it,” says the Way cross Herald. The Breton papers say that the Geor gia frntt Industry Is yet In Its Infntiry. Boston ought to be an authority on overgrown infant Industries. The truck farms around Florence, S. C., have been particularly prosperous. There Is yet room for their exio-nelon in Georgia. 4»Ulail*iil4l We hope that Editor Stovall will In vite us down when he draws the artil lery punch bowl on the lord mayor of London. a j Mr. Gordon Hiles has become the ed itor of the Rome Argus. We wish him a long and successful career in hi-s new position. The war Is over and the thing to do now is for every citisen of Augusta to pull for Augusta, first, last and all the time. Cuba’s indebtedness amounts to only a cotip’e of billions, but the calculation hasn't been finished yet. Joe Wheeler charged over his political adversaries as easily as he (ltd over the Spanish soldiers. . i IB® AUOUBTA HBBALD v* mt» 41 *Ji *t A KUT k MUNI iiii A 41 IN Ms* VO*® RlWhs I4* I wh,|»*’* 1 rNvkp V* a*#**k* •toad***! to* *4M| to * pwHpn|ttkk* •* *** »»»n *1 *4 ##■ tmmm *m-* '•»# «N#lto* *»'—MA <«*•- -toHto •# ««• kaA Into tore. w> ,*m $0 99900090 904 HIM 090*9000 % [ *s9o s*ooosss9*9*. IM s*ss $9*909 • »»■*#•**4 $m * r *099% so4o* NM I 09*40*90*0 so*oo *M* 99900* *#4 #«#•*’• t 004 $0 §4090$ *•'■**# ®M 40 ' SOOOO, ft* Mm* so4*4 005995900 HI s**'■ ’ g—Hf 900 m 90$$$ $9*00900 $9940 s9*4 so*9o* - *o* *4 $909 9*99**40 MIM MHMtt * s9m 990*0 i »l t r K#M* iMmH s** t *so%t 90**m 0 9*0499 9m MM#« ssoo9os 940 VM# s9s9* 9*oo s*o*9* IM# 1 ♦»* 044 lApMI •*!##"• *#•. „ WMmk * o*4 Hi $m 9m >*<*• 9M» s*o*94 \ | sm*m 0* iM* <#*p fIMMWMi (• $490*0 ss• PMaMIIiM 0*9999 0009 $*00 4949 99*90* $0*994- 999*0 sso*4 *4 0*0*090909- 944 s*499* P#ff 00*44040 o'**o4 4 IM# 04* ss**** o***oo Hwinr* tMM ss** l*ttk* ; KMk s9tm> % Hm 004$ SO4 499909* 5 MM# I* »ifa, |p ttf# **4 4-'to*»* *t * (krt f)'i I'rnud PMfIM tlMl- A llt'i'll T9***o *OO4-90'* 9* 94$ I 'iyi|* M I** ti 4 tl*** »*f MVI?H vv | tM* l 90t$$ **4 lM# I**l r *f t§# [ 0*4990 sooo*4* $0 (H* 90090•—0*994 4 iiiwifi. 4*oo* rufftra. If ftt#f Hr HiIMH H*4 trtH tar ft • tM mrmjr t***«*4 «*f • rfHr*«rioift*.*—Drt*var* (O.J Tke Pl*c# for I ft. Fvl.lM oka« (l*#4 f## •« til# right ft;** to r#|#**#iit tM I*lll*4 Himimrn m Cut# and ff M *Hn#l4 fad ■ in I M# h«»n t *#( Vlt* r#vnM* ' bUity, IM p<to»f4* till k> -IVnvef Vg»kF« Two Thing*. yijriy< mm tv* thing* *t llh# tlftnil Admiral fVwfjr'i %'|r(orl4*. Thry ro*t very Ittle. *nd there ft* never any room far danlit ft* to where the eredlt for them l*lo*l*'--H'l*l’ u| T Ncwn No Censor*. Admiral Dewey will remember that no censure attached to General Ja< k*»n for fighting the hattir of New Orlean* nfter pence «u dvdarod. —Philadelphia Dd(p-r. At Roll Call. Day and H*y are both Ohio men, and as, everyone know*. I* the Preirtdent. ! hut «hen Ohio mill are counted. Han- | 111 a!»o iMsrn "Here."— Ilarrlaburg j Commonwealth. Doesn’t Know What He Missed. General Agustl showed poor taste In preferring Died rich* to Dewey. Adml- ! ral Orvera will tell him a* much.— Cleveland Plain Dealer. Opening for Agulnaldo. When peace I* finally secured In the Philippine*. Agulnaldo can of course enter the field of comic opera.—Colum bus Journal. Oot Ready Quick- Mark Hanna ha* buckled on hi* sword and Is now ready for war.— Springfield Democrat. Confirms His Title. Everything that Admiral Dewey doc* or say* confirm* his title to glory.— New York Tribune. The Hero of the War. Admiral Dewey remains the hero of (he war with Spain.—Brooklyn Tltnea. Thomas Downing of the foreign mail department of the Boston post office left today for hla' old home In Newpor*. where he will remain for two weeks. Mrs, Alice Kent Robinson,, whose, dramatic work is so favorably known throughout t country, Is at this time at York Harbor, Me., where she is the guest of Mrs. John Haley Cbllde. HERALD ADS ® ARE DAILY HINTS WHERE TO GETJHE BEST BARGAIN FOR THE LEAST <§) MONEY THIS IS IT 4*4409*00 ss44* 4 f * m HM 044* (#<V A 1-0 K EARLY FALL »1 ns ALL BHAOES $3.00 Just Afflvcl DORRS ] TjiKnidc Hate. Furimhtnr- 09 mmm . r iniß JIL’IAI fSTT j 4 r fz^w AM — A Bath Tub Enamel M ill raK ftmr KftUi I aft III# now a#4 4 ftw Utilo t» U 8# ML Get the Best. Don't* Hare yew to •eripiiom It tot «tore ytw am rmtMten' of grising tto tool dill**, w, buy and toll put* drust only- Waxed F.oors. The M made and bruah lot polMhtng < •* to had of o» Sure Cold Cure. Onr “Cold PUl*“ error fktl. I'nt and known tor* for years. If you »*ai • Trua* it to to your intrrrot to *w a* to lor* pttli>(i*r( no*. Almider Dnui&Seed Co. K» BROAD PT. Show Cases. Show Cases snow we SELL "52S p,AH KM LAoJtM SIS SHOW • CASES ( >;: »: ass s® SHOW SHOW ’ “ Big Stocks on Hand' Al ' SHOW SHOW CAbKti CASES b HOW The Howard & Willet SHOW cases Drug Company, casks Show Cases, Show Cases she Whitely I Exerciser, i A practical, Bimpi*»nd efficient Home Exerciser, one specially adapted for ladies and children, but at the same time can be profitably used by the strongest athlete. PRICKS: 75c., *I.OO, *1.50. BICYCLES CLKYE LANDS. S4O up; VIK IN<;S. *:« up: OEN-1 DRONS, $lB up: THOM AS, SSO up. Call and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver UNCLE SAMS NAVY Portfolio No. O can b* n* cur*d at Th« Htrakl oWcm for 10 c«nt* and a Nava) Coupon cut out of Tha HaraUl. NUMBER NINE CONTAINS IVCNHI uftil tidftfft im^'A PICTURES OF VuMWV RftlWf ttot 90$4>4f f9*w fjrWaaa. ftl #ift «f httHift fsfptfta ftft- #4 D«k|#*i. lNr?#ttlfy *$ *'9o* May *0 ttfttftl Dw#**#c*. *•> #iM 1 *f Hi* Army #*4 H* $9 $4 t#t l nitr# lUit* f*trt«rtM of CM# Ufft. S** f Y*f4* tjrt# liar *t CH4 ft*4 #*4y **s4t 1004 (Wfita> 9 9 This coupon, when ac companied with 10 cents, entitles the holder to one copv ot Uncle Sam's Navy j Portifolk), at THt Herald oflice, Augusta, Ga. Mail orders must include 2-cent stamp lor postage. > l! Bark number* of thl* H*nd*nme •*- idee ran still to obtained «He Her ald office. ? PORTNER’S / f HOFBRAU and < / VIENNA CABINET ( / BRANDS OF f i Export \ ? Beers | ? ARE THE BEST < S ASK FOR THEM. C j Id Polar Ice Works MacMneryO FOR SALE Pumps, Tanks, Pipes, Sc., Cheap Lomliarfl Iron forks — 1 1 NEXT TIME YOU HAVE j A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD A WILLETT DRUO CO. j Rubber Tired Wheels. We have taken the agency for the j Rubber Tire Wheel Co., and rannow furnish Rubber Tires of best quality, at | the lowest discounts allowed by the sac- j tory. We would be pleased to assist all [ who would enjoy this relief from Jolts I and jars, setting of tires, irritated j nerves and shop bills. Day & Tannahill. i \ fT* j \ Av*/ V • A fm lA L i \*\ I 1 \ AUCUBTIf Bitrt Stin Qtfl 1 Ftitf Cn oor in firtkifi h#n» AH* nDttv# oK A* tmrm of Chi# nfHt l4*i*flA. ) OO* * it It xjigggf|y 1 c o , ’ ***9o* t#M# tn • matjinal WO lah g A *OMO rughi AfitJ mnrninf unlU (roH, ftnd If will k »#p off Chiu* AIT* FtiV**, PHoo 80 ooot# n nti 81 bo900*» jAffi ttuit the cwjt of on ii* MfIUM 9 on AVtnry IroMio And don*! UN Anythtf# aHmi ctairnlno to b# juot ti if nod. Soul by All Drupirtoto. L. t. Gardelle. Orufgist. For Sale! Yl# M**4| fftftpofty ftH# $4 9*04 9#l#fti Ha 000 94*9 90* fft*#*4 •tffpwf lOkto <4**»* **4 4#*#“ rofrutt:* fmf mm* l#f#«#ftl ft* ($304 %4 finri #;-r# n«~-r~n|i>r4 *y $, Tftflft Y#-tMNI 4 Oft \. . m *gf m*4 904 $4 U 4O r*9** t## »i>|i jj«Nro* *#4 •#• 4 1 **# Xs* 4* ***440040 $* mat $* *m*m ## 400 $90*494 4* Kiwi «• fart I 9rni%m ft «*«e* ?u*ft**| Ni*k l#« *#4* IK >*4 flNfto ft«4* «M I# 9*49 Irr#! **4 44 tmt 4m* 1* tk# ****** at iMnnmilx. front i*« an to** Mftot. tot** n part*»• «* Ito Muar* Easy (*> meat. vltl to ptn to •* tto *toaa toarrttotl preparty. Apply *• Georgia Railroad Bank. MARK. 1 *• PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St. Augusta, Ga. fWLt m mrs p* *n m •igbt *r« »»«!• U»» yt»f •»* WAJU lAMTH ikrM I.en*r* tut into your frtp* whito fo* *wt FREE OF CHARGE, Ladle.* Not la It. Or Pine Hummer Pndcrahtrta. We. t«e. Pine Hummer Drawers, Me, 91.00 Pine Drew Shirts, #oc. 50r. Pine Hcarf*. 15c■ j *7' 95c. Huspendera. now 10c. 10c. Club Ties, sc. Our large line of Pall Woolen* ha* arrived and our summer good* have got to go at aacrlfle* prtee*. Call early and get a good selection. P- G. Mer lin*. Tailor, opposite Planters Hotel, Augusta. Ga- Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Fcrnolds Sl=Teleitoeßß I Sfe&.s* 1 rival* Leered Wire* Piled to New Tor* Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wire# for Cotton. Stocks, Bonds. Grain and Pro. visions tor cash or on margins. Local securities bought sad sold. Reference# —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. ■film In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Ale xanfler& Johnson Agents Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St