The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 23, 1898, Image 5

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TUI HO AY ITTAKES NERVE- To toll Oxford* *• yow <*• in Ouf window at •urh « tow prkc# At 90 cent** but W* know our butirwtA And don't eerry Shoe* over a M A»on If hAlf price will move th#m. ALSO FOR MEN N Wo art tolHnf ovar 200 OAirt Low Shoo* for 99 CAOta, And wt ck>*e All Strew Mal* for onA*tblrd original price Wm. Mulherin’s Sons & Co. A uai Do-ifi Finn. TIM toot* «* • *u«rt l.|*M •• •AM . «•s>*«% 0* t'W 9 » r 4N«*t(944 4014 ft* 9Pi Ml Ik* 90*4*40 yUso • #>9—t it ftm4 0444# (i lf « oiii 44**44 ih» 4 n • *4 4 44Mkfta wtd* tr tow «a<io« tk««*4 Has «k»t •### iM limm 40 4 mm** ■*» to4rk#i m lit #l4 MrUtotof 004#* «• W»»#r* fill* i«#4 14 ttc3 m H li 01* •r*tf 44### ‘lmm —i NrtM #44 •|hmm» 4##4 04440 41 ttot MaMTAP »| Tt* grn»#‘44f mM #0 *k«i #*#tti4« li ll#t| 4#f# ?t#Wt"§ Iff *M. Aft 4 CM# * 4k ft to «to iftrlto** of 4#fTw • l#btl t*4 440 4tam##idt *• 1 if**- fto 04 ik# pMtatoNi 4 Hr. « # AWAi 4#4# t»A rffy, W#A %st *** tohtag • MW *mmh. *»<• **» h< la AilMO* for Util. Ht* • **»* mm to fcavr hot* h#M « f W«tf* *'«*• pinrt M iba 014 T*«» Hail aa We.hmr'n #tf4H. #1 111# ft|N#**® I*4 t<m* k Ur** rmo4 of rtt **a» §»■ ik*»**J ikar*. t« wa* a »;M aa4 **m*4 crowd aad ikn i el lygrkigg worm heart oa all *l4** Th* jai*ia*r •** t.*4 ark a ru** *»d wa» la th* r*aua ol lb# crowd, 1 Chaw, e new I iparonitt of tb* t"altar af* of ikwfia and J*4a* Juniua II ll j>ar aad* sw»w*i lal «si*erhe». urging tb* people to M lb* b» lab* It*, eaan*. be* tbelr tpaarba* o*r* I* taia. ta ih* B i<tot of Judge MlilWi ape*'h a pre»<brr oat .a tb* audience ifcoo.ed Tab* him hoy*." and with that tb* crowd celled tb* nagro and look k m from tb* building A rr 'pc •a. ptaird aroaad hi* neck aad b* mu ft Hr p«t 49ttn ftro#4 Dtr##t In i trot, fall* l*o hundred enraged m*n ft.r.o* in* him. Th* n**re himaaif waa perfer- 'y l*r roriaed and did ant xewii lo naliM tb* awful drum to xrMeh h* waa aurely *► Inf jaat out aid* tb* elty Jlmlla th* hi* cruwd hatted and Inald* a few mU> utca th* n**to'a body waa dangl’ng front ike limb of a tail pin* tr** The body waa bur!*d n*ar the roadald* wbrr* tt rented thiny-ftve years until disinterred yeaterday by the roa t handa. That waa the first and taat banging that ever occurred on the aotl of Clarke county. Buckten'a Aralca Salve. THK BEST SAI.VK in the world for Cut*, Brulaea, Sore*. ITlcera, Salt Hheum, Fever Buret, Tatter. Chapped Honda, Chilblain*, Corn*, and all Skin j Eruption* and beat lively cure* lit**. \ or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect xatlßfaetlon or money re funded. Prlio, tu rent* |>*r ho*. FOR BALE BY HOWARD ft WIDLET. LOVES HIM TOO MUCH. And for That Reason a Toledo Han Asks for a Divorce. Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 23. Albert J. Dildine lias brought an action for di vorce against v wife because she loves him too dearly. He assert* In hi* petition that ahe la so jealous of him that she will not permit him to leave her sight. He says this ptevents him from securing work and as he ha* to earn a living he cannot be in , her sight all the time. He prays to be released from a woman who loves him too dearly. They were married on March 11, 1897, and he asserts she has kepi him under eher eyes day and night ever since, and he cannot stand It any longer. Pistols, Double Barrel Guns—Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new jiatols, 12.50; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, $2.00. American double action pistol, SI.OO. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. Wm. Schweigert & Co., Jewelers. | m v*io*t>£m mu m*»ti i. kUMbeeti * TkatMiMafW w* tarb Up RtfMMd) Md * aabed. fwllpl 14# MM 141 fT#>4ii44 f#*< Ml' | rfl44#X list# Kl4k#fWf til# |J4 j M#44 Cllf #409 tV<4f##4 • W4IWP* I# I ||ma *4|.f##9 4 #*4144 " vllicll In 4#Mi 4 r#ua>4*##4 M4Wfy 4*# #4M# liM# 4444, ,» .a — MiArWAbt <A fa# <m f4f#Mk rfV oi (! tvf Ml M t>)#f<4 14 (I# : of if,# bntxmtb ronidl 444*i#4* I [ I MM3 fdf Wm*h #lf##l4, | la# pQfIMMI# ft #fWt# 4t# f#C4»«4 I T4# mtmM 4# 44#|i#f liaa t# ot**i4# I tonwi of r##i4#ni# 14 tlHi #(r#4t or \ r>Mul to 44f tit# t#«*#r (tt 4*#44 r#f#itr I ICfttl 4t»4 4#o till*# If* tl# if Ii Oh* iM|# of t#4 p#r f#4t of tl#i AffAM fn 4» Id4#t y##f £99# W4# p#id 14 tl# M44M >941110 *4 (fell# 440, 4 «*M#I |v »jw*rH(Tti of r#t»fn#ltH «H»* I mtomitm <*n ***** flidi 1# th# «4rlo da#i of th# 0t4f1i4114 th# *rroi#«t ' «r#* W4»h«" , l 14 4 ###o pr tpiti*f #tyl#. tn44o 4i4f4of*4# tif;Q| thrown nwuy In II h# fS#hfis. 4# It I# 14i1#4- This 4#* hru wm» »üb##qu#ntto «»*#4 for str«#t fnnlti&g piirpo### 44(1 now. 044 m 4ft#r. i with better gMMblMry at thetr diapn -1 m|, people fled K pay* In waah th* I mrmi t. Many bouaea huiH on ''maiden" de ' ta 1* are removed la order to waah tb* I latter, and atom* of comparalirely 1 large ata* are frequently found by the enrrgMl* debris washer, who literally . work* from morn t.ll night, from tun rise till auoaet. 1 gome HMr ago a little bottle of Chain. | Ilerlaln'l Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea- I Remedy felt Into my handa. Just at • 1 time when my two-year-old boy was I terribly afflicted. Hts bowels were be-1 ;ymsd control, We had tried many eem- i | ctjle*. to no purpose, but the little hot- i tie of Colic, Cholera and Dlarrho* Hon 'cdy speedily cured him.—William F. I Jones, Oglesby, Ga For tale by Alex-, ander Drug * Heed Co., C. It. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. TEXAS COTTON CROP. llt Will bean Immense One-Flrat Bale Brought $ Cent* a Pound. Dallas, Tex., Aug. 23. The flrat bale of Dallas county cotton tor 1398 reached thta market yeatfuday aud sold at five centa per pound. The Dallas Cotton Mills company was the purchaser. Tbs Dallas Commercial | club added a bonus of 525. Captain C. F. Carter, one of the most reopon sible buyerx in Texas, said loday: "Texas this year will tweak her cotton crop records. The yield will in mv Judgment go close to the 4,000,000 bale mark, and may even exceed that fig ure. All the talk and print about damage from boll worms amount «o nothing. There are boll" worms in the field, but the damage from them will be nominal. 801 l worms arc always In evidence with a big crop. They do I not feed on the vital parts of the cot ton. ft Is the caterpillar that does that. There’s no caierplllar in this year's crop. I see no prospects of (be price of cotton going higher this j year.’’ A Good Atlas. A bandy companion to the news, thoM- days, is the new Herald Atlas, (published by Rand. McNally & Co., of Chicago. It contains sixteen pages of colored maps, among them Cuba and Havana harbor, the West Indies, Spain and Portugal, the Philippines and k!M na and North America. This atlas has the best collection of war maps that we have seen. It would not be con founded with the small cheap atlases sold at the stores. Can be obtained only from The Augusta Herald. Price 30 cents. THE ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR U«l#t # tit It# #t 71# Vwf. fMAAWbWtbAA •it iwt A »ts Cana Hit« rk*« • A*d* <|WN# I ls#| f*#4t fhM*4 I4##w### *•# #44 |#Mft |g* «h# «4hi#4 0444 ll I4h## Ih# •* I It# MhN 9# •#*#* MM4 •«#■' #* H« W N ll#f tl##4, #f Ih# 144 tm | OM#M4»4M 4414 o#l»*4# t*m *** * **** j (#• #«4h## h'#* M4h# 44 4#lMM4h* *4 l th# t444l#> %4l4## 0t *h4 #•••. 44# «*#•#* ihh* CfcMfif#®**# t|#w*t#l ti **#ht w# I**—'# Ih# hu11#4144 ««#M44444U#4 *• #• toirrom ’ at'sat* Oa bag 8 tta* Ta ll»a A«lba»t, W, T A<k<»awa I *H|%# 94*414# ft'-lM l®l 40 th# 10* I ##444l## 444 fNM) 4it th# 4# #1 I Ih# Wi4t#* 44n# |9* •#•#! 4M###)l 40 II It #l4# #f#4#tto 14 94# 9t4f# 44 9#t‘ I h#t»t44ll4# f4t lh# 04»# 4M m#f4#i IhM hKSMki ft# t«a#4 t#f#944 . . t 04y4 t Tht4i „ .4.a • .1 • h# #S##r#f«4 4 ih f4t##4 4f m. fh# »h#4# 4 Um* *4 $a icfllh Yffaft tftr ltwit W# 4 Wtishto Th# 44##f4**t lh# *###*•# l####4 *4# f 'P**!** 4t4#r. tniifti 14# *4i Tl# i|#%#fWr*# Or4#r, j |:«rur#l|r» t»o#9l4>*4t, 4114414. Ol . 444 n. »M 4. • o#rr#4l#4# 44 th# l4S4hi# t > of this 9141# ra# a i<*ll to »H lh# If* (|BilVllttltl th##—if, Rflt 14 #t###4 4 r##t4ls o## I—ll 4414*4 lh#r**4 #44 4f rtMt th# RIRMiRt of all t4t4hl# 110 I# th# #l4t# 4# #hf>W4 hf Ih# 41|##t# #44 oth## tti f*tttrt»# II to Or4*v#4 th4l thrt# 444 fort# Owp i*Hf ’ tiuHdlr*4tliA mfls i(mhf DftH't(4 aa extra per real of two aad oae-haV mill. IIH mill*l be aaaeeaed and eg le- ted m eon ho inii v with aa art »|f proved Pecemh r 3*. ISN, Iprovidiqp fur the support of the common arbtvdad upon 'ha amount of taxable property [returned by or aaaeaard against ra*h I taxpayer, and upon the value of ni' property la tbla state subject to tax*- 1 lion ad valorem. Ordered further, that In edition lx ihe S «5 mill# and ih* l.Sd mill* above ordered, no extra per rent of tw*n y alx oae-hundredih* of a mill I2H-100 I mill) be a sees ted and collected for ft i sinking fund. In conformity with the [net aprpored December 21. IX9k (to re tire maturing bonds of thr alalei upon it he amount* of the value of the taxable property returned by or aaacasi d ’against each taxpayer and upon -he value of r I property In the state sub ject to ti-xatlnn ad valorem; the whole slate lax hereby levied making alx apd twenty-one hundredths mills (fijlt mills) for all purposes for the year 189*. W. Y Atkinson. Oovernor. Wm A. Wright. Comptroller General. HINTS A BOLT RAW COTTON. American Trade Cautioned aa to Three faults Noted by foreigners Philadelphia, Pa.. Aug. 33.—A letter received from Dr. Wilson, director of the Commercial Museum, from C. A Green of the commlslsou to study and report on the opportunities for the ex- I tension of United Btate* commerce In China, sent out hy the Museum, states some plain truths about the lack of care exercised In pafklng American i raw cotton for shipment to Japan. Mr. 1 Oret?n spent some time In Japan on his way to China. The exports of raw cot-1 ton to Japan ?rom the United Slates ore Increasing rapidly, the gain last | year over 1896 being greater than the gain of the exports of the same pro duct from any other country. Mr. Green eaya the trade should be cautioned at oncp of the things that are disgusting (he buyers, dirt, packing j and underweight. This causes delay i snd expense, and often o commissioner to determine the shortoge, Bombay bales are always accepted as marked. Every American bole has to be weigh ed. In a report made by the assistant I secretary of ttr> Rritiah legation p.t I Toklo It Is stated that In 1897 imports ; of raw cotton from the United States to Japan amounted to 46,365,097 pound*. The Increase In the value of these Im portations over 1896 was more than three million yen, about. $1,500,000. and more than three times as much cotton as was shipped from the United States In 1897 than in 1895. INCREASE IN PENSION ROLL. • List on July 30 Contained 17.700 More Names J ban Previous Year. Washington, Aug. 23. The pension roll on July 30 last contained 993,714 names, a net Increase of 17,700 over the previous year. There were droo ped from the rolls durlife the ydr.r 33.- 61)1 names on account of death and 12,- 960 for remarriage and other causes. After what the ‘‘Yankee pigs” have done to Spain, Germany will -un doubted \v fear American pork more than ever. . . ■. TW» AT7QUBTA 3HUHALD, 4MM# 4# t*" 1 #—■ ** *# #*» #■■ *** 44# —4### 4) <4 4#4#a 41# *)»# «*#4* *m #i****F f%p# Ir >y #■# *M*4wk* !•••## 4# ##— 1* 4#N o—- g4# omHwM# 4*4 •—'#%»** *#tpM# R 441 *— r^f MMMI3I Of DLAIIII I sstrsl tnUfdti tflrrsoM «H Ihas I tfut I Nil* Awwl* *« * Hltauiv. 1040 WniMH orewrf—i |•• "• 0440 0O«r l«4ll# 4004 #t tIH *t lit# fnituU 4o«# •### 19# p4lib#4T#»tk - » W«* LViliiAtnA w till# fH* 0914# til# Rfisbt >fh<ir)4 WH W*S 4 #trt>4o 40 prnty #«4 -> li# Kiri# 41)4 DOo# o«uld 14* J #k#l4» * t4#o Ioti0«4 for th# tim# #ri»#o tht 40414 n mp with .tom 4t thHr pi at A4dl* M#> w## tto onlo rh , «(l of Mr. | #«)d Mr# W O Wltlfam# It «ro«14 h# rri)#l to Rttempt to t#ll to>w n#4*- th# rhtld wo# to thi# manlo fathrr mid lov#ly troth* r Kv#ro filao jC tit# fu* lur# #l4 mad# wtih h« r bopiilncti Ir vl#w. th#lr ####o thought wa» for h#r h#r pMtpFrltj and w#!l b#tnf. Tln # hav# laid th#tr llttl# on# Ht Si*r Rrai# with brnkfn h*nrta. No aadder Un»ril haa ###r orrurr#d. Krl#vutfl. In alknt t#ara, f#» for th# 40* nfs#d par#«it«. CAMTOXIIA. Bstrvtk* yf I* »** *« Hi" «a 4 fi (TU/fWfiTb 7 TAJOR BELITONT RESIGNS. No Longer an Officer In the I'nllcd Stales Army. Wnshingt m, Aug. 23. MaJ. Perry ! Belmont has ceased to be an odicer of jibe United States army, his resignation j of bis commission having been accep'- Ird and has already taken effect. A•• I ready his superior cfllccr, Major Gener al Butler, on whose staff Major Be!-I moot has been serving, has severed Ins 'relations with the Second corps and Is ! preparing to go to Cuba with the mi 11 - I tary commission to arrange for the evacuation of the Island by the Spnn ish troops. Major Belmont’s servlees at Camp Alger were not protracted, but It was a season of activity for him and of en tirely imur experience. It Is the testi mony of General Butler and of many officers of (he corps that Major B' l ,- mon: was so efficient an Inspector gen eral aa to have fully Justified the Pres ident ii selecting him for appolnrment. It was nrit his fault that he did not get 1 orders to go where there was fighting. Mr, Frldaey Purcell happ*ned to quite a serloiijs accident yesterday af ternoon at the Georgia railroad stops. He Is employed there. He was holding a main rod While bis foreman was knocking out the little end of H A piece of copper flew off, and lay bare ih- whole back of hls'hnni. Dr Kil patrick was called In. who dressed (lie wound. Mr. Purcell will be laid up sev eral days. Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious, Iftl POWDER Absolutely Purs ■ / royal Making powder co., new york. THE RICE FOB JUDGESHIP |f»§ (it—» #4 Rt t p * *«•»*• i ini) JWgu* l alt tb m X* ai N*ate* Tiwni iMAi# (Ml OM4MMMO * f tow# #4O 4# 944 r#»tMl4t#>' to* «to - _ tm.tin.Ri. n #4 *4# %******-'*■* * - 5 *4404 .Im -* Wr«i | ; 'a >. •*t (P «I* IRk# I—4 # flirt t *4.ft 444 44 —MI 44* it *4O I)it— ** - j m * to* f »** n 0 | ##4 \ o%# tf—fcf—444## ofe—t )* #4*44*4 99l$i Itoft 1041 T <l#ft #f £ mu—l 4 « I #*ll |#m#9 —ii«W4#o 440 014441 ts 0 » IWT4#9 to# «M# I **l4o 004*41 il# otoMtow»'##4 Ototo* J—to# I. 11 I *|ll# tort it— f—#torll44 It* 4## #tdf ( di«rtoif4#i III# 04CM 0t lto 900M4 tor| |r g|t itrtlfl C lltfi 40 9*44*4 ton will to 91H*I0M*4 far t+ «tor*i44 tt# { —if— h cl) ffpwt it l(>4 44 ilk# 4#4ro Hid ifr»t Qf Off# I lift! I) t#Vtl 40 Cl fre nirtorn I# f#tc*f#d HI t4# 94<si# Judff# W M Itcdirf 40 H»nr lh# ID to r4»p»—#d 40 lto«* Jnh# M lIfNW 40 R 4N*44#f lif lh# or*f «4t tfßiflaiir* T*!tot«c)G#4 CifruM *— T4# 9f<*4 rharl## U Jam##. «i 0 (‘hirlioQ * nf—<i hr lf«»t» i i | ( Is—rs I# * 40 fllttlßf. #4d M 44 f*rir# to!4»rd# of tlariMfe. i**ih taf tn Iw rr of Ih# prwni I##»l4lttr# Wr# t#va rsmiU Jimlc* N. L Hut* h*n*. < 0 l*#wr#t)f#*#llt#. to opi«-#d for r# rtorlkdi 40 H«m IMrh K4###il of Jark w>4. formrrlv —isritor ftairtl of th# j rliritit. Hi un« *i h Clfratl I Hw#4t of W*yrr*m* who I# r*ft*rd#d ## * hq# of tb# ibhit juviitt In th# Mat#. ’ d#rtte## r#-#J#c lion ifUf 4 lon* ##f ) i!r# lion J W H#on#!( of limn* Wick a m. miser of the prewot bouae [of representatives, and lina. John Mr j Dorn ugh of Way cross, who haa jaat hrea elected rhalrmaa of tb* dnno rratir execuure committee of the lltb coagreaatnaal dlatriet. are uppoalng ' raailidaim for the Judgeahip Middle * iYifult w judffr Rnit*r I*, iitmbl#. Jr*, of |sOt)l##l ll#. of Rhffll if Hi* b##B Mid “h# t# rn# of ih# ##rj b—4 #up#rior court judge* Georgia b** #v#r known. > decline* r#-#l#ction. lion H. D. Kv ho* of Aandersville. will he rlaeted hla am resvor without opposition. This Is a de«erved rornpllmint to one of the leading lawyers and meal popular men In the rircull. Until recently Mr. Kv- I ans was solicitor general of the rirettll. hut did not offer for re-election at the I last election before the legislature. < ! Atlantic Circuit— I This la a new circuit j ; and wtta created at the last session of, the legislature. It Is composed of the counties which were formerly In the ; Kastern Judicial circuit with Chatham county. The candidate* for the jttdge- I ship of the Atlantic clrrult are Mr. ; Paul E. Brnbmok of Effingham, and IMr George Gann of Charlton. Thera 1 are also two candidates for solicitor | general fiom this elrrull. The next legislature, therefore, will have to elect eight Judges and only two solici tors general. FREE PILLS. Send your address to H. E. Rucklen A Co., Chicago, and got a free sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy 111 action anti are particularly effective In the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved Invaluable. They are (guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken t,y their action; hut by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly Invigo rate the system. Regular size 25 epnts per box. Sold by Howard & Wlllet. druggist". SCHLEY IS ILL. The Hero Seeking Absolute Quiet at His Daughter’s Horne. Special to The Herald. Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 23. Ad miral Winfield Scott Schley, the hero of Santiago, is under a physician’s rare at the summer house of his daughter, Mrs. R. A. Wortley, at West port. His illness, while not of an alarming nature, is considered suffi ciently grave to warrant him in seek ing a complete respite from official cares for a few days. His physician says: “Afler a few days of absolute quiet, and good nursing I am confi dent that he will be out again.” RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney anr) Bladder Dls ease relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is « great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain ) t i Plodder, kidneys and back, in male r- female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want qui. c relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Gardelle, druggist, Augusta, Ga., «12 Broad street. ONE HALF PRICE UMITSD |t $0 tot Wiht • • ?f€ || 00 tWiyi Wihi . . It* tors Wsal . . 18c (ex toys bm • * Jsc 2U toy» WiM . . tJc el «l cl yI fil 7 ♦ WHITES Clillm DejirtMil Tt»e waw muni: W m Mil 1 HUH -iM > lal IttfUAO STRUT. Th* last, but on* of our »*mi-annu*l ChallonfM Sato* will bm crown*d with an array of baraaln*. such a* any *tor* may ba proud of. Som* of th* »p#cl>l valu** nr* the r*sult* of our own efforts carofuUy p an*d for th# occasion many weeks a«o. Others, w* ar« frank to confess, ar* rath*r accidental, merely attributable to our ability to take quick advanta#a of th# * nexpected turns the markets taka at times. All in all It la a wonderful collection of choice Shoes that will bo told at our new store this week for —— $1.99 \ Fifteen different styles In Ladies' Low and Hlfh Shoes and eight different styles of Men’i. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Gouley while In the East. . Agents for Hanan & Son. Stacy Adams ot Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE V!§ # few, V'Cl; .U BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 Broad Street. If you want two things, the highest satisfaction and i * saving of money, Just make yourself one of our customers. We can furnish riders with hkycl.s too, and the best In the market at ‘hat. The recent 25 per cent "due -on was a quarter hit. hut here's a proces»l°n of home runs: Columbian, model 40. 1.10.00, and your last chance to get this popular model at three shop worn (only) model 46, ladies’, we will let go a ‘“ dl * S Hartford at $45.00 ond ladles’ Vedette «t 136.00, ladles JiU at* B ®' 1 boys and men there is nothing on the market to compare with IM&M.I special at $25.00 and the Jack at $28.00: second hand Clevelands, Ramblers. Crescents Btearns. Victors, Kldredge und Raeycles, from sl2 00 up, all At condition, and we ,et them go a, any old %*£££ thing, were given to us by people who wanted to ride the STANDARD WHEEL OF THE WOULD, and only sold In Augusta at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. Bicycle Department. LEFT AJRUST In the Shape of a Mysterious Box, Which is Not to be Opened for Fifty Years. Union City, Aug. 22.—0 n March 21, 1896, Jesse P. Prescott, an old and high ly respected citizen of Memphis, Te rm., died, leaving a trust, which has excited the curiosity of nearly every one In the Bluff City. A short while before Mr. Prescott s death, ho drove up one day to Joseph Specht. Sr., one of his intimate friends, and told him that he wished to leave a box with him in trust. Mr. Sliccht, well known In Memphis and St. Louis business circles, express ed his willingness to care for the trust, so the box which is made of black wal nut with n number of mysterious screws fustenlng th.' lid, and which is two and a half feet long, two feet In ouQuim Is BOV rurntnf. 0o«n* of oar rrtM beauties ore flsh gems and dinner sol*. On* might os veil etUmpt to ps*a« the rainbow, os to doscrlbo all thaw food qualities. The war they aro ana. Ins Is a caution to those who tr**nd purchase whan they can ho had (or -gat Inc am sometime." Brttar pur rhas# when thay can ba had for swell low ericas as w* ara offerlnf th-*m. As for elasowarc, crochary. lutapa he., time and lanrtiar* fail «• *® of lha won (Jam that wo soil DoWt for* at that our aero prices will keep yaw cool. Remember Ibo plaoa width and two feet deep, was turned over to his keeping. With the box went a request that it should not he opened until fifty years hence, which will be March 21, 1946. A few months after Mr. Specht came into isissession of the box, Its previous owner passed Into the great unknown, i The former kept the box two years, and, becoming worried over the securi ty of hts trust, informed Vice Mayor Hadden that he wished him to take charge of it. Mr. Hadden was willing, so It was turned over to him. He had it carried to the city hall and had mention made of It on the city minutes. Upon the box is a card, "J. I*. I’rcs- ott, died March 21, 1890. To be opened in 50 years, March 21, 1916,” in which ysar will als» expire the old Bickford leas, on the city hall and lot. und the property will I revert to the city. , . ,4,