The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 24, 1898, Image 8

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wsostseoAV Sensational ? Well, Yes! ouitomsft am dally profiling by our ntw tchtKtul* of rt* duced pflcM, August It to Us HWitfii •! will soon bog In to wans. Autumn comes on apace. The best methods appeal to ua. They suggest getting rid of all Sum mer slocks. That's Just shit w* are doing. Lucky for you« lucky for ua. You secure bargains: wo secure bare counters and empty shelves. The bene* fit la entirely mutual. AueUBTA.OA. A KILLING LAST NIGHT San Mtv («M MM la Hiatus h L>ff4v) Wilk ft W alker Ha* H#m *rr«rtM mm 4 » W (w lake a tm Alkea. Haw IMA* a oeffru raat4tag i* Hamburg *a* «M Aw Wkl **t Lhra* mr Walktt oaotte** e»i>«*d <*•» tetter aala s wr**<*<l attar the ate**ttk« Tfce *lwo(ig ueeMfvea ahuut |;M •'etetk laat »Hli. Ttet 4a«l mmm »>'“»«• ,b * •id Bank la Hamburg Taal li|k( at Ikr boar earn'd aad Coruaw lat, at Alkra ruuoir til Mtllnl Dotta vim at lilt *bop of Joaoe H- I>- laata abotttf lit fort thi tkaotlag. Hi ■aa tatoii'aird. to sag item# who u« km Ha it ft tha Khop and »»flt to ward* tba Dnt tetlldlag Thla tat Iha laat urn at kltt la lift. Walker, tbn IIIIk) Itotta aaya that ftatta rttarH him and bad pulled a pte* lot na Mm Dntta. to aara Walk##, Nrnt on bin. He (Walkert then Bred at Dotts Tba dead man aaa a butcher at Roe ael'a batrber »hop. Walker la an employ# of Hanktaaon A O’Keefe tbe lumber an* brlrk a t. Walker aaa arreated anon after the ■temtiag. bating bean Identified aa tbe ataver of Dotta by a man named Pen diet on who heard Walker and Dolta quarrelling and beard tbe sbota bred. Walker la locked up In Conatable Boyd's bonae, la Hamburg, but trill be taken to Aiken Jail thin afternoon. Walker never oner made an attempt to rteape from the officers of the law, He had the pistol on him that did the killing tvben he aaa arreated. Tbe dead man had k pistol In hta hand arhen found Tbe body us Dotta war left where It fell nil laat night and part of thla mi ming, awaiting the coming of the Alk**ti county coroner. DR. ROBERT M'INTYRE W ill Open Lyceum Sriton Here on Oct. 14. The Augusta Lyceum season of '9K ’99 will in* vciy brilliantly in-ned on October 14th by Dr. Itotiert Mclntyre. Dr. Mclntyre la a prime favorite with Augustan*, who hall ht* return with pleasure. The subject of his lecture hat not yet been announced, but it wilt tu* In keeping with the other tnlltlant lecture* that have b#ru delivered here by thi* eminent divine. Mr. Jame* Cate* ha* today hen delivering ticket* to members, TWOMORE NEEDED. Capt. Renkl May Send Off Ten Re cruits Tomorrow Night. Just two more recruits are needed to complete the squad that Capt. Renkl expects to send off to Huntsville in a day or so. If (he (wo men needed are collated by tomorrow afternoon, they will be arm off lomcrrocv night. This will probably be the last squad sent off. the recruiting officers leaving themselves shortly. (lone to New York. Miss Motile Murray left today for Savannah and will sail tomorrow on the City of Birmingham for New .York, where she will select an unusually fine line of fall and winter mlllnery. Miss Murray is one of Augusta's leading milliners, oue of exceptional taste, and her numerous patrons here and in the neighboring vicinities will acralt her return with much eagerness. Ice Cream Festival. There, -will he an ice cream festival given o'n lower Bf'oad street nxi Friday evening by the Soldiers' Relief Aeso : elation. Del'Cious Ices and onU' S w ill ibe served, and the money. »r.adc sent to the Red Cross Society. V “ —e —■ ; Mr*, dairies McCurdy and Miss Hat ‘tle Keener, who have been spending some time in Asheville, are expected home Saturday. 1 NEW WAY TO GET SHOES Lute SkflfM, ti FVeiu i Outer** Armlet Mkk Nkfl of Ugh' for Uteoiatog I ont.rir Duma Hbeßeid the entered porter M klesnihg 41 hssNir * •Sv at«irr. ess ar* ret <1 by Ibtivtlvs Win tnttof Usd j has br*n lak ng faiMgsgg ff<*m tfe# e«®fe and mt yuttihg up fh# r*qoir*4 t a.s«i r* * s *>t lif i a irfv Si ca t* mm !to get tbe ikon ft waa a units tie ua* Vticn a bos at otexsa would arrive 11 {the Iterr, be had the upaekiq of Ik* j vnode. He would take out Ibe ebnee. | tell fce would wot t»he out ell oft'iem !la every boa he opened he would leave a coup .or en palre la the box. Then I be would take the box bwek to where the eaipty boxea were kept end wbea e eut<able opportunity waa given him j would quietly take tbe ehoee to bi* I home. Tbe proprietor* began to goitre I that the Bbipmeete of footwear ww* I abort and they began to Inveellgate, j They might up wUH the wtly porter, IHe wae arreated and no v will here to explain tbe mal'er to Jolg* Kve as city I court Hhi fltrid bax accumulated .t vere 1 [palre of eboee by hie erhente. t Tbe ft« Aboard Air Line office haa turn j moved from ll* Dyer loiltdlog. on Jack. * eon afreet, to tit Broadway. In general ofllme ow the Chnrleaton and Weaterß .Carolina railway. Thetr -i-preaeniatlve j- Mr. Wbtteford —will be glad te «erv* the line a patron* at ihla location until further notice. LARRY BOYD DEAD. I A Former Augustan Die* at Hla Home In Laurena. 1 Lauren*, S .C.. Aug. It. —Mr. luitry W. Boyd, only nm of Mr*. Lucy N. Itoyd. died at hla home In thla city on j Sunday. He hail been In falling health j for »ome time, and hi* death we* not j entirely unexpected. He »n n very .popular young man and enjoyed the re* ! f peel i f everyone. The sympathy of the entire rornmunlty I* extended to hi* l«e --■ reeved family. Hl* remain* will tie burled tn the city cemetery today. Mr. Boyd wu* at one time a resident of Augusta .He was car accountant of I the Charleston and Western Carolina j railroad. During hi* residence here he! * made many w arm 'rionds, and hi* 1 'death will cause genuine Borrow among those who knew him. * GETTING BETTER. The Two Young Women Who At tempted Suicide Recovering. Kitty liussell. tbe young woman who yesterday attempted suicide by shoot log herself at a house on Jonc* street, is today doing very well. Miss Ophelia Nettles, who *ought to end her life day before yesterday by taking fourteen grain* of morphine, has been pronounced by attending physi cians as out of danger. Herman at Lake. Miss Jessie Wall will on next Fri day evening compliment the ruests at. her house parly with a delightful ger man at the Lakeside Club house. T„e affair promises to be a most enjoyable function. Dr. Brooks Leaves. Dr. Harry Brooks, who has recently been appointed surgeon in the army, left today for Huntsville, Ala., to Join the Second Georgia regiment at that place. Released. Mr. Win. MornlngstSvr was released by the police al noon today. He paid the money required by the Aragon ho tel people. He will be in Augusta a day or so longer. Dance at Lakeside. Mr. W. J. Murray is now engaged In disposing of a number of tickets for a dance he will give at the Lakeview pavilion on Tuesday, the 30th. o _ THSJ AUOUOTA HKKALD. lOTH REGIMENT Witt MOVE CfiAMMI VfMMMfk VjH I est ti* t«M9 !H*f tU* VflPtk A4MI f tfc# 1.9 %**m tppi##*#* **## #*• #Mh» t+i W#* fIPwWMk. ■Mksft# f|M* # is’'#* #’ WteMM# Tk# M«nir Hill rant vtH ks fur f|l#f *W»T fft H» 'nvn MA •at etgbta aad tb • Harts '■* g pmewl aa 11 1 Im* *f vffi m jf • tmm tuAVM.. »k!t« Torpid USD fMNi hi but •Ilee away sad pranlcallv at tbe kv>i mlnna of tb# at reel cur La*. Wh«a i ts was f.rat knowa tbut tbe chant* want • oaiempUted. rmtatu of tb# Hill rut n>nte did are kadi at all favorably i upon tb# cn and et#pe w#ra | earn fa' an towards tb# i#a«in<t of a peflt sot. Now that It bus b«#a definitely de rtdv4 that the ramp I* 10 he seven | miles away, the feeling it la thought j ta not quit* as strong, aad Tb# Herald J today, la talk ag with a number us rit'tee*. did am tear murk agalaat tbe J I moving of tb# regimkot. In a talk arttk one prominent man regarding) ('amp ftyer. It wa* thought that U would bn bard to Improve upon tbe I natural advantage* of the prreeol 1 ramp. The loratloa and noil war# all right, tbe water exrrll#nt and at no time bad j there hern more than four aoldtrra la tbe hospital at one time. In fan. so the gentleman said, do camp of corresponding latitude In the entire country could ahow a better «r heolthler condition than Camp Dyer. Of course If It waa practicable to move the ramp to the mountain* of Veimunt . or New Hampshire, the general health of the aoldlera might be hotter during the nummer vcoson. but for eouthorn camp*, tbe natural and sanltarv ad vantage* of Camp Dyer cannot tie ex celled. The move, however. *0 It was told to The Herald today has been definite- , tjr decided upon, and (he rolored bova ivtlt be on the move poss'tily tomorrow and in any event aomr day this week. PINOER AND THUMB 1 Of Mr. Charles Carpenter Cut Off by Buzz saw. Mr. Charles Carpenter, who works at the Hankeraon Lumber company, was the victim of a painful acridem last afternoon, which resulted in the loss of his thumb and forefinger on one hand. * He was working near a buxi saw. when in sente way hla hand came In Contaet with the rapidly revolving ma chine. The thumb and finger were completely severed. Mr. Carpenter was taken to his boarding house over Dr. Vldotto’s drug store and the wound dressed. The injury is quite painful, but not dangerous. BILL OF EXCEPTIONS Filed by Major Cummlng in S. C. & 0. vs. Thuiman Case. Major Joseph B. Gumming has filed a bill of exceptions for the plaintiff in the case of the South Carolina and Georgia railroad vs. James .1. Thur man, defendant in error. Thurman, having received a verdict of $4,500 in the city court for injuries received on the aforementioned road. Lloyd Lyons Better. The condition of Corporal Lloyd Leon, sick with typh'otd fever at Mc- Pherson barracks, in Atlanta, Is slow ly but steadily improving. Col. Dyer received a letter from the nurse la charge aril shortly after there came a telegram from Surgeon Fi e saying tba; Lloyd had passed a good night, his pulse ivns improving, and unless unforeseen eomptlcations arise, the crisis had been passed. This Is good news and the many friends of the corporal will rejoice thereat. Courtship is life's poetry and mar riage is its prose. lt . M ■_.. t-L .. LAm K IKE TEN GENT Packages ’ fill it *nfNM l • nn m 9IWU mm ffc* Aim (4*4 iimH * ti*' f 5 Mlffbitti I*l hiV9 m I* *t ml red fiMv oC | #oorU crtit thfßufh by •ipr | f | ti At ns# j tint tm tn# other hand hua«lr*S« of tmall i«Arhat#a aw now sent «bm on- To meet thla itsHniff the rompfttjr j ban pro%l4etl a ret# known na thHtnlt • j) • n4#*f vhlrh aafd. aanp?#a of rice, i t«i t• jf ’« books, bltoki af)<f I e!ernUira. #tare aeni for ten renta | for each on* and one-half pound* and two rent for ewrb additional pound. Tb# number of these shipments is j very great and If the company la re quired to pay the revenue tariff It mean* a ta* of ten per cent on tbe I gross proceed# from that etnas of bu*i mM On yesterday, for instance, the Bontbrra Express company emit over •lily of (hem ten cents packages, Which meant sixty cent* tax on the *fx doHpr* received. About th* name number of package* were sent at twenty-live t *nt* each and the stme number a* thirty-three cent* -She highest rate they are permitted tiV rharg" for rarrylng lee* than a hun drrd pound* tbe dietance from here to Atlanta. # The average amount received for j each package wa* therefore only seven teen cent*. The company claim* that the overage j for their entire business i* not more than twenty-five cent*; that on thi*! business they have not been able to , pay any more than a two per cent an- ! Xjiial dividend, tn six ycare. with one exception, when they paid four. Taking the twenty-live cent package a* the average, the revenue tax would mean four per rent on their gross bus- ! (ness. This would bo more than the dividend annually paid the utoekhold- i er». many of whom live in Augusta. The money order buslnesa ronidi- i tutes but » small per of the entire ! transactions of the company, hut when it Is added to the other burdens It bo- j comes onerous indeed. The decision of the railroad commis sion on the company’s request to be ollowed to raise their 1 tariff by one rent on each shipment was taken under r.dvie.mient and a derision will he handed down In a few days. AT CITY COURT. Offenders and Fines at That Tribunal Today. City court was In session today. The following cases were disposed of: Henry Seals, for escaping from the convict gang, received a ten months' sentence. Bud Jones, larceny from the house, received a twelve months’ sentence. Morris Blrdson, larceny from person, received a ten months sMjJteice. Sam Dempsey, lnrco|MAfrom tJie bonae, received a lenee. * Stonewall Williams...simple larceny, received a tine of s"a or ten months on the gang. „i -J4 Rea! Estate Transfers. A From Qlty Council of I Augusta to W. P. Betselt ni« W. R. Parks: real estate near oil works, for the cofiSideration of $ 1,500 From James B. WrigwL to Nan nie B. Wright, a transfer of _ 500 acres of land on Little !v.-_ Spirit Creek.. uCw.a_i.iSk'? AUGUSTA. ME TO AUGUSTA.GR. Amm| ifm## ||f Nm | fV9 ftNlhP Mff t* I | rnt MNKrh •Ow thi Wag Mmww F*WOI AOW*f> tIMHMMi %m Ck# wu# Mi mo#:#* wt mmm* #m tww# t'NANI*UH 5 FOR Fl-EMINO. The r**,ion*l I inirthc Cat wine* Meet* 1 . wmwvww The Cinigia»*ltw>al It#nun Con -1 nr.t lee at Ik# Nwaweaiz *ir f aoee-a liimin nw bo ’Q a( (bt rutrt hwua# (h# pttfpuw d BottiutiDi m ciiUiw# • mried fur th# mmi j»urt hy p.immrj 4< ton In th# vifkmt counti## w to th# p#rfy » nc*<ie.u#e tbit jt#nr. no# ‘ Ui#r« * til la# i ttftftfttnmui rrnmn.n#* :|oo of th# Hon. W. H. Khnuii for another t#f.n *1 htt u • mbtfi of th# #s«cotlv# root* hjHiw nrR n# ioijovi; C hail man J. K Kendrick* of Talta -1 ferto. ttecretary Ct H. Cohew of maod; J Wb It of Jefferson, E. T. Shirley of U'arrvw. W. W. Haiti# of I Ulawork; Linsay Halter of HaarorU: i I*. II Johnson of M< Duffte. 8. E. Kee- Ily of Columbia: M A. Cra° .'ord of ! l.iucoln; Loui* Cohen of Washington. ' N. O. Smith of M’ilkioson. j Reside* the formal nomination of a J candidal# for congr#*» It I* possible I (hat th# committee will look Into the ntan and campaign throughout th# dis ’ tHct tor th# ensuing election. As yat the have made no nomination ! and the chance# are that there will b# no opposition to Congressman Fleming i from any source. PERSONAL. I Assistant Chief Frank Reynold* t* in New Yolk. Mr*. J. Miller Walker left thi* after | noon for Baltimore. Mr*.. H C. Perkins ha* returned [from Indian Springs. Dr. and Mr*. W. 11. Doughty. Jr., [left today for Washington City. Miss llattie Crouch of Charleston I* ! the guest of Miss Louise Brigham. Miss Maggie Beechner ha* returned home from a visit to Asheville, N. C. Manager Hindewald of the Augusta Brewing company is here.—Columbia State. j Mis* Daisy Hubhell I* expected next | week ns the guest of Miss Jennie Lee | Wait on. Genera) Manager T. J. Sheron of the Augusta Herald Is in the city.—Colum ! hla State. Mies Lula Zachry ts expected to ar rive today from Atlanta to atettid Miss Wall's house party. Mies Viola Wheelook. of Summerville. S. C., is the guest of Miss Jennie Lee Walton, on the Hill. The friends of Mrs. John Sullivan of upper Broad street wilt regret to hear that she is quite sick. Mr. Hugh Dempsey of the Southern Kxpress company ha* returned from a busines strip in Carolina. Mr. James Henderson, formerly with K. J. O'Connor, the liquor dealer, is now connected with the Georgia rail road In Col. Joe White's office. GOING INTO CAMP. Telfair Guards Will Pitch Tents on Hilltop. The Telfair Guards, Augusta’s juve nile company, will go out to Summer ville tomorrow morning and spend two days in camp. They have had their tents pitched and the commissary has the provisions ready for shipment. This will be the third time the GuaYds have camped on the Hill this summer. Police Items. Officer Hill sent in to police station today John Scarborough for a viola tion of the Eighteenth section. Sergeant Trcumtei hauser sent in Isadore Smith and James Calhoun for violations of the 18th. .i ». A MM* «*#•* *» N**» teSfe «Hft %<m § tmmmrn hwM mi mm* #•*4 lA* W»* wtw arSfff Mi *mm ttm p. a, imti SfWteAitr ilxif ttl (aNot tat tfffi •» tVff*4 HU IU Übwi E itoAhtf ivia fltetft, «i# *«’ u t#U pmA « mt* %m U*s» H, Hmi * \ CHILD CRUSHED TO DEATH A ,s*4 Art Mill at Ur S#«ih#r* Kailmai IWe LNMt Ow# IM I ottered to I tel Trash jft#Nk? .•**§*•*#'#: H. v,. SML *“* f** , ' littft 3* > r *t 4. - 4 «hftw£fet#f #f Mt Ml I *t. -ft Wm Ik Ft ‘A 49i#kfl ft A»#l tm* . : -f s ti* I- •4i 4 ft # Ml♦ ks »Ptt #* ■ t w wlf'RMk' : # fiiiii, Hr A&Ait. ft*r J 1 v raftfl Ig| #C Ui (Ml lit# #•), |tr« of A* l*r t«fl mr Wftlklfti ulrng #!• mfftiSf Til# #6*141, t’fir >f|ftf i#| Us .cup-mDu# p#rtl. #too4 tm tb# truck Tbs ftcnbb tmd tmJlhul# p#M## a) t bi* »poi at i bifb rat# of tp#c«i i anil It la oa# of tb# faai##t train# ia No on# tb# fra ail#. to9t#rlaa • lltfl# bn4y ts rMilf ta front of tb# grvat locoMottlT# nor lb# lift.# ar'4#n , rurl* vivtni ta tb# mnllibt ia man* r#ot dalllaac# of tb# *oft pumn«r brr#a# and tu oa# moment th# #aaln# (bad struck tb# child, crushing ber I i*a<’k. I la aa instant the engineer knew [something wa* wrong and th# train .stopped qutrktv. It wa* then discover* ed that the little girt hod been fatally I injured Capt. Francis Engineer Pet ) {era and a number of the passengers ' hammed tn tbe spot and the little body waa tenderly laid on a till tab’e couch : and pitied on tb# ground nearby. The head end fare of th# child were ' not burt In Itb# allghteet, and a gen tleman present states that It wa* a most agonlftng speetacl#. that he will never forget, to see Ibe child crushed, by exrrettattng pain roll and dilate her I eyes and otherwise demonstrate her sufferings, until death kindly dispelled the tragic situation into a fearful calm. Th# sudden stop of the train at thi* point woe unusual, and Mr. Mason has tened to tbe spot. Mrs. Mason, little knowing of tbe bitter cup of sorrow iso near at hand, also walked up to the railroad track. Her first words on see , ing one of the passcug r* were: *'vVhat is the matter? tdo hope that no on? :ia hurt!” On being told that a child j had been killed by the train she has tened to where the aerrotfing group ! composed of Conductor Francis. En gineer John Fetter* and others stood [around the corpse. When she saw the I babe of her bosom, who only a few I momenta before waa full of life and | childish prattle, now rroshed, silent land cold forever, her grief was frantic and her misery was Indescribable. A NEW SEWER Will be Laid On Mills Street in a Short Time. At the special meeting of council, last aLernoon an ordinance was passed for construciing a sewer on Mills street from Reynolds to Bay. The sewer will cost $1,990. The S. C. & Ga. railroad petition concerning delivery of freights to oth er roads was referred to the railroad committee, who will report a( the reg ular September meeting of rcuncil. RUN OVER BY WAGON. Little Daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. J. Doughty Had Narrow Escape. Elise. the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Doughty, of this city, while riding her bicycle on Telfair street yesterday afternoon, collided with a wagon and was thrown heavily on the ground. One bf the wagon wheels passed over her and it was (bought by all who saw the accident that the little girl was: badly injured, but fortunately she was found to be unhurt, except for a few slight bruises. Editor Murphy on a Vacation. Editor Thos. D. Murphy, cf The Her ald. is spending a week's vacation in Savannah. Editor Murphy is taking a much needed rest from editorial du<- tics * . AUOUteT a* CONDITIONS OF THE MARKETS. t qtttl N Of. Udi V krai Gfrt« tfel llwei tfcr Suite. v eey ttmap (Btetteok tee Qshs4 ItaM Masks. vms). mmmrntf tn* twtk t. 3: at «*q Tb# MWnrISS xsetilteu, Ibe eh *■■• * „ txi «tns of Paine. Marphy A Co. t 1 August F>, tteptemhee .. .. tt 9*44 OATH— beptemlior t»K Heptem her » « * #5 jtiriober All A.IT ' Octotg r A.AT A. IS NEW YORK COTTON, j Tone- Steady. Middling A 3-4. January .. .. A.A4 AO March 4.71 AT* ! Aorll A. 74 ——• : May .. 5-77 1.7» September S.AS —— [October .... •* .. •• •• A. 44 A. 51 November .. *• .. .. «. .. 5,54 i De. ember 5.5* A.ST NEW YORK BTOt'KK. Metre eclltan 11l 14*^ H R. T «Si Sugar, H»'r HMA Tobacco 14«i* l»Nl A. M. S ISH ,J, » |C. B. Q H K V» ll*’4 Chicago Oa* tM'-i 103 Louisville * Nashville .. s»‘j 59’i Manhattan .... WN * 5 Rubber 45% Cnton Pacific .. 2*l, 29’4 Rack Island ins%i lfl4 3 A R. 0 l?H St. Paul 112% 112% S. R. Q 35% $5% Western Colon .. .. .. • 9t% 94% LIVERPOOL COTToN. January and February 3.09 S.fiS February and March ~ 3.10 5.0 R 09 March and April 3.10 3.09 10 April and May 3.11 3.10 May and June 5.12 3.1 t July and Aug 3-l.t 3.1 t Aug. and Rept. 2.13 3.12 13 Sept, and Oct 3.10 2 09 10 oct. and Nov 3.09 3.o<t 09 Nov. and Dec Dec. and Jan 3.0 KO9 3.03 AUGUSTA COTTON. Middling in Augusta today .. .. •'>% Sales in Augusta today ™ Receipts toriav tn AugUßta 12 Receipt* to date In Augusta .. 374103 Stock on hand in Augusta .. .. -3™ WRECKAGE CLEARED. Trains on S. C & O. Running on Schedule Time Today. The South Carolina and Georgia wreck at Rlackville yesterday, as told of in last afternoon's Herald, has been cleared away, and trains are running on schedule time once more. It was thought that the -roop trains would be delayed by the wreck, but the broken cars were got out of the way before the troop trains arrived, which wa3 not until ten o'clock this morning. The wrecked cars were so badly smashed up that they were burned. Nobody was hurt. Miss Alice Mnzyck, on* of Newberry'* most popular young ladies, is visiting Miss Meredith on lower Broad. . *r TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION Wanted—a competent nurse. Must bring good reference. Middle age preferred. Apply at 304 Greene street. Aug 24 912 MTNTOSH STREET FOR SALE —11,599. Rents for $13.09 per month. Apply at ortee. Clarence E. Clark. 532 B‘” ad * . . . Se P‘ 1 pSbteß,