The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 26, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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rfHOAY 2 SEASON OPENING I ~ ik NO WAR PRICES L*dl.» , Bllv.rCh«tt#«*ln Watch.* .... 83.00 Bf •* •• H*ir Bnah • * ... *• •• " Co#. • • • • • *2s #• ** tars. *iia Link BracoW ... • * Balance of Gtrdi** 81 OO aach. i immxtm in a frw dnv* to buy n#w fall M©#. I can sava you 26 to 60 par cant on mi purchasa*. Laraast stock of Diamond* In August*. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jeweler. Undar tha Arlington Hotal. $40.00 FOR VICTORS TtM wall kaowa high «»*<»* VtrTUB •e 4 VinoHU »**>••*• a ill ba M *ah ICoo4ty, and m ktof •• *•«* H||4f •* s4° Ttae Art Bemlar SIOO Wtels Bet bavlag ««« »“>r °* b ""’’ "* b * v * daridad <« ei<»« out U># w* Victor Combination Tandem, New, at $75. Foimer Price $l5O. Btaara*' Yallow Fallow* Cot ** 00 Man * and Modi’*. CRESCENTS •US J* S and 10 Modal* 2 and fl Model* *•* 3 and 6 Modal* J® 7 ami * Model* **’ WHITE FLYERS Ladle*’ and Men’* *3O. Thomas & Barton, W. H. HARRETT, Recall". 710 Broadway, Augusta, Ga. Republican Ticket in Oilmer. Jasper, Qa.. Aug. 2«. - The republt cobs held a primary in Ibis county on Wednesday. which resulted in the nomination of the following ticket:— For representative, 1j«o J Darnell; aherllt. C. T. Wheeler; cletrk court. O. W. Owens; (as collector, D. H. Desh aroun; tax receiver, Pink Pettigrew; LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J. MILLERWALKER THE HATTER. ITTSTOX HATS surveyor, Ben Mullins; coroner, 1,. D. Blackburn. A large vote was cost and everything passed off quietly. The democrats have not nominated their candidates yet. A Eine Peace Commission. General Woodford ought to make a Jine pegce commissioner. Hr was for peace from the very Jump.—Washing ton Post. OF SILVER BLOCK SIfQE STORE. UNDER MANAGEMENT OP IBADORB SILVER, SILVER BLOCK K v#ryo«*« Hi Wtaraatad W purrhaMna the Ml at tba L®a**i haturdav w*M a rtram • di>ii ay of tha mot) •.•act and rHoica *t«». k of c uatom maJ* WKM»# /* xjm mv»* nffarad *n AMtu*u I *arv p**f ipaciaay mada for w* . , £ ' JJ^Bar ■ ■nariant • An purrAM## for tad*, aaving lar«a d«*cnont* Wo font t*. p h4v rt# othar dawivirtwn #no#m»»u» a*pana#* in taif na* anabiod tha Sit.Vl I fiu-OCK §HOt STO9IB to offer a !»©• of Cuttntn Iflada bhoa* of tha Laim Atytaa *» arrant ad to **a*r. at prka* ©ever bsfora offara«l,to tha ©f Au* Al* £ daapa. I. wort... tncraa— *«•«. mak..Jhe " .A# of nfa daa* oh«n tna body la «trad and tha bram * waary. Th*# w# hava ra foanTtad and i»y own hau©# for «pot ra*h ft* can makatha pr»ca* lower *** Byha vm«our Ahoaa mada for u* by tha ba*t ahoamakafi »n tha country. naAntw ~ 'r.tur^-jsr.'osr/r^iv.«. oov*'~i« *•»»»• *w alMWln« Wa charga ni»th*nf for thl*. If our atatamant* a»e not trua you hava io*t noth.©# It thay ara '°“ SSicS u. Mon., * ...., towanc* If toto* _fto«tor examination ilw good. ... not too no xalixfatUny to ihe cwatomen Oor on y Uaxna ta to ou no on —.GIVEN AWAY FREE--. Friday 26th Saturday. 27th, and balanca ©f naxt waaH. wa will gtva away to avary euttorner tha molt ami coaUy import#* 6*rl*bad Souvantra of th# mo»t •xqutait# da*tim* avar gtvan by any hOW Agent# for tha calabratad Howard Hat*, tha ba*t mada hata In Amarica CAROLINA SOLDI RS. « M I Bay Am !>«*•« »• I*M» I twrtda Cm*. Cam* Calm Libra, Panama. Pl#. Aeg is.— Ttmwday •** **' of da boa* icat day* the buy* have had uarr they rtarbnl tha "laa* at Flowers. Whit* the work waa not hard, yat. It *a* t*- uiou* At lb o'HcM*li IJaat Oulld. Urn. Laa* adju'aat and laapaeutr general, ram* to our cam* on nßrlit buatoeaa aad *r»« rdad at oan to make a thor ough laifartM of the entire qgmp. equipage, arm*, teat*, men. etc., and it (he nr time ngch Aral aergaant waa called ti* and queatkraed to are If b« ttuew hi* bualneea and waa tally perlormlng It The otflrrr* reeorda ware gone over earefolly to aea if they were properly kept, and In many In atancea tha private# were examined to ace If they knew their duties. It took until four o'clock In the evening to get through with this work only alupping a few mmole# for dinner After It wa* all over the Inspector general, Ueut. Col. Oulld. apoke In vary high and flattering term* of the regiment, and aald they showed One training and had been carefully In structed. There seem* to be a good deal of the • go home" fever among the boys al though K la lea* prevalent than yester day. Several large petition*.were sent up by the enlisted men today to Ueu. l,ee and other authorities asking that the regiment be dtabauded and sent home. Ueut. 001. Tillman made a little speech tonight to a large crowd In front of hla tent. Some tlmee they would cheer him nnd any, "Go home!" •Go homa!" and again they would cheer him and aay. "Go to Culm!" "Go to Cuba!” and it went on in this atraln throughout the entire time at Intervals of hla speaking. While here today the Inspector gen eral took notes of everything that was needed, and said that he would recom mend that these things be furnished at once, so that our boys Rhould not ueed for anything. A large lot of lumber wus hauled In today for the purpose of flooring the soldiers’ tents, and hi a few day* ev ery company will have a brand new outfit of nice wall tents. Lieut. Cochrane returned today, bringing Mrs. Cochrane with him. Onpt. Mobley, of Co. O. returned to day from a short visit home. The Herald’# new Standard War At las Is a very timely publication, which seems to he well planned to answer the questions which people are asking about countries In different parts of the world. The maps are In sufficient detail to be entirely intelligible, and the low price at which the atlas Is pub lished, 30 cents, will make Ignorance unpardonable. Realising the value of such an atlas The Augusta Herald ar ranged with the publishers fqr a special edition. As this new atlas Is not for sale at any of the stores, our readers should hasten to send for a copy be fore the editlqn Is exhausted. \ A Reconstructed Quatrain. "Where are you going, my pretty maid?" “I'm going a-berryin*. sir." she said. "Who’s to I>e burled, my pretty maid?" "It's none of your funeral, sir," she said. • —Washington Star. Smith A Wesson pistols from 15 to $8.59. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from *1.25 to $50.00 at Lewis J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. TT7JB A.TTOTJSTA TTHTRA LD BERESFORD'S WIFE RETURNS a»Bl|s B*f H«d**f Will (aw M Crust*. Hie i irOMf la rwat Na»> •• sU«fce au**'. am. Am a *»» *iw ta*r*lt«*. w,f* of i** fonnt** l/tfJ t>*' meftirl, I*l. mt fttaaereld. 0* orrtviai 10 At.*ol* MnfMWO M# '**•*'er»»l (rtgg ilmi t’»! sos Mftim. Mr# (A 4 | rot too eifi la nwlawil *. Ml** 1 | Mka ike dewgkur of • r '** I temer. wko eef-ried Ln*4 H*i**f>r.t 1 «kti* k* «*e to Fitterrain i*nga*<- 1 a I l,u»lnn«. *M too* *Vid«etlJt nWi’4- tint * fnrtttk. The Morjr ut tfeot r m.ttt**r tvklrk «u • rootaour nor. Ito ototl kk'twk. *<**• *ft»r tk* •«!- ttlog. BoiMfurd *i»t hi* Wi4# Wl tkl* j a*l*. *k4 fur *tsnM> titk* th* otknr*- I * boots of tho lorrt wero not hoovo. | Mo w*o finally bard ts In Wul tt ud | ikon *ottlo4 tn tbo Cltjr of Mulnt, | nhor* h* to at ywatt. Mr* Ur- I * r|Jos oms torn an<! spnho tntorost |tn* j 1> of kor ttm» to Mutoo. of bar hn»- ! tiaod *»4 of bar fotiir. t*i*oti«*o« rthtp tons to!4 of tk* snory rcr*ntH> jmit j lt*h*4 to th* Hltrt that l*»r4 tt*r**fo.4 had attirk*4 s*»*r*l p* >pl* lh*r«* and at** h**trlfjt In drbt Bh* uld sh* k*4 hnartl nothin* of th*o* report* *o4 h*<! not ***n th* p*p*rs cont.imn* thaw. "As *r#ryoa* knows, w* hav* hmi in M**l*o for smn* ttm*.” sat 4 Mrs , li**<*Jl«* "Mr. I Atari'll** to rnttsttnl In th* hot*] bustn*** In »h* City of Mniro and t. maklnit mon*y. H* to *1 th* h«ad of th* bttoln*** and n nomtxtr of oth*rs *r* in It with him. It to going to prove a big thing and they nr* all making money. I know nothing of the troport* of which you speek, and h»v* not beard of them tot for*. ■j do not tnpeit to go back to Mex ico again. 1 like the pine* vety uiucn and fell in love with It, but intend lo make Ueurgta toy home. Ido nut know where l will live, but will be iu Atlanta eeveial months and will he in k'itigeralii some time. Mr. LsvscelUs* will cmne to Ueorgta and Join me, hut how aoon he will come 1 cannot say. 'lhe whole matter will depend entirely on his business, but It is practically certain that he will come sooner or la ter. 1 will uot gv back to Mexico.' It is understood that Mrs. latscelles is here incident to the sealing of the large estate of her father. W'beiy askol about this she said that the estate would probably bn settled lu a short limn and fell sure the mailer would he properly arranged. Mrs. latsoelles spoke interestingly of Mexico. “There are a number of Georgians there," she said, ‘ and 1 know many of them. You would be surprised to see the largo number of southern people in Mexico. The climate of the plate Is magnificent and I am very fond of (ha country.” From Atlanta, Mrs. GasceUes will go to Fitzgerald, but she will probably remain here for sev eral days in order to recover from t lie fatigue of her trip fro tnMexico. She appears very much the same as she did before she left Georgia. She Is a pretty little woman of rather small stature and is a decidedly interesting conversationalist. She appears to_be very fond of Georgia and gets enthusi astic when speaking of this state. The statement of Mrs. latseelles to the ef fect that Lord Beresford will return to Georgia will be read with interest. He is known by reputation throughout the state and his career in Fitzgerald wa* at one time ail the talk. His his tory is too well Known to need repeti tion. but It wa* ’supposed by many that he would no! return to Georgia. Mrs. T/wcelles snys. however, that he will join her here in the course of six months. His ! ittle Wav The suggestion of Alger for the peace commission may he a littlo, wav Mc- Kinley has of “ttlVolving" him- Ham ilton (O.) IVmiKsiat. ONCE MORE A PRINCESS (lan W«N Bfcvitn Afe*<k*r Pro posal ts Mtrrucr. t.kks Wssto I* Avcwg* Ik* Tvm«- «M«t Mm kswltel » rmm Ik* I ikik ,pp*Hat v Tk* M*'*M I'arto. Attg **•' -* TV F»t***** Ckl map. formerly Uaa* W*r4 I* k*llkt* daod sot IIL tk Ikrl. Ik# only impod t teal tie ttoai )• her itokemtoo Ukt Of i let* kee here a furmol ofl*r of o*4 * rtec* It »*« mkd* to Fort* a f*# days *g<. TV propoeel comes f; ’ ! k, ! e prlktis, so <kof tkt* *tr*»o* *■>««» lean ***** to to so cx-prikcem ans jmoy k# r*-pr»me**cd so to Mt*kk 1 Okies of Hixitnae a. who olu« Vr k » heart and kstid. tkibks he is Just ** . good apt ta<* as Cktmay. wko merr.ed | Mis* Ward la I*M. At th* stsuti'i fortune ha* become some*hat slender, ! her chivalrous stt.tnr ptomism to *n i rtrh her. fkntigk Ilk* be to a Run j man tan prior* hto power la <kts r*a | neci may V- welt doubled tk peeee mg bit sou. he appeals Ui bar aekae of honor, her love for h*r children, and j ' stove all b> be* spirit of retrenge for j the way the world has treated her since her downfall. ll* proms*** to rid her of her preeeot entourage I 'meaning (hereby the redoubtable i i Rigo. He aopswls even lo her poetic , s U d romanttr Instincts dciarm be I would carry her off lo hto great f»r*gt* | Jo Rmimsnla. where she will form 4 Ibe unhappy pent, and an idyllic future will open up for both. FIRST GEORGIA RFO.riENT. The Boy* I Ike Their New C*mp at koovvitle Better. Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 26. The iiham <s are now that the F.rat Geor gia regiment will soon lie brigaded with th* Fourth Tenn esse*, which was mustered her* and never left. If this assignment is made to All out the First brigade on the Second division, the Tennessee boys and the Georgia boys will be next door neighbor* The boys like their new camp better every day and the Crackers are favor ites wirh the people of Knoxville. Some of the Georgia papers have published that the men of the First Georgia were very anxious to be mustered out. From all accounts this Is true In the ease of u few of the men. but the regiment, as a whole, seems anxious to stay In ser vice, and do garrison duty. The men do not have much to say In regard to the matter and It seems that reports sent South have been terrtbly exagger ated. Col. Lnwton was asked about the statement made through the press that his men desired to be mustered out, and replied: “I have no Information on the sub ject except what I yee in the newspa pers. None of my men have communi cated with the ofllqera on the subject, and this is the only channel through which such communications should go. I have never undertaken to say wheth er the first Georgia desires to be mus tered out or not, and for two reasons: First. I do not know, and on this sub ject 1 should not undertake to speak for my men without first knowing their opinions, but. secondly and chiefly, be cause I think no true soldier should ex press such wishes, one way or the oth er, until he is asketl to do so by com petent authority, and we have not been asked. When we are asked, if ever, 1 will take steps to inform myself and will then answer the question through regular military channels. I hope it is not trug that-my mpjt have signed any such unsoldieriy statement as are at tributed to them in t,be press.” 1 An Eminent Man. Hon. Gooseneck McDonald acquitted himself with credit the convention of the Texas republicans. Hon. Goose neck McDonald is uhe of the roming men of the Lone Star State. —Wash- ington I’ost. i THE THIRD GEORGIA It Orta ill? Will Hr nan liurt AH siawr. No Georgia Regiment «m Ike Doomed U*l kw I ar. ft Yli» N#ftl4 Atlanta* tit-. Aim A * A !• i (Imp i«mfßtl fmtß ITwiltinft'Mi Mt* j A4lvt4i)t OiSffttl CnfMi (§l4 jm§ -rs • • y tlMt N 6*M 88 crftAta M 6Ay IBißf * u«M yuMUff h* fhtt ihf Tli»»8 *l#» »(ti RdkgtAMHH VfttM W BBfttrt4 i A| flu*# to *8 lOorflA rrffwHK n« th* HBt hi ftoi# 11 h# miittrff<) »nr? tßd ft hi fiMf** th* n i that th* (IntßiA Htfintn wilt i# |#fit fßtßft lot mniithi *<* 1 < ithm* uoto#P «dmr v*r«~ led. to V dtotwnded. The la»t chance of the season to visit Atlanta at a low rate will be offered by TugaleA Hollingsworth Sept. sth at $ 1.95. TMECANAI. COnPLLTED. Big Fl»h and Barbecue In ll* Honor v\ as Had Macon, Oa » Au*. 2d.—The romple (t»a of tv renal through the O mulg** isiep su celeb re led with • big ber hernc and flak fry W«dmwdey. The ‘cue end fry were given by the gnerda of the ehalngang <o the county official* and other friends. Including a large number of ladle*. It was served •t the upper end of the canal, which 1* near Anderaon'a old brickyard and near Central CIV park. A more beautiful spot could not have linen found, as the Immense oaks completely shaded the ground and a cooling hreese swept over the green grass. Long tables were spread and they were fairly loaded down with fish and barbecue that were rooked in a manner to please the moat fastidious epicure. Liquid refreshments were also served. Sliced tomatoes and onions made up the bill of fare and no feast was ever more enjoyed. For the past three years tho chain gang has been at work on the swamp canal, which extends from Central City park to a point below the Southern [ railway bridge, a distance of about fourteen miles. Yesterday the canal i proper was completed and the guards ; took advantage of the occasion to have i their friends have a good social time with them. The canal drains hundreds of acres |of land that have heretofore been use less and also carries away all the stag nant water that has heretofore tilled the lagoons and marshes of the swamp, it will not only Improve the healthful nesa of the swamp hut of the city also and Is a blessing the people have long prayed for .AJI of the work has been done by the ehaingang and the county commissioners received many congrat ulations yesterday. Have You a Son. Brother. Husband or Lover tn the Army nr Na? vy? Mail him today a 25 cents package of Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. All who march, walk or stand need it. It cures ashing. tired, sore, swollen, sweating feet, and makes hot, tight or new shoes easy. Feet can't blister, got sore or callous where Alien's Foot-Ease is used. 10.000 testimonials. All druggists and shoe stores sell It. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Why Shatter Is Blamed. General Shatter is blamed because he didn't take the advice of Dr. Nicli | olas Senn. who seems to have divided his time in Santiago between giving his advice and writing letters to the newspapers.—Chicago Inter-Ocean. Pistols, Double Barrel Guns—Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new pistols, $2.50; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, $2.00. American, double action pistol. SI.OO. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. CUT THIS OUT Writ* you* A<tv«rtiMMr>*rtt OO tfkl« IHAotf, •otfhe## •mount nuMurv to p*y for *• trwmir m*#r (<vm •• you wont, •ml #*t»M*c m«M or wod It to THB MtRALD advertisement coupon. TO tnr AtOtAfft MOMAttti Pi**** intort tl»# *uv*fii«#weni «r«tt#n bitow ttmdHi to your "WANT** column#, for which you wilt find #ncto##d 6 o#nt# SIGN HERE - ' fIM fMBVtoMI • #*►%*•*> tVNrtNI PtoOv, *»_.__ WW gilliese»>w hto**** >*•**• Vei *»<•». r*e koto, Mk> Kate# v «*• «•*- to*.-.* #*o IAmHI 18 »OOb** ONE CENT A WORD. SITUATIOW WAHTBD I%' % \TTI* ... J# »ft a A DSfVlltfl O 980- A#ft*M« >B4 TNfAir BBrtMH Wftlßsni W A NTEI* ■\ IN Nil TIC tN AJ* HC •* * I j. Aum Yl • HELP WANTED ! s|*A fltiT TO ATTEND TO A fH | for sale CRE2AM—GRMAM AT H JACKAON «T. PuK AALM -ORK riRJ»T FLAA*, i m«t»r Good as new. M* "JUI* «tf>eed tm Typ* W M Ne 21. Ad- g tmm Motor, cere Herald, I Kept 1 | sii M INTOKH RTRKKT FDR KALE -ll,to* Kent, for *«* •» *?""*'*, \t*u\y mt ooct. Oltrtnct r- i mm*. *« Broad. ""P* » PhUt KAUG--COW AMD CALF TW<» i R>ilk m «l*y 122 88 Coll ' , %t trfßrn. 8. ttt Urotd ftrrrt, *toll 8. i M-i„e4eto AtlC 38 in. Miuroiy. FDR PALM- TWO Mt'LKK. TWO h"<*** and one tody's canopy top buggy and bainrse. Apply to F. I* | Fuller * Oe. * u « 31 , TO RENT FOR RENT—THAT LARGE AND DE SIRABLE store No. TO Broad street, i I'nder Masonic hall Apply to W. C. | Jones, 70S Broad street. Vpt t FOR RENT—7-ROOM DWELLINtJ IIot’SE IST Groeie. with modern improvement*. Rent reasons We. Apply 125* Ell:*. R*ptl Tti RENT -RESIDENCE 122* AND 1221 Ellis, will) all modern conveniences. Apply MM Broad street. Sept 1 FOR RENT—ONE OR TWO LARGE j cool rooms furnished. Mjist central lo cation in the city. J. E. Dees, 918 1-2 1 Broad street. FOR RENT -SEVERAL NICE COM j PORTABLE dwelling*, with all the modem improvements on Greene and Tetfalr street. Apply J- H. Prontaut. 626 Broad street. Sept 9. TO RENT- THE ELEGANT THRKE j atory store In the d'Antignar build ;lng running through from Broad to El lis Now occupied by L. F. Padgett. In quire of H. H d'Antignac or Z. W. j Car wile. Sept 1 FOR RENT—STORE AND FIXTITPTB I corner Calhoun and Cumming str _-ts. I Good stand. Apply on premises. Sept 1 FOR SALE-STOCK OF MILLINERY and notions for sale cheap in good c> million and good stand, and good Pawn for selling. Apply at once Box 100, Beaufort, S. C. Aug 30 MISCELLANEOUS BOARDERS WANTED AT 739 TEL | FAIR street. Will furnish rooms and meals on reasonable terms. Septl [shorthand AND TYPEWRITING I only $5.00 per month at Osborne's 'Business college. Monday, Wednesdav and Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts WANTED—MOTHER AND SON want two unfurnished rooms, with board: private family preferred. Ad dress M. & S., care Herald. A 29 LOST AND FOUND lost —SCOTCH COLLEY —BROWN, with white breast. Finder wiK be paid S2O by returning to W. Burke, fire chief's headquarters. Aug 26 Enjoys It. It is always an enjoyable thing to sec a fat woman laugh, because there ig so much of her having a good time. AUGUST Wl special Notices: timmo MY AWWfJ FWASi TfH* ritj> Dr W H ft-rnflMty ■tH taL« w tt imuthity, lit , m r» I Per Cl SmCOO 7 Per Cl ; foreign caittalirt* will Loan half a million lm >llam -a really ia A usual*. u* Teems f | per cewt. Fnr further lnf«rmatt *i asa iv»tl after way at l*a, V i. Sullivan, Ka , or Mr. F. U Hurata NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE —ca*— Land’s Headache Capsules Mad# Oaly By HOWARD * WILLETT DRl’O CO. VALDOSTA’S NEW RAILROAD. The Right of Way Cleared For Ten Mile* Vaidnata. 0# Aug It - Work on tha Atlantic, Valdosta and Western road Is ' progressing rapidly toward this city. | The rtgbt-cf-way has been cleared for ten miles this aide of Haylcw and con* jtrarta for building most of the remain der of the line have been let. The rainy | weather baa Interrupted the work eon- I sidcrably of lota, but now that the , rains have ceased it will be pushed 1 along with great rapidity. The road will have a straight track ; for a distance of thirty-four miles from | Valdosta and will he, perhaps, the l longest air line In the state, with the exception of the Plant system from here to Way cross there not being a crook in that for a distance of sixty j five miles. The rails which are being laid on the Atlantic, Valdosta and Western are seventy pound steel rails 1 and trains are running over the sev enty miles of track already completed at splendid speed. It is understood that 1 the new road will have friendly con nection here with the Southern railway i and If so. It means that the Southern ! is going to make a stronger bid than jever before for Florida traffic The dis tance between At’.nnta and Jackson -1 vllle will be shortened about thirty 1 ml'es bv this new line. ! The Valdosta Southern road Is wlth ;ln eight miles of Madison, Fla., and will probably be comnleted before No vember. Work upon the road Is being pushed through every day. Rattler Killed In Valdosta. Valdosta. Ga., Aug. 26.—One of the largest rnttlesnukes seen In this sec tion this year was killed within the corporate limits by a son of Rev. C. H. Driver. The monster snake was ac companied by Vwenty-three little ones and when young Driver came upon them the old snake opened her mouth and the little ones ran dcivn her throat like "chute-the-chute" riders. The lad got a rail and quickly dispatch ed the old snake and then turned his attention to the little ones, which were wiggling and writhing about on the ground. All of them were killed. .The old snake measured six feet In ! length and had fifteen rattles. It was ! killed within a hundred yards cf Mr. Driver’s residence on Ashley street. Populists in Jefferson. Louisville, Ga., Aug. 26. The pop ulists met yesterday atul finished their county ticket, as follows: J. A. Cheat ham, democrat, for sheriff; K. P. Walden, populist, for rax collector; Messrs. R. P. Wren and S. F. Farmer declined the nomination for the legis lature. and Dr. C. W. Salter and A. C. Taylor were nominated. __