The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 26, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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mipAV 4 THE IUCUSTI HEHIIO vxr 53: * **• tmtmm >* *’* *«* "**■ ' Mill a 11» I*#*#®*' ri - - vtmTZm mm l ****** mm**•-+* ** t» CM* •#•»” •• ■■•• Immi upi^.». M lb- “ ***** ****** *** trrs-*- mm M M* l * • ’*•**/’•*_ - —m 1* m* ~ *• »*• •***• •M# m.mi* “JT’omm*--*• *• U im ?-* «•* |H, *M W»> Ai«Wi -*"■■' ftp - —.-- a ***** IfM’*'# •*> w*n*» *T*.Vr”., , ml* Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resotts. .f* «k«* *— * ,W "*'* * * . Mr*# -i mrnm *•» **- »? 1.. H. -<•.## (Mi •« »2 ft PM** •* |W* * * MM) MW «WMi lW «**• •*' m— «iu M MMMlt#* l« • •**»- Mnl and (WMl •fill »«# Iks a»ardia« m writ* TV *#•! tmatm ot IW . «m*r *• wait •» tM «mmw <1 •MW*. WMI M»M» «•**' Mt«r ••»< I* tut putd «•*'•*««. tor th* purpoas of KknoO'W k\ . ’^h Isttsr* «® a rrasonabt* Cwl<#Mtl r*» »HI» •• »•«( T plJtrttM* >• (Vr »*»h #* «• */ prise. Mil nw* MW*" ** • • • 5 s ;•: erJ!Ji2£!2— reads Me Wt«n Of »ua»m.r IU MTt NaWS. Contest Closes Oct. I. pt>R THE BIWT LETTER *» «* FOR THE ID BEST LETTER .... H M *OB THE *D BEST LETTER.... *** A SPLENDID ATLAS. The Herald ha* secured * lew c®rl*» of (lie miguidccnt War Alla* ls»u#d ky Rand. McNally * Co. the ireat map maker* Thla Allas la a map ol the world, and It you want to keep potted on Cuba. Porto Rko and the Philippine* you ought to have It. The regular price of thla Atlas, which la printed In live color*, con. tains maps ol Cuba, West Indies. Hawaii, liuropc, Asia, Africa, -Spain, Philippine*, North America, South America, the World, Uceanlca, China. Portugal and harbor charts of Havana, Santiago, San Juan, Malania*. Cteo fuegos, Manila. Cardcna* and -Santa Clara Baya. I* .to centa. To Herald readers .to cent*. ThU Atlas Is w*ia 'nche* and con tains l 8 pages. \nu are »ure of get ting your money's woifli when you get the HERALD'S STADARU ATLAS. THE mss ros KXFOET MARKETS. Under this head, Consul General Plunk H Mason, who represents the United States at SYnpkfqrl, eontrlbmes nn Interewting nrticJ# In the I*l° * l>V ' emmmit eousulur reports. It I* one that deserves the careful thought of every manufacturer and citizen of the United States. Consul Mason takes the position that the search for foreign markets by the nations of the world may be Justly said to have developed in recent tlmos Into an exact, specialized science. In which not only individual exporters and associations, but expert govern ment commissions, elaborately organ ised, equipped and maintained, each play, with constantly increasing effi ciency, their co-ordinate roles. From a notoriously backward position. )he result of long and implicit reliance upon home markets, the United States has now reached a position from which the usefulness of export asso ciations and bureaus of information is ganerally recognized, although the complaint is sometimes heard that fbese organizations have thus far been gather too much in the hands of theo- . mm* mm#*#### *■**& m* *.♦* *«#*«*- n I, ans ftftft itaftiß ~ «Mi mm : *wmm mm *• mrnmm mmmm* ■** mm# m m# iftf •»- i ftHpNMi m##m# mm* wmmmm ### m*- m#mm mm *■***#** • m# ***##+ I UMi %iif ##m m* •• 0 tijgtotm# mmmtt mm ftp*** m * l # ft**** (pim'i m iiftHftt rnAmm m m#m# m* im llt t tw» m* *i 1 mm## *4 warnmm****** mm mm-- m#mm m mm#m Mftfti l m §»%*♦•»» ! m - mrfn f## mhmrn ftl llAffti* M <ft4 , |» m iftfti ftmifti 9mm mm# ilMfMMlf • p*|V«MKNi ftl wftW'ft ‘ “ iWMft'lMft rial % •M*.*--'? * 4ND Wft"ftwt : tt/m IftAftftMfttf fftftftMl tft Pftft ftftft Ift : tuH MMbriM rff ftlj fflfti fttftlft 9 ft* #M | faM f|ar*f *#■ 4 |Pr%*''» *m<Mßl* ft* ftft *ft ftfti ft*** ftftlwHfc ft# ftftpMftftl ftp cftftft ft* ft ##*4 mm# l-t# -I ♦#!## Ift# <f " * ftT *ft# ( f| "*% S #* 4| f-J #|M:t Ml ft *»•■#* ftftll **f I fftftm. ftMftt wmmmprnwum |*|> (| |g ft if| tftii i§ppfttlft4 ftftft ftl iftift <«ftl "%* ft ftrftM i ' tftNl ftf I ft# fft> < I lift ftl vftf#ftftl Ifftft# • tunwd Mt MWM »»4 SUM Mr : kitfnta urf IV* futSA l u wlta j twu vnw for hi* «uow*v ~ th*t h* f |4„,eta b**t t*. etVt thing* being | euu*'. hr whet Iwurwr mnrf *eniHlt#ty Iha waul* of hi* rw*t»m*r* sad rwp i pit** them uirt hourly tu th* rwrra* t mm! m (fa# terms r*d raudJiKW* 1* which ■he buyer !* *rru*tn***<L AS > prraewt tb* o#r»*h* rre prrhrp* the •M«M master* of tht* theory of ex ! port trade; the Kagilab are thought ■ to h*** hut: murh for the want nf M. and A martyr will «m<bmbt*dly *■- 1 eel ta It when once they realtar tta I importance gecondly the good* mwt, *a a prtn j tiplc. hr sold not at home, hut abroad I Th* seller must go to the buyer w ih [ aamplea. price* aid maditlona which ' the latter ran aee and readily under stand. No mjumnm* or other collec tlona of aampled uxcrcltandiar howeu- I r, itaaful In some reaped*, can attract tnore than a vary limited number of buyera to thn United State*, from re mote cMuntrlea In whirh competing na tion* are already offering their good*, ImportMl there at the expense of the wholesale merchant or manufaeturlnx exporter. Circtilar* and ratalognea, however skilfully prepared, which only Inform the foreigner what he tan buy in the ! United St nine in dollara, will not com pete effectively with the Gorman, French or Engllab merchant who la there on the spot with his good*, duty paid, and fluent salesmen to show and explain them. RICHMOND CfONTT DEMOCRACY. For a number of year* and especially in the rerent past the Demrocacy of Richmond county has beeu recognized a* one Of the must zealous in the entire state. When the state wanted and need ed- ’big Democratic majorities, the chairman of the state Democratic com mittee called upon Richmond, The Democratic party In Richmond county bus been atnl will be the great control ling political force of this county for all time to come. It has wiped out Populism not only In this county, but In this district and through Its aid ma terially helped to wcakiyi Populism in the state. But the Democratic party owes a du ty to its own members and to the party Itself to the county, If it Into maintain Its dignity and to continue to exact the saute loyal support ffoni the Indi vidual members of the party. Why is it that the Richmond party should be called upon to support can didates who ore unwilling to risk their claims or get their credentials from the party authority? This is a pertinent question in view of the hostility of cer tain announced candidates for local of fices, to the inauguration of u system of Democratic primaries. If these can didates are unwilling to submit their claims to office to a Democratic pri mary, will they get a Democratic nom- NttMNW ***** —*% • ******* <***'»' t» I* « IM *#>■» h ilffani «Mh* w* at iwg g*ii v* HMv *#■* awt he* nf m» ***** m whiMh • hi ah ft MMI ft ft# ftft 'fc* ftiftlft pftftftft #ft» 1* mmm* ## mm#* «##-•** in# *#&* I m m# mvmm *m#m, mini V Ut|t9 «ft ftft(ftMftft-ftf ft itftllV ■hff#»Wl«# ft *-?« * T*f @ J» IftM K “*• feff * ft# m#'* T-.ftWh#* 4*-ft **• MM# i*#- g# # 'mwfft tft* ftift' m# wi* ftrftftirf I# ot# ft H#fftftH#ftft ii» iTtii no ftftft MftHM in frnmmmm ftn a * Jrfgfi (ifiWftftCtftft* rf*MßlMtfll *1 {n ##ft#r!ftli# ftft »ft * ft# •|*put«J • «ft m* ftrftwM rftftiftMft« —„ . g**i*|Hnini fufertr Ii n r rots • (■«! j * orrwta will regret » ** • Howthe* aAßgfir •i|(«g pifli (Hftißtid fKWttft 10 a KrynMlcaa ITraldeat Bwt ff»* a <K*.«r Ilf-1 «n*fa j- grftiißi til# *mt ift r#ftftrd to ih* nation * head w h* h* a right lo go And he me as* to think that th* Preside* t ha* don* *<» wall that the country had better keep hi* at the bead than to change horse* la the middle of the siren*. Senator McLauria has a perfect r «ht ta hi* opinion and while Many Demo crats wilt Join with h'm Is praising and nrpporllng the President In ninny of ht* measure* they wilt neverihclrea insist that purely Democratic doctrine might to prrvnll In the running of the national government. There 1* no doubt but that a Democrat a* strong and able and broad will contest the next election with h'm nnd that patri otic American* will have the opportun ity to show their patriotism nnd yet vote for a Democratic President. POINTED PARAORAPHZ. Our 11-Inch gun* arc certainly pteoe m« kern. When a man ta a bore he is always the last to disc-over it. As scion as the pour Icarber begins lo scrape arqualntnnrea he cuts them. A tailor says that ready-made ctoth- Ing will eure a man of having fits. The average man earns much less than his wife thinks him capable of earning. Some people have weak eyes simply tcecause they are located In a weak place. The man who attempts to (latter you Is either a fool or thinks you are one. A woman admires one man for the qualities he has ami loves another for those he hasn't. Consciaßca may tell a man that he Is doing wrong, but fortunately It does not Inform his neighbors. Married men as a rule do not lie from choice, hut their wives will per sist In asking such fool questions. A father always worries for fear that his daughter will marry the wrong man. hut a mother worries for fear she won't be able to catch oq at all. —Chicago News. IRONICAL IPS. If you would succeed tn life, learn to know what you can't do. If paying one's debts Is virtue, very few men are strictly virtuous. If volunteers were culled for to pay the bill war would never be deelared. If marriage is a mistake, tt is at least one a man doesn't make every day. ’ If a man is hts own worst enemy he has a natural born fool to take care ° f if a man rises tn the world at the end of a rope he is sure of an early downfall. If handsome ts as handsome does some good-looking girls are anything but handsome. If people didn't have to work they would have more time to get tired of doing nothing. If it were literally true that whisky fills our Jails lots of men would break into them. If you carry your name on the hearts of your friends it will be more lasting than if carved on a marble slab. —Chicago News. TB* -A ■CTOTTFT.A HERAU) HERALD PRIZE LETTERS V r tMH Ttffc - SUMMER RESORTS. |2* fm ft ft*. $1) r*t tftg 2m g»4 fti I’M Ik* lit «,*• »• AH fc «**#•»****. Ift tft ftftMftfi** ft**# | *ftk 111 ftr i ftit. IftftftMfftt WftMft tiftftHft ift# ft >## mm#*m \ ,1* wf Hfilitsnt r, „ ) m,w#sa, hags rats nt IPs run sad ***** rMsrlrll lw»VtW# S'SOft IS fr mt TS. rt air moat t"*hih agnars# with m*i nf wsika |tists as* lawMs that still Nava lbs old irs#* stmadia* ismaadittg yaa of a swssd r-a m Ilk a .mis Kim to her o, ui ■» * 1 (.MM rally deactlha ihs different works of art iff thin root*. It is seventy ftv, feet la height and di re* tty an.ter thr golden dome. Thera is a t*alrony aM way round and this hat rony la separated mi«> differ,-nt arc- ‘ IP,ns by . tumii, of s< ulptur.-d inarbH and each alcove has ttwo ntarbiw bust* „ a „tand* ta the centre, The whole room la magnllh *m heyoßd deacrlpilon. , Alany W**hln*t»nlana lake advantage of ihla r sduig room and *« there dally to read. There t* B» charge attached, and each one has access to every book j The room is lined with rosewood tt. hiss and eomfortaide chairs. Of course I had to read a little. Just tn say I had don,, so, and w-ith such magniih-ence *ll * a round me I could not but enjoy w hat I waa reading, which war only the Ne-.v Turk Clipper. The other bulldinga each , have ihi-lr separate charm and one ] aeerns never to get ttr.-d of gumlng at the curiosities and Winders eontslned therein Among the many plac>a of in terest are the treasury building, the patent office, building of the Interior, f dead letter office, the new post office. | which ta. next, to the capital, Ihe targ- - est building tn Washington, the Cork- - ran art gallety, the soldiers home, j buildings of the state, war and navy j department and the navy yard I had , forgotten the Hmlthsonian Institution, ' the white house and the national mu- j seum. which are among the moat In- ' tcrestIng. Well, after my arrival in | Washington, which was about half past nine o'clock In the evening, I engaged | my room at a hotel, and proceeded to j do the city as much as I could that j night. 1 thought there must be some- ] thing unusual going on, as I heard mu sic, and there were crowds out on the | streets; but as l walked down Penn- j aylvanta avenue, I could see nothing j unusual going on. The young ladles and young men were in evening dress, j and seemed to be either going to or re- 1 turning from some place of amusement, but of course f could not tell, for I , was a stranger and with no companion. When we think that far away In our I own home there are dear friends with ! whom w e associate and spend pleasant ! evenings with, we are to some extent j comforted, hut we would like to have our friends with us just then. Washing- i ton Is a gay place. The girls dress very ; stylishly, nnd make a very fine appenr ance, hut there are very few pretty ; faces. You do not blame me for seeking out a pretty face among the many young ladles there, do you? I am neatly twenty-one and a young man, and I think excusable for showing a weak ness for the opposite sox. Trade seems to Vie very brisk In Washington; all the stores appenr to tie doing a big business, and there are some immense stores tn the elty. I am paskxnatciy fond of looking In store windows, and this I did to my heart’s content. I wanted a great many things that I had never thought of before and (that I didn't get). But the greatest of alt wonders in this great city is the “ten cent store.” In this store you can buy most everything you want for ten cents. Fine china, imitation but glass. Jewel ry, domestic articles anti what not for small sum of a dime. I bought several things that I didn't need so as to show to the people In Augusta, and confirm my story of the ‘‘ten cent store.” rt Is said that many married people who set up housekeeping go to this store and spend many dimes fol' china and, in | fact, anything that gob? to complete a I cozy little, with the exception f THIS IS IT kaXkMmi #*j» #* rail * * 1 ■- * •MS. FOR EARLY FALL ■ i ns ALL SHADES $3.00 Just A'rtvffd. DORRS Tailoring, Hats, Fuinahinfv | s he rv Whltely / Exerciser. l A pfstixsl, »l*ipi«*n4 YjHPs. s*«iw»i i.slsf. wn * is. *|»elsllT sA.pral bar 12r r i la4<«« and rkiMfsn bul \ si ik* .sin* Urns can** V X prt fiub . used by Um \ \ riruncsst siblet*. f r ft \" , IRK KH / ft (g 5»e., blaJO, II M I | ft | IK TOM cun. I ' \ H LAMM, no up vik-f | VI IN .* ITA up nt:\ I ,11 DRONK ll* up THOM-1 J A.n, |dt> ut). i '«H an«l im th*m. F.ytfy om guar* 11 j antml. 11/ ic hards & shaver 'it heavy furniture. 1 spent ■ day In old Alexasrdrt*. saw the famous "CTirist Oburob” where tlecrge Wastrinxt'in had * pew and aaverni .fiber historic liuilulngs w hnae hlalayy I rpnmfi re member. Alexandria la truly an aßiient elty. There are sewers on the sides of itfe streets and the Cobble stones are extremely uneven and rough. The hous .-s are very old fashioned and most of them in the last stages of decay. Yet there are many bright spots In Ihla old city and some wry elegant home* with beautiful grounds around them. I spent a night and a part of a day on Alexan dria Heights at a comfortable home where there was n delightful breeae. and this marie my short visit to Alex andria very pleasant. Then after leav ing Alexandria, I wont to Garfield, a little country site about ten mites from Washington. Here my trappiest mo ments were spent. There are a few splendid old country mansions In Gar field and where you receive true old Virginia hospitality. The country all around shows evidence of prosperity, and the farmer* are doing well, not withstanding the low price of wheat and oats. My return trip home was very inter esting. I saw more pretty girls on the train than l saw the whole tlrfle I was tn Washington: and at Culpepper, where the train stopped a few minutes, there were just lots of pretty gtrts. I would like to live In a little place like Culpepper, where the people oil go to the station in the evenings to see the train go by; the girls all dressed so prettily and the boys are In their best also. This is a popular summer resort for Washingtonians. But. after all. there Is no place like Augusta. I never saw a prettier street than Greene street in Washington. Augusta is a beautiful city anyway, and 1 don't think we ap preciate tt enough. And then Augusta is growing rapidly, too. I talked up our city quite a good deal, and I believe I could bring a good many prospectors down here. If I had nothing else to do. There is one thing, though, that stran gers complain of about Augusta, and that is, the lack of hospitality. The so cial line is too greatly.drawn, and many people live in comparative isolation right among us. Do let us disprove this opinion, and treat those who have cast their tot with us with true kindness. "There is no sect tn heaven." and we must know that we all have equal chances of getting to that celestial city. What excuse shall we render to our Maker for drawing the social Hnc against our neighbor? Let us work together for Augusta's interest and make it the most attrac tive city in the South. With its natu ral advantages and our own assistance wild persistent effort, she may one day become not only the most beautiful city, but the most progressive in all Southland. Yours fraternally. •"TOURIST.” UNCLE SAMS NAVY Portfolio No. 9 c*n b# cured at Th* M*raJd officr for lOc*nU and a Naval Coupon cut out of Th* Hvrald. NUMBER NINE CONTAINS AMOK* uTNU Mint) THIA«.% PICTURES OF I t >ftt#cf4 nmw N#ft Toft#t|o Ift ft* tNifVfi** | p«« fvtary **f ft*t# |C«» of Mfttftl OftftWt*. iftftWl if Ift# Arwi as! M»v| ftl Uft nitfwr •* f*"* Lif*. Navy YaMn. Map *f (Va and makjr stiff good »kln«a 9 ’ This coupon, when ac companied with 10 cents, entitles the holder to one copy ot Uncle Sam's Navy Portfolio, at The Herald office, Augusta, Ga. Mail orders must include 2-cent stamp lor postage. 9 9 i Back number* of thl* Handsome se ries can still be obtained »• The Her ald office. I Bath Tub Enamel S Will make your Bath Tub like i new and at but little co-.U bee C Get the Best. ? Don’t tr.fle. Have your Tre- V ecriptions filled where you are J confident of geltiog the he«t \ drugs. We buy and aell pur# C drugs only. / Waxed Floors. / The best made and brush for f polishing can be bad of us. C Sure Cold Cure. / Our "Cold Pills” never fall, f Used and known here for year.. V If you wear a Truss it Is to J your interest to sse us before C gettings new one. ! Alexander Drae & Seed Ci. S "08 BROAD UT. N v .»A^WV*AsWH Pills, Pills. Pills. Pills Pills The Best PW S Pills Pill To Take P*us Pills — IS ~ Pi H s Pills Dr ' G ' lfler ' S raiS ’ Pills so Cents. Pills Don’t forget that jPills Pills TlieHoward &Willet Pills Dreg Company Pills v „ Th Pll,s Make fhem PillsTPills: Pills. Pills AUGUST 2« tint Stii) Ml I fur Cm For th# cartAtn tur* and prevrntiy* of a** form# of Chid* and ftla'arva. I i#r* licu'Mfiff fwowiwwl to O*ops* it# in* in a mi'irwl diatrtet to fait* a dot* ni*ht and morning until frotL and H »iu k**p off Chili* and F#v*r. Pr*oo SO o#nt» and SI iiottl**. Sp* that th* cot of an at* Rgator # on *v*ry bottla and don*t tak* anything •taa claiming to b* just aa good. Sold by all Druyi ♦«*. L.» Gardelle. Dtuggitt. Mt feM»A«' NT. fisyWa* Ms* M<s«m<*M. Tie Aopsta Herald idriat. Briiltnt al Hr Bill Iffijaffr FrtliH u Tin SrctitL 1 QnnwT TEIKRAPII XEWSJ THE NEWS or THE WOUD TUIII.E IT IS NEWS. 12 TO |» lIOURH AHEAD OF OTHER GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA C PAPERS. A orl nail WILL CONVINCE TOR SI- mil I*l 1111 ■ mnuma •••*"* PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th SL, ABgusti, Gl 6IVES MIEE EYE TESTS hr *ll defects m tight, grinds til# pr*p#r (Irmm »»'l W iF« RANTm Leiiaea t ut into your frrm# while yo» walk. FREE OF CKARtiE. I adit-a Not In It. 4(lc Fine Summer Undershirts, 20c. 40c. Fine Summer Drawers. 20c. 11.00 Fine Dress Shirts, *oc. 50c. Fine Scarf*. 25c. 25c. Suspenders, now 10c. 10c. Club Ties, sc. Our large line of Fat! Woolens baa arrived and our summer goods have got to go at sacrifice prices. Call early and get a good selection, F. O. Mef tlns. Tailor, opposite Planters Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds SL=TelepLonei^.:r 1 rival* Leased Wires Tiled to Neff York Chicago snd New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. Reference* —National Bxchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. MHflolWL - —— In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on lO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Ale lander & Johnson Agents Scottish American ' Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St