The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 26, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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kit 4Jr» Ht A t*%»* % * ra mas, mi Mm t»M* *ftpii*ft#toto<pNfc to % -v to#to ® ttl- «4| flNttft ♦ \ENr ; «k"' * #| fl ®- ftfM *'#•'■ 4pflp pIMPto •#4 WW#*-* * mm* to#®### w«#toi4i to n***### |PM£|. •# **# *#ft*#ft* to#®*#* jMft | ftotoMNtoft** ®4w4fti to* t* B ##* M 44t0 to) ®Hftto 4Nw®*# to# ftto*#® to®#* ###to ##" 4MH§ to *ltoi •#*%. to* •*» <to#to»* | HOM 'owl “'Wp®i ilwi HN wwQ vw* JMpp|ppVoi4ki <44 w W#** “ * W"" ™ #. Ai%#f"l4lto toitSi INI * to#*#® Ml *N i (p*to#t 4toft«to •#•*• ••IwiNl •«# •* 1 *toi •* **• ***** 4h|pi» ##«# <*hwmm 4 Nf M pMUMi to#toi to*^ |lh» nr®»if toTT®' to® In# tlto #*» «*• Mi r*«t «Nht • mmm4'4m «Nn» Tto®#» Ik#* IMI tototoßl «f ••? #■■#•• * ’ I## %nm i» ##i I** ### #*?■*•• 1 t* * v« iniF »mm f fr®#4 to®*ti *• I.## r#f *#4 W fir Hf. W ft*t * via «•###' •4 «M MHN t# tto# up#* K!N4«* llvttMT #Kmt f.f r*« tola**# *lt«r to# •Hhru. iMIWIIM by t>r W.«t»l Mi Ik* >** -n«k * |ii#f »• t|« (m*®. cruatli*# # lifi* 1 n#ht Mncr and N ttttftoliy t»W to 4«oiiai, lit* a»i9cH#c ®*a* tooulto*# Cor* owr Bi«t* 4» m— *a«»c#H mn4 mu imqmm f hr 4 !£l#4*r VM • ult art! MM m.m or4mar,.« 4r»Mp4 ##4 writ koowa . •hmM town. ll# ha* ftgnr*4 in pu ttr* coon trvrral *sro#» for tln»nk#» n#*a and *t «r>r4**r if rood art. A num- j Irr of prvoii of fh# torn# ttorawr who! fHr.rt»H:> *•*»! at »b* (wdi at ibough irat# bv aoni# powerful ft#« nation, j ke*« hm. A® hi# from lakiac a drop <OO nvi'h hr borr III# ri?w of (riof a bird vorkißf toon*®! fallow. Mr A. C. WOlft. of Duodra. Mo who travata for Manaur * TlMwfta. Impk «vt#vtf Co . of Loiitt, flvw travalina tn* n and tr#%alar* In c#B*r«l #om# rod * , H**tng « kntcht of (ha gnp, 1 * ha aaya '1 hava for tha put thraa yrm r» mad#* It a rula to kaap my naif | tuppltad with dtamtoaftala'a Collf.Chtd* i ara and Hiarrhoaa Hrntrdy, tnd hava i found numerous ocraniMui t#> test its j me;it* n«! only on myaalf. hut on oth> | am as well I can truly say that 1 nev j fr tn ft sl/ila instance hava known It j to fall. 1 eonsldar It one of tha bast , remedies travelers ran carry and could relate many instances where I havo ua«**i tha remedy on sreptlrs. much to | their surprise and relief. I bop#* every traveling man In tha V. 8. will carry a bottle of this remedy in his grip.** For sale by Alexand Drug A Heed Co., C. H I*i»rr. of Bell Tower Drug Store. RACE TROL'BI ES IN ILLINOIS. Negro** Advl»e Their Friends to Keep Away. Psna. Ills., Aug. 25. Contrary to predictions, no law lessors is being re sort d to by the striking white miners, •itbougb (bey have been reinforced by the arrival of numbers of union miners from over the state. The officer* of the miners’ organisations express the opinion that the remaining blacks, eorae fifty in all. will leave the city In a f»w days. Mine Operator Penwell stated trday it was the Intention of the local operators association to have shipped in 150 more negroes from Ala bama as aoon as possible. Bixty-flve negroes who left the Springside mine camp yesterday have notified tbelr friends in Birmingham. Woodward and ] Bessemer, Ala., of theeondltlons exist- | ing here and advising them to have nothing to do with the propositions to come to Pnna, BEAT BTHE KLONDIKE. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex., has found a more valuable dis covery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he suffered untold agony from consumption, accompanied by hemorrahges; and was absolutely rured by Dr. King's New Discovery] for Consumption. Coughs anrl Colds. He declares that gold Is of little value In comparison with this marvelous cure 1 —would have it, even if it cost a hun dred dollars a bottie. Asthma, Bronchi-, tis and oil throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Trial bottles 10 cents at Howard & Willet's drug store. Regular size 50 cents and |l. Guaranteed to cure or price refun ded. CAPT. - CARTER IN SUSPENSE. Alger Still Has the Findings in the Case in Hand Washington, Aug. 25. Secretary Alger has stowed away in his safe at. the war department the record and findings in the courtmartial case of Capt. Oberlin M. Carter, corps of engi neers. They have been there since the war began. Now that the war is i Nk 111# 9m MW* ftPP**®' *### «# *#* tw ft##* #4 Ml# *#•# Mil #,>4# #M# fMMMfIk *■ Ik MNMft wMlPwbfNj ft# #* #♦#:#»♦, (pi •#] (pKPWV#®k*NH I# • ** '%,#*** ,#v » 111 * r#ii#r coil N #4MMM4 N t «rt a# tmmri la! rt# t# Alffftf‘l » « >xHla trtf tn#* (f an Ik?## Hmflilft* »»- M V'allw Hr m Nf at M » ).ytiu# ut#? **t mUf * < ♦*•' ' * ' *n4 • ##•*■ N ** fw * Sir I**# Anmlh? #m*v «*bt*ti» • •##J r ’ < «*nt*. A CALL FOR ROOSEVPLT. Ihe I test Formal Vmdortmmmi Ma* Bern Mode. N«w Turk Attg 24. The demand for the B-mtoatwa of Cot. Koooevelt ae the repuhluan candidate for governor wht h has manifested lj ••If so Mrongl, wks« both «be peopl* i and the politic last in the last few I w<eks i* beg.nning to find offlchU and 'f tmal cipresewn. The republican as- Mvlatka of the 12th assembly di*»r.ct has the distinction of being the tind I regular organisation to put Ua r ®' j dorx-ment of 001. Roomveit * n«»tnl , nk iion In the form of a set of resolu tions. a* fat lows; Whetean. the people of the state of New York feel justly proud of the ser , vlcee rendered \*y her sons In the tsar i just happily brought to a close, and ■re thankful to the many heroes who were ready to offer their litres to the cause of liberty; and. Whereas, one of her sons, Theodore : Hoosevoit. has distinguished himself by bla exceptional valor and fortitude on the battlefield, has proved himself to be the ideal American citlxen and the true type of everything that i* glo rious in American citizenship, and has endeared himself in the hearts of his countrymen; and. Whereas, it is a fitting tribute to his courage and valor that the people of the empire state show their apprecia tion and recognition of the services | rendered by that siurdy rough rider | by tendering him the nomination for I governor of the state of New York, the highest position within the gift of the , people of the empire state; and. Whereas, 1t is the sense of the re ! publican organization of the 12th as | sembly district that he receive such nomination; therefore be It Resolved, That the members of the 12th assembly district republican or ganization heartily recommend and (endorse the nomination of the Hon. Theodore Roosevelt for governor of ) the state of New York. nARRIAOE IN TENNILLE. Well Known Minister to Marry a Lovely Young Lady. Tennille, Ga, Aug. 25.—The protract ed meeting at the Christian church Is still In progress. Services are being conducted by Dr. It. G. Thomas of Atlanta, the pastor being elsewhere en gaged. Invitations have been issued by Dr. land Mis. T. J. Berk of Tennille to the marriase of their daughter. Miss Ma mie Louise, to Rev. Aquilla Chamlee of Sandersvllle. The ceremony will be solemnized at the Baptist church on Sept. 6. Mr. Chamlee is now pastor of the Baptist church in Sandersvllle. Ml»s Beck Is the charming daughter o? the pastor of the Tennille Baptist church. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure.” It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back. In male cr female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want r;u:. ; relief and cure, this Is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Gardetle, druggist, Augusta, Ga., 612 Broad street. One Cuban in the commissary de partment is worth two in battle. the AUGUSTA HEHALD HA* AN* t UTAH-* WMJ« 9k* INmk *4 Iksfsuw * P %p Iks tkftwfs •»U and bring «kr!f pries TP*» •*•* f> „i fswr tP* r><tspftl , tss nt Havana w (ljsvnnn 4«w* »at mn» In fees. In Iks spec c lath ms «tife Ibis yvsr'n i,ijiii MreoVts its coming la frost fpe body will Aid Mm or If cs tbs wrong stds of tbs lodges In paying such ge o Tbsgs pries* sre nnd-xfbtrdly paid nw ■ter the impression that (be figure* whtek the Ikbt hr mot Irgf jumped Ip this year wltl hold out. Hut th cm ditto until bs rhangrd malsrlsll* wb>n tbg utl imp roans Into the market Seventy-Her cents and one dollar a pound were paid this year for the bread leaf hrrauae no Havana wrapper leaf was hi be had at any prtre. and some clear Havana manufacturer* preferred It aa a substitute to any oth er leaf Hut with pears reestablished, clear Havana manufacturer* will no longer be tn such dilemma. Hence (her* are no prospects for such exeep ! lions) prices for the broad leaf next year as prevailed this year during our war with Spain. Bin kirn' s Araks halva. TIIR BEST SALVE la the world fnr | Guta, Hmtsea. Sores, (’leers. Salt Itheiun. Fever Sores, Tetter, Ghappfd Hands, chilblain*. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures IHU". or no pay required It la guaranteed to .give perfect satisfaction or money're [funded. Prtre *5 cents per boa. I*oll SALE BY HOWARD * WILLET. DIED IN THE DEPOT. A Sad Occurrence In the Central City Yesterday. Macon, Ga., Aug. B,—A very sad death occurred at the tTnlon depot just after the Central train from Atlanta arrived. Miss Minnie Franklin of Carroll county was helnc taken to the lunatic asylum at MllledgevlUe by her father, but cai her arrival here she died. The I young woman was violent while in At lanta, and her father gave her a dose of morphine to quiet her. Just before the train left Atlanta she became terribly sick and It was thought that she would die before the train reached Macon. She was suffering ter ribly when the train reached here, and when# taken to the waiting room she died. Her father was grief-stricken and seemed at a loss what to do. The county commissioners furnish 'd transportation for the body to be car ried back to Carroll county. Dr. J I. Terry, of Trimble, Tenn , In speaking of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, says: "It has almost become a necessity In this vicinity.” This Is thP best remedy In the world for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, and Is rec ognized as a necessity wherever Its great worth and merit become known. No other remedy is so prompt or effec tual, or so pleasant to take. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. pair of Bell Tower Drug Store. Licking Down “Hawaii.” San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 25. The steamship Moana arrived today from Australian ports via Honolulu. The congressional members of the commit tee to report on a form of government for the territory of Hawaii arrived at Honolulu August 17. The commission perfected permanent organization and will this week visit the island of Ha waii. They will be on the big island six or seven days. The committee la ter will make trips to-Maul and Kauai. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of FREEFREE ttiyi ortiHi Aijumr ttm»A«»i * t**u*f\ An External Took Applied to (be Skin • Beautifies it as by Magic. THE DISCOVERY 1 AGE A WOMAN WAA IMI INVLXfO*. W Skf l l < -• ' “ ; *Mh» 9 t®fv £ Ufa 111 Mtsm* ks*rsCiiiispi»*lsw‘ task km **■•«* **»l >€ Ml ft«#f#>9Mt#i iM nwh * Mtuf fr**ti* ilw »H» rnj|4H U.. m**k of ft «'”trr (hat #ll mmt to to*wfti««l bf 4o«itac ll*# »* *ft»o». ittw Ui *U emU THU MISSUS BULL, 7* fkik a**., n* var* city- Tor Sale In Augusta By James Daly & Co. HENRY'S [XCELSIOR pL$ auqubta, | # l *-4F ftp*-* 808 WHITE- Second Patent. GOLD MEDAL— Fancy Patent. ||||| - ——— m ABSOLUTELY PURE WINTER WHEAT FLOUR. I fully realize the supreme disgust of consumers for Flour, adulterated with Corn Flour, Corn Starch, and other Foreign matter. On and after this Date, August 10th, 1898. I offer the Wholesale trade the above Brands Flour Guaranteed Absolutely Pure Winter Wheat, Goods of the Highest type. Ask for prices Flour, Meal, Grits, Bran and sh ip stuff delivered your station. J. M. BERRY, THE MERCHANT MILLER tsif Georgts and Carolina Paper* Report E.timate on Above Space per month. CHARGES AGAINST REISSER. Effingham’s County School Commis sioner in Trouble. Guyton, Ga., Aug. 25. County School Commissioner D. E. Reisser has been summoned before the board of education under serious charges. It is alleged that the commissioner has been guilty of gross immorality, and, the names of the female teachers are mentioned. There are several charges against him and an investigation has begun which will In ail probability create a sensa tion. D. H. Clark represents the board and Glgnilliat & Stubbs the defendant. At least a dozen Witnesses have been sub poenaed. Afjt.r the examination of one witness investigation was postponed in order to secure a stenog rapher. , .. ! ■ '»’*■»•### fftwtM Jft* • V*#lk ajt In to## ' f ftmit, (tor #»ilo»fk4 cN toatil# ft# #*t #4 1 M're*-* Itolt to*#-# I#«4 |»'-»v'«to'4 L| rsf Bern N 4. -Itott#t* m» VtoMrty * «■ t 4 • c wrn| toil* tow # TT -rrm rny tDiutf# to«iilytn4 i \**pU tH* rul rto|#fl muO* 9Ut**i I hZmkL Mtoto JZmkkrn tto Sr ft## I mgtom lit iMiiiirml towwtf *n4 #• to#. 9**u 1# M# A !«> in-»rwi** «*t to*w to I I Ill< tor ft m tl# ton ftik-li >rr* «nn# • hJ*w»i M}urf to> (to 4m IKK!: Tml Nik* <4 Onm CXStZZm •»»* «»*»!•#•) to ttowr c#4ftltf i4HtoL A4* to«i The Dove Came Back. Where Dewey’s might was thundered forth Unto Manila’s doom. Where brave Cervera sped away * To give our Schley more room, Where Teddy tore the trocha down And up the treacherous hill Led his intrepid millionaires Along with "Mustang Bill,” ;t Official quiet reigns supreme, ft ' Wkr’e lurid horrors cease, ;T And o’er the scattered pieces , Cooes the snowy dove of peace. Before marriage every man has a theory about managing a wife, but as- Jer marriage be finds that it’s a condi tion and not a theory that confronts him.—Chicago News. The American pigs may not lie quick to forget tfeat there are others who have been rooting for Spain.—Kansas City Star. .i, f y - 1 - ■ ■ ■ ■■ i < fit H EBALD ' S standard i’TLAS WITH MARGINAL INDEX CONTAINING MAP® O# | mmmrnmmmmmmmmm Cub®. Phllllpin# Ulandt* Wot Indio®, North Am®rlc®, Hawaii. South America, Europe. World, Atia* Oceania, Africa, | China. Bpain, __ Portugal. AND HARBOR CHARTS OF Havana. Cicnfuegos. Santiago do Cuba, Mainila, San Juan. Cardenac and Matanzas. Santa Clara Bay® Th«s« turpkrb Map* mrm bkautifully prlntkd In fiv« color* on heavy p»ptr, and bound In an attractive covar. RAND. McNALLY fii CO., those peerless Mapmakers. prepared this Atlas especially for THE HERALD and our readers may secure It at a trulina cost, WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW WHEN YOU WANT TO KNOW IT. Explanation Harginal Index The Ingenuity of the device (tc*enr«a apodal explanation, for K k a pa:,ot system of instaalaae ~l■:*»*•. Tb, .ndtawa at aaeh a*ap ap pear upon earh mips boi.wt. lb, lafv><«.--turn tiaa «• •“ r _‘- Tims wonderful pla'c. rompl.wl by .aperU. sad abaotutaiy up «* #» k •re a miniature counterpart of Ike world’, physical appeaxaac, asit e» DU at this moowot. The map* are not merely chart.'. Ua as* also gsograpkies and gazeteers eombtaaA Tim ruled border on the soar mde# of every map I* divided Into * dlstaat sparm. orntguated upo* t-b •tde by leltrrs. at the top and bo. um by numerm.s. If Ua*, were pro jected from these ms-final polnlg small squares would be formed .heir intersorlloo On .be margin of emh page appeara a "f of alt the principal divisions, rltlea. snd towns inscribed upon that spm ci«! map. wh**r# th#jr ar# rl*3iaift#4 alphabetically and arrordln* to th«V couiaiet < tal imports ace and prommeneo as centre* of population. You ought to Have this Atlas You Can Have it You will Have it If you wish to see the Atlas before buy ing, call at The Herald. But you Must Hurry. The edition is a short one and will not last many days. Mail orders filled promptly* Price, 3octs Price, 30cts The Herald has exclusive control of the sale in Augusta. CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER The Rest on The Market READ HERALD’S WANT ADS 7 CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUOHT BEER The Best on The Market.