The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 26, 1898, Image 8

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f*»oav Sensational? Well, Yes! CuitorTMifi Asp dully profiling by our now ichiduic of r«* dueod pricM. August Is In its iinlth, it will soon bog in to wsns. Autumn comet on ipaci. Tho boot mtthodt appeal to ui, Thsy tuggMl gutting rid of sll Sum mor slocks. That's just what ws aro doing. Lucky for you; lucky for us. You sscurs bargains; ws sscurs bare counter* and empty shelves. The bene* fit is entirely mutual* UST A.OA. * BRILLIANT LECTURE FstSrr 4* l* Start#** Sf*ta* •• "Snilni CWnIT). A | Art* *«#«••* to •» »*• UIM>IW. Tb# Ond |«wiU • •**»* °i b * ll ' tt*un<4 »a*t eventamg. •» **•* IMM ta Iktl at tfe* •A- rs •term Will <■!>■— **>!*» *d aapiwma WlUli •» »M •*#« «*<• brigbin*** •n 4|M ItUflrdKi* Th# ht-mr y evui. ui Are away iMilrui# of gwo ptr mho «mM ofWrwl** (Mir* f»»»iW III* large bulidinwg. but still ll ***** 4:’ * ■Mil •»dt**Hr# that H»» K C 4m ta Moticii.rr C, J . to h#*» hi* *w tur. on "fceilwni CWnltJ Th# tun* *■ d*e«r»t*d ta #*«* ■#<l bunting * port of Cm. A. *® r»»ll um form, under lb* ecaiund of Capt. C. A, Withers. nmiflol th* <mll* of lb* ■!■•* at tb* |*a>o of boaor. Tbclr tattered battl* I*l nd »** bnnnrr a<Ml*<} lb* Im( effective totiHi to thr a**aa Mayor WMS, Fat Ik r Kelly, Hr V p, Carroll ud Ctpt Kir* **r* oa tb* »ta«*. while lb* box orrii pi# 4 by tb* member* of lb* order of wblrb Father d* la Morlni*r* la a member, tb* Horlely of J**u» Tb* brllllaat orator »»i tr*r»f«lly lalrodured by Mayor W»l*h. and then tb* audkmr* h»d tb* ple#»ur* «d lis tening lo on* of lh* moat eloquent (rll<- utea **er paid tb* memory of the lA>*t Cana* Not only did tb* speaker prr arnt many lofty new thought*. l>ut In* presented them la a manner both novel and pleasing. Hi# eommand of English la marvi Um*. Hla word* lo* one if ter the other In liquid p rfectlon of harmony, or thunder *vlth the tem pestuous eloquenre which emirs from the Inaplrlna eonaeiouoneda that the subject of which one .peaks la a wor thy one. Father de la Morlnlere la a true Southerner and the rauae of tho»* who fought tinder the atnra and har* la one In which every fibre of hi* na ture throb* In tympathy. The private soldier* roc-lved full Justice *t hla hand* and the Southern woman was eulogised as a superior being. Every deserving element that went into the formation of the Confederacy reeetvcd It* Ju*t mend of praise, but the highest tribute of all was paid to, whom the speaker described a* Caesar with out hie ambition, Ka(>oleon without his selfishness, and Washington without his reward. His tribute* to Stonewall Jackson and Admiral ScmmSi were al so very beautiful. Every scene of the struggle between the states was pictured with such mas terly touches, that these tong-pant event* lived again for those who had helped to make them what they were, and became an Inspiration for future guidance of then* who listened to the recitals of the heroic deeds of their fa thers. 11 was with the alnccrest regret that the audience realised that the last word had been npoken and that the two hours of enehantment under the spell of a magical eloquence Intensified by a magnetic personality anil a voice of the rarest charm were at an end. BAROAINS OALORE At the Rice & O'Connor Shoe Com pany. Every week the never let up shoe and hat house of Ktce & O'Connor Shoe company offer some special bargains out of their Immense stock. Fifteen days remain of their special clearance sale of summer goods and they pro pose to make them eventful by offering everything In their summer stock at prices that if you need shoe* and hats your are sure to buy. In addition to getting your shoes nnd hats at greatly reduced prices, you ore given no matter how small the purchase, one of their certificate cards which in time will give you the privilege of selecting free one of their handsome presents which con stats of . clocks, lamps, silverware, chamber sets and rocking chairs. Head their advertisement on page 3 of to day’s issue. SUIT AGAINST JAILER COLLINS 4n> Rifkafl liapkii His I‘iM tall far Rtf lalatig sl.lO That Mw Allege* Jaltav TsaL I raws Mar la January. Through b*r attorney*. HwM*tl aafi K.«« afield. Mr* Karbari Laaspktn. of ithla ftf, ba* filed aslt against Mr Kd ward Col 11 as. tb* county jailer. lib* all-fit a that Jailer ColUa* ba* luo of bars taken from bar w bit* ab* was a prisoner In tb* Jqji last January Tb* case will be tr,«d fa lb* r.ty mort nest November Tb* petition of Mr* laimpklaa reads aa follow* - fbe IVI It 100. Tb* pet 11 to* of Rarbaet l-ampkln marrtfally ahoweih: Ft rat. Tbat Edward Collin*, a real dent of aald remlf, la Indebted to b—r in tb* sum of s4to. beside* interest from February Ist, l*P*. In tb* man ner hereinafter act forth and described. Second Tbat in Janusry. ittsrtt, peti tioner was confined aa a prisoner in tb- jail of Rlrbmond eotmty and *va* ■ the owner of and bad Hi her poaaeaalon I the sent rs fUU | Third. Tbat the -aid Collins was at I that time tbe Jailer in charge of tb* I Jail a»d tbs prisoner* therein confined | Fourth. That the mid Collin* learned that petitioner bad this attm of money [in her possession, and by the exetr'a* [of kta power as the Jailer In charge of i petitioner, defrauded her thereof and loc k the same from her possession Into l hi* own aod thereafter without author- I tty turned said money over to some parties having unfounded claims again*! petitioner, all of which waa done without b-r consent and agnlnat iher win. | Fifth. That petitioner was discharged I from Jail about February lat. 18*K. but said Cdllnes ha* failed and refused to return to her the said sum of $430 and atfll fall* and refuses to do so. Where fore petitioner prays: la) That a process Isssnc to be di rected to the said Edward Colllna, re quiring hint to be and appear at the next, the November term of 1898. of the city court of Richmond county, to an swer petitioner's complaint. (b) That Judgment he rendered In favor of petitioner against said Ed ward Collins for the sum of $430 be sides Interest. And petitioner will ever pray. etc. Concluding trip of the Central of Georgia Tybee special will run next Sun day, the 28th. This will close tne season. Usual rates and accommoda tions. KINETOSCOPE. The Views shown at l.ake View Still Popular. The ktnetoacope will be In operation at Lakeview tonight. Regardless of the many times the views have been shown the crowds nock to that popular resort on every night that the views are thrown on the canvass. If the weather permits the usual number of people will be on hand tonight. Do you eat? Try the Ellis Restaurant. Rhodes Property Not Sold. The Herald learns today that the re port! <1 sale of the Rhodes property on the corner of Brood and M -uiuuent streets, to Mr. Mose Murphy, the store occupied by Messrs. A. B, Saxon & Bro., was a mistake. The negotiations fell through and the sale was not con summated, as reported to The Her ald. Bike Races In Aiken The Aiken Bicycle and Athlefic as sociation has decided to have a hike meet on the 23rd of September. Some substantial prizes will be offered. # itbb3 kimmjULJX CONCERNING CHAIN GANGS : fftwfi I afiMfifaUtfi kafiPi ill fit I |Ur* UptttfitCK l«hirt> ftww Tb# y Mm* s|f f-#d VMI* 4 fit** I HwntMtaif HvmMNNj.. 11« M W-tt* t*>ipiwl tm4 fnUrfififci < •* -to* hHm| fUluji #«wi § ; fftMivi Ms <lw 9*9*4 oaumi <9t rwtttin i | ##* mm 4 iHhittwWi. Hi #W t». ffc# j 4HKI mttinm&A •’til, mmmmmmmmfm** #*. |•* luffAf 4m# ImmU. iMIMH Imp#fifcfkfi* *■- •flta'Tf * * #4 • Mil i|m» <4 •• It* fb*t# rtNW. k—'*4** k», . j *«#k •*4 4i*rlpHb* ' - o*#e V*l ttfi, fi* tt* •Tb* iim a r m»mm abaft bav •batl fall t* c-wwtu* with *#»d r»t»*. (f—ttv— tb*#* I* *otV4* nfbee * 'Oiet,' **f HI. IV«i«bni*iM *-w n tointahfn—at *hatt be adnvtetatered I* a convict. **—p* IB ease* wber* it t* r#«*o44*ld* awwasary t« -ttforr* diwt- > ptine *f (4ttH work f* labor tiy row- j 4tcf*,“--<'.«l*. Tnl, 111 fi*r 1147 ! Tb* cewaiy aattmettl « *h»lt de*l*n*t la w riting *on»* par**>n. wbo ilnar *b*il | «dmlnt*t-r ywibJawit. IV. Tim* M>oe4*aed lor Good Behavior ‘ Prrwwt* having charge of chain- I k—p. * N>ok In wltlrh *h*ll he -Birred th* name* of tb* ronvtrta under thetr r4»*rge. and. at tbe -ml of rack laboring day. *h»H iwcord. np|M4*|t» in- name of j h. hi* conduct during that day. and abould tt apprar from thl* booh that th* conduct of any 00* ha* h**n good, i and that h* ha* b- r dlltg-nt to p*c. j forming th* work a*«lgn-d to him. hla j term of aervte* and ro#fia*m*at »hall j Im *hurt*ned four day* in *ach month for th* tlm* of **t»tenc*. M —Cod*. Vot. Ilf. firr. lIM. Th* attot»*y general role* on th atiove statute that «tl e-nvlct* *r* entt tlrd to thl* "good time,'' who»e r—- ir rd *t the end of -#ch month aver ■; age* good, not perfect or *xceptlenal. V. Other Camp Record*. In addition to the record heretofore ! required, the peraon having rharge of jthe chatngang shall keep a record of j every puntahtnent intltet-d. giving th j name of th- convict punlsh-d. the kind of punishment indicted and the dat- I thereof. H* shall also tieep a record of th- dally rations taau-d. ami th ! clothing, shoes, hats, bedding and other supplies furnished. VI. Bedding Each hunk shall he furnished with one cotton tick of sufficient width and iqngth for comfort, well filled with clean straw.- or excelsior, with hlankets and other covering sufficient for com fort. Bed ticks must lie emptied, wash ed and refilled with new sttaw at least once every two months. Blankets must he washed every two months, and both thoroughly sunned or aired each week. VII. Bathing. Sufficient facilities must be afforded for bathing, and persons in charge must see that each convict bathes thorough ly once each week, ami has a complete change of clean clothing. They ahull also furnish suitable facilities for wash ing face aud hands before each meal. VIII. Diet. The following diet, well cooked and served, must he furnished for each con vict: Corn bread without stint. Wheat bread without stint three meals each week. Three-quarters of s pound of clear side* per day. fine pound of fresh beef, mutton or pork twice each week. Syrup or molasses three times per week. Coffee, one cup for breakfast. Salt pepper and vinegar without stint. Vegetables In season three times each week. Each convict who uses tobacco, which fact shall lie ascertained when he is received In the gang, shall be furnished with at least three-quarters of a plug of good sound tobacco, six inch fours, or its equivalent each week. IX. Clothing. Each convict must lie kept supplied with at least two suits of uniform cot ton stripes In summer, and two suits (.(' woolen stripes in winter, exoeiit that, one coat at a time shall be considered sufficient, and sufficient underclothing from October Ist to .May Ist. Garments other than those worn at labor shall be provided for sleeping purposes. Shoes, hats and socks shall be furnished aa needed. X. Hours of I abor The hours of labor shall be from sun rise to sunset, with one hour for rest and dinner at noon during the months of November, I'eremh-r. January and Eehruary: one and one-half hours dttr |)fg March, April. September and Oeto- I i*»#"j him! HMHF2 li** *« «'«§ *»# *4 99 i *99o* %tf* % * /loot Ml V *f« #1» nvi IMB Ii- »■ * Sft* 1 ’»t* I*I:RXF»AI_ |*t«f J H, SekmoM •»** ret anted to Mr Frank R«***y haa returned lo [ Allan s Mr A. B Ballard of Tamtm la *» «h# Mr Otrwrg* T. Bar*** has r*tnra*d Mr It C Hey ward of Walterboro is in th* etty. Mr. C. A. Kobaoo of Baltimor* tt at th* Arlington Judge Calinwap left this morn ng for i Wilke* county. Mlas Alyaia Maxy*k la the guest of Miaa Meredith Mr. Charles Rmal! \f New York Is at i th* Art ngton. Mr. Kobt. M Adams of 81. Louis I* at tb* Planters. Mr. O. H. Ha«r*4l of Louisville. Ky, I* at the Arl.ngtoo Mr. H. C. Puullam. a well known cot tun man. of Athena, i* In town. Mr- C. C Hannou and wife of Bain bridge. Ga. are atupping at the Plan ter*, Mr. Homer Nicholson, agent for the Georgia road at Athena, Is In the city tnday. Rev, P. H McMahon 1* spending a few day* in the mountain* of North Carolina. \i, s. Kate Shrrwnd has returned frem a visit to Mr*. Stephen T. Lee at Cokesbury, Ga. Mr*. L. Sylvester left ttx'.ay for An napolis. where she will be the guest of Mrs. John Chew. Miss Margaret lx>ng. daughter of the secretary of the navy, is a medical stu dent al Johns Hopkins university. M!*s Patunie Btgnon and Master Charlie Bignon, who have been vltit iug their litlln cousin. Miss Oille L«e, at Hoogcs, have returned home. The traveling public will lie pleased to know of the Augusta Southern’s Sunday schedule lo Tennllle and Inter mediate points. Note their ad. else where. Prof. Stephens Tucker will preach at Curtis Baptist church at the 11 o'clock service on Sunday. No services at night. All are cordially invited to at tend. Mr. J. E. Ramey's friends are con gratulating him today. There arrived at his home this morning a beautiful little girl. His fare is lighted with a broad fatherly smile. Persons wishing to take advantage of the chpap rates and excellent sched ules of the Augusta Southern to the Richmond r unty campmeeting at Grarev ood, o. ill find It to their Inter est to note the schedules printed else where. Do yoLi eat? |Try the Ellis Restaurant. DELI-GATES To Populist Convention in Cincinnati From This District. The national populist convention meets In Cincinnati on the 15,h of Sep tember. The delegates to the convention from this district will be W. T. Fl.nt of CrawfortJville. C. E. DJcflregov of War ren! cm and S. D. Walton, colored, of Augusta. Tybee season closes next Sunday, the 28th. Re member the Gentral of Georgia Sunday special makes its last trip on that date for the summer. MATTERS EDUCATIONAL •im • f ffii # I MHiiif 40 tfc* nijii sis $ min*, ns tpctift in rvirrit'irttim Svhnol fhrgtns *ep4. I Tk* #rp#*int»nd*nt *«titj»ti*d hy -ayln* that the arbool* would open on Tknrnda). firpt »b-r ISth. wi tb* two day of tb* f< maindtr o I tb* w**k would be rhiefiy occupied by earoll- Lm and other prelimw. ry afia.r* and things would b# in good worktnfi or der for Monday tb* i*th I j a the 114th dtatrtrt radical change* * , i „t ronaol | Tb* trust*** bar* derided to abandon ildtm being to have a few*r number but larger M-bool* In tb* 124th diairietr-* rural Metlon ,j-v. , r .mi|r4 first town. r. hoots th re will now be but three, and while th* number of fc!io’.*r» will he lh> **me. lh* teacher* will be re dyvvHi from aevm to five, ’l '*® puf po«-» will be *ub#*rved by this «ctlon, economy »nd better re*ult# with thl* economy. Another fr»tur* of ’hi* cen- Irsllintion or con«)lidatlnc. will b* th* trsniportntion of the children from their home* to and from school. Net*- I n stand and Welt Thi* I* the New England and the Western plan, where it haa worked surprisingly well, not alone for the children, but for their parents sad eld er* In a social way. Thl* transporta tion or hauling of the scholar* wIU be done by contract among the farmer*, generally the posaesaors of aultabte ve hicle*. and who, by this method, can materially Increase their Income*. Thus children of tender age*, and particular ly the girls, are protected from the In clemency of the weather, and are not tired out upon arrival at school by tramping from home* miles away. The county will hear the expense of thlo hauling and notwithstanding the additional item will save money through the smaller salary list-' Fine School Houses. Mr. Evans errke of the substantial end fine brick school buildings which the North and West have been able to build by menus of this system snd commented on tbe fact that in certain sections the county school houses were the c’ntre of all social, as well as educational, functions. If this plan should be more general ly adopted in the South, it was th» opinion of the superintendent that far better results would be achieved. Tybee’s greatest season will close next Sunday, the 28th. The Central of Geor gia will have ample ac commodations on its last excursion of the season, which will rtin on that date. Usual rates. Delicate Operation. A very difficult and dangerous oper ation was recently performed by Drs. Doughty and Allen at the Lamar hos pital, on Fannie Shepard, a well known colored woman. The operation was of hysterectcmical nature and so deli cate and tedious tbat the patient was on the operating table for three hours. She w now getting on very nicely and every hope is entertained for her re covery. Miss Dicks will entertain a number of friends with a dancing party th:s evening in honor of Miss Alcla ila zyck. ...... u . IT IS TRUE |Ka* Mnl mm «mn*4 lstNfi| Inn* fcrtl mv vtum* ml mi Kg* pod#l t*MM tNMM r*«dN*>i a4#w*f4i***»wi%t« 9 VOX #x> Mart knosa Ml 49§0jf. to* Mtottl mrmMtoi totViMMKAto 11 *'#*# 8«# ill *n tifi thato ,t| g An| MNfMTMMtto Uto mim4 nyiHml irM rmy»»Man<i A fl* eng vom «Hli fr* Mill tMM i«"xl' A MMifl total ofdff to# gfv* Ml UM efipntluWl' la IHdlta Htal ’ TM rtbpn 44 a r M* ItllMto tota A* IftldlMt Is ut to# mm fncta ll Mk to# mni Mat tot •- 4\iiquhliiWiiT((t HE DISLIKES CUBAN SOLDIERS fcl>tr4, UN Wit ii V «9U§£« t Afvtv r«4 H*v* T«4#4 #«4 T#*d Ik* If yiflratn 4w Wav aid “law Iti L a*! 4}9 is ‘ n OntMU W# IM« r fUHIK3 Itlptf *T.* . QWi! -• IP I ’*** - fill. 1 0909 90. |t *J n Sfldl fr» •; if T»l* ,1 •*M Cl || 10 to# ; frfkfgp mr|g Wv vrit tot divt afid pliht fitwpro to Ip# o°f , offi#T ■» i ToNm? plni sr g air. I f Ti m m i\*fi tot)ld birtftf k**p oof | **Ywi.*' “No. glr; 6&n't l*f on him. (But o*’ii Wh H* • hnvt ©••! John did not atom to have evor heard of Nb ft*r S*v«tar incra lnt*rrt>*ativ*# w*r* pot to th* Elkntiago soldlar, who. among i oUtar thing*. *atd h* b»d b**n thrae i year* In th* r«*al*r army, at Santiago had b*en umt*r Col. Jen*#, who is new in .command at Camp Dy*r. and wa» surprised to hear that tbe colonel waa now stationed her*, and wish'd h* had time to **e him. but n»* going to hi* old home in Beaufort, S. C„ on th* af ternoon train. Ho further said that be had been slightly tick from malaria contracted la Cuba, bad come to "Hong Kong" Point <which tbe reporter construed as Mon tank Point) by vessel and had ar rived here on the Southern train this morning. Also that his time with the army had now expired and lie was glad of it »» he bad seen enough of soldier ing. He termed a rrthor intelligent fel low. and is a fine specimen of physical manhood. He still had on his soldiers clothes, which showed many sign of hard us age In the Ct'bag <ampa:gn. Several of the Camp Dyer soldiere struck up on acquaintance with him while he waited at the depot. Do you eat? Try the Ellis Restaurant. TOO LATE FOK CLASSIFICATION LOST-WEDNESDAY, BETWEEN a and 7 o'clock, Lady's Green Enameled Chatelaine Watch and Pin on Broad way, between Mclntosh and Cummtng. Finder rewarded. Return to Heiald. Aug ?6 TO RENT—CORNER BROAD AND Center. Entrance on Center. No. 210. 5 rooms, with bath and conveniences. Also on Center No. 214. 8 rooms, with hath. Apply to Jno. D. Hahn, 506 Broad street. Sept 1 TO RENT—DESIRABLE ROOMS ON Greene street. Single rooms or In a suite. Apply 115 Jackson stieet. A 27 WANTED—A POSITION AS COACH MAN. Good hosiler. Best of refer ence. Apply J Elbert Scott, car,* Mr. T. P. Doris, Summerville. WANTED—POSITION BY LADY AS stenographer and assistant bookkeep ing and offitv work. Railroad work es pecially desired. Address J. 8., care H raid. Aug 30 A BUSINESS MAN OF EXPERI ENCE and extensive business connec tion is open for an engagement. Has limited capital to invest in an approv ed business. Address It. E. S., care Herald. Aug 29 AUCUft 29 THE RECRUITERS RETURN TO CAMP r<|d. Br»M ata Hi* lira Lrft at 11# , laM ds4*4fM ll** ks aty I 4*4*4* d .*l*4i to Mil Timm bjel# famity mid fncxda g di t* m*# p*rhxps It aant ta trvpL*' lands—xxtui Thr H'vatd man paid a visit lo rh* limiting o(Ar* Ibl* »<mtng. Ha 1 peered In th* door Tb* odor of for*. : e nw ral. Th# bint clouds of < lgar*tta t waft, hod disappear!d and • copy of ron* Thing* were very, very quirt. A few ra l>:ia*nt blank* lay tm th# t»- t»t* to rem'nd rr# of r^rrnlttnw #,,, With th* r*crult**a th*r* l*fl four met). Among them was "Prlvat*** Jock Bnrrowa. H* nt off to Jcin ihn i army and hi* familiar face sad Jovial dlapcittlrm will greet ii* no mot*— wt’l. fer a few months anvnray. A f*w friend* of th" recruit* were at the depot to see th*m off. but It waa not like tbe time ls*t April when the** brave boys first left here to go Into camp. Then we knew not whether our arLdfrra would r»turn to us. but now It la differ »nt. The war I* over, the Dm* have been defeated A few more month* of camp life and we will a#* 1 all of them again. Yea, they may go to Porto Rico, but more than apt not. Rut go or not. tb“y went at the exit |of their country to face danger* they j knew not of. Fortune favored them, ; they were willing, bt»i tt was not dca tltsed tfiet they should bear the brunt [of battle. A little skirmish yet with [the Insurgent#, eh? Well, Corporal Lyons A telegram from Surgeon Fry* of McPherson Barracks, this morning, j give* the gratifying and pleiaing lntal i ligence that the condition of Corporal | Lloyd L on. Second Georgia regiment, ; la greatly improved. Special Schec’u e For Richmond Camp Meeting. : Over the Augtiata Southern Railroad, I commencing September 4th there will ■ be opcialed th* following schedule dur ing Richmond Camp Meeting at Grace v.oed: Trains leave Augusta for Graeeweoi: At 9.15 a. m.; 10:15 a. m.; 2 p. m.; t p. m.: 6:30 p. m.; 9:30 p. m. Trains leave Grarewood for Augusta: 12 noon: 3 p. m.; 5:30 p. m.; 7:30 p. m.: 11 o. m. The running time between Augusta and Oracewood !s 30 minutes. Tickets for the round trip will tie ■ laced on sale at 25 cents. Positively no tickets sold on the train. Tickets can be secured froir* A rents. JAS. IT. JACKW.I.'. Receiver. Augusta Southern R. R CHAS. W. JACKSON, G. P. A. Augusta. Ga. Sunday Schedule on the Augusta Southern Commencing Sunday, Aug. 29th, trains on the Augusta Southern will leave Augusta on Sunday morning at 9:15 a. m.. reaching Tennlll" at 1:35 p. m. Trains will leave T.-nnille at 5:30 a. m., reaching Augusta at 9:30 a. m. This new Sunday schedule goes into ef fect Sunday. Aug. 28th, and will he op erative until further notice. JAS. IT. JACKSON, Receiver, Augusta Southern R. R. CHAS. W. JACKSON, G. P. A. AUGUSTA, GA. _ ,