The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 29, 1898, Image 1

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TO* * *.*«#*• AAVtSOS ftf* ftKWfb HAMM 4MM§ IWMhfcf fPM# CM9*iM§ MCHAi-i I **# m-rll •#•*#* FM* fM****** *** ' fMMNMiiMf A# Ml Maa f*% §*•#* # _ fur'-tr **# #m#M H»nt Ml flNww*> * j MMMMPMMMI *• MnMUMR *•* Maaa* A **—*# t*** Ii «•*■ f**M4 NMI < . fW** **# « •# Mhn* mm&m** m H*.#M» tMM»» t|. vmm* «imM -h» - -rtrtt Mi A* j •**•* **# M4M4- , • llpfiMWNNi ■»#.♦>*#• |R'f# ftil'Mfft •iM •MN» «4 l*M> Ml #M*ML *« | m wilitijilfli • #MiA#* Ml IM* pi*** ##iiiMilllffiM* 9Mpir % .«•%. Mt *#s4* Ml *•*# W 999 tMw *»•«* 4 r «m* TMMt. Aid piP#AMNi MM AN#’ I ####''#! * * MMt AM# Ml Um Mi#** A##*. Mill f I<MI f *• yi nitTf 4«i MfH At f'taßMktk* Mil |i <f%+ Mmm tm* «Ahr#t juMm'MfMti Mi»». 9MMM Ml' mmmMmi Mi ApMBMM« «m« rtiifinr M ii» ta tainaiog «f! APM* Mpa-MiAM pApNF * MEPBMWABA## MNIf Mi AfM iiMUMi f*MNSM* IMI tM* «wl «f !• Jt+« TnrM !•«# M##A WWi"l Mi *NM* M*## W* «#*t !• M'HU Hs**w *» i- »••*» mhm. Ili'v«ii Maw fntr4 mi itini Ml#* trtff* . f ytn>it> «M fifftti* Mi oi< . | v., . # h jf|f Art*#. •< ittautfl M mn*— mi rtw»M At Mmaiub Vt- j ___ . ulttilt in •Ai ImivMai aa» i Ml* <U« t«w ia lA* N»« OrtfiM. pliitt m still fliAtiAff HAMA IA JM* j Yerfc RirnirTTlt Ii flAlt*# Aifi f«t §»»• AH ItftfAlkNUi for |A# rutkivi lid IVin HR A A nunmiaAQii ir» now y fW Yorl vAiAAtiWi ir* r«mplM!*l»» Mitffiy of ii« (r«AtA»iAt At Cnmp §ml**4'W. H xidum aAd Ni##rA*ii9 r«rm«l «U rth»r rotted MMM of Aiwrri. *. Two Z*tm holt FtltM and an African kalfato better are faaMv* la the New Tnrfc ano. JiarMte* will be nottend out >B bod tea Thia ta the Idea o« Atrttiani Hac* irtarf Aden. Mate poll ilex are earmliu un over a dwlarattoa <-n the money question by Col. Candler Co|, j«bn Hay la at Osborn* this af tertven to dine with the yueen and bid M#t fir#wit!. Mate politics are maktoa themaelvea lively—rather the a.-aitantit are mi kind thins* lively A Savannth lady haa t>e»n rh<wen grand a\j|*ertnten<i Dt of the Oftld Houaehotd of Huth There la any amount of talk now a bout the five new rounrilmen that ara to he ehoeen thla fall. The Natb nal Bound Money Leasue will meet B ‘ptember IS at the trana- j Miaatesliipt ronventlon' They art now muaterln* out troops right straight along. Order* for Geor gia troops are not laaued. The code toellftcatlon committee of council will meet again thla week. They are making fair progress. The «*th aunual meeting of the Amer ican Pharmaceutical Association Is In 1 session st Baltimore today. The total atek at Hantlaao today ta SWi; total fever J2I: new cases of fe- j ver 9; returned to duty 9T. The New York Journal Is still pouring hot thols into the administration be cause of the camp horrors. There sre any number of new busi ness signs on Broadway. There will soon be the greatest activity. Lieut. Bears. LI ut. Wells and En sign E. McCauley. Jr., will accoroiiany Schley to Porto Rican waters. The finance committee of council meets this afternoon. The railroad com mittee meets tomorrow afterncon. Michael, the bicyclist who was hoat en Saturday by Tr.yli r, the colored j wheelmen, and wonts -inoth’r mi's. The President left Somerset, Pa., st 11 o'clock today for Johnstown, from where he continues his t.'ltt westward. Cap!. Duncan, for opening the grave and disturbing the remains of Confed erate eoM’crs, has been court martlaled and sentenced to live yeyi’ imprlson tr nt. ExGov. MaMWiWS : V Indiana Is dead. The seventh army corpi will go to . Cuba very seen now, as Indicated by the interview in The Herald with Gen. Lee seme days ago. Business Is locking un a bit. It Is feared that the weather has hurt At lantic cotton, while not Injuring the Texas crop. It is the Texas crop that has influence on th. ■ market. In the face of rumors of ultimatums and war preparations the Czar of Rus sia comes forward with propositions for an International conference. The sin cerity of the proposition is not ques tioned. and It i 3 the reigning sensation In Europe. * The 01 ter for Schley to fly hie flat? on the New Orleans is made in order to keep him constructively on sea duty while the evacuation com mittee, thus entitling him to tha high est pay of his rank, viz— per an num. It is for the same reason that the navy department has decided to keep Admiral Sampson in nominal command of the North Atlantic fleet Vihlie he is in Havana as a member of the Cuba evacuation committee. His flag will lie displayed on the auxiliary cruiser Resolute, which will take the members of the commission to Hava na. - - PAY FOR WHAT YOU WANT. GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR—IN THIS WAY YOU WILL GET SATISFACTION ANO RESULTS. ?r* 4 «m THE AUGUSTA HERALD. mmr %n i m i »i tin Till Vtt N iM Nfk M TlMiit "littiU" htki on lilt Thrift r«* um r«u. «m IM»— Na «taM L*a I* tm Iksiia. TV maag emritMi * HUM la 4M *A Mi Mi f MwAi'A MMA IaII AeA* iirsi mm A«t tM# •At A* •I iMa fity" l " AfA itrANtAM AIRNMMA. A t|tl#iip | #!4 fy-fiftPTAi #1 if I#iAMIS trtfiAVAi • UtM ntjAiH MnA AAi f tIMPfA Ma# Sami IM# Mf*y» (Mt fyMAMAMV* FAMMS hi Mi i piAr#4 AfAAtMS IM# tAMMifI MMMNI AA A ,|| %«rt iAiwttit Mi Ma## $.Mi St# AiyAits Is aa4 *M# s#f4« bar mmt tatwasafal mtm ar.mnd Um I tkiak that tk* ticket aaaMd Mlw I V 'MM » #Si* OA" rtt Wf ®# • Ur get bar and call apoa fbcaa g*a lie area [ta astaa. This la Iba day of sarrtbraa L,/ «. (aval all tr willlag la lend a ! heirsag baad to rar cMy’a ghoatb an i 1 edraarameat The follow tag ticket «nr u HMtke a good Oft*. lit as lb* First ward. Uanar I. Kletalag Ff*a» tb* fecal ward. W. $. Cm Id Emm lb* Third ward. Patrick Arm strong Dia lb* Frank ward. Tboa W. Al* •vat tier From lb* Fifth ward. W 0. Rohl-r. AroCSTA. Gentlemen of Hlgb Standing Thra* name* wrra mentioned to etti g*BS today Many were gtsd to a** *reb suggestion* and would he anx ious to are every on* pul la rouorL Tb* remark was gen'rai, from all. tbs: certainly would aveb a dilatation he enterprising and eartnlnly would lb* holiness Interests of any concern, mu n lr-p.V or otherwise, be safe la the.r keeping It la but proper to any that, a* far as Tb* Herald knows, tb* names printed are not used by th* consent es I the gentlemen who bear them. Thee are merely sugg stldis from one who wishes to see at strong an array as possible around th# councl board. Who They Are. Mr. W. 0. Ibrhler la a reprer-nta tlve citlxen. a Christian gentleman and * good sod patriotic Augus'an. Cap!. | A* mstrong has tieen In council before [tad has left his imprint on the rlty's i laws, one of the most important hear ing cn city taxes haying origin In him. j Mr. Lamnr FI-'tiling, Mr. W. J. Craig land Mr. T. W. Alexander are well , known In the ccmmtinUy sa enterpris jiqg nnd rurh ng business men. who In their callings are abreast of the time*. [They are thorough and patriotic Au i gnstana. DIED AT niLLEDGEVILLF. Miss Ida l.undy Clare, Former Au gustan, Dead Tb« sad news of the death of Misa Ida Lundy Glaze, which occurred yes terday at Milled geville, reached the city today. Mias Glaze was an Au gustan and was greatly endeared to iron;’ friends for her many lovable qualities. Her rrmains were brought 1 (o the city on tho 2:20 train this af ternoon and the funeral occurs at 4:30 from the cemetery chapel. First Theatrical Paper. The first thf atrical paper of the sea son was received today by Col. Sanford Cohen, a huge bundle coml lg to hand to spread the notices of A 1 Field's min strel show. The date is not definitely known, hut it is to be made a gala occasion, the Central railway having planned lo tun a ,rain from Millen and way stations, while the Georgia railroad will do the same from Washington, Sparta and down the line. Corporal Lloyd Lyon. Col. Dyer went up to Atlanta to see his nephew, Corporal Lyon, who is ly- j ing ill with typhoid fever at the Mc-j Pherson barracks. While by no .jeans past the danger point, the col onel reports that the condition cf the young soldier has materially improved aud he is now sanguine that it is but a question of time and careful nursing before he will lie out again. (ins Beall Improved. The very gratifying intelligence was received today that the condition of Ml. Gus Beall was thought to he im proved today. This will be welcome news to Mr. Beall's host of friends. Miss Clara Cotter has returned from a visit to friends in Charleston. FEW fllilVE till'*-- REGIMENT. itift SaMlm MfTttr Oil tt • I MuaUm *4 •fttM't bwMae* a f ae* f HgMMHp w tbe bwb— vampaf*. ißgmdat iw fb* Meedlli-. _ Mad. 4 Abb * The «dwa»! m |* be ms***w4b»«N ta saAdbtt tba tm ; i .'eswambt* st the hpnaseh etmaam* *w t.'mm dabate p»i mmm »« ask* #a *•* j *bm at the .wete* aalag aaA mHMkM ■ Tba apgswMMb aesko d*« MM the*, w K fight egpwwwafy It bn da saga ”1 will east •*** she | epgems gagasi* * fmmplbb ta gge*ea» tewat* as the test sad gmt* •* the. HMb#»Miii| fAfMANk M# nW%IAA ’A# At* ! Mciai tonmmmi* t wm «aM# a# a 9mm-' \ ft*r mmrnim i<lgjlli «# »#•## Maailr j ’mW #RM## iM# ttfiAAirti **r Awtmmnn I ! P|MAA Ma# AO< f#AAA-A#A® iM# •OA‘#f#MPA* I i fy and pnasesetem of Maaito Tba **«•»** Isle of 1-aaoa sitieed as j I Ytao today, brtagtag hkw* traogs and ! sailors from Naattago. Klevea died. on the voyage. Oat pf IW* aw a sum ) , posing tb* Alcaatara bauallaa, sbet ’ ; left spun Apr I 1>97. ualy seven fe-! i mate alive There in maeb alarm in Xpala, nape- j I .tally at Galicia, ova* tb* return of aoj ! taaaf tnmp* from the Infected dbdrin* [of Cabs. They may cause an outbreak ,4 4)MSlrei and yellow fever Ik T« Jetro. ame Leal author it». deqlbrt» lb* alarm Jwat.fled. The sutamn j rains sad dampsuss may b*lp to 1 spread the infect mo Tbs girtraor la raking strict prsraiHloa*. BEFOKfi A CCH RTnARTIAI- Pro*.ceding* Instilutad Against Cni If w * cs and ITa). Hordes. Savaaab. Us.. Aug. 3». Col. Ray | haa mo: air 1 Cour uiartlal proreed ' ags against Lt Col Reavte sad MaJ j Frank Gordon of Ike Thud Colled | states volunteers at nanUago Before I the raglment left Savannah. Col. Ttay annouared that be latended to have hta lieuteaaai colonel before a board to test hia military bourlrdge and ability to comtr.and a regiment in ras* it > should devolve upon him. The news I mates from Sxntiago that Col Ray has I preferred charges again*’ Col. Rev vex and Major Gordon of conduct prejudi-. rial to good under and discipline. TA. Reaves’ case is nrtw on trial and Major j Gordon’s will come up as soon as it is j disposed of. Tho t.ory of the dlfferenrr* between Col. Kay and his lieutenant colonel | has been printed in The Morning News. The lieutenant said Col. Ray was Jealous of his popularity and wanted to get rid of him. and lie would not be run out. Co!. Reaves’ appoint-1 ment was prior to that of Col. Ray. Hs had the support of Senator Bate of | Tennessee, who advised him to stand his ground and nor allow himself to be turned out of the regiment by Col. Ray or anybody else. KILLED DEPUTY SHERIFF. Ben Johnson Evades Arrest by Kill ing the Officer. Middlesboro, Ky.. Aug. 29. Ben Johnson, of Middlesboro. shot and kill ;<d Nu'baiiiel Cloud, deputy sheriff of ! Claiborne county, Teon., as tho latter | was attempting to arrest Johnson at | Tazewell, Teen. John Cadle, a by [ eta. or, was shot and killed also. Chut It s liureii e friend cf Johnson. Is suspected of having fired the shot which killed Cadle. Cloud was a 1 ro'ner to c member of the Legislature who was kit'eJ at the same place e. year or two ago. SAD TRAGEDY. A Family of Tourists Killed in the Switzerland nountalr.s. Berne, Aug. 29.—John Hcpklnson. an English electrical engineer, his son and two daughters, were killed while as cending the Dents Devlsivi. a canon of the Valias mountains, which is among the highest of Kurope, and exposed to I the furious torrents and destructive av alanches. The party had gone on their : perilous trip without the assistance of a i guide. ALL QUIET. Nothing Going on in Washington These Days Washington, D. C., Aug. 29.—The White House Is almost deserted today. Tlie absence of the President kept away prominent callers, whose visits have marked the daily routine of the Pres i ident's life in the past, few weeks, and j even the number of sightseers that got through the public portions of the man sion was less than usual. The going away of the President has rut a quie tus on the usual activity in Washing ton. .. ...... ... ~ Al*H at A. «A 10 URllil 1191. Ml U« Km BtytlAM Vmi lit* Ifi t nwhtH m Ilia jlf He M Tmm lib I ichiibc. Ht VW It \nthh4llfi Tb* aetbte* UMp * bbh lb* Few sawhwg* * HI be bamilrrtaA. imf ta Tv llerwn WmaMHMFMaa 44#*A *** TM# AAf , ! pAr4AMMA4 A» VMM iM# * #IA IA R. I AfA «w*9*n«« «Ms A rmm «4 #«Mf I i |M# Aif- -.«4mi • «M|WH At MAtAM AI twmn Mitliil *4 On#i' : f #I#A ANKMMI4MNMA AA4 Atlirlp* gpAVDFfli n« IM# #*■»• M#t# MrAA - «la 4 ««4 Mr «#4««t#4 mm «*4 lM#f *#*% i# l b tea-ikt i niMaJ-if* Wi 1 ! i us 4 that he M aeew the law pubM#4 <--at a*4 tasiksaia ahtad "I hub* inbwma o<a ia The Ne-Tork 1 JgaMfA#! h» »f *i| ,|g|t * IM#’ n* 11' I depart meat would give Gew Mile* me 1 poMuatly of d»w > la# U>* eta-.eWMM he : *r- brew credited With making before nay ofhrial act km would publicly ha I takes H la Mill thought by General Miles' IrksG ibat be kaa opeaasl the battle - Tb* Arthlvw Settled Do Th* <•#*( talv she I ate been peepar iM the leval aide as tk* raa* bar* set tle I atKm artirlrw I*. 9# and ti of ar my reculatkms ae sul’eiaat to rorsr tb* alleged cl<s*e of Goa. Mi tea AT CAfIP WIKOFF. Tbe Death* Report el There Today, la the Hospitals New York. Aug. S 9 Today's arriv als at Camp Wlbaf iariuded tbe First Uanali»n of D aiyp-t of Columbia v«l --uateors. * ne ha tmkon of V. B. Mil naar* alt ache-1 w Ik* Fifth at .nr corps, troops A. C. D and F. Second raealry. the men who operated th* bal lo< os at Santiago, and >5 men of th* ThimyThird M < higaa volunteers. TgP nr* 1 SOP patienis ta lh# general hospital at Camp Wlkoff. IIS of wh» in are clown with typhoil fever. This disease I* on th# d#creaa<*. Th# deaths rrponed today are those of Wm. Hohle. battery F. Second artil lery; Tlrootb!' Donovan, trcop F. Sec ond cavalry, from malarial fever; and Fred Miller, company A. Twenty-Firvi regular, dysentery. There are 53® men at th# detention hospital. By to morrow th# hospital will be enlarged lo arretnmodate 750 more. While the conditions in the hospitals have boon somewhat improved. Sort tick soldiers are still sleeping on the floor. THE PEACE COMMISSION. Justice White Doubtful and Senator Lodge Considered. Washing,«n, Aug. 29. Th«re is still a possibility of change In the per sonnel of th* American membership of the peace commission. Up to this moment it is not definitely and abso lutely known whether Justice White will accept the appointment tendered him. and effort* arc being made hy the president to learn his intenllons In the matter. Mr. McArthur, the assistant secretary of tbe American commission, is now in New York, making arrange ments for the Milling of the rommis sion on the 17th Of September. So, very Utile time Iniervenos in which to] make a change in the body in the event Justice Wliile declines the place, j that It Is suggetued that Senator Lodge ] of Massachusetts be considered to fill l the vacancy. SCHLEY’S ORDERS. They Were issued in Washington Today. Washington, Aug. 29.—An order Is Issued by the navy department today detaching Rear Admiral Schley from the command of the Second squadron, North Atlantic fleet, and ordering li'rn to PoUo Rico as a member of the evacuating commission, during wblcn time lie is authorized to place his flag on the cruiser New Orleans, which will remain in those waters until the coia rr- Iv3lcn is ready to return to the Uni ted, States. THE SOLACE AT BOSTON. The Vessel Arrived Thera With 74 Sick.on Board. Boston, Aug. 29. The , United States hospital ship Solace, having on board Riven ty-fbur sick soldier t and marines, has arrived from Santiago. Washington, Aug. 29. The follow ing troops are ordered mustered out: Ninth Massachusetts, First Illinois, Fifth Illinois, .Fifty-Sixth New York, Fifth Ohio Infantry. First Wisconsin, Third U. S. V. Cavalry (Grigsby’s), Fourth Texas. . BIG REVIEW CENTR E PARK j tilin' A>Mi It ht# It I*4 nil. j The MMM Mess* f'ewm Facte Ifbw. A#. A. ftßwlM M» TM# ll* fA Ml %<m t-AA hm 9 tV |l#4» f«•% IjffrAfAi! Maa imv h«#* 4** |Aah> Mil## WttiNt M### laM) Fit# thisswaa* trwwpe wm Wk. b m • IbMi sm ball a hswm itbap d* «*• [ Mttee ba* ylaaasdl a review as tbe Ibw [ta R e»w trwnpa al I'ualcwl Faeb. Hew MMI I (track• «e pevpaftat ta edvasrc* aa grw Jaas. Owe bw*4r*d waguwe w»*e (M-wl from here yietitdat be brtp b*m . flMF## IM# (MAMAIAiA# B» .watte sd dlaned** fvwn tb* latecvoe 'mafias* Oca Mil** will probably I*. | * prorgHaatbrn b*t»r* be tewvea, Twelve ctvtUaaa are betM tried by ,a military board eserved with huraiwt ibe toww rd Carlo. TUI* tat tb- test [trial as ctvtUaaa stare lb* A mean an Ml'l a HV UOMTNINO. Mr tbtrbsfi Sand***’ Narvww I wsy* f rom llvath. Mr. Cl*T*ina«j Header* fotvserly of Th* Bv**iug IW. bat now itavr.iag fur A naar company la Msisai ewtta. wh* struck by lightatac dartag a a*- vter tbaadcraturm ta a samll less ia Ma**ackua*<i*. a tew day* aga. li* was atoag th* *tte*i wk*n suddenly a sever* stotta ram* up and ruia tell la tarrwata, Mr Bander* stepped ta a doorway for shelter from the rat*- when suddenly there was a Hath of Ughta-ag fr..m a cloud over head wbkb atruch ia the doorway and stunned Mr Bander*. Fortuaaiely he was not seriously tajuted. and aooo re gained #coarl#Bree#a. Hta many fr ends here will learn with plea Hire that h* did BM suffer lo say great el icit from hla expeneac* with light a lag Charleston Posi. Mr. Ban ders was on the late Augusta Morning NVw* and he haa many ft lends la Au gusta. ~WIIAT it means. The German Agitation About th* I’hllippinr Islands. Bprcial to The Herald. 1 din don. Aug 29. ldiuls Beck*, tbe novrllsl. and the e*|iert of Hottth Sea affair*, speaking of G*lmany’s scheme to obtain parliiiou of the Sa moan Islands, taid to The Journal to 4ay: ’The preseat disturbed condition of the group Is the result of persistent German intrigue to drive ihe English and American settler* out of Samoa. Tho proposal may meet with the Eng lish foreign office approval, in which case Germany sec-urea in Apia harbor a naval base which will he a future menace to the Australian colonies. The suggestion that America keep Teriui la. England keep Havait, and Germany t’pola. the key to the group, ia prepos terous. although the whole group from a commercial point of view ia value less. Its absorption by Germany would always be a menace to British inlcresis in tbe South Pacific, Apia harbor with a moderate expenditure would be as Invaluable to Germany as Pagc-pago ia to the United States for a naval base. PI ENTY OF MONEY. No Known Cause W hy There Should Have Been a Hitch. Washington, Aug. 29.—At the war irlopartmeot It was learned that there nr-d have been no clash of authority over supplying delicacies to the sick soldiers at Montauk Point or uny other camp. II was slated ot the office of the sec retary of war that (heue supplies could have linpn ordered and charged to the $90,000,000 national defense fund. Quite alarge nmout of that fund is yet on hand. No one thought until now of using It. Going to Santiago. Mr. F. G. dußignon will take a trip to Santiago and probably other ports of Cuba and Porto Rico this winter to look after (he Southern Express company's business. It is probable that the service of the company will be extended to Porto Rico soon. The company will not contest further (he action of the railroad commission in refusing to allow an increase of rates to cover the war tax. The company has issued a new card announcing the opening of the Southern Express com pany’s agency in Santiago, on Christi na street. The card has a beautifully, embossed United Stales flag in tlie, titJ per left, hand corner and is printed in English on one side and Spanish oil the other. Miss Maggie Kelly and Miss Nell Flynn have returned from Charleston. Miss Sarah Small, of. Charleston, is the guest of Miss Maymie Wilkinson. MVt rn» tit A 77»i Tu*4MV, AIG #». »*v* BIT ■ HD nnnum j"I ll«ff Ik llw ® W FI) 11*# ll# kill j hdrvh l Tlt«k U» (N«<H lb (NM # VbkbibClM N*«. the MMpbes leader* ta Mid Iba ' etprdat la Tb* llusM Maettw Auh. 3, - Admiral Frwey ba* bewb Hi teed by the bevy depart susi at Braabtagtub <• bold himself i<n readMHws A> uttts bum* by lh* ; trfi'.lMl WtlM Ff#Al4#Al IkK f') AA f Mb# |~T| T ||gg j|i| qa##IIOA Iktn Ma* raMl*4 Ia f*4r a«**aa j IM# fMll#A| MAAMMV* #a4 At* ; \ m gtttAf Mi* *!#■•* AA fM# (AMJrtlA | ll# t« M#rf* *ry l#aA« IMa( j«M# lAfAHmr* #f IM# #4l a#l!aA »#• | j#Alf#4 him IA 4#AMItM M#rt, AM#f# iM##*# jl*M< fl a«aM j#t U» 4a ll# r#n«tA«#4 i HfVTVItfT IjDftf IA 4i«RAf rM A MU# 1 - *fc!|» aa4 •fA»or#4 itulAf Ia MaiillM |>r#ff Ha# ##l4 r«Ml*r!» aM#a ##lAt!A9 the gterw end Utr-poe lu MeelUa: "I bog* lb* tag will by there fcrevet" A coafeeea** as tb* Fblllppta* lead ers was b#M at (Melt# la-lay ta dreid* tb* guest|cn of sending delegates to Fart* to meet tbe pear# rommlsatua and glee It* asemhers aU Informal ion coarcralag tb* vievra of tbe native* Alutaatdo. tb* in curs.-a’ leader, strongly favors sorb a plan Delegates will aadr-abtedly be appointed G*a. Merritt wilt sail on lb* trans port China imtr '(’lately to rwtrh a steemer al Kcng Knag H* Is going lo Paris let meet th* ceimmlaslon. SPANISH COMMISSION! RS. It U Pwilblt THil tMy " 111 Be Ap p.luted Tonight Madrid, Aug. 3t. Tb# conservative nxtabifi of the rotten will inert on Saturday nest to arrange a course of action during the coining amnion. It it under* ond they may not support any campaign against the government ["bitt milt maintain the attitude which they assumed during the last ses- Senor Robledo, however, as the lead er of the dissident conwi vatlves, pro- 1 poses to employ every legitimate means to ensure a debate upon all the questions of war and pence. The at-, tit tide of the Carllsts and Republicans is not announced, but they can be de pended upon to violently oppose the admlnistintion. If the French ambassador at Wush-: Ington. M. Cambon. forwards In ilntn Iho list of American peart- commission er*. the cabinet minis.era at a meeting to be belt) here tonight will deal with the Spanish commission. The ministers declare the only In structions sent lo the Cuban and Porto Rican commissions were to obtafn the best and most advantageous terms pos sible for Spain. CAHP THOriAS Conditions There Are Greatly Im proved Now. Chlcamauga, Aug. 29. The work j of moving Iho Fiist army corps from Chlcamauga has been completed, and the army officials are now directing at tention to the Third corps. No regi ments of this latter corps left today, but two, the Third Tennessee and First Mississippi, are expected to leave for Anniston tomorrow. The' others will leave as rapidly as trans portation can be provided for them, j The railroads are now In excellrnt shape to do the hauling. The Sixth Ifi-giment U. S. V. will remain hero some time. The Eighth New York, being mustered out, will probably leave for home tomorrow. The condi tions at tbe hospitals are rapidly Im proving. At least half the sick have been sent away, and arrangements are being made to send hundreds of o.heTß. The surgeons and nurses are now able to give good attention lo all here and a decided change for the better Is notice able. VERY HITTER. New York Volunteers Denounce Camp Thomas New York, Aug. 29. A hospital train arrived in Jersey City today over the Pennsylvania road carrying forty sick soldiers of the Fourteenth New- York Volunteers on furlough from Camp Thomas. Relatives and friends were waiting to receive them. Men who were well enough Ao talk complained bitterly of the treatment they received at Camp Thomas. HTULLAN, OF HICHIGAN. He nay be Assigned to the Court of St. Janies. Special to The Herald. Washington. Aug. 29.—Senator Mc- Millan, of Michigan, may succeed Sen ator Hay. . Fuirm IW4 ii fsei «*« sga fAMNUb • see »'etnas 4AML *«d Gewiih a « b#*A «#m GEN. AGGER ■ 11 ON i ■ THE AROIY. It# Jballi#* lllbdll iM liUbd 111 OAbk ft* tbowld Iktwha a tbarvungh Isms* I tg at tow l Af##AA| t« tM# 11^*4 DFASMIACMiAa Mail li-" § fWIRVf 14 | Vt~Af ,41a##. I# AA At#t* h a fltii Ma «M# jAAfMAL 4»l»a4* iM# *4**-'-*' brfifAllAA us MM 4#AAtvAb»#l Ht piA### fM# MIaAMI f{Fl «V MAttfl**# Af fM# t lAlpi AA IM# #M**t4rt« As l % # AiM#r» IA f MA#A# #4 Alt* #AAI#A. Akf## #AtA tH'#t ##4fM## %% fM# «Art#*A (•«#*! fM# tmAMf vm*m& AAT ’M#«t#A#fAl kin ii IM# held *r*,*ow»’*‘ , e a* t that M t. aa #u'»a«e to Mem* tbrm M* **- ihm i bat hex been »vd* aed e**tT #•> eet.siy ee Iwxary tbat key been ached for j Tb* fceHuy hop** that fYajfreuh will iavcfdgstr all ibr -barges msh*. He artnihl order an tarectlgatloa bim* re|f but tears tbe people we-wtd car tbat It wsataud* by lateseated pervrsm. ||r was ladlcaaat at tb* (bargee mad# stalest bim, cer’ng- "We have sa army of iseimd.dee a tbe Held, seat terrd from Manilla to Urdc Blew and yet tb* press of ib* roustry appear* ta Hi ink tbat fb* seeiwtary dmsM krsts every ramp isf NT every sink for tb* mm |i ta ddVt b»ua It I* Inw tbat every pane* relating to this army vsts «s ov*ry my d**h Ido noi think tbat I am incapacitated for work or that I am oaabhi <« transact a targe portion of th# hp*tn*ae that romes heforw aw for atteulloa" I'ratses O'a l a*. lie praise* !<ge for keeping hit camp -and hi* eorpe healthy and la good eon l dltlon and d-elarea that lee la the beat of all corps commander* produced by the SpeoUto war The aecretary hints thal line officers have been negli gent. He courts Inquiry and says commanders of camps failed to report the real conditions which the war de partment only learned through the newspapers. Her* la what he said about the regular army officers: "Them* ■ amps were all In rharge of regular army oSrvra It was part of their bus iness to look after the health of the ■mm; do report on the condition of their ramp# Mid see that the men had everything they needed. If anything was wanted all had to be don# wus to be asked for. Yet there Is noth ing said about these officers. To see the puble print* one would suppose that the only person to he criticized was the secretary of war." Here are the officers he erltldze* by name: Camp Tampa, Gen. Copptnger; Thomns, Gena. Brooke, Wade and Rrrrklnridge; Camp Alger. Gen. Grnhcm: Comp Wlkoff. Gena. Wheeler and Young. Regarding newspaper nt trrks on him he says If he can possibly do so he will put hla traducers In jail. DIED FROM INJURIES. fir. J. H. Futral, of Heplizlbab, Passed Awav at the Hospital. Mr. J. H. Futral, a young maif-whose | home Is at Hcphrlbub. died at the city ' hospital last night. Mr.' Futral wae a victim of a terrible I accident Satrteduy and was brought to the hospital theft night. While engaged lit working In n gin at Hephslbali. he was caught in some moving belting and hud both legs badly maa.'wd- He wn« brought ot Augusta os A6bh as possible nnd placed In tho lios'fidul, where he was to have had both il-ahs *mputaled. He died heforts th-- operation wah performed. His remains will be sent to Hephzl bah this afternoon. IN P- RT. Steamer Hurchlson Arrives- A Bit Delayed. The steamer Murchison arrived at the wharf this morning with a good cargo of way freight and several pas sengers. Owing to a full river, she was a little behind her regular sched ule, which would have put Iter here yesterday afternoon. She leaves to morrow on her down trip to Savan nah. ■ - } ' NEWS AGENCY CHANGES. Van Noy News Company to Operati on Georgia Trains. Mr. I. C. Van Noyfot'lhe Van Noy News Agency, Is here making arrange ments to establish a news service on Georgia railroad trains after Septem ber Ist, to replace the Parker News Agency that, now operates on this load. NOT ORDERED THERE. However Merritt and Dewey May Go to Paris. Washington, Aug. 29. Gen. Alger says General Merritt has not been or dered to Pains, but that Dewey and Merritt pray both appear before the peace commission at Paris later, if ne- .amm* inhwiiaaiiiaW ~