The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 29, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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MONDAY 2 SEASON » OPENING U& 1* NO WAR PRICES Lad***’ B*lvar CHatta*#!" Watches • • • • *5*99 •• " Hair Brush • • . • • ‘-“V m m •• Comb . • . • • *5“ ** ** larva Link Bracelet • • • *' J Balance of Girdles • I OO each. I leave in a few days to buy new fall lino, lean save you 25 to 50 per cent on ail purchases. Largest stock of Diamonds In Augusta LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jeweler- Under the Arlington Hotel- JUST AS EASY wiruii TO PURCHASE A PIANOK OK OKQAN BY MAIL »• |t U to buy a bolt of cloth tb»l way. Our IV, nt, bowsvsr, is absolutely u<ku» mry, utiurly: Order in? From a House You Know To Be Reliable. By buy Inc from u* you srs guaranteed by JO yesrs of rqpuinol* bum dm* <l»ulinii wblrb wa srr not vet ready to (aerifies. Don't be MtieluMl with lbs ordinary thump-box, but order where Iba Qualities are Unquestionably the Best, the Terms the Most Liberal and The Assortment The Largest Tbua securing the blghast value for Tour tnvrstmem and tba greatest pleasuro in your home. Mail order* raoaiva onr por jcual attention. Handsomely llluatraled catalog ur* ftee. Thomas & Barton, W. H. BARRETT, Receiver, no Broadway, Augusta, Ga. Blind Tigers In Georgia. Covington Star: The ttger must surely go. Greensboro Herald Journal: The saddest feature of the "blind tiger" business is that our town authorities are powerless to punish them, should LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J.HUMLKEB THE HATTER. lEZITOZX: HATS they be detected. The criminals who violate the law can do so even on Sun day, in defiance of the city officers. Wayeross: Deputy Marshal John P. Cason arrested two negro moonshiners Thursday at Uplonville. !u Charlton county. The still and some whiskey were captured. The prisoners, Henry Williams and William Garrett, were given a hearing before United States Commissioner L. G. Spottswood in this place, and Committed to jail at Savan nah. The evidence against the prison ers appears to be strong. OF SILVER BLOCK SHOE STORE. UNDER MANAGEMENT OF ISADORE 81LVER, BILVER BLOCK Everyone is interested in pureha*4ne th* ttaet at the Lowest- baturtisv writ wdne«e * dtso'ey of the m<wi **' end choice •toes of custom made S»>ae« ever offered In Au«u»i * I very pair specialty made for us E aperton** Alt purchases for rash, saving large discount a no **n» »'* nav or other downdown enewmous espenses to bew has enabled the biLVi ft BLOCK BHOi liOnE to offer a line of Custom Mntto hi«»«» of !>'• t-«i*»t Styles, warranted to wear, at prices m»ver before offered to the public of Au gusta Interest never sleep#. It WPffcf* increeies cost, makes the necesserw* of Mfe deer, when the body ts tired and tne bra nis eraary. Thts *• heva re coanirad. and by purchasme for sped cash wa can meka ihe pc<es towac. jL hgviag our Bhoaa mad# for us by tha beat shoemaksrs in the country, we can sail you Snoas under guarantee. *- nrnm ..j mock before pur- To make you our customer ere have spared no esoenee. Come end inspect our chasing. Wa charge rndhing for this. If our statements are not truayou have wsrst o #•* “ u(ui have gemed fifty per cent In yotlf ptlfchiist' _ ~ , . _ ~mui furtKar w» (Lsraniss * vary articia purchase*! from us. Money refunded >n every Instance r* examination tha good# ere not found satisfactory to the cu*tom*>i> Our on y deefre a to please our p '—GIVEN AWAY FREE — On Frxfav 20th. Saturday. 27th, and balance of next week, we will give aid ay to every rovff>msr the mo*t chops' and costly Imported Carlsbad Souvenir# of the most exquisite designs ever given by y hOU *MATS--We*ere Agent* for the celebrated Howard Hat*, the best made Kata In America TfiE PliflflS —OF— DOB CARIiOS. lie Is Dfiermiwd (o Try t« Sell* the Throw. What Ha Would Do If Me War* In Power In bpain. Bpocial to The Hetold. .... London. Aug ». Lord Asbburo bant, lb* r«preovntattv* of Don Car lon in England aatd today. th* : whll* the pi «endvr had daiermtoed to **- eura th# throne of Spain, that a would probably not be much of a ciatl war. "My own Idea I*, there will be no real war. but perhaps a little* fighting here and there The Spanish soldier is quite ready to light hla own coun trymen, but he roust be!levs that he la fighting for Spain at the present mo ment. I think It would be difficult to persuade him of this if he was called upon t« march against the Carlis a. Don Carina Is the rightful belr to the throne, and iielleves hlmaelf catled by the wishes. If not of the actual majori ty. at any raia by all of the bast and moil honorable portion of the Spanish people.'' Asked what kind of government the Pretender planned In the event of sne ers*. Lord Ashburnhara replied: "In stead of the cortea being the sovereign parliament, ft would only have abso lute powers as regards money, The king would depend entirely upon the cortea for that supply. He could not change the fundamental laws of (he kingdom without ihelr eonsenl, but the execution of the laws would be In the hands of the king, who would govern aa well n* reign." A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like It. but the** Is really no trick about It. Anybody can try It who has Lame Hack and Weak Kidney*. Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he oan cure himself right an ay by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine times up the whole system, acts as n stimulant to Liver and Kid neys, is a blood purifier and nerve ton ic, It curea Constipation. Headache, Planting Spells, Sleeplessness and Mel ancholy. It ts purely vegetable, a mild laxative and restores the system to Its natural Vigor. Tiy Electric Ritters and be convinced that they nre a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed, Only 50e a botfle at Howard & Wlllet's drug store. The Great Grab Game. A man may slave, And a man may save, His fortunes to advance, Bus he never get Very rich you bet. If he never takes a chance. Do you eat? Try the Ellis Restaurant. * Suspend Judgment. Since General Joe Wheeler has spok en a good word for the Cubans, we can at least afford to suspend Judg ment. — Bt. Louis Republic. Mr. Henry C .Tennent, of Lombard Supply Company, left yesterday for Norfolk, V*. TBBJ ggRAXD THE CAROLINA ELECTION BAY. ; \ Lest H oft fg Tkaeas F. Brail* ty re* *MMM TSM H* »>».!< a* BbsSsS jkp#<-*al l« TV* H»ra!4 I Columbia. *. C-. A** ». |i* rlntlol 4ay is Mil Cmol'M T*» murro* yax (Imm *A : * J**— *ljl ha«r la **fv* |M Is tag *n eM' WltlMl pan at M • Aw* ( e. e a oats tik* to H> ah • «ocd to Ik* gwud people g (h« SsssstS nacnaUU ditto* t lx tbt isitr«M of Tbowx* r. Urxxilcy. Tbr krai qustlox which would xat- I tiratiy (> 4UM.IC to fu.f I*. ' Why should RnsUti k* ml to cox «r««a?" He sh*xld b* xext to Cox «r*a# br-la, h* t* thoroughly «*mp* [lent to look iTim tfcr txuraih at hi* lioxsUtutralt. Borax,* ix the B*»rxth . d'.trirt th*r* I* xo max belter poatsAxa I national laa**s than Beast ley. Her sue* lof the gallant fight hr made for Wil liam Jennings Itrjan lx-SS Hecaua* of hi* admirable pi. (form Because of hia moral worth aad rouaervstivs vices. Hia Platform. A* regard* Mr Ilrsntiey’s platform. Hr la xot a pt , tect inn Ist by any mean*, but hr believe* with thr Chiragi plat form that tariff dull*, should hear equally upon every Mellon of tbr union nod aa nrar equally ta poaalbir upon alt clanae. and eoodlGona of men. He believer that we of thr South are n» much entitled to a tariff or a bounty on our raw rotten aa the manufacturers who weave It Into cloth. Hr believer that thr mail who dig* Iron la aa much entitled to a tariff on that raw Iron a. tbr man who rrflnra It Into ateel. Hr flora not believe In free raw material for the South and a protected manu factured article for the North. Thl* la thr rlas* legislation which ha* enrich ed the North and Impoverish*<l the South. Everybody known Mr. Brantley's view* on the financial question. You know what a fight he made In West Virginia for the free coinage of silver and gold at the ration of Id to 1. You also know that In making that fight he sacrificed a lucrative government position. Had he not made that fight he would now have this same position, but he could not sacrifice his honest convictions, even though by so doing he would gain financially, A man who sacrifices money, position. Influence lh order to stand by his party deserve your support. Voters of the Seventh, are you not due Brantley something:? Does he not deserve your votes? Go to Ihe polls tomorrow and show him that you appreciate what he has done for the Democratic party. Circular Letters. I am informed that b few days since, Dr. Stokes. Mr. Brantley’s opponent, sent out circular letters all over the district urging his friends to stand by him, stating that he was interested In the anti-gambling bill, and that Mr. Brantley was opposed to It. When Dr. Stokes wrote and sent out this letter he told what was deliberately untrue, and he knew It when he wrote it, for he knows that on every stnmp Mr. Brantley declared he was as much op posed to gambling In futures, in cot ton, in wheat, sugar, rallorad stocks, etc., as Dr. Stokes Is. The principal thing Mr. Brantley Is opposed to Is having Dr. Stokes going around de ceiving the people of the Seventh dis trict by saying that if such a bill could be passed It would stop gambling. Last year when Senator was mak ing the race for the Senate and advo cating a tariff on cotton so as to pro# teot the cotton of the South, and Mr Brantley was supporting him as they held views In common upon this ques tion, Dr. Stokes opposed this Idea, fighting bitterly against it and holding that the tariff would not benefit ns ,for the price of cotton was fixed In LiVcr 11# CVfijg*#*# to tolfe* * fto t #%4 tr ’t lfrcm IBB* fto t-•* ■ treef'leKß lis i* , | \ m # v |k jm v & e'SksaL. I q-WM-wl (V Jf || a; qywf Ifrjß Jge s*■ |ns # : f } I korll bb4 Ito prt## I* ttof» ftm#4 By Jlto ffMcvtooriL «to to bb to bb ' Comte of tto |mt foe Mr tot of tto *orf4 to Dr ' tfcf B§> tonwt, too *• tto totM t'f jlto Htot»* pt* p tto pmiMifei ib 1 f ’ tfs'rt '-iot tiefp til# ik onee# l 9rr in4* tto too York mtum #«• Itotofp to Pi Bitty * tomk*r «4to# olKtrti ftp ntirot'tff to tto |W« BtfHt to to forty inti fiati’&( ■ }f**p || til# t'Bll f f toot##. (kH fhpl ' . j fttyt affiift ft>' BrPßt fp*toV Btf* |kt t OVi'f in I*#T#rp«lUi, Pefff IB# pel## L| eotura I# fttto. Tto osljr opt tto! itobiiog ##a to rr|p#r»tioa olfh Bit tto fOßßirrlal bp* t|o«p of tto oar 14. Dr fttokrp tot p4* j mtttf 4 ob tto Btßmp ttot It* tliip Mr, I Ytr#Btl#? op# rlplif Tto#* nr» tto ptatß jftoti b«4 till* if Mr Ur*rft#jr'B po#t |rot#4 to Dr Stoll##* rtrrulßr l#a#r p#bi (Hit ores fhu dlptr rt | It It # Mt!#r of cr##( wrprio ttot jDr. fioker phot! 4 (hop try to 4###)%# fto pro pie p«4 pal Mr BrAfKtlrp In • Ifßlr# tight go# 1 ! oork #• thlp ran 4o no nor# this hurt Dr. Stok## hinip#lf. Thl* Ip for You 1 Tv# tr#Pt#4 buniirruf of the b#p| pro I in# p##lpp Haiti for 90 yearn #r*>w lus ! urlant n#w aultp of totr. Don# h#r# in I yuur city, too. Do not rut your hair or »#t 4Hi#pp# ruin It, for It con to furrd Come to *#«• m# MHH. SMITH, &S& Broad street. TODAY'S rtARKEIA CHICAGO PHOVIHtONS. WHEAT— f>|*en. If M. Beptvmt>er *<*» *2*4 December *214 «'4 May *4Vii W»4 CORN— September 30 XB4 December .. .. .. •• •• 30 30VL May 3JH 3!S OATS— September •• I*H 3®'4 May *314 BOH K— -B*'pteml>er •• *■** December .. ~ *■** LAUD— - September .. •• •• •• •« *-I® December •• *•** RIBS— October .. .. .. .. .. .. •• S-2* NEW YORK COTTON. 13 O’clock. January .. 5.67 5.65 April >• 6.50 May •• 5.81 October •• 5.67 Noveml>er >• 5.60 December .. 5.63 6.62 Tone —Steady. Middling 664. LIVERPOOL COTTON. January nnd February 3.09 3.09 10 February and March .. 3.10 3.10 March and April 3.10 3.10 11 April and May 3.11 3.11 May and June 3.12 3.12 July and Aug 3 14 3.14 IS Aug. and Sept 3.13 14 3.13 14 Sept, nnd Oct 3.11 3.11 12 Oct. an.l Nov 3.09 10 Nov. and Dec 3.09 3.09 Dec. and Jan 3.09 03 3.09 AUGUSTA COTTON. 12 O’Clod:. Middling In Augusta today 564 Sales In Augusta today 52 Receipts In Augusta today 404 Receipts to date in Augusta .. 377731 Stock on hand In Augusta 3403 PORT RECEIPTS. 1855 1897 1898 Galveston 90S 3367 792 We Orleans .. .. 7X71 7086 927 Mobile 99. 143 Savannah .. .. .. 220 806 1043 Charleston ?l Norfolk 6 1 31 Philadelphia .. .. *3 Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks 75 cents. Lewis J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. ( 4TI 11 m w r Y m ANOTHER DEATH ON TNE RAIL. * liilu Bliiari Wnfl Bj • Tills ts 4 kii*4. \4 Hat la (MS (Ml X* IX* CxrMtoX LI »K,I Sxxrtxi 1* Th, Qt**b*X », C . A«S IS- AxotkOT ' x’aitty oorxmS «# 4k* rxil h»r» jrso |,, nta, ||* rg(M this tW hatXf At- Uh« r BitasarS. a whit* naryoator. who** h'.fX, (M Ml OxilqtoX BtWt. MV th* 1 totr fftiptfi. Mr yniurf #i« «nrk to fto to* 11i [iii pbttirr Ifßiß mhu-% n»m#p IB* I * o, *» - M*|y [h [to» lIitTIKKIP ; f,.t£ Aihcritf#- bb4 hi pb toir 9f po In rttii* hi fpind hi* ißit vtttoit havtxx ' gamed ...fcsrMHMX-a. Th* • hor - «»r»v Ut lh* day th* S*c«m*S 1 . ,d t» *n aloog wi*h a x«ra 1 twr of otk*v baxd* rapxirtxg «h* exxx) Hr ramr to work xt th* oaaxl hour. | out shortly afterward* ,t br.|( no*bed that be aaa great). xad*r I b* iafltt exc* at itqw r. he waa told te laav* ax i til b* racovc*ed a* men tx kta roxSt j u ix wrr* xot w*x;*d tx aach work, (or faxr they would be drowaeS. H* 'herrupox w*xt off to tie dowx la the I > bade, and X>> more waa **ex of h m | pxtM b* p ktvi up lx a dying coo dtuon by the tr«lnix*x. At the time Mr. Bittaard received his death blow ha wa* ox the ead of a eroaxMe with his fart burled in hie hand*, prtsumshiy asleep Th* danger sig ns! was repeatedly sounded, but this made no iminraaton. Th* engine swept by nnd cleared hVu. but Just Umn the man seemed to be aroused by the sols* of the train, and raising his head was struck by one of th* steps, and hurled with terrific force upon the track. When h* was picked up his bead was crushed and several of hia ribs were broken. The body was brough* to the city and laid on the platform under the union shed. A crowd of 200 or more gathered there to view the ghastly spectacle. Life wa* about extinct when Dr. Knnwlton. who was summoned to at tend the wounded man. arrived. Cor oner Green quickly empaneled a jury and held an lnque*t. with the result the jury found that death came to his death by being knocked from tbe track by the train mentioned above. No blame Is attached to the road for the sad accident, as it was shown that tbe trainmen exercised every precaution possible under the circumstances to avert the collision. Tc dead roan was about fifty years old. He leaves a orlfc nnd family who have the sympa thy of all In their bereavement. Mr. Blizzard, though a heavy drinker, waa not a turbulent man. but was of a quiet and peaceable nature. He Is said to have been a sergeant of police in Columbia many years ago. He was an efficient workman. Troops Passing Through. A hospital train consisting of seven teen coaches passed through Columbia yesterday morning en route to For tress Monroe from Tampa. There were abou fifty sick soldiers on board, seme had typhoid fever, others mala ria and camp fever. There had been no deaths slmkt leaving Tampa Satur day. he train got in here at 10:30 and left at 11:30. It stopped for ice, milk and .water. These things were furnished by the good ladies of the Wayside hospital relief corps. Before purchasing a pistol or gun, call on me. I can save you money. Lew is J. Schaul. Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1890. Why He Won’t Get It. Young James Garfield is a candidate for governor of Ohio on the republican ticket. Mayor McKissoß, however. Is not supporting him. —Minneapolis Tri bune. „ ... w CUT THIS OUT Writs yowr Aitv#f!)«imeM on |h»* l>Uhlt, §n#Oli Sffhos,tnf fte,sswwaiYy Id (Mk|f f Of All tbAfty irMMXT* IMBWM aa *'<Hi whd(, atMi edhef ftMSli (ff Mhd n Id THC HtftALO. ADYHIfTISKMENT coupon. TO tHI* AUM Xt A RtkAlO PHnsA# tnaari ll>* •ovsrtifsn**nt wrttisn bffttiw Kins* inyoof "WAMT" tolumnt, for which >eu will find snciowti $ * * csnii SIGN HKRE rawwaiw-** wewkxA ww***nS Ihws. 1.,,.. Mela, l.«t*'L liwwf* S»'|i— h**t *««eas. he* Set* u* Kate# «eTjqsee«. ff»« < *t-4 t«T P(Vtl* Xe sgr »«...* i mm t|MMk I# <#B4# ONE CENT A WORD. SITUATION WANTED [ * 1 WAXTItoA •V AS CUACff* MAM 4*4 hstkr #*M «f ****** WAxmn p*MiTi<>i« *y lapy »* slew -«».*>**. s*Ht hwshh***- mt ahd affh i w»rh K*#r«a4 wwsh *•' satiOUy fcairsN A44f*XX J. «*** Awg * A tM'MNBMI MAN “T KXPEIII KKCII bbS bbibbsi## I»b#lb#b* ,* n m avam Nr a* *x»xg* »*x( Ha. S limited (w«M«l *a *X***< •KNWW \,4 rusts*** A44»w** R # ®> **** I Herald, Au* l> | V A* (M.KRK OR I i | Hs-»f»ai rt arfftm # A liiftx* j HR. ear* H*r*!4. I MTI’ATIOM WANTED a* Hot’fß nißL took, ar b*dh. or washing - L wA <»*ar w*4l water Add raw, 4 W., hats Nlath ****** Avttv*'* “• [Aug M I WA.VTVI>—WORK HE ANT KIND Tn I d . t,y an h mrr* bard • Amg color ed max N* » Telfair *«r**t. Aug M HELP WANTED WANTED— B<»Y TO ATTEND TO horaea Apply M» Telfair atra*t. Kept I WANTED—AN OFFK-E ROY: HUNT writ* good hand, and b* well recom mended Apply US Jacks*,a street. Aug 2* F° R SALE CREAH —CREAM AT 24 JACKSON ffT. FOR BALE—ONE FIRST CLASS motor. Good a* new- 500 voltage. Speed 2509. Type W. M No. U. Ad dress Motor, car* Herald. Kept I *l2 M’INTOBH STREET h)H BALE —51,500. Rents for 115 0o per month. Apply at once. Clarence E. Clark, *2l Broad. S'P* 1 FOR BALE—TWO MI'LEB. TWO horses and one lsdy’s esnopy top huggy and harness. Apply to F. L. Fuller A Co. Aug 3i WANTED TO SELL S-ROOM house and lot In I>»esvllle. S. C. De sirably located on Main street. Address W. A. Jolley, Leesvllle. 8. C. Aug 30 FOR SALE-STOCK OF MILLINERY and notions for sale cheap In good condition and good stand, and good reason for selling. Apply «t once Box 100, Beaufort, 8. C. Aug 30 FOR SALE - LADY’S PHAETON. very light, original price $l5O. now S6O. Call early. 549 Broad street. Sent 1 TO RENT FOR RENT— THAT LARGE AND DE SIRABLE store No. 744 Broad street. Under Masonic hell. Apply to W. C. Jones, 705 Broad street. Sept 1 FOR RENT—7-ROOM DWELLING HOUSE 1257 Greeme, with modern improvements. Rent reasonable. Apply 1256 Ellis. Septl TO RENT-RESIDENCE 1224 AND 1231 Ellis, with all modern conveniences. Apply 1026 Broad street. Sept 1 FOR RENT—ONE OR TWO LARGE cool rooms furnished. Most central lo cation in the city. J. E. Deas, 918 1-2 Broad street. FOR RENT—SEVERAL NICE COM FORTABLE dwellings, with aU the modern Improvements on Greene and Telfair street. Apply J. H. Prontaut. 626 Broad street. Sept 9. FOR RENT—STORE AND FIXTURES corner Calhoun and Cumming streets. Good stand. Apply on premises. Sept 1 FOR RENT—7-ROOM DWELLTNG house, 1257 Greene street. With mod ern improvements. Rent $25 per month. Apply 1256 Ellis. Sept 9 Mon wed Sat AUGUST 79 ■WOWSWnoMBaWKWaBASHaIWHMMOuWMMMMa j*t»H BAUK Oft HKHT—A FrUXtPff* [ fcl.t h"BNN» At | * i-bm ; •’*» tat «un n#** f«*t Mi# Af»f»*y t» Nt* Wo | A TtWkt#r- fi* fc*. HI «*tt tSPMtg TG KICNTH<>I*J' Jf«> lit VIXTM «N»I Appif to S9O. It 1 Am# Sft to MNT-THC CUOANt THMKK* •ItMt »tar» fa IlHt 4 A&tlfiMM a« noßißt ItnMnh fr**» ltr»a»4 to f£u to Now ocuptal t»f t f tfl j Car *«• mvt 1 TO HK.VT~<^>K MEH fttUtAD AND ! rml#f KitrAftr* <m Orator No 111. j> ran mm, «M| Ini tft »t 4 »ri»#r,i#if>«, * Alio on fiilit N«. !H. I r *»m*. wlUi ham Appir to Jao. D. Itahn. M i Hr «4 9tr*#l . ftrpt I (TO HKNT-D«SMIftABTaK BOON* ON | (Inwif atrrrt Moma or in • amt*. At*f*ly US Jtdu>»n urttt. AS? LOST AND FOUND irriiATRD-rrG pit*, blemish i.m i owe eye LI he-si reward for his re | turn to Commercial hotel barber shop. | Aug » FOUND—A LARGE POINTER DOG I with liver spots. Owner c*B get ••ms 1 by apnifjng Herald office and paying .. xpensea. Aug M ! I.OgT OR STRAYED LAST YfEDNKS- I PAY—Dun colored cow. with horns, white spot Is face. Finder will be re warded by returning to Mrs. W. J. i Cooney. 1420 llrosd street. Kept 1 MISCELLANEOUS 1 HOARDERS WANTED AT T» TEL j PAIR street. Will furnish rooms and jmeala on reasonable terms. Beptl [SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only 16.•> per month st Osborne's I Buxines, college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand for atenographera. June 17 ts WANTED-MOTHER AND SON want two unfurnished rooms, will* hoard: private family preferred. Ad dress M. & 8., rare Herald. A 29 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS—DON'T prepare for any civil service exami nation without seeing our Illustrated catalogue of Information.. Sent free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington. D. C. AugTf Special Notices; Notice—Bids for Fuel. THE BOARD OF EDT’CATION So licits bids for furnishing the Public Schools of the City of Augusta with the fallowing fuel: 50 or more tons hard coal. 60 or more tons soft coal. (Kind to ho specified.) 30 or more cord* fat Ilghtwood (sawed and spilt stove length.) The above to 1* delivered in 1-2 ton or 1-2 cord lots as needed during the coming winter. Bids open Sept. Ist. LAWTON B. EVANS, Secretary. 415 Mclntosh street. Coupon Notice. THE COUPONS OF THE AUGUSTA Telephone and Electric Company, maturing September Ist, 1898, will be paid on presentation at the National Bank of Augusta on and after Sep tember Ist. , JAMES P. VERDERY, President. Webbs Lodge, No. 166, F. & A. M. Augusta. Ga.. Any. 27. I®B. A CALLED COMMUNICATION JL C f Webbs X,odge, No. IW, vin be Hall, on MONDAY NIGHT, »th inst, «t 8.30 o’clock. The F. C. Degree will bo conferred. Members will take doe notice. Visiting brethren cordially welcomed. By order E. S. JIcCREARk, W. M, C'tias. E. CoffiD, bee,