The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 29, 1898, Image 5

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MONOAV ijLtJWi nmif ~, finTi —t (n*W H rn<e*f%**. Georgia Railroad Bank AUOtncTA, GftOHOtA CoMMI Hrii Irt niHMi * "M»l M $». A* DiiliHH ». ti—r-ri fhn» • *«■%_ #—* * ,*f*y Jsn». ftrtTtltli. #*g» ft. fc** l ** ll * r »**r* . ■mF *—'*.■ *y**L % M» Ampi u * -4»tinA 4**#®®ft • *«"** CANDLER AND THE POIICT OF PARTI ||| I*#** Thw Ui ltt« ib* i ifiyn *gg fsgkgfi« •# iM*g* %# • V •»**■•* ItalrtM. II I* MM> $ i#* I § w### ** • ' ™ '*** ** *o# Atj»ot# COOOUOiN®O 0# : Mhr Ml Ml To# H* l3 * T#*#oi#o® aim drt W gat* H rrtdit for The Dt«4l) Psrallcl. '—# ». |mg |||o ell of troth* r .,. miration TTtirm t&OMttil a [J 1 ('nniilinttm vtateMii i roll!;nn morUU muk fttt A cr&rnl u*T Bgrtic-i «f denial nod nt lk» • » tSm* try*! Alto mudd" thr wmtrr la ot<kw to dr itt it* r*nd#r» Ut the rmdet tee' I try* oaar lh*» deadly paniTiv!: guita Cotwtlttttlon of ffcn (davaan&h) N>w» will there- 1 M. under*: and that The C'nstH ti n's report *m correct. an I Th* iiifrapli't lacormrt So much for 1». • • • The should kneev i# (Vm*t itutlon wail tnoufh to know at It aawnr ml»r*preient# (!) a pttli t speaker and tbai the nrrttrsey of a report* can always be relied up- j a. (!!) “If Thn Constitution finds It* bond n tbit rlae. The Telegraph la not le pcmsibl* for It. Laid Stress On It. “At The Telegraph explained yeslsr- Jay, It has laid stress on this matter or two icnsoos: Kira:, because Other usaapapers represented at the Mil edgeville meeting attempted to hid?) 301. Candler's position fiom the puli- j 1c- an unfair, not to say vicious Why j of treating the public. Second, he- j •auae it was the statement of a vital Truth vital because the contrary position would vln’ially have driven fifty or alxty thousand democrats from Ihe party in Georgia. "It was our purpose also, seeing that The Constitailon suppressed the mos: important declaration made by 01. Candler, to force It to one alternative or the other to force It to confost the truth of our report or to deny It. "We have succeeded. The Constitution makes a spc.ific, denial. We present Col. Allen D. Candler as our witness. Let the people of Georgia choose be tween them. “The Constitution is lame enough to cite the ‘advance copy,’ which it says jOoL CTsndler furnished it. as proof shal we tvere ‘lncorrect.’ It may be true “that the declaration we quoted was not If You Have Any Suspicion . . . about yonr watch your peace of mind ia gone. Every time you look at it it will worry yon juat like an un reliable eropioTo- More’s a TKtJS? Y watch—one which won’t deceive you. Hen’s SSO New Ain model, Ofen face or hunting—solid 14 karat Gold Cases. The be-t ever put Into a pocket. We have them Cheaper. We have them more Expensive. Wm. Schweigert&Co. JEWELERS. th* Alfft mould gsrs’vs and mislead tbs public by wttbb* Id's* and aamling tbs new. guilty of tbs chat a* Its baifs la not that b* Is getting tired of being so Gainesville Eagle, We can dispel ait doubt on ibta the above editorial of The News and after i« It be as id. »lib bis usual emphasis, and dlrertnrs* that Tbe M»- roo Telegraph’* report was corree*. Sa d he' "I have declared In eveny speech I bate made In the state during the present year that free coinage of •liver Is not a cardinal doctrine of the democratic party.'* W'r think this set ties It. SUNDAY CJAMKS. National League Results In Five Cities \ calertlay. Sunday games on the national league diamond# resulted as follows: At Cincinnati—Kit at Game— n. h. b Cincinnati .... 61042000 *—• l* i Pittsburg 01 000003 o—4 7 4 Batteries —Breltenstln and Pell* ; Hines and Schrlver. S.cond Game— Cincinnati 1020 03 n o—a * 1 Pittsburg 1001 00 1 3-g 3 2 Batteries—Dwyer and Piets; Hast ings and Schrlver. At St. Louis— .fit. U ills .... 0 0 (SO 020 00— 2 7 5 Baltimore .... 1102 50 1 0 3—13 13 0 Battue*--Gannon and Kinslow; Kit- Son end Clarke. Second Game — St. Louis 00000200 o—2 f 2 Baltimore 10050000 o—o 15 2 Batteries —Carrey and Kinslow; Kit son and Clarke. At Chicago— Chicago 1012 02 3 3*—l2 11 3 New York ...0024 0 100 0— 7 11 7 Batteries—Callahan and Donohue; Doheny and Grady. At Louisville— Louisville 01101020 *—s 12 2 Washington ..00000012 o—30 —3 8 3 Batteries— Dowling and Kltridge: Weyhing and Farrell. At Rochester, N. Y.— Brooklyn 02020021 o—7 10 2 Cleveland 0100 10 0 0 3—5 » 5 Battr ri r *s —Dunn and Grim; Powell and Criger. Saturday's games: Pittsburg 0; Boston 1. Chicago 10: New York 3. L* rhrvftl'' 4: Washington 3. cinrdteantl 3; Philadelphia 2. St. LOuf* 2: Baltimore 6. Cleveland 6; Brooklyn 2. Remember the train leaves for Atlanta at 7:00 A. M. Sept. sth—Two days in Atlanta—all daylight, at 51.95, by Tuggle & Hol tingsworth. The muddy water in Augusta is dep recated on all sides. There is not the kicking that would come were it not for the knowledge that when the new waterworks were up such a thing as muddy water will be of the past. MU TABLE GOSSIP > I f%m *<nnh» Ih** «*» MM MM*****I*> 1 *> _ .... ®p»A It# | t Bon om !Uyt>oi4n «n<t mi)*- ! ». _it At the Inti*? in th# 1 — ——» . ik- lag| is Aift In An AT* I a man *e * \ «*•* '*•* •* with a woman, but H a Ixsaim* . it to him. I Th#rr hm# Ma much Ald#wAlk Im provement In Auauhla. Thert 1a room Kin# tiro## out of ten the mtn who i#»t in tui th# ground floor of A | Don’t put faith'll th. rc|v>rt» ym. !hcr Th, worst of th,m arc generally I the moat devoid of truth. I There are few Augusta people away ;at tbe summer reaurt*. All hand* afe ! getting ready for fall bualneaa. The discussion In Atlanta on city ow nership of public ulilliles I* attracting L K ,„,d deal of attention In Augusta. The business on the railroads Is pick ing up. and this Is a sure sign that Che ' season of commeiTlal activity la ut I hand. ! The widower who mourns the loss of j hi# flrst wlfa sometimes ha# the period |of hi# mourning eatended by taking a second. The newsboys are anxiously awaiting for definite news of "Shine." A report that he had sent a message home seems to be Ineorrect. MeKlnley will have to answer well for the deaths In the t'nlted States camps before he can get the vote of one Southern city. There Is a laelt of interest In Augus ta of late In baseball. The standing of the big league rluhs now does not seem to concern many people. Mr. Bohan says he has already plan ned his New South End hot"! and that It will be as near perfection as possi ble in puint of convenience. The school children are now getting In readine.a for the next term. Teach ers who have been o|T on their vaca tions are returning to the city. There Is enough talk about a new depot to Insure one. There Is oblig'd to be a new strueturr soon. The one now in use cannot last much longer. No opposition to any of the county offleera has developed. There was talk of some during and Just after the may oralty campaign, but It does not seem to have amounted to much. The question Is. If the tenth regiment is mustered out, will it be mustered out at this point? It is presumed that the different eompanics will be trans ported to the cities at which they gath ered. There are negroes who want to know in which ward the highest price fi r votes Is going to be paid this fall. They are getting ready to become citizens of the ward in which they expect to see lively competition. Should the Georgia railroad commis sioners ever visit Augusta, it would be well for some interests that they i e taken from the train on the suburbs and vehicled into the city—and carried out in the same way. TJ9IS3 ATJGUBTA IIISHALD. \i!»r.r» itv men rtvkiiam. H*k V. A #•«**>» kmill n#ia*«k. I ; *«««* fMi I"** M. *# '*OA *«#•** l**o t'ii , OM* IP* f* t #lßAP APW **• | « |«>a4 Mna | "•#*«»<# if n | ; |. M omp MMfeft t 444 MM tPMkiftjMMMr Ml! ** MM* MliMl #4 MKf MMMM OM*V | fMHp tM* bvnmi'i >M» »<•■«». m* m ; I MMMMm «OMPiRM4MPMM v AM MliilM I I tPAP. mH I i ***** 4#! ! INP W*o% AM p* **4 InNpAapAi# *#t##A f | i #»••» Imm mm (M • a# j I I <4« I* flMlllMM* * CmM# • Ihv MtFf I l#ll AM |»(M# UMM I > #» rtl ItptMl #**# IwiMPfliAPNi-. **4 ' i r-OMT‘~T“* M IMM**'YY I*4JT I o*l Iff' W. W. GORDON IN WASHINGTON. |T* Porto Kiran fa«»li»l«prr Gvl tlB« Ktatfy ta Sail. Tbe Colonel Mad Become FWk At* ta. bed tv Hie Hr l gad# Washington Attg ta.--Cal. W. W Gordon, of Georgia, of the Furto Kb * - j. Ifiit V| lO'l hf sl It# work Iftppf* in ntJuicUo# wttli IMM ®®®MMOO*€MB4'IA Bf M#MI. ll* It t* ir#i*nm#4 dMH II will ifc*® I c ountry Is a day# sow. I c;#o. Gordcs arrU.d In B«vibd»)i HAturd«> sofilif And during Ibt *iy | rtcrlYtd III# ronnni'sAsGos* of siny ! friend#. bt»«rn#M matt#r» I wi f# awalllns tils roo#ldrn(kif). but tb« lnlerrupUon# w#r# frequi*nt (broughuut the day. lie receive.) com* i plimenta not only on tbe honors that have be n vialtcd upon him. but upon |h>* excellmt physical rotuMUon. Borne * what browned by the exposure to the I sun. be t* lohlng vigorous and full of vim. It la evident that the cot-of tVir life Incident to the dullea of a aol- I dler have well agreed with him. Kxactly what hit duties as a com missioner are to be he could not say. At Washington he will doubtless re. iftdve full Information. All that baa rome to him has been the notification rs hi* appointment and order* to report at th*'capltal tomorrow. He doea not apprehend that the dutiea will keep him tong In the Island, probably not over a fornight. Aa soon as they are finished be hope* to return to his com mand. He ha* not been advised that the brigade will be held with a regular commander until his return, but Is hopeful aa the Interval will tie so brief that there will be no change in hi* con nection with It. the senior colonel be ing permitted tp act during his absence. *‘l have become much attached to the men of the brlgaile,” said Gen, (Jordon. “It 1* a command anyone might feel proud of. The men ore all Southern ers, from Alabama, Louisans, anti Texas, fine specimens physically, and possessing the dash that 1* so Import ant a factor iti the good soldier. They are all regretting that the war ceased before they had opportunity to try their hand at actual ci mbat with the enemy. If the chance had been given them I have no fear but that they would have distinguished themselves and made the brigade a nama to be proud of. It is In them and all that was needed was the opportunity.” Lieut. W. W. Gordon, jr., aide, ac companies his father, and goes cm to Wash ngton and theme to F’orto Itico with him. Mrs. Gordon went to Wash ington n day or two ago, and will also accompany him to the Island. Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Flavor Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain*, Corns, and all Bkin Eruptions and positively cures Pile*, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. Miss Christine Fairfax, an American girl whose voice has been greatly ad mired in England, has received much attention from the Duehess of Man ill ster. A luncheon was given to Miss Fairfax by the duchess Just before the prince of Wales suffered the accident to his knee. He wqs to have been present. On that occasion Lady Randolph Chur chill played tht- accompaniment for Miss Fairfax's songs. The last chance of the season to visit Atlanta at a low rate will be offered by Tuggle & Hollingsworth Sept. sth at $ 1.95. I finMT*'ll Wt# lAwkA## *-> t*A# 10 M#t i I tun* I ft*oo* ® <■>- Aii'ii ♦ * twite#*-*W j if - hm m# o#*f w>|oo #*o4 i I il HC10» WWMM#*o**Wa#o Soao I o*4 MMN# 40# 00Tr1t **f 1010*00 0# 1 jii At IN t f 0 f?y ftt* *oo® P 0110 *0», I fO*ffWVW!»KA 000HP0* ft# T#o## #4NR# f ONP j | . _ tt -n| *%## fWf 1001 o*o4*ol, fOKA K 9 A«f*oa#o I* inyiw# <0 I Vw I |AO# «Mto f**i #® |T**o# i _ ___ n |if ogM§ If #*##*WftHWMs I |. ~ ttr-9 K**P t', « , ’fil|N || * l|o Ih# in ioli#4 ftwwi 10# *m j t t 10# Hit 4 #t I*AA* I I larrAtt*r 0# 00fpM#0 1 TuTtMl milk. |h# mio r onr o#a4 t®*f (oM"'n«inr Jo©## fHffht I# «04 MA<oQ 01 04Ak*B0 OTA»n pf#f4ArAt»OoA 1 far h* r diAmoftd JuNN. A aumbtr of I a • A i>n« will be ther#. | Hni) MuriJn V. CAlvln I# I . t r nniK>iiiK«i mmvnlit#** ju»i A|»f*oio - Att#vnpt to tmin ur ?oar <*o^‘ | . .k M j|.. tb#y #h«»til«l f n uni#*# j you #r# going that way y«ur»#lf. A Vnwir girl haa #ay#4 thr## 1 0 F«»r(unAt#ty for two I from arowning. r"nuiwna I of th#m 40# <**l* marry on#. Bartender—l canT sell you a drlnk ■ you're a minor. Middle-Alley Bill I Aw, go on; I'm a bootblack—ae*’ This latest war started In with more bitterness and wound up with more | gush for tbe defeated toe than any on j record* I Cavalry Instructor —What muiit you I always f#ga#n>b#r In mounting a bar#- j back horse at a gallop? Recruit-—The mane, air. The secret of Ambassador Hay’s suc ees# In England seem* to have lieen hi* 'ability to keep hi* lunguo quiet a part i of the time. ' When a prlma donna gets a note too high, she drops her voice. That proba bly accounts for many of the cracked j vole## w# hear. A man never worrle# himself much Inbout appendicitis until he gets ready I to have an operation performed. Then ! he make# his Will. I While John Bull Is friendly enough, 'he St HI eyes the Amerlean rnp with all I ill* storage batteries well filled with that yearning feeling. Mrs. Lynn Linton has rather curious Ideas In regard to cycling. She d -serlb jed It as "a queer cross between the treadmill and the tightrope.” The missionaries arc already prepar ing to swoop down on the Philippines. And yet the Filipinos Insist that they have more religion than they want. There are lots of little things that wise men do not understand, but It Is generally believed that hens lay eggs because they cun’t stand them on end. A great many lessons have been taught by the war, but the primal one Is that you cannot tell how- a man will tight until he gets his hat and coat off. The only Japanese woman who hears an English title is the wife of Sir Edwin Arnold. It is said that she Is extremely beautiful when dressed in her native costume. Whatever Americans may think of territorial expansion, they hall the present trade expansion with a glad ac claim. the unanimity of which Is un mistakable. Some of “the best citizens” of Smlth vlile, W. Va., turned and tarred six objectionable women of the neighbor hood. It Is presumed the worst citi zens Of fimithvllle were busy running the Sunday school. Mr. Harry Stillwell Edwards will move back to Macon on the flrst of Oc tober. Mr. Edwards has been living at Sparta for the past few years, but he has decided to go hark to his old home. He will reside on Bond street. A Long Island historian rails the at tentlon of the public to the fact that Sandy Hook was once Cape Santiago. Its flrst name was Cape* de Santa Ma ria, changed In 1536 to Cape Santiago; then, when the Dutch took possession, It received its present name. DON’T COMU Ladies’ Line Cincinnati Oxfords For But g#t them now. Will alto tay that all Straw Hat a from SI.OO down ar# 25 cants, and alt Straw Hats from $ 1.00 up ar# 50 cents. VVm. riulherln’s Sons & Co., 846 Broad Street. SKETCH OF FIFE OF REV. JOHN GASS ’ A Mat Ufc« Wat Marl BtktN ta AIgOUL Memorial k«»*k*s M lIM CttiM.ll Of the Almmsic.l. I He tsMlsin »k<> ww I*4 rtatgi if j 0100## #*t##4o lOAO N#V. <I«0MI « o*> oi#o 0| IV*4!»tfio 4ft. C.« u 0 lo*t A »lmrt *o#t*o of tht# n rtp man*# | iif# mU 0# r*#o «rlto tol#r#*f 0$ mafty j 10 Auftiatt, I Tb# ll##. Jnfta flaw* VM • naflv# of I <tln»*ovill#. o*4 rat#t%«"4 hi* «*trl| #OO. jc at final trtlQttkf f 0 10# b##t |»r#|«ara* j tpry school* t bar* Wbrs 0 #OOOO o*oo Ihr Vfit natt t# Tilt* to >a#t#t a l»c»»t h#f I who was living 10 that atat#. aad It waa ] iK*t until aft## 01# Mum to ftoalb Car* j.,nn» that h# brfan hi# *tu4i**« for th# Imlniatry H# »tu4t#4 01 th# rnivrr#ity ) ««f th# Booth, at fhwstu#. ir4 at Hrrk#t#r Idvintty 9eoool of Mkl4l#ton. Ml# Brat worh tn holy r»nd#r# •« Loss at ftt. John*# rhur« h. Wvaaahofn. j From th#r# h<* was t all#d to the r#r taratf. of th# Church of th# Aton#m#nt I In Augusta. From here he went In Cbnrlegtcm In j IM9. I After |»tni to fh.rle.tnn It was hut [a short lime befor. hla Influenee for I genet in the community Iregsll 10 he I 'elt. H* wss • hard sludent. an elo -1 ~u.nt and strong pulpit orator and a I deviled pastor, i People flocked to Graca church to hear hi. sermon*. Everywhere he want be mad,- friends and admlrera. It la questionable If there waa ever another rector In the city who accomplished more In the »amr space of lime thdn he did. Hla Influenee waa not confined to hi* own church, or even to the de nomination to which he belonged, hut extended to all creed* and rlasws In the city. Everyone In Charleston, a* well a* In Augusta, knew und admired Mr. Gass; many loved him devotedly. After two years thus profitably spent In Charleston. Mr. Gass, who had many rails, accepted one that took him to Christ Church. Little Rock. Ark. In that city and atat. he repeated the re markable success which had attended his ministrations here. Loved and ad mired hy his congregation and hts fel low churchmen generally, his fame spread throughout Arkansas, so that st the diocesan convention of that state, held last year, his name was proppsed fur the assistant hlshoprlr which was vacant. He received half of the vote* in th# convention, and a deadlock hav ing been precipitated, that body ad- Journed without a selection having been Before the convention reassembled, Mr Gass withdrew hla name from Its considers Mon. though hla friends, am ong whom were many of the strongest men in the Arkansas church, were con fldent of his election. During June last Mr. Gass accepted a call to Bt. Luke's church In Atlanta. HARRIS LITHIA WATER Frogs, Snakes, Fish, Hogs, Dogs, Cows, filth from any thing that can be backed off into the river— and this is what you get when you drink River and Branch Waters. Now is the time you want Five gallons for SI.OO Lithia Gingerale 7?c dozen Lithia Brew 7?c dozen Lithia Carbonated Water 7?e dozen Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 5c per bottle on ice at SHEWMAKES. AUQVftTtft * In « month from now «nd Key you taw in our window 99c la pwtg*i wMeg was 4M tap assay »*•«*• k» He* Ik HattHJ, a mem sfiw jqawisl ptsUHia. tpa lit. «.e et ik. 4atte* «f tht* r* twHkta. k* Isa 4 tut [ fit* *M«#**4L 040 fh*t# 10 llfli# 04MHM I 1010 1001 000 0# HiUtt #0 0# 0'«040 ■ haw 0#- #o# til# ftaM*#'* I## on*Ho 90 09* I 0114 INI 0# o*4 10 Uttl» H*wo At* #oo9# 000 CiMYIOgOMO ••# 00# o*l 4UO maw ta Hi# o artijfty a* regw* I *o*o «f 10# l#f«0. 00t 004 00 Mt*| !#•%! 10# •M#)|t# l o Tfnaei, |o#V# 0k 490 t#4l* tgg I# 41001 o#bf%9 0# o*mMo 00## 0 041 bit way ig fo#t, j*#'ml#44ool 100MN400 I fl#f<ar# 0# Ml n»fbo4l f«r I JttM florlu Avh . 0# r###9r#4 00 10# 4»g##»o lin CaMtotar MaMinr but 10# MayaV Arrh To I hi# Aog##9 4#<cv#o 0# OAO #o* | <kltr4 • f#Or 040010# 900c# IA 900 Rsf«| Ant .kapte. at Little ttorfc, ta tka I Aaetrst and A.eegfied firaaiMk Rita ha | h.d altaUted great dl.tlk.lML '—tag a •Uktttwe Prim. nf tka R.WS* Ar- ret. ar thirty-second dea it* Mason, sttd at tke tints nf his deatk was an a. tint member Ik Iks Ldr> R<sts Croix -tap. ’to. Cow sell and (\ssatatary as Lttttk Rixt. Atk. At Iks t'tiunk nf Ut. tioaesMgl. thn ’ rmet «tiurr% of |h- Key. John ttaan, ,me*rtd»*al axrftiatd *er, eonduetad las- I icrday hy Rea. Jakn Pnftrt. The seratess wars most impi i «Ms% I and § large nanthar attended. Do you eat? Try th* Ellis Restaurant. VoiiriD r A F.AOEAf hT~ One much pt leva mends all a heart a punctures. i Home men marry maids and some are married hy widows. When It comes tn manual labor thn average man la an Immune. The msn who look, upon thn win# when It la red may tael blue latar. A woman changes Iter mind so often that It keeps her busy speaking IL Be sure you're right, then go ahead, regardless or the road others take. Lots of people are too ronsclentlimg to lie and yet manage to suppress thn truth. Life may he a grand sweat song, hut one can't get much harmony out of It in "A flat.” Hel-pralae Is like a rhurch steeple, thg higher It goes the narromwer It he .comas. There Is nothing new under the sun— except Spain'* Introduction of barbed wire ns a munition of war. The woman who Is continually lectur ing her husband either thinks he Is n fool, or else she has forgotten that a word to the wise Is sufficient.—Chica go New*. OASTOXIXA. j Nn th, A Kind You Him Alwayg Bought Bl T" HARRIS LITHIA WATER