The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 29, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 MONDAY COAL-COAL COAL • abb MtfAiL MAUNB ** g——wniiwi'n m 0 1 mi T Hi•Hw.m'iw'- H f**4 A«* i#»eo IIUm Qmrrs imm AlHhrtrtt* iff .Wf 1 “ CITY ICE COMPANY. a «aidw winter* tutnui Tt» ferf- -■• •—“•■ * 9mm* IMitf* (twMNNt* #h» *m t* 1 * *■» mmmmrnm** that Wn fa* *»*4 m 9* * »r - IM# >» I*"** Ifenig*-* fcg* !••* i#d*Bg(*ot9 pwn-4 r-wdUd «*» HW ** ** Hn Mw*l thMto* *M »** ggprt* I*. ifctoNPl lto#B. # Dm »**’* MNE _ . I I* Ah* •*••»*•* «fe* fc*#T # * r r-u «w im i—<»t **#• »•**- |mk* (mm# HWihlll pat krd Is Is* o*d •sH. si ii grdtgff *• **t t»w «»* <* im is purfeet «»•** # p**a****t»s», Th* MM of 99 fetal •**». m9m *94 la tail * an**-* i»w am* Mm fe*mi •* b«« Ratal th* m* 'mm rota* Hi m* » » '»■»»* g—(Wig ♦*•**»! at Ms Bait*. R •# h* MawM •Mi Mai TV dftaHg IM itagtßta at tfc* dsgtatad arh»*» fmm a gMmtafeto*##*dint «* IMM r** aa kiM As s *m 1m tfc* tan***i Mew |SM Ml Oosmto m Mt»4mr M l»»».*rtk mm* U* f» •Mwafi V« Mo* Tarfc Ik* am* *••» Tfc* laa toe** M» (gsta ai fetogdn# B #. Va, aaa pretwl mi IpihM'l TMt Mar* al At*m*w4rt« ikat ifc* faartal aaa la no* nr Ta» ilir la*. aa4 aa *fc*y faaM a<a **i Mas k» tkal ttaia •*»< *• wr - ntowr pteeo Milki Brw« ' k Tetogesm* hsi* Maa aart ail ana IM aaaatrr Mtanaa Mva aa4 N*a Vartkitrla* la few*** (Ms. mm* im Ms ail) M h#g* asttl tfc*y arrlv* la* H|« tfenatki tfc*y *lll M larat*4 •ad mK*M Brunsurtek M fentordny or RaaMar a*H TM funeral win M oa* of <k* a*a*t aotakir ww •liiawt la ikla rasa try. Mr. A. e. Wolf*, at Mo .who iiwv*i* tar M«n*or a tiimia imp)* aMai Chs., at Ml. I*.oi* at*** trtwtint snem u 4 lr#v*tor* la a*a*ral oom* good aa*** “B*i«g a knlcht of th* grip.' h* nay*. ”1 km for Ik* phot ihreo year* maa* II a nil* to k**p myself aapfih l with Chaml—rlalr « (htlTiCkoh •ra aIM Diarrhoea Kowtr. and bar* fax) aanwrou* oernakmt to t**t It* anarit*. M oaly no mr**!f. but <>n oth •r» aa aSI. I ran truly *ay that I n*»- *r la a alnl* lairtanr* hav* known It ta tall. I consider It o«* ot th* b*»t r*s>Mti*« tra**t*r* nan rarry and mu Id rrlat* many taatanc** nker* I hav* oa*d th* r»m*dy aa trrytk*. murh to tlwlr Ottjprl** and r*ll*f. I bop* *v*ry travolinc man In Ika IT. a. will carry a hot ll* of tbla rrmedy In hit (rip." MM aa!* by Alraand Irru* A P**d 00., C. R Parr, of Hall Tt>w*r Dm* Mtor* 0 NO POPt'LIST CANDIDATES. That la the Dcilaioa Reached In nor* |M County, Madlanci, Au*. 'Th* popullata will ttav* no candidate* In Maryan county tbla y aar—that la. *o far aa tbe county officer* and mrmbrra ot tbo Irglata- Aurr la concerned. So they raid laat‘Saturday In maaa Martin* aaarmblrd. And Hon. John T. N*wton will hAv* Do oppoattlan for the le*lalaturc. Th* reault ot the ntaaa merlin* la briefly told. It took the* populist* ex actly 26 mtoutra to com* to an under stand In*. Prrauant to a call of the chairman, Mr. B. I* Brobston. whleh wua adver jtlscd In both the city papers, about 21 or 30 populists assembled In th* f our! house last Saturday morning at il o’clock. The object of the meeting was stated by the.chairman, via: to decide wheth er or «vot a ticket for the legislature and county offices should be put In the yield. Aftefr a brief discussion by sev eral members, a vole was taken and resulted In a good majority aganst putting out a ticket. Then the subject of endorsing any particular candidate or candidates now before the people of Morgan county, rie up before th* meeting. Mr. J. Rooeneranse moved that they en dorse no one. Mr. Bynum Smith made the necessary second, and the motion ■was put to the house and carried un uniinmisly. After a few other preli minaries °* minor Importance the meeting adjourned. Thus, a vexed problem, whleh has been piuxllng the minds of the candi dates of Morgan has been settled, nml bo doubt some of them now breathe easier. At this meeting there was notlce nble absence of tome of the most pro minent populists or Morgan county, as well a large number oi other mem bers of the party. PECULIAR WORSHIP. Religious Frenzy Rampnnt In the Neighborhood of Baxley. Baxley, Ga., Aug. 27.—A peculiar re ligious Innovation has gained ground j n this and surrounding counties. The believers of the faith erect altars In the open air und, congregating around them io Indiscriminate masses of men, women and children, pray, shout, and struggle with each other in their fren zy frequently wounded their fellow worshippers. Many hr them fall Into an uconscious condition, from which they nrlse declaring themselves In a purified condition, which, they declare, renders them euperior to St. Paul and the equal of Christ. The religious eiimulous seems to affeot the nerves and cause a quick jerking motion to Iwaame epidemic In the assemblages. THS USSY ORAOKi OF - COAI.H ay inf ion»*i itAfVkt IMkClMti nokllk * * 19mm A* a tw> tA»wd mm MM MM ‘f ife* ||| |wf '*». D g-'Wnll As : #i <i* ffMMr» Ml IAM loftf Ini AtfliMfill Mig iMf Imf «m» m «l mm ms f* Nut mmf Mpmf m j-a # |u|im fKllMi HfeMM mftrr tlF* twi| ir r— <*•< Mm IMf fYNM., WffD tkff w* HmN Huff*-*- «%i» ni»l %m f pf m IIS WW«HUi» 9% iff F|Wl« ti»W.YNMM« Wiki H h*» Mi Mi ms* wm milt n omm t a |f f m |n ))| fnt4|o4 ImMmot Umf - m A' ifAM n TIMNMf i®n ♦ m*miD M*t (hi ttrr mi 4 Mm MPMMMMB MpMMMm. .« I **a fife*' As * # Kim fr fsf* Ii f * MMr# I .v _ rramJ Va| r Mffi <" 1 awmCfc afenva lit tt*d chanrs to pmr a.” pay ww**k»» JH prt r*al k.f tfea to W that whd* a tall t per real fern |b*mi »#nt*d upoa th* Prat prrfrteara I tfea! ha* Jaai «Bd*d N has baea masld ***,l tit wls* (o pay th* tall amouat and that the holder* will cooAeffu*t»lly Hava is enpteat th*m**(**a with th* | payment of 3% p*r tml Tal*. how re** _ j* accomplished by very gratify lag ate mat* of th* progress th* road has mad* during th* last year or *o and of th* proapjerta wblrh open be fore it for th* prowl ffacnl ytnr.’* WHAT THE WAR COST SPAIN If to I stlmated to Have Been About tioo.oaa.noo. Madrid Aug. 37.—The Gasette gtyea ithe Cuban war eipsassa from Jan. I ta June 10 aa MIJtMU p***tna. | Tbe queen Regent prealded at Thursday's cabinet council. The home (situation waa dlaruaoed and Penor Ba aasta. the Premier gave details of the capltulaiinna of Manila and Santiago and expiated the manner In which tbe Antlltai will be evacuated. The cabinet council also dlscuaaed the situation of the army at Manila and sanctioned the dlspafcb of fund* to Ad miral Cervera and tn Manila for the Immediate needs of the Santiago pris oners. Tranquility prevails through out the peninsula. Murh comment ha* been caused by the fact that the telegram giving de tails of the capitulation of Manila was signed by Gen. Cejelro Instead of Gen. Jaudenes. The Carllst chief at Overdo. Alesan dro Arguelles. has been arrested. BELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved In six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In bladder, kidneys and back. In male or female. Relieves retention r.f water almost Immediately. If you want qukt relief and cure, this Is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Gardclle, druggist. Augusta, Ua., (12 Broad street. DATE FOR THE 810 FIGHT. Corbett and ricCoy to Meet on October i. Buffalo, N. V.. Aug. 27.—1 t has been definitely decided that the Corbett-Mc- Coy battle will take place at Cheokto waga an October 1. McCoy left Buffa lo for Saratoga this morning, where he will resume training at once. The Olympic Athletic Club has de cided to transfer the Erne and light to the Hawthorno Club, and It will come off at Cheetowaga on Sept 12. FINEST YACHT AFLOAT. Drexel Places an Order For One Cost ing a niliion. Glasgow, Aug. 27.—A. J. Drexel, the Philadelphia banker, has just commis sioned Watson to build the largest and finest steam yacht In the world, to re place Margarita, which he recently sold to the King of Belgium, The new yacht is to be 2,000 tous. steam seventeen knots and cost $1,000,000. She will be a veritable floating palace . Watson de clines to give the plans and specifica tions. Some time ago a little bottle of Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy fell into my hands. Just at a time when my two-year-uld toy was terribly afflicted. His bowels were be yond control. We had tried many rem edies. to no purpose, but the little bot tle of Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Rem edy speedily cured him.—William P. Jones. Oglesby, Gu. For sale by Alex ander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tow er Drug Store. _ _____ THE ATTOTJSTA. BTErR-A-LD hiwiii hwrrt* nt A4»i anq aa%a rsrfMfero *-a Mu M il J m JMM 0 mt CiHHMftlMf 1 1 |H| Im A «*k4 i * *MM mm* Iff MMii INnf ks fff Inw I Id* MMhfAMt I Yyts o*-<> * 9*o ff-# iMi Dtip’ MVffl I I ffeyfef ,0 V h*9 9ff' twM Ass tiF • A* •* j Imm • k htiiifr cm mlma CM If INI] I itfH W9f WfH'Fil, |MN Hi kffiY FM MM j I pruMllMM* IM iff ‘>Mi wu4m I : MF4 IMF • 9 fAMA pMMI Id MY* **4 M ] I fjn iHpHf A%A M > AVMIM PtMMf IMHMMI i MM taftVt m it Iff Klmmmmi tl# ! a.Liiao mtjAto flair# k«# all of I in f»Mflry it 4 M—ri THROUIH TO THE SEA. M*w I la* tofea t atahh.hfg 1 rmm tfea I awts.Wl* mm* Nash. tfW Pyatam. Cfeaftaaonpa. And 33. *“ Il la ataiod j op (sea awhartty ol O*L C. H Naaam.; f paasral anpartataodaat of Ik* East iea j aaaaoa and Wotrts Rwtk t an*, .aa.) I ikat a through Itaa sa to fe* mtahltakod from tfea l-ooiai Ills and assktill* apa* [ t*m to tfc* aaoafeor* via Brtutnl and | Chartautno. &C. Tfc* ffooth Atiaatt. ; and Ohio, which waa rsrsat y Ismpht 1 by Ika Oydaa of New Turk, wilt harm the Conner ting link With Ike UruAfcUe and Nn*hrtll* system at Klondike junction At Brtatol. T*na ronaar-j tkm with «k« Nr label. KlUamifatap set ftnrib nsrollna will b* maa*. which lakes th* aaw road to Blixabatbioa,, Taaa. i At «h*’ point IfifipwiiOß will b#: made with the East Tenneaam and' Wrstara North Carolina narrow gang* running from Johnson City. Tenn. to Orantiervy, N. C. This will b* eo«-| verted Into n broad gauge road, and ronnaetktn with th* Chicago. Oar:n nail and Char lew on will b* made at Johnson City. Th* Throe fft now the Ohio River and Charleston, in rntgpletnd tn with in 66 mils* of Charleston. 8. A This gap will be rinsed at onre. thus com - plating a through lln* from Chicago via Cincinnati, through valuable, coal, coke and timber lands In East Tennes see. South west Virginia and South Carolina. ~Dr J. I Terry, of Trimble. Tenn.. In speaking of Chamberlain's Colie, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, says: "It has almost become a necessity In this vicinity." This Is the best remedy In th# world for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, and la roc ognlsed as a necessity wherever Its great worth and merit become known No other remedy Is so prompt or effec tual. or so pleasant to take. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed 00., C. It. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. AMERICUS COTTON PROSPECTS Over 500 Bales Have Already Been Received. Amcrlcus, Oa., Aug. 27.—The cotton season In Amertcu* may be said to have fairly opened and from this time for ward the fleecy staple will roll In at a rapid rate, Infusing new life into every channel of trade. Already business is rapidly reviving and Amertcu* merchants look forward hopefully to a season of prosperity af ter a long,dull summer. Nearly 100 bales of new cotton were marketed here to day, while receipts to date will proba bly exceed 800 bales. The warehouse* and compresses an ticipate • busy season and have made every preparation therefor. Last yenr Amerlcus handled nearly six thousand bales of cotton.and while the crop pros pect Is not as good now as at this date Inst season, cotton turn expect to push the above figures pretty close. With the best market In this sertlon and with every facility for handling cotton there Is no reason why this can not be done. Last year cotton was shipped here from points nearly 100 miles distant. Amerlcus territory will be even in creased this season. Already fields In this section are white with the staple and picking is being pushed rapidly. One farmer stated today that already he had gathered forty bales. Rain yes terday was general in this section, and, while it may Injure cotton to some ex tent, lt will greatly benefit the plant. The yield In this county, however, will not be as good as last year, when the season was most favorable throughout the fall months. The Herald’s new Standard War At las is a very timety publication, which seems to be well planned to answer the questions which people are asking about countries in different parts of the world. The maps are In sufficient detail to be entirely intelligible, and the low price fit which the atlas Is pub lished, 30 cents, will make Ignorance unpardonable. Realizing the value of such an atlas The Augusta Herald ar ranged with the publishers for a special edition. As this new atlas is not for sale at any of the stores, our readers should hasten to send for a copy be fore the edition is exhausted. * * GooD iuc K BAKING POWDER. (STHE SEST. i High#** of A)f In Imhuv- Ini P©w«r. KftlAl ESTATE. ii RENT fill Ilf#* 4 1 *• aa a# *• »• »* F® “ dfK H i * « . . * * t ...MM «T Broad street ” .*! " ~ W«* M 3 Broad street ~ .. « «• TM Broad street 1» «• 'F2I Hrc>t(l vtVMi •*: *• •• *• ** ** meeptna room* ta gaavmfent laraiitl** i The aboa* Hat wlff b* rhatupsd from |day to day. John. W. Dickey Real Cstglc Agoot. FOR RENT J. B. White's new residence* on upper Broad street. Special price*. 284 Telfair *trer*. « rooms *I7.M 317 Telfair street. » room* *4 W 3» Telfair street. 7 room to J 39 Telfair street. 7 rooms *3 06 SS3 Telfai* street, 7 rooms. 22 0« 522 Bill* street. 7 rooms, .. .. ,< I#.#o (13 Broad street, fist I*-** 41* Fenwick street. * room* .. .. 30 (a 1814 Owlnnet street. * rooms.. .. New 15(7 Walton Way, « rooms 15. M 1813 Walton Way. 5 room* 18.00 522 Broad street. * rooms » 00 523 Broad street, store 20 00 J. B. White's cottages on upper Jones street—*«.M and * 00 eat h. . This list will be changed from day to day. ltd Clarence E- Clark. Real Estate. 853 Broad 9t. FOR SALE Isl have for sale very desirable build ing lot located in the centre of on* of the baadsosseet blocks In tbs city. Will sell same very oheap. Just tbe place for a bandsoma residence for jrour family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. i3»7 GREENE STREET. TO RENT! * From Oct. Ist. handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 1251 Ellis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J* HICKEY 212 §th Street. ■*k.. TO .IRIEHSTT. From October Ist, IS9B, the premises at presentviccupled by the Irish-Amer- Ican Dime Savings Bank at 817 Broad street. Centrally located and well adap ted for most any ktndfof business. Apply to P. M. Mujtierin, Secretary and Treasurer, Sl7 Broad St. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. mAt, i*f tty For Rent FroiOcil Leonard F, Vcrdery. me§\ ■ gntTfc- fp w frARMF fllPfNltt tili MF* i i**rUan. but thaus who hav* triad a (Mt* Range could w**t ho tadursd tu I adopt th* old-fashioned nsthsl again, j j y<m ### it If so fDf If r **gmm*r tiv> I Off R*nfl» If »aet on# * < I td9 rook mot# tlowty fturn •nnikr, y«n» Imw (rat to turn th# thumb Ktto ' oaM you can fiNwi* th# hoot to my tl#- g’foo you deotr# Tho Mtn« with yout 1 r*Miot. If It M dMilff too QBkkly, you ! fnvi't toed to throw o|#n th# ov*»a foot olid run th# rtoh of rMlHnf It. You off rofuiflt# your itaft to suit your moot, j ft; Gas Liilil Ci. t( icisita. ■ivn m broad rr. PORTNER’S HOFBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST A&K FOR THEM. HONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on IO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiander&JotmsoD A Ken Is Scottish American Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St Ladles Not In It. 40c Fine Rummer Undershirts, 20c. 40c. Fine Rummer Drawers, 20c. tl.oo Fine Dress Shirts, 60c. 50c. Fine Scarfs, 25e. „[} 25c. Suspenders, now 10c. lOr. Club Ties, sc. Our large line of Fall Woolens has arrived and our summer goods have got to go at sacrifice prices. Call early and get a good selection. F. G. Mer lins, Tailor, opposite Planters Hotel, Augusta, Ga. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD &. WILLETT DRUG CO v MU iwjdh Ctiarlemcn t W Carolina fl i # t *• # A <(Fd 0#F»O • F FOO t«F#ooflp tp PNfF F«w Mh. ty A jj-rriYt ’ ""T i #•# I 4lrOF * * (|MHNFya**t« i | • fjMD- *•* a#iH *MMM IMMmM gyp jj I FM|M .5 • " 19999 \ * gjMPftMoMti - * *•* «• M 'PMM * ]ESjiiiii94BMoo***««l ■■ * : **** ■ WW>tMF MPFUfIy .. # , *<a •> rn % , ftflH I F .MMi ffiSSSyMT** Imm !**!!»! Jt mi fpMMMaaa* a**....... tMfflF ; FMH» * AltflOdtFlOaaa • •*«**» , *•** *• I i i! *4#*o jMf ijjtMMlhadd** .sygt. }*»»> *>«; 1-HjM inO'MQFw ot €•%* wo V f#F M oil yoiof •B A A, L tbH iOMMOtbM Ml #FFMW»NI M M 9#l#*o «• t. I. L Ilf <4O ONlfll MF# FtonooMity UOF flNl M F#» w#f ' Wm m 9 MhMFfltiMi FFißkto to ImOno itn% wiotNi*OF <FF., MM AMM Of- BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. »•£ *wdg jjjgj*. n.a. tacT! AM.'l*ll.l lAffiv#. Lmv* f*M |A10« I 12 IF IF fL**« D*fkv#r ... f, I 4111 21 F 4? 2”»* IF Aijfl't o«*| 71 Im It tl F;5F r | &,24 . IKNACA *• F 4 ?f:2 2A i F 15 il jl 4 MP F.4FI (13 , Wf.ii if*!** .F| IF! 6 JJ |l4, ,- , Wfllk#H# .. .. Fj « l<; AM f*M ' ;L#fv* ArrHr# PM PM. 80. 12 Ne t x »“»« .*«» ! ~¥~ Regular fftatlo*- 9- P.I Station All regular trains from Anderson ta Walbatla have right to track over trains «f Ik# aftmt clFflF moviim In “l»* |yo#ll# 4irsdlOP. unlrM (MlwtFlM «fv#c tM b? Irtis «4«l. Will also stop *l fallowing station# to take «a» or tot otf paaoengers ITHn ney's. James aud Handy Springs i No 12 ronitects with Bout hern rail way No 12 at Anderson. | No*. 8 and 4 connect with tfouthera railway No*. 12 and 27 at Hermc* J. R. AXDEKSON. guperintendeat. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. tvHOl.TKfc 1 AMD Vtl U KEbT ROCTB TO TRE EdBT JM> NORTH. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTS TO THE EAST ANDJNoKTH. 2:2Mpm| Lv. Augusta. Ga..Ar | 7:B6am 2:(ppm| Lv Aiken Ar | 7 ISam 4:l7pm Lv Dtnmark....Ar | (:17pm 4:*ol>tn Lv Orangb‘g....Ar | S:'W»t» (:Mpm Lv..Sumter, S. C...Ar | 4 39am * 35pm Lv....Flor*nc*.. ..Ar | J:2sam 10:33pm| Lv...Fayetteville...Ar I I 14pm 3:3lam; Ar. Petersburg.Vn.Lv | B:l3pm 4:00am! Ar....Richmond....Lv | 8.13 pm 7:4lam Ar.. Washington..Lv ! 3.4*pm 9 02sm : AT Baltlmoro—Lv | 3:3si>m 11 25ami Ar .Philadelphia..Lv |l2:o»pm 2:o3pmj Ar... .New York....Lv | 9:3oam Pullman palace huffet aleepleis car* from Moron and Augusta to New York without ;h*n«e. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt.. 723 Broad St.. Aagust*. Ga. T M- EMERSON, Traffic Mienagcr, H. M. EMERSON. Gen. Pass. Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. j i r Schedule In Effect. March S. 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 0 30 p m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester. C. A N. W. Ry 7:45 a m Arrive Lenoir, C. A N. SV. Ry 1:16 p m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2 00 P "»■ Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Hock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. w. harper] cTr HARrER, President. F - A _ The Paper Thai is Best For the Reader is Certainly Best For the Advertiser. the s ' BEST BUYERS N •: v: “ Are the Wage-Earners - Jhe ' ‘rii.i Working People of a Com munity 'THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAGE-EARNERS 1 BUY THE HERALD. • IT’S THE BEST.” _i AUOUHTM RAft#f*Alt PdRMBIetfMW S. 11 G. MIUMT CO * —rtffiia*-*— safedk *gag«mrt« Aooa ipdk lam- aaa OBdMfcaa Ena ft«OF iNNiF IF «w# OulhF'.' la aam i#Fi A i#tß (/» rimw'Nl T •"*» Ofc A* <|ma# II fiflp L iMMhFJMMBIi 1 r pa .«»• 4* fY or ~tn FMt'#► F# i •#<#**# thfpfe A» I MmW# It Am A# l##M A j - ~ . i At * tFMloti . .#M#fWvAt i ###*'»'*# I«M a 4 f ait till BNrfu i tm>H r#"A#»ww# *M# U AiM ...Vn# it iiN Ai«T h i m %if TlTTii.fllr- f#*t#o t# o»# Fwi iow f«#i (t I«gf mh# la3»f#» i« y* * y«Rmnss ; A* A MMFFaat • *4-' Fyflt' Is* IflimlMi 4c t» # fITI. Fth# I# I *a#t#fe##F 4 SM4 At 4ttMMw*4 !#•# I# I <*lmm # -tljM Ai **MF * hi A< 4*o I <Hi OF#* Ft A mow *. lAm «.#!•#<. IF |*)l Micil. IhF*t? N Ilf f .Fin TEfl l ng * Immf 11*!#! otofll Ittii YfomMIA »( I.OrFF rw l*f#i Atfifl hlMssatl Mffß UlMi Ilt *f 4F#f#M# ttsss. Awua# %# < fIAAMMAOMF Ft iUf tA * O i SfotF Y#*F ’-**09999% FIFF Olti Mow# taf I «Fl 0# •#! *iFO 4f*« •. AyMfl OttF th# (mi *vM inti too## (M# 9>rnrnmm ' F 9»t OfliA Oi Mil J. M FA 41*- t. 4 IIIEIOOI Qfiwf# MlM# If»ikX#iM r t. inn*d»i. L t*oF Afi . # SOUTHERN RAILW/T. a fHAlrfel TtMß# FdtWH <ml man#♦• ••#»«#• •M«Uld. tMif IM## »Wi d»H IWAhMo •## *NFmr •••Irflo. l<ai> ■ Fdn#% Ik F**## *l* tl#lt|T. MfetjTa iaynfe.—.. •"•*{** * aarsanan • ■•••! “S!! ?? Ar UWMnkrn •*•*': ■■ i * djljl* , I, ,-s,»r‘mnJ>taNtfft»- .. j T •! f*P Ar. * Ar N-rtaakura *m fey a 2*l An Ar A*h#«t>» 1 sws —y By • I fer ,n# : »Syjwp i - JnZ#M% * jyyj Si 1 ir C\»lmo»tFof’# A##'F Li Gift* Urol l « • «* Wtanetwra. . *• I • iSSbiu ;*?!•• ;ii ‘JS22&r, ;;;;;;;; 4a? mi |3g imSt" :::.-.:.i*Sr ::: * Lmrt'ls . iu H.-bipead ■".. . j *»» »_> Ar. Waahlßgtua .j Jd* JP *‘ belt.«.*•*■ I'. R H J fl*! It * PhUsdeiptUa J® 2*; j* * Xew Tiwk W«p la Aoalhbeaßd. Me. »t'»td Dully. Ur. Lv Krw York, P# RB l ip I * fklFMpkto■ I < Up, % * I'ii'imure ...... I f Hyl A hi Wiw#i‘tou, Fo- Rf.. tO 4ii i U» Lt. Rk*hroo*»tl 12 tout l-i Lt DmbvlU# ! & 80» F# iLi NorftolJi . .......... | W 85p! ~.1 ir (Jr«uab®ro | IF» L# Ort#noboro •••••.! T 05» 7 •’ CterMh 0 86a 10 I • Bark UtU Hi him 11 ; * Oi«#t#r lu 56 a 11 * Vinngkoro 1141 m 12 Ar Oil bl* biA#rl ts Nt 12 450 u 1 Lv. ColombtoUa dey’t. 1 15 p| 4 i “ jnlntfl— 2Wp 6> ** Tronton . Slip 11 “ Gnuhimnu* bahp 7« Fr Au|r>ifeiA.. 4 16pt b* Lv. A«h#nli# H 2li u 8 1 Lv. S}«rtuatmrf .. ] 11 40 a! 6 Lv CoI Ula ir.ACJ.By " 8 00 pi T i f Ar Churleiitoi) j 6 40 pf 11 C i Lv t’ol'bia. FC ARH.v .. i II M» 13 I ** Kivtonth | 4 4t p ’ 6 0 , jAr Jack#mvtllP. _ 1 9 25pi 11 Slifriva CAB IIRVK K. Exc#Urnt dally paNiM-ngvr Hrvico b»tw€ plorida mod NOW York. Noa. 37 and «nd Fonthw#M4 Limited. Solid Ve«tibul«d train with dint car* and first claw ouachm north of Charloc I Pullman dri»wiotf room aleepingonm IwtwE* ! Tainpn. Jnck.«wnvii]#. f>a\ttuuah Waahingt and New York I Pullman Bleeping Cars between Charlo ; and Richmond. Pullman drawing room sleeping car* i , tween OfOMflboro and Norfolk. Close conn ! tion at Norfolk for OI.D POINT COMFOH arrtving there tn time for breakfast. Train, with Parlor care, betw< Charleston tnd Anheville. Not. .15 and 36 LT. 8. Fast Mail. Throti Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping cai# tween Jacktonvnlle and New York and Pi man sleeping carp between Augusta aud Ch lotto. Pixllman sleeping cars between Jai tonville and Columbia, *»n route daily betw< Jacksonville tuid Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANKB.GANNON. J M OJLP, Third V P. & Mgr. T. M.. Washingt* W. A. TURK. 8. H. HARDWICK. G. p. A. .Washington. , G. P. A.. At lan GEORGIA - - RAILRGAti (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1898. Pullman Sleepers between Macon Al New York. „_ j „ Through Pullman Sleepers between A gusts and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ..[ 7:osam| 3:2opmi!o:3op Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| B,2opm| [.:ooa Ar Macon ~..|ll:l6«tfl| I *:4su Ar Athens |l2:lspm| Ar GalneavlUe|*3:46pm| I Ar White Frs|n.oopm| I Ar Miirgtfle .il0:10am| I 4:30* Ar Wash'ton ..!l0:10atn| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dal • extjept Sunday at 5:15 p m.. and aj rives at Milledgeville at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 8:18 a. m 7:45 a. m., 1:20 p. m.. and 8:35 p. « A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A,