The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 29, 1898, Image 7

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mITERARIfLIGHTS*! ** ***"• C** «f mrnm.. B*** , |>«IWM fe* KM W 4 * *to~4 BM , * g*t**»ti*. «*4 l»l»<»«; Mg Mi** **»»## to# aUtoS 10#* M totto-OM M Mtaf Mi Ujil l "* j !• tot (HMMMM IM» Uto !*•*’• to** Mh** a».*r* «*®J % a to |og*i*a»a*a tof *>#*» SBpotfM | laHiit «ato*om* #*d MM* tm» tto*.# i ■So||*>*iMa- aia ai»a*< niMU toaoaU- | ful Ww»M» -tomato Mm (*atto*t ill* I bt%a M aata *4 tii awtaßOa Mi Lav- < M Km’-'. Tto# l#a*»*a«» MpumM. Tilr* | inKI j>iif»iiriitT |wii Ito ><M YYWto* | atari |to* aato tw*fto* it ttotf Ja*toi«aa i » Is#a*t#****d toft »•«•*« ito I ftofitoi'ri ftototi, Tii Stoat.*** *f (tout* Htoatogata. Tto H>a» »ai ft* to to * •tor Wto-toM feMttilf. itototo 4 M i* Ptoitt <trit • ***••# »*4 It* Am ton. | *Miiiit tot Mr * A ntit**taa* CBNfl. Mi tfw Yt labia. tto lilt *4 tit l*t # a if Ttoto CfiiMt* Atoba l iitUIA 0* YiM t*f W«<*t4 afa*xppt%«« tto €}toi* i* totoi ititoto *otto of WMBBI *‘>» t«r A rattotoa* IMgt ■*►#§* A Mto I Kii* riM ana it Aifint ft-Mi <!*• M < Uft totp. Iratoi fMN Botoa. MtoilHlr itMtotsto *»* Ito »•« *o'- » <4 IfMito o*' <#i. r*t»fifty «to»*4 aad fl dad. itol Mtf iMA tot rttooa la * #■#•****'' ftto #»»#! «HA But' *to-a*#- ■* m«M la da'mratad tor *‘i* l * “ * tort*UK Ms totortifal toil* tofp«»rrt ttt t# (to rati'•(• of • tor M»A» ni** H-to fkttoi. Atoiil (At ••• *•**!* -d.vrtlaed t* lA*" 1 oat#l«* w » tot* A» K**t*r to tAf | Klm Tto Cuatlaaalal Httoo* : Tto So#4 to Porto, toy Kcton Kritmm gt.phr-, In KStogto Hauav by Julia ton. R a • Ctorlto*- by Bartoall ttn>m*~ri Ciooa Trail# toy Vlttnf Afiito; Wall. tto IAM»r, toy Jaarr* Mytto fUM: Tto Bakiag of * ***'• by (MimM Slrulbiu To Ali*. toy Aodrii Balfour; rttoor. tto Tratmakrr. toy Nothin Htttorll Itoto; Ron* of Ad vtnity, toy l* Com Coraford. AtfitlA, by fliifl; Bitot tkr W 1 d C*ry*tlil*M toy MetriMJakil; Tto* of Ml*i tomiphor* A Knrrtmt Worn. hy Mi! Godfrey FrMiMßy i»f Folly, toy Bart* ti»if»i* Pool; Bobbin MlDutf by Clloti* Bn*. For the Children. In odidil n there ore o number of rhnrming toxin for children. Incliid tap tin* trotki of Anal# F#tt< wo*John* •ton, Edith Robin#oo. MU* Murk* k. Junta* Horntin Ewing Dr Jolm Brown Will AHen UroßfDoii and oth«.r writ- ■ ora cf “Child dnaalcs.** It in the In tention of the pnblUhera <bm thia ae- Hen ahall contain only the eery high* j ret and pureat literature. —atortea that j shall not only appeal to the children tfaemtelvee. but be appreciated by all thoae who with them la their joya apd herrovn, —atorien that aball be incut particularly adapted for readiug aloud in the family circle. The numeroue illuatrationa in each book are by w*ti! known artlata, and each volume ha* a aperate attractive cover design. Each, 1 volume, 16mo , cloth, 90.50. Note* on Scribner*. H. C. Chriaty, an artist represent ing Scribner’s, was on the hill with Grimes' battery during the San Juan fight. He writes his personal imprcs- R i( ns. and illustrates them with his own drawings and photographs. • • • How “A War-ship Community" !!?«» Is toicrilwil by W. J. Hendsreon, the well known writer, who Is a member of the Naval Reserve. The illustration* are from photographs between decks of the moat vessels !n Sampson's squad ron. j j ?, | * 0 • The wife of a nsval ofllrer. Anna A. Rogers, writes an amusing love-story of tue fleet nt anchor at Old Point. ... C. D. Gigaon draws the second chap ter cf the story In p'eturas of “A New I'ork Day”—giving characteristic scenes at noon in the Waldorf, on the sidewalks, and in the park. ... The great eorial fnaturc of Scribner's ere continued. Mr. Wyekoff’s "The Workers —The West” describes a road builder's experience cm the World's Fair grounds. Senator ledge's “Story cf the Revolution" has reached Greene's Campaign in the South, with Its famous battles of Guilford Court House and Eutaw Springs. Mr. Page’s "Red Book” contains a daring prison rescue. Other flc'ion is Octave Than et's story “The Conscience of' a Busi ness Man,” with Frost’s Illustrations. ... A brief article describes the famous rai.way now building to the top of the Jungfrau. Patriotic poems by Grace Ellery Channing and Richard Hovey, and the Department conclude the number. The New Carlyle Letters The letters of Carlyle, which begin publication in the Steptember Atlantic, are mainly written to his youngest sis ter Janet, afterwards Mrs. Robert Han ning. but some of them are to other members of the family, especially to his mother, several of whose letters in reply are also included and are among the most interesting of the collection. A toiai*.—*■ tow**. Vto |~A*‘T Ito *to* toss 0* Wf »- a* LkglAtWi • |g ?%* I tMM* to* • ***** ** < Ito A A MtoC*»oto*i* »»* **»• •*“ I *wm tm i*y m tPligii t». iMtflf m | hM# tm% ****** MM VlHHfe : Ml mm *f IW I rcglkwß CHw*. ' Ilf I !!•*' 9%4*f , *wgM #9R% Wb* «iktwi*f* s -b# • « f m***** IN* W+ I ; |g * A CWifi* Ml »k* 1 * #*•#*ilHMft nil *f f9mv kikiwawwi flucl fvwpkm*** •*• mm* Tkw *Mift*4ta4r •* 4*<m» Vrnrt 11 i'• !«>*• mm • wnkMNgl liwiy. m m**m ***** •** Ufcm* *** ■mm** b** W* f«Mi •*** Mm* j r*t‘t l» Opk#*4 ntflm *4 ‘Ww# Mv*- «tk# mm**#** #k* k4kk*#^*m ktf'ff|Nl IwfiliiM*i, MK* Mfmkrlk M gbpiikt wt '"W«t *m*-0* ' Mk*M|t"'«m I Ik* fhrikv Hitkitmitf iff*# •MffPftktcw*' •** »*ff***ffrM Ms 9M*4« i*|f M MH *SIM Mffkiffi ********* * i#** toMMNM *»tk Mkfflk** j r ||«t y««Hk Iff tM# I*tp««N*' %m k |i|« vMwMly ffUkwhiiak#* rMfffffv tvwiff -Ml 9t Mr fkflllffrllffk* I t%p TM*** Mwtw*" •Mt * mmmwf Ik m tti *i My *»* Mrwffi mto#? Ifffwll ffff* b«lti*il# I*#» j* m JlffiMNi *VM - * «f ' TM# Tlffkt wf ■ f|<r»r «it ** wll Ik ffkt im*m*t* #*4 \ \ Uk' Ml tfff'ltoAMl l»ff |to gff* Affff# **9m*****' r *■■■■*%* mmlmm Ms Jkfffkf* HP ’A# Tv* folk* §9 -Mi tM* unMy* l * t *»f i k twiwfffl Mimly My 9« H J <******* , Tto* Tkfiidw <4 Aw I'nwuiwM 4 wlAwr* (Mlsrshf »-w.?gw*4r rrcvftl aw ,». t wan far from aolftrry Tka portry <4 (Ao owoitorr la Ay Alary Ift Mir Away CAarlwa O D BoAana aad Edward GHUMto. * . ,J, -rwirt In tAa Ball 1"H twlrfvatw* tawtore* of (Ar S»ptrwto*r Pali Ball are; A artufwaqrr. awd ay* IrMlwg daorrttoltaa of a hotlla u»d»r ms|.ni rowditintoa. and wit A (Ar ta(aw moaitlor.. of war. by a y«o»n« arilHary itdArar. wbo Arts Aad tarwbUowwl ad van lege* of Modytwi iw»M davalop m> nu a powerful and iragtr aAori story rwtti'.d; ' TAr Half-Caw*." Ay a I DatcA iMhotsw; oa iswrdtsi tor 'rowat of anlvrroity ftfa. frmw a orw po!«* of vlrw. from a pr-jrat Cam i bridge wwdrrcradoatr. d< w rlWng tAa diary of • day al collaga. aaother In i stalmcwt of Mr. CroArtCo netting UA |of Italics alrrntura. Hiuruatrd Ay Mr. Grew trill# Maatro; port.o I*ll of • thriPing kfrv by "X- L* wultiHl VV.ib kl! PoiMn of the M*r» b*nt j in kmuong ihori Ktory by W. la. Abbo. #n<i thr third of Mr. J. Holt ! llctj'iollßi'i ingvtiiao* aril* Im ok tbc iftcidvtftw of “Crlff®/ Thr welt known A "Son of thr klnrshts" root rite i te* a rhsrmiwg wot tiral history article to thla numb r. la completed by several stories by well known writers, many totll-pn^ ! ptates and Illustrated poem* The | frontispiece Is an exquisite etching af ter Metaaonler'a c Icbrated picture "The ScblHb#!.** j The Voath’s Compattloii. In the current Issue of The Y oulh a Companion there la one of the clever est abort stone* of the month, "Miss Upton's First Assignment. * It la hy John J- aßccket, and deal* with an In teltosling phase of newspaper life. The Youth'a Companion continues to be invaluable because of its splendidly conducted column of "Current Topics,” which keep one thoroughly Informed es to the principal happenings of the we-k, making unnecessary the labor of reading through columns of telegraphic matter. j j -r*m Timely Articles. The selection nnd treatment of top ics in the September Atlantic are es pecially timely and appropriate. Elisee lleeius and Worthington C. Ford dis cuss our new International responsi bilities from the Old and New World standpoints respectively. W. J. Mc- Gee treats the Jubilee of science now celebrating by the American associa tion and skilled student of the achieve ments cf Bismarck and the late Sir Ed ward Burne-Jones treat the careers of tlie great statesman and the funjous ar tist, both recently dead. Don’t* for Dinner Givers. (From “What to”) Don't decorate with strong-scented flowers. Don't serve boiled fish without pota toes. Don’t serve hot entrees on cold plates. Don’t serve more than two vegetables with meat. Don’t serve asparagus with meat. Don't force a guest to eat more than he wishes. Don’t apologize for the cook. Don't make excuses for anything. Don't mention the cost of any dish. Don’t talk politics or religion at din ner, where guests are of miscellaneous beliefs. • The Rand-McNally new Standard War Atlas is the best publication of the kind we have ever seen. The colored maps are double the size of any others published, and clearly printed on heavy paper. Each one has a marginal Index and a page is devoted to the flags of ali nations. This atlas la timely and useful. It is not for sale at the stores. The Herald has arranged for a special edition. Readers may obtain a copy by calling at our office or sending 30 cents. THB -A. TXG'CJST J\. HHIBALD Attr***- * * *** * **•** ' i **4 #-#« •« **m*x* *0 *M** •Mus *»*■ t*» Hu tn'tt f 9*o ******* Ml kk'j' r '***ff o*o pffMlfa' MHMw* I*#* fff# *ffffffkPMpii Mb'* ‘Mi l *** **** ffNwffffftffff IN' MmmP* Mb*- **"******** *o*o** «as M ******** Ml *o*o*o* M* [Hu** «ff 4 *%• Iffßi-nitiAi *o* t******** mm* MiTriii"TiTffff tM#** *#*»%* ** •**• Mm* 9M'*o** * *0 A %4m * t** m 9*o*o* *****■'+*4 *»•*• kMkk WltMkl >*»»«* t l* M*l>4toff 0* 4*o Mb# *o*ooo*oo'* *4 I^*o* ****** # iMMklMff# **om *mm **m | ffm i"T m ff pH# fit Ml# MM M*t*kr*ly | [Hkk#ni I* M#t l#»M#* ffk Hfffflrt 94** 9Bm* 900m* Ik tkffMMkff k **** ]•«*•*•# m 900* 0900, I I* Ak***«k *M* MMt 90*040 IM# I ff#* ff*ft#i •**ff#9ff Iff iMM# ffMff*. ** Iff#* iMmrwfffflllf M- 99* f«k#t* tfflfkffg*. Mff ffffHt ilk fM# **MO Ikffcti *MI I* i»#k«ffffi mi •* Mm I****** m*4 Mff (Ml# ff**ff*'«* tM# lib* m | j »#-*•# tti i* *ffH«#i N ft* *o* 00*m 1 ff'tfMrffl o*4 f*f*ff”#*4 (HIM 1 j is. ft# ft**i I# MHm mbl»f«i«#4. m 1 I ## Ik ffkffftff II •• ffWfkHit# MMffff 9* j*M*« ffftbii «Ms. Ib hmrmm iff* 11#**# Iff #•*» (NMV kl (f'#» 5 to***!#- IRKS# toB * lafflff* ffftltli i# kff# (pkkl Ikkwff. kkk ! wAalr«*y visa «*at ladars vlawotw «*< I its (ha «Ny 0* to AvnMA ood ptewawf* |wtoteA it Is wall s**l Ud aw (tost prior# of fcstool Aaofot*. Ms. toAtorA j Boat wlAay KBtPosogwtolo ood MM 1 logo or* Ito tof«oM«*a ood Mi u olsoopto , 'is#, ooto Will AO toWrMArd lo ONtosO- i ff'kkfft Itiltvk i Cffffi J. Ito P*rri* Ik 9* Moff# M»r • jf« * 4ait kftkfffflkff Mi# ffHvkl* kff#if#. I f*r*|*ffr#t« ry t* Ml* tftßM ff*nffffk#*>( of (% tl. ff#r*k*l fpffikffkl i itffffiti ( k «ml«ff« tkl***##* ifffkklry. i ffryfflk All#* **4 C'MkktMffffi Ml I rrivki# MmUm*. mi Off. A* rtnrt n«1 I mkfft, lr*lM Cftfolini t«4*ffl##f Ifffkff* i try, 9* * kl Mkkff c* fftfftkkffMks Ms. CM#r*#y Hkfffii*. * e* | iff# ftistli UftHni AiUk rffvffiry, I* #t hmsi. mi9»Hb| fmff t*« wo*#4# r# rHml Iff Ibf ffifft##t »r«M»nd fikndkffo. Tff# nwtff of tM* Mk|»(t*l rbkf* h, . ffr fl ~nifffnf tin M##* msdiHlftC * ffftvftl »rM»M Mff III# ffffftt twm •rttti r#mfffb»M* #iff##fk. tin4#f lift ;«r#ffrlil(iflr of Mr. Rltnrr »n #mio#*il 1 #vffnietl#(. from Ktotk kjr. * About tffrfffiy fiv# iiMUIom to tM# t huitl ffr# «mon k tM# rlklhlv v#«ultk of (hr marling This visit «f Mr Rls urr will Inng ha rrmrmlivrad by many jin Abbovillr tiro. John Gooo. of Atlanta On.. Is visiting her aunt. Mrs. F FalAonn Mtoa Townsend rs NH>rty-Blx, la via | lung Mr* J. C. Rill*. Miaa Kingsbury, of Atlanta. Go . af ter a few days #p*nt with fr'rnd* brr*. . want to Harris Idtbts Springs yrstcr- Idoy. j Mr, CAristio Brnrt spent lost Sunday 1 wlih rrlotlvrs here, snd returnad to P rdmont, wherr he will connect him salf with the Piedmont Bills for the future. . TOUT* , Down midst the clover bloom, ffw granl. snoot, L Often be wandered when a chlldf' Wliero the summer winds blew wurtn and fleet, Wlo rc tho daisies nodded al hit fnof. Care-free be roamed In the sunlight mild. Ab! the bumble bee was a dusty rover Winging tbe boys's head, over and over; Boy and bee midst tbe red and white clover. I»ng ngo ‘nealh the fair August skies. Silently Joys from the past doth rise; Dad and winged playmate, midst but tercups golden; But their joya were the same old Joys that die. Crimson popples around them grow ing. Pond lilies white In the shaded pool; For the bee not a soar save cruel cap ture, For the boy not a woe save rod and - school. Shaded rills In their sun-flecked flow ing. Purple tops of ibe distant hills. Can It be that I was that laddie, That (lanced with the velvet bee there In the sun, Ono and ten and such a jolly fellow, And today I’m only three-scote and one? —Bertie Emerson Tarver. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Soldiers Move. San Francisco, Aug. 27.—A1l the troops now at this city have been mov ed from Camp Merritt to the Presidio camp, and It Is believed their health will be greatly improved by the change. The board of survey appointed to esti mate the damage done to person and property of the Thomas family by ri otous soldiers, of the Tennessee regi ment, has not yet concluded its labors. Pistols. Double Rarrel Guns—Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new pistols, s2.f>o; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, $2.00. American double action pistol, SI.OO. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 6 cents, at L. J. Schaui, Reliable Pawnbroker. Bain mm ip? ItIOBHrA. Oto. I m*o-S'ko* TffHr' 'ff# g* ,-ff a hJTjr mm c j/* * ' 808 WHITE Second Patent. OOLDIIEDAL Fancy Patent ABSOLUTELT PUBE WHITER WHEIT FLOUR. I fully realize the supreme diiguit of con»um#r« for Flour, adulterated with Corn Flour, Corn Starch, and other Foreign matter. On end ester thle Date. August I Oth, 1898. I offer the Wholesale trade the above Brands Flour Guaranteed Absolutely Pure Winter Wheat. Good* of the Highest type. Ask for price* Flour, Meal, Grit*, Bran and *h Ip •tuff delivered your station. J. M. PFRRV r the merchawt miller KgrUvotgO ood Carai Im rayon Bogart IMatU oa A bar* Spam pvt wootk. isaoM & >ti\x la Ili<» Hum to T* wjr**?, WuburrllH* One > far, NI.OO HARPER’S WEEKLY will be remembered for its famous "War Numbers’’ j of the Civil Its value during the war with Spain will be even greater because of vastly improved facilities. History is being rapidly made. The gravest questions of our time are coming to the front, ana every , American shoulJ have each week an accurate, concise PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THIS WAR from now until peace is assured. A brilliant staff of artists and correspondents are representing the WHEKLYat the front. Rufus F.Zogbaum,Carlton T.Chapman, Frederic Remington, T. de Thulstrup, W. A. Rogers, Clyde, D. V. Hunt, and others, with a large staff of photographers, are accurately portray ing the movements onour army and navy and happen ings at Washington and elsewhere. Among the WEEKLY'S correspondents arc Frank D. Millet, John F. Bass, and O.K. Do vis, in the Philippines, John Fox, Jr„ with General Shatter’s army, Harold Martin, at St. Thomas, and others. By subscribing now for one year, you will obtain the WEEKLY during the most important engagements. Subscription for One Year I. C. Levy’s Son & Co.. , t TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, ■ •' r " " GEORGIA TO SECURE A SUIT OF CHOTHING at a price that will surprise you when you see the quality, style and finish of the clothing that we are selling this week in our big reduction sale. We have cut our prices down to the bottom on both Boys’ and Men’s Clothing, irrespective of cost, that leaves no doubt as to quick selling. I’HE HERALD S STANDARD yyAR AJLAS WITH MARGINAL INDEX CONTAINING MAPS OF Cub*. Phillip*## Island#, West Indies. North America. Hawaii. South America. Europe* World, Asia. Oceania. Africa. .China, Spain, Portugal* AND HARBOR CHARTS 0F~n.... Havana, .Cienfuegof, Santiago de Cuba. Mainlla, San Juan, Cardenas and Matanzas, Santa Clara Bay* These *urperb Maps ere beautifully printed In five colors on heavy piper, and bound In an attractive cover. RAND, McNALLY A CO., those peerless Mapmakers, prepared this Atlas especially for THE HERALD and our readers may secure It at a trifling cost. WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW WHEN YOU WANT TO KNOW IT. Explanation Harginal Index Tha ingenuity of tha device deaerva* tperlal explanation, for Kla a patent .y.tam of lMtentN»eo«o referem-N Tbe iadlraa of facto map»p pe.r upon each m«p» border. The Information W«a « • ootatoaj. Three wonderful plaito. compi.ed toy experta. and nbanlntaly up to da*% are a miniauire counterpart of tbe world* physical appearance oa It eg tot. at tbl* imeoent. Tbe map# are not merely plctertal rhartr; the. nra aleo grographiw and combined. Tha ruled border on tbe soar •tdea of every map I* divided Into equl-dlat*nt epve*. deelgnated upon •-# axle by letter*, at tbe top and bottom by numen.a. If Une# weva pro jected from Uieae marginal point* -mall eqnare* would be formed by I heir in ter-eel lon. On tbe margin of each page ■PC"**'* • of all the principal dlvlaiooa. cHleo. and town* lowrlhed upon that *pa cial mat), where they are clarified alphabetically and according W tiulx commercial importance and prominence a* centre* of popuUUoo. , J You ought to Have this Atlas You Can Have it You will Have it If you wish to see tha Atlas before buy ing, call at The Herald. But you Must Hurry. The edition is a short one and will f not last many days. Mail orders filled promptly. Price, 3ods Price, 30cts The Herald has exclusive control of the r sale in Augusta. ■■■ CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER The Beat on Tht; Market. BEAD HERALD’S WANT ADS CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUGHT BEER The Best on The Market.