The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 29, 1898, Image 8

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MONDAY What will b« th# condition of your f)(tincM n*nt Summw ? Th»y w*y tw flyth now; thoy m»y bo dimlnuhwl th«n. If youVo wit# tfive « "prudant thought" to your wirnfOM and antic»- potofuturo n«M?d*. *’Mttforlun#*t ttdo* may flow your woy* ond plonty of ciothow aocurod At pro««nt ratoa, will bo A Mvinc And a bonofit* On* thing )• cortAin. good roody madr Clothing. Hats and Furniahmga will novor Again bo oold aa rhoop At wo aro Bolling thorn today* That • not a boast, or an empty claim. It'* on at»»o --luto and undeniable fact. Batter give credence to our statements. JUDGE ADVOCATE FOR THE TRIAL. N. b Cipctei rite W.diastw Al) tA|> Th* Trial *■ Oa Har. W.» »*• 4ATCIMhM. <n ■ itial lanu a TsvtOf Tit eWPtt >BMW**B* «B tmy ™ * •ill pniifeii pi«f *• tr%*m Wti4ii< i' n It wm bwwr*eal yrottfUAt IBM **»“ fttrr mho »IU fce el tl* Bop 4 »l ••elrt 1 will pet lotoil t# tin ttHfc retlipirotl. but tNII B# 4«*it§Bß*#4 W§ *&# Wlf d** perms#oi ft®B w** «KBff fop** B*tl of tit IW IS «oi*rßi 4ny« b#o By Tbe MmM, th* itial la am M lafa giac* am al ramp at Mwtray 11*11. tnrt , ta ik* «*•** nm of th* piillMMl b*thlir.x Till* I* far am* mataalrai for all #**e*ea*d aad will pntoMr allow lit public or aarh part of It a* l» !nt»r*M *4 la Iha proroMtaa*. to listen to an •nay mart-martial trial, a form that fm peroone rein ipmllrtlf hav* aril- Beyond CowipreNeneion Oer tpAluro of Hit cut ii bard of pppsprobeftoif n It aIU be r#»*mb*r*d (bal Taylor had tba qwarrH with Corporal McCann over tba qnrallna nf eanteea cheeks and after word# bad passed between 4fa. taro. Taylor whipped out hla pls tol. ablrb be had roarealrd probably mare the .rat vis* of lhe paymaster oa tbe 7th loaf., and Immediately teed. The hall atroek Corporal Mill*, who aiaa appareatly an Innocent hy-stamW and trho bad hla bark turwrd to the antagonist* at the lime, and after In •Seetual probing by Ihe surgeon. the rlrtlm died on the following day Taylor, when brought before Colonel Jones. denied that he had aimed at or deal red to hit MeCann. hut had secom pltahed hla purpoae In ahoollng Mllla. Will On Hard With Him. In view of the fael that, aa far na can be learned at preaenl. there had Item co anltnoalty between the priaoner and hla rletlm and further that the appar ent cautw of the ahoottng wet the quar rel with MeCann. Taylor'# ataiement aeetna queer and difficult to fathom. It .• the general opinion that the af fair will go hard with Taylor. JO-year tilled gold watches In Indies' and gents' sixes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from 17.00 to Ilf.oo. Guarantee* with each watch at Lewis J. Hchaul’a. Reliable Pawnbroker on Jacltaon street. THE WEATHER. Occasional Rains Tonight and Tues day. Augurta, Gal, Monday. Aug. 29, 1898. Office located In United Slat’s Govern ment building; telephone No. 1572. Forecast for 36 hours, ending 8, p. m. Aug. 30. 1898. Washington forecast for Georgia and South Carolina: Rain tonight; clear ing weather In western portions Tues day. Local forecast for Augusta atnl vicin ity: Occasional rains tonight and Tuesday. Maximum temperature, 74. The river at 8 a. m. was 12.6 feet, a fall of 2.1 feet in the past 24 hours. Hams have been general during the past 24 hours over the eastern half of the cotton belt, where a largo territory received heavy and excessive falls, while little or no rain occurred over Ihe western half. There "-as an ab sence of rainfall over therest of the tountry. The weather continues cool through out the South, except along the immed iate Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Except cloudiness and rain In the south Atlantic and east Gulf states clear weather prevails this morning iver all sections of the country. Do you eat? Try the Ellis Restaurant. It's lucky we are such a big coun try, else these Islands would be jostling against each other getting in. THE DESIGNS OF DEVEREUX. SC|*!ltit>fel( *f fMltltClitt It. & , BtIMuNP Drumi la lit Olj. Ht Is AffUftif I# Blplib .a Mint flrMrt Imp#ft* #mmnM *MI K»Mo<fk# Mi Jofcft H H»v*r»«i *«ifwc ***** 4frpt nf cornu rirty* vd t**t*#4 Sib*#* ; CDffflßVtt Mlll lfA IS IB th* Cll| to* Mi tMurfWt* Ms* Bit B**ni|«»*in#rs 11« rßitlsttoß oß*cß Bf th* *#r is Bis ! bom# a»4 Is bb hsif to 4fß* lit (Tari f*c ißs f***o4#Mbs of it** ibiscioc of llw pimdiSHii InilßSlbi iB Aasssi. I H* wilt slso lav# IBs isUlcflMßti of ! IBs BslßUbb ißst srs la4f 4 nmd us ropsirs, tad iß# losßlbb roof. Umm msa | men i tfiiird ss ti •clsb Ib b Iks4 smy *f : Th* Hmtd week* *g» repaired, j Mr I>*»«**«* m ■ genileiwMi of »o*t I plrMlsg athhiNU and tft ho etrsnget to Augusta, having b*«n bar* aavtrnl lima* before ll* M a yvrwMl frland of Post matter gulling*, tfe* latter lw*a a*vo rlatrd with Mr Uvvemi In rkarlra ton In past day* Tkrn it waa tkat piwtmavter Ittalliag* wa* acting aa fprunan for Mr. Drvwwui In (he work n( r*mrdating Ornr* rknrt-h. In that city. After tkat Mr. Mailing* wa* aa aorta led aritk tk* arrklt<*t ta a large contract of work to b* don* on the ruaiom boas* in that city, la th* year l*6u Mr Oaremux designed the tale rlor work on Rt. Palrlck'a church, the thoraiighnmai and beauty nf which tes tify well to hi* ability aa aa arthl-i tart. Responsible Position. Mr. flerereux has not long hern ap-. pointed lu the government poaition ha now hold*, which la a reaponslbe oat, He say’s the in erior of the govern ment building will be beautifully frea coad and will present a changed ap- j pearance. He is now rngaged In preparing th* drawings for the work. He will t>e! here today, and perhapt tomorrow. Today be la buay examining the build ing. reTjeasid ThtT Robert Hunday, Who Stole Medical Inatrumrnts, Turned Loose. Robert Munday of Blaekvllle. 8. C., who. as told of in Saturday's Her ald. v is arretted on suspicion of try ing to p«v n stolen goods, consisting of meuleal instruments belonging to ai physician of Barnwell, has been turned loose by the authorities. Word was sent to llaruwell of the recovery of the Instruments and the arrest of the thief and U was learned that the physician who lost the Instruments is a Dr. Jlles of that place. No word was sent about sending an officer here to take Mundav back, al though the Augusta autboritlea tele graphed several times for such to be done. The Blacltville marshal did not reply, so the boy ivas released from custo dy. Back From Omaha. Mr. M. B. Henry, soliciting freight agent of the South Carolina and Geor gia railway, returned this morning from a two weeks’ visit to Western cities, including St. Louis, Kansas City and Omaha. He reports that the Trans-Mlsstsslsppi Exposition now be ing held at Omaha is quite extensive, and Is attracting good crowds. The Georgia bulldog, which cost nenrly 310,000 is much admired, being con structed of our yellocv pine, while the growing cotton planted in front Is a curiosity to many visitors. Mr. Henry heard some very distinguished looking gentlemen passing most favorable crit icism upon the display of products gathered from a twenty-live acre farm near exhibited In the Agricultural bulking. This display in cludes twenty-seven vegetable and frnlt products, and clearly evidences the fact that farmers can raise plenty to ent on their Georgia farms if they will only work. A woman who is lale at the mar riage altar loves her mirror belter than the man. TH» AUOtIBTA WICWAI-D. V kAI/WV^WS^f >UTTIEIOCUREWS{ ai lIiBIPNNMiIB m *%• Ba PBBRHi I* #4a** * ?j R B## * # 4MMB£ *BB§ **’■ Bi IMB 0 4B * 9wm Ml ißf m 4 9B MB I gpMfr ft 888-BB B-fll I* 4884MM8. IHNtfd % M848M4 t ’ sßhm# j M m Hb4 mm Mi mb* MttwM : BM 9 B JMMa MM IMB UMBiMf flm (P«4M B*i » GmrH •*■*» iwbbiaq Mbwe* *•» ItaMu R- u|krw*lpv| 4 % C **♦ rtNlwr IMM MB IMt p MM 4 *® tr I t |- A***- « t» »kij»*»i«*i tbe* ft#4 qMRSAiMb Mi AvkßwaMt aa sivMba* Rat«M Alpha la a a*t*e*ai«p «Mw>* letter fiat*apiti Tb*v* at* a ******* j . . . - .ft-* 1 real: ;r* la Aapss- Tbe KftiitaM CaapUbe - Tk* rail fWPw fWPMPMIe* M MMNWii SV*-*** aw*eww afteewowb •* tab * pae*ai*m# aa Rpa*h CvMla* aastbe* tba Cw**i***aa pad We***ea Cfeltaa >ai ■****« i Ik* ahftlvr* r wet*# ****** tbe apr**w*at I ..f tbe taitMaAft a ilk tka ci t y #*■-«* *w* Pan Pram a c*r <wt* MKcken. a <* i<w*4 at*. Ibti MM a T*rp»* Mill lew R#*«r4af alpht aa4 wa* lake* ta tke I water keapttsl. aber* a* »*»■» [laattrw nf Mt laparle* iweliM by tbe i fait wer* b**4 la be etiptM He bed ■ 1,1*4 a pond A*al bal aaly a *a»ail I *roaa4 na lb* bead »h*»**d wbeia be bad at rack tk* aapkalL Iwe lure by Mr. Bay#*- Tk# Herald In a*k*4 to aaat ear * (bat lb* tkt*dP ' Uhrary Anaorietloa karrad Heart Pariah, baa areared ior a date am yat ! aaaaaaced Mr Chari** J Baya* for a lrrtur* It I* staled that Mr Barer * beautiful a** let-tar* "Dmae* and | Ilrraia*" will be alrea Tk-* date of tbe lector* will be aoaoaared later. The Weather *«d tbe Hirer The rain which rain*th eeery day. faltinlf alike oa lb# lu»t and tbe nn|a«(. la. *e ’ rnrdtng to Obaerver Plaher. not qul'e thrui*P yet Mr Flaber *ay* that we ■aay expect an*r* of II tcalgki. and i toamrrow. Thera will probably be no heavy downpour, but shower* are 'very likely to occur Contrary to ex -1 pectatlon o» what might be expected, the river I* falling. 1 bis I* crecanted for by the fact ;ha: the terect rain* hare been more to the south and eaat than up country. Yr*.entity tbe gauge reglsterel 1414 feet and today It la iHfW" **° sect - The Jerkaonvllle Review.-The date hai at last been fixed for the grand review of the Seventh army enrp# at JackaonvUle—lt Is to be on Sept. 1&, Ci mpany A pf Anguata are already making preparation* lo attend In a few days the railroad* will announce their rale#, which are expected to be very low. * Prealdent McKinley, Secretary of Wnr Alger and other dlgnltiea will probably be on hapil and the review of the 30.000 *o!di"rß under Major Genera the 30,000 aoldter* under Major General Fttzhugh Lee will be a grand and Im posing spectacle, FERRYBOAT NEEDED. Passengers Arriving at Union Depot Have a Wct Time. A ferryboat company could do a good bualnes* in the union depot st present. Toe water 1* detp out there, especially between the Central and Port Royal railroad tracks. A gentleman arriving hare from down that line on the noon train remarked to Capt. Tanner, depot agent, that he "he would like to tuke the ferryboat If it was running, so as to got to Campbell street." Several la dles wl\o arrived on the train had quite u time of It trying to keep their feet and skirts dry. The depot leaks ami the depressions In the cement gravel flooring holds tbe water like a mill pond. When the gravel was put down It was said that such would be the case. The old wooden floor was much dryer. However, the fault lies in the leaky roof, more than In the floor. A new depot roof might, not be amiss, and by the way what's the matter with a new depot? FROM ATHENS. F.xcuislon from Classic City Arrives at 2:30. An excursion from Athens arrived here over the Georgia road this after noon at half-past two o'clock. The train was due here at noon, but was delayed. LOOKING FOR 50LDIERS. Provost Guard in Search of Members of Tenth Regiment. A detail of five soldiers from Camp Dyer are patrolling the streets today In search of their brother soldiers who did not turn up at camp when they ought to have done so. The de tail have spent most of their time out by the depot looking for the way ward soldiers. ***at Mi MM M*Bk Paln-Killep. B Mbh MaM Ib mmo - INrAb *m* %***% Bbbl M B—»%, *f •*—l tß*f BBiBI. BMiBfikMMM. M»au*4 A«q» * M | * m» ' * Bas *Mft * bbbbbbb Rt— r **VM WTKAL RAWMntltft pywl Aim* Bake* BrM Ml *B* Bbm* ttiittn «4 Mbm m «4 ii- 'B I BIBBNMWftMBiJi BD *B* j HM l*«HI 18. *(#• "j Infcn 1* Mr it * M**' | 4MN* n#*mm ißb mb b «MMM BbM «f pMI M* - * tB««' U, || l# || mifigtoflt BB 4 888 iMB I M MU**** —Bj f«ll IB ftM MB ißt Bt MP«* jmke t«f- 7 m#* if* I— - ——■ iiijtia . rr*«v4# Ifik liria afvi# !■* j tmp*n « !*«*«**» .a! ! Iwb*r tfata* la m*oe •« ••• »*vri*#«! I gait* th* tbtag Rrofeaaor J. Ala** P*4ot. Aagxmt* a aid* #*4 vet era* wrl-1 I itmf iPißiißy. Brill (tißlißi# BHi *B : tba pabltc arhoul sad will taarh tht» nawly adopted *tyl*. srariag th* tamal ph»aora*a«l amaa that attaada all Ills vurk Ib Uj In*. IN THEIR NEW QLARIERS. C. A. Doolittle A soa Have Started tip al Thai* Nawr Plat#. It Is adoam# news to th* commer cial w< ltd <«f Augusta sad vicinity that C. A. Doolittle A Son. mteemman to the Brokerage, Comm'**. on and Eleva tor company, or# now In their new quarters, Bussey A Cantwell's large warehouse, corn*# of Fenwick and Cuwining (greet. During th* thlrty-thr*- year* that Mr Doolittle ha* been In th* c >mml»- »ion and grain buolnea* he ha* woo for himself an envtaM* place among (Ue leading merchants of the South Hi* magnificent butiaeas ability aod bU well-known Integrity have won the con fid nee of everyone with whom he bn* had any dealings. When he open ed tbe atorag.' warehouse and elevator, four year* ago. be filled a long-felt wnnt. and ht* speedily received a de servedly large pi tronage. When the warehouse occupied by Mr. Doolittle wax burned on the morning of the first of May, Its loss was fait keenly. It waa proven thal the faith had by Mr. Doo little's n stomers In bis careful fore thought and unerring business Instinct was not misplaced by the fact that on the twcnfy-atcand of the moneh on which the werrh >ua* wa* burned checks for all the goods stored there were handed their owner*. Mr. Doolit tle making It a rule to a’*va. a keep everything entrusted to his care fully covered by Insurance. The new warehouse occupi-'d by Mr. Doolittle and ht* son, Mr. L. C. Doo little, 1» in many respects a decided Improvement upon the old one. In tbe flrat place, It Is much more commodious. The Three large fire-proof compartments hove a capacity for two hundred carloads. These compart ments are divided, by brick walls eighteen tnch-'s thick, and double fire proof doors. In onq grain Is stored, in another flour, and In the third miscel laneous articles of every description. Immediately at the qntraoce on Cum mins street la a large airy office with every modern convenience and com fort. It Is her ethat Mr. Doolittle re ceives his custmoers and makes those business arrangements which always prove more than satisfactory to those with whom he deals. No firm has ever entered Into busi ness under happier auspices or with the more hearty, congratulatory ap proval of the business world than does this new firm of Doolittle & Son. MAY LOCATE HERE. A Carpet Cleaning Machine Man W rites. L. C. Hays is In ejupesprindence tvith the city authorities. Tie wishes to lo cate a carpet cleanse- machine outfit here. He has been (visited to visit Au gusta. It is understood hn wishes to man faeture tilt' machines |it some southern point. (CO Mr. W. Edward officiated yes terday at St.’ Mary's" (colored) Episco pal church. * M. -i w 4 —* _ [pERSOHUiamMI I I H dM* *4 (•**«#■#,. m m KBb !**#’ I ™ rft AtfßlißßM 1 P W JiBiMkBBBi Bf d#Br Bi •* ! j H ||t#9k* •* m BBPpBb #bb ,•! (MR • r lit P Haibbbbb •€ PBlUßwafß j —— H L |toß4r «f AfadßlM IB NBkKff* ' 1 *4 it ißb Artftacißß Mm Kat# PHji'b. CunhfW#, Ml . jhi tlB ArU«irt»'B I w |C Rmtth, **f chhagu. la itfittu |*d at th* Arlington. j J. H Tbnma* of Hadtlaaor*. I* *t»R --j |.mg at th* Artlagtna. I Mr. and Mr* Ftanh Graham hav* I returned from W»»hln#toa. ! Rev J. J. Laßl*r h«-H #*rv|c#a at j At. Paul's church yeaterday. ! Mr. J. R- fttnk-* returned from ’ Washiastoa. Ga . y**t#rday. 1 gam lerhmaß. a well known whlahey {Liimman, Ib bi ll*b Ariißftuß* j Ht. Julian Canri)#, fti** popular tf*f* 4»liriff main. IB »i ih«* Aihn«tt»n. Thomas C. Jaaper and W. V- Knmx, of Ixmlavtlle, are at the Planter*. H(MI. George D, Tillman, of Clark*# HIM, *pent yeaterday in Ausustn. J ,C. Van D«rn and L. 8. Gibson, of Kansas City, arc at the Arlington. W. W. Starr ha* been elected pres ident of the Savannah Yacht club. Mr. IV. A. Bachelor, a prominent j merchaut of Harlem. 1# in the city. | The many friend* of Ml** Mary L. Stoy will regret to hear of her serious I lline**. Mis* Norma Brinson ha* returned I from a pleasant visit to Wend* at Eat onton. Mr. W. M. Lumpkin. Georgia rail road agent, at Columbia. 8. C.. 1* in the city today. J. M. Oliver. G. B. Josey and J. C. Peer*, Jr., of South Carolina, spent yesterday at the Planter*. Prof. A. W. VanHoose of Gainesville, who ha* been in the city a couple of days, returned home today. Ml** Bessie Singleton returned from Savannah last night after a week’s visit to Mrs. A. N. O'Keefe of that city. Messrs. Warren Vaughan. Michael Carnlgan. Ed McLaughlin. Harry Sum mer and M. L. Browne were down in Savannah yesterday. Adjutant Joyce and Captains Mul larky. Tibbetts and Byrd, of the 10th regiment, now at Murray Hill, spent yesterday in the city. Messrs. P. F. McDonald of Ellentnn, S. C., J. D. Logan of Charleston and R. K. Chisholm gs Jacksonville, Fla., are at the Commercial hotel. Miss Margaret Redmond, one of the most handsome and charming young ladies of the city by the sea. Is on a visit to Miss Kate C. Mulherin. Savannah Press: "Mr. Harlan Win gard, of Augusta, lost car tracer of the Georgia railroad, arrived at the Scre ven last night from Charleston. Mr. Wlngard, while in Wilmington, NT. C., a few days ago. had the misfortune to lose his satchel, lUled with clothing, which was delivered by the station tnasier to the wrong party. Mr.' Win gard says in all his travels, whieh is almost a continuous tour from Wil mington to Louisville, his preference is Savannah, which is his ideal city, and ho doesn't hesitate to say he would like to live here. i AT THE 810 LUMBER YARD y—l H* «M* In §il xaHal tow »*N tom R Km a (**4*i (m| «anl In pirik fc—a. twi4 fmmi ’i ffrt fiw Wd kafvfea tM < tfi )m HifiL tlßyKaiq mt wfßfi T\ SiiiiilM'r(u CONDITIONS OF IHE MARKETS kIBM ff A Flßit* Ml K»**U OB Ik* Hi Cttf Fallttn I €|«»* #nHBMM»f CP* BB WbH4" B I iIIbbIbI BMibbl >|t. t Um BrfHfc'B*. tBVBVBr. Ml IBy llßilt BB UIHBMf I iv Viiiuiiif ib. tv ~irtß**w j |«ru ** ii I B B'ritwk. •#*> ov#r tV jafwHßl mirm «f P*m+ M«mdy 4 C».; ; j CMICAOO PBOVWOIfi. I B HKAT Ovarß. (Bub. : J 4?H 4IS j May .. .. ** 44S 44 pu--:-:i a [ fVftt»*mtN*r aa a- 14^ Mbv .. •« •• a. •« aa a. 22S 33 h»UK |fUpt*f«l>W»r aa a. • *J • M LSSt .« .it j December .. .. .. .. ~ .. A 17 S 22 I KIRK — ! fterteml—r .. .. .. ...... IS 5.22 1 Ortoher * 22 *.» NEW YORK COTTON. January *.«7 ( « | March 8 3 1.7* April IN ! May *• •• .. .. .. ... 6*l 6,*2 iVtohcr 6.67 4.58 Novemtar 6 «* 6 6* I De. ember ( *2 s U T-nR- fit-adV. Middling-6*4. , ft ni:w YORK m*C-KB. fit|g.>r 144 IC I Tohaern lit 142*4 I a. m. a it>4 mi 1C B. Q 117 117’4 j Chicago Oa* I«5N| 104% IJ. C *7 j Louisville A Nashville .. 69% %x% I Manhattan 98% *7% j Omaha .. .. .. 66 84 Union Pacific 34 32% ll tck Island TlO5 T * 105 R. G 1* Rt. Paul 113% 112% 8. B. Q 3*% 25% Western I’ni- n 91% 94 LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 3.07 3.09 10 February apd March .. 3.10 3.10 Match and April 3.10 3.10 11 Apr! 1 and May .. .. .. 311 3.11 | May ami June 3.12 3.12 July and Aug JH 3.14 13 Aug. and Bept 3.13 14 3.13 14 Rept. and Oet. .. .. .. 3.11 3.1 tl2 Oct. and Nov 3.09 10 Nov. and Dec. .. .. •• 3-09 3.09 Dec. and Jan. .» .. 3.09 og 3.09 AUGUSTA COTTON. Middling in Augusta today 5% Sales in Augusta today 62 Receipts in Augusta today (04 Receipts in Augusta to date .. .. 377731 Stock on hand in Augusta 3402 PORT RECEIPTS. 1895 1897 1698 Or 1 vest on 003 3HOI New Orleans .. .. 737 7086 32i Mobile 39 143 33 Savannah 220 Charleston 71 309 382 Norfolk 6 Philadelphia .. •• CITY NEWS. Mr. W. L. Wilson has returned from Allendale. Mr. James Triplett has returned from Tybce. Col. Tbaddeus Jcties is still at Capt. E. J. O'Conner’s. Messrs. Charlie Smith and W. F. Ew ing are in Savannah. Miss Lizzie Mahoney is visiting friends in Charleston. Mr. Bayard Caswell has returned from Hot Springs. NT. C. Mrs. Edward Lattimer spent yester day «t Blaekvllle, S. C. Messrs. Charlie Stafford and Edward Dicks are at ElDnlon. S. C. Mr. p. V. Weislnger, yf Blaekvllle, Is the guest of the Planters. Col Mills, a prominent Burke county farmer. Is in the city today. Mr. R. E. Platt returned this morn ing from Graniteville, S. C. Mr. James Daly and James Daly, jr., (left yesterday for New York. augubt 0# THE MARSHAL SAFE AND SOUND I. 1 lUnlai Wind) kfilans Fib* l.i*r*fi Cktat). Ha Vmtm IM H«Ht4(*tM »*-timem. Urn I jMtgh* At. P».i*4l fits’** Marat)*' BFhM#4f. *fao q—| a« * r fti4 «ft )• ih* «.:4» t 4 Lott m)| 4WBMBO iMBt 14wn>4iy B«l4 BtNMtt t 111 f| BOSBB •Nssf’l p llnw Vs tVf It" a I g ini 0m w bw 884144f1h0 wwm» VwHI fygd BS (V 4Bjr ( 884 IS BBW* yfUl SB SBB 4S# Vb h llWfßfa VM l«r**4 Mp **to bs4 •»•**& ki« •bb immbs ks s Htt«N riyiHf MfMIS Umm4 «S« w~ b*t k>M 0 Til# writ? «*<-«4ibl>;b#p ••• *hf »#4 set Ball V# rwi s f l»< Ib# HantMii Wlitiiijr B##rr m'wmm liV man. !t»m»gS i it may taka a Ml of ua* ta rapusrq Linmlft mat* ta as full of taoofi* faiaftta UI fast hive It of b*#*. sftd [ to fttfta eases oat of tea th*- th* L*ai i i*q iitatea ftuthotltla* la this district hava to deal •it fa m*nrtl*| rhargas of lltU-it dlalilltac. th* prartpfiht »r* trek of Uaeola ctmbtf However, dur > ag the fi**i fix raoo-h*. fVfiUty U. If. C->ll*ol or Dart* Marshal White!*, Marshal fitooall an I others, who mak* I It a hmtasa* to eaieh the men who vl ' niat* t'o.!* (tea's liquor tears, hav* , made many arrests and hav* fared -<tn* dangrmus and dexprrstft mm. Monnsh.o* bum ng Is one of th* moat daring profession*. Only men nf n*rv* •ad plenty of It are qualified to far* th* dancers Naturally, when Marshal Whltaly did not turn up when expected, it wsa thought that h* and hla party had got in trouble with the moonshiners. The marshal ta bach Without a scratch, a* stated. ANNUAL CAMP MEETING At Richmond Camp Ground Bhgina Next W ednesday, Th* annual camp meeting at Rich mond camp ground. Grar. -vood, will begin next Sunday. These ramp tret-ing* at Urarowood are always veil attended by many Augustan*. The | Augusta Southern w.ll, a* they do every year, operate a convenient >chedulo to and from Gracewood. j Train* will leave Augusta at 9:16 a. ra.; 10:15 a. m.; 2 p. m,; 4 p. m.; 6:30 , p. rr; 9:30 p m Trains will leave Gracewood at 13 in; 3 p. m.; 5:30 p. in.; 7:30 p. m ; U | p. m. j TbP ,are W !U bo a quarter for round , trip Several Augusta minister* will be at the meetings and will conduct servi ces. ! —*—- , TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION WANTED—A POSITION AH HOUSE GIRL or cook. Good reference. Ap ply 406 Walker street. Aug 30 I SEVERAL FINE MILCH COWB AND ! also several fine beef cow* for sale. Arpjy J- H. Carmichael, May avenue and Woodlawn. Sept 3 WANTED—A POSITION AS COACH- Man or any yard work. Jno. Hanker son, 336 Broad street. Aug 30 WANTED— BY AN INDUSTRIOUS young man a position of any respect able kind. Have had experience' in wholesale grocery, general collecting and also in electrical work. Object— a position. Address Work, care Herald. Aug 30 SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG lady as bookkeeper or letetr copyist. Address G. M., Herald. Aug 30 WANTED—A PLACE AT ONCE TO do cooking or any kind of housework. Understands her business. Can give reference. Address M, A. L., Herald office. Aug 30 LOST—BOYS' COAT. SILVER WA TRKISURY watch in the pocket. Re turn 905 Greene street and get reward. Aug 30 , ..'-■'i:, / TO RENT—NO. 1010 MTNTOBH ST. Nice 5-roorn house with large garden. On car iine. four doors from Pollard residence. 613.00 per month. Apply No. 102 S Mclntosh St. Aug 31 TO RENT—NO. 215 KING STREET. New two-story 6-rcom house, near car line. 310.00 per month. Apply 1028 ‘ Seventh street. Aug 31