The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 30, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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TUESDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES LadtM' aMtvtt* OuMij'lln w»»ch»« . . • • "• « •« " Com* I » t a » • # *BO *• ** »atm* MM L*** BrftOfttot # . • »*0 B*l*m w Of Girkfttoft •« 00 •*«** I leava to ft f#w <**y* to buy WftW 188 * Cftn ■•VO you 98 to 80 par coot on alt pur * Oftaoa Uitni p# (xa morula in Awffuato LEWIS J. SCHAUL, juwiu.tß. Undor M* Arlington JUST AS EASY TO PURCHAftfI A PIANOR OR OROAN at MAIL-- - as • M to tof • uw *f *** lha* W> ffeaPtaMK hawsaw a atowatafy *«*•► wry. anmsty Orti«na< From • Bna Taa Kao» To be K • ».' «•• aftw aha** ft* Qnalitin am UnqawtioßhblT the But, th« Term* the Mert Liberal tad The Awortnient The Urjfeet Tha* awrurtag UU DetoN vnla* tar tour I to*M*to«t>i aaß im iwtoi ftotouM )■ •mii >...«>< m«i s*d»«* towtoy* «»» \*t- 1 Vm*i iMUH. H»nitmi*‘r Ibusuwad Mlikgur« rm. Thomas & Barton, w. H. **Msrr. itoew, ne smtoir. An*aata, Oa. THE BRIDGE UN3APE. | t .t rUcoa Cut 0(1 Prow (Im * »•( AM* of the R»v«r Karon. o*.. Auf. Jfl. la rut ot from all MMlttlWlo* wlih tbr mernt Me of the rlvw. Yeutwday morn ng tb* river authorities pro kuuncori the bridp un«(f for ihe paa •aar of vabtrlw aad PrM car* and la tar a aotlra war patrd that podratri ant would make the trip o»t»r Ihe rlrer on the bridge at thtlr own rtefc This waan* that nature and (hr element* hare door for Rart Macon what lh<-» hart- naked for many dap*. For orrr a pear K ha* boon known that the old bridge could not latt much longer, gnartbiw orrr a year ago tba city LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW j. iillebTalieb THE HATTER. kiistozs: hats engineer made an examination and gave it a* hit nsplnlon that with cer tain repair* the bridge would last for another year. That limit ha a now been passed, and his prediction has proren t#uc. tor yes terday It was found that the bridge was unsafe and the notices were pos ted preventing tbo street car* nhd ve hicle* from going over. The street cars made arrangement* to tmngler the passengers going over the bridge on foot, but later when the notion was posted that pnsawrgefa would go over mi foot at their own risk tbs business for (be cars became slightly slim, and while some people took the risk ami a certain amount of truffle Is still go ing mi, the bridge could not he called a popular place at present. The fact of the matter la that It has been known for sotne time that the bridge was not really safe. The people of Bust Mac-on have had many plans for a new bridge hut the administration has turned a deaf ear to their enttfid le*. Now, however, they are bound to get it. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like It, hut there t* really no trick about it. Anybody can ♦ry tt who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys. Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Hitters. Tills medicine tones up the whole system, acts a* n stimulant to Liver and Kid neys, Is a Mood purifier and nerve ton ic. It cures Constipation. Headache Flan ting Spells. Sleeplessness and Mel ancholy. It Is purely vegetable, a mild laxative and restores the system to Its natural vigor. Tiy Electric Bitters and be convinced that they gre a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60c a bottle at Howard & Wttlut’s drug uore. . _ ....... IHHRES MONET IN 3 GENT COTTON Till M He« • frmmti fftftiiM Is guard. huh* TM la TAW* By Mr. A ft im «e OtotoAunr 8199*9 «• A*B Mi Ilk SIN* jiti tHhMi tip #fs *• VaHI Hum •» |ift»H «ft* tt»n»»w4f, SI Is ** | fFPßßi*m B*4 I NuifSwi fftMSl fit llMflhf f « toftf IMS* A I «i*t#KPNIW ft* 8 999818 fSftSMW *BB fcwwif# Hi *n*B* Is AllSMfef •*• brns 882* fcft | HiftiiwH HIH 8 fftPwmNkiMit y*>•»»!# f«*w#* «f A*f«ft 9814 Iftft SNWwIi Sm*9 taftßft B||y «SMMK*f *8 8N» ff*9# ISIS 9*B* If Ss A'*”** V «NMA • S 9884 Sit MS 98f* ' M TfrMft svS« 8a»« if* MIN B*4 ! Bmp* «ftMMM*« Mas «# Sis 9t9t«*? pasai*** I SSI StSIfttSUNM ftft Sflifllt. fst iWf SVMrSr IftMlf Sft 88189 IS tS*# WWSffSSli# . illy |f|«f S r«N#t|l S** •srS rsitrsShfirtN* •* l«t« l»« IS SPmSMVUItS s fftiSfftn tftMk prnfsHf Ms Milt is sSwst Vi yftsfS sSfl 84*4 8 stogy* me*. TV* yeses •«« a* had tototo j IM tort a healthy li*i#y. * ***ad «M*4 * good rtor*rt*r, aM • d*t*riatonil*« to am ml Haw to* tow Betaseh Bto.gto •*4 eu.w» •oft* *r r*«4«*»iy. o’ «* which to to« aecrtmulated wamit **T fanning. awr*tal calctolaitoa totr 'ftaMeft t« aww* to to tor Hifrs awtotto" t» My • farm *«•»» ywr l*aa* yaar to imr, *a*'4 Ma faitofa fatw •« li» •« a<fa aa4 taa haa Ma (attor iM to**- ar tlvNur toftft Blm Ur Hill «mw H prnmaMa lo ran iMiaata tatwliallr. Ha wiaUM bla toitoa WauaU ami P»r. MMII, toaimeta itoir work. Ha toa <# »M.r *r«ttor «to la eaariy aa aorcaaa fttt M Ilf Si Tto# laTonnaHoit waa tu* rarrlv'4 frntn Mr HUI hlmaatr. hut H arm « arlihnaf hla hnAwtolea. ton a yrnivil* nant rill ar* nf Alto ur ah* hnna* hlw wall, vmirtoa tor It totac aatolatlially tto traih TUB STATfi CAriPAKIN. everything la Moving Along Ntccty Just hoar Atlanta. On., Aug. *o The atate rantpalgu gnat on smoothly on the Democratic side. While noon me Ho gan sad other membery of his ticket were wandering la the woods of De- Kalb county Saturday Governor At kinson end Judge Kates were address log an audience of >0(1 at Dublin Judge Bale* called at headquarters yesterday morning and gave an Inter- ! account of the Dublin meeting. He sgld that the day was forbidding and the rain poured In torrent*. Not withstanding this there was an audi ence of ROO people and the sperchea were well received. Provisional appointments have been made for Col. Candler, on the .3rd at Cuthbcrt, on the sth that Jonesboro, on the 6th at Gainesville, and on tbs 17th at McDonough, but these have not been formally annoueed beeatiae of the crit ical nines* of hla son, Victor. There la a very general desire to hear Colonel Candler, Bnd hla presence has created enthusiasm whereever he has been. His direct and straightforward manner of talking to the people Is Im mensely popular and he I* everywhere regarded as a people's mso He will poll a larger Democratic vole than any nominee In years. Before purchasing a pistol or gun. call on me. I can save you money. Uw- Is J. Schaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established IS9O. HON. oTTITtEVENS. A Suggestion That He Has Made as to the Department. Atlanta, G».. Aug. 3d,—Hon. 0. U, Stevens, the democratic nominee for commissioner o f agriculture,i» making efforts to secure legislative action which will greatly enlarge the work of the department. It has ho*n hampered by a lack of funds, and Mr. Steven* will nsk the legislature to give K all the fertilizer fees. This year the grosa receipts of the department from that source were ab out 340,000. ami after puylug the sal aries of Inspectors a net amount ap proximating $20,000, was turned Into Ihe state treasury for the school fund. Htjider the present law this money goes to the schools, but as It comes from a tax on fertilizers which are bought by the formers, It has long been contended that the proceeds should go to the agricultural department to be used in enlarging Its work in the In terest of agriculture. LEAVE IT TO THE MEN. How Senator Clay Thinks About the Mustering Out. Atlanta. Oa., Aug. 30.—Senator A. S. Clay U In favor of allowing the enlist ed men to say whether or not they wish to remain In the array, and of dis charging all who desire to return to their civil duties. u THU AUQUBTA E3EHAI.D THE CRIMES THIT *PP*L A NATION AM**t lyNAli Ne*i teM IIM Mmn toawufttfte *t MMuto* to to eta ton*-* toaaaa M Itoaa* I % VS# Hrit ft If 8 w* wtoa a»* «*»uto aftwto » tto I ft. "A' si n nifft** Mi In 8 ns4SSmßmi4i rtwirrfto sr^iurSl ** i SPSS' * €MMB NNB# •• * «BfßS' r « -SpSto i «»8 NN tHWfS N S#4 *NM ‘•IPS smm SssfS IS NWISSIi* ss4 sssS^- •*N» OMa INS# ** * *PNf os4 i SBS* Mills t*» *SMN Ss4 |Sel tSsf» SS SnNM* Bf*to B** S** I* ** tStss ssl Is ftfts-4 sis ssytSl-SN 0 | SsS « SM Ne Saf Ik* sfMf'SSi til* 81l ttoaa iMaga ft*, tall ttow to mmm : awl tato to* aarat !*«•» tore. I ftaa t ! wmi «y<to- to N b hare ta Ala to* Wtfrti la HU Ptai "toMAa tto pair Ihßaw ilura tel a await tie rap fuiaA artti h"aaiay I iwli «aa lira m*pu to R. Tina ■ waa tha pami gt*«a to llto toft aatoara j : aT iha aattoa tea • raptato aT th»' topriar arwy well aa urAtria Iwatoa it ww I ha 4 wt way of haraiac h « waa hraa* ap*e a hna that waa aiitowaA to <wa aT tha Mirhliaa waa la Iha iNHptol, awA altar taaiMc lha nrA praywa ant wtot whah loepaA «A lha IMtla hwaAta at AalwwrWa tall tha antra If to taha lha tat la tha oAKara haartara Thar* art fiflaah wt who •Ml totha aMAarit to awmlar atm m- Mae* tog to Deash. ' The mea of the signal corps are slowly wgreiag 10 death They haro j **** toeat. o 4blns but decayed busatay •ad colored water maani for rofw*. | All this three times a dae— ami they I are feecad ig dig refuse e*,U. aloha, r dtoc*o.h,rtoo- I half eteel lined and bargtar pce—f safed usad Money loaded n anything ,of value at a toa rate of tatetest We i terbury alarm ilot ks. 71 easts. Leals IJ. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. Wh»;LliSs. to has IsOotag (to Among the Folks There. ; Special to The Herald. Wholes*, da. Aug. M -Genial John fkaffurd. of Hrlalr, visited friends IB j Wbelsaa Wedneadey. I The many friend, of Mr Phil Taa; will regret lo learn »f hla Mines*. I The numerous friend* of Mule Jp|f i Tull will pe delighted to learn that be has entirely recovered rum bla re | cent Illness. Miss Mary Wilson, one of our favor ites. I* Isltlng Miss Mary Norrell, near Blythe. Mine Ada Ramp will anend the next week In Bela'lr, aa the guest of Misses Nellie and Magfle Htafford. r I Our little town has a prodigy In the j person of a little negro, 7 years of age. who, while not knowing one letter from another, reads <7) paper* dally In or der to keep ilooted regarding Ihe war , new*. York, evidently. Is not wwsre j that the war ts a thin* of the past, j I picking up a newspaper and invarlahty I {turning It upside down, he acrewa hla black countenance Into the shape of a ; [mummy's and begins: "Yesterday ihe ! fuhnns and the Hnaniards had a fight {on the water, and five hundred of Uncle i Ham's ships got busted all up." i "What Uncle Ham do you mean, ! York?" Is asked. •‘Uncle Ham Jones," Is his ready re ply. York can preach, too, and he can fre quently be heard declaiming In sten torian tone*, when at work, tn answer to the question. ' How long have you been preaching. York?” he answers. “Most twenty-seven years." AN INDIAN MAIDEN. How She Proved That She Would Not Frighten. (From the New York Herald.) As a result of n practical joke. Rob ert Thompson, a guest at the home qf 00-Wou-Go Mohawk, an Indian ac tress, in VnderellK. N. J.. is suffering from a bullet wound tuflteted by his hostess. Thompson had frequently heard the actress tell of hen adventures In the West, and on Tuesday night decided, to test her courage. He secreted himself in a clump of bushes on a lonely road shortly after dark and awaited the re turn of the actress, who had gone Into the country on her pony. Go-Won-Go Mohawk came galloping along the road about 9 o'clock. Thomp son sprang from the bushes and in a disguised voice demanded her to throw up her hands, at the same time grasp ing the bridle of the horse. Instead of obeying the woman drew her revolver and fired at the supposed highwayman. With a scream Thomp son let go of the bridle and b-'gged her not to shoot again. She then recog nized hts vhlce. f.nd Jumping from Ills horse, hound up his right hand, through which llic bullet had passed and hurired him off to a physician. Lord Byron:—No wise man ever maVriort; hut for a Jooi, tt is the most ambrosial of all possible future states. |.lV|B! 'riffl ftSMf Sft**% INS Skiss* *< toft 8 Iftto Sipß ♦ M# 4 ItasS* IPSSstofsiSi. ts*i , * smsAs. si « Ms #8 Nns *** VftMii# a as* j * sn** I Ss4 8 Wu of ywer towwrai aa toa atom* at*4 , ah . 4 | % t hraa - *ha awawhir tawr m*4t§ toa fawal yfttoto aw ■»». warn tor* a< ynyw aT tola waa UaamtfaA who amja ■■■ A*r*ai Pma ta toa aaftwttor ra tar Ajr Aar ' Wtorto IMptHa Atawwa W aatar ft ' aAtor howaU ton to to lha P» *» aa UaftlrtoA fto.' raWatWa O. tor fir ffarawaah fry a hah aw aatarrh. to wAwA thaw talhga | ara ataeefy aaptatoaA Nr A w »-ala waaapar tto* aMtot ** | truA P*-r»-aa tar «atof*% Ny ' hawrtoy waw a'wnaa fatoa to awa aar. . aoA awa h—tto «r ra-aa aa «aM wa * > FRIGHTFOI STORT OF BRUTALITY. Tto Mum Horribtd Starr * >l* Lift- Wir. Something Thai Sowwda Taa Until to Ra Bat laved. '*|MT|Bt l« Tfcr H#nf4, | f*Bl* lM»«Vi9«ftß9, Auß 18 —Thft 48# V 9 ftf I fTivai* 9488)081. Rf Ik# c*«f ps, i ! Hr* «*»*! dlvlftl i*m, TkUN| ftfM) < 48- | v ‘lnf* 8 iCHMit iHtafttnc ft lory of ferw • t*llly Cipt* of lll** N(B*k i l Nftw Y«fß Mi tlto Jtiurntl rf)rrftßßßa4* tAl'g attikoHiy for Ik* 18*4*. Who He WNB* Nunn# ttalo(if*4 foriwrly 18 III# N»n*h Hft 8 Bft from New fork city, of food family, well off in Ml* owe rtgh\ Ml* family rfr 9 Hr «*•* IS 884 robwt. ! He had been deli only »*« days HorrlMr Storv. When he died ao aotopay Waa per [f-lined sad the body was left nude. I Just aa rut up By the Burgeon* Ne Ire ! eaa uaed and loasrts etc., hod full i play. The My sava out a terrible es- Skkenlng Details In Ihe next .tent there lay a doaen ' sick wddlera. The body lay there for days. No one. not ever* hla family. *sa nntlftml Cnpf O'Connor Anally heard of Nunn's death and Investigated. Charges filed. Lnst night he laid serious charge# with Ihe commanding general against Major Raymond. Smith and Hubbard, the surgeon* In charge of that division. SAYS IT IS FALSE. The Brand That Clay Put* Upon the Hogan Charge. Atlanta. Oa.. Aug. SO —Senator A S. I Play brand* a* false ihe charge made ! against him by Mr. Jame* R. Hogan, the Populist c indidate for governor, which was tn the latter'e speech, pub lished tn Saturday's Journal. Senator Clay arrived in the city yes terday morning from hla home in Ma rietta. and was seen at the Kimball by a Journal reporter. He appeared In dignant at the charge that he had In duced Col. R. V. Hardeman to borrow SIO,OOO or any other mm for the Dem ocratic executive committee, and that the Mardeman estate had any claim agalngt them. Mr. Vila Hardeman, who ha* been by Mr. Hogan os the authority for hie statement, yesterday gave Mr. Clay a signed statement in the courae of which he says: "This entire charge that Mr. Hogan makes against you is a fabrication and without a semblance of the truth.” FULTON REDUCES. That County to Pull Down It* Tax Rate. Atlanta. Oa., Aug. SO.—The Fulton county tax rate for 1898 will be fixed by the commissioners at their meet ing Wednesday, September 5. Tbe county rate will be considerably lower than it was last year, but the saving to the tnxpayers will not ap pear so great because the state rate has been raised. THE EXPOSITION OROUNDS. Atlanta Has Offered Them to the Government. Washington. Aug. 30. Hon. Hoke Smith, exsecretary of the Interior; Representatives ldv,iugßton and Bart lett, of, Georgia, were at the war. de partment yesterday „and offered the Atlanta Exposition buildings and grounds for quarters for the troops. There is only one woman admiral tn the world, the Qu.egn of Greece, and that is probably enouek. —Kansas City Star. , _JA, A GEORGIAN SPEARS OUT. Hi, Itomwt h|ft ‘to w*‘ie£f* «M ( Hwitnt ew ftee **.>e« e Aa* to ewe: v Wfrato Mwfta rftawJwi " alto haa "toW tor toA to I ttwlri to* «*• Trato. iha Pallwaa rw Whaw I rawa to w* SSfHNS ffS •!IS B*Bl ttfiH <n%*t Ti* NN»rs rssmissesst of ts# ysitr ► * ;f•»U f|NI Bt**fc**f' 98*8 8* 918*81 8* <B#|f costs. Isit tftUil 8)8 ?Bf|r lift Is W# j SotSM 8l swrfti 9811889 8811(88 Spent 8 884 MW of tS# SfVifff of tSs 80141898 •(*! OSf as 4 8(NlfSl B*l*B f 888 <Wllfßeß*B *8 919 iofSBNMNI 884 08* Of 19888 192418* f>Sft4 OV( fft><B ■oB*BoBB 1881 I wm 8 rOSSTBBisBBB He rail* to Si 884 8814, 'Look 81 ti l ft- f i»S »i (| | 9at# ip 881.* I InoSsN. 1 ft I Wft! B*‘VS 188 Stft bftN t* 8 884 1)8889 Tfcr* haftt tse 8 BTBB SttSf I tindSftftßf tSBf (It Immibß Bs4 Sfro mil ;■ tS# way to liattifa »n«t twrl That 1 wm sii !n 8«4 It waa aa oat-1 ra**. No Etcaw tor N. "Thrra la ao rxcuaa for thta Tha ‘latworratk party, whta tha war brsau. I JwaH with tha raputliraa par y In j wi!»| Itrp tnoutlt at Maori for the iHinhaaa aT aupyllea for our aoldior* I We **»* thr moot* without tha teaat j hesitation. We wlil find oat why It | • uat »petit for thr rawfort of tha tara who aar* to n«ht our halt las.* Try AHcn’r Foat-Ewr. A powder to he shaken IBtn the ahoea. At thte aniua your feet fee) swollen, nervous and hot. amt *et tired .—ally If you have amartltly feet or right shoes, try Allen's PoH-Paa It root* the feet and make* aalklny easy Cores , swollen and awyatlng feet, blletera and | talloua api’ta. Relieves turns and bun-' V>n* of all poll and elves rest and «ootfort. Try It today Mold by all tirur- i gla(» and ahoe aiorea for JA eenta. Tidal iarksfe ITIIKB. Addreaa Allen A. Olm sted. Le Hoy. S. T. COTTON lOUi. Corpus Christ l. Texaa.—The weather hut been dry all the week. Brenbam. .Texas There haa been no rain all the past week. Palestine. Texas —There has been no rain during the week. Weatherford, Texas— The weather has been dry all the week. New Orleans, l-a, —We have had no i rain during the week. Dallas. Texas,— Dry all Ihe week. Itain is badly needed In this vicinity. Nashvtlle, Tenn.— Rain has fallen during the week to an inappreciable ex.ent. , Montgomery, Ala.—Crops on tt'p .auds have Improved somewhat, and on low lands are recuperating. Helena, Ark.—Crops arc In good con dition and cotton Is opening rapidly. There has been no rain here during the week, but showers have fallen in the neighborhood. Memphis, Tenn.—^We have hnd dry, hot and favorable growing weather all the week. Two hales of new cotton were received on Wednesday. Galveston, Texas.—Early predictions that cotton crop would be a late one are being verified. The June and July rain caused too rapid growth cf plant at the expense of' fruit, and while the plant Is vigorous the bo'.is are not well developed. There continues to be re ports front many sections of damage by boR-'Wcrms. weevil find other insects. Picking is general over the southern part of the s*ate. In spite of draw backs a large yield is looked for un less some accident happens. OASTOTIIA.. Bears the * lml HaW A|WBVS B 0( # Sigsatare SW - CUT THIS OUT ... «■ * •' Wrftft ymjr A<*v»rti«ftm«ftt on DOft blrnfc. ftneic— •mount fi«c*4MMb*r to ftfty for ft* m*i»y tnftftr* ItQNtf *• you want, ftnd iHNf mill Of mhu] t| to TNB MIBALO. 1 ADVERTISrMENT COLPOIN, vo me uoi *i a maatAio Piftftftft ißMfi tt«* ftOvAnito»m#fH *rtu«n ttotlow innw In y<HJf "WANT" column*, (or which you will find *ncfo**<S • -—— cents SIGN HERE spa—rm. r ' rirf. f-a. I>_ , toa ttoto-. tows tot fetia, fa *b. Na Ka IC*j,•>£.«»■ V rl|4|»i*.»liln * MM ONE CENT A WORD. SITUATION WANTED WAKTfln>*- fiUHTtOJt NT LADY AN ! M*m**6f*9tm »M 9MMNM %m*k**ip* !(M NBA mkm «NW% n*nr +4 ««*t *•- [ ppriilly itxiri'ii. A<t4r'»— J. P., : H i «kl A«HT H WaNTRD" A As Hnt'NK* amt. m «•**. CM ntn*m* Ap> lift •inmt. Am 9 WAVTKI* A AH COACIt* j itaf* «- «ir run t ««»r* Ifia N«nfc*r» ' * - «"me I «trrtl Ad* NN WANTKD- BY AW ISWWHIIOt'* r< un( maw a s*ao*n eg Mr tr*p*rt. able hind ***** h*4 **w*rie*ee is afinlwlr gs ev y. gear#r*s , ■> ; *t: n * aad aiao la eleaivlrwt *riit., - a i-wmon AdAreaa Work, raw Maraud. Aug *• MITI'ATIOW wanted my TOPkd I lady aa bookkeeper or letetr ewpytat. Addrewe O. M . lleraM Aug » ! WANTED— A PDAUE AT ONCE TO j go cooking or any kind at housework t'Biteretaftdl her buelWea* Cta gtw reference Adtrem M A. k, Herald .iglce Aug M SJTUATtoN wINTKD Ag HGUHB (IIKir, cook, or both, or washing— pend. Hear welt water Addreaa I. W., ISIS Ninth atrrat. Auguata. Un. Aug sa WANTEP-WOHK <>F ANY KIND TO g.. by an hopeel hard working coiar eg man N«> * Telfair afreet, Aug *• p - ■- WANTED—A Situation by a colored j boy 1* year* of a*e. as porter or but ler. Ocmg- reference. Apply s** wat ! ***** * tr ** l, «'ANTKJ'-A poaltkin as *alc»ai*n to gnx'ery store, or to assist tn office, by an Industrtouii boy of 15 years. Not afraid to work. Address. Henry Har ter. General Delivery. HELP WANTED ! WANTED—BOY TO AiTgND TO I horses. Apply 81S Telfair street. | Beptl F° R SALE CREAM—CREAM AT 14 JACKSON BT. FOR SALE —ONE FIRST CLASH I motor. Good as new 600 voltage. [Speed 2600. Type W. M. No. 31. Ad ! dress Motor, care Herald. | Sept 1 ; |mV mintosh street for sale —*1,600. Rents for *16.00 per month. I Apply «t once. Clarence E. Clark. *32 Broad. 9pp * 1 FOR HALE—TWO MTtES. TYPO horses and one lady » canopy top buggy and harness. Apply to I. L. | Fuller & Co. Aug 31 {WANTED TO HELL B-ROOM house and lot In Leesville, S. C. De aiml))y located on Main street. Address \V. A. Jolley, Leesville, S. C. Aug 30 FOR RALE-STOCK OF MILLINERY and notions for sale cheap In good condition and good stand, and good reason for selling. Apply at oner Box 11()0, Beaufort, S. C. Aug 30 FOR HALE LADY'S PHAETON. very light, original price $l6O, now *bo. Call early. 649 Broad street. Sept 1 SEVERAL FINE MILCH COWS AND also several fine beef cows for sale. Apply J- H. Carmichael. May avenue and Woodlawn. Se P t 3 TO REJsIT FOR RENT—THAT LARGE AND DE SIRABLE store 1 No. 744 Broad street. Under Masonic hall. Apply to W. C. Jones, 705 Broad street. Sept 1 FOR RENT— 7-ROOM DWELLING HOUSE 1257 Greene, with modern improvements. Rent reasonable. Apply 1256 Ellis. Septl TO RENT—RESIDENCE 1224 AND 1231 Ellis, with alt modem conveniences. Apply 1026 Broad street. Sept 1 1 AUGUST 30 FOR HKJfT—ONE ng TWO UKdH | «WMi ftoUMi If #mt«l !•». ' Mi flM* rftjr. J. £ Dm f|| t-s ‘n*M n*HT MKVKHAU 91 CM CMk S fGfITAHLit «tMil it) xbm \*>«**m «$• mn % ivyi MrtM Appip J. H ••• Hr*m4 Mr*tt r+p< f. HKVT WRR AVD f IXTt'IUM I isi igll iHlhwS sgd Pummina streets I Hand Hist. Apply <« p'- miaag. f-f: i jTo RBST-Jk). i»l« M igmsH BT. Nice house with large garden, lOn car tin- f.<«r door* frntn Fnllardl ! reeidowcU. It* as per month Apply So. I*7* MilMnsb It. Aug ft to mott-iso ni king Bntiwrr New two-stnry * ream boose, near tear line, tts.6* per month Apply iv;t i Meventh street. Aug II Iron BALT OH RENT—A FURNIBH i Et> bouse at Orovetown. OilmsHs , i >uai». <aa.; aia>» adjoining lot with : pine grave for ante Apply to Mrs. f, A. Tlsibtrirkt. Sis Washington street, i Augusts, Oa. Aug N fro KKNT-THE ELEGANT THREB { story s’ore In the d Ar.tignac butid > Ing ruaaing through from Broad to El ills. Now occupied by L F Padgett. In quire at ti. U. d'Antlgnar or Z W. Icarwlls. Hept I TO KENT—CXMUfm HiIOAD AND i Center. Entrance on Center. No. Its. j 5 rooms, with hath and conveniences. .Yl*o on Center No. fit. I rooms, with i hath. Apply to Jno. D. Hahn, tod I Wrosd street. Hvpt I LOST AND FOUND I FOUND— A LARGE POINTER DOG , with liver Spots. Owner can get sama i by applying Herald office and paying expeoaea. Aug 30 LOST OB STRAYED LAST WEDNES DAY—-Pun colored cow. with horn*, white spot In face. Finder will be re warded by returning to Mrs. W, J. Cooney, 1420 Broad street. Hept l LOST— BOYH’ COAT. BILVER WA TERBURY watch in the pocket. Re turn 90S Greene street and get reward. Aug 30 MISCELLANEOUS BOARDERS WANTED AT 739 TEL FAIR street. Will furnish rooms and | meals on reasonable terms. Septl ; SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING i only **.oo per month at Osborne's I Business college. Monday, Wednesday iund Friday, at night. Corns or call at vnre. Great demand for stenographers. | June 17 ts WANTED —To exchange a 6-room house bn May avenueJor one closer In. Wilting to pay the difference. Ad dress L. A. H., Herald office Special Notices: Notice—Bids for Fuel. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION So licits bids for furnishing the Publla Schools of the City of Augusta with tho following fuel: 50 or more tons hard coal. 60 or more tons soft coal. (Kind to h* specified.) 30 or more cords fat light wood (sawed* and split stove length.) The above to be delivered in 1-2 ton or 1-2 cord lots as needed during the coming winter. Bids open Sept. Ist. LAWTON B. EVANS, Secretary, 415 Mclnueh street. Coupon Notice. THE COUPONS OF THE AUGUSTA! Telephone and Electric Company, maturing September Ist, IS9B, will be paid on presentation at the National Bank of Augusta on and after Sep tember Ist. JAMES P. VERDERY, President. Spices for pickles and preserves—Al exander drug company. .