The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 30, 1898, Image 4

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TUESDAY [JE AUGUSTA HERkLO Iflfeatt *•<•*"* ******* If 1 z i * i m ■* 9 f ***' * " t« ■ <*► * * •» '•“ **'*• " ,V * . KB|||mm a **«**• <** _ ■.-■■■- i ■ KCWAIO HW S »' u«k • **»u ;«w »*'**•** t M #<»*•#•• ll * Sgj-jf ~ *** t n «*o nit »n w'l *» AMt ,» At *»<*•*« **•*'“* «* 4 HCimli A< t*. I-*** "***’ At the »****• ****** ** HBi Swrt** l ** *' **• *'•* **•'** Wf** r ~, m ■*■ the n*»M *••"'**' ME 2Tt*»fc Off *• **• «-•** M * ftrfSii*#** •■i* T%# * ,Hf * * *** Lm «t#» *• ** * ! .. IT*k«w *• wpawlat <«<* “** ** “** Prize Leners From American Summer Resorts. I TIM It***!'! '•“* V'* f 9 ” ° n ’ * * * l\»nm ,4 HIM «or th# *>•»« Wttrr» •flH'* frj ** V.*"*!. *•* *» m 7j >— n*.. f ««,«, Ms <•<£« '»» rt«* «11l b* submmra *• _ m(( petrel and Impartial ‘ , I m\—* Tb» r*il "*"•# 01 ***• £*M*r M w«t' •• »•* "«•* *T gfewm. masi .arrempaMr *•*■ Miter Mitt •»> *"* * JU *J*”*' , “*' tor the purpo*. us idealise*- m ' . OwieatanU im<i «■«»•"* ***U * ? f fetter* I" » vc*»«*ebi* I*"*'*’ (tMtrvUtttt nto writ** •* it»»ny fetter* ■■ they "‘eh ,or ,h * . but war catestani -an wilt only on. of th* Ptl«« •m,, llorold wool* ll**. aPflffw*- * * ly .o#*lpy lot toro. and >*• •rises will be ««*r,l*d f *' r ,h * SmM. moot laterrstlna * nd n “’" t readable Ittt.r. of Humm*i «<• •ort Now* Contest Closes Oct. I. TON THK HBHT LKTTKR *» *> TfOK THE lf> UEBT I.ETTKR ... 110* TOR THE ID BEST LETTER ... I * A SPUINDII) ATI.AS. The Herald ha* nemred a few cople* of the mimnlllcent War Alla* Issued by Rand, McNally & Co, the great map maker* Thle Atlas I* a map of the world, and If you want to keep posted on Cuba. Porto Rico and the Philippines you ought to have It. The regular price of this Allas, which Is printed 10 five colors, con. tains maps of Cuba, West Indies, Hawaii, Burope, Asia, Airica, Spain. Philippines, North America, South America, the World. Oceanlca, China, Portugal and harbor charts of Havana, Santiago, San Juan, Matanzas, Clen fuegos. Manila, Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, la 50 cents. To Herald readers 30 cents. This Atlas is 14x12 inches and con* Ulna 18 pages. You are sure of get ting your money’s worth when you get the HERALD’S STADARD ATLAS. Brave Hobson will not run—not even for office. Who has bean nominated governor of South Carolina? Schley shook 6,000 hand* 00 Wall street. In fact, the palm Is his when ever he goes. The body of Columbus now belongs to America —a discovery which Spain makes with chagrin. “Sagaata has been turned down.” the dispatches say. And he was about the last leaf in the book. Tficy do say that Alger is planning •o take his seat in the Senate, but he may find a tack in It. Whoever would have expected the Czar of ail the Hussias to begin quot ing, “Let us have peace?’’ The White Squodron Is to be paint ed black—probably as a delica.e me morial of the dead navy cf Spain. Maryel.en Lease, who hails from Kansas, but does very little reigning. Is not sure that Spain has been fairly treated. She should throw Alphonso a kiss. It would overthrow the dynasty. cftWfcM* rfu»44** |§ •%# WmM ***** WBWt ; •Ml ftfr* 4Mf *H •!#•*•*• 1 MU Btjtfrl »tpi IBtfMNI B tBSS Mfcwp* •■■(••Si. *" l “ • w HW •*#*•*«» ** 1 mmsm turnip m* f**"****** I Vf(l a I, - iu-t m * §>##** SB • I gap* —»»•» m • mm. mm mm : i|yM mmmm IS Bni•■bib *• s iBMMB ' (Ml •• 9*9 9*9*91 !• • "BNI 99** I ggi |n mmrnß %*t* BMMB (BBIBBiI BBB fßli 9M'********* t : 1 miiwt " m bBbB i mblbbi i# *• **•*&***+ w b»ipb m ! «*»” : initial -f- It (Ms B*U Blß** M B(BB iBS ** 1 w ilßi’wfi BtBMl R|* *B4 VFBi j : TBBt nit •# lit NnMlmnb IS twm**9 I 9rfM9**J* *1999 99* *9*9 i 1,1,4 • tmf ||«v 9*9* * tl# •• I flfw **MW m*9*999**999 ** Hm.l'B" Wl *B» • », .., m 0 f ,jj **»4 IBs* tBtB I MBB'*Bl SB* IB# Ml 9* fh»lM*B# . . »Trr (itM lIMM JvwBSB BBD fßlß* | lap guard* - ••• thM U mm ! «b«t Bs BMBB 1 *99** Bs»B Kflß | 9jmmA „ rSBtBfY MlB | gin | f|(44 <gf ■■lost tfcst Bsß I B§#B tlfßßi IBro BBS I ** w * I «?!,-! iißo funsd lit f tkl Tntrt ts | | rtlloM StOf? fIBBS TSBit?. ! (R| IBs Btkß TBs wlfs B • ftmnm i t’iSß Bof# Biss tßtss ®B*wtss. *” qdMW’a ymtam ■*«*»* »M **» » '** a piece of *otd and * make Their [ wirked Rory «u beheved. the <:*«*• i nut into prim*, and Ik* rfciWrt* p*i i into • box and thrown Into the u* A gardener rweeued theta and brought : bom op, ntded by n good fkfry P*» , | dap the king bad a »aiertnclon (or | dftoaer la It be found prerloua atone* , naund of aseda. lie aaid **llow can | a melon produce gem*T’ (Query: Kolb .! grata?) The fairy, who waa prrtenl. , raid "How can a woman bear a cal. a‘piece of wood and a make? Here ! are your children Rdcaac your wife,*' i He did. and had the slaters buna at : the stake. Buck Is the history of the watermel on, nod while we are defrauded of ibe glory of having Invented it. we Mill claim the distinction of having mad* many Improvements on the original and of furnishing them to the world today, the most kiaeioua fruit that ever grew a rind or aver tempted a nim mer boarder trofh prunes to para gorlc. THK ahekicam HULL. T..e endless chain clanks on. One series treads upon another’s heels, so fast they follow. One of them got loose up tn Babylon, N. Y., and the young woman who started It waa thrown into hystorta and nervous pros tration before she could stop It. It was like the wild cannon In “Ninety Three.” which almost best the ship to pieces before the gunner could halter It again. nut H did not warn anybody. They art> Ml ill at It. A Chicago woman, whom the lan guor of the hot lake breezes mu*t have driven to desperate measures (or di version, wants the great American girl to build a battleship of her very own and give It to the government. It is to be perfectly lovely, of course, with a conning tower shaped, no doubt, like a lorgnette and disappearing guns which refuse to rise before 11 a. m. It Is to ehoot glances that are Just killing, and look at Itself in the water to see if Its smokestack is on straight. All its Harveyized platee are to be cut on the bias, the furniture trimmed in white and gold, with draperies of baby blue. O, It would he a beauty. But there is Just one obstacle. By the time the enterprising Chi cago-ahead young woman has extorted dimes and dollars from all of her friends, her friends' frien's, and Is well along in pillaging tlie friends of her rriends’ friends, she will discover what she ought to have known before —-that the government will not accept the gift, even though it was to have been named the “American O.rl—and she will have some several thousand dollars to return to some several hun dred thousand people at a transporta tion cost of about twenty per cent of the sum. i e . * • . T%s (Bißpnb #*M »B Bit «IMB' itl «M mm*** §9BMB 'tß# ,n •rfygpfli HBNBBBI Bl ! nimrrii B** 9999**9 *m BBv •MB *999* * Wm9o fBIBi nn 99 IBi **** •' ■ M> 9 99*. Bl ' y ftjMdMi t*9m0999 § B® | i N »*a» r P» I* adafPsQ a) «AfgMgk '99 0 IMUM'#* 099999 W 9* [ » ek|«fM#f> 9i& \rn < JMmi >*4 |B *99*99* 9 B * ?f I-m t ’ < W «*«• l -fßflrtirr (Ml *9 *9 999* **99*999 _ ||M wJ- I IB 1**&990 IB ii i|r» Bf «B# 888 Bb** BB ••B BBmk 1 9** 999 9$ *99 *9999 W B»p*b« ™ ■ is 'I B(BBF * U* iq iwr® <j4*'» A dW#' ; % Tkf W ass was. s’s |b# “tl ' tilfJßwtßrit Ml f|TQ( Bf BMUBtB*JMBB i I ivfi «!* #f» to ftNBAIB Ml tB» Ilf SOI' , tMlf BBBBmMB **f tolOßf 888 808 Ml tß# f’oofor Ml M (Bf bioß to rtfiri to ißoir B<mb#* bol Bo*sb«mo vbtbißim. j TB#f IB*I tßol *B *t 9*9 99* ttBMl to tßoir frowtoo bob *bß *Bottlß Bt *l lOVBt tO 99f KO BttlMMlt BOllif l B<P , chars* of coward«*. What right baa anyotM t« place j the** young man th# ftowrar of Georgia SBaab 1 od sad a* brare as Caa- J sar la a false tight, and why nhould they, as they lowdin** esprewa it. he ; required to do poIWo duty when they enlisted to fight? It I* all wrong Governor Atkinson's suggesiloa is that the unlisted men of the throe regi ment* he allowed to choose whether they will remain or not. There la a*- try rcasoti to believe that two-thirds of Ihetn would return to ihalr homes, i Those who remain emild he then , placed In one rwglmnat and lb* other* might b* honorably discharged. We would thus have a single regiment of soldiers who were entirely satisfied and whom no stronger ties claimed at home. Governor Atkinson has offered an excellent solution of a difficult prob lem. It Is one that would carry glad neftg to the hearts, not only of the hoys In camp, but to the brart-htingry : parents and friends many of them j right here in Augusta who have | waited long enough for Johnny to come marching home. A BUSINESS COUNCIL. We believe that Augusta Is about to enter upon a period of unprecedented progress and prosperity. A large measure of It, even with natural con ditions most favorable, will depend up- on the wisdom of council. We need business men to sit around the muni cipal cabinet board—men who are fa miliar wilh practical dally affairs, men of Aperience and executive ability. No city In the south can boast a lar ger number of young business men who possess such qualities. There are many whom wo might mention and ihetr names are synonymous with suc cais In the business world. Those aro •he men who should he elected to council In December. The great dif ficulty Is that men of that character do not aspire to the position. They feel that their entire time should be devoted to their own business. In this they are mistaken. There aro duties of citizenship which should be discharged, and the more able the citi zen the more Imperative Is the duty. The entire community has a claim up on such men, and they should not at tempt to evade It. There will be no difficulty la electing such men to council if they will only permit the use of their mimes, and It is their patriot ic duty to do so. We cannot afford to jeopardize the interests of the city of Augusta Just as the future opens so promisingly before us by sending to council any but the best men in Au gusta, and we voice the sentiment of the whole city when we call upon such men to take up this high obliga tion of citizeuahip. .... Cl TBBI -A UGUBTA HKBALU I —' I fra ho otm m+**f I* *■»«** tft* J 99*9$ Bl m&MWmm . j 888 Bb # f m*k 88l tiin* ifBIB ••"p* _ f T 9m BM m**9iM 9m**o Bfßß**** *%* i*BB B IHMNMMB 99/ MB 909999999* Mfwffc W- "*.r BMNI 9'*’ *B <#'■>*■ m* •■mb> t i *•■) «• A BNN>h Ml * 9*999 f iBMI IK 18818 I* *tt IBi [ 9* 999*919 999- *99 1 IB Km* **999904 pit 9*9* * *T*99 |BMlNwf 9*1*99 9*9 0 **t * BO* ■ -C%i*BBB PWPB* Here** to the «U*d H#f#B 4b fß* (BBill BBb B •fftflMß t'B* | WrttlPß * Hi mb IB •’Bbibi Bf JBB Bp B 9999 *9 *<Ktfßl 99 Wii-j. üßt'* l tßr mi9oi*9, *§* *•’■*i m*. *'9* * I r»* dMMBBB *Bb b»bb B*** Bbtllbb* IB# girl B# But’* Ml ImBIPb 9* . IB« ■ | Ct99f *|l#Br»fßf*krt B* <|i»ltf Asjr Mr*»* •»» f*r from IB# tea# j that rih|hi«l • bbbM* IB li>4 »» TtN* f #B>«rfi( r B!&* b# l#B*> 1 tß# fftli •# Mr« Iff! BrBMiB Up* w# have htaacd far waoid »h# »« j havt BHbnli PfBBB t* *99 *ft Ibrwifc * Miar; ISstid# *« bi*##*#*! B • <J##f Mill# Bail M«b tw MB T®bt B#Bi*r. «t,*idlrni »nd Mllort, *t frif «»«t tvt# (rijr, Orrl#** whrr# f*t# boa r*» u». ttcurfna the balm of “* Idler t<»day." 1 Krmn the girl* we have left behind ua. WHAT OtOWHA tOITOIt SAT. Cony era Banner. Hutto of iha republic# popHthh: , ”H. H. H."-Hogan. Htaca, HtlL iKiugiae Breeze The populist* of (Yiffse will vote for I*utility in preftrenhe to W.lktnaon. Lumpkin independent. . Since Ameriru* and Sumter county have gone dry, the nearest point* of Infection now are Eufala. Ala., and j Columbua. Ameriru* Hersld. Randolph. Newton end Sumter have gone dry. At that rate It will not be long before a man will hnve to take a day off when he wants to go after a drink. Thomasvllle Tim«»-Enterprise. Peiham eauliouaiy admits that arti ficial egg* are a possibility, but he draws the line at eggnog. Perhaui ts evidently acquainted with the genu ine article. Balnbridge Searchlight. The pops and republicans must play to the democratic party's hand In this senatorial district of Oeorglt. The democrats hold a winning band, you see. JUST TOB TUN. Jones—You seem U> be awfully upset over the little trip you and your wife are to take. I don’t 6ee what there is about goingaway fora week that should worry you so.” terome —II Isn’t Just the fact *hat i we’re going away. The trouble Is that ' whenever tny wife takes a trip that will last over night sho insists on turn ing it into a regular moving. My 'Hlle mics have gone away To etay a month or two With grandpa’s folks, some seven miles This side of Kalamaxoo; I’m sorry for the poor old souls They're feeble now, at best, And if they aland the present whirl They’ll need a good, long rest. “I.” he started to say, “have always had an Idea—” “I know It,” she interrupted; “why don’t you take a day oft some time and try to scare up another one?" Tom Platt Is seriously opposed to the policy of injocting the war heroes Into polities. Max Nordau has completed a new drama, “Dr. Kohn.” which Is to be published in October at Berlin. The contest for sr&id and thiifi place among the if the war of 1898 may be keen, but tim first place belongs to iJ^w-fy. Mr. Sprout ts—An heirloom, Job tv nie, Is something that is handed down from father to son. Little Johnnie —HuhPThat’s a fhnoy name for pants.—Pall Mall Gazette. THIS IS IT yotmmm ,f ***** •» | fiEg pHM Me** f **** FOR EARLY PALL » ■ HS ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrlvpd. DORRS Tiilodnf. Hat*. Fumtshinf*. I French \ Furniture Polieh l Ra»rorsa and bH«ht**M aa M Turaliut*. Hard llmls-l and X Ii mt *«1 MirfMi*. lim bo<ui / iBBBMI Bstr# IL DoKIBM BS \ Spice* For Pickling S and I’rvaarviag rent ha had twl- C Irr than told by Ua. Ws sail tbs I This to Remember \ Tbst Aiabaalin* make* tb* C moil and bteuUful Wait 1 linlsb. dolor card fra*. I Roaches \ Wa bav,- I'starnian'a sad olbar # K»arh Food, for kliiiog them. J All oi tbs Bat I'oisooa. f Alexander Brti Cnupus s 70* BROAD RT. N BILLIARDS ; OLD AND NEW. llt Joan 4 Ta*tcaaa,('mfc*»l'««iCViaaßVloai4 . Jllil *, olium W at. U*. U«*»11, a- 1 I is>MPihJh>T»<e* on i«<eor4. •»»! tJRiy player w ekarwMa* hkmmm iu.d n«Mß» mmm f Umr+mmm* 1 y Aimgnmm IttwMretlHt k n yT\ .V\ r«*fck« Ml Irham d li I Y fM’eptrelirlil fall S I A \\ f mifw, -r~rr e»r«* >* f ||\ /- rV.hws\ icffaSS l / i *‘ r ’”’ i j analaaai C V / Jo_» Slcaaon./ tl.aM t / rs tii. Chaaebn. r 5T A»<rim,.«4toot«a- 4 kHLvSa SSSLSrtJEj h \ /y\ ! atevsias \ \/ / ' \ , estiooa t« nowltwa \ u lik-A wrva* *o ■ //\ \l &&&£& \ // \ “ir%*..r- I 4 \J How to $ gjAvrataua. Plflja Clotn, 75 ccots. Flexible Lctthcr, It.oo | Ml fmgOi Siaa. te*X !«*». R»t.prqaM.tom«Ui~" -o rwla«« prioa * THE AUGUST!HERALD l auqusta, qa. ► Show Cases. Show Cases SHOW WE SELL -HOW -how SHOW - CASES-how -HOW ..ASSS.. g£S SHOW SHOW cases Rig, g toc^s on nand L show show CASKS CASES show The Howard & Wiilet SHO w cases Drug Company- cases Show Cases, Show Cases “I want to say one thing for them Spaniards,” said the fat man with the celluloid collar. “They ain’t never tried to blame it on the umpire.”—Gallatin Torch. , .L^^ubsJUaJlebl^ba^— • 9m S UNCLE SAM’S NAVY Portfolio No. © can be •#- cured at The Herald office for 10 cent* and a Naval Coupon cut out of The Herald. NUMBER NINE CONTAINS AMONG mTMSR good THINGS, PICTURES OF r.nalgs !*a~Uy | P otailrd lYolltr New OHeaua* * M o*i*or pwrttaa. Tarpedn Pet bur-st Havretary *f Niata Map of Neva! DhMaaers. shrvHeg pfiqtre— “* IV Army Navy *f th* t’sltaf Ntatra. . Ftcture* of Camp Ufa. • Navy Yartl*. Urf# Map of Cull* and many other pood thing*. , ———— ——, 9 • This coupon, when ac companied with 10 cents, ! entitles the holder to one copy ol Uncle* Sam’s Navy Portifolio, at Thh Herald office, Augusta. Ga. Mail orders must include 2-cent stamp for postage. 9 ** Rack number* of Handaom* ae ries can still be obluinefl m The Her ald office. P. H.P.H.H.P. H.H.P H. H. P. - Tbt ~ H - H p WOICKKST. H. H. P. H. H. P. H. H. P- Basv Or Au I H. H. P. h. h. p. Lifer h. h. p. ■ i Medicines I ~ o H. H- p. H H P. For H. H. P. I i th* Liver j H.H.P. • e " fc iH.H.P. n Howard i H H p H. H. p. Wiilet Drag H - H - p * h. h. p. Company h. h. p. H.H.P. H. H.PTITHTp: keep cool by using one of our odorless Refriger ators —lt>e Dewey Just annihilates hot weather. Klondike, Gurney and Eclipse are all good; everyone guaranteed; wa ter coolers, cedar chests; Ice cream freezers. See oar line of bedroom suits, $25. Baby Carriages for 18. We will make terms and prices to suit you. Flemings& Bowles DO! Broad Street. AUCUST 30 4 f f* * Makes an Alligator Well GrpaHwl Chill ftfd Ptvtf Remedy now In ll* iwtono# The River Swamp Chill and Fever Cure. i Pike fOC. and It 00 ftnttk, [ and sold by all Drugfi*l*. tTB« H>9Bt 9999*90 r*JM@i «mmml BBf'itf A Bmß# 1900*9 9999 99 • j My W9*o 9**m BUI 0999*90 9*9*91*9 BV •’BlwMißi **m *f4 Ktff n I »fan4hi 9*909*999 K# B9*B •KB#V *9990*/* *99099 10* *99*99 9*90 *99 •Iwil rvl *t li 90 *l9*o *990 »** M*«IJP-*8» P»4 • L. A. Gardellr. Druggist. For Sale! flu V- fIcHPUMI p* ,0u *1 f 9® W WNMI 1 9099 *990**9900 *00*99 Bwflßlf*B **9- *9* 990 m i flfft *o*9 **9i9o 149# 19*0*00 t»4 *****' i r*m* 09990990 10* li §•#* IB IMMA HeV’B itahl* 91# TIB mil* BK f##? i IhflWNl. 10*9190 Nfe*' ll Hi 9*10090 Itt t9o* 9*09 Bf i. Tr9o*9 X uni A Oi. SICMi 99* 900 *99 *9*900 9**o9* *o9* 1919190 !«• 10*00 •* i'lf * * ("#* )Tfr»#ail f--* li fttt I IftflMt. tan ning i*%rß rrx M 099 f*lf9*9o9 9**o9*, IK f 99* • IMiHBMI frottfAg#, Bm»"B uiwMfßi 9**991 IIS f##f 1 liifß**. Alan several Baa ta*a ala-u! Me fert frxafit ltd 999**09* 009 p !• IB# \ llltft us HyrumrrvflU ?>n J Br. • B*rn4| • pwrtVHl ©t **o W 0990 1 r rMVw#f»t© wttl «Mb i*T*m i*n iff ill# mb* ** aBMmBBwBi pio|#fty • Ap®lf *9 Georgia Railroad Bank. BIN! MMu*t». eeoMM # PROF. P. M WHITMAN. 209 7lb St., Augusta. Gu. GIVES FREE EYE TESTS to, all dWerts m sight, grind, lh, grower gleaaaa aed WAN* MAjrra tksa* Len»e» cut into your firri"* while yo* wait. FREE OF CHARGE. JS&IM! uumh torn COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality Guaranteed. F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’l’ltofjo 2l«* titruager 3M6 she Whitely I Exerciser. | A practical, simple and efficient Home Exerciser, one specially adapted for ladi*9 and children, but at the same time can be profitably need by the strongest athlete. PRICES: 75c., »i.oo, BICYCLES CLEVE LANDS. S4O np; VIK INGS, »35 up; GEN II RONS, *lB up: THOM AS, SSO up. Call and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, IVlurphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS -803 Reynolds St=Telepione iSk&.S 1 Trivate Leased IV ire* Hitect to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed ovpr our wires for Cotton, Stocks, Bonder Grain and Pro. visions for cash or o* margins. Local securities bought anil sold. References i —National Exchange Bank of [or Mercantile AgenrVea. _>. iua«i._ \ \ V#] \ XVv/ r\ L \A WT I 111 T / 5 jL J ».