The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 30, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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TUESDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL tottutl' 'll A AMI If I f All W At »*• Hlo Aati I TMfc BCIT ORADIS < J ' •u»« C«m Jtliico OOA LH JtoihrK if Iff AfMl Nut ]At »»« _ ««* ■ " *» ’""city ice company. HiminiMi H, ffk'OMhev DIM i —'» • >**'! tatias. u<* tMItl '« Tk» *»«»M Iflßftoktßah Asm • —■ **»«••• c»rn* m>4 **» •**■•. i*» f"*** MM IMMR W* *•"•* * s * * I# iM OM»r* #»•**• ***** V*. A i •■Ml**** MM ■W'M '* **' : : flirtM&f MflttNNflC IMfMI 4MMM* itmnmi *» MS «MI t« Ilf onMi«rl *4 Ml wilt to • IM*I Haa T>» <■«* * ,,, j •Alt akort «r B »n* • fjl o tor* an** W M ***!*■»- K- **♦»»•» | || imHlii H tfc* ntMifi M *f* <l. i I* Busk M M (hwill fx»t— A** At I leu Mbami M mm* M **• *"*] lm lAf tofto* Mt 4*f lark wto* M>m (tomato B Teaaitto m Iff >h» *«!*«' TIM taetoaroarp 1* IMI : r 4 merit *l , cf* !a«' i * • ■*'*h •town!* yaa* today U»»"to.. Ml MM S« fcoors •** **j Mplmm. M: J K Rtmh Mil f*«lly will If IWI (a Raranaak IkM week Mr and Mr* O. P Kilpa rl k »***r Wayaeatrwo, aid Mr Ikro.ij* Ia 1 i>b . M)<t<l!l* •** Ik tk# *ltU«e Dr J I Terry. «ff Trtmlto Tem. in •peaking «f t-fcawtoyl*!**# Cat l<. Chet* 1 am plarrk'i** Re«nr<ly, nay*; Hi ka* alnmet k*w» a arw«aH» la Ikla •krWl'l Till* la Ike heal rimed* In , |W w r)4 for If.ll, choice* s*»rtot*, j d> and dMtrhaea. and la rae- j •fair**' aa a * • ben ear lla freat worth and jnarlt become ln.iw n Mo oihrr remedy In an promtit ar effep. j toal or so ideaaant to lake. Mold by i Aleianh-r Dru and Heed Co,, C. It. | Pair of Bell Tower Drug Mora. MERKITTS COMINO. tic May Be Ito.lred to Tart Wllk the Peace Commlaalon. Washington Aui. 29 - I'p to thta nyinu ni bo urdtri hivo bwfi" tw*m to Mtnilt at Manila to leave hla psuM. It la aaid. however. that' the genera I. being la command of the military for* can la tha Philippines, la at liberty u> leave and go where be ear. fit In h:s own fflarration. 11 la suggested l»y i aomo otflrlala hue that the purpose of hi* vlalt to thta rountry at the present motm-nt la lo get married. It la en- i tirely poaalble and In fart probable that, being In Ibe railed State* and: well acquainted with tbo situation In the Philippines, General Merritt may be designated to proceed to l*arl» aa technical adviaer lo the peace comtnia* i •Inn. This la presuming that the* commission will continue lo ater. in i several weeks a( least. It will no) be possible far Merritt to make the long trip from the Philip pines to San Francisco, thence to New York by rail amt then by boat to Part*. It la regarded as essential by thej state department that ihe Amer'oan commissioners have with them some person thoroughly advised as to the military and civil altuation in Manila to assist In reaching a sound conclu sion. It la the intention of the president to avail himself of Dewey's service* In : this matler, hu: after a cable consulta- i tlon with this officer It la believed to 1 be better to allow the admiral to re main at Manila, where the experience he has acquired will be of great value In the days following the decision of the peace commission ns to the future of the Philippines. * RELIEF IN SIX TIOUR3. Distressing Kidney nnd Bladder Dis ease relieved In six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness relieving pain In bl«dder, kidneys and back, in male cr female. Relieves retention r,f water almost Immediately. If you want qul. <. relief and cure, this Is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Gardelle, ‘druggist, Augusta, Ga., 612 Broad street. THEIR INSTRUCTIONS. The Commissioners That Are to Con trol at Porto Rico and Cuba Washington. D. C„ Aug. 21). The instructions to the Cuban and Porto Rican military commissions were drawn up and approved by the t«esi dent before he left Washington, and are now ready to be delivered to the president of each before he leaves. The Instructions will not be made public, but the general terms are known to be 'he same as the Instructions sent Shaf fer regarding the government of San lago and Merritt regarding the Philip pines. This will mean that a military "om (dlission will lake control of Cuba and gferto Rico, the same as a military now controls that portion of Akha surrendered to the I‘nlted States ajler the Santiago campaign. Many &Jnor details relative to the evacua tion of the islands will be left to the cSnmlssions, who will report any diffi cult or disputed points to Washing ,on'. ,1 Midi Ml 'll If IN* | fit | Tka Maw ww kklydnaard tk tM Me Uto* . barged Ml Ikadkra, H* ant trarnmt pwMSriy, |hy ratlin* at mar ** *e or «•« « | 1 lilt U*> IN \ W I'KK. The Total PataMtlea la tha smaah I p tbs the L mils villa and Nashville Birmingham. Ala.. Aug. >• Total I deaths’from an accident last night oa I the l/mlavlll* and Nashville rtmd lo ibe train bearing all companies of the i Slaty.Ninth Nee* Vork, which was I wrecked, are, two privates Peter Par* ley and Quartermaster Sergeant Prank (liennan —both of (Vwnpany G. Serg eant J. J. Mannibg. Co K.. la suffering ' a compound fracture of the spine, and I* likely to die. None of the others are tboiHtlil to b* iw rltiunly httrt, aMhmigh twt'iity-fitro priviMf* irf •( (hr lioipiUk) Miiffnring firn brithMNi, •bocks in<l otb* «tr minor injuries. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought eZZrTot ORDER OF RUTH. The Fifth drneral fleeting Held In Washington. 1 Washington, D. C., Aug. !*.— I The tlftli genera^ meeting and the tlrat tri ennial session of Ihe Grand Household ' of Ruth of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows In America has closed Its sessions here. Almost every state In the Union wn* represented by a grand representative. The following grand officers were elec ted for the next three year*: Superintendent—Mrs. R. L. Rarnes, Savannah, Ga. Superintendent—J. W. Grant, Nash- I vllle, Tenn. Rector —Charles H. Brooks, Paducah, Ky. Prelate—Mrs. Agnes Moody, Chicago. Treasurer —b, F. Forester, Richmond, Va. The next place of meeting la Wll mlngton, N. C.. August, 1901. Some time ago a little bottle of Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy fell Into my bands, Just at n time when my two-year-old boy was terribly affiloted. His bowels were be yond control. We had tried many rem edies, to no purpose, but the little bot tle of Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea' Rem edy speedily! cured him, —William F. Jones, Oglesby, Ga. For sale by Alex ander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. PEACE REIONS. The National Capital Has Been Moved to Malolos. Special to The Herald. Manila, Aug. 29. Aguina'.do's men withdraw today. The Filipinos seat of government will he removed to Malolos, twenty miles north of Ma nila. The natives are resuming their peaceful occupations. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine: and have , the satisfaction of knowing it has ah. | solutely cured'thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat. Chest, and Lungs are surety cured by it. Call on Howard & Willet, druggists, and get a trial bottle. 10c. Regular size 50c and sl. Every bottle guaranteed or price re funded. . . i ...... HTHIJS -A.TJO-TJBTA BEBAIC Htmr sts imi *t 11# i ii j t%> t*M of Wmmm m *m n< p» m* isi. IkIMNNNNI .#mi9 •»' AIMS -♦* .J— at^. |fc fII A m .Jt * fc-S dffwd >'4Be j §:.# OS ti&m Ml 0 *OM * ] < Imm (fcdkfOl* |b ft *4pr * *" pM*** *P# ] •# * «•** #ooA non isom tN» m i I tpO Utl'TMB «li tVMS OOfAOO §o^owA | OONMMpiil lo4MA* HI ASMS pOAm ** . | ohmoft. owfiOiiioAi mmmm *** ■ *** I YmHMI InO Ml IIP MnSSKOSp P 1 1 1 oOWII 10 Iss 0-.* *tm*4 not* W noooo* of rom t toto*vo4 iimmi nr I *#* r«poHtt of Tb# • & I « tosofiO mlnmi IM IpMsipoM |«4 Ant«ii ml I *• lM M •*»#•»# 4i«rf j MiaMft'imi *» ooi-Sk^P I tiro oNH* of |or opnofl 004 no j mrll rpirr OQ Urt oomAI Ol ivnifi mn iillf ; • - _ 1 OH: «l Joonml: 101/.'ll* |gicreated la Ike writer, aad glad of her aoecena la llfr “I was horn In New Tork city August eh, tin, was given n rwsnmoo srhonl edw-' ration, attended my firm course of lee- J ' tore* at M. bostt. In the Homeopaihtr j . Midtral collage of Missouri, in mi; j I peat one. ten years Miter at the Hahnr rrann Medical callage of Chicago, and 1 the last la I*M. when I graduated from !<he Homeopathic Medical college of j ' M aaouri at IM. lamia I practiced my S I,[nfrnl-q all the intervening years, j j two years is loots sod the balance la , Kansas May, ltt*3. *1 was elected ' physlt tan to the woman's wards St the I State Insane asylum, at Topeka, and I [the Mowing Man-b waa Riven lhe as .Ktoo I held uatll June. IM. aiul at j the present time I am busy caring fori ibe nich at my old borne, Chetopa. While giving the disease* of women and rblldren ainrlal attention, my practice has not hern confined to ( these branches alone. But aa la the rase with wmf physician practising In small place*. I had to do a general practice among men ns well »* women and children. Riding In the country i all times of dsy or night, regardless of i bad weather or rough roads, and living j as I do in a border town, my duties of ten call roe into the Indian Territory, to prartle among the natives, often j driving twenty miles to visit a single patient. "The practice of medicine under such cirumstances la hard, but one devel-1 ops a considerable amount of self-re- J llance and the ability to condurt cases, to a sueess/ul termination under thej most trying circumstances and under dlfllrultlm only understood by those who know what It means to practice I among the class of people whose homes are found among the dugouts i and box shanties of the prairies of Kansas and the nation. lam not alone In the work; there are many hard working men and weffnen of all schools, the best years of whose lives have been spent in patient endeavor to relieve suffering humanity, with little prospects of adequate financial re ward. “I am an ardent believer in equal suffrage, and take active part In reform politics of the state, and live hoping that the time is not far off when wo men will have a fair representation In every department of state and have something to say In framing the laws that govern them. Especially do I feel that women ought to have the care of women In our great eleemosynary Institutions, and only those who have had actual experience in such places can know how important It is that the medical staff In each Institution be composed of both men and women who are qualified to care for the unfortu nate of their own sex. Enclosed please find two dollars, and please continue Tho Journal. “I am yours fraternally, "A. M. Knibery, M. D ” Mr. A. C. Wolfe, of Dundee, Mo.,who travels for Mansur A Tibbetts. Imple ment Co., of St. Louis, gives traveling men and travelers in general some good advice. "Being a knight of the grip!" he says. "I have for the past three years made It a rule to keep myself supplied with Chamberlain's Colic,Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have found numerous occasions to test Its merits, not only on myself, but on oth ers as welt. I can truly say that I nev er in a side Instance have known tt to fail. I consider It one of the best remedies travelers ran carry and could relate many Instances where I have used the remedy on sceptics, much to their surprise and relief. I hope every traveling man in the U. S. will carry a bottle of this remedy tn his grip.” For sale by Alexand Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store, (i^oD lUCK BAKING POWDER. 15 THE BPST. t _ Hl|hM', of All In LffMvffn- Inir Powor. • Ml At, I IT ATP FOR RENT fm MHlttl a* .. .. a* .. .W* •• _ _ Jl, fkfi 2% •• I k* u |r . ”.. „ „..M M ! TM UpPW-i PtfPPt aa •• •* aaaaaaaas.l*'^* John. W. Dickey Meal Patata Agent- FOR RENT J. B. White's new residence* on upper flioasl street. Special prices. JM Telfair street, * room* 117.00 SIT Telfair street. * room* 24 W KS Telfair street. T n»n« 21.*> U* Telfair alreet. 7 rooms .. .... 22 00 3SS Telfair atreel, 7 room*. .. . **-<*• 522 Kill* alreet. 7 rooms 812 Broad at reel, lint IS. 00 418 Fenwick street. 9 rooms .. .. 20.00 1514 tlwlnnet street. 8 rooms.. .. New* 15*7 Waltyn Way. « rooms 15 iw 1813 Waltoh Way. 5 rooms 15.00 532 llroad street, 8 rooms 20.00 522 Broad street, store 20.00 J. B. White’s cottsaes on upper Jones street —98.00 and 8.00 each. This list will be changed from day to (Jny, * w - Clarence E* Clark, Real Eatate. 832 B roa< l st * FOR SALE UP-I hive for sale very desirable bnfld ing lot located in the centra of one of the handsomest block* in the city. Will sell same very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. NO. 1327 GREENE STREET. TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, ail modern conveniences. No. 1251 Ellis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY *TBI 2 Bth Street. TO IRZETSTT. From October Ist. 189 S, the premises at present occupied by the Irish-Arher ican Dime Savings Bank at 817 Broad street. Centrally located and well adap ted for most any kind of business. Apply to P. M. Mufherin. Secretary and Treasurer, 817 Broad St. Uncle Sam's Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office* (H At. P'hf ATtl [COR £ALEi I4# IMF **' - 11 *' %**£>„ fnn**w tMMF I figPk «4N> MHHnWNM j •«« **«to JJ*»» t j TO RENT I MMaf* |H» MM MNNwi:., gmm4 9h0&& j MMi I INm MU •**•* t MMMMi P. I-. McANALLY, Rwal Eilftth. Library Building. /a tu*J>\ /wMST >rtL . ins \ t *»«ffh '» Ma, I * * • •HkfftffMi tij! t||-«Mk MHHi Mbit# IfMNI A I f)4» ItJiftM*, If |r«m wmmt mm# %**■#»»>•• ’ Tie Gn Lilli Ci ii iim, <33 HltoAD If. \ PORTNER’S / X HOEBRAU and ? I VIENNA CABINET f / BRANDSOF / j Export \ ? Beers J ? ARE THE BEST ( J ASK FOR THEM. / MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on IO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexaniler&JoliDSOQ Agenls Scottish Amrr cm Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St. Ladies Not In It. 40c Fine Summer Undershirts. 20c. 40c. Fine Summer Drawers, 20c. 11.00 Fine Dress Shirts, 600. 50c. Fine Scarfs. 2lfc. 250. Suspenders, now 10c. 10c. Club Ties. se. Our large line of Fall Woolens has arrived and our summer goods have got to go at sacrifice prices. Call early and get a good selection. F. G. M»r tlns, Tailor, opposite Planters Hotel, Augusta. Ga. Seeds - Seeds - Seeds Seeds At Who,, “i*— Seeds Seeds Seed Rye Seeds Seed Wheat Seeds Seed Ba,le y Seeds Crimson clover Seeds Red C lover Seeds Garden Seeds Seeds THE Seeds Seed s Howard & Willet Seeds Seeds Drag Company Seeds Seeds - Seeds - Seeds Wfll, P. SEVER, Proprietor. M A ft MtCm tt mCHM il'l Chatlesion t W Carolina MiMwiMit Ml 4 "*M mm* I foTiiSiA ” - , ..7 M <NNM 14fl)pfli j S rnßSESrnLmmm* **** wySiMii *» * ABMVMMMk*-»••*-« ***« I** s_»«*« • «k AMRMMRtIMMMMMM **• ***** - | 1 "*▼*** ■ j * MiMHMMhp ■** f MMM j ' *pl>mb MMmm JPpM ■ -jz** j * rpMr?>BTHIM •i• • '■!"■—l <MM<B I* PMM i m tMiMf#, rtfft -T-- % ♦*♦♦*••• j * IKmNMIMMMMMmm** *4l yMpMI ■* »*1 mm 1 i<A JMMMNBfe*'*#-* • m •••*• «| IMmMMM - * MMHMMMMto »•**» ■**•**• tr * 5 ■ * bMHPMM***—v»»**XffMwr • #*#• * A f »«»*»* »» wttto Ms WjMi *I *i A# JiiM**Mt*m** | MMMmM'*••• *•• I ■* MhHmMI. mi TMMBli**** •** j * IYMmMMmm MMMffM***] MmMNM *• **•* ] I* amdmmk..**• .tkMw*.#**|********| mmp* As Aftii #>•,—Bvsu»>h««| MMMm * ftirihiiffffffHitt- |*gw*g—l 4JMpM| f ■■>■■■ n H •«* HMliMri im* | * fiifctiia.e •« •*•*.. | IMMHMv f-JJpMI * MMMMMMMimi** •*•*■» ««**»»**♦..... 4 j '«' * .WWW •* »1 4 WM I ** fMMBMBMit*#Mw*• •nets•'■»*** #*»• f • MJMM j * M WMmt«.4*www. I Mp* MM** •MMMMlMUsaaa**** •••*••! twAMpMI MMMMI | # jraMMMMMb**wwwh*»ww«*« <■«<•* MMb j * iMHMMwa IMJMi * AMbrm<blb»«• • •••♦«*•«*• Lw*» . - tt Mhmb I Ar AMgM— B.e. .. . f ww . a |s*. ■ ass I KjMl . I MM# Mi hfM #H#> #%#••■# ! «• A A. La 4 !»•• #1 MW*••'♦A Ml : Mn,(g *• r. A* t m| (, IQ, mmmm|M I *#»# #Mb ftMMfpMI | 4«» «Mt H P<# >1 r f* !•!«♦* I# ui'»l Mr •J. I MA H*. I'm Ait. » a n |iO?n If. AMMvMNHNr Aft* t. ML SnSt3f, I«MMt A#jwM#. MM* blue ridoe railroad. No 12 N 0.41 £ • | |am m lAfflfft. mJAM ! ts lft 2:3ft n,.*« fktffr **.,f * •i**» *• I 9:lft' ft’.tft tftL,, Par . % 3:C9UDi3 t it * #& lft f Twrry Cr«wMi g f 4M 11 -3 f 42 2:«M IS Ai.R)*t <W| fj 4:14 II M •:W I‘fMHl ■ iLSACA ...9, 4 D i AM FM | jliftM## Arrtw# FM PM. to ( , |2 ft Mo II No.l I All r»fu)tr tmliui from Andkroon ti train* «f th* *" ®F | | fWUIM MM Ml fottowlM ftmtloflft 13 eoMMII with BoMihern mil way No. 12 it Aft4if*i9 | j. R. ANpERMOM. Boi^rin^ndrnt. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. moiiTKi r *w 4jt’i< kkkt rocta Id IHK HAST AM' WORTH. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTB TU THE EAST AND NORTH. | 2:Slipm Lv.”Au*u»ta. Ga .Ar 17.55 am 3 Ifpuii Lv..... Aiken Ar ? 4jj7|nn' Lv Denmark.... Ar 6: trpm 4:lnpm Lv.. ..Orangh'g....Ar I s:4oam 8 OCpm Lv Humler, •. C...Ar | 4:2Bam S:M»m Lv....Florence....Ar i 3:25am 10:33pmi Lv... Fayetteville.. Ar i 1 ltpm 3:2lcm Ar. Petersburg. Va. I.v ;S:l2pm 4:00am! Ar.... Richmond. ...Lv j B:l2pm 7:4lam| Ar.. Washington..Lv j 3 48pm 9:03aml Ar... .Baltimore. ...Lv ! 2:25pm 11:25aml Ar.. Philadelphia..Lv |J2:o»pm 2:o3pm| Ar.... New Tork....Lv ; 9:3oam j Pullman palace buffet sleeping cars from Macon and Augusta to New Tork without .-hang*. K. A. BRAND Oen. Asrt., 733 Broad St.. Augusta. Oa. T M. EMERSON. Tiafflc Manager, H M. EMERSON. Gen. Pass. A»t. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ER N RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect. March 8, 1898. Eastern Time Staildaid. Leave Auguate. Southern Uy.. 9:30 p m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry .. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Uy 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. VV. Ry DM P m. , Leave Lenoir. Stage - W P *"- !Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. ] Arrive Blowing KocV, Stage .. 7:30 p in. G. W. HARPER. C. F_. HARPER, President. v A T The Paper That is Best For the Reader is Certainly Best For the advertiser. THE \ best buyers N < -/'-T Are the Wace-Earners-the %grM‘ Working People of a Com - munity : : : • : : ! : 'THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAGE-EARNERS BUY THE HERALD. • IT’S THE BEST.” AUOUMTMO [ M A ft-MO At* S. C. i G. MILWIT CO it* 4<m*—• in • a wul##* * Mk*fc Ml#*'- | • 4 w*n»Mn MM> * *MM# As r|MM'MM j|MMM> <4 A ■#«—»% .4» *4*4# |t«4A#. M (MM f - - lift MV .I' it .MMM | I iTpifti < * f4iMMHk A f f #4# , A* i # 11 v#M** A * **w * * *tt i* 1 *«ik ■1 • A * t «*- # ■«®*|.4Mf t ♦ % •ttodlßM * <ytMMMI | A> itojikHl- » At •-!>» ftamm» AIM MM A* t DiiObft ttPft itMN llwf* MAf » Ir* U IM. 41^ !Af AMMM.** - «J'Hi At A - #"•»*# I KBnii m»i in vu a^mmmaEl iI A f *w*f m Ha ##M An 4to ft ## T utM | AM AMMM-'. It Me# T«fMj| MMSI At A AM*..«* 4M *#4# I * M «aA «Mft • IMMM lAf A*» AI ft#M- It ItlH* #t A IVBMI jft ftwftMk'i I f—r I t Im4# 4- ,* IltM iAf M t«A Mni JMMm# At AtA## 5 MMAi As M*« V**ltMfi» At tipM JM IrMiM AMfMtM. • • ft Mmm mV l * - * iW» AIVMM YtMmMMA • ■ Umm MfTfMft: MMmm I Idtiitii fiMAM#.>wwsee».« *. - imlbmi ItPfvMlMt ..•••»*. ’». k*mm ti%«i pm ftßßillr .j i jll ti *f 4 «*mmi * i'Yi i |jwit» AtßAtlitMit... *»«. j <*JMmb > ? fMI J fft «# AthtMMA aaaa a• . I'*tlh ' HfM f AMIMVtIdIMI t 4 t i4tUA4I • Ifc A#9 Y#*ft nnmn. §)m vttA Pi>#Miifi ftM w t «.. < f MiUtl 4*l<» AHfWtt «iU <#* L#4r«i« r<«rf mmN Iwm# AU #ouM* /• - ttfflNM user* Msasgs*. lltgr Msesaas. p. ff. luwas. (WB. g«4 -. / «**■•*. •» SOUTHERN RAILWAY, - ■SR*' CWntnsl ha, IW«w*C#MiM,t*t sash. ihbUsssS miwi t'.iiatfc ggarstve Jgly *■ ■» ■ 1 ""■ "*»."** *4 SMtttMuJ. mnt. tasstv. *? L~sto‘ Ar * !r -1 »5p if »• A , CWtu—foa 1 «*'■ «**_« i ~ rsa,*i— sesflta .... I * •»» ♦*»• g»BaNuaCSr !»»»• BWjt .. k.HuMn a. m. r i hi< ti w» fcaSSS” • 1 «*» '*> L> Avtws. hw h». .. ... ; SSaIK liri is: •• 1-hLnr if * m u, U l(l I f 18*1 V Iss at. •»»>' *»• a '.vs—kayo u IB * Lv I4fw#a*boco | *t • Ar ' mm ”V~j bsnvtu* :: .. . it *>P, I *p As KV-iwoud 11 «'»' *»• A. ' 842 s *BB p “ 2uJSiSS.n4.aa ii Bw* n»p * Ksw Y..rk.. ,B *P 0 »4. l.r Nnr YurkPff HE. , lip 121.t0t - J 'hi .tadrtlphi* | flttp aSO A * fAitunort. ' 9 a>p aid • Lr Wawhf .O. no. Rt 10 4Sj» 11 !&• Lv. Kh-hmoud ..... : l.lOnt 12 01m Lr UuirtUr 5 ftO» 6 15 p Lr Norfolk Ohftp Ar Lr f»rt*«*iiboro i 7U5« 7 32p “ ( harlotUl ! 9»ai 10 l»p - Ros k Hill 1 10 3U II 08p " Cheater 10 ftft », II 37 p ■ W moeboro. I 11 41 « 12 #• ▲r Ool'bia Btasd'i al 112 Ctou, 137 • Lr ColombiaUn dep't. ... ' 1 15j»! 4 00a “ Johnutons. ' 2 Bft p 4Wa “ Trento# j oit»pi tt^ia “ (inudYovUto * 8 HHp 707 a Ar Au*jrtii*Ya . .. .. i 415 p NtlOa Lv. Atihenlla n jUg, n OBp Lv. Spartanourg 11 40 a 615 p Lt. Col*bia, .H.C AG.Ry I ;100 pi 700 a Ar. Charleston fl lop[ II 00 a Lv. Col bia r.C.AP Ry 11 sft h 12 47 a “ Nhvazmah 447 1» 508 a Jacksonville. . 925 pi 9 Ift a SI.KEIMNC4 CAR SKK VIC K Excnllrnt dally ftl(*rida and N«m York. Noe. 87 and 38—^Vaahinrtnn and Sonthwibaterp Limited. Solid Veetibak'd train with dining cam and ftrat Naaa otiarhee north of ( harlotte. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars between Tainpa. Jacksonvtlle. Savannah. Washington and New York. „ , . Pullman Bleeping Cara between Charlotte and Richmond. Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars be tween (Greensboro and Norfolk. Closr* connec tion at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving there in time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor cars, between Charleston and A«heviU«. Noe. Bft and Bft-U. S. Faat Mall. Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping cam oe twi'en Jacksonville and New York and Pull man sleeping cars between Augusta and Char lotte. Pullman deeping cars lietween Jack sonville and Columbia, en route daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK B. GANNON, J. M. CULP, Third V-P. ft Gen. Mgr T. M.. Washington. W. A. TURK, B. H. HARDWICK, G. P. A.. Washington. G. P. A., Atlanta GEORGIA • • RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, ISIB. ; Pullman Sleepers between Macon an* New Tork. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St, Ixmia- Lv Augusta ..| 7:ooam| 3:2opm|lo:3opm Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| B:2opm| s:ooam Ar Macoo ....|11:160m|.... ....| 6:4oan> Ar Athens ..,.|l2:lsprr.| 7:3opm| - Ar GalnewlUe|-3:45pml I - Ar White Pl'ai'liOOpml I Ar Mlll’ge'le .|10:10a»| I 4:3oaaa Ar Wash’ton ..il0:10Wn| 7:lopm| - Picayune train 1 effv*s Augusta daily except Sunday at 5:15 p- nn., and ar« rives at Miltedgevir.e at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at kugnsta 5:18 a. ra. 7:45 a. m., t:2O p. m and 8:25 p. ns, A. G JA3KSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE T. P. A,