The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 31, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4 WEDNESDAY THE lIIGUSIt HERALD pR *" " mmm 1 »»% m*mm »*•*• <***■- , m cmm PrPPpMf »-* a * •’*** _ ~ .. ] Ijl W i • > i»an»» > <« l ' , * < *• **"* j : »«*a* *•#-*» *»’ ** # * '' * J.J HKHAI4* W»K» * muir oto**-#*# *•* . ******** mimwmm *+■ BAa** •*»*•••* *• Wk’wUJL »»M» 1M» H«»AU» fcp jitiaaf «>» ai IM* A #•#’*'** ** * ( ii»» tmrnmm nmm In #•** »mmmm A ' 1 g*>tii • ?<♦* • vmmm * •*£*£l ** *» •*«— w *— __ *1 pi— 1 1 1*' 11 * T «#• 1 * tmmo %. «*• ♦»«•*< *'^*'»* to s9oa »•»* CM»- #' «»• H** *" ptt 9 «*4 lift* **••* •*•** I'arilo* hlHHm(I* ••* *** l ’***^® g •■p® null pvi ffrtrDti* ■ fan* to MfoWl*** '*• r ** i "*“ Herald Prize letters From Imerican Summer Resorts. »w, Hmll ilkto v*«* * m * * * t imrmi »l p»»*s* *•» >•*• toi Mun •»*“•• f,w * *JL f- d paiii#r fi«totofi T%— ■** M.u.i to pabh.Md *» J '' • mow to ►*«"••. • f, ' r ,fc * to. Ito •»••**• •• na# vu) iuimtUfd r° * rdm ' M«»I «ii 4 mwttei r<n*M*i' »« •**" ,, *« " f i / prt.** Tto t**l tom# <* 'to mn ,„ u w«ii a, tto «»um <J» plum#. mu#l to*fc |ptlrr‘w*l It far putlut lm. tor Ito purto* as lf#t'lto k linn •L m’m oMrt««*taat* mu*t omfln» Itolr to » reaesiOabl* !#"*"• ConttotMM* ran wrti# •« nionp latte* to I tor W»*« f,,r niar. i.ut to* itolto'tnt •■•a win only one of ito p>it#t . Th* HeraM w*»i» H»» *t>rtf hi ts, c wtlpy fo»»*f*. tort ito Him will to awarded for th* t>wl. moot l«l*e**im* tort m.*t rrartatrta MUfl of fcmltor K»- ||, port ifawp Contast Closes Oct. 1 . FOH THK BERT LFTTER Itl.O® FOR THK :t> BKBT LETTER,... l» #• for the id best LETTER.... lIR A SPLENDID ATLAS. The Herald ha* eecured « lew copies of Ike magnificent War AtUe laaued by Hand, McNally A Co, the great map maker*. THU Atlas U a map of the world, and II you want to keep ported on Cuba. Porto If ko and the Philippine* y«« ought to have It. The regular price ol thl* Allan, w hlch la printed In live colore, con. talna map* ol Cuba. Meat Indie*, Hawaii, Europe, A*la, Alrlca, Spain, Philippine*. North America. South America, the World. Oceanic*. China, Portugal and harbor chart* ol Havana, Santiago, San Juan, Matanza*. Clen fucgos. Manila, Cardena* and Santa Clara Bay*. I* 50 cent*. To Herald readers 30 cent*. This Allas la 14UI Inches and con tains 18 pages. You are sure ol get ting your money's worth when you get the HERALD'S STADARD ATLAS. The wave of war poetry has poised tor the break. "Died of Algeriam" Is becoming a popular epitaph. Half the strikes In Germany ware auceasful last year. Is the revenue stamp to be like the aerlpiural poor? The spendthrift Pythiana need a sow economical Damons. The cotton movement has a good start on the fall of the year. Sagasta says Spain is still at war. Yes, with all her best Interests. A fish trust has been organized, and Ihe minnows will be thrown out Are all the cities going to have a peace celebration except .\ugusta? The Kansas City Star has oourtmar tialed Secretary Alger and found him guilty. 'Frisco begins to feel the thrill of life. She had four earthquakes in five minutes. If Shatter Isn’t the greatest soldier of modern times, it Isn't the fault of AJfer’b of him, . *.. ' V* -^_ r _ “* *§• fseasaas «*a*ft*i *••«! rto# tap i##atHH wto <’ a#*# I# Rto t*# t#a# pf ||p « i>tpo e 14 ##4t lw*M MW" i a#* 11 I%# R4##ton iapito WWff ••*** Mto «# rtto —iStto **#»#*♦ «f *•* 4M to** MM tot»»» » #to ! to MW** **» 4toM rt #pW Mm* f*#4»*4 4tofW#*» to* -• IS« *H**'*i IHP*'!**'#*# ww*m w* tiwii mIS NSi NN'lp* l ** l stsfr ipws tf%pß SSSSMNnI I*l IH.ISS SSt isslNil 9tS fSSfI ISSU SSHm SIMI^'NNI, •# •* *** * I'tSMI *fc»H «it*rM •*•!* i ••!'■- t i% is# in «fs# si su*t«i«it sms sis tINMWf S ; -§S Ss **** SHI IS«nS tS iSt Its |t#« %s#t S>*« • SW [ -|tri 't I•• si *S# rs!»«* |S* St; NSNMI ! tsst iss tSM sf «St IIH *St*t ysns si .ss I »of 4 |M fSM tSsi tss »S#S« tSSi y»i> is •ts HSUS •*** fPftfS 4# SM MS SSS |P*»*®S* Mm ill »S# tr# «sn* Mwprt #r*>elM rtf fto fwilrtwl *•'• I My, im itoS IP ” flap lie IM lltkMM. **■•• tort*' l ' ih#l #(tMN>r< l* Wiwto Tto f .to *• IMP* Wto** It atoto frtrir* wtol II •»« ,«M t**t fa* MW f*#*Brt *•*»*«* itoe* w *w NWfMwa as atowi >a #at neat Hi WlWjf- A *to? ***** la cow tolas aaw*<*f la itown a#w tin***. wli*f* Rina* ar* «*a*ai*4 If Ito UmmmW of arr*n. •«il ihrrv vStMit rtlSii •* • sytlpl <>** !©r s ***sS Sss*'* wiitf*' »s fraftS. sos mit# ifttr •rows IS* fi< panto rnllwnj* waitoa* at* ***» ffinin* aieft if ala atnart* *!***# f high and to tto toailaan Ito «*•#<'• uout bttllrtiasa ar* iW Inrf* *l***ior* fi«aH la rvetof* Ito era#- *• ***nJ’ of iben* railway towat Itor* ar* racmib nWitoora to <** Anlf doara InhabMaat* with oon Th# Dakota #no#»* am learain* *•<! Irarnlnc mwb. fro* Ruatoan farmer* who ar* artlllag In ibe tlaiea aad who uflrtrrataart lIHl* #<*« than wheat raia- I r g Tfety ar* learalaa bow to rultl* vat* wheat at lean eipen** than for merly. aad bow to bold thtor gala for a par las market. And r*t there are Ihotuanda of Da ko(* farmert who look loaflnalr to ward* the South Rea Tillman used to tell them that If they movad down th*y at leant "wouldn't free** wlilto lhe» alarvrd." It la claimed that they are prosper 'ou* now. "The entire Northwest has fortu rairly torn fpr* f ronl deyastatlng slot ms durto* th* growing Mason, and this great factor, added to Increased sereag* and totter farming. has brought a slate of affaire which pre i hides all thought of the "aurvlng farmera.” of whom we heard so much a few yearn ago. These name farmers are happy now. They are Independent, Imcauee prosperoua. They are becom ing rapliallata. They are no longer paying 12 and 20 per cent for money, tut are pay In# 6 per cent, eo as to have money to huy more land on which to raise big wheat crops.” And yet there are those who prrtl mently inquire, “What doth It profft a man lo become a capital!*! and then freeie to death?" We expect more Northern emigrants this .ear than ever before. AN AMERICAN VALHALLA. The sentiment aroused by the heroic conflicts through which we have pass ed la finding expression In the domaml for a notional Valhalla In which our Uluatrious dead shall be burled. It Is pointed out, truthfully enough, that every nation, in every age. has honored Us distinguished dead by a Bepulture apart from the mediocrity of mankind. The most celebrated of all temples of fame is the Pantheon at Rome—that "Shrine of all saints and tcmile of all gods From Jove to Jesus.” It is there that Italy buries her HU's trious sons. The Pantheon In Paris is scarcely less famous and there rest some of the master minds of oil time. All are fa miliar v.ith that sanctum sanctorum of the English-speaking world. West minster Abbey, over which the multi tude of immortal canjee casts a magic spell. And In the expansion, the readjust ment of American ideas, as a result of •#•* aw »"i— a#M »'***** g-f.*-- atowtortto to* ***» tNtoto to *to rm» —if *#>»* 'rtbto# wip* ****to <#4oa |a> #»#*.******•• •w#to a#M to’ <•%■'"* «MMnr ****** •««•* «M#b* •*»* *• *to to**** a# *n Mn#V fefc HAMMiA Nl f mmm m •mip# -^**#l iMMfpii -Mm# mm*m ■■ !♦* fH# ##* H*- liANI* HI W& •••#«. <%**%*+ Mtofto ili#* tmm tNMMuif## Im##» | | y|.:a HN| dtla W« #*# llllinn i#fal4t» ANNNi ttH I*V9MI ! nf nut yti# in • mmWK 9M Milt nft} 99m f'HMv ms »###* iwMi tii-lNf MM (I* mrnm&ff, MM s9m M •*•!*•< r „mi«»w (M to ‘fit im* «it f%# <r#V(|i TINH tkf Nl m%9*% «!k*M mtmi ** 111 ••• tofMI »'*•*• 9m nmmtrn**** - mmm 9m*9 msM9rn4 mmm it iM itigiM in# wm9s mmmm Mi? i Mtlii fr*fHli ?(W, ilirlMMl Ml MM M*#lMt MMM####MM Mill If • MttM I Mtt* ItlllUl •Am m iviiinun |%M* |(|to#i ftof |l V b## 1 fraj-iri fW MrrwtiiiiT mi fiiXtUß tm Isl rf«n «|#t otf oil |»rM#fi Ki fi aM i« HI ffct aloi 9mmt4 r o*l ad ill# flOtMl** m# ?t**l4mi ot it# r*t»bllc tork* l|H (4 fffflvtai Ml l#f|# • MltTf •• tA# imvfoor ml OMMtiii. Im>( I* l» || trftfift of that wiiMf Md thrift whirb hav* atart* tto iwla* gcverflawal great Tto Aaw.ha* eoaaal al tor.* eoa trtbutert to a recent r, urn tor < f '►* «<•* nports tor *»• rate* tor rail road trtaaporialKi* JuM yromulgaitA TV*r have become effective alar* fta* I aad bat* «t»*» • ***** blow to the formerly *rt»aata#*ot»a lour let or cir cular ticket. Tto followlai la ito a*rl*a of tlekat# delivered at all of tto moot Important •lath aa at a eoupl* of hour* antic* an<L*t all smalt stations at twaaty fo#r hoars* Roll**: Ticket* 'ar I , Ist Cl'a*. 24 CVa* IrdCTas. valid for— IS day* .. .» It 5* I 111 f ST* today* .... It.ta IS.SI «*6 1 months .. Mil 22 II 23.1 t « months .. 7* IS 02.11 3«.t7 12 months • 110. to 81. to 67.t0 For two persons of the same house hold the prlea of the ticket valid for twelve months la: First class too francs ($154.40); second claaa. 560 francs ($180,081; third elaaa. 404 franca, ($77.20): These ner ticket* enable the holder to travel as much and aa long as he like* over (he entire railway system at Swltcerland during the time of the va l'dlty of fits ticket. The lake steamers are also available, a oreond class rail way ticket giving the right to a first class ticket on the at earners. These ticket* are rigorously personal, and have attached to thym a photograph of the holder. Tickets roust be signed with the holders full name. Ac. extra sum of 5 franca (97 cents) has to be paid upon delivery, wh:nh, however, la returned when the ticket expires. The duration of these tickets can not be prolonged. No luggage Is allowed free, and no allowance la made for tlckota unused. Senator Gorman probably stuck his ears above the water long enough to catch the suggestion made by a Lon don admirer that he be nominated for the presidency. , It will be an honor to stand for ejec tion to council. It will also be a duty on the part of those best qualified to serve, and they should not Bhrink from that duty. Lieut. Isaac Newell of Milledgevllle has been recommended for promotion for his tmllant conduct at Santiago. His Georgia friends are proud of him. We may not envy Soul h Carolina her peculiar brand of politics, but she swears by the primary, first. last, and al the time, and that's one on us. The Populists or the Third Indiana district have anticipated their own na tional convention. They have en dorsed Hobson for the Presidency. Ex-Senator Ingalls implies that he Is not ready to tell the world whether our dreams of imperialism are irides cent or not. - u.u.t,..,. r*-» - ■ TUB AtjOTJBTA S3.WHJk.XJ3 LROAL NOTICE to bainii «I * iaiMi * *tM<tfMMMMi A «*»#> §m* «* fP MIMM ft* AMNpM# 8 m *##«*# «*» **%**£• * * *# ****** i |CM I MMM *.<*■-■## to# < Mi. a totjg ft-,#*; # M ;AA A#ft I# tMHMMMI sm*w§' I •*# $ ftp taftb 4mi i4* mm*-> ft# # ** ft MMl' ; | mm %Mi || #| # m 9 to«8# H I# ftiff f iff, 9/m ff v# toft UN fffttoaff Yftffl •to a* § tN# ft*) ft lift lift **+9* i# mi *9m* *m* MMM# MftMt *##ft •# fftMtiWA §#■• ♦N Til* ftH»-*M«M •# lift MMMftftf ftMft to*' 8 Mfftftl MM *—>Mffft#t# I## #ftM#ft* ft -*i #>■»* mm* (Mm mmmM### •ft ft*# r #Nw#j *##»#» ftr *» #1 Mm* #s**#•# mum# •« i|m §#*##*! MM#i mm 4 9m MiH ff#*ft#%M* M*#ft §####■*!#'» lift *♦' #* # #Y»to• fft MM l #>ft# MM IffffaMM |M#' m* I# # l#r4M **TftM* #**N* Ml #ft tl# |«h 4## «ft fomwmtv. IM# •M** l H# ftlf't'ft 1$ ft*# * )*ftft9ftl ftl Mftft #•*#*- ** p#«» 9 ftft# ft ?#ffftFM## Ms tIM • MlMfttf* ©fttoatotoffl# 9%*l f*##*#ftlft , ftl I ! to# #toto«irtui I of •s*«s!• ft ©ft «M» r Min# IMMft * f iMfi# P*#ftto.„ M# #-IM I *M ft f ft| ft# fftHM* ffff.ft ftHft th#*##pft| y toft-ft tot# IMIM## I**- I ft* Ml ftftfftftiMll tM#H «M lift ftfM ! afttojr tot » *.?!«# «M* 5# iMrftlto*. I I «'t| Vftfftiftf* •ErtftaMMM W| AMtoftM I rtofftftMMtolltoftl ## M*to# ###•*• aftftftll M# ... . ft , f * th ' r* •“ r Mkf* lla» lr« 4#? *4 Jft«M#ftft# #ft#t tM# f gff DM Ift I FNN'fftNh Mil %r#l •ft to# *M* toft ft*# 9 Nto M Nri|#r *mm*+*4 H «M* ; fMNfti toft iMift Ml#tto, M» #ffiNfftoKlHi to# itMis ! V#f toto to#w>tt t'toftidl toft * *?l *» !#■ VN! I*o.-.- r m torn If (am a ka*#)## » It# it, viMftto fur m#'ftaff? • fft iMto Ototo. - MM nrftt |»t«fo *.!♦•« «M# ##*tofftl #lftrl»*ft» j rm#l«fM4 M? rr«l#ntoti«® «r j to# (to#to* fkftitotl Mto fllito# Ms toMT-' 'III * titto I-; JlßHinr toft## I Mto #*•«###! toltotoHto*. Mrln ; neat after the •■ptraila* of tbtrtjr day* fmm the time awe* vacancy wouv, at ; * 1,,, ft rl*< tk.n • Bstittw for the unci •arm term *h«ll b* elected fro Klert. that the mo >ftot* for all ißrsailei'# w luwe term* expire o* ar before the fleet day of January !*M *lxoll be ele<- i text Ivy the General Affpembty a' It* *eft •M. for tm*. for the fail term of fopr Pee. 4. fie It further enacted by *u ! thorny aforemld. That wh*mft*»r the Btmve propoeed fttuefldment* to the r «n*titui>on *hatl be agreed to by two j ihh<tai of til# mtomWrto to *trh j *»f IM** two Mol*### of tfic (IfOtril A#» totomblf , IM# Oavtoraor Rhtoll, to»tl Mto !• [ litottoby touttiorittotl uald emrndnwot* to bft published ! m at tract t*« ne»*p»p#r* la each coa gremional dl»irtct In thlft Ntat* f«r the ! prrfod of two month* next preeedlix* i the ttm* for holdtn# the next general | election,, See. 17 He I* further enacted hy the i authority i»f -remtd.That the above pro : po«ed amendfrtrwl* »h»ll be *ut,»tltutcl : fqr ratification or reject ton of tie- elec tor* of thl* State at the next genftral > election to be held, after publication, a* ! provided for In th*. fotpth atw tlon of thi* Act, in the *ev«»ral fflftrlet* of the i Siftt*. O' Which election every perwvt I ..hull b# qualified to vote who 1* enti tled to vote for member* of the Genc | ,„i A**embly. All pervone voting at I uald election In favor of adopting th* ' proposed amendment*, or either of | them, to the Constitution of thl* State. I »hall have written or printed on their ! ballots the word*: "For ratification of the amendment of paragraph 2 of sec tion 3. article « of the Constitution* (for election of Judge* of Superior I Court* by the people), "For ratification | of ntmndmcflt of paragraph 3 of section S of artlclg « of the Constitution" (for ! election of Judge* of Superior Court* by the people), "For ratification of amendment Of nfiragraph 1 of section It of article 6 of the Coftatltullpn" (for election of Solicitor* Oenerol by the people). And *ll person* opposed to adoption of said amendment*, or either of them, shall have written or printed on their ballot* the word*: "Against the ratification of paragraph 2 or sec tion 3 of artlotr « of the Constitution (against election of Judges of Superior Court* by the people), -‘Against rat id eation ot the amendment of paragraph 3 of section 3 of article 6 of the Consti tution’’ (against election of Judges of Superior Court* by the people) “Ag ainst ratification of amendment of par agraph 1 of section 11 of article 6 of the Constitution" (against the election of Solicitors General by the people). Sec. *. He it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That the Governor be. and he Is. hereby author ised a*id directed to provide for the submission of the foregoing proposed amendments to the Constitution of this State to a vote of the people as requir ed by the Constitution of this State In paragraph 1 of section 1 of article 13. am) by thl* Act; and If either be rat ified. the Governor shall, when he as certains ffuch ratification from the Sec retary of State, to whom the returns shall be referred In the same manner as in case of election* for members of the General Assembly, to count and ascertain the result. Issue his proclama tion, for one Insertion. In one of the ds:.y papers of this State, announcing such result and declaring the amed ment or amendments ratified. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That all laws ami parts of laws in conflict with the Act be. and the same are. hereby repealed. Approved December 21, 1597. Now, therefore. 1. William Y. Atkin son, Governor of said Slate, do issue this my proclamation declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution is hereby submitted for ratification or rejection to the legal tQO TIIIS IS IT ftftHMMNMI ■ 4 Mft#> •# 1 f| 1 * fHif f*to#ft 940 m FOR EARLY FALL »FS I MS ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrfvffd. DORRS Tailorinf. Hats, Fumbhinfs. / Frffnch \ j Furniture Polish C X fsprom irxl brighttonft up J f I l.tonfctoi MKI N \ rkftiattod Mirttcth ft###? bw»f f M ffhou d have M. Rottleft 29a V / Spices For Pickling S J and Fm«rvlaa aaa’t b* kart b*t- v I ter tbso wed by oft. W* Mil thft I J beat. I f This to Remember C J Alabostin* make* lb* C C mmt perfect *oH HaillM Will I ) liuiafa. Color cold fr**. f C Roaches \ f Wft b*ve IXerroan t and other # N t log tbttn- 1 J Ail of l> * Hat I‘tuauna f ? Altiailcr Dru Compsu s J %» BROAD HT. N . ! 1 1 ! BILLIARDS I OLD AND NEW, K> J.-sw * Tllissn.OHn.lWolVsSak Ofcw* 'M »t»#wr of lit- I.4NM* T., btoa ft l. ntfrtal umnukfb'et •*« *nft |h* fffHvw a a W»7»#r I-k* txkkAoim . IhoflM# mU lva# t« Ua a#M« ? * . tw ,™v i i $ i yf \AV ruaftki# fftoata ftcW A • /} y Vt ! f«to*i»ffst#tff k$ r#»l / KiiX A \A h Hare*. #Fffry «•#*•« to BC V \ AX Una #U \ \ / rV i«\S 7 ;/~uh7 i . K |<v» B*l! **4l 9*J7 i z£2nf ft,ma ft ’ H \ JUffbt t»t*» /ft W **» lfoto, mißff to \ /\ SfeSEtt \ \/7 \ ► v / \ goal fan# «*• ****** \ \ aftAssm»)itoite ft / \ r|sa»r*be*m»rthtvie*«tn * 8 // \ \ pluyaft ftf tfta t«rM • F j] // . \ / rm * j * \/ How to $ • Flay. $ Clotk, 75 cists. Flexible leather, SI.OO Mt I KW» !««.. tack". ' 5«,.l pn*Mk lour m* "f pd" 4 THE AUGUSTA HERALDS AHOUSTA, OA. Pi iTs, Pi ns, pmi Pills The Best Pills puis Pill To Take p^s Pills is— pi|| s Pills Er. Siller’s Pills. pnis 25 Cents. PillS «*-D on’ forget that ! Pills Pills Tne Howard & Wiiiet Pills Dreg Company Pills Pills Make Them PiHs7~Pilis, Pills, Pills ters of the State at the genpra! elec tion to be lield Wednesday, October 5, 1898. W. Y. ATKINSON, Governor. By the Gcwornor: F. E. Callaway, i Private Secretary* i -xr. UNCLE SAMS NAVY Portfolio No. 0 can b« *•- cured at Th# Haraid officff for lOcffnts and a Naval Coupon cut out of Th« Hffrald. NUMBER NIKE CONTAINS AHuXQ UtHKff HOOD THINGS, PICTURES OF Roslg* RftgWy. » pntfrixrt Cyvitao* N*w Orleans. Meatier Part!**. Tvrpfttfo Boat DaponL fltocrtotftr? oft fftf#| ft-, Map of Natal OUMtti*, akcwiag ! al ragrft*a ot th* *n»» aad Navy ot lb* I fWt*4 FltotM## of Clift? Lite. >*if| Yarte l A ry« Ump mi Cut*# an 4 m##y olhm girt* | thtoftoft r~ r j Q 9 This coupon, when ac companied with 10 cents, entities the holder to one copy ol Uncle Sam’s Navy Portfolio, at 7Ht-. HfcRA! D office, Augusta, Ga. Mail orders must include 2-cent , stamp lor postage. 9 oj Rack number* of thl* H*nd»«m* •«- rtea can atlll b* -obtained mi Tba H*r ald office. i P. H.P.H.H.P.H. H. P. H. H. P.lj - Tb — II H- H. P j IjUIOKEisT. H. H. P. _ Tb ,_ H. H. P. H. H. P. BmOr Au H. H. P. H. H. P.iiUWT H. H. P. Medicines H. H. P. H. H I*. For H. H. P. | th* Liver i H. H. P. floc * nt * H. H. P. tl D Howards u „ p H - H - p - fillet Drng H - H - p h. h. p. Coipany jn. h. p. H.H.P. H.H.P.H. H PT i- - - Special Schedu e For Richmond Camp Meeting. Over the Augusta Southern Railroad, commencing September 4th there will s be operated the following schedule dur | ing Richmond Camp Meeting at j Grace wood: Trains leave Augusta for Graeewood: At 9:15 a- m.; 10:15 a. m.: 2 p. m.; 4 p. m.; 6:30 p. m.; 9:30 p. m. Trains leave Graeewood for Augusta: 12 noon: 3 p. m.; 5:30 p. m.; 7:30 p. m.; 11 o- m. The running time between Augusta and Graeewood is 30 minutes. Tickets for the round trip will be placed on sale at 25 cents. Positively ; no tickets sold on the train. Tickets i can be secured froin agents. | jaS. T. JACKSON. Receiver. Augusta Southern R. R CHAS. W. JACKSON, -.C. G. P. A. '■r-We Augusta, Ga. ' NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HE A DA C 1 1 USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO, AUGUST 31 1 j b V ‘ Makes an Alligator fell QrdNfttffvt Chill anti F»vsf Rffrivcycty no# ftl E*» i'-ffocto The River Swamp Chill and Fever Cure. Net fOc *nd It 00 Bottle. •ml sold bv »U Uuffatv ye* ff» a 4mm I##®# mmm *•# ###### m L. I Gardens. Oiuggist. me Augusta Herald Hint. Briiitot ui Oe But Xfiwr PiteW u , Tin Sfc'ist ■’* nii.rc.HAPn siwal TUI kevs or Till WO»*J» while it i* rm is to is noi Rri ahead or OTHER C.E‘)RfilA AND ffOl'TH CAROLINA / ts I'APKRS. TRIM, fill COKVIHCE TOlf- PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 71b St.. AIRBkU, G*. BiVES FREE EYE TESTS hr *ll defceH el twhl. grind. «h« |iroy.r gl*n— and W i*- U* MTS them Lenses cut into your frem* while you wait FREE OF CHARGE. oKiii K vot i! COAL and WOOD PROM THE North August* Coal & Supply Co tfuaatfty and Qnallty Guaranteed. p. w. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell Thun. SHM Strowger Mb Ml, Whltely / Exerciser. U A practical, simple and V e<bcient Home Exerciser, * (A one specially adapted for ladies and children, but \ at the same time can be Jr'ini. \ ' profitably used by the \ strongest athlete. / it Of®, \ PRICES: / j l 1 7Sc, *I.OO, «i.aa I j. fW BICYCLES CLEVE- | . \ LANDS, *4O up; VIK-/ 1 V INGS. *35 up; GEN-/ \| DRONB. *lB up; THOM-1 Lj AS, *SO up. Call and see ■t- r >i —f them. Every one guar- \ 1 / anteed. J If Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS -803 Reynolds st=TeleplioDelSi&.n j Private leased Wires Biiect to New York Chicago and. New Orleans. Orders executed over our wire* tar Cotton. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for wish or on margins. Bocal aecuritlea bought and sold. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agencie*. , _ .