The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 31, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 WEDNESDAY COAL-COAL-COAL win tuejukiM amo mrv Ait w »* ju/0 1 THS MKIIT CJMADBti Of Hu.« U#m J*U«(JO , # OO«A.I*S Anthr at K** «mi Nu| At ttWJJNMrMt 25H& CITY ICE COMPANY. MKIXt fOOAIMttA fi uiiit-r am Mm it A A. km A. I >wi*n Ift #***•> <A. A*ft ** " **’ A ft A*(»ra"*. vmmmmm— at %m Qmm < ffm MHt >!■>«■» >*»•>’•«»( »#» ft#"** 1 j |M Mr *»*#» •# V*>* l*w* | ftrai amt ll—i#* M«*«*•* ' '*• tl tMt* j Ml Ml Mm MM** *f ftftWbb# m lb# §mma*m> ■>»*«(»> **b imAm^i Mi A»4m«m M • to#fi Mmmm *Mj WMIwmA Ml «M ft# MUI b# rnMffTg* "tin * •**** Inf •MMtf fkklkNki wjjkN* (Mo g»i -rl IMr*m N* mm* r*M#* ami in*—■ ~ ml tb# rMtrti M.Wl.| ba*t*« wnM Uw« —<m Mr. *>•*> I MNI. H# ba* *■— I mhHMMM Of aoMM of I UM MnrlMi «l!r«*fc at flMpi as* j ft** *M ImM ik« MM»IU« (Mb Mm ftsafcrard AM Lm Tlm ft#—mi MM «f Mr HAmm Mm ft*fts M»w«tn •nnl oUmw apft**"- ■mm* >Mlill TwllKw e M»> MMR MM MMMM.MI to llf posit MMI «f IrtnMM* Mr. ft H ■ftorb* t*a*j mad. imwhl ft*## h*#p#t, amt Mr WltitoOM (*b» Ift—rty h#M Ural •Min*. M A—CV.I* baa b«a* ■*•» (It t»4 liiM ■apwrior Ml. A. C. WO4 to, <>|tK*4>* M» «rb»' travel# N Mamur A TibMtltk lo»**r meat Ob-* at ftt, L*bta, |tm tvsv#t4*# •mi a«4 iwhAm Ml ftsftwal *■•— §<md •dvbr "BrlM • kftlgbl at th# *tt|i." ha Mr*. "I M«» f«# Ik* past tbre#! jwait —lt# It • ral* to berp wrirlt •>.p#U#4 *Hk (I*«H*rttHi < CMk- f*b»»l i »M IMarrbra* am I bav»j fraud MMniiH ««"•••■>»* •« **•* It* ma tt* Mot obly on *r*rlf. Irat **• o!k --ara M *tH I #*• truly *»r IMI I **v tr it t AiW iMtMi k*r# known It t« MU I H <*» •* Ik* Ml ttnMk* t#**«4»r» #*• aarrr *■<» f»t« r»l*t* Mir lo#t*»c## wh*ra 1 h»»* UMir Mf»rtM »»4 r*U#f I l»t» ever* tnrtllßt mail I* Ik* 11. H - *lll fairy • A*ttl» of tfcla remedy I** hi* (trip." For Ml* try Akun4 Pratt A Mod (»,. C. K. Farr, of R*U Tbwer Drug *lur». KILLED BY THE CARS A« Accident Tkat tKcarred In South Carolina Fairfax. A«« ~ A n««ro train hand on tha F. C. *nd I*, railroad. Qua Mark, was klllad ban Imi nt(ht by *n axtr» frri**»t train doin* north. T)i« triiD lw»r«* and the n«it°t throuch ctrtiilißMl, It it **W, did not gal aboard wb*o hr sbon'd ba»r drmr ao, and Ibr train m»»*d off. leaving bim. but h waa waved down by the ftgon L It wna raining and Iba negro »K out In a run to catch lb* iraln. which had startod back. The negro collided with the cab and wan ao badly hurt that be died four hour* afterwnrds. Dr. J. W. Young waa aummoned end pro nounced the caee hopeless a* soon as be examined rthe Injuries. Through Instructions Pom the railroad ofllclal*. Agent lightly had the body fittingly pnpaml for burial and delivered to the dead man's wife, who lives at Luray. Thia section his been deluged with rain for some time. Haiti fell here In torrent* nearly all day yesterday, doing considerable damage to the cot ton m the flolda and to th« roads. Dr. J. I. Terry, of Trimble, Tenn., In speaking of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, says: "It has almost become a necessity In this vicinity." This la the best remedy In the world for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery And diarrhoea, and Is rec ognised as a necessity wherever Its great worth and merit become known. No other remedy la ao prompt or effec tual, or ao pleasant to take. Sold by Alexander Prug and Reed Co.. C. R. Parr of Dell Tower Drug Store. as Seen by davis. The Finding of the Hody of Sergt. Hamilton Fish, I saw far Iu advance the hody of n sergeant blocking the trail and stretched at ful length across It. Its position was a hundred yards in ad vance of that of any of the others—lt was spparetttly the body of the first man killed. After death the bodies of some men seem to shrink almost In stantly within themselves: they be come limp and shapeless, and their uniforms hang upon them strangely, llut this man, who was a slant In life, remained a giant In death; his very attitude was one of attack; his lists were clinched, hla Jaw set, and Ills eyes, which were still human, seemed fixed kith resolve. He was dead, but he war not defeated. And so Sergeant Fish died as he had lived —defiantly, running Into the very face of the en emy. standing squarely upright on his legs Instead of crouching, as the oth ers called to him to do, until he fell like a column across the trail. "Ood gives” was the motto on the watch I took from his blouse, and God could net pave given him a nobler end; to die in the forefront of the first fight of thP war. quickly, painlessly, with a Pellet through the heart, with his reg tolt behind him. and facing th - ene mies of his country.-From The Rough Riders' Fight at Ouurimaa. by Richard Harding Davis In the • -P --tembor Scribner's. When flatterers meet the devil goes to bed laughing. HINO.AItt I Mttt; I MIOMtIN OON| A» t aw*s ad Mm t*MN* df Nl **d MawMMr-AaAAM Alumpd* MvMikd* MacMi*. (Ala Aad St, * Ik tA*W j I mm ml Mari-f*n w* Hm*» k**a»k*di { I Wtotl MMpM»H MltMNftt, j . #(M4 9$ PR# W , j ImHV M (MHMf 90 I*o 909090 Tw* | olof fc~ca t fr.flr.ft •inmmimlM. All tltift RMRBW^. *m4 000 Iwwty w*m tfiarnp* im 99m Ml.' f 90900 mi tfc* mt 900 9m- 1 'mmm Mmh 4 90*4 H* #* 9o4k fMRftUj I III* MM +o* CUM !• 844 m. «t | |pM9 RiKIMII OlllMc IM *ln* j IMm 111* 000 «, fafttfvlfy 4***mm* i •+* Mil fIMRMir [ l#f $990000, iteftlMl 004 Vmu Hm i tmmfih I# fe** flMtfß MM MM*, nsm HM’i IM 0»4 00*09 90 piWIMI MM) | Ml mi ilmi Mfiittl 00*4 Min Mml j mi «Mfe rtcrlM iM 9944 f nNftOM* at > T—fc**Mra II rsMMMI a iMßattfaMMatt i •*«*•> MMI fit* 1 *OOO MlN> *OOO *M ***f 004*00004 llrtNfl •* wpi' fat wttM IM* OTWt *ir*Hi** *oo*ooo TM mmutan iM* Maa‘t aawtM**,l %|r* 11 «a a# It KM). *!4o# *0 IM* laf* . (Kimn a44y m 4 tM* f<*ar ffifi ala* | t#r* m*f o*oo *9m mlf 000 0»4 brw- j thar. Aa ihr mtalltarear* of k>* tldMly rat broke is apod their miad*. tha saotlMr sad the two aiatara named; afwvva immediately lapned late a by*- j I t#rt»*l aisle which ra|M<lty grew von* unit) day before y eater day when all i ihrea bad rwsekad a cqalltma of vi«- ■ lan* Inaanuy, Mrs Rddy la In a pit labia condition, and tlas and agaia at-' [ u-copied to tpke kar o«a life, Ska Mi aaeed by the later far race of aatgb- I hoe*, who h*#a not left bar f->r a m!»- | ate alnte she Drat received lb* aad | aew*. It waa fongd aeaaaaaty to tie key •*b eorda to prevent bar from doing bersedf bodily harm, and aba rematnad In that condition atl night She la U year* of age and a moat sotlmahla wo man. aa mra her daughter* whoa* con- < •litlon la a llttl* Ism* aarkMta. Young Okay waa only SI yanra of age, and waa Ike Idol of hi* home The horri ble fear that the young man waa starved to death aroused Immeasurable indignation throughout the city./Thera | la a possibility that hi* sister* will re cover their men til balance la time, i hat the mother la la such a state that her frirnda fear the moral that can ! come. 1 The Rand-McNalty new (Kaodard I War Alias la th* beat publication nt th« | kind wa have ever seen. The colored maps are double the alae of any others | published, and elearly printed on heavy paper. Kach one ha* a marginal Index and a page l» devoted to the flags of , all nation*. Tbla alia* la timely and 1 useful. It I* not for aale at the stores. | The Herald haa arranged for a sperlal i edition. Readers may obtain a copy ] by catling at our office or aendtng 30 !rent*. The Quiet Man's Special. A quiet man walked Into Camden station last night about 8 o’clock and m;wte hU w«y In a leisurely manner to the ticket office. Depositing an un pretentious saichel on the counter he asked for a ticket to Pittsburg. "Do you want to go tonight?" asked the ticket agent. “Yes,” said the quiet man. "Well, your train left half an hour ago, and there Is no other train to Pittsburg tonight. "That's a pity,” remarked the quiet man In the same tone as before. He looked down nt Ihe counter meditative ly nmi then said: "Rig mo up a special to Pittsburg right nway, will you?” The ticket Agent looked as If he could have been knocked down with a feather. "I beg your pardon," he said. The quiet man repeated his order nnd explained that he wanted to arrive In Pftaburg by 8:.10 thia morning, as h’ hud to make connection'ln that city with another train. He was at once made acquainted with Night Manager C. E. Hleks, who sent for Mr. W. T. Leehllder, who has charge of the pas senger equipment at Camden station. There was much activity displayed a 3 soon as the order for the special was transmitted through the yards. When the preliminaries hnd bom arranged the prospective passenger asked how much the special would cost. "Three hundred and forty-six dol lar;".,” answered Mr. I-eclillder. Without the slightest hesitation the quiet man drew out a checkbook and made out a check for the amount. It was s ; gned T. D. Keenan, and there re mained no doubt of the genuine ehar ncler of the pelece of paper. Mr. Keenan is one of the best known railroad eontraetors In TMilladelphia, and Intimated that $1146 wns but a drop io the bucket eoaipared with the busi ness on band. The special left at 12 o’clock mid night and arrived on time at about S o'clock this morning In Pittsburg, a rc n'f.vkably quick run. The regular fare to Pittsburg Is SS. -Baltimore News, Conceit puffs up a man, but it also holds him down. THBJ JIL.tXGTJIBT.A. H^ETR-AJLJD MtMt At At tlUtxWlfl *ltri am* Mnwttf»« > «*•§*<> talk* 9Na* ftgMMt N* VAe ttaammA top -■*'■»*, ft ft, **■* (*« Ylm |a«* i <*•»*»! mmmmm #• *fte *Mya*a* *a t**y j i HIM tluftrA tMftM Mda tarn MUM- aad Vw mw * i M'iitM fWO §o*ooo, 99*-* A f. wrlitMM 9m 0090004 *4 H*% W f 000900 Ht #M# |Mip IM *00*9% 0 j \§ommm*oo% II 9* immm* m m*| j 90090*004 00 tMP o*mooo 00 99**004*** 4 M» om%o**4 *M* 09*0**04 *4 IMM iMtMiPii 00m 190 * 9m*o 1400*409 00)4 9*00*9 0* *9*o W**oo-- ¥os 004 MNNNINI 0040*000 0m IM# •*'•# lift |§ up# 0m IM# I >*o*4*o*o I** *o 'ft" o*4*' I ' 0000000** r*m It***#!® prAUpi-'fti Pill ilp 404W4H0* I# Ipt* MIM 9*oo* 9M#M Wt 9hf**mlt r 994**40* *4 ft 4*ool*9o4 *u*o 9mm ft pft * f ip tM# (IMif'KrfHMl MMUIMi llAllAp 900000*09 94 IM I MUM 000*9* MHM 9m*94400*10f Mi «MPj 0904-0.. HP *4400 90 0004 IMPf44 fp: ! >-m •bm *4904 %*• M#» 9rn4 ‘Mr * f—m f *9**-* »*•' # M# 0 fm&r*o*4 94*441 m Ml •• #t|>#rli<p 'Mi tMi# IfpMfy M(M 19M&0 000*409 W# 0404141 9m* IM# rMrafiMi 94*4*044 fUltPftf *000*90009 • iftffft m«M 00*m009*mm Imp*MM# tMPj <*mi9m *o9o*o*o, fMn«tt«M IM# &n#*PiF of j Hr, AMMMMm &** M#«t#r mmp 9*# iM#| pin## *P*M M# 900*tf l*M|Pi 00A N fretiiyiac Hi l Mil »n*»tr r *p iWMMMii femtoriliM mp 4 itfiHMt o*o* fM#, *"***oooos 000 if tflM rft'4 IM# fM*" mmm ; 1m iM# tight o*o*o Pw4 H C M«i#(#rt tM# •#•!? #*##• lad yrtndyal at tfca Bataakar* toatl twa, baa drrtv*ft *»4 ii mam twakiag] artlva a**ar*t»*b# tor tb» dftHMftt at j iba arboot aa tb# ftftb nt toy aether. I H* baa tb* vaputbttoa at being «■» oft tb* beat *4■*-*!or* lb llnwib Cwdlna, havlag bad eavaral years agparlanra aa ] a taarbar Mias t'athavlaa f. Gaiaay at North j Carolina baa »<**t»d tb* twaftton >f| ■Hale taarbar lb Iba ftataaburg laatl- , tnta, Mia* Clalnay l* * poaigradaate, la wiialr fraa tb# Oramahoro Itoraala, rollry*. and baa had four year* expo-, riprt MM tpr hft Mr* K F. ttrutbay will laav* today for a two taaaba visit to lb# Hayww<d Wbtta Sulphur springs, at Wayaae villa N, C, Bb# will ba areotnpaaied t>y bar son. Bdwln Folk Wrotbcr, j Ksq Miaaa* Kata Paige and Mamie' O'Keefe, two of tba moat popular and, | refined young ladle* of North Augusta, j 1 arb vis:Lng thatr frlrnd and relative, Mias Jesla V. Shark#*’ of Bataatwrg | They ar# quit# an arquialt’.oti to th# [ aortal cirri# of our loan. Iton. Eugene R. Bt#aduian. our popu-! I lar and a (fir lam mayor, has gone to | Charleston na a pleasure and buaineaa I trip. H* wa* accompanied by several of the leading citiion* of (he town. Among them may be mentioned Meaara. W. L Rawl, J. C. Glover and { J. B. Stokes. Several candidate# for the various at ate office* were in town today <>u the way from the Saluda meeting to Isl ington, where the rampalgn meeting for thia county will be held tomorrow. Our chlxen* Invited the candidate# to apeak to them thia afternoon upon the Issues of the hour Nearly all the pla ce* of business were eloaed during the meeting, an aa to give every voter an opportunity so listen to the speaker*. Mr. John Bell Towlll called the meet-] !ng to order. In his usual pleasing manner he introduced the eamlldatna. C. C. Knalheratnne. prohibition can didate for governor, made an eloquent and forcible presentation of hi* side of the question, and wns heartily applau ded. The ladles of the town showered flowers upon him at the close of his speech. J. P. Derham, the present comptrol ler general, and his opponent, I* P. Eptun, made short addresses. W. D. Mayrield, who has been stare super intendent of education since 1890, and John J. McMahon and L. W. Brown, spoke In order named. George 8. Mower for attorney general, K. M. Blythe for adjutant general, and J. W. Gary for railroad commissioner, spoke briefly. With Mr. McMahon's handling of Mr. Mayfield, his sarcasm and ridicule, elicited groat applause, and won many votes for him. Mr, McMahon was a professor in the South Carolina college seven years and was a member of tha educational committee of the constitu-* ttonal convention. The degree of mas ter of arts was conferred upon him. with highest honors. He strongly favors building up and improving the county schools, which is the poor man’s college. If the people of South Carolina want better schools they should elect one expert In school work. Mr. G. Walt Whitman, candidate for governor, passed through town today on his bicycle, bound for the Lexing ton meeting. He has ridden over fif teen hundred miles on his wheel dur ing the campaign. Hon. John .1. McMahon is the guest of Edwin Folk Strother, Esq., while in town. All the ether candidates have gone to Lexington. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six Imurs by “New Great South American TCidney Cure.” It Is a great surprise o« account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male c- female. Relieves retention of water almost Immediately. If you want quu c relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Gardelle, druggist, Augusta, Ga., *l2 Broad street. GooD iuck BAKING POWDER* 15 THE BIST. Highftt* of AH In UftftVftn inp Power. RI'Al lift AT®. FOR RENT W*«ftcftj|«Ml Jti Ifttff # y*M»£M# < ** * llft#M gy,. ■»*!* m».if m ft n I ft fan flit Oft* .« am mm mm a* • ••* • ” |}M Retrain atrdpt .. •« ** (It Bread “ " (3J Bread »treel ** ** 1 IIFj jwl ** a* •* •* *4 #1 ‘ *2l 00044 #«r##t •• .. .. •• •• ** WJml otr*+i Th# *t*w# U*i «IU b». rbftfif** from jdMy to day. John. W. Dickey Real Estate Agent. FOR RENT |j. B. White's new residence# *u> upper t. Broad *treet. Special price*. 4 »ft Telfair atreet. ( mama ftU 00 JIT ftftfalr atreelt * room* 24 W* K 5 Telfair *treet, T roam* 22 9® 329 Telfair atreet. 7 room* .. .... 22 333 Telfair atreet. 7 room* 2! *« 522 Kilt* atreet. 7 room* 1* °° (12 Broad atreet. flat 1* °° 4!« Fenwick SU«M. » ream M 1511 Owinnet street, I gooma.. .. Nrw 15(7 Walton Way. 6 room* ls 00 ] I*l3 Walton Way. 5 room* li* 99 I 522 Broad »trect. * rooms 20 M ! 522 Broad street, (tore 20.00 j B. White's cottage* on upper Jonea street—l* 90 and 8.00 each. Thl* Hat will be changed from day to ' Clarence E. Clark, Real Estate. 8 » BrCM,d Bt ' FOR SALE gm~ \ have tor sale very desirable build ing lot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. Will sell earn* very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. NO. 1337 OREENE STREET. TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 1251 Eilis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. i 329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 21 2 Bth Street. TO *TiBTTT. From October Ist. 1898. the premises at present occupied by the Irish-Amet- Ican Dime Savings Bank at 817 Broad street. Centrally located and well adap ted for most any kind of business. Apply to P. M. MuJherln, Secretary and Treasurer, 817 Bread St. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. IftAl fat All For Rem From Oct. 1 ■UM f luOnll ftdtßY > Leonard F Verdery. /A VJI tupA M rommo* ft f M -ftk. \ r 1 rJt l I I I kCJ W ' k / vKcx ~ Mom' fftw vofMB 4lw*r#4tt tht» mm- M#rt)#«), Itut thmm m*m d«v« tH#4 m <)«• fUngft could <mt Mo® Induced to adopt th# o*d>ffc#!»i«ft«4 m#tM#d mg* ln Y # #•# It I# •# ftOfty to r. th# Oftf IlftAg*. If POM ftftftl Ottr YFfitjlP nod fom con reduce th# hoot to onjr d#- Minn* r## dftMir#. TM# iam* with poor rmit If It I# dotnf too quickly, you don't n**d to throw open th# oven door and run th# risk of chilling H. You mn regulate your rone# to suit your moot. Tke Gas Licit Co. o[ ispsia, (22 BROAD KT. ? PORTNER’S / C HOFBRAU and C / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDS OF / | Export \ j Beers \ ? ARE THE BEST C S AhK JOB THEM. / SosettoTdal. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on IO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AlexanMJoln Agents Scottish A meric in Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St Ladles Not In It. 40c Fine Summer Undershirts, 20c. 40c. Fine Summer Drawers, 20c. SI.OO Fine Dress Shirts, 60c. 50c. Fine Scarfs, 25c. „• £ (. 25c. Suspenders, now 10c. 10c. Club Ties, sc. Our large line of Fall Woolens has arrived and our summer goods have got to go at sacrifice prices. Call early and get a good selection. F. G. Mer tins, Tailor, opposite Planters Hotel. Augusta, Ga. BUSINESS FOR SALE Owing to Mr. Henry W. Balk's deci sion to enter the floral business, we of fer for sale in bulk all the stock of merchandise contained in the store now occupied by us -f together with counters, shelving and showcases. Un til the stock is sold in bulk we offer great inducements to the general buy ing public to come and get bargains. Spot cash buys cheap. BALK’S DRY GOODS CO. “Lower Balk's.” 604 Broad St. bait btidh Charleston 1W Carolina A 0*99019994 #MH##M | f»M 09%g0909 *0 901*4 4*4 104 j if* i*4 i 1 4 BSSBS!~tr •bn-i*t»tj#— i ¥tm\ ‘ |>mmm i||iin iin i * : 4*o*o] I * ■>—>im- i‘ M f# fftftftM * 04*9*0 Wo*99*gommm *»> 1 40044 1 n - ,-.»*♦* i ! *00904004004 mm. MMMNft I m 944*00 ■**-&■ -m» rtt il * •0004 * BIP HWiMiilllM' .i» -: * ; b-ft »ft— | iM# s*• mir oJoo*4*i • * 90090940400 mm »•*« w* o^o9o I * I * • . ■*mm * / w*K* ft#M *• MLpf Mffifaft am* , s 1 9**og* -<*%«• . * mmm •*. an * • *O-0900 * p^|#M *hHl«i[ii*o«»»* tjMji I * CSkMMtMMkMM»•••*•* *» i%» »'«.*•** v *mpm . ** fliTlriMßtl f -r I ft f* .♦< Rftftlaa •*,.*. am a, f . 90*09 IW® s ’*"** : WMMhll.a.a I 990090 090 mm ' * fMfttki iam*mmmm.'94Mmm | * illli Mk..»4 *aao .*#*.. •** . . *| MIM lAf Akff##aM*.a ...aa*. , !«*.# . aaa! I’lMNa j I #• m *r#«M MM IftfMM Mil# *4o* 1 99*9*4*0 Ml \om*9oo If* »# I a! Otaeawrad •# (h taaam •* AAt *»d« .d 4» p»*J4 sad #«*«•*»*»# »t*b ira’S-1* l»”*«j Ear aay »n*n«a abaw ** ad*a | maam. #M* #a *•*.. a4*am ».J ' RAKs »*ralNa AM. E* k kojtiM r imii ni a#m- M Minw4 Ir# 4# W**9o** AifftMM 0m BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. M. C. IKATTIk II r#| flkpr'4 d Flf*l #• - * CIMnM «'U*« £ Cl#M# 1 I«# MiM •* 6 nty 149 ; *141400. Mft 191. l( W- S oft ft... Aadereaa. ..ft J Id It ‘S' t*n..f t J 41 11 2$ ia #7 2l* I*l .. Aalua .... » * 20!* 1 ft )(. | K]v.., Ihe h.’oa ...ft SW h il • I* t •* I*. O rey Gre»* t f 4 *» tl U » C |;«* ta *4.m > !■»««*•* i ( ll« h »9| I 25 24, .« 4KNACA ..a. (-2N'l.3> tIH | | J «-M( t ft) |22j. Weatl I’nlo* *j 8 oft I *5, (4|... Walbatla . .ft 1:131 AM PM I ilaav* Arrlva I'M PM. Mo 12 Xod **° 11 No " Refutxr Btatlod. t rv*« fitattoa: I All regular train* frotn Anderson l« Waihalla have rl«ht to track over train* of tha *a»# cl*#* n»#vtn* In op poait* direction unlra* otna-wta# apse tflrd bv (rata ord*r*. Will also atop at following a tat to** to t*fer '« or let nit paa#er.f«ra; Phio aaf*. »••<« B*ndy hprtnx* I No. 12 rennerta with Southern ratt 'way No. 12 at Aoder»*n. I No*. 5 and t c>.ett-'ct with Rcuthera rails *y No*. It und 17 at B<VMtca | }. R ANDERSON. Superintendent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. moiTKr aki> urmwT rout it IO TDK EA*T AND NORTH. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE TO THE EAST AND NORTH. 2;361»8i' Lv’.Auguata, Oa..Ar I 7;55am l.OOfm, Lv Aiken Ar i 7 !»»m t;l7pm| Lv....Denmark....Ar ] (:17pm 4:topmi Lv Orangb'g.. ..Ar | *;4oam (:06pm| Lv .Sumter. S. C..Ar j 4 29am B:2spm Lv Florenc# Ar I Lttam Id:33pm| Lv... Fayettevdle -Ar I I:l4pm 1:11 am| Ar. Petersburg. Va. Lv j 8 12pm 4 00am] Ar....Richmond....Lv | S 12pm 7:4lam| Ar..M'ashln(tnn..Lv 3:4«pm 9:«3am| Ar... Baltimore. ...Lv ! 2:25pm U:2saro! Ar.. Philadelphia. Lv 112:09pm 2:o3pm, Ar.... New York. ..Lv | o:2oam Pullfnan palace buffet aleeplrg car* from Macon and Augusta to New York without change. R, A. BRAND. Oen. Agt.. 723 Bread St.. Augusta. Oa. T M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON. Oen. Pa*s A*». CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In F.ffect, March (. JB9B. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta. Southern Ky . 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry .. 7:18 w.ra. Leave Chester, C. & N W. Ry 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. * N. W Ry 1:M p.m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2.00 p.m. Arrivi Green Park. Stage .. - 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. i .JO p.m. Q _ W~HARPE cTf. HARPER. President. , 1 A : The Paper That is Best For the Reader is Certainly Best For the Advertiser. the N BEST BUYERS N Are the Wage-Earners-the Working People of a Com munity : : : : : s s ! THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAGE-EARNERS BUY THE HERALD, • IT’S THE BEST.” , AUGUST 31 kditAn*t> S. C I G. RAILWAY CO [a MM# *#>M**#***»» *OOO 4444999*44444 tW-rt IRi. *OO- 400 900*90*0 : it jk ;**9m O fAIMM Y - m%9**ffigoTvm9Bßll) i #* r M*#'*#ih 14 ****** 0 * 4 ».i» mMM ftMiip p«4# f*»«i t. 0 0m InmM#. L# *k sft* I* • , 00*000 * f t M ft-ft * > Sift % *#'V *ft I %ft'"4MsMl~ s imio)*9**m J 9m*g**9 9 o*mo* 9*0090 1 [m4mom*loTigA/mT irnliSmmm* M* Mi>M , * J#%*■ 4* A 1^90*90»*494040 j i o**oiU 4*l* mH- 1M V)| FUkAHU | Tk*Nfc#M #WPf#f *m mhl M#MM §9o* Y#fk ! mm*mm. •.*jl3mmmmi f% V#mi 4*owJ*9ottm gt |L a* |s4w* «| j, #■ gut |qj M** M-Mk A* • * fSiMM 4* §*• \d"#%| .,oom 0* o M#ft4Mk'ft« 9*4o4*o 0 |L» * 9*o 1 0 |ft| % *O. • *ll a f*%- fy f 9*mg* *mm4mf 4 *f#• I 'tf* j ft»A- '* * {"Mu *9*090 1 -o*o9 fill tan M ******* **» ■**■ *«»' (wMMkHI SikM#ahkkHi'. 4 *f : Mnwm H9U4giio • m**9*«*o M M«k *o9* X #*fc »iwpm. 9**m M4M —mg**— 0* JirMnvt * > 4. 00 *o**o9 4rn* •» 4 90*9*4 M If <l# (Mrftft* tf*4 MlMl tfPMM Mil pMftM M 90* i. H HARIML t, 1. EttKKM# M1 09099a 19*409 Mc^aK P. U,o9'***m<-9m Mrt # * „ SOUTHERN RAILWAY, "* Ceetrel 11toe Srts.ra ( Se»>*n4 Aaeb mvUi*. tents ttos *M«m to laoskus t«4 ftiker *«4o*a. KlfreMre *t'l A l*» , i - - Tra M *«. Nl todtoft lour U*My. ’ w fv^-y^*-""" fiyg) Jv f i AT ' >•**»«* 1 ,l *9, u. OawhraJtOftttftft - |lg: ! iff* Ar 4V.* L? “ * F SI At &vmT*wm4mfg. ’**> K# * tl Mr gCSST j »«» j : ; TTS 45|1 - Juhaat wa . ... I » l*#j M 1 Sffis#' 1 :.... r? - llir alrr .1* ’ MAM P ?IM i ft Urt-TMin ...I Tip l !»• Ar f! * ‘ -JUS' I??!! or~ • •.•••Its* __i, - Usi.rill, . » lIIMl lIMp | * **B ! ITiMrara* «*>» 0»# Ar W s.htrgl.ui !5* i?2S > ** IldJltiu.iri HM K N Mftl II Mp , - I*h! 11 It i hia W»M - hV-Vra :> 1 H ftp Oft* I araikhUod. Lt N* w York IV K R 4AO p UUat ** Philffi.WipbLft 0 BAp iSU# • Ki.iujoroi | » Air ft » Lt Wfbah too. So. Ry 10 Lip II lift Lv Hi monU - J. i Jot UOIm Lv UouYltlo .... j &Gon MUp hr NurfGjk ....7 9 Slpj ”77 At *-caffiboro 6 *1 m Lv T 060 T»p “ Gnirlottft I t H#j 14 fir : - Boric Hill !u 20a‘ 11 OAp ' • Ottnirr lOiftu II Up • WlAttftufo. 1 II 4l * 12 98# Ar CoH ca Hioud ff iff (12 4.*Ad i 187 * Lv. C’4»lurnbUUa «iep t. 115 p 4 00* •• Jc-hostoiM ...J 2Wp; 4 (Wi i “ Trent.m a tap (ft* “ I 3 88p! i wft !Ar AttgtUtflL. j _4lsp; _* flp o AdMYifla ” j BaD a aOMp , Lv. &i)4urtMUoat g t II 0m M top Lv. Ooltils, B.r,An.fty : 3 (Bp l T «0s Ar ('harl«Mton i M 40p,’ 11 (©• j Lv F.CAP Ry | 11 56 o| 12 4T» • “ Hiftvao?.ah 4 4Tp ; 6UH# Jarjrre>nvillft. § 25pi §l6# nLkKPIMO CAR ftERVit l. ErcrllwH dolly poKsmiwT *»r\ r ic« ’ yicrido anti New York. Horn iT oovi tfi—V. awhinrton ond Houthwrtrrm ! Linjif»Nl. Solid VoMtilmlrd tram vrtfb dining ftn and first CjMMW north of ChftHotM. Pullman dr*winy room aleeph)ff<stM between Tampa, .TaokMonYille, bavannah, Washington •ad Now York. Pullman looping Care bftwwn Charlott# and Richmond. Pullman druming-room N’eopinsr care 1# I tween <4reen*l*oro and MptftHk. CJroaeeoMOto* j turn at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT* ! arriving there in time for breakfast. . Solid train, with Parlor oars, between ‘ Charleston nnd Aaheville. No*. 36 and 36—C. 8. Fast Mail. Through ! Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping car* be tween Jacksonville and New York and Pull man sleeping cart between Augusta ana Char iot t«. Pullman sloapin % rare between Jack •onvtlle and Columbia, on route daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Abbeville. FRANK 8. GANNON ♦ J.M.CCLP. Third VP. & 4*«n- Mgr. T. ' M.,J} “brngton. W. A. TURK. ri. H. HARDWICK. (t. P. A.. VY’aahington. O. P. A.. Atlanta GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (With Meridian Time.) cf, Schedule Effective April 24, 1898. -< Pullman Sleepere between Macoo anl New York. „j,_ i Through Pullman Sleopere between Au gusta and St. Louie- Lv Augusta ..| 7:o6am| 3:2opm|lo:3flpia Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| B:2opm| b:ooam Ar Macoc ...,jll:l6*rn| i 6:4uara Ar Athens |l2".lspm| 7,"'3opm - Ar Galneaviiie|*3:4spm| Ar White Plal'1 :oflpm| I'"' Ar MilPga'le ,|10:10am| 4:3oam Ar Wash'ton ..|10:18am| 7:10pm) Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p m., and ar rives at Milledgeville at 8:10 p. m. Tralee arrive at Augusta 6:18 a. nv, 7:45 a. m., 1:20 p. m.. and 8:25 p. m. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. ■ ' JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A,