The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 31, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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ME MAGIC OF HHIM AN. F»<* W #t (rf«t{M liaafk 9NMMI **+* % #4mmvnb CvftN* t %#• •## IHnIH ttwve* 1 <tf»*4 M •*€ •#*» "* ***** |*MV# tis WMKRMMI •* • plr#tri** *«"**•• •Mi (!••* *■*« *9* ***** *** * ■ In ftiMflL |MI| «'##•>•#*•»■* ! Bkir §##•#>' * **#WNi W# •* ■ ■’■4**N#i#* i *** , I Mi | |««f «e«ft ittM -#•*# ****** 4WBMW§ iIMMa *•## ### HbbHt* i>»» •** §rM*f»i | j»w« •'Miflt *iwt #*"# »»#*■<•#? •#**# I d» Mai wlw#l lW 9b * #**• I *•*• mm •* Hi»N*#b |MIMi #HB*» f Mill »i*C* Mtf M *•* It*# tkßolm fWIMMi MUMIMi f-Mi Mi MMMMI ItiM • MM#. T# ii i Unit ass a# tMNpMMb •dll ##• BMVBto Ml BB #•*##* #*# ™ f«t tlMjr mm §**•#•« ••« 1 «•* ?l It lie wMstl IW|'-M MM## tto# ilMfliilv Mi **# «Mal» •** la Ml ffitf * r w*9m ti#M fMa laiMNMi®* ’##, I d»#B*t MMPMiMMi ’••# £lw#l#tefp aa IMM #mnm #b*# •Ha *** t«t y»»mfi Ml i*# BN»rfil Mai t***# 1 * ft - . - lit tWa4*«*l 11**1 wt a Mil It la a #nif faaa ti Mr 'ft ilMaaa. tu ( tint Mm# S»*im PMltrtit OiM* •( ® Mff bat Mil gtvfi tbirt, II w firNHw An sot go tm fur • day to _ i_, B ,| pii I fduu4 Moot tbtrt _ , _ . . . , KsHIM ~J »y, fuatMM predow.aate. n» •« *urrp «bo da ml Mkt ralura *Wti. vdtf at lb. t«* of «b* horxesb * an* TV lltllirao« and th* wrtgtat Vti# ftmriu Arcoo tor ns wbtTf't dfspenae* here to near IV. Ilit! mo n't abaft Whatever Ilia medicinal prop erties of tkt wtltn, I drank of IVb oil and ihov art* dtilrloitt lo Lht laotf too in* refreshing ftlltlltfti!. The prlnHrol abaft la rot Into rock at rbe foot of «l»r hill. Mtr* It waa tbnt thn ««U dialling discovery »»» made |l »■ d eded to atok a wall there. An- a$ Iha employee# oaa a or or old nt*rrn who waa suffering from rheurna- Haw had barn for yaara. Hr noticed that be'was improving. nt raid ho frit elretrlc pulsation*. Ha aboulad for Joy. Otbar rhemtiaOce rama. 1/iw * red in tba wall, they wera cured. Steps warn dtig People aama la crowd#. Tba aha ft waa aoon aunk and hnuaad. Tba wocda around and about am taiy pretty. I mw an Augusta ledy who baa dozens of excellent sketches from tba surrounrtng hill* ami glove* Tba hotel accommodation*, by Capt. and Mra. Hunter, arc all that you could wiab uala** yon want to "put oa dog" or Uealra to banquet a la Delmonleo. There 1 fond the bent roll*, the bent butter and beet milk I bad ever *een or tseted—and a-plenty, Home-raleed fruits, chicken# "from my own barn yard.” vegetable# from the hotiae gar den the best breads- everything dain tily served and delightfully prepered. The Thar.klu! Thanksgiving. There are some pre.iy narratives of Hillman. There came a gentleman some time ago .'um Cincinnati. He had his mil lion*. Kate had otherwise dealt harsh ly with him. lli» bead fell upon his cheat; hia arme were «» limbs of the tree, and hud less motion in obedience to bis sill; hie leg* ware stilfff, h? could not raise his feet; pain did not dethrone reason, hut life, lived amid all that millions, could procure, was worse than death. Every spring and resert and pliya'- dan in two worlds had bee« tried— without relief. He heard of Hillman. There he was cured. He was there on Thanksgiving. Capt. Hunter had given permission to the plain country folk around to have a dance the hall. The mililonaire, erect and in health, determined that It should be a memorable Thanksgiving In Taliaferro. With two-hersa wagons he had the coutry scoured for turkey gobblers. The Ice cream churns were put to work. Every dancer, every vis itor had a whole turkey. The widow at the store on the road had a turkey end $lO. A poor woman at the forks of the road had a turkey and $5. The tables sunk under the weight of the Ices and the sweetmeats. The neigh boring country was searched that re joicing might reign that night. It was an offering from a grateful souice. IVoble Souls; Oood Folk. Opt. Hunter is an Alabamian. •How did you happen to locate here?” I askod him. "Thanks for cur own blessing, it would, seem, suggested that we corns here that we might place it in the reach of others to be benefited as we have been. . AX nPKRAWX AVuUHp j tg#* HftflM fIoMMI Wrt%M» lA Ml** Jtfim.Ml Hi HMa IMj> i fiftu Mw* tXf#**** i t*fc# { VNi Ml' ♦MM# jNMI * Mh* imm* mm 3 I Mm # *Mt j ®ii •Mil ilu As Lftim *> .. |TJ || th+ imuiiir •I* I '* Iftir MM#* Ms% tu«4 i*A»» Tft M#l£ VMU. M#* AlNftM*, 111 « a mann n -rr Wh ~l «4 |W fr*>lr «*■§•*#. H lei M* I*# MiMAftA «ftl*r*ni ow Mhpvrv armufi wMct ttiwiMi U | |A- , ,tu „ ' * i . iB J | .«- r g g,, k, ,jj| (||| Ileal pmlm <+m* TM# l *mr »o»nii u ms •»« a Vitft H hftMwftUfw Mad (litiitM I)##, M 4 Milk’d sees, *v*n dt* forid M*r. i im m • *•• of gr*at ill#***, Imi l **r mj#*! i torr *#f*. ih*a iVftnMfu! to to* tffVOltf to Ibm blltl | * r hMV, H h * Mild “It Osl *#*«• l»* mdlblft, I know propl** nr* not will* ' Ira to b*l!#ve. If (M# trtuh «m known Hillman would tw tk* M#rr» of p+r ftiiffornf Tlihv I* no plw* Ilk* It In th* world, no far na In known. **Ob. **n; ti*r# lh*f nr*' twllno* nlnln in pil*v. I rould print them In | % oiunßftto If 1 Mnd moot > in plnnt:. A flood Cigar, a Quiet Time. Take your cigar* along your novel. Iycor snagasines tb» dally paper# there promptly and go to Iftli mca If you really want reat—real that will revive your apirlts. steady your | tservea. build you up and fortify you t i ivllhatand buaineaa care* and exar- I ttOfift. You are but two hour# and a half I frrm heme. In the b*at of domestic hands, provided with proper comfort. Full appreciation of Hillman f will ytt ram from the railroads the best of schedules, sod tbs day will come when it will lx* a* convenient »o spend the evenings there as it la now to spend the nights at Grovetown or Bel-Atr. Hillman isn't garbed In drees suit and ball-room dress. Rut It is the dom icile of health and rut ■ boon to tho sufferer—-a God-blessed point. The Herald's new Ktandard War At las Is a very timely putillcation. which seems to be well planned to answer the questions which people are asking al out countries In dilferent parts of Ihe world. The maps are In sufficient detail to be entirely intelligible, and the low price at which the atlas is pub lished. .10 cents, will make Ignorance unpardonable. Kealizing the value of such all atlas The Augusta Heiald ar ranged with the publishers for a special edition. As this new atlas Is not for rale at any of the stores, our readers should hasten to send for a copy be fore the edition i* exhausted. COTTON £OIXB. Selma, Ala.—Shedding and rust con tinue. The crop ts opening rapidly. | l,e..»liurg. Ga.—Cotton is rusting and I dying. Greenwood, S. C.—Cotton squares are dying and leaves turning yeltpw. Columbus. Mis*.—There Is considera ble complaint of shedding. Lelend. Miss.—Crops. It Is claimed, have been damaged 40 per cent the last thrte weeks by boll worms and rharnshooters. Helena. Ark. Crops are spotted. Some are good, but the atalk Is mostly too large and there is too little fruit. The firyt bale arrived on Saturday last. Memphis, Tenn. —Crops are generally doing well. This has been the hottest week of the season. Twelve new bales received to date. Montgomery, Ala. —Reports the crops are conflicting: boll worms are reported. A few new bales arrive dai ly. Mobile, Ala.—Crops reports indicate continued Injury from rot, rust and shedding. Ticking is making fajr pro gress in some sections, but will not be come general until after September 1. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SAJ.VE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sait Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. THE -A.TXGTTST-A. H EBALD OUi FUTURE COLONIAL POWER. Ttf (111*1 Malta Will ft» run la ifefsHitkft (Kml Bdiiii W HI Mm 4 9 **•# pnf 4B| In k Fort" Rtru has an arm of IM* lliml It >Hala Mints Mr at Of**! Ikttiiß. Bf fMfWi NWMto Bit tk#| ritloßs *1 Ik* * irU* Mi r-oMmial pm> I n intnmw IsHvwit iM# «*f I6«ic* I liab m 4 Kiaiincwiw 4 linllb rwtn t»w*r j 4 irvw *r cwtoßlil p*»(Hi fti ion ttum in I IdhJiHl to oil tk# |lfc*f BBiMBI nM I Truly may it t* «o!4 tkatl tk# tuß ftf tt oM# nw tk* anil of Olfftl I Hritoio for in *#r#" orttß mu! lo *v | *»y too «k*r# or# li)bb4i. tors# »b 4 rTtl! wkoo* |>* owr illfflßßrft to j tk# qtt*#o lh" ha» r*»loot#<, 4*p*tt- J trAc i*o ai*<t DMuftHrut#! thn iifhiuii I tor* of tk# Horn In km of CowxU on*? oil tk* prorinr* «f Bnilok !»«!•. Into. ptlf , iM*ro «r# no l**s ihn oixty Ukmdft and territorial dtvlotono to b*; fonnd in tk* lint of Britain's rolonlni A me of thm» nr* rf.kmt*n |ionic#»mii n fr*# ronotMutkm »n 4 hnrtnt o r#- „pon.ibl* fovrinut* nt, ,ur!i o# tke Do mi ion of Conoitn ond iroos of (h* An*-; <rlna j>rov nr*«; otk*r« as# rolonit**: la nblrti the i#».#Umr* in porily o»er-’ tivw and partly cootro!l*4 by th* #ov *rnor. »ut*h aa British Oulana i«d IWr oruda: other# ar* rroaro » oloni*«. ruled directly by appoint*#! of ib# Imperial j I Government, tuck aa India, to wbirb j country young (’uraon la wood to I# J aeat na vuaro-', aotrte arc iipiihiwbi i » subordinate to the g*tvetminent of otk-, era. and a few *r« protectonuea. Inter-1 nally independcat, but aubjevt to Brh-j ish control by treaty or otheiwtae.! From the latest statistics puhliahtxl. It appears thal the Brttlah Empire ex-| tends over eleven and a quarter million, aquafe tnilea, of which only 121,118 are In the small islands which are the, home of the United Kingdom of Great. Britain and Ireland. Queen Victoria la ruler over 400.000,000 people, and on-j ly 35.104.975 of them dwell within lhe | confine# of the United Kingdom. In 1K97 the revenues of Great Britain and! her colonies were about sl. 126,000,000. | while the share raised in the Uniled ; Kingdom was only half that amount. England's Richest Colonies. India, Australia amt Canada are. of course, the richest of England's pos sessions. In the province* of India the. queen's realm extends over more than one and a half million squnro mile* of territory, and through her viceroy she rules 387,000,000 eole. The Canadian possessions cover 3,450,000 square miles, and the Canadian sub jects number nearly five and a half million souls. In Australia, the queen, has 3,500,000 loyal subjects. It is the largest Island in the world about 3,031,000 square miles equaliz ing in size the United Slates, including Alaska, and being twenty-six times as large aa tho little England that rules it. The rest ot Great Britain's coloniul possessions are not territorially so im portant. In the English Irish channels are the Isle of Man, Jersey ffnr! Gurnaey; In the Mbliterranean sea are Gibraltar and Maltese ancV Cy press Islands; in the Gulf of Aden is a group of dependencies; In the Indian Ocean are Ceylon and a few minor is lands; in Asia are India and the Straits Settlements; in the Asiatic archipela go are Hong Kong, North Borneo and Labuan island; in the Pacific the British flag floats over New Zealand and the Fijis; on ihe Ametican con tinent, besides Canada, Britain holds sway over Newfoundland, Guiana and Honduras; in the North and South At lantic are a dozen such islands as Ber muda, Bahama, Jamaica and Barba doee, and added to all these are the millions of miles of English territory, and the millions of British subjects in darkest Africa. The smallest of Eng land’s foreign possessions, but at the same time one of the most important, Is Gibraltar, which includes only one and nine-temths square miles, and is the home of 26.000 people. France Next to England Next to England, France holds the most important colonial possessions. The total French colonial territory is about two and three-quarters million square miles, and the population Is practically forty millions. The most important of the French dependencies sp w 1. C. Levy's son & Co.. tailor-fit clothiers. AUGUSTA. . . • • OSORGIA fIERRYS pCELSIOR jjjiiu AUGUSTA, OJL. 808 WHITE Second Patent. GOLD MEDAL— Fancy Patent. ABSOLUTELY PURE WINTER WHEAT FLOUR. I fully realize the supreme disgust of consumers for Flour, adulterated with Corn Flour, Corn Starch, and other Forelßn matter. On and after this Date, August 10th, 1898. I offer the Wholesale trade the above Brands Flour Guaranteed Absolutely Pure Winter Wheat, Goods of the Highest type. Ask for prices Flour, Meal. Grits. Bran and sh Ip stuff delivered your station. J. M. RPRRY. THE MERCHANT MILLER IdTUeorgia and Carolina Fapsta Report Estimate on Above Wpacs psf month. I are Algeria, Madagascar. French Sou | dan and French t v ago; Tutu* which j jj H protectorate;'French Imlichina, I comprising Annum, also a prbtecio ' rate, Cambodia (protectorate) .Cochin | China and Tonqttin. In the latte* are 12,000,000 people and In French Congo more than half lha; number. Algeria has a population of (our million and Madagascar 3.500,000. The African and Asiatic possessions of France are Ihe largest and most troublesome and would fully warrant the home govern ment in keeping n large standing army If the German frontier were thousands of miles away. Among the French- American possessions England now rules Canada wheru France was once supreme are Cayenne (where the pepper comes from), Quudaloitpe, Martinique, and Bt. Pierre and the Mi quelon islands. Germany's Possessions. Germany's colonies as compared with those of England are somewhat insignificant. They cover about 1.- 060,000 square miles, most of the terri tory being in Africa, anti not being mentioned often in the dispatches. In the Cameroons are 4,500,000 people ruled by the young war lord, and in German East A/rlca are four millions more. In the-'Pacific Germany holds the Bismarck and Marshall archipela go, Kaiser Wilhelm’s Land and the Solomon islands. Sptin’s Vanishing Colonies, Spain has more colonies now than she will have in a few weeks. The most, valuable of the islands over which onco floated the red and yellow stripes are the Philippines, Cuba and Porto Rico. The last named will be long to the United State*, Cuba will be free if it behaves itself, and (he Phil ippines may go with Porto Rico. They are Islands of richest production and they hold 7,000,000 people. Spain’s other coionial possessions are the Car oline, Palaos, Lulu and Marianne Is lands in the Asiatic, and Ifni, Fernan do Po, Elobc;/, Anabon, Carisco and Canary islands, and (lie Sahara coast. Java Is Holland’s Best Colony. Holland’s bast colonial possession ;s Java, that land of earthquake and cof fee, where 25,000,000 such simple peo ple as were seen on the Midway dur ing the World’s fair. Besides Java, the Dutch rtfld over part of Borneo and New Guinea, tbe Maluccas, Suma tra. and other. Islands in tho Asiatic archipelago, And St, Martin, Ctifacoa, TO SECURE A SUIT OF CHOTHING ftl A priest INK will *tifpfiift you whtfi )r(M iw ih* 1 titmliiy. niylft ftwi Niiftli of IN nothin# that wt tar p MMlin# thin uurok *n nus ksl# reduction M*h»> W* hav# cut our pHcM down to IN bottom on both floy V anti Mon’t Clolhin#. Irfp*s»pctlv# of cost, that ip* v«n no doubt m to quick •oiling. and half a docen others In th* West Indian group) I jit tie Denmark claims Greenland, where the ley mountains grow, Iceland and St. John and St. Thomas islands, in ihe West Indian ocean. Portugal holds the Cape Verde Is lands off West Africa, where Cervera’s fleet loitered a few weeks, before sail ing over tho Atlantic to destruction, and a few minor Islands in African and Asiatic waters. Italy’s colonial possessions are In significant, and so are Russia’s (Sibe ria being a province in the Russian slate). PUZZLED OVER SLANG. “Get There” Seems Untranslatable to a Foreign Correspondent. "What gives me most trouble,” said a foreign military attache, "Is trying to translate your American language Into English first and then Into my own lan guage, so as to give my government a correct understanding of the spirit and character of your soldiers. I find the phrase ’get there,’ for example, difficult. When I saw your Infantry going for ward against the opposing troops In the forts and intrenchmenls I said to the officer with me that the Infantry should not attempt such a movement without artillery. ‘You’re right,’ he told me, ‘but the boys will get there.’ “At night, when we were all so hun gry, I ventured to Inquire if a further movement were contemplated till your army was provisioned. Then the offi cers, who were gentlemanly, all laugh ed and said the army would think about rations when they ‘got there.’ Tho second day we met many of your wounded men coming hack as we were going forward. When the colonel ask ed them so many times about the fight ing so many times I hoard them say: ‘We got there.’ And afterwards also I heard those words very often. But It Is so difficult for me to explain so my own people will understand it. What nature of tactics is ‘gel there?’ ” _r CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought |HE HERALD S tjTANDARD yyAR ftTLAS WITH MARGINAL INDEX CONTAINING OF Cub*. Phllllpin# lftl*ndft. West Indio*, North Am*rlc*. Hawaii, | South Am*ric*« Europe. World, Asia. Oceania. Africa. China, Spain. Portugal, AND HARBOR CHARTS OP->... Havana. Cienfuegos, Santiago do Cuba, Mainila# San Juan, tCardenaaand Matanzas. > Santa Clara Bays These turperb Maps are beautifully printed In five colors on heavy paper, and bound In an attractive cover. RAND, McNALLY & CO., those peerlese Mapmakers, prepared this Atlas especially for THE HERALD and our readers may secure it at a trifling cost. WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW WHEN YOU WANT TO KNOW IT. Explanation Harginal Index Th* Ingenuity of the d.rlr* deserves #4»*clgl axpUnMion. • »JM patent system *»f luatanUm«.u. rtfereoen. The '" dk ” of near uuon es. h map's border. Th* Information Has tn * nutnh^l. •1 he** wonderful pla'cs. vompi.ed by Mperta. and u 4^ are a miniature counterpart of the world a phjplcal appearaaee •» J 1 •* tsta at this m sneiH The map* are But merely plc.t..rtai charts, J,!gaseleera combined The ruled border oa the four aul« a es . very map is divided loU. equt-dtmant spsrea .I,l* by letters, at the top and bottom by nt.mere.s U Maaa peea prw jetted from these marginal point* snmll aqtmrea would be formed t>Y their inter section On the margin of each pa«* *PW" » •J***? 4^ of all th* principal division* *«le* ■»<• t°*»* U»w«w-I»*ee upon rial map where they *re classified alphabetk-aJly and W cutuiiH»t igl itnporunce and prominenco as centres of populate*. You ought to have this Atlas You Can Have it You will Have it If you wish to sea the Atlas before i lay ing, call at The Herald. But you Must Hurry. The edition is a short one and will not last many days. Mail orders fillad promptly* Price, 30cts Price, 30cts The Herald has exclusive control of the ; sale in Augusta. ' •A- 1 IV um WATER - - FOR-- Dyspepsia and Kidney Trouble, <i it" m vrnm ti Onu * I have a New Piano for sale on easy terms, if you want a Piano cail and see me. R. Hz. POX, 816 Broad St. SHEWMAKES. 7