The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 31, 1898, Image 8

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WffONKftOAV Great Men’s heads. It to Hint Mon* w. t. Ol»<l*tow *•* qutmd • h#« of %*• U»a 7 0-0, •*•««* Ux* MMtuity'* mtaMftmtnl. P»wc*e< W*i+* mmmtn * No. 7, and Chart***n* r*»iuir«U f 7 | *o* Hit hat would hav* u*n too *man for Tbarkery by half an inch. If thaa* »llu»triou* man Hvad In Au#u*ta thay would waar on« of our Naw Pall Dorbtaa. Uur Broadway S3JJ "Our Special" Thaa* ar* th* propar Mala our own brand* made for u*- |u*t th* right curv* of brim and corract height* of crown The naw style* ar* all her* wa want you to *** them yr AUftUSTA.OA. COTTON YEAR CLOSES TODAY Ittrmiiic Flfim m A*f**<*» RrrripU tad Stork. fir **" *• «“ l-**** 4 tT - opcatau y***K»lkHi la lea Vm*. Ths coitoa yet tloa** u>4*f •* * a'akrrk . . __ tIM |tt r»Uo* jraar Wi“ “•*' »»*. tapt. !• , tie sea year la know* a* tfc* mortta at ttM-n _ . iunit view* lha «*“»• boeia*** at lb# *a*t anh **»•. lha f»r«re •»'«• •qulpmeat la Ik la *•««» »«• »‘' h lb, grand ora lsi*irovwJ warabowss#. Die eoaaertMK plaiformn. ike rail fn cllHte*. <be io»(ir««* and capital pra. U<-ally wit bom limit. mak* It the boat Interior enttoa market In the world Wot prodtirora In (06 Iwrtlorp eeai to th'.* etty, A u curt a la certainly the beat point. Tbe proof of (bia la In the receipt a and the farmer* know it, H*ber price* are paid bare than at Ike porta. A glance at tbe quotations In tb* dif ferent cities will show thi*. Tb# receipt* of Auguata tor the »*"•- aon ending today are tbe largest In tbe history of the city. One ctrcumstany# that ha* contrib uted to tbl* reeiilt i* the cotnprc** pur ckaset. It l* Itated that one compress ha* aetrenty-flee buyers, scattered through out the country, on Ha pay roll. An other feature to be observed In the fol lowing figures la the fact that th# price today la the lowest at which any season has opened, or rather the price will be so tomorrow. Price* of Cotton on Aug. Ji In one or two fol lowing table* August 31 ha* come on Sunday, and In the* erases the figure* are for Saturday, August 30. The prices are tor middling cotton In Augusta on the 31st of August, (or years given: 188* 9 5-8 I**9 10 l ift . I*9o 9 34 1891 7 3-4 1893 7 3-4 1883 .’.7 3-16 1894 6 1-4 1896 7 7-8 1896 .. .. 7 1-8 1897 7 3-8 1898 5 3-4 Receipts Different Years. The following are the receipts in Au gusta on August 31, since September 1 of preceding year: 1888 198.440 1889 185.607 1890 202.693 1891 ~..v 268,093 1892 1893 - 1894 1895 211.873 1896 482,997 1897 287,828 1898 378,507 Stocks on Aug 31. The following are the stocks In Au gusta ou the 31st of August of each year: 1888 432 1889". 106 1890 2045 1891 9774 1892 1893 1894 1895 3926 1896 7056 1897 1334 I 1898 3G02 Little One’s Death. The sympathy of many friends Is ex tended to Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Pogue on the death of their infant daughter Mary. The little one was only one year old and was the light and life of ner fond parents* hearts. The funeral occurs at 3:30 this afternoon from the residence on Turpin Hill. THE CITIZENS OOT EVEN. ; Aw* Hade lbs Ticks* Wkf Paws MU k Mtk IW keep MU Job. Tb* ticket well Is was ot ik# ail-y I*V maims# u *o4*4 to* h»# t#c.*lltty land BStrilUsgae#* to aroem modal# p#t | rows of Ike roaff, ssys Ik# Chicago I<h run tele, fsvrrti bwallsew* sees wkw I b#v# toe* stifcrcd from Sts rudeness I Uetrrmijud sot leal #go to g#t eves ’ with kirn. Tbl* Is bow they did It. I White ike first of tbe rossplratorm, I appro* bed lb* tyrant * wtsdow dor I tag Ike rash boar sad pre—led slB ! wit is pay me at for bt# 5-ccat fare. Tb# t > rest chuckled a# he paeaed oat low silver dollars sad a lot of small WSHe bad ao sooner bars served itbaa Black a pep* red. * Iliac k also pre -1 sealed a|i Mil. lie also gut weighted ' dona with allver and tbe ticket seller : winked at tbe guard os tbe outside to 'show him bow be *err«d patron* that j wanted Mg MU* changed. ! Next la order cam* Brown with aa ;other V. ThW time tbe miplpy of sti ver had run out, and, much to his dt»- 1 gnat, tbe fiend was obliged to make ; change In btlla. Then came Gray with I another. He bad to take four halve*, I three quarters, ten dimes and the rest In petrol*#. By tbla time tbe ticket seller was getting worried. Tb* office •as being cleaned ottl of It* apart change. The other customers looked on with amused smiles. Thing# wcreJUHl getting interest Inn when Green shoved hi* w#y forward with a ten dollar bill. The ticket sell ar protesti'd. Green Insisted. Ho must either get his change or a free ride. By thla time a crowd of would-be pas senger* had gathered behind. Catching th# spirit o ft he game, each produced the largest bill he rould find In his pocket* »nd offered It at the window. Change not being forthcoming a riot ensued and they clambered over the turnstile and hoarded the next train. Every newcomer that came along got a free ride until the man at the win dow. by sending out and pawning his watch, was able to securs a new aupply of change. WILL WE EXHIBIT? Agricultural Hachlnery at the Nation al Exhibition In Turin, Italy. The Italian government has commun icated to the government of the United States ami the secretary of agriculture has been officially requested to give publicity to the tact that during the National Exhibition to he held at Tu rin, an (International of en gines and machines for tbe distillation of grounds and dregs of pressed grapes and wine will take place from the 15th to the 31st of October, tinder the aus pices of the "Royal Office of Agricul ture, Industry and Commerce." The engines and machines offered for ex hibition must he simply constructed, capable of being moved through the fields with facility, and easily worked and managed, even by workmen taken from among ordinary fanners or peas ants. The prizes consist of one gold and two silver medals and will be awarded by a special jury committee. Exhibitors will bo required to pay carriage and shipping expenses both for their machines and workmen to and from Turin. Applications for admission to the Exhibition, besides containing descrip tions of the machines, must also state their length, height and breadth, and quantity and kind of fuel needed for the experiment. Engines which have received prizes at other exhibitions will be admitted, but cannot obtain a new prize unless they can show some important Im provement, and provided that, the new prize is superior to those which they have received at preceding exhibitions. Each machine or engine must be managed by Its constructor or legal representative. New York Futures. New York. Aug. .It.—Futures opened steady at the decline. Sept. 5.45: Oct. 5.52: Nov. 5.56; Dee.. 6.58: Jan. 5.62: Feb. 5.65; March 5.69; April 5.73; May 5.77; June 5.50. ~ „ ~; . TS*® JkXJO'DBTA M®RJOXJD. HITTLE LOCIL NEWS $ MfitMtMK l*MMkfi ■ *b» * I «**» MB •■»«* «4 *Mt • *##*»> lot bHWb I#*#*# l ## #*d ttmramra* iffugM. I € fto6ft#4Nb 9re*fto' # fPfft ‘ 9HMNP<»** •* HftftrH t**i #f» *rt<**r««* S H <%*M6**ft, mm ■ **4 J I [ H t Mm+t . mm *pp** fi o* Ml Ml *4 j 90Nwf0|fkg| 001 1 if* fit*#* Tire rw4* j j T*sea t#44eat» «rb - Hr I k Pmxmmrm • •*#! %*mmm mmil *%m** fXNHMI it, frit *r«ea M • rtmlWiei H**t noli7*« wt* : 00<S lit OM| MMIIK IM fttl'MMV 004 li | ln>l«f 4M*9tftg 0 <*t? lit 10 1 0 ill oMMp|# Id f*|* •» . It it* Hwim hr» HIO Till $ % Tut! »n 4 111 I. M Hw>l* ! mtfyox kafg f»rf ff.g I 0 ’ ffl I* fairy * 0 10* rvtl #t?olr* rtMiitiitifEi jk if* imtffetf* titfi * rto Tktii §?« jk* of Maataew #dtl b# •• Ltbrary Row, t* Elbe i' gk~~ bow ae#*gt#d by Cut. Tbo» O Barrelt Tb# Irm vrtll grow a Istrong am. Jtr. Test is sxgeMetaeed t*| I real salat# Mr. Malvolaa it a pro • east** and •»-!« **•• basin#* »** Mod# a Big CoatraM Befor# r#- turning to A«ffu« • last aiffbi ; B B Parrell of tb# Auffosts Omeut i Gravel rompsay made a large rtmtraet with the Caotral railway rampany to j furnish tb# railr-wd ta Savannah with thousands of yards of Ike popular I gravel for mad work. Tbe rsttroaff I <*lll use tb# gravel la Improving <h* i walk along tta wharves sa<l wareMuia en, and la fixing np tbe paths 111 the yard. Capt. I’u reel I < oold not (ell ex- I setly aa yat how mark gravel tb* con tract calls for. hat be any* It will he * tdg order and <■*<■ which ht* company | will appreciate and set to work at loa-a to fill - Savannah Prtaa. Savannah Mllttary. Two colored I military rotnpanle* will arrive hero ifrcoi Savannah next Monday and | spend Ihe day, the guests of the Au- I gusts coloead battalion. The romps* | nice coming are the INwavt City Light | Infantry and the Savaonah Light In fantry. Along with the military men will come a large number of rltlxeo* from the city at the other end of the Savannah river. The Augurs compa nies will entertain tbe visitors royal ly and both battalions will parade the streets In the afternoon. The Sa vannah companies tiaioug to the first battalion ami the Augusta companies the third battalion. f Revere Cut*.—Mr Joe Peterson, s young nephedi of Mr. Joe Johansen, re ceived a severe and painful accident last night, while trying to open a glass fruit jar. The top had been screwed down so tightly that Mr. Peterson was ob’iged to put considerable strength In it to unfasten It and In his efforts the entire top of the Jar broke off and; his arm came with full force against! the broken glass. A deep, raxor-llke gash was made extending arross the Inner part of his wrist, completely severing the the entire set of artcrie tendons and nerve. Dr. E. C. Good rich was called In and gave Immediate medical attention, delicately and skill fully ligating the severed a'.tere and muscles. Mr. Peterson Is today resting quietly and It Is hoped that no bad re sults will come from hls accident. ——————— Death of Jlrs. Dennis The many friends of Dr. and Mrs. John B. Dennis will be grieved to hear of the death of the latter, which occur red last night at her home, No. 531 Reynolds street. Mrs. Dennte had only been sick for a few days and her death, which was caused from heart trouble, is a great shock to her friends. Mrs. Dennis waa a devoted member of the First Christ ian church, a woman of great piety, and a most lovable Christlau character. She lenves to mour her loss her hus band and two children. Mr. John Den nis and Mrs. Jordan Bottom, to whom is extended the sympathy or many sor rowing friends. The funeral services will be held to morrow afternoon at 4:30 o’clock from Ut« residence. Death of Hr.*."Cunningham. Mr. Cornelius Cunningham died last night at his home. No. 1413 Silcox street. Mr. Cunningham was cne of the city employes and a man of many friends. The funeral service will lte held, this afternoon from the Sacred Heart church and will be attended by the Ancient Order of lllbeAttans, of which he was a member. The follow ing gentlemen will act as pallbearers: Messrs. Dave Graham, James Devers. Dan Beechnor, Dan Cornell, James Mc- Donald and Owens Lyons. Taraseon is going \o show Its grat itude to the creator of Ta:taiin by erecting a statue of Alphonse Daudet on one of its squares. ~ , , . ~ THE SAVANNAH IS FALLING. lift! I*ti*4*9«i II IWI * Utft?*| [ ii R I* tv * ii w fti In 4. H. I ti*> ik»#B ** o'§*ltai# triMj o'gp» t 4 o<l 10* 90 *o4oot 00 * H#f*kl4 14*01- ’ tint mt 40*4 o»jr * (4t*ff *- j * : Mg»« ygyia ffl Tbe j 10# record* f%# MMirfftreti of (Ini' 09 %nr toon bt ur* . fIV . Hirer 9 Ttir litre 20 foUii)g. rrfredlore of id? | At « p. m ytvttrtoy (0* mraturc- 1 I ritqi »a» |4 sere, I inches At H •. *i» It w«« li fret 7 lurtire Un4 *9 10 *. m UaUr th* ftxurr* were I li frrt U r relit hardly o»re f hr rtrer In the ! lit lat * kg* f i - , I nn4 may t*k#» o* 0 Hre later c»« and Ido a h!t of dareagt to corn In the low j J The rerathrr indication*, as ofllrlallr | ! statrd Rftt Thr storm on th* roast ipprars to 9k* still lorated Hi til# vie.'nlt) of Pa | vaiiAsh, hot roporta are mlreiDs this | jmu*rina from si! stations on tar At-i j lifltk sooth of Cturlraton. Thr highest wind wlotitf at Char- 1 Irston, In the' past 34 hours was 44 I mi Ire. from (hr aouthrast. while at 9 o’clcrk this morning the vrlorlty was 1 31 miles from (hr rast and raiding. * Thp duration of th« storm In Its jprrernf location reil thirdly occupy thr ! whole day and by Thursday morning I will have moved up the Atlsntlr. j High tempera' prevail this ro«rn-| , lug c-ver the middle and eastern half of I the cowitry. wtyl* « marked fall has, j oceurrenl In South flabrtta and West- j ern Nebraska. 30-year filled gold watches In ladles’ and gents’ else* with Elgin or Wal tham movement from *7 00 to |]2 5«, i Guarantees with each watch at Lewis J, Rehaul’a, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. A Soldier’s Keepsake. Out of the rain and darkness. Dear loved forms arise; Youthful loves of long ago, With their radiant eye*. Tonight in my tent I alt dreaming * Of the long dead happy days. Some of them mournful, pathetic. Float down loved memory’s way. < I take from out my knapsack, A few treasured letters old. With the subtle perfume of wild olive Scenting their every fold. Heart’s-ease I used to rail her. With her eyes of pansy blue. With her sun-kissed looks so golden. Yes she wrote me these letters true. This jewelled heart-shaped pendant. Was given hy rosc-bpped Nell. Such eyes! amber hued In the sunlight; In shadow, as deep as a well. If 1 could have loved as she loved Sometimes 1 long with a sigh. For the day of my last long dreaming When I by her side can lie. What memories cling round this rib bon, Silken krvt of fergetmenot blue, Eyes like dusk starlight shining. Fair being of fire and dew. One night ’neath the silvery moonlight, She kissed me and hade me forget. And of all she seemeth the dearest, For that heartache ’bides \\6th me vet. —BERTIE EMERSON TARVER. PROCEEDINGS ILI EGAL. They Have Been Set Aside by the Secretary of War. Washington. D. C., Aug. SI.— I The secretary of war, on the reeommenda tlohjof Judge Advocate .General l.ieher, declared Illegal and set aside the pro ceedings of the general courtmartia! convened by th > brigadier general on the steamer China at sea on June 13. General Gieene then took command of the second detarhmoul of the Philip pine expedition. Tb* teen tried were privates, and their oftTfees were minor. General Greene's detachment had not been dsignated as a "si-parute brigade," and the courtmartia! T therefore, is ille- JpEßsmuiEr^^ D 9 |S »,,g, e- .y t\[ fikwron ht gs I a M Mar a of fitbastTrti AC (a Harry T, TMtsst of Be taker* I* at s Dr* J M My re kes r>f nra* 4 fnwa Wongvlile, Ike. K H Van iMyeb of* »*—* . g; I Mr* W il Biatb* tetartk#4 ta Ms ; M«a# Host# and Ml#* OaaaS# Tall are Mis* Elisa G Gthhee rvtnravg Irraa lAt la#la yev.rrday D *. A'tat— Mag!- Will viaH frleads laertftf— Kit i— u (hi. >n (la lad the In ra ctisrr, a I | guest of Mr# Tboaas* AMwariA A. H. Janes sad J. A. Oates of North r«voilM am at Ike Plaster* H. C. Perhtaa and H. 8. Ford of | Loots\,lHe are goeets at Abe Plant* r* H. A. Mallia sad 8 C. Dovta of I Atlanta, ar# guest* at tbe Planters Mt- W H. 8 Mao nr. W T. Mis, sad J. K | Poster, of Citariettoa. ar* tt tb# Plan - j Mr* K M Avertll and tw® ehi’dron I | of Bt, Lou t . Mo., sr# at tbe Arling- K Stork and T. G. leskr of New l [ York are stopping at the Planter* to-, Miss Lottie Pilcher, who I* visit,n* I frlen.’* at Eatonton, la exported home' [ Friday. W. J. O’Dell. M L. Byrk and 0.l E. Dickerson, of Savannah, are at (be j Arlington. Mrs. Kste Pollard has returned from n visit to Mr*. Kyaa Otlrs. at Bla k-, vllle, 8. C. Mr*. E. C. Goodrich and Mias Ger-J trod# Shepard are expected from 8a- j luria thla afternoon. Mrs. John T. Coates has returned from Augusta, where she has been for route time —Macon New#. Mis* Norma Brtnion will en'ertatn ‘ her friends thla afternoon with • mu-. nival at her home In Woodlown. Col. W E. Jones and bis two sons. 1 Mr. W. W. Jones and Mr. 8. C Jones, of Waynesboro, Ga.. are at the Arling ton. Miss Sadie Mann of Mitledgevlile. who has been the guest of Miss Rosa Koppcll, will retifru home this after noon. Mr. Fred Speth’s condition is thought to be slightly Improved today. This ■vill be welcome news to his hosts of friends. Mr. W. E. Arthurs, a prominent cot ton man of Augusta, has accepted a position with a North Carolina firm, with headquarters at Wilmington. A Good Atlas. A handy companion to the news, these days, la the new Herald Atlas, published by Rand. McNally & Co., of Chicago. It contains sixteen pages of colored maps, among them Cuba and Havana harbor, the West Indies, Spain and Portugal, the Philippines and Chi na and North America. This atlas has the best collection of war maps that wc have seen. It would not be con founded with the small cheap atlases sold at the stores. Can tie obtained only from The Augusta Herald. Price JO cents. LEAVING THE CAHP. —_ / Companies Leaving Chkkamauga for Home. Chlckamauga, Ga., Aug. 31.—The eighth New York leaves for New Yorlt; the third Pennsylvania for Anniston: and the second Nebraska for Omaha to morrow. Seven batteries of light ar tillery leave for home Friday and Sat urday. Grigsby's Rough Riders will probably go Saturday. No regiments left today. Gov. Black, of New York, after thoroughly investigating the con dition of the camp, loft today for Huntsville, and from there he will go to Lexington. THE ALLEGHENEY. The Vessel Arrived at Montauk Point Today. New York, Avig. 31.—The transport Allegheny arrived at Montauk today. 1 having on board 500 men oi the ninth Massachusetts and the remainder of the first Illinois. It sailed, from 3an ‘tlago Aug. 23. The hospital aeromme dation is still unequal to the demand, and last night 150 sick soldiers had to lie upon the floor. Paris, Tex. Worms are doing dam -. 'IW ■■■■’"wnnNninNiwLbSSro I m#BbLc~ NINE YEARS. 6# Ktve be# n otihinhsJ 6 Au fuels ga Ms at *1 ih«atfl*< ltgin( ifi4ft[giai lag ran* %-ggn, Hum >«*n 6 «gotlk wt Inmm 8 ktul begorang o*m ft*B NuMcm <ora#m you «gg Here I* NlMf i iitt nhg h Kgv* ht(6 %<gn at 00 |« rrvsk# rver twtUr aft* j|f#st#t iKn bDuftffn* at mmt%, NiM V«a#' uapftK'tftjl IH* Ivutßlxtf hi* 0 (gofiM. Wa* ( ffqWvt Alihuni. N«vlh Cmv* luvi T ffifinut aa4 toon I* taray !««» Nutt wm tAti(|tisl(i Hiinificr^tt ’’ '>#«ltatH?*> >Sy OKI! AT fiNAKI SfUttV. ' Hove# leMteM * Haw Horn «•* Own fa& [ # ft#* 9*0040, 07*.,« Oftre|w»j>4re»i re Tire j tfc»r iflT~iT f H» I imrl | 14*060 f*reoPo 106 irerereNMi Iretre frerei ft ; I irerereftrei# * J ' 00 #** | I , # 08>fpi 064 1 • 111 Itttft H* 0 dMl#*** j lhff« «M «0* 0»»re» 06lf oi.6kb 6# 94ft j . A* Ire 060 tm»t •• tftr I 14 Him I 6 oiro 0676 are 6 t«re re re* if frreh i t m#*t. A# I 60* rety Hirer 9ar tire j m il f Href* frerfcft. I 004 «»» tfftre tr> rl«lt I rer t wftakr. *0 y<>ii huit w mj < I MurrrlTf when »»* niy tu*xt vteti to 106 00006 6* bis 0* • «•'» 0»4 Uvrr forty fret km. A# 1 *»» ftnlnft t«* Hare ft i«MI rolling «0r ft*Xt »rA 1 I »|OV*O w 43fo- 1 ftot •vt ruhtnv r «*4r j 10m ihofrp.t n*6 (0? 1004 rftffv** wtto 1 ih# rret of to6oi 6nd t 'l4 lire (hut btt ml I*ret or Blotcn W# all fiilt hrd l in md <n* « himh) 4ay*o work «nd o*4 a gee d dinner I t<-l them my aecret I and w# went in th# branch. Yoa ran imagine our surpris * when we saw th# I-nah- as big aa a saw log with a bulge j in the middle aa big as a sugar barrel. ! Well, to make a long story short, we t killed the snake and cut him open and my friend’s horse tumtded out. Wc !th cight jb- horse was dead until It rnemc* id to move, and he soon ran I around all right snd my friend rode | him home. I have heard a great deal ; sbont horse hair snakes, and this Is the ! only Inatanee I know of where a horse waa swallowed alive by a hair from hla awn tall." SAILLD FROM PONCE. Ships of War on Their Way to Home Waters. Washington. D. C., Aug. 31 —The navy department received a cablegram from ft nre this morning announcing that the Puritan. Amphitrlfc, Terror. Hannlhel and Montgomery sailed from Ponce this morning. They go to New port, R. I. The main ohjeet ls to get the crews of the vessels away from the tropical climate. The ettisens of New - port have been making efforts to get the navy department to rendezvous the larger vessels in the navy at Newport. The department could not do this, hut agreed to send some smaller types. Pillows and n.strcsses for ship bunks are being made of rubber or other wa terproof material In a number of sep arate sections and Infioted. the differ ent sections having lln»s attached which can be used for life saving. FUNERAL NOTICE. THE RELATIVES AND FRIENDS of Dr. John Dennis and family ara requested to attend the funeral ser vices of MRS. HANNAH DENNIS, ' from their residence. 534 Reynolds street. TOMORROW (Thursday) AF TERNOON, at 4:30 o’clock. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION TO RENT SEVERAL LARGE ROOMS In one of the most desirable locations on Greene street. Will rent to gentlemen or to family. W. S. Gardner. 115 Jackson street. Oct 1 WANTED—A POSITION AS COOK on the Hill or in the city. Can give satisfaction. Address 839 Second ave nue. Sept 1 WANTED—A FRONT DOWSTAIRS bedroom with boartl. Tetfafr or Gfc-ne. Add)ess 951 Reynolds, Aug 31 WANTED—POSITION AS HCtTSE GIRL or nurse. Lizzie Jackson. 531 Lqwis sti Sept I WANTED—POSITION AS NTRSE OR cook. Annie Simmons. 1489 Twiggs street, ’S#!* 1 WANTED—A SMART. RESPECTA BLE white girl to nurse child of five years and assist with sewing. Apply 605 Greene street. Sept 1 AUCUOTSI CONDITIONS OF THE MARKETS Vkftl lN Pr*tMat* Did, Witt (MI4 It I SUl^MtiL W##4ly (Inueswal BwOrtta oa tit# Uroutug U*f Mi C#i>#n fitH Wheat. I# dawn a frortMl t eSafi ##tr# »' Me# doi 6 #t th# fwen> >#**# *• any use# t«»*r, Aug M WBIJM <* we of in# <<dt»n traff# y*v. : 1 07# *OW > 4*ftftftr tjirwf | +i4 go* immmt re?-: * wH#*l 21.001.000 liwrr»»r <oift p rdf I#*4, | i*| 9 Ift <l*l4oo »0601 Tire retire*l# 4t?*fT *»•*. li Iff 1061 106 m«r*»lo# re (fftiolref 1 Nov ff»N*T f ill 06 monl i# 0f r«007 Tire ftt*i rs ftfllfftl Wtlfctt) o«lii6ttft 0| th*- rdtt *m rt rsi* * • >O6 Nlreiftc; f ('inlißi 9)6t|4lim *t>4 n»«t in «*«»>*• pirttriftf Th h m\y r*u* o*«ft ftstnih rimltm Ttre »sre*ol6« rmift* 0609010 Qmti I* rf»t*ifio. «h#otlef J Mlimi —rr‘ 16 r^pKi- I, Hotifti *|»4 IkiH mormm m re«* *O6. * L*ret»!aire~Uuot • »*-449nft. cii^rpH* Tta P; * rffaidf Ift Arkimre- TVr# 1 ho* Irel tnn ,*m whu h, tcg. th- , with worm* vnfl *o* 44911*. ret!nre 0 d*»uWfUl "UtHw. ! rhwUt* il*F6ip9v6 rslnltl! Th« following quota!! r>». 106 prtcre «t 3 » ,f » #rw oWf «oft •T < **! *4r*o «*f I*ool6. CHICAGO PHOVIBIONH. ! WHEAT— Opftfttftft. Cl «6. H.pterehre .. .. .. .. .# *9 <3% ; 066606066 .. *• ** •• •• •• *l^ May M tt,i j CORN— ! Septemlrer .. •• •• 3**4 rveember *n ** u M, < | OATS— ! September » May * 3, < PORK— September t.Vt Der-emlier *•*" s -** LARD — September December <•** *’4 September October 5 » NEW YORK COTTON. January »•<* February s<s March * » a 71 ; » !♦ September s J f® ! October 5 ’ H November 5 5 ’ ,® December Ton" —Steady. Midilng—sl4- NEW YORK COTTON*. B. R. T 64% 61j Metropolitan 149 151% I Sugar .. l«% }«H Tobacco .. •• •• •• 145 * A. M. S. - 14 (• .B. Q. HT 116 7 i 'Cklgatq'lht* 106 % 107,i ij. C. .... MH : L. & N ‘.. •• 56 7 « 55>l i Manhattan 96*4 WU Omaha 84'a *4'» . Union Pacific ~ 34% 34t4 Rock Island .. 105% 105'4 Rubber 44 **'b St. Paul US* S R. Q 3634 5614 i M r eslern Union 9454 94^ LIVERPOOL COTTON. 'January and February 3.07 3.07 February and March .. 3.08 3.08 ! March and April 3 fl B 09 April and May 3.10 3.09 10 ; May and June 3.10 | July and Aug 3.12 3.12 Aug. and Sept 3.12 •• 1- Sept. and Oct 3.09 3.09 Oct. and Nov 3.08 3.0, 0* Nov. and Dec 3.0, 3.0, Dec. and Jan 3.07 3.07 AUGUSTA COTTON. Middling today In Augusta Sales in Augusta today Receipts in Augusta today .. .. Receipts to date in Augusta .. 3,3507 Stock on hand in Augusta today .. PORT RECEIPTS. 1895 1897 189* '<lo'''"“' it* B -; r, M ' New Orleans " !Me bile 23 2« J® Savannah 151 tt- i<» Chaileston 48 ~ Norfolk 1 30 ■ Philar’. fiphia .... 180 Boston 45 Before marriage a man swears to love; after marriage lie loves to swear, faniKaaa.q.