The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 01, 1898, Image 1

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Tit »,****• j AOOUITA jwuuij, , j UVI9OB iuM I kik> »u*UH* A»»**>»» j ** f (A|| !*MMI j INI MffWl, j ■ I m **•*•**♦ | fw* « : 4MM> t* HmmhK' « * • axrftMMl ' «*»• 4N|* <t-w4484 %|Nr IpftftftMiff *'• sang* flt 44M44 B# ?##♦#*» ** ifc## ■MM# »### '"*•1 I# 4k f * ##*• HmvM if if* AIMMMS fnMN». ; •>* 1 MMVK. I*# I4W *%#* Ml TfiMM IkNMNI 4Wf» MM*MI ••Hf: fir* ?•*% fttffff ftl Ms «Ml •#!•*•##. If* ff ft fl'llff* ## «f lit# • * >llaixn »- lf i| f » jfcj MM# INNIf Ml * .9-4 *_ ** « tmm naf ■ In lit*. Inal t**ft *om# turn*## in (M •«rrmin4liir r< , Uß t r y ya gronißi crop# hut tH» #*• . rmunffr MfiUj, 1 cm tl* IllinoU C##i i i »_ tN*twr#fl u^jit flf rtvtCft •fi'l *ir#t»4<U T nmmm atoßff the Tb#r# i» no n#«4 from th# f#- fir, A tilffrui In Atl«l(i t<vf«T it-a. Mt- wmn* n-vt, •. dying —l. MfirtaHlv >| T . l .nf iiu uitanich m|. dtaro iklrrMl from MO'taao la very f,.4 V y Kvrflly-otf died on on* irint- The tma In Bavinnak la aallmaM hr the Savannah papera I" be &'*.<** The loaa Id Ibe alorm two year* ago rraa Sl.Oda.rwo No l««a of life la told of In the rltv paper*. There la tittle addl li ital Be*a In Savannah papera lhat baa not already been gives Ul Iheae Klim reporta from South Carolina Krem to be unchanged bja- subsequent •elefrrama. Th< re will have lo be a aee »nd primary- Col. Kllerbe acknowled yea lhat he haa all he ran do to tarkle Teatherafone. The laaue Bow. plainly rneup'.i, la ftlapeneart *a against prohibl- Hon. The prohlblllonlala have mad > a atrunr flahi. The Dreyfus renration la more neute. The trial will be revised. Col. Henri, where arreat via told of yeaterday. ha* ♦suicided. He uaed a raaor which he had secreted In hla aatehel He bad been al lowed to retain the aatehel after hla ar reat. The Zola paper* are ln-a aplrlt .of gladness. The Herald grave the new* of the aenaatlon yeaterday. The newa In there column* yeater day of the death of fourteen soldier* on th-» transport Allegheny ha* proven a *en*atlen. The ve*aol wa* a cattle ahlp. It war too dirty and 100 poorly equip ped *or co'.a. It I* admitted that the very elckeat of the men at Santiago wvre put aboard. In fact the large dpath rate Is accounted for by her offi cer* on the score of having brought ov er the moat critically til. SHOCKE > TODAY. Young Claude Powell Narrowly E»- cares Serious Injury. Yoeng Clsnd? Powrti, the 15-year old con of Mr. and Mr*. John Pc well, wb/i reside Bt No, 31 .Ellis street, had hlB hand severely burned by electricity this morning. The stprm of I»?t night hed blown down a heavy limb of a tree near by. which, in falling, had tern down the electric cable of the Are olerm system. Seeing the wire lying on the ground, with a boy’s Inquisitive ness he proceeded to investigate it and .crught hold cf the live wire with his righi hand, receiving such a severe shock as to knock him senseless. Dr. Fost°r >vas summoned and in a few ir ! nrtfß restored consciousness, when It was discovered that his hand had been painfully burned, but not serious ly. Had the wire not beon wet the shock would have probably proved fa tal. SEVENTY-ONE DEATHS. The Jlortslity Among the Spanish Ships. Corunna, Spain, Sept. 1. i , The transport Isle De Pa nay,from Santiago, has arrived here with a detachment of f Spanish'ticops. Seventy-one ri I deaths occurred on board dur- Ing the voyage. t*N A »H k THE AUGUSTA HEHALI).. MX 1 Mr Ytt I Ml HI ■IS I Itl. | Vxf«si» SWlkftl Hilt It ffifUtlt• ttr) Fwnlii{v ClMf fit Ytrier) Out Ito Mill liitilM id i.«*rgte- Pmii>iiii»nhfnlHrl>eirii- Mb* (tbw Awl Yrt NbnmmY J«mlb* CXIfcaWT |M* rt*4f Up hi* X*v I : ' mi th# (if* <*• lit# Anhm9Mß<a wmmm* I f«|xK H#||fMNl lk#Blß#t th# mpMl ('•I'O i ' AMltt* kdMC Ml* I->f A J*! s' D5Nr t* I Of m UK || WU|fi|| »»• ! .fi* »fi rß'i •s s r r#f o9 tli# p'Mjnilll raid. T*»# n'Aintlff r«t#4l nrp'ciriil tIIAI Mr. Jirk , iof b# ■4o# i»#rmAn#f)! rw#iw. An Acrtciiiffll (fracNcd. |kl for tk« d kndiiit rood %gr#ri 10 j I to# imokmo CT ill# t#oi|iorof3r r#* *Mrrr. I Yr.ootoa: vocolvrr provided IM* j #ral |lbntr»r Hood*, of lb# Bo#t)i Cor* i i niiDi I#f* O#oroto. vo# mod# co -r) j f*iTfr. Thi# orrauormrn: *o# ooil#-1 fratorv to oil fot*nt#l. Counirl for 'hi jdfff'idint rood, however, ilo i*d H ( cinfer with tils rllroio In M#w Yrfii | before #o*rtr#iY(ribip in# I order of court orid odjouronicfit |>f I rii# *•> bod until #uch roofcrrnr # roo be hod. Counsel for the defendant rrnd. It I* understood. gc«* st once to New Yorkj Tor the purpose of this conference. Come* on In April. The ease comes on for the Jury Irsl j In April. The chancellor's findings : have to be the findings of s jury before ’they become Iser. The victory for the plaintiff company and its nttorn ys. j ! however. Is clear cot. The ruling «f I the chancellor will shew, when placed ;nn file, that In his Judgement the : defendant road has violated Its cove, nants and duties and ha* md managed jibe plaintiff read truly and well as un 'der a partnership. Of course, even with a permanent receiver the case Is not ended. The chancellor ha* said that In tils Judg ment the lessee road has not lived up to !ta covenants. Thedlsputed questlonp of fact. ,as stated, must go to a Jury, on | regular trial, and the case may then go Ito the higher courts. But, as far as thp necessary preliminary steps In the rase are concerned, th" plaintiff road ’and counsel has won out. The find ing of the chancellor, cf course, was 'the Imporlrnt step In i»je proceedings. It i» the opinion of the bench of the testimony adduced. The Suit. In March. 1897. Mr. James U. Jack son. president of the August South ern. v >nt on to New York and effected a lease of the property to the South Carolina and Georgia through Presi dent Parsons, of the latter road. In July last the Augusta Southern fi'cd a rettticntoßbrogateand annul the j jle3se, alleging that the South Carolina land Georgia road, for purposes of Its own. was permitting the locomotives. ! rolling stock and other property of the | plaintiffs to deteriorate and become j useless, asking at the same time for the | appointment of a temporary receiver j The court appointed James U. Jackson i and Ahg. 4 was set for the time for the hearing of the case. On the morning of the 4th the bar in rloeure cf the court house was filled with a most Imposing and eminent ar ray of legal talent and high railway officials. For the petitioners there ap peared the fton. Boykin Wright and the Hon. Joseph R. Lamar. For the interests of the defendant road, there appeared Messrs. J. B. and B. Gumming, associated with Mr. Tay lor, of the New York law firm of Horn blower, Blerne, Miller and Tay lor.. On the latter's side of the enclosure there sat Mr. Hertry Parsons, tr -asuree cf the South Carolina and Georgia; Mr. J. H. Sands, general Manager; L A. Emerson, traffic manager, and F. A. Healey, auditor, all of whom had coma over from Charleston in their private car to be present at the hearing. Hard Fought. Messengers and assistants came la den down with bundles of bulky type written documents, while the tables were piled up high with a fairly good- DONT BUY A NEWSPAPER BECAUSE IT IS A NEWSPAPER-BUY THE BEST Ok- V . -*£- - - - - fill «—■ I'M H* Olrtt 004 4*4 tom** * -*■#» Of fcwwibo . tb# l ff'*"•fekf fMk*pw*£*• ImbO|o#*k r* j *Wf fn&A l*oH|- O fn* ■!* [ fu ll**# o#4 YniHOitmw H IB lb# pilWitl «• |MOO iLitiaiu it. iim) nf tH* n* mr<A TW Frnfhl hffQ «j (if Ofif 11||. Mo#t r ipfditiovt «rejr Tb# j ti,i» t t| CmmniHf i* rvidtoi thfif mruet&l and #;irfl|r of lb# That the luih Caro Una and Ueortf.j I, a B j ilpfitilfrd cm lb# D n 4 fidV nirot« oad that lb# plolntir# V ii th# rn I min a i ton of • ronoplrory j MB sons Ivf or ill moot ti« no ny which It «•# sought to annul lb# cob* Aft# r r#c#«o ob th# »#rond day. Mr. Boykin Wright b#aan tb# araument for mholr of Yh# afternoon Mr Wrlgbi's #l>c#cb «vaa a nont iborounli, rompr#- brnaiv# and abl# r#ri#«r of th# alleged wrong# which th# Augusta Southern had auf f#r r d and the way In which th# covo* nants of th# leas# had been hrr>k*w. . Hla talk waa confined aolely lo thw| evidence, and waa closely followed by ' opposing counsel and Interested listen- The Other 9Mr. On the morning of the third day, MaJ. Gumming began the argument for the defense, cositendlng that the rela- 1 lionship between the two roads was not a partnership one, but that of land lord and tenant. That no receiver should be appointed unless entire dia aotulioQ *vas desired and insolvency shown. In the present case there were no creditors and no Insolvency. The distinguished attorney for the South Crrolina and Georgia continued !n his address up to the recess hour, bringing to Irar upon the oppoaitlon h!s strongest ballerina of logic, author ities In support of his contention, sar casm, rallleiy and eloquence. MaJ. Cumming was folowed by Mr. Tnylor, of New York, and then Mr. !.a mir arose for the cone'uding argument for the plaintiff*. Ak to Mr. Lamar's speecn, ty those fortunate enough to hear the seme on that hot afternoon in the big court room, It wos considered a mas terpiece. The "descendant of a long line of eminent ancestors, so thoroughly and ably versed in English jurisprudence” —■ ns Mr. Lamar was courteously designated by Muj. Cumming—was at his best, and that is about perfection. Ills words and expressions were at Ills tongue's end reedy for Instant use; his contend cf language >vaa superb; his logic and deductions wore udanswer able. and. taken all In all, Mr. Lamar’s speech was at able, eloquent and pow erful an effort as has been heard In Richmond superior court in many u year. The decision will be filed some day next week. WINNIE DAVIS DYINC. Sad News That Is Recived in Atlanta 1 Today. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 1. —A tel egram was received in dhls city today from Narragansett Pier, R. 1., staling that Miss Win nie- Davis, recently operated, on for appendicitis, is dying. Savannah Cotton Receipts Savannah, (ia., Sept. J. —The net oc t ton' receipts a,t this the year Closing yesterday were the largest ever known— l.l32.Q2B bales. Last year s re ceipts were 846,591. « XI 1$ Mil Al. Hm tlafftMi Hmlh ( •«* 01* It Fartt. li*Cf) Hi* ft! Attiftfllff ii Um r«tr'» Cal. PMv * Clm l* As Aits— Retrial tan Dvvv tsa I*4ft# #tfffit | h la oof# a#hl Hbo* I _. nf (>¥%*Bo#dt 'mai Its nl .0 tut lk» 44*14 ftAfll fo!If * M m rn m m aM t ri__ utiilrr rkls t a«4 t#Bfftrr hi# r##(fßOiM Mad Aw Acinfi pfk#. ft atkiwani that lb# Biloiat#f of war. < M rB«a«kBBr. la mnriarwl (hot Il#iif7 bad arr<»Bi|d(c'#a in th# fortorr cf (bo InrrlfllwnUßfi f d« fl|((AB( 4tld itl-'ff ftfT f!#rai#4#Bf rflNirti fbaWr**l, Poly d# (*liid, will flnrtly b# arlkmif d Vo this fronortloß II that 'tb# mm «for of fwoth#. M lUrrlfti, liaa alr.ndy lake* sleps to grant prtyfos • Hint atota *sM. V | Rwilf 3501 n. ta the famous *1 sAp**” !|*tw which M tn his trial and ?Rn 1 virtinn rn the charge of Hbrtling niH iltrry officers, said: ”1 accuse l.leut Col. I‘aly de Clam of having been lb* ; iiistmliral worker of « judicial error. un< onsrlously 1 am reedy to hslleva and of having defended hla nefarious doings for the past three year* hr the most absurd and culpable maebina fftAßg “I accuse Gen. Jr Trim fwbo was minister of war when Dreyfus waa tried) of being Accomplice at least Ihreug weak Intelligence In the great et Iniquity of the century. Stronglv Said “I accuse Gen. Billot (minister of wr.r during th" late Dreyfus agltatUm) of having In hands certain proofs if the innocence of Dreyfus and having srppreaged them, thus rendering him self grill;- nf treason against humanity and Justice for political reasons. ' I accuse Bnldeffre and onae of be ing re om;i Ic'd t<* the same crime. I acruae De IVlJlrux and Ravary of hav ing mrdc a' flngitnfi* Invest gat Inn whereby I mean as Inquiry <*f the most monstrous pXttlallty.” M’KINEEY IS WORRIED. Fear* That his Peace Commission Is Not Perfected Special to The Herald. Cb-velaiid, 0., Sept. X.—President Me-1 1 Klr.ley has enjoyed his visit to Cieve- I land. He has secured one thing he I came for. and that was rest. Sb far 1 there has been only one worry for the i President since he came to Cleveland. The Treaty Commission. There Is rcaion to think the treaty I |commission Is not complete. Justice. White's visit to the President last ev- L-ning started ripples of international ad'alrs across the President's peaceful vacation. Are They In Conflict? Th" Justice came to Cleveland es pecially to call on the President, and they were doscicd together long enough to give the Idea that they were net entirely ag»«ed in their views of the metier under consideration. There has been a doubt ever since the Presi dent named him as one of the commis sioners whether Justice White wou'd serve. In Consultation Again. The President and Secretary Day were aguin In consultation again this morning. The President will go di rectly from Canton to New York and Camp Wikoff, where he will arrive on Saturday. It is not probably Senator Hanna will meet Major McKinley dur ing the visit of the chief executive in Cleveland. Wires to Hanna. Hanna Is en route from the North west .but will not reach here before tomorrow evening. Major MciKnley lias telegraphed Hanna telling him not to alter or shorten bis trip In order to get heme before his departure. ALL/VERY ILL. of Sick Soldiers Arriving IToday. New York, Sopt. I.—The ambulance ship Shinttecoctolwilh 271 sick soldiers arrived today ;lfrom Montauk Point. Only twenty oft the men are well enough to be ignited fur cughs. dii mi in IISHII. Sn)4lrf Hfftti Dtm r* VkUt Ts) * isc w Sfitt Um. I Til ,Ni*i A n! Niiiml TO) h Itltlftml* AffiftlO# IB f*oyf* "HOAIiBOO# |W**s |flky b ii Mk«4,| ■ fr*BA Tytw* 1i40b4 It I# f4k*ff AN tb# r##, ##* t ( iJfill M«tb*a «*4 Httillh • rfff f»|r k« % <it Of* Ibt* mnnifflO Tb# nmrer *l»4 bt# vnmpmßHm or# of* ! ii« b t« ot half wifi fur tb#m. f4#ot. V|< f gno *oo o *fl#«n«toß. o*4B*t fmo Vol4u#to to W#tMi point. Hr no# only >4 mom of ox# ob 4 ffr*<:*at**4 In I«ff7. Tb# #tr#rt# of tb# 4tc mi or# r»|i4ly taring r#f#»lr#4 Tb# (Vgtril Hotl*off trotß# do# loot nlffbt on 4 tht# morßtnff w#r# 4#t048#4 by wooltotiti Alt tb# iNin<l* will b# funninf by Mot# Clortboln, of tb# Itolton bork No#, wo# ktlt#4 * bit# trytfiff to r#»< b Vb# ph«>r# by o Ilf# Hn#. H# foil Into tb# ##o ot Tyb##, All lb# tb# t#Bt# inf r#* fYif l# of tb# four hun4r#4 4oktl#r*4 Ot *V%h## *rr# Main ivßy. Tbl# wtlf lluslne** Resumed Bovonßob r#oitvn«Hl hiiilnrw r#lotloß4 *ttb tb# outer world tht# mornltiic for th* Amt tlm# »lnr# Tuokliy nlffht. Yesterday sb# was o dead lett#r In th# tuMlnem world. The storm which be gan Tuesday night at midnight last d almost all of yesterday and fr thing could lie d »He to repair the damgit.- un til today The sun shone our brtghlly this morning over the wrecked town. The house* with their roofs blown off will now be given a chance to dry out and the shipping, which wa* badly de moralised and damaged, ean be righted. Wrecking crew* were **-nt along the river today for that purpose. The Ger man shin. Marla Raff, whlrh lurneil nv*r en ll* side. I* being stralght.-ned , up. *nd will he »*ved. The Italian bark Noe. ashore on Tyhee Island, will be a wrec k. It I* now believed. Her captain ha* gone to make an Inspection. Ontf man wa* drowned off the Noe. Bo far a* can i>e learned this was the only desth resulting from the gale other than of the soldier*. Thl* morning a school of Hailing craft arrived off Tyhee. Rome of them sailed Into quarantine. There 1* no way' to communicate Ith them, as the telephone wire* are down. Rode the Storm. Among the vessels lhat rod" the storm and came sa. *ly Into port was the steamship William Lawrence of the Merchants ami Miners' Transportation company of Baltimore. Tin- vessels now at quarantine and In Tytiee roads, having come In thl* morning, are the schooner Fannie L. Child. Capt. Fuller, from Fall River; schooner Thomas A. Ward. Capt. Lyman. New York; Brit ish schooner Syrana. There Is also a full rigged ship supposed to be the Adelaide, German, from London, ami a bark. The name of the last could not bo ascertained. There has been no rommunlrallon wtlh Atlanta except by wire since yes terday morning. The Central passsen- I*er trains both going to and coming from Atlanta are delayed by washout*. The other roads are washed out badly. LEAVING THE CAMP. Conditions in the Hospital Have Im* proved Grently. Ch'ckamau- r a, Sepl. 1. — The Third corps headquarters, division headquarters, division hos pitals and ambulance corps leave Camp TliomaH tomorrow for Anniston. The regiments of the First division, First corps also begin moving tomor row. It is impossible to get all the reglmenls out this week. So material ly have the conditions of the hospital Improved during the last few days that there Is now but little ecmplaint. The number of patients Is decreasing rap idly and there were but few deaths. A number of the sick arc unable lo travel and are left by eaeh departing regi ment and on this account the general hospitals must be maintained some time. FOUND DEAD. The Coroner to Make an Inquiry This Afternoon. Scilla Smith, 35 years of age, was found dead in her bed at her house, corner of Ellis and streets, at 3 this afternoon. The coroner holds aft Inquest this afternoon over the bodV The house is no;v being guarded by a policeman. The body was discovered by a friend, hV! MIIAik A UAi IllUl'KA). ,*I M *, itftA A (MUM) MOHAN (HIM : Auv hat tori*# (TUssakw IXsl at m | aH) H#wf f bl# *WfM** Tb# 4##ib *f MN* b#f »•# O Ik-* [ *rri«#l of Mr*. Mc*»r»B bb4 will b# %u- 1 bcmbb#*4 iai#r ••LARCENY PROM THE MORSE" Will Thurman Took a Bridle and la Now Behind Bar*. Will Thurman • colored hoy. waa ar- ] rt *j#4 at S o'clock ibt* aft # moon by iMiwflvM Ik'!*# mil Hhrron on ■ i thmrgr of larrmy from lb# houn, «b«#b would net b# far from correct In j BtßSißg ft* hHßff **lffr##ny from (b# bora#/* at brkU# *»» found In WUI’» j pdinaitff b#lc,*nfflßff lo th# animal. > H# rWill. not lb# animal) vtll b# triad | city court. THE WEATHER. Auguata. Gad Thursday, Befit. I, IX9X Office located I* Failed Stale*, Government building; telephone No. 1&72. Fcrecaat for K houi"*. ending * p. ro., Sepl. 2. 1898. Weshingten forecam for Georgia and | South Carolina: Bhower« tonight and : Friday. Igx-al forecast for Augusta and vicin ity: Generally fair tonight and Fri day. A New Firm. One of the new firms that Intend j Blurting in business this fall is to be, composed of those two well known , young uiun. Messrs. John P. Mahoney, I who waa formerly connected with The Herald, and Joe Armstrong, lately the i«i kkeepor at the Itish-Amerlcan bank. The) are to enter the reiall coal and wood business, their stand being uear the warehouse of the C. & W. C. rail road, on the river hank. Both being enterprising ami possessing many friends and acquaintances, there Is no doubt of their success. The determi nation to enter this business wsb but recently arrived at. and it will be some little time yet, probably the latter part of the month, before they will be ready to receive orders. The firm name will probably be Ma honey A Armstrong. President Smith Replies. President Smith, ot the Georgia T. P. A., denies the stories recently printed reflecting upon bis regime. He says lhat he baa trodden upon the toes of some little fellows who are try ing to get revenge. He states that there Is no truth in the report that the Augusta Post called him a traitor. President Smith has a long card In to day's Constitution. COTTON CR )P SHORT. Commissioner Nesbitt Estimates It From io to 20 Per Cent. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. I.—Commissioner of Agriculture Nesbitt estimates that the cotton crop nf Georgia will be from 10 to 20 per cent less than It was last year. He gives the reasons for this estimate as based on the conditions re ported from all sections of the state. The estimate Is based, however, 00 the conditions at the present time, which are the result of too much rain. BIDS ON BATTLESHIPS. Four Firms Make Offers for Building War Ships. Washington, Sept.' 1. Four firms huve offered bills for building three new battleships authorised by the last congress. The lowest bid of each for any type of vessel was as follows: Nev/port News Shipbuilding company, Newport News. $2,580,000; Cramps, of Philadelphia, *2,650,000; Union Iron works. San Francisco. $2,674,000; Di alogue & Co., Wilmington. Delaware, $2,840,000. There are many details-in construc tion of figures in awards. trnmm ta'taa* laaAia taasvaa l <Mf«, I »***»• m « IffMl*'# *9* tUHTFiS I OAK AKD FAVIKGS fans. « 4,a Milt* «#*• fl IIS 1 !0 ill sn ) ir*i Namilir #f it* ißttfi 4 Hi "Rsiti Habit" HltllßtN Allkarlt#* UH TVIt Um* Ii i frW*. Tlta ItMltf* a rosy » m wi the 'ary % erg* u» Death a*d IMHI Mtwvtal t» The Hatatd N## Y«rti. fm, I* •* Wb#B lb# < * «r«*4B4#r* 4H)* G»»f> iKkafllf f«#B#4 lb#if m r#IU 4 Kd4A4 Hobftß** ffi il#** j#* 4#vlß#iß4 tbm *r*Rf *<#- b# mKill m nf ff#n#b/' tb# 4m* bn Mi lib# #• * 4wrh •» lb# f##* > 0 f |tß»f#4 Hi#l#*. #b4 lb# #mnbffllt j B—rrtl br ct*!i *#4 IB lb# u*ab f***# ib4)#*4#4 b mMftftn b»r4#r*B« m tnldß lillM Tb# tß#4# fffet# t#b-Cb |y (hr fomnia'ta at the eatrasp*' dlaarf twirMi have keen alow la aal b*a eerwmt l-nw on* of th* parti* rlpaais la the great atav'tac at qw . n.ini ns rtf > the afary of haw sad why the 'Ti»«*d Botow' *w |nnwuia-ed The Oweetloa and Reply. After the eunaader nf General Toral, Urnrral ghef rt asked »..m* of the ar oiy awrgeowe "Caa thts smy he ta kes hack to tba Failed** without danger of starting so ep demtr of yat> They anawerrd "Yea” The mro by thla time were dr 'W’inft hy tb* duaena. by ihe huo«i*da. The u*alth condition- bad broom* alarta- W* all than knew Ural If th* Spaa ! ard« had held nut for two or three wrrha r the ram pa Igo would Pair raewltrd tn the arra'**t defeat tha arm* of tha Failed State* have ever known Seventy-five Pec Cent Skit. Out of our 22.M0 men at leaat 75 I prr cent were realty *lck. The fact i wan. that had there been any fight ing !to do. w* could got have mlaierad 'flv* thonsnad efficient fighting men 1 Wit ft the as O’.- to this condition. <*owi > ggJße.aa order fr-m | Secretary Alger and Surgeon General ; Slernbetg. which cauaed the deepe* anger aud the gft*(wt consterna'lon. That order am* that the camp akoakl be moved two tnUea every day. The Sternberf Theory. Thl* wa* Sternberg* theory as to bow disease w*a to be -lamped out. Any man who knew thnt army and knew the work accessary in breaking catpp. knew that ii was physically im possible to carry out such an order. K«vw of (be men were able to walk a mile, much lea* carry a guu, and still less to move their baggage. Sternberg and Alger were working on a 'beery— vie were face to face with a condi tion. Shatter wanted «o send the troop* home. But here was an order from Washington. So hr asked hla com manders lo meet. The meeting was held on August 3rd. The Meeting Called. Each commander brought hi* divis ion surgeon and his regimental sur geons. Just as 'he meeting was held, down catr.e another wider from Alger. Tho scheme for breaking camp each day, burning and Isolating, had been abandoned. The pew order was to tiansfer the entire army to San Luis, 25 or 30 miles away, on a line of rail road e/llhouf facilities. It would liave taken two months or more to do this, and San Luis was a worse fever ho ffi than Santiago. So when Grin. Shatter read this latest ordef to that meeting, there was an outburst of indignation. All agreed It was neccssafy to send the troops home unless their lives were to be sacri ficed. The Advice Given Them "If I were you, General Shatter, I would absolutely ignore those ordeis from Washington,” declared General Batea emphatically. "I would put those men on the transports and send them back to the United States. Then I r/ould let those people at Washington deal with us afterward.” "I hope you will telegraph those men at Washington that anyone who keeps cur troops here is guilty of murder,” said Col. Roosevelt. "I am going to send a telegram to the effect that if the army Ib kept here, we will take nothing back but mortu'# ary reports.” said General Shatter. Then'Roosevelt asked General Shatter If he would not like to have the opin ions of bis officers in writing, and this resulted in the so called "Round Rob in.” , j| A Dangerous Chimney. Lieut. Cartledge has reported that a chimney on a building at ihe corner of Greene and Jackson streets as be ing in a very dangerous condition and liable to drop a few bricks on the pass ers heads. A reporter looked at the chimney and Aiimd it In a very dan gerous The bricks on the top are Iwseao*, Aatj liable to drop at any moment.