The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 01, 1898, Image 5

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I Ml v# ▼ THIS YVHOLL STORY l!M A FEW WOR 1)5 OUR WINDOWS TALK H*nd*om# lot of Hind MaO# SIKMMI s3*4o Fin##t ##l#ctton of Fall H«U In City smh> Mulherin’s, 840 BROAD. MISS MINNIE WAS PLUCKY. Dt«w i Ktife liMra4 *f Mm' Win Altirkti How M AUMU Vwi«| Uljr Mm • titgtiM *y mmn. AUanu Oln 4#BB I. *•*#♦ ) 889888# »*%•»• ■» ' w m«a in Win ®*4 ffiinrdiy 4, ‘ ,lß4 * C n®4 »wPi**» * *" * B*l*Bß** tft it 48H#rt**r of Q* ■ J girtar «Btt ii tfSl kmrmu ii*» •ri 888* TB# jrouaf 1849 *• HHIlf Uift »«* j Vi* uUir, tout tfe# »*•* ••### t**** 4 ’** ■ j t» r f«.« smicix* MNw Hinn«f *•* it j ib# <#**#* Of HuWffßfM ’ front of h#r Tli# Dai n»hfft for «fe# of *•**# fltrftolM. Bti# hart a boob in brr it* nr! s IHat «vsßttiß**l rM m«»*y and » •mail It niff tlHt w»a iwdtber »harp nor | tlaucr ruu* W b#n tb* dNMid ibbAo w ! »rfjr quietly told the n**ro «h» winild fllve him her money bu« not the p.. k cl book This «»* *ai safari my lo the thief and tb* young lady opened (he ( book. .. Instead of diving the negro the mou ry ,he qua klr took out lb# knife and opening it, prepared (or a-tloa. If you U»u<b me.” »h* "1 * r,u ru; 1 your b«a«l off " Thau aba began to make vigor on* !im#e* »t the a** k of the highway- i nan Thi* so aurprimal th# man that he stood mo'ionles*. Mlai Strange, j ». slog that abe had gained an advan tage did not lone an Instant. She be-j came fho aggressor and the negro, see- j ing that he had made a mistake, turn-1 ed and fled. This is for You T*v# ! r MtMI hundrtdi of (be best peo- j pi*. In the city for n .»l|> disease*. cimk- Ing scalp* bald for 30 year* grow lux uriant new suite of hair. Done here in your city, too. Do not cut your hair or let disease ruin It, for It ran be cured Come to nee me. MIU*. SMITH. *25 Broad at reel. RICHARD MALCOLfI JOMNST* N He Is Rapidly Recovering In a Balti more hospital. Baltimore Sun. Col. Richard Malcolm Johnston, the well known writer, la rapidly recover ing at the etty hospital, from an at tack of typhoid malaria. While his complete recover |g relarded by Ihe Intense heat, tho gain In strength Is marked, and he expects to resume bis desk at the bureau of education In Washington in the near future. 20-year (Hied gold watrhea in ladles’ and gent*’ sixes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from $7.00 to $12.50. Guarantee* with each watrh at Lewis j. Hr haul’*, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson stieet. There I* nothing new. Our grandmo thers often took spins on chainless wheel*. If You Have Any Suspicion . . 1 about your watch your peace of mind is gone .. Every time you look at it It will worry you juet like an un reliable employe- Here's al lU B'IY watch—one which won’tdeccivoyou. Hen's SSO New thin model, oten face or hunting—solid If karat Uold Cast*. The best ever put into a pocket. We have them Cheaper. We hare them more Expensive. Wm. Schweigert&Co. JEWELERS. DID THE TWO DOTS SUICIDE? j A WON Si»n It the Ailaata Itit* 111 9t U'tfNi*. (trow Bed Hi l«H Vl»» n* Mbnv * pfcra* and n 4* **«(- »«*4 I* *»«t 12 Wmrm &i WftH In IM* I _ r rr w»||| )||<n( nr it ft f b#lr I ~ »_ Hiigf latiliiire ft (' I L|i J | I tlr Nlnti apt/ 10 uortilF (Mi (It# f j tiftffhwil so t#w4 (Arm boftf nMMonr [ tNr? Md ro nr fa on tM Infer #»4# to ck*b#B tvrrr foil ml. Thr lake at thl* | tsfi( ktd hmn drawn down about wvwi ! fort Id npa; r a irrmtlr (feat (Fommm ) tfer upper #nd of (hr Infer. IravUtf a ! U>..« «;np of aand au4 mu 4 «*po—A Urtwnro (hr boat boiiit nod (hr vi* ran »n4 Jumo rd into thr warnr over thr oU\ rrwmk run. The* tiki not come to the top gfreral prraona aaw them drovo aud weal to (hair aMiiitßfc. hut they were j ion lata. Th. wrrr both lakro out I «ithm five minute*. Dr. Q. W W. l*atteraoß and others worked on them | for three hours, hut failed to res‘ore j circulation. The bodies were taken In <barge by the city autborities and sent home. Million* (liven Away. It I* certainly gratifying to the pub i lie to know of one concern In the land I who are Dot afraid to be generous to I the needy and suffering. The proprle ! tore ot Dr. King's Sew Discovery for i t'onaumpllon, troughs and Colds, hsve given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medlelue: and have the satisfaction of knowing It has ab solutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma. Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Ch'et and Lung* are sur’ly cured by it. Call on Howard A Wlllet, druggist*, and get n trial bottle. Me. Regular slxe 50e and sl. Every bottle guaranteed or price re funded. DOCTOR DRUNK. It la Charged That He Refused to dive medicine to Soldiers. Chambe*burg. Pa., Sept. 1. Dr. J. S. Kennedy, first assistant surgeon at Santiago, write? regarding camp condliiona as follow*; "There is an ut ter lark of suitable medicines to com bat disease. There has been so much diarrhoea, dysentery and (ever, and no medicine at all to counteract them, that the men have actually died for the want of It. Four days after my reporting here, there r/as but a single medicine In the entire hospital for the first two named, and nothing but qui nine for tho fever, and no tonic save the preparation of Iron for the conval escents. The preparation of Iron will not. agree with nine-tenths of the cases and when the- soldier or officer cannot take quinine he has simply nothing to I take. A captain sent to the Olivetti ! for dysentery medieiDe for his dying | son; there were quarts of it on tho I ship but (he, drunken officer refused to j give the medicine because he might j need it himself. The doctor- went down I to the Oilvette- and says It was pa -k --ed with the stores for the hospital un der Red Cross seal, and not one pack age ever got to the hospital.” Borne time ago a little bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy fell Into my hands, just at a time when my twn-year-nld Imy was terribly afflicted. His bowels were be yond control. We had tried many rem -1 edies, to no purpose, but the little bot tle of Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Rem edy speedily cured him.—William F. Jones, Oglesby, «a. For sale by Alex ander Drug & Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. No man Is ever so friendless that I’** cannot find someone to Jolly him along. HE Will DO i INTO POLITICS. tit UtfN A*tUft N N. J T.j litlnktv ! lMe ft*. P«pW ***» #» ***> • HaUf. B*B*** 0* IMP t» *»■ UpPfl j ***** fvw*B Hill W 0 H*t J* T ***** I I _. * „ h§4 : It * #*t4 tlwif ada*f# *#-«) p«i# | frlT-lflf f* ife# *ftA*K 88N| It* B*#f*#‘* * 1 To TTTw r I it » WKMMy »» wt<wr,T * m I tfc» fft*l»«kßt rn*lH*M •« Hr«* 884< I ife# *i t a*jß#ai> ife* Hr ill# H.Ktf* k* M rmftf# Iw T* . wfelcfe aaili «*#**(lß cra»»r«lk4 ■**« of I iftt# Mrfe-i «#i tIAEIM 1 # fer> i msniUi t* M It# Mr V. T H#ttf*tr4 yfnnr* »»8 t»l* fft*»»*iß itw prt*|»#rtift I jijra. fkil Brrd. «n 4l»«n**4 i* l|. s|g|| Kb fMlftfttOlf h t)9 8 M'lf |»A C * * mIA «h#t ih#Y t»a« 8 tw. oife*4i 8»4 ' lek ftlißS to rlißfii# hi* W r to 8 4*njP* lit, G(b*nii la uti4rt #(oo4 to b# HI j« rM palfey with Mr. Mow* and Ifrfrndf1frfrndf for Mr Mo* rr rrmark’d yffifiTW) *** M s loM Hr bo9# to rouiit cur id, 8# hr ta CD9 feind of 8 w*u ** Augusta Trunk Factory Trunks repaired by expert Trunk- ! FI.OYD BAPTIST 3 MEET. The Association at Enon Church to Contliwe Several Bay*. Home. Ga, tb-pt. 1. The Flbjrd touaiy B*pll»t‘ ssaueiaiioa convened »( Enon church, a few mile* north of j Rome, yesterday, add will continue in errs ton for several day*. Among th* proniln<«i Roman* who are la attend-1 ance are Revs. R. B. Ileadden, O. I • | Gilbert and J W. l’ullen. M<«*r*. J. 1 F. Hlllysr. M V. Oovan, W. J> N«*d, A. B. 8. Moseley. J. A. Glcver and J J. | Rue*. The Root* Eublic srhool* will com j mencs Mondav and Superintendent I Harri* and Principal Gammon are hus- 1 tly engaged ihi* week In molrleulallng and grading new pupils. The butld liik* have borrn <hor*oughly ron-, ovßteil. anti SuiMVinieudent Karri* .* ■ anticipating a moat Buccessful year, j The *chool thin year promiaea to be unusually large, hut ample provision will be made for every child dealring to attend. Dr. J. t. Terry, of Trimble. Tenn., In apcaklng of Chamberlain'* Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. *ay»: “It has almoat become a neceaßlty In thl* vicinity.” Thl* 1* the heat remedy In thi' world for colic, cholera morbu*. dysentery and diarrhoea, and 1* rec ognized a* a necessity wherever it* great worth and merit become known. No other remedy Is «o prompt or effec tual, or »o pleasant to take. Hold by Alexander Drug and Heed Co., C. R. Fair of Bell Tower Drug Btore. SANDERSVILLE. There I* a Regular Building Boom There. Special to The Herald. Handersville, Oa., Bept. 1. Miss Kate Shaw has returned after u very plaoa ont *tuy at her home, Camden. Mil., and a visit to Baltimoio, El licet t City and Ocean City. She has resumed her control over the millinery department of the Augusta store. Superior court convenes here next Monday. Quite a number of lawyers In addition to the local bar will at tend. Sandefsville ha* the "building fever.” The Holt building, a handsome marble and brick structure, i» nearing com pletion as is the lovely residence of Mr. Jefferson Iwin. Mr. F. M. Phillip*’ residence 1* completed. Work on others will begin goon. The SandertVllle High School opens next Monday. From present ’ indica tions. the attendance this term* will exceed all previous one. Several non re*ldnet' pupils have made their ar rangements to attend. Misses Carrie and Emmie Carter, of Savannah, are the guets of Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Irwin. Mies Rosalie Cohen, of Fitzgerald, has returned and will resume her stud ies at the High School. THU AUOUBTA HBHALD. ppi. powd^ Ah iftuu Am I (|mp> *ff#n,iMt> ltl*( if brtßft |hffl I# 111 f It limi httnm# R*r*t*ry to lt»!r«4ur# i Hrarv KvftMy to hi# moat in- I A»f TucW «f So 4 fnaln# hou*r rom- I pltmewted J-4m A|.Hey with a marine, I I |*niy aihl arilvlt) . I Th** #fradv irrmrth of Thr Hrrald*# ' Th# mckroach#*. «. the good hour- j ' wive* *ny. ate Inconttollable *lme the I weather hna Mmi to dMsp. ftmokcr* declare that they are glad i ' that the blockade I* ralwd because the ; iwat tobacco la from Culm. There was a hot rumor concerning I Camp Dyer yesterday. It took an en- I tire day to fun the report down. The railroad* are going to cau*o trou | Hr over different construction* of their i mutual agreement with the city. There arc rumor* from Pavannah 1 that Co). tlyam* will soon lw> In ] traducing his friend* to hi* life p*rt- I Dec. j (>ldc‘*t Inhabitants am now telling all i they know about the freshel* and the big storms that have visited Augu*- - ta. There is expressed by some the hope that bltternes* and former factionalism will not be manifested In the coming city election. The report Is brought to the city that outside of Augusta It Is understood that a prohibition election is to Ice bad in Richmond county this fall. There hhs been expressed the regret that Mr. W. O. Bohtor roatdes out of the city. It is agreed that he would make a most desirable councilman. Whether you are n subscriber or not you wilt be welcome at the library. YoU raDnot take book* to your home from the library unless you ate a sub scriber. People from the up country are al ready beginning to inquire If Augusta Is to have a merry maker*’ week next year. Chsrle*tcn and Savannah are ma king a like Inquiry. There Is one lady who conduct* a house for a family of live people in Augusta who declares she never make* a domestic purchase without reading tho advertisement* In The Herald. There Is some pretty lively political talk. It looks like there may be four men In the race for the legislature. There may be combined Jndependertt- Pcpulist-Republican support for one of the candidate*. The proposition to require persons to pay all taxes due the city before they bedome eligible to Vote In city affairs has its friend* and opponent*. The op position is based on the idea that, as at preseDt. no one* would be disbarred ex cept property owners. Jn one of t'he paper* the re has been mention for council « gentleman who finished up a three year term in that body December last. He is Ineligible. He must be out of council for the full term of three years. He ran run for mayor, but not for council. SHOT HIM FOR I SQUIRREL IkithMl •« • Kmii 4 I N () W I All -rpr * #stow4 • s«t *•* #•***# *** | t>M, W.f4 | * I* I m -y <4 s |Hft# t~#r*4 ««w* »»•*** I > n t<vrl| |p Antt-t. ftiwA |if 84* I -a« W#nt ((884 (888 Mt4fe#llilßßß!- I f 8» «#«88 dt ife* «**d#4t «a» a*** I (feaimfe 8 tu*B#4 M <**•*! data#Bat 88iMa #8 f fe##B (NMVBB 88**# . *##*l*Bl aVB 88# 8 «*#» # B#B* *#*BBBll hi i *t*i|o4 a# • t (*#a Bii i* j aaß fei4 B»Bsa4 a '*§ 148 88 # ***4 life* I 8 8f8lr»t »84 #BBHI M s !8«8M|8i fe# 84 fed Ife*l I# 4 kl« 111 aa4 M fe« f #*B*#4 j MK*4tfe'Bßß, a#* tat# a 4 **F“ [ feMd M 4 4*lß ta Iff*# 484 a fed* Mil raa aa i# «*#**• feia faUMi 8# *#BB i#tt 1 Bl*«*4 ta f(a4 8!§ I* #aß «i*aßß s * #t ß* Ba 4 •«««* m 18 Ife# M• MM**** i##' , Tit* nl*c» •»# ipnl «*tl »r**f |i tit,« xmw pasnM •• feM koto# j ()Mf Im ,|.t rwcC'CVU* Mh' ! | t gifftmt rf»Br*l till |(8( K# I ! #Ss# s# ta Mfrai;aa«B 8»>l at «8* tiwm mk» at# fetftfei* •n 4 a rksAccW M Ml Ml' (ft* *«w#fst *B# HI T IFF 191 81X Mot*Bß. liuium tit tU4#»r B*B |it«44*f Mi. j l« a |t««( ■*» mrirmmt at «ta ! «%r##4iaß f»f , w|’iiiißi la fall##'inf faata r* 8«al« 8»8t«a #*f «it«f ftlroqat tl r** aaat t aa4 r«a. iNn M i 8» rvnwßr 8014 (•I L A (s<#|i*#i« 8 j I aim Alt IkKsA*! FROM HI-NTSVILLE. soldi*r. Back In Augusta on a Fur* tough. Hrrgl. Jo* (leotchlu*. of Ike Avcnod (!ornta rrlfntml. I'gltrg Slain volost (#«*ra 804 ArUfttfr Il*-af9 II- Goctfb* I hi#. 14 lluf Mto# r#B*o)*m, atti%#4 la I Auftiwrta iß*t nighi oa lb# faat train I from HnfiM%ltla. Tfecy ara vary morfe I ftunhurn#4. but »rv utbrrvlft Nbßg I nfrr oK mi 4 n*bußt and ramp 11(# ho j .ip|M)r<*o(l9 »grr#4 wiih Ifernn. A Her ald report rr liujulrrd of B#r|(. Oo#t( b lua aa to how th# boy# liked ibair oew i imp at llumaville. * Why, It la ineatlioably anperlor to the Tatni* prat hole. Tb# ramp being .pitched In n cornfleld m»d* It n little j uopleaunt for the flrst (rw day*, bat the boy* toon bad evc-rytbing In apple pie order. The water I* very floe and ‘ |hr ai ctar ' f the god* compared with the foul fluid we were rcrapeltrd to uae at Tampa.” said Serge. Ooetc hlu*. "Are the boys anxious to rentalu In I service?" •-Yes they fire anxious—to gel back home. There was • petition being pss»- led around among the boys and had (teen signed by about two-thirds of ! them when the officers dlevovcred. It ' end ordered the paper destroyed. Tel- II grams have been sent to Washington | in the Interest of (he men looking to | their mustering out. The boys have become surfeited with camp life and j *eo no nvsen why the government should hold them longer. The fare we : get I* something fierce and those who ! nre delicate or have weak constitution* j cannot *t#mi a continued siege of It. Of course some of the boy* Otid a smalt hit of pleasure In camp life and manage j to muke the most of It. but then It lake* au amiable, happy-go-lucky In dividual to enjoy camp life at this «tßge of the gsme. •'Huntsville is a bustling, busy city und i* full of business activity and [ the citizens of the town have been very considerate aud accorded the soldier* 'the best of treatment. The railroad agent* are grabbing for business. An agent tried to sell me a ticket to Aug usta by way of Atlanta to Charlotte, then to Augusts In order to keep bus- Inr* on the Southern line of railway. "I otn glad to get back to Augusta If only for a short season, and I think timt niter I drink a few gallon* of Sa vannah river water I will he all right.” Ladles Can Wear Shoes. 6oe slxe smaller after using Allen’S Foot-Ease, a powdpr to be the shoes. It malic* tight nr new ahoes feel ca«y; give* Instant relief to corn* and bunions. It'* the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cure* and pre vent* swollen feet, blister*, callous and *ore spots. Alien's Foot-Ea*e i* a cer tain cure for sweating, hot, aching, ner vous feet. At all drugglHts and shoo store*, 26c. Trial package FREE. Ad dress Alien B. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. The partnership between Mr, J. B. Tutt and Mr. Reed lioylston associates t wo of the most popular and enterpris ing gentlemen in Augusta. They will engage in a general real estate, fire in surance and loan business, and we pre dict their niicces* from the start. They will not only get it, but deserve it. The Ttar,(l-Mf Naily new Standard War Atlas is the best publication of the kind we have ever seen. The colored maps are double the size of any others published, and clearly printed on heavy paper. Each one ha* a marginal Index and a page 1* devoted to the flags of all nations. This atlas 1* timely and useful. It Is not for sale at the store*. The Herald ha* arranged for a special edition. Readers may obtain a copy by calling at our office or sending 30 I cents. | AUTUMN LEAVES V- WILL 500% ttt! DKOPWNQ From th# ir*«i> Surprtm #r# dropping #H ov#r oar Ck>th(n# Department. Th# earth wtQ tie richer for the leave#. You will be richer for the money uvod by our SUMMLR SALE! v -OF- > Men’s and Boys’ Suits mu<g **«tnst srm ua* # h •*$ if e #«*#• m«h m i*sm ’ ‘ *,*p t r triMl arm im mi* hi M mi •$« m. state it flans** MMMv Mil er# ant# im.* gtt mm faiwp >*uimw -***(•« asJ ••»•»«* •*«• •** mm+mm Utoev <••• i«*,smiMii.e« ism« •* *A »e »« **« seats • Xgt SMl**. a#w ft *a. 4<l mm far * «stM-A, fVMSPI sw4 vfcsvwt satis (Ml ws*• $!*•• ItflM mm $ • mm $•• <* Ail Ifttsv w*)-i* hstt pHto. B«yr o*«k tana gall anes as« M «• J. B. WHITE & CO., ClotbiDgOspartment ——me NSW stork—— mi NUT l VfIUGHBN (to* broad STRI t;T. V.MAI LIMI ft At I AMI ■AtHIAlft « Mik The l«»t, but one of our semi-annual Challenge Saleh will be crowned with an array of bargain#, #uch a# any store may be proud of. Some of the Special value# are the result# of our own efforts carefully planed for the occa#lon many week# ago. Other#, we ara frank to confe*o. ore rather accidental, merely attributable to our ability to take quick advantage of the enexpected turns the markets take at time*. All In all It Is a wonderful collection of choice Shoe# that will be sold at our new store this week for v $1.99 x 5 Fifteen different styles In Ladies* Low and High Shoes and eight different styles of Men’s. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Couley while In the Esst. . _ Agents for Hanan & Son. Stacy Adams & Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIOH’S CRYSTAL PALACE BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE SC9BroadStreet. If you want two thing*, the highest make yourself one of our customer*, too, ami the best in the market at wa» a quarter hit, but here’* a proces $50.00, and your last chance to get til three shop worn (only) model (6, lad Hartford at $45.00 and ladles' Vedette boys and m<n there i* nothin* on the special at $25.00 and the Jack at S2B. Crescent*, Stearns. Victors. Eldredg* condition, and we let them go at an thing, wore given to U* by people w WHEEL OF THE WORLD, and onl DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. Bicycle Department. FOINTFD PABAOBAFHS. It Is eußor to earn money than It 1* not to spend it. Cupid puts in a good deal of hi* time at target practice. The average woman act* flret and think* over It afterwards. Woman'* ruling pas*i<m crop* out In her desire to rule a husband. A marriage without love Is u steam boiler without a .fely valve—which In dicates that some one Is to be blown up. Age rarely brings us wisdom; about the best It can do its to teach us what particular brand of folly we are most fond of. *KPTKMnen » A IIAROAIft V ~<uMn«ti a IH UNUSUAL BRHXIANCV Is bow ruontag. s«*» of ear rriss bosutlM or. Ash gams and dtnnor Mi* On. initial as wall attempt to pWM tb# rainbow, as to Aoaertbo «U ibßa good quail!w#. Tho way they bps o*ft. in* la a caution to tboaa who If tend gurebaso when they run bo Bod foa "gvl Ing aomo aotßoliana." Bailor pur chas* when they can bo hod for sue# low prlreo as wa ora offering them. As for glassware, crockary. lamp*. Ac., tiros and language fall ua to I*ls of the won dor* that w# sail Doa't for •t that our *»ro pr'jga wtU keep rod cool. Remember lb* piatfl £|cyCLES **3, PIOJCLi satisfaction and a saving of money, Ju*» We can furnish rider* with bicycles, that. The recent 25 per cent reduction slen of home runs; Columbia*, model 40, I* popular model nt any price. We have !o*', we will li t go at $60.00. One ladles* et $:;».OB, ladles' Jill at S3O, and for market to couipnr* with the Keldel 00; aecond hand Clevelands, Rambler*, and Kacycles, from $12.00 up, all Al v old price—they did not cost us aoy ho wanted to ride the HTANDARD y *old In Augusta at WY# cflCEft ftonEnFEEcy And vwr i.ow'Tkiubh. Übjj”?;*• IMFK. VAI/Vr* and F ITT IJ# 08. KN l)isr.», BOII.EIIS.MIH-* An* lirrAIIM. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., The briny breakers at the senshore are less dangerous than the heartbreuk crs. Lot* Of men Join a secret society, be cause they think It* emblem will show: up well on their watch chain.