The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 02, 1898, Image 1

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tut •.. *%«*#•» APtJCITA . t VHaut| SAftiOS Ini "s«» Put lumuti idw ■ '"W *• •»-**■■* «mm * *•* if «■**• n iniRM •to*d««* « » Ik* MM fidk«k MM 99a*«* (»k »■*»* wadlkfi MM mi tnar-rt A m« fc» mm <*V *b» tv fkn* Wk fMMM Mm mm *fsL T |l*Mw*«fc » MMN ** Ml ■ '■ !-»- ** ffg*ts* IM<* IMmM M ***4 Mi *•. tt»'l • M(W*< ***** MM t**t ___ |M MM"* *4 M 4 ***• MM f'MI M »<•«» (VMM tM I4«***d ***** ***** »*>••* M ***** •** l»M kakMltl. t*uj» M • M**W ***** *t ••Mk***" t>n**« ** «***»■’■**♦ IHM *m*H’*| M* * «••'*•* %*d *•» MOM# M* «*MI (Ml>t • <■*** M A IMTUS* » t* I 9*4 ***** •«M <V *»•<%** .*** ***** CMm**i ffvaM awl ***• Ml* OBldtm* ••««* < ia* M *»*■** tV' IM*f#t «♦ !•*». Oth**4*» n I*"* - M * •*<’"*•* <** •r**»**M ti« mwmmi *** ■**•**• *v*rMk4*ff «k it* n»t«r*<*»*** t*M*'" *f* MM*' I *!* *(• SW*(tV AM* ** s tm mu IM ** MM* M* «MM* <• • ***** >M*i. MM4 fMMM *•*» AMP**** A V *A v*» ‘• h> «*4 lit* fKftHK#H* v>(i f 1*49 t#f r«**K#(iii #K* t #i,i *Wlt tl s# M*l#d that <ka Cxrtbrt* «’** frfc •M Trl** l*«M M MM** TV Mm** *p MM* IM **»• HI wiKpH iinifLjjrT Ifll t*fcft* toKKJ' TV If*•**"** *•***•» •»«*** •' K*» T«rk lAM uwstklaff »H* * f * *MAMT». tl mV*4i*<*4 V *V ***lMl Ml*** I lint IHi ftwc vttt ffv l» H t«K#K#» !•» _ . . . |itt>li|i* •! iiHr«{4i|ivff r*r*n * p* # *v *« ■w<w Itomft I»nl«*rw« |ft* M#r TV IWn«i» »Mpt»rA* »< ■ Vr ' ,B, ° •#r* rt V* tW raortltiff TV MM* » It I* rvfwrtrt that • ****** ******** V* ***** f••*»»** Vt*v* o*«*ta» **d ■****"* „ . . - ... I ifiiln I* flm ** *u *h twivy to eorry (m* k IH** •i * _ . Hnrioux i tarffi Imv# onh |wr#r#rrs*a •gain** Major HuMtaiid, mr**?**• r*J 9th New Y«fh. filar-.n I* making a «*rrhi#f Inquiry MM Ik* ru«*<*m» aat prartlcea o! h-r Ju»> *» of IV r**«"* H. Roaco* l*»rkln» h»» a m»«Olr»<-**t Bsmimal* ’*ll*r I* TV H***»<! *wl«l*- tl M *nn« from r«rl» TV H*rald ha* *>> M> t*****»*"- tetrrvl*** o* «k* UrrrTu* matter WH» Madam* I>r*>fui and Kml**' »'>•* Alalea that birr uad tVIr a* I #** to r*|ulp troop* »f» a»k**d *•> ***l *V*r bttl* Into Ike »oy. *Bm*nt right TV nrvr t Jury de< *d*-» that Ihe tv death of the woman whoee hodr „,,, found yaaterady *** •“* »ietdel»- til- . , ft Bow dfvflfw that It *• Bittfa if bvnt on flfbtini.nvt Of*n. Alger. There l* going to he • great <>en. tthafler puli IV hlame for eon ditlon* on the tranaporta to the men to their rnah like mad cattle to the vea |f|| Realdentain low parta of the elty and the aurroundln* country are warned by Ihe weather bureau to look out for a Si foot river. RepuMlcana of the Tenth rongrea alnnal dlatrtct me -t tomorrow in Autrua tt to decide whether to put out a can* d:dat\ It aeema that Oencral Alger ia trylntr to pree* dow n Oeneral Milea because of the “cowardice" rourtmartlal of the war between the atalea. There la a great hubhuh at M«ntn*h Point. They rre cleaning up for the Presidents vlalt tomorrow ruahlng out to city hospitals as many addlers as possible. The war department has ordere** that all regular army regltuenta at Montauk whtrh were statlcned prsrtoualy east cf the Mlsstsalppt river shall return to the* same stations. It is decided by the Interstate C'-m- Tnetce Ocmmlssli'n In the Canadian Pa cific rate case that the road ts not en titled to the differentia! rates contended for. The State officer of health for Texas. Pr. Blunt, has raised the quarantine against Calvesten. The quarantine was hnt tempo-ary and was placed last Fri day cn account of suspicious cases of fever at Fort Point. FIGLRES FROM CARO. INA. The Returns From the State are Now Nearly Completed. Special to The Herald. Columbia, s. C., Sept. 2.—Returns ere almost complete. All are complete except Hampton. Georgetown and Beau fort. lillerbe 25.892, Watson “,2-IS, Tillman 11,787, Schumpert 7,fi14, Featherstone 16,817: Archer and Whitman not tabu lated, all together about 2,000; Tomp kins 20.486, Cooper 25,201, Bradham 20,- 651, Bellinger 45,644. Mower 28,138, Der ham 34,746. Epton 34,888, Mayfield 18.701, Rice 13,198, Brown 19.334, McMahan 22,527, Watts 14.994, Floyd 34.115. Blythe **o 393 Thomas 11,694, Oarrl3 18,906. Ber 'rv 'sifijtf, Sllgh, 7.520. Gray 5,058, Evans,. Stansell 7,757: 74,000 votes heard fi-ern. The other returns will not ma toriaky effect the standing of the Can dida ITS- Mr. Robert I Potter. Mr. Robert 1. Potter, who -has for sev-cra 1 years been connected with the cotton hcu£3 of Norton & Co., in Sa vannah, has been promoted, and will hereafter lock after the firm's interests in Dallas. Texas. This is a deserved promotion of Mr. Potter and shews that Norton & Co. appreciate his busi ness abilities. , . ADVERTISING SPACE IS WORTH WHAT IT VVU. BRING IN HR.NC.NO HOVERS THE HERALD IS THE BEST. .. . - - vt* * rM» a «m kn Ml lIYI MN IKIKV Tnisc ii iff* Mi <*#f BrlMv H» Iffttfs. Skiffitt thf Ski «s 4 l>jl»* Ytwm iMikMM tm R-fiiat *mm V I lk»t«* MM Wit**, Bpruat V Tk* M»»M New Tew*. Bapt I T** Vt* butt Htinavwtk hu armwi * ill »Wt sn4 MimwWiA *»Hlwi IV Faw» Wthaff m hoax* •*• Ml MMlirt Midi v T*aw»4#y Mi *fc*r»* «M Major |lprVa. Vtp*4* gwfßvw. T*#| ; asa mm ha*rW rt grv< ttsi t»**r , Mravk of Ik* gVwMa M«>.r MW* | eg d t*At «w»*ty five of ik* v< V ta* ; (Hint M VOilAily ll*. »*U* >*• 4«M i MM km at Wk**y wt*M» "*• * cf? trw»- >*l oalr Hmi «f •*• miw *? l I SMf* AMI* la MAS* Ilk* MtlWlMl «M i ttkatr IWM. T*a maw ** IV «lv* •*»* |NM. [ Garni ns q isiMfiki* ItoM t y pk**.a ' v*f lay aknat am mu Mi A Mala- I nitMM <nv w*r» MrStrtou*. at Vrw | siraagviy q* *t Mi many v*»*d la kM| lo Ufa by a IktasMl la imhuUti.c». TV fk at men »«* ra triad fmm t V Bki»a*ror k to ambuUncea and I war* idtfcat I aaea at hi* del l r ...a mt la aaa*. Tk*r were t V wrack of a**, 'w tk grant star log ryea aad Jahvrtag I ‘‘B*- Araaa tar* r.aakad, a >ta* white at [ fare. One man kept shout ma tor hi* ! mother He was la a straight Ja.k --[ rt. raviag msd A number of the mm arfco ware I quest toned said it was commonly I isiked strong Iks soldiers at l imp i WikoS that tke hoapnaia wars too [ crowded sod that there vara too mAar ] del nous and dangerously sick men , there tor the oraaideat to see. so H wss I derided to send as man* as possible 1 to the hospitals la the various cit es Brushing Up. “I have btsn*. ‘ Mid oar man. “that the army authorities have applied for ! help to the hospitals ia a doaea elites | along the sound, sod that they will ! ship several lands today and tumor- I row. Too see. the preaident and aotne othta big gun* are going to lnspe"t I ('amp W h.'.ff, and the department [ wants lo have things la apple pie or ! der.“ MANY SICK SOLDIERS. They Were Brought to New Today from flontauk. New York. }4ept. 2. —Th“ transport Catania, which rrrived this morning fmm Montack Point, landed a number ‘of sick srldirrs of various regimenal |*rc"n Santiago. i Ibuing the voyage from Santiago lo . Xtoß'.’.iik. the engineers of the tranr- I port found (he coal In the after ho.d ion tire. The hatches w"rc closed and the fire kept undrr control umll the steamer reached Montauk and dW- I charged the sick troops, when Ihe chief engineer reported the coal again on fire. i The transport war then ordered to »hl* “ort to unload the burning coal. She has on boord three hundred cases ' of cartridges. THE DREYFUS CASE. The Feeling In Favor of a Retrial Is Growing. Pnria, Sept, 2.—The move In the di rection of the revival of the Drcyf 's case is growing stronger In the papers ' which until now have been hostile lo I the prisoner. The Matin today says: |“The nhsenes of M. Brourgoies, minu ter of "ducatlon, prevented the min's ters ftom coming to a decision yestcr dev and another meeting of the citm dl w'M he held today.” ft ,oral Prlliux has tendered his rei)- Igna.ien, but It ie withdrawn on the in fisteice of Gen, Zurlinden. nOVING TROOPS. Commands That Got Out ot Camp Thomas Today. Chicamauga. Sept. 2. General Frank, commander of the Third armv corps, accompanied by his staff, left this morning for Anniston. Tomorrow she headquarters of the Third and Second brigades and , the Fourteenth New York go. No movement will be made Sunday. The Third brigade headquarters and the Third Tennessee go Monday. IH£; REICHRACH. The Body Is Summoned to Meet Sep tember 16. Vienna. Sept. imperial decree is issued summoning the Reichrach to meet September 26th. The Ghost Will Walk. Major R. R. Wright, paymaster of U. S. Army, arrived here today. He will pay off the soldiers at the U. S. Arsenal and Camp Dyer. ,• Till] AUGUSTA HERALD. TKE FEVER AT TAYLOR STATION tl# AaBaMKfBMH I# S#« Oiknih K«4a tial.uuat flat* f*4a» »« Ik* A*- m*mM P*»m tmrtmm •"**, 2*» tk* koar* *1 kMfk V» *«•«%»•* a »i*«TMa Rwm | tk* mmpm*#* IM* yWa »•*** ka* ap* . p»***4 at Taylor m«a*ma- Ho »*v*’ I«• ik* a«wakM ot no* k* *h»* •**■ >; | Mitt it mi* mr omA** ik*i ka* a : ! »:Q>»m**t Ow ik* Aovw'Mto* Hr*** | | Tkar* wow to k* «oo*»-wokl# *••*'* •r«ot ***** : thro f*** ia I *i»tw mwm ' ,f Tk* k amt 4 fa*4a ««M<*>o*** h**fjl rt ktlti iM* to ruoftk* tk* Ott to ik* lafw *4 •MMrtri, Oke *t* vary Voitky aad wfcwk w not Bra** 1 * f*J: tw (MM I'HfT favmaOl* la mo «f a v—A a train mGI V pro* iOd to carry tfco yuupk* i aortk. AMI LCM) I:HM AN ALLIANCE. : H H n«( H tun Mi Mi* •Ny l flKt«4. | l*o»«k*. Ail** I—t%r *• «*•** ] r,tt tiMti) tluit <fc* IfPitJ 1 •It**«r* !»• I * 'yryf'ii i* it At Ufiiß<A IA4 j mi. i |lmi ! nf IIm" of Mr I prrtß(iy7 of aiAVi* Itif A# col I I Of.l**. *M trlually roH(»lftM 4i|r, Tt*t* »* pmfeNihljF mi WfHifiUil j of flic girwilifi Mkitivf •« IHe dll f f ii* | H« a? Crtoat Voa Mafgfcidi WH#r Harp, tHe (icfflUM unNiiMUidof, ti the H.t**»H (nrci|i (turlng th# pi*t | frrtnlfHl. tHIA have been aur*h«* # t i'i | ('ffiff the r tri of c t »rnmn' ,im) Cimt ftfitaltt to f »cinulaie a coir nH.n |H»!irjr to rvgirtl to Huoil Hfi<t I riiiui Another PipHnatlna. An* (Her nplatiatlcm hi fhal tH* fl* | 111 iff relative to tHc milf4 trihitMl)* in Egypt, iHe atreemeot psi the eubjert endln* in The pall >frll Gftictlp tHia afternoon «ova I? Hit Veceleed from a aonree Hi which It his ftfry f *n®*kMa«*c. infortaitinp that *He airreeincn* one I tHia week by Itelfour ao*l (Hr .GrrixtTin arobeaandor. Offewaivc an J Delcnslvo Tt.f OMftte nnyn that whPd the agreetneot |« reatricted It evnbraeca an , effenaire and defenaiee alliance in cer* .taig iventualHlea. The Gaaette a*l<ti-. i * Unit new and depnri« r a In our foreign policy ccmea as a nal iural dfYtlopmefit of the Kuropea i nit* u4Ui)h." A GREAT STRIKE. The Biggest Miner Trouble This Coun try Has liver Seen. Cleveland. 0., Sept. 2.—ln an inter view today Munoget Young, of the M. A. Hanna Coal company, la quoted as ■ saying: “In the early part of next year we will have one of the gregteat ■ coal strlkea thla country has ever seen. There are all Indications that the strike will last many months. The miners stand at all times ready to fight against a reduetion of wngea, When the Clileag > contract expires, or possibly befor*that time, they will j be obliged to accept a reduetion of 15 I they will fight and fight harder than they ever have before.” COURTHARTIAL DEMANDED. Serious Charges Preferred Against an Armv Surgeon. Chickamauga, Sept. 2.—Six promi nent Chattaocogans, four of them [leading physicians, have preferred charges against Major Hubbnrd, sur geon general, Ninth New York. They I charge him with being responsible for th” death of Sergeant Frank, struck by a train a few day 3 ago: an<j with con duct unbecoming an officer and a gen tleman. It is claimed that Tfubabrd caused the removal of Frank when his life ntigt have been saved by keeping him quiet: and when other physicians expostulated he used language unbe coming a gentleman and an officer. A court-martial is demanded. THE HAJOR. He and His Party Arrive at Jersey City Today. New York, Sept. 2.—President Mc- Kinley, accompanied by Mrs. McKin ley, Major Webb C. Hayes and Co! and Mrs. Myron T. Herrick, arrived at Jersey City ever the Pennsylvania rood at noon todey. He was met by Vice President and Mrs. Hobart, who will remain with them during their stay. The party was driven to the Manhattan Hotel, where they will c cupy the stats apartments. PLOT TOLD OF. Conspiracy to Assassinate a Prime Minister. Budapest, Sept. 2.-—Newspapers here report the discovery Of a plot to mur der Baron Banffy, the Hungarian pre mier - ▼ AUH M A, «a I HI I Si HI 11 ■ Tl#) Ai» f»pwtw Wid Tmmb. WUAm» k»i tl# J»«u ti Hat# »- i MRU*** | H Jamr m iHfW 01% #• « tlf t» Aw* 4f«« V«fW|(# lUk u §9OL tl -■ *H4# j m *H* j WiWIIMNH IdHWIrtHHMW *H# ti#W | «Hg 9*«wrfTHMKg ** ,h *j «*q|lflM»al Ot tk* #**c* «.m4U»«MM I (Ml Bum tk* BpM* •* (IM**«V I wtifc a fkatfla mt guav*<*. m •r*ta*| ■ acrsrthallr. *mtt tk* !••****•'• fc**»| tk* (Mitytvt i*t*a4* of iMkj i.tna «n 4 PalawM »►*** *V» fouad • rnuin-r tw Ik* Maui of 942 M* TV | |.iia*»n rngdwwi ka. * arr.t*# W ( listMMt** to mt tV M«**d Kom Mhmi 1 gout Jut** ar* to fcst* aa lat*t***M | •ttk Faitfd fkatva Consul Umwsl ; vt'ikVaa aad H ia tVMgkt #o*s»t*(* 1 tlat It may isaalt la tV utlktarsi of* iv iiiaara«a- qa*at Km Tk* Fate*. Barlm. #**>!. 1— A «CMi-«i*cl*l 1 ! not* laauwt today «ay» tk*< • •A* l ' "I I prur* kaviax k**a rc-*atakltaVu V-, iarm tk* Fait*# Butte* aad Spa**. •*- j 4*r* fcav* Van given tfcat tk* ClcruuM > naval for«* a* Manta b* red wart t»| oar or two skip*. Wkick. p*i*din(i ih*. rotaplM* i«H oral in* of ortmr la tk* j I'Kliipytk*. will tulk* for tk* proi*r- ( II oa of tke Orrmia BMkJrcts and IBt*r-' , rata la tfcat ragun Tip ••fcarurglr. Kingston S«*i *2 Tk* Olrsaar to-, das puhliahea a A cf Views of ( I large mervlknats khtl otker public tarn oa th* queatloa mt aolv tag naßesalloa j .moving by Mtckangiag th* Itriilakl , We*t lad.ea for th* Philippine Islands according lo th* propo*»l at Andrew . Carnegie. Tk* opwb'tt* on the sob- 1 jot-4 nr* almaal balanced with an ad vert* •ffideßcy. Tke Gleaaei Mlf*.i. that Cnrne*ir solve th* problem by I purchasing Jsisti* 4 snd thus practl-j I rally illustrate his ttioattphsm deutta ' rtcy. _ HI STEREO OUT. Orders Issued the War Depart* meat Today. Washington. Sept. 2. The follow ing troops west ordered mustered out today: Fir*. Pennsylvania, Knoxville to Philadelphia; Second Pennsylvan.a. M- ntchanin to Philadelphia; Third Pennsylvania, Huntavllle to Phlladel lihla; K.ghteenth Peansylvanla, Cape ■ Meade 10 Pltlaburg; Fourth Wlacnnsin, Camp Douglas, Wts.; Seventy-First New York, Montauk to Camp Black; First New Jersey. Camp Alger to Sea girt; Thirty-Second Michigan, Clilca , tr&uga toCamp Kuton, Mich.; First, Ohio, Jacksonville to Cincinnati; Eighth Ohio, Montauk to Columbus; One Hundred and Fifty-Eighth Indi-j , una. Knoxville to Indianapolis; Third i Ohio, Huntsville to Columbus; So ontl '.North Carolina. St. Simona Island to Raleigh; Fhst and Second Alabama, 1 Jacksonville to Mobile; Third U. 8. j ! Volunteer cavalry. Chlcamauga to Old Fori, Omaha; Second Massachusetts, Montauk to South Framingham. Mustered Out Washington. D. C., Hept. 2.—The First South Carolina, at Jacksonville. Is ordered to Columbia, 8. C. Two squadrons of Ohio eavalry at Huntsville aro ordered to Columbus. TURNEO[DOWN. Decision Today as to the Canadian Pacific. Washington, Sept. 2. The inter state commerce vommission in the Ca nadian Pacific passenger rate case de- j elded today thattthe Canadian Pacific! is not entitled to the differentia! pas senger rates it vontended for. SHIP YARDS BURN. A $700,000 Fire in Ontario This Homing, Toronto, Sept. 2.—The Bertram ship yards were destroyed by fire this morning. Does, $700,000. It employs over 200 men. THE SICK SOLDIERS. The State Is Sending Gut for Ohio’s Sons. Columbus, 0., Sept. 2. The Ohio state hospital train left for the south this morning to bring home the sick soldiers. "quarantine off. The injunction Against Galveston Has Been Raised. Galveston, 'COx., Sept . 2. State Hcnlth Offieef Blunt has raised the querantine against Galveston. The quarantine wafcbut temporary and was placed last Friday on account of a sus picious case ott fever at Fort Foint. SHARER TALKS OUT PLAINLY f|r touts* T»»f#Ki tVffcrih katMtcMT) Mi lilt 1 tk* .Taw Wfc* OlkHl Btaf *■•*> I m Uw LaMtgaMM*. k<* fork k*w*- 9—Tk* W«*td ****•• IMI (MNNhMflll <|HM. *• »|i*r H || * H MM IHi *• . *•« **Al t hm ik i**i •fIH HHUMI* <*%**H MKfK MM M> %H*/ • Ifc«>*i4 H» m #«kMNM ftMTw t MMk ft Hi iMltllWt Ml K ttKMf , TYm kmni mMk chNJmnnl sH*k <-4 %MI fMMfMH#* Mi • ■«rMI' 6 iSI KfK Mk tfitfil \m4 MMM»«MkHW rtKMfMtm Tk* iH iivil*4 ! ** Wy Bkjf- M* t#Wlf KfWMHtMi K’V-fV §l|ott *4 | iin »ie fir Mi KMi A ir r eKI |( |% n 1 VHf I## MPKi KM* IMK I# *|v#| t KM Mlti«4M Kttk IM 'aM* rJMMUpI HTHkk M Ik f • K )t*< f9l.«nr# tn KIHtMJ H»M«*f^ ; n f KM I'IKKKM H *•# u-h*wki» It MKKt Hk k rawA HmH It TH# I'l CdMMjr rifkt I •'TH# Id Uii*f tftHi. t hop*4. wkkl4 iH# (• #l*4 «l If «>lorl. Hut M tvmfc «»*- 111 ft IM 1 k«4 fjiKtcui 0% ik* rtsHt -n# *|ifk un# w# wvMilf Hk## wirttoKt#* r<•!? talft HufiHian ih#i ftilki. n i vbtvh raw mlr tk* garrlima *k-a Ipinw «a*l4 bav* *nrr*«d*r*d tn aa: inturra* l*t*r alt tk* irant* la tk* lb 'glok aarrouadtag warr larlmtwd Tke Wwfhw **| Hk#w iHkI tH# K«r vm k### kk rnoa a* o*a Total apokr to ia* ibw' k qrv- '. u ring tk* itvatM of ttw *#•'*■ a ' t-mvinv. Wr a*v*r Had oa tb* fight ing tin *at any oa* tint* aaor* Hiatt 12. <*M rare and wltfc lkr*r ar* rapture J Th# Apantard*. “Tb* Bpaalard* vrw down to th* : inpi bit of rir* * hoi they surrendered, ■utt 111. y rfclva'tonaly dertlned. on th* 'first day, to accept rattona offer'd -them. They aald the Amartenn ebanty humiliated them; bat I noticed iVv : rnaie a r naad for grab on th* second ,day- SISTER BERNARD DEAD. She Passed Away at SI Mary's Coa. veal This ITorning. Sister Mary Bernard, of the Convent of Bt. Mary, died at 8.10 o'clock ibis 1 morning after a brief IHness. About c week ago she was stricken with paral ' yals and has never rallied since. Staler M.irf Bernard was a nnltve of Wexford. Ireland, mid was known bc idore her entrance Into the convent aa Mlsa Farrell. She bad lived to the ripe I old age of seventy-four yearn, forty f five of which had been spent as a re j (Igleuse. For twenty years ahe baa ! lived In Augusta. Bhe rendered val uable assisttine* In the hospital under Ifts old regime and hany have been !cheered and aided hy her kindly mtn \ istratlonn. She was afterwarda re moved to Atlanta, but returned here 'nbout flvp years ago. Gentle, quiet and 1 unobtrusive, she has spent her days In holy works. Her !'fe ended this morn ling «t» quirt and yently as she has lived jit, like the last flicker of a softly ex tinguished c?ndlo. A beautiful thought comes with the death of this good woman. Just a week ago today the Sisters tvere on retreat, and Sister Mary Bernard's | feast da* occurring then, remarked ' that she would not be able to cele brate It owing to the solemn sea son. She has now been railed to her reward and Is today celebrating her feast dry with the angels in Paradise. The Interment will be made in Sa vannah. The following gentlemen will acl as pallbearers in taking the re mains to the depot: Messrs. William Boyle, Bryan Lawrence. P. J. Rice, sr„ Alexander Gotiley, Patrick H. Rice, P. ■ m., Mulhcrin and two Brothers of the Sacred Heart. CENTRAL CHANOES. The Schedules on That Rond Will Be Changed on Sunday. The Cenlral railroad officials here have been notified that there will be important changes in the Central rail road schedules after Sunday. They have not received the new time card yet, so- are uuable to stale today of whal nature Ihe changes contemplated are. ARM WILL BE STIFF. Condition of Young Joe Atchlsou, Who Was Shot In the Arm. Joe Atchison, the ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Atchison, who was accidentally injured with a shot gun about a week or so ago, is get ting along very nicely, hut it is feared that iiis arm will be permanently stiff, as the elbow was very badly in jured. There has been a bloody affray be tween prominent Kentuckians. Tile brother in law of Cod. Dick Chinn, so well known in Augusta, was killed. mt * vwi MMDAV MS#t. •> *K n is 1 is 11 is HI It# I* fttiits ik* *9t t>*f«ri«ni Haft Will l* AD ll* Oil •• Ffift* 91 NMk taqaJr). »W m 4 Hl* I rWk •***«*Mg Akgkt* 1 figwr Hi I* Tk* lit* aid ftlT MMHifMTtrtfe. i* Of**** in# •** MUmHMMM m|# IHkI lk*f» K «« Ik# KK MI%KMJMiGKK <4 UM * Ml* kHkMK •k*l KM ulk Mil Hi IK iH# #**k i \ 4mi frf yff 11*1* • Ukk M9«#k Mtrvl lH# kKJMMMII iriw#*! «HM H# kwkl4 | I iffgif hatln Hi#K f*Ki#iif.. H* Kill !h# ik iHi# fMMKtf? #*ii ••#H- kfl kk# , I K«KlHt# Hkl IHKI KiW* I# iM k f K HftHt- 1 X#4iH*pf 4Hkk mi 9 kk* 4kkH« I Hkl Ik ik* j rfM mMH# of IH# HMIH otHlii of IH# ' KKf 4#fMf4KMNII K## 4Hlil|l f§iMM#PtKK •i 4 |#*|Nfii4 iH# lH# kfflM Kfik#4 111 KHirH lo KKt G*i II Wk kk4 Hl# ri ft m Hsf (Ml o4Mt) Hfalff iKtK ik* UmiMkko CKKIfKiKK I*4 stills Nllo Kll Ml 4irlii« lH# kkt Y#t Hi r*i»fy At* grr *4*l*4 tkt* »fier*oaa tkal «arb wokM eot H# (hr Kit# 1 alkinff of krfkort. R*f*rt*4 to (Hr r*f»rlH l|l* (lo# of (Hr roKKurl of *H# kkt. ,wn** ,l#ry Hltrr (Mid: “TH# rtponi kt# #il | n<m#ro»r lod ir* 4tt* *til(t!f Ik (Hr sma*ln»tiA‘n of the wfitrrs HkHml kHcmal IHr proptuHl rourt -Kif* ttat of Oea Mile*. Bevretary Algef mI4: “There u nnihwg la tL" 1 Nevertbelnra H la «v*H uaderatood la army elrcle* that aorartfclM ma»t b* done with Miles oa hla return, provided 'he admit* Ihe aatbentirlty of the va ' Hons newapaper tatervlewfc. Milea will he given opportoalty Vo any how much. If any. of th* published Inter view* with him ar* correct. Oa hi* answer will depend th* result. Making Things Warm. Before G*a. Mile* went to Porto Rica he told n number of hta char personal friend* that a* soon #• the war was -over he pnpnMtl to "make thing* i » „rm for some at the men In the war department who had been the rails* of slights and Insult* b* had endured dur ing the preceding two or three mouth*. | The news of th« signing of the pear protocol hsd scarcely reached Porto Rico before the now famous Interview with Miles, scoring the war depart ment, was placed on the wire* and the "warming" procesa was begun. Within twenty-four hour* sfterward* the Interview of John Sherman, the ex secretary of state, scoring Alger, was i published. I The knowing ones are now pointing out the seeming connection between three events to prove their contention that Miles and his friends have deler minod to take this opportunity to set tle a lot of old scores. THE WASHOUTS ON A. 5. Over Twenty Varying From Five to Forty Feet in Length. Receiver James U. Jackson of the Augusta Southern was seen this after noon as he stepped from a train just In over that line. He said that he had I been up all night with a gang of men I down the road repairing the washout* The recent rainfall has been something ’ enormous, even unprecedented In Its 'effect on the road. He said that along the entire line there had been over twenty washouts, I varying in length from five to forty- I five feet. On the Central road at Tennille there were now forty-one weary and dis gusted passengers, killing time as best they could and not knowing when they could get away. From information elsewhere, secured late, it Is learned that the damage to the Macon branch of the Georgia road was worse than considered at first and It wllll probably be fully ten days be fore the damage Is repaired. Mr. Jackson said Ihe men had been working all night long on his line and he had not taken off his clothes. ‘ I H A LU'TENT.” A Colored Soldier of Rank Who Had to Hove. A colored soldier boarded a car yes terday morning to which a trail was attached. “You must take the rear car,” the conductor told him. "I won't do It. I am a Lutent.” “I don’t care a cow and calf if you are a corps commander. You get to the othei* car.” "I won’t do no s’ch thing.” The conductor was about to go to war with the military man whpn a po liceman happened to hoard the car. The removal was effected without ap peal to a-ms. Depot Restaurant The union depot iepiHUiant is being repapered and repainted, and several chaiiges have been made in the Interior. isrstr: ajaSTST aa* *9**» •*#«►***»# rusmts 10AK A## FAVtfC# PARK. •iwdMs 0m» DIVORCE LIBEL IS NOW FILED TK U*m ft#B*«ttai la (*•«. da)*! Aldtn. INMWU Wsrh—ad. K* Bsq* l> Th* fftfl* DM lat 4tlm*v<* «d issasoa* M Cl*# •• s*MStv tuffnl wffsMSßftan f*v*a hi* *( 1 I sail*, law* RirlMsrdsM. I* IM*d o*d, [ v lay rawNM tfca* Ik* *)•*•«» ha* «<«*t*d dMMdaai oa all ***•**'• ** a d*nM aad a faHkfat kn»a*d *hM*d. •ad *ha* k* h*a Nitty asai aad dt*- ibigN all ywyvaaats *f **»d Msdtaff* remits**, bf ‘kal Oh* daNadaal d-d, wHhaat Nall mm tk* a*" mt th* ptaia tiff, than it na wa mm th* ltd ml iatf, ! *ad ala** ha* ItvM span fisa him DRONES AND l»RI: ATIiRS” ,*V Bayaa’a I Klara tam fiuar s**4. aa at rtaaoak Hall. Aafiwataa* haw a r-arv It ir vary traal Ik iiof# ft## (H**i Hi ik# l(#"iK## kHItH Hr f'%*#!•* J. Hdm Kill H.imi ok x# si iH# Mskoklc Hifl kf# llUffl#* #KHJ#rI. |lroK#K KKft l>rvKNk#fK/* Ik ok# mH Hi hi##k #!K|4k ' Btrrtfp# H r tH# kbkkkkl kHHIIjt kHItH Ho pnKMMt s# s l#ci»### »n 4 (HlsH## i#4 for k dH«i»i## of Hist Ik Horn poHlffl srviiti# iHsl I# vnrkirtHOfiftif of HIM. Ht# (Ktirv d##f« KltH IH# Inilii#oik I rtf •ffOfilSK til OK lH# #(#l4 lAd »ho#l up ih# rtsl 4r#4MD#r—#H# ni#n oft In* astfiaUoa soil f##linj| —K# IH# iftiK #*• |<ffK3#Kt of lH# Hitt |A««#« of lift. TH# ##lA#Hk#ks I (i#l )a lan of a 100 ab- I sorhlna minffiffrllllta la rositmwd and th* low. r tke human sympathy raak* ifc* taortdaobtar aad hat ter ta uphaldj la*9tsa»«'ir It daralla j cat the named aad «rt» < of dwana end the InlliMg* fttf hav* exerted ,>n th* world’s hlstorv Thla will h* th* Irat time that “Drone* and Dream***" has bean dellv ! erad Rout h.hal H ha* been noat vnth ta- I laetlrally rvslved wherever It haa j i>aen heard Tk* Iretnv* la for th* | benefll of th* Catholic Library Arao rlalloa. »"*'■' ti !■» FIRE TMIS AFTERNOON. I torsos of Ns. d Balked and Factn* Didn't Reach Fir*. At nbout 1:99 n'etot t this afternoon, an ala rat rtf dr* tra* turned In from a . box on th* corner,of Bllrox and Üb j rrty 'siljMt. Cdmfcdfiles 3 and 4 ra lrpon.l" and found an awnhtg ia i front of J. M. Youngblood's *lor* to b** ff »'»i vert* extinguished. The damage la about 92. The hora«s of Fife Com piny Nq, 4. which were a»- tnrhed to the engine,, balked as the en glne was leaving the fire engine house nnd ro It was (hat the engine did npt get to the fire. The hor-*s that poll th* i nfflnr of No. 4 are noted for balk ing. which la a very bad fault for a fl-e c. mpafiy's home. LITTLE ONE GONE. Little Infant Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Owens Dead. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Owen*, of No. 2 Grace street, will regret to lesrn of the death of their Infant daughter, Lelta, w o pass.-d away last night. The funeral occurs this afternoon. The little one was an r only child of the bereaved parents HaiiagerJ. O McCurdy. Mr. J. O. McCurdy has been appoin ted manager of the local branch of Payne. Murphy & Co., brokers. Mr. McCmffly took liqld yesterday. He hSw. been-Identified, with the business for a number of years and by his diligence and judgment has commended himself highly to the firm. He will no doubt render valuable service in his new po sition, and his many friends through out Augusta wish him abundant suc cess. The Inquest. At Die Inquest held yesterday after noon over the remains of Sellla Smith, the white woman who was found dead In her heuse, No. 1404 Ellis, the verdict returned was that the deceased ceme to her death from congestion, caused from the excessive use ot alcohol. _____ a Funeral of Mrs, Dennis. The funeral of Mrs. John Dennis oc curred yesterday afternoon from her late residence, No. 534 Reynolds street, Rev. Dr. Burrows and Dr. Shaver con ducting the services, which were at tended by many sorrowing friends. nr. Clarke Out. Mr. Phil Clarke’s many friends are delighted to see him out after his re cent stay at the hospital. Mr. Clarke looks splendidly and Is as genial and happy as ever. Off On n Trip. Miss Ellen Hayes, the efficient su perintendent of the city hospital, leave tomorrow for a two weeks visit to Asheville. N. C, Miss Hayes will be accompanied by Miss Janie Fraser. Secretary Algor may'find it necessary to hire a hall.