The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 03, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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SATURDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES Ud». r** rt#t«irt WiWNN * t • • I;’ * V •* Wft*f ■nftp* * 1 « • * ■•J*y »• ** CAfifti ,* # «.», * * • * «W » *♦ Uf#» *•#* l »A ftflHWffrt • • • f™ ftl 00#*ch. * ** I iu»in i *~n- dtirt to Any rmw **»**«• Iran you id to ftO **•» «w«« cm •« punhAM* Laf***! •UM fc of f>k#m«*r»<lh Ml Am***# t* LEWIS J. SCHAUL. jeSSm UiHtur tt*«* AritnfUm Hot# „ ._ SEPARATION DECIDED ON OH«m H 0 f*c' r » ft ■'* '£ , ‘ * j llsea*# Hi K> *** • »** w«* v •** *#* I** tftftA# i <~*in mt (Up »»..»»»-»* y*t wYf *<► *"*• ftAggftgx ~J* > > * * ii* g** *■' * |MVU iSb**# fhA ll * l * *# MU DM |M» *4 4m-'*— *» —*"*** Mr* urn *• **• **«***##- '*?'*"* ( | «MMI> li»w «* k* ha to**# m. •* #*» «•*» * ■»»►**« mu *• gwtt irW* M» t—r*. •** v*t> ■ liimyu*»* «* MM. *M Mm* #••*#■ gMtw*«# M* W mm—4 MM#*** m«M Mac f#. 4 M M—MM'i M M* •»*•« ’* #*«*•-» fwr*9g» ««aru ***** Mm# ••• •■* ( M «Mm< BM> Mm ■*•***•#• I WTW* «►» |WM*> <4 I»UMM tww*'*# VM» Arv% t ******* Mm*m I'm MM m >«**<-» *4 JM****#, *» M*MH« yQ|p§VMMft pMMfli ftY4ftft* *** ** #*wwf ##*#mm4**» Mm »*mMm to *M»I WSto •*■#*! «•«*# M*» IwMW IM ■*,». M ««•*•« that wl**h Ms Ml Ag***taw»s IM* Ml* ClftM* #**iswM t# | *** * ** |i*«*i„ ftJMI t fINHMi 44w i# 0* ft*" Mn***r4 Mr »M* »Mk* mM»* THOIA.C Cl AM IPf Al) glj- f - - - Far *Uwy Vitn M* • «*!#•• *4 UiMfM, I. C. 'lffßtff###- & C- # a> t> ; I —MT* *r* gg**> Us gMtowwts th* #*ath of Mr. Tvwa>«* dark, mos Mr Hitary Clark, j •>M(t tfi«4 at MM Mom* tMr Halmt* »o frt#»r Um« Hr mm* MrM tMtursU* ( at Nanlto rMarrM. tM«r* mi of *H»' flirt f»»ll» Mm** W*l Mario# Mr Ciork •** a rauag »*a Jaal am tkr OWMMMotd <4 lit* MM# It la MOM Of '*<-4* , aymruiui pforltm (Mat Mo rail* rh* jo'»l M »*1 a* IMr at#. TM* raaa*' LADIES TIES SOMETHINO NEW J .lILLEEWALKER THE HATTER. KIISTOX HATS of the death wa« gallopleg consump lion. Mrs Alto* Oman*, formerly of Haltl i)n rouMr. whoae relgtlvea and frtevid* aria Hit yvtag hm, died In Laglng- Uie, Fla, on the l«lh of Auguat Hhe eras •irk for three week* with the dreaded typhoid fever ||>< left Saluda county about ten or twelve year* ago for Florid#. Hhe I meet aunrlTlng her a bueband and two children. To Whom It flay Concern. t have been In the drug buelneae for revive yearn, end during that time have •old nearly all the Cough medicine* roanuf*. tuted: amt fe.m my personal knowledge of aurh remedtea. t *av that t'hamheriatn'a Cough Remedy glvee belter aallafartlnn than any other on the market.—W. M. Terry. Rlkton, Ky. Sold by Alexander Drug and Hoed Co., Q. It. i'nrj of Drug fttnra. "' A PmiUAR ACCIDENT. Private Bryan, of C|pt Burr’a Com pany , Broke Hla Arm. Orlffln. Oa., Hepl. §.—Wedormta? af ternoon two picked (jPnniH of bare ImU player* from Judge jlcek'a and Major Spruce* battalions gu t tor a game, of ball. Wiring the gufie Private Bryan, whoso home I* In Jac.kaou and who wp» playing with Major rfpek's team, throw > i iseball In such a manner tie to break hie right arm In two place*. The accident wan an extremely pe rullar one and caused young Bryan a great deal of pain. It 1* currently rumored at Camp Krrthen that (he Flr»t and Second reg froenta will noon report at Orlffln for the purpose of being mustered out of service. It la also said that Batteries A »t:d B will come to Orlffln for the same purpose. Yesterday afternoon the regiment went through a number of new and pretty movement*, which were Inter esting to soldier and civilian sllke. CASTOR IA For 'lnfant* a nd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of .. ._ j *.-» - - - CAbLTO ARfI)S OF SPANIARDS Hkw Uti Ha* Ni hm>w a Htft* ; tM>«M U Mii Hm fllilf ltx m j , /%*# *» 0m Ulw , 1 v '4M4ta|f6» TV 9>^*M f Imiwtmm smo. • tw = * Ip®"* i • #•* ***** »'•»»* •MM •#* MMMMI ” * * j »« mm 9*mmm «f ***** *** ItVMI A *mmmm** •IwHi Hm PMPNMMI I «vfBI pMW#« •• M# *• *** iotm***oo* HaiMMt®* ******* Aufvjotii Trunk Factory T»ark* i*a»Mt*»# M* oMpoM T»a*M* '«•#»*• MM llroo# • rM o» tua ■OCK MIU LOCAUk TM* Prrt*oo«tr* M TMol Hm* ««M *1 a na#tkog. ■ Unrg Hilt ft C . Mr** I ■■-Oar *"*« to* pmMMaotrr, Mr ft B Coat o« •n«M #ar» ago anario# My a 4ag, w* pM.4 <n a»'Q—t "# Ms M/aMg* ar imos so Ma HUM#, aa# aliMoogM <M* loooo# at no Mr root oaa mm#> j atigMi. aiMl tMraagM owslro rl"iM at I (Mot Mr la>ii #lar*»* **•! oo to Hot ' uoKir* oM*r* Ms oil) tafer tMr Ftartrar imio«Sl TMs IMaaMar# r* Mtta Hill M tMi* rttjr •aa oat# at lart T«or#ar »<*»• j tag aa# waa MoogMt M* Mr. J«k»*toa .4 iM* HigMlaa# Park Maaulartariag iilirr of CMartotia. tMr ggar* Mt> flag #M.a## Cap! r*o# MoMtoy. of Oa O. Ftrsl MoatM Caroltaa wMoattrra, apoat a Mro dar* lasi work at k<*as. 1 Os ring (Mr port orok <on of our oM |r» aad laoM rsoprctr# rsoMrau Ma** : goar to thtMr root TMr #r *. wst Mrs . KMklsrn Raskins, a #augbt*s of IM* j lat* Ja#g* Nrt WyHa, of CMsatrr. IM* . widow of (Mr lair iisrpk H*skins of raoutra. aad thr BKstkrr of Mrs. W L Rodo** of this city. TMts murk Ms too*# lad* dir# at tM* boas* at Mrr too-in lav. Capt. W L Ro#4ry. at \i o'rksrk W«*#ass#ay. August thr 17th. and was buried (hr first day in Inurrl ' wood rsairtrry. Rrs K. S. Rodgrrs conducting the aervtree. On Friday morning the l*th. at 4 o‘rlorh. at the home of her daughter. Mrs M. J Morrison, Mrs. Jane Hmytbr, with oae exreptlon the oldeat lady In this community, died. Hhe was born >«i Ballamada. County Autrtm. Ireland. February It. I*o*. and was consequent ly ninety-two years alx months and seven days old. Sha was a most In teresting and lovable old lady, and will be much missed The remains ware In terred In laurelwood. Rev A. 8. Rod gers officiating. In going Into the new storehouses being built there will be some changes One of those change* will' lie the con solidation of three of the flrme. R. T. Fewell ft Ou„ A. R. Smith and J. W. O'Neal ft Co.. Into a stork company. A charter has been applied for and the personnel of the corporation la: A. K. Smith.. J. W. O'Neal. B. M Fewell and J. B. Sykes. This will be an exception ally etrong company, both financially and on account of the great popularity and respect In which the Incorporators are held. The Arm name will be "The Smilh-Fewel! Co.” Mr. Paul MeCorkle. the rery popular and well known cotton buyer, ha* he luovcd to this city and will In the fu ture make hla home here, Mrs. Me- Corekle will Join her husband In a few dst*. «ttd they will make their home for thr prgpent at Mr. Allen C. Isard's, In White at reel. Pistols, Double Barrel (Juns—Pistol*. Harrington A ftl.har.lson Brand new pistols, J2.KO: Harrington A Richardson second hand pistols, 12.00, American double action pistol, gl.oo. flultar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for B centa, at L. 3. ftchaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. Joaeph Jefferson not long ago wrote a check for |2 upon a piece of birch bark In the mountains because he bnd no paper wWh him. The bank which cashed the check now has it framed and hanging on the wall. The Rand-McNally new Standard War Atlas I* the best publleatton of the kind we have ever seen. The rnlored maps are double the else of »ny others published, and clearly printed on heavy paper. Ktteh one has o m*c*lnal lode* aijd a page Is lie voted to the (lags of nil nations fills atU* Is tim*ly and useful. It |S noi fur sale at 111* stores. The Herald has arranged tot a special edition. Reader* may obtain n copy liy calling at our office or sending 39 cent*. Boston is to have free Ice water (fountains ih all part# of the city next euhmier. i ' *. 1 TTFTy. .A.T7GTJST.A fSTBTRA LD CEN.PANDOS MOVEMENTS Mg Ms arf!t Halit t |*#g lit l iHN %mmm 90** 4 Tut 1 tngi PHt soo9k >tn sm& 4M %m “»mi t *m% m m**m*- : - I tit hi f*% j - i» *4 a» f%4o*m*t 9mm%mo fIPH |>»|% lift iili ft < tar f»- \§ «4## ‘4 |A« WMI fVHWftft ««MN» INMmMIIHHI A MMAIAI lAf *! I» # kp- A Hi Hftp * *cwt .#m# %A Ilf <(M iAtifftHf Y iHr tmmmm 9m ****** •%*» I ftftftHP ft nft h Alili ipf ftft tf# w%m*h [ IfttF ftftfftt* if- mr*** **■>***%* Hi **?***** 0*99 9m 9mm mm***, m* t tHMMpMi tlm*4 A Afltlkft'MriMMi ***4tnm* f < t *''% ■ jituAiftni *ftt 9m uifiM *m if f%* 9m* \**m s's fIMI tfAAftftPPT*«f miy aaf% •An ft* mftAPP AAA V Whs** tM* PtMt#Ci«i*a fist. TV fnad* %*» V** t*#a esdakior# f*ft.Wlft t * H H |m*» ftftrlftfti wf IYmhlo aa4 Hi<a4l| o4A lr*m TV *MA «Mr lati IMMA Aft* tag** RWhoMtf vso Hag* op *4 son ApftAi UpAAIAfV Ml Aftft-A A IWFf •< % OHtfft) AA*ft(ft lt»4 M#i 4 K « iirA nmr*m* 9hm*n m Umw* f iih |4«fift| AH tAN Ca IktNi | (H Mftim ,hfttU| IfAirff Plftfn ft j«lftA Ar tV of Aiftiuta fiV H I fftl ftM| Ifti CM fiUiiflftl 1 Aft ft, 1 1)1 ftiffgf Ml Siftfr’l4l FftlAftft *ftt aft ' fftn tftft Plasm H«a •ftft fc A»r*i f V t*(|ll Aft toAftftiifti' ATHENS' IIOKMIN MILL* A Mr* lo#o»t*» PraßcUd Tar thr Ctaask CMy. Athsas daps J. fh* austssami ] unoarda thg h)#6ll*Umi at total I ta dost* irs ta Athr«ta has HMatacorosi 1 Thr first of ib«os soss'l indurrlr* to V soiaMssMrd a irs l» a iwd.tsin atnl aad lb* root pats* that vltl ova aad oprrair It will hr surs to task* M a aarrsaa Mr C. W ftoidorin who tssra* tMr PV*' Hoist Spool 4 Ratshia rootnsa* aays rts*r*i ta good avsary la thr bum Bros If tMsrr ts sufflrtrat raptUl (B ptoysd Hr aapa I Mai at ih* urn* his hobi.ia ■till osts st'sppml V hall an abuaitaoeo of ordsrt aad was tasking mon*» hot on srronnt of aot haring suMu*i*at oorktag rspitsl ho was forrod to sas prnd This plaat. sshlrh ts la rarrllrai dhspr Mr. Baldwin will aril to thi roTvpan* that ts to hr (srganlsod for SS por rrat lroa money than It would rrgutro to put It up. Tho rntnpnny will make a aleo sum thr re to start with, as the machinery la now and mo dern. Thr new company will hnve a rspl tal aioet: of ten ihoumnd dollars, di vided Into aharrs of fifty dollara each, and thia money will ho aotsarltsed in a few days. Fully half of the stock has already been applied tor. and there will be a regular oanvasa for stork, beginning today. Tho capital stock, of the company will be I norm vert from time to times To give an idea of thia business. It would be well to describe a few thing* about tho Piedmont spool 4 Dobbin mill. Thirty-fire hands will be given em ployment at this mill and RRft.OOtl In product* will be It* output. On that |3f>.ooo output it is safe to aay that on a reasonable estimate the profit would be 17.000. That would be a neat sum of money to be realigcd aa profit*, and yet that I* Just what can be done with a sufficient amount of working capital to back the bnainea*. It* benefit# to the city era at once apparent. To start with thr monthly pay root would he |750. or $»,000 por annum. This would be spent right here In Athens, and would go to the merchants of Ath ene. anti through other business chan nels. WOODRUFF AFFAIRS. The Annual Palr-To Have a News paper Woodruff, S. C. Sept. 3.—Election day passed ofT quietly and a fairly good vote wns poll Pd. Ellerbe headed (he ticket for governor, receiving 74 votes, Schunipert second, receiving 62. Jo n*o« headed for Congress, receiving 120 voles. Wilson received 79. The stockholders of the Woodruff Stock Show met not long since and de cided to hold their annual fair on Oc tober the 27th and 28t)i. A good fair Is expected by every one. The Woodruff graded school opens next Monday under the aupwlntenden e.v of Prof. A. B. Stalworth. Mr. Stal er ortlx had charge of the school last year ami has proven himself to he the man for the position. Trying to figure out a way to live without working le the hardest work «om* meu over engage to. -* Chicago News. rts? rr^mlr ' V.** Ui, V *-■* I \ |V «N»»y v y yHP 9m Aftft JHAft mtm 4PMM *# *Wps»ift# -ft 4* * #'■ * eUMpMeft ftftft* *999*0 f**" »«>•' ..ST**}» tm*i*m t , - 1 09 mmm**m » •mm/*t* «# %s•*s *m * Mki Mwftft m** ftft iAftp ft mm ***% **m 9mm Imits* •%# » * AiAßift 0 &* ft*®®®* vatt *mmm m* in ■nw> *fm* *«m*m 9mmmm -ftft* AMI 90m 4em* mm ****** mm* "*** ****** «• m* *A »Rmra vHNOKAHCt !•«*** CatMCkw* Mt 4 9Hs IhsJ Iftiffttwrl. H*m T«ftl 49904 I • -4940* f9m 4*44 |Vrvftf *4 tlftft tftHl 9m Ivftftfti ft»4 • Aft faftftff fit ftjrrv IV tMMMftfttthft) 4ftffWft ! Uftft 409m4* *OO 90000 fo\ llftft Iffftfttftfflft •• tftlll# feftfY*|t HMhBY r 4» lASRIMm* totW *» k mas who Wd her astrsr W aside told ass «Rd he ts “ as,# i th* Mams "an# | will fntos him nil! arn«B# Ik* »«*t# If gsrseagr* Wk-w I Meet hi* I Mill kill hi* Ith* * #n# I The ft*mass* dis# #u44*#ly F*ld*f night la her B*l la West Tw*#*» a«a<h »lr*e« Bhr ws* oulj eight*** | g***s old m 4 sot# to have hrsu ** j !.< .fees to Mi sotois r»l»s#"#l •***•-( mm Mm hed frogs Ao*l rts with #J ywuog »** who rWbhsd ho* at he*. moos| sad Jewels a## lima 4*a*ri#4j her, Hereof y Roto# d* I.A*g* • exmtf> man Ml her quit* by OS*l d*#i aw Upper Breodwsr M* hem l her »l*tat p*a*li**a The r*aoa< 4 •equolntaoce npeua# to UP lore at# the, ro*p4* hoc*** *ng*#'d Rani* d» I wage ba* eshlsd the girl'* f parrots at her death Ths ho#y Will! probably h* tshvw to AuMrto. ~ J, W Raggadt. at n*f< Grove. Ft* . j had aa at tack nf the nvqjials* Mriy | three yeatr* ago. and th« dtawaee left I him with eery orvefe pains In the cheat, j es tkMgkt l would die.” he writes; j -hit to any great )<*y f was r*p,l Imp ! ChomherUin'a Pain Haim." Palo* W j lho rhso! nearly alwovs indicate thr appro*, h of paeumonto.and bp premp* ai plying (his liniment oa * fhannsl cloth - which whould he tiuuad nn the chest —#n attack of pneumetn* may lw pre vented. It I* alway* prompt and ef fPcthal. For sate at SS and 50 cent* per bultle by Alexander Drug A Beed Cn . C. R- Parr of Hell Tower Drug Store. FATAL FIOMT AT DILSOTO. King Jackson Mortally Mounds Another Negro Named Butts. Amerfcu*, Os.. Sept. to * row late Tuesday ntglU, beta sen aqm* nsgroe* near Deßolo. King Jackson dealt .Pick Hulls a blow on the bead with a heavy scantling. But* was taken to his bom” •near by and ha* lingered to »n un conscious condition sines. He hi* scarcely any chance of recovery. John son waa arrested l>y Sheriff McArthur and Bailiff Poole yeaterday and brought to thia city to the afternoon. He waa placed In Jail to await the re sult of Butt's wounds At n late hour le*t night the doctor had given it ns hi* opinion that Butt* could not sur vive the night. We Have IVtode War And slaughtered prlcga on Trunk*. (Trunks made by expert Trunk-makers. Hold at Manufacture!*; prices. Trunk Factory, 843 Broad. Bell 'Phone 2tSl. FORHAL POSSESSION. Officers of the Ohio River and Char leston Claim Their Own. Blacksburg. S. C., Sept. 3.—General Manager Sands, General Superintend ent XV. S. Jones and Traffic Manager Emerson, of the South Carolina aud Georgia railroad, are here this morn ing to take formal possession of the offices and shops of the Ohio River and Charleston railroad. For the present, at least, there will he tto changes made among the offi cers and men who have been opernt tn the Ohio River apd Charleston rood. The primary election at this place passed off very quietly and without a j single disturbandf. [, I’ve treated hundreds of the best peo ple in the city for scalp diseases, mak ing scalps bald for 30 years grow lux uriant new suits of haiji). Done here In your city, top. Do not out your hair or let disease ruin it, ’for it can be cured. Come Ih see me. MRS. HMUTH, 825 Bread street. PHIIiIiIPINES ANNEXATION 9m Km** a M#i Mi #Rm* Ma* *0 a -**m 00 *%-4 0000m*- %*** 1m j ' ANI»1 MTMIN |M MINI' A# I f MM I I TM* t«rpMMae*fcMi Hwe Meew ftoil <4 A* Ma*a» I# , **» •§ tM* may*#** arwaame"* Ima *4m *•# TM* M-wr# 0 gWiHaa* 1 K *•*%. s * u nit jifflf «V **** At' I I# tt*AVft »*—•*— ; W ] ptmajh a If 19 o*l *9OO-010** "V* ***** !.. m 4 *%*f**+ t» mm% 10** \ Afttft mr—4 iW tV **tf I m *m** A? ftHlMl tA#f *O9 9ms* 9* o**m j 1| #f HA of *o*9. Amp ! •fttlOftt m* ftfft AFww*K»*»f "ft*"" j Lm4 M# mmf9*9<* ftft* frvftft tfe* ml • poilc f til I US, aa# we mar he** u> safer maHi !i»agrr. Mat if «mlt*4 rfart ram eeoam lpK*M earth's* IMr *wnf»l* of Aa#*T-1 Hlfi tt|NPF| Aft Aftftft it I ple^rf'v^tur^^. heavy ralae aeetta# gmwtM t® *Ol *** I will rrdt ee the npee«*4 rWI4 cnamdrr-1 , hi*, end so tor damage to towlaad eoa toa la tep ti*# g|ga»* (I.UM-pp* Fierafor nf Ore* vttle uprfli Tuesday end Wedarrday la tMe city, tMr garat at R*v Dr. Maaly. I Summer *latlcwv rnatlsn* to feat to I Vndrrsroi. sad our popular hotel pro-, prletor. Mr M * Ikekea ha. hit hande | full look*of after the comtort of hie gnsala. K,« turns passed of without Interest j lu iMte «Uy. *h# steady, atrottg prohl-1 hitioa aeatlateat waa e*ideu«*ed by a, puU of 10# major'ty over both Ucanae I and diepeaeary Rut kirn's Arnica Salve. THK REST HAL.VR IB the uorld tor! Cum, Brut#*#. Sore*, fleers, Balt I Rlwiim, Fever Bore*. Tetter, fbappad i Hand*. ChiU'laln*. Corn*, ani all Bkln Eruption* and poalflrelr cure# Ptlea. or no pay required It la guaranteed to give perfeet Mllafaetlafi or money re funded. Price n cents per bo*. FOB BALE BT HOWARD A WIDLKT. NEW BRANCH LINE. The Southern Will Tap Alabama Coal and Iron Mine*. Columbus. Oa. Bept S.—The South-' eru railway will build mother mlnerat' to Its system in the Birming ham district before the end of the present year. »»y* the Age-Herald. It will be about forty mile* in length and will rut* to all the mines of the Ivy Coal ond Coke company In Welker county. The surrey of the route ha* been going on for eomc time and waa com. plated Monday. Tho plan* will be drawn within thr next week cr two,, and after that it la thought that the I contract* will be let as noon a* possi ble. It will not tijee long to flnlMh tho fond after work ha* once begun. The survey in an excellent one. the smallest cut will be only about eight feet deop. *nd there i* only one trestle of any Importance to build. The branch will leave the Southern at « point twenty-eight miles west of Birmingham. It will run north along Horse creek in a beautiful ond fairly' level valley. About three miles from ! the starting point the track will pass: under Hip trestle of the Kansas City, j Memphis and Birmingham railroad, which spans Horse creek at that point. Beyond this point the road will ! branch out In three directions and will run to the mouth of each of the Ivy company's mine*. A handy companion to the news, these days. Is the new Herald Atlas, published by Band. McNally & Co., of Chicago. It contains Sixteen pages of colored maps, among them Cuba and Havana harbor, tht West Indies. Spain and Portugal, the Philippines and Chi na and North America. Thl* atlas has the best collection of war maps that we have scon. It Would not be con founded with the small cheap atlases sold at the stores. Can he obtained only from The Augusta Herald. Price 30 j cents. [just as easy ■rJ I 'wul *~i i i*ik*rt .% *«• TO HJYQHIt K IMANOH OH ORGAN i« 0 0 *9 Ai# • AftH ftf ftVA 90*9 00$ I s9* N***» 0009*09- 0 *o*o*o9o9 9*09*0 ' ****.■ '••<** $ | . OrtkfifFwp a I mm# TmiXarh fa ft# Ifhfkk. •* istMw •mm «t BM aa* auw «•**•• lo* 99 f*w99 *9 m9m*m** omm*9 *o* iftft l *n m 0 0* 9*9 099 Aft* 90**f 9* W**w9** ! |V4#»« Aft **m*9*9 **9 0m «N*#**9 j *0 n «fti AM. Ml *oom 000*0 *9* Q.alttiM Mt : B**t ik* Taraa Ik# Mbbl l .V*»a' J a#4 Tkg AMkfUMt tV Lt'fitl 1 i m*t mm* ~ *9 ft ftftvft Mfqwgs wm f 44*m ■ m ** I MftftftMftfftVFft 90m ftiomas & Hanoi, 0f || HAfSHJTTT VAftft'-ftiftYF fit SPMMlftlftY *09909*0... *9* ONE CENT A WORD SITUATION WANTEO iWAinm WTiiii at It# 9490*04 J If, ftftAt fxktfti LeV’i^* |m«*s J. rare 4, H Psary. >l* Hr**# WANTED RT TDf!*« 818 HIM I Tluk •# foudlMrega*. fM" at** t"-# I r+l#r*t%r* ** ft* . h«r*« «**!**fi#» | t«#ry* J- W9*099. Wh4oo4f* Hill •* (’ roninoN ah nurr ,%m4 ah i) to %m (ifwpft •tfftftt* At - f> * o*ogf4ff. m 8 j WANTED- P9WITION At* Nt'RBKOR gearrsl kou**w»rM Apply w *^ • (,**• H««l r*fer-«cr# "*(# * WaTnTeVv f*OgITTON ; INDI dTHI o«# young Bian d**lrr* frorttlo* »• norlrr M» * *4nr* 1# wllllag I* work I a r<>un4 tk* kmw* sad attend In horse or cow. C. F. Burdett*. I*4* Flft**Bth street. Bept J IxigITIDN WANTED BV TOTBII l*dr •» clerk nr lady's companion. ■ Addtee- R. H. 1.. <*l* H<r*ld Brpl S W’AVTFTV-A PCPMTION AB COOK OR houwalrl. Apply 40i Walker street. Bent 9 HELP WANTED agents wanted—for dr drcm- MOND'B Llgh'.nlng Remedies for Rheumatism ; *Rd n for un ißcurabls case, restores stiff joints, drawn cord* and hardened muscle*. If your dealer has not got these remedies. *<■ ail* scud •the full month's treatment of two large Ibottle* on receipt of tr, DRUMMOND MEDICINE CO.. M Nassau St.. New York. Of* * for sale CREAM —CREAM AT 14 JACKSON BT. ! SEVERAL FINE MILCH COWS AND *l*o severs! She beef cows for sfilr. Applv J- H. Carmichael, Mxy avenue | and Woodlawn. Kept I I WANTED —To *e!l sroond-hBBd refrig erator. capacity 400 pound*. Address C. car* Herald offloe. FOB SATE CHEAP —AN EVAWRAT -IMD canc mill. Apply or writ* 217 Walker *treet. Sept * ‘ TO RENT FOR RENT—ONE OR TWO LAROE rool room* furnished. Most central lo cation In the city. J. E. Deae, *lB 1-2 Broad street. FOR RENT—SEVERAL NICE COM- I FORTABLE dwellings, with *ll tho modern improvement*, on Greene and |Telfair street. Apply J. H. Prontaut. 626 Broad street. Sept 9. TO RENT SEVERAL LAROE ROOMS in one of the most deelrable location* on Greene street. Will rent to gentlemen or to family. W . S. Gardner, 115 Jackson street. Oct 1 TO RENT—STORE NO. 714 BROAD street, ne«T below Davenport & Phin isy, running through to Ellis street. Price $1,350 Alexander & Johnson, 70S Broad street. Oct 1 FOR RENT—7-ROOM DWELLIN'O house. 1257 Greene street. With mod ern Improvements. Rent $25 per month. •Apply 1256 Ellis. | Sept 9 Mon wed Sat »ti SEPTEMBER* S I* mm** e *wt: raw. Hi a* •t* ftiMHVHi ****** #m*rnm •*- mm* ******* if*** ,4990*0* 04990* 4 IPs *900009 94* t PPp fftf**' ■ o***.. I *» LO*T AND ftuUAD $-0490--. s*'9 * * t m * # t* %f*jj *io*o4 - 9490- MtftCLUANIUUtt |oH«*43itftt * (y 01*** TTft"'Hftft o I »•* ftft ftft *'* ’ 90*909 ftft *-*om*oo4ro spccUl Notices: Miftii 904090 999090*4* I *4 JLHiftT nll ftMW Blpßftl f ftff ' I 099$ Tw**-j*f 0909 94 » #*< "ft Ift ft fHNNk ***o*4 fo* *4*4004 *0 lift arfVtoftft^ I oM*m •|« if «'M 9m %0* I ST ttf 90*0 *4***-o*mm TV % *m49 I ot%m* ftVft f ipxftfti *m mm** "PWtovA* || m|u HLr 49 f ’ 9 Att#*** l *** ftkr «.i f »i|M'. o** Iff A ftf ft *'■ f "ft 1 1, 9 am >at n fft %*oJ€4k 90*T*4**f > fCMM 4hf ttftWftilft 900*4*00 *O4 ts**o j -00mm9*44*0 iHJiim O 0 * M * U 44 THIS rHIVAIg MoNTtIU IJiftTAV K»C>iT 4## «M •«•>* will **o *f%o Ml MTftMt 4$ tV ft it** 4 cmiiiTTo. i*i«>i*ftt. j AlVrt * HfttrV i MsflMS'i PfrgwKw* M*M*bs. kii. g Wf'kl a k%t*i9A V toss , tM ‘ # m ill rfMßft»ft««'ft * «*1 ftinitPAT. .ftrr imm m *% • • I i #,, , 4< || p tt nil YVf ffttt I I |r- u lg** ,g ! «*f) f'Mf A'if'lf r Al I*** *»»• i U ' WmT II BTt'RMAN. AM . ritßrlMl. NoMbb. THE ArOfBTA IHIF.E IJflOim j h i '<ec vui it* annml *#uioft 1 MONDAY SKPDBHKH I»TH C»U iMnutrrt for swwOmsnf hstweeu T IS *ad » » p m This #• hMd U ofton _, n , vmu * meg who d » I ta all wM not attend a. M«ol I" #«*•* ! ugrauh* l* * gar* *< *da eauroc JOHN L. IRVINE. Principal. Ap*Ual .Academy nf Richmond County. Augu»- ! lISTH ANNEAL BEBBION BEGINS j and Modern t.*ngu**e« Mathematics ! and the I’hy«l.*l Belenre*. Blenogra phy and Typewriting without extra charge. Instruction In Mlliury T»e tlc* *tid Athletics. For information, I adilres* PTtnitpal. Richmond Acad- I w " sr : [ Notks-Ra lrosl Change Schedule. < IMPORTANT CHANGE? WILL RB made In Central of Georgia Railway Bcbadulo, to take effect St’NDAT, Septmeber 4th. 7 Per Cl $500,000 7 Per Cl 1 FOREIGN CA. ITALISTB WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty In Augus'a, G«. Term* 7 ■cr «*nt. For further information sea Ihsir attorney at J*», 4- J- Sullivan, or Mr. T. G, Burum. Seeds - Seeds - Seeds Stflds a*wh*ia»»i*— Seeds Seeds Seed Rye Seeds 5366 Seed Wh;at Seeds Setd Batley Seeds 3 Crimson clover Seeds Red . a °£% Secds Garden S.*cds Seeds THE Seeds Seeds fillet Seeds Seeds DlUg CompaOT Seeds Seeds - Seeds - Seeds BUSINESS FOR SALE Owing to Mr. Henry W. Balk’* deci sion to enter the floral business, ive of fer for sale in bulk all the slock of merchandise contained in the store now occupied by us together with counters, shelving and showcases. Un til the stock is sold in bulk we offer great Inducements to the general buy ing public to come wnd get bargains. Spot ca*h buys cheap. BALK’S DRY GOODS CO. “Lower Balk's.” 6t)4 Breed St.