The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 03, 1898, Image 3

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HATUrtP W nmmmmrnm w*# *•» <n- ***** »»**a *rnmm4 •#»« *» fito* ****** . _ _ . _ 144001000 dk* *#o* * •’« ***•«#• |hMM»r *#*«#■• ** *W*»'■'»*» *• •#♦' #•»*• **•» • >»«—« «nt ** *•-* o*' Dm t<<o **«•»% fits# M*# *«••* n» q» m Wwfiiwfifi* »to*< #** »*• I*M IN* tffifiFMto *UM« •» *"»M Mr* «*-*%•** «f l«Hwl* W «**• o*. *1 mat iafit at tto# l***— H» • tMta* *<to «o#< 4* 4* H»W* Hv»* i Imp •##• M « }«M# ftoi'i# !■ ■» nunwl I**** l §pm**» «* f 4w#o4», (fit M to' IPS# #S#o* <*•« I—II tit 00, f!~»a*4 #t Una r«M* tot** % j (Ah tb mMpvimpl tuna fee*- a*#a fi#** #4* aa ip Ipp fifi. aw o*o* at <#oo *<#* mm m awaa <*o## •# •# Mm aaaat* UN* Brstf n ftMBMMa a*a>*pt )—|»r«n i«| W tMNMP TIP* l<w<M4 ] M** at* o**4 m MphnMaa mm *a*t »M*aol tn*at aa*t mm Mm* Us.#* Mai) *ol*# a# i■# <tfiM< •tl ia tat ft* «f at* a* I Mta tit* Op—>4 Mat* an a*4 Mmp N*n T«M> a**a» fitotfi om*##* at Matt ataa?' t>ii»*it» at a itto ia AwhMta •**•*•*» Mt WlMMatt *aa *to* fnaal at *t' •04 Mr* ll*aMM at tii'W?*'* Haat ***- I Mm Itaa* i irwt tan at Ate*##, aM Mat Ia» F*t Mat! art Ip laiilp •*# | aM**"* a atMMMMM iti# ft Hu** t*i pMilnA aa4 Hath tV toM MMIV* Mill rnauaa** IpM ■ Mp C. H an VAr 'pa t Mlat it ll* •ata*p* ka "tutu** * *w tv *•** ""Matta** at at 00 II Ma t at ''Hit?'' Marti iiiM Mr* (terry aat Mi*a** M tai* aaA §m"i* V 1 *at*naia»4 law ** *aiaa ] at aa te* rt*aai snap## aaA Ip*m aaM*, rtaA*»;i«>i aa ata**a ia 'Ami **■*< * era#"! a atPtn m*a 4 at Mp*4i aa*■ Jmf*4 Ifcornaatlr tV lim'MMi at. IVtf rVnaiac leawp Mr aa<! Mra O H Oaatrr mipnilp-1 #4 a naa of Uttlt laAa aaA laV!*a trcaa tar** o' flora to ata oa toed.** Aai ia mapltaapl to tVtr l*rti| lit-j 11l Aaagfetnr iM«* R#ih TV aaM>t folk »a) r| '*4 tVtr ma, <*k* aat trait, find pMp* HI alt* a Mil aM' ] fraktoarA ma s at kM* aaA pppl la , garden aaA offkart TV aua lal jn* in-o'ir rai*r*4 lata a naiMti aritk 1 Mlm Hulk to aVat oa her MflMir irk irk V rarr properly AiA la apilr of ika rloaAa. TV aaaat» Inrlted art*: Mlaa Lida Verde ry. Mlaa Tot Uliirr, J Mr A. C, H*Mi*. Mlaa GrrtraAr Ivry.. Mlaa 111 Orprl. Mlaa Kama Green, Ml*a Haul* rßrrjr. Maat lira-man Ber ry, Maairr Grover and Miro Uatie aaA Clara Maturum. Maatr.* Martin an 4 TVmaa Ivejr anil olVra. Ob* of our preilv ataiAi «ko baa an fntrr*atina rkarm airlaa of trap but* tona r»r svert rrairrrtay quite aa aditl* lira to It In the ahap* rs a m Iprlloa rnmpriait of aoidirr bulimia calherrd from lhr roata of ofllren of Ike South ern renimaola. I* may poop lime prate | to be a rallr of unique totrreal aa well . aa l"iimalr value. IN THE STO»M. lomr ipf Ita Work Up About drove town. The *tormoo4 aeema determined lo ainke all around Grpvetona. In the drat ppirm of the paat aeek a Ane oo«r of Mr. Berry's war killed by llghtnla*. to the neat a valuable home nas struck dead and on Thursday the li*ht ninf altur’ another pine near Mr Wilt Hecate, who received a ahoek that at* moat made him fall to the prround. or a* he says, brought him lo hi* knee*. At the same time little fToynoy Fink wax cmaslnc the railroad, and wan ao shaken hy the atroke the he >ll shock ed between the rails and did not re rover before nliht. though a small fclk*' entertainment tiffered *tro«g In ducement. and the little one tried hard to get wel (enough to escort hi* small sinter. These rainy daya have h'-en hard on the little folk* at Grevetowm, hut they | hair managed to visit earn other and Tltglenide small vlaSlrrs got up a unique game to All the dteamv hour* called shadow i*ll*. They hung up n *h-*t and made up their shadows against It to imitate the grown up folks and lar ger girl*, who Interested or amused th-m Then they railed on these shall ows and otherwise entertained them selve* making arrangement* of lights and clever mimicry —a mo*t amusing and original little game with which to fill up the dull hour* of the rainy day*. WILL-O’-THE-WISP. Lively Story on a Young Man Who Is Visiting Georgia. A “will o' the wi*o" was sren the ether night In tl.e pine weeds adjoin ing frrovetown. Round and round It went in an ever widening circle v atchetf eagerly by the occupants pf three piazzas. After over an hour of watching an Investigation was mode and a modem Diogenes vas discovered near the graveyard with a very small lantern, and the will o’ the wisp proved to be Mr. Will S., a bad ly lest young man. who had come up t„ f(,f some of the Grcvetoc.n rlics. whom he had heard were the love liest along the line of road. His lantern served thl* modern Diog enes as badly as did hi* predecessor's in h!s search for an honest man, though he came to the graveyard without find ing the object cf his search. After h was rescued, however, he cam" to the conclusion that the lantern was unnnecess.iry. Next time he hopes he can arrange to have a guide In stead. Fifteen Pieces. Bandmaster Verdery of the tenth reg iment informs The Her3ld that firteen of the band instruments have arrived and the others will he here in a few days. There are twenty-four pieces in all In the band. Alim* MtkklAAl IWA | h'lliAi I MAI MMM»ar'« » POOIMMO M • «M €• * fkMwta* MMP A<M» AM v m tJmmm*-- *tv ■4044001* »m 4MM M..*f>.Ms4 ta lA. quntspa •» fa K4*a •«*• «mHm* *O - -"rurt utoli W #%n4i M mi m imvi faaaa •% *•** lai omn>l 0* 4k* oaiana*« —<* psan #a* aaA mm Mm AO4 IMP Mb* ON**M Pa <4M ***** 0* Mb*' 104 ' « fta miimM #»**aaMoo»*4 h* 4 kM |h*oi *tp **4 at MM kapaa* 0f Ik* AM* p*» kiMMaa 004 MM *a>iMaoM m—wpA 40 kb M»OA <4* a aa* 0a > KvMMati* »l« ♦*>»»* Mas a*o 00 ta HHii m ill# •M 0$ Him In# m m IMNW*% Hmh*» ikM —>'*»< !• H lIM tlw* ##* te# %m Mil mm 1 M»» «%» Ml < ll*# h* 4*4 #if «MNM liWH ##i pf •Ima •n# m *<M ftNKP#| ##<' , #pp ##m S9O iwM ppp'Plh mi s•* *tM* m lUfti pM mm iM t# ImN ssmm rw PpMMi#tllp Mt MPA Mi *M #VfN%P Up pt^ANMp# am 4in rtM li# |iafrfp» U#‘« I Mm4p 4 4'-H lav Hm* p>>*lp*<#4 mMI j tlafirj mm tUI Mp f%* MMatift »ft I iip pmk4 ff4Pta**i % #4 |«Mf tip «• i»#*iAA»4 Tmm • m rnso +*■ Im** f« Ita# HPii4 li. IJMp 4»- fVINP pha«»l4 if 4 4 ll <4# WPIfM I Imp Ilf IPnm tad i*f «*##• Ip## I tip fp4lpf I# li# li»#pf Mis ip II it t#« v>f *#i#4 #HI» Mp ff# 1p44 **f Mi* irfp#4 pp 4 **im «#*l I# |4ipp !if mu p >t< f #. #%p# M#*fp »P *t* t «»-•! i>p Pf 4 ill iiff Ml tiP iP#4 [#fii • Mitt IM#* 1 9m («Mrmp4 *f*M»4 \fM *4ft t*|s _■**'■*! iif* M*P Ptili (Mt MM* . Ippl'lil Mp IP »f» * pf*# i# i*f M»4 !i*V ill if# 1 Ml tip iftri pftti * Mrt i j H It. Mwoppy lip fNNMMII i*i*%4 intlfl ** til* «*4 4*#i4 4 ! lo*i lb* rvaaUihl* i«4 Mr H*a* rartMv* 'the fenttar* th*r had 40 ftp* aagai j hark la tb* krtM Tb*y rtla*»d aaA J ||r. ot«w»kcr trie A ta *tpUil ta tbr sag that be had a r oht ta lavy oa lb* . ttroAa. | ling** hud M#aatlMP* got tea hold nf I tb* gfteber aaA h#*tn aaA takaa it ta ,»b< tber 1 sun t boas* Aa oAl<er of tb* ftoiie* fore* ram* shout thl* liar aaA arraatnA tb* Bue laaya. All gartUa ram* ta court today. Mr Her. ry iiaat mood rep**** a tot ,Mr otoo*k*r Judge Barrett fined SJa jtia Buss*) AS M aaA her huahand It S* HE LIKES TO IjOAF. 54 Ha Mill Do So oa th* county Roads For Maly Uava. "Hat hoy won't auk. 11* ta do good at all. jrdge - ’ The boy tra* Will Carter, a colored party, who stood before Judge Baiter thl* looming oa a charge of being I disorderly. Tb* nature of his offense iwaa striking hi* mother. Mother and father testified again at William. "W hat have you got lo gay?"* aaked th* judge of the offender. "Well. At wuk* sometime, en d n Aw glta tired of wuk en loaf*, dat'a all." •TH let you loaf ality daya on th* j yang.," said the rerurder. - - -At Andrew Jaekaon. “Jea - 'low me tuh aay er word. Jedge. me en Ella ha* done made up en"- j Andrew Jackson, .roloted., was be- ] sere the reerrder charged with beat- j iug a woman named Eila Smith. lie had started off to make his drfen*» t**?nic anybody got a chance lo aay I anyth dr end the Judge cut him off abort. In the tnd he received a fine of 115. Hen Checks. He has a very hadly s yollrn eye to day Lest night b- in a wa;' tiidl ■vaa cioorty a violation of the eight eenth i' clicn and wb* arrested by Offl-1 leer vVrrr,. Hr rraleted to a great ex tent rod had to be fairly dragged to the patrol box. He glvrn thirty days on the P. W. APPRECIATIVE. A Lady Who Wishes to Thank Two Gentlemen. To the Editor of The Herald— Sir; You may talk about polite and courteous men, hut if you try to put any two ah -ad of Mr. J. H. Chapman, trainmaster of the Georgia railroad, and Mr. VV. J. May, the handsome and particular ladles’ man, who 1* a tele graph operator for the Gecrgia road at Belalr. you will find it a hard Job. They are y ntlemen who ate obliging II n<l every ready to look to the comforts of 1 1 sens traveling. The dd Georgia has not one man em ployed that in not up to date, but we must give Chapman and Mays their Just dues. Thanhs, gentlemen. SUBSCRIBER. Death of a Little Favorite Jesus said: "Let the little ones come unto me.” Edna Jordan, aged six yeats. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, of Atlanta, died at S o'clock on Friday morning. Mrs. Jordan has grown up in Grove town. and has here a large circle t.f friends, win,*' hearts are stirred by her heavy loss of her only child. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to both parents of this dear little one. She t‘Ok the cup ( f Iff'■ to sip— So bitter 'twas to drain: Hh ■ put it meekly from her lips And fell asleep again. E H. L. From London comes the word that Lord Herbert Scott, son qf the Duk» of Buccieuch, is paying devoted attention to Miss May Goelet at Hamburg. HAIM KAMI *l**A #MI »Ms 4 Ako*o IA4A 00 tM w *1 M iiiwvtu tsm 4*mM o*m4 **tm » ■oallolo -«P4»4 PPW»s ****** o*oo-40. # 14 mmst ♦ Imi 9mmrn # | I hm mi Wtmmmm&m mmmmmm o*ooos I MM *****ooo #4| #4#' ] y, TkMfc nm o*o 4 9m 4 0 I bMaM *4OO .0* Woto 004 ****** 0 oeV*o ] t 4W*«OWOOPO4it WWPO 04 0 .S 0 *4OO < 4§oW*AmoMb*lo 0* 4»4» A* | fit 10,. <OOI | *SOO 4»*W4P*ot. 01' POMMO P" I As 4 j 0401 km 4' ai 10a »K 0«t HMO. 44** P**o- j I ,i4004| |0 *OO4 0000P400MNA 00*04000 j J TAw .* *<*; fMOt INaAa.i tm M•**•»- j 040 ******* ***** Kfk *Ol <A» AOO *< <OOI I w-*oko 0 o*o* A Aft <0 I <MIIO<4<M4 0f ! 104 rift). <O4 *i*«4ok* 4PV4000 •*»**• I I kaMva ***** *4*o 4*4*o 40*4%** lfi< Hv j I i«M#t % PHMa m MM# fNfIM 0000 l mbmm f*#t 4ftf • -Mil li 00mm «# ] *t#«M * PM. hm* *o*oos Wos9 0000 ; 1 00 9000* 0000 mm* 000* MW# ’ i mmwoo. Ihmi. 09 909 o*moom *9 . i *OO 0000 ftrnm liHA MWNMPtf. 0000 li om 9 *oom -00*99 mm 90 0*099 | ,00*09 liriMUMl ll#. V 0» #'§#% **o*9m M## SUM# li 9*m ’ Impl ffM# ll# 00**0 09 ll# *O9 *4 1 909 00$ &*** M#l 0m 090 009 j MM p*r<*** 9$ 9 000 00 9000, U# •• i MV 009 *o**o 0* 00*9 00 fgtfMl. IN - « II jlMI> Ml 9*os. 090*099009 0* 9*oo9’** ; 90$ »>*#»#»— #1 ####•# 9099 ' tit# «i mm mi ■Mntii *• 000' Hr |Hm| •if# 00* 009 99t$ 019000. ] I agy-Tt irf ll# it#### #t # rnm Too\ ~ Mhp#t## SOOOO9O #? H# 9**900 9*oo #*## j t# ll# f«Mt • rfM# •### 90 j IMIIHI #1 t## MVff rV ll# #IM Tl# *0099090$ f ,|M 00$ Ml «ii ift# 090900 I m 11m 0900 Mi* m 0000 v#v##fNi | # > rimIKHT mi if#i ##4 #•*«• #•*• 1 - h#M| ##*•# soo'o 00*4 S9OO tl# o : 9*s i j tt-tfl 00 99*0 Iff* i*#tt4 il# lit# It ’ Hr 11 #* #.. fiftki. T9*m ##• Im# <**hm • #M I## mmembm* li #lll ocm#iy i#4| MM 900$ 9m f## K-»« $9 l#i» ‘ 00 f#r ## 090009 #n)i r atrium OT* naiaafif til*# #*' I a grata of Hit kal ta «Aw ro#* tb* awi! j vmm 9m Mt of for n t* 1 If# tn#| fttiM Him |>r|ioioi tIU« ftHHM ti 9*o* ## •*#»#• # *l # *# | rlltM Ml TNnHtif. to t#n# < mi |d inf nttrf mmm* . n dmUi# n ivliiif Mi IM toa# fif# ■ *tl# fit mar# 00m tmty mifl ilmwo I raSM4 to 0 rokarM #>• olio *#] nmmr bf to n#r aid brill I# j d##*# fi# lt d and A**pm cM his > nakreb P to «A* Aaffpf bant log ground* Tb* !*«*g'k of tbla oowrl | rota* vtailor era* < f*OL IMra H B. M<Ma4'*r *at*rtaia*4| ■t*iightfuity oa TbotwAag evening la honor of Ml** Coriaa* Bullard of Ma- j dm, Oa. Mr aorl Mn William Wallara have j ret urn*, t from a giiauat »>*n to South I Carol, on. Mra. Needy and children, who have 1 been iprndiag oaon* tica* ia Marietta, have returned home Mra. Whitehead and bar charming daughter. Miaa Madeline RmiuAian. j rvill lewva for Itecatur. Oa . Wadn**- Mra Coachman Watdiaw retarned I from Chit ago Wertnwaday. Mia* Corinn* Bullard, who ha* won tpany fr.end* during her vtait here, 1 will retura to her home In Machnn Monday. W, A. Wilkin* haa returned from Aahevllla An Internal ing treating of tb* Dough ! 1 era of the Confederary wa* held at th*| | home of Mi*. H. B. MiMaater Friday afternoon. Miss Edna Dickinson left thl* mnrn ' :ng to vtrtt the Min*** Walker near , lit phalhah. THE CHURCHES. St. Matthew* Lutheran. Sunday ichool at 9: lid a. m. Kng!i*h arrvlce as 11 a m. Ti cfday. 5 p. m., meeting of the I.a dia/ Miaaionary Society at the real idrnee of Mrs. J. Wink. 1106 Reynold* street. Wednesday. * p. m., Young Indies’ I.ii the ran Society. Thursday, 8 p. m„ Normal Clcs* and Teacher’* meeting. First Baptist. Greene street, corner Jackson. Rev. Lansing Burrows, ,1). 1).. pastor. Di vine service and preaching every Sun day at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. Sun day school at 9:45 n. m. St. Pau.’s. Rev. C. C. Williams. D. D., rector. 11 n. m., celebration of th? Holy Com munion and sermon. No evening ser vice. Young Men's Bible Cliisb meets in vestry room at 10 o'clock. Services I during the week: Wednesday morn ing, 10 o'clock, litnny: Friday evening, 6 o’clock, evening prayer. St. John’s Preaching hy Dr. Xendali, the pzs lor, tomorrow morning, and the Communion services. The Ep'vorth League sprviecs at 7:30. Strangers and others with:-ut church cngagemenis aro cty.dialiy invited to these servi ces. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boston and Cleveland Played Tie Game. National League game results yes terday were: At Pittsburg— H- H. B. Pittsburg .. .. 030 000 20*—5 6 4 New York .... 110 000 110—4 11 4 At St. Louis— Philadelphia .. 202 212 300 —12 15 2 SI. Louis 001 000 201- 4 8 3 At Boston Boston 105 000 000 —6 10 5 Cleveland .. .. 020 103 000—6 » 4 thk atjoxjbtjl HimALD •Ml naMmr u* MIAMI M* *k»* H • *k*a *0110.40*40 oa 004 00*4 *«** »«A»o*4ok *O4 H«W f««» #**oMol *—#!'«■ 400 *OO4O 04 400 4* l 00MPV 14 |ll4« •aa# a<M»4 AH <S4PO m> »i» iiamkkat «A 0 f*ofi *4O «W"ofka H» ><»«<»* o**4 " #HO <O4 00010* o*o# <**o*o #4 0440100 fv<4fi*»o *O4OO *•* MMWHM . OHM 04004400P# 000* 04* o*4o 001 4141 »*O4 Pat 10* *44* <o4* 04*0 hw> Mg* M»b**H4P**4 *n»44 Ha *44 %*4»O 000 niwkf't -"T 0400*4 <0 <o' <OO .<«! lIMM <O4 040 MD 41 *4M* pm AM' ' «440 044*a .004 00404P*** •to* a*4«Poota |o* *ba oP*4> oi*ioo4i» <4 topi*** 00*40*44 .Ibp pi# H 4 04tw H* Abas 00 H <44* j <o*o4** ass PPtwMH. 00 Ml A»**oo HMO I«b0 mom# H o**4. 0* Mb* *4ioip*#tk<o I »*W*4O "tb* #P444><o4 * * P*o*4ol • **#*• 04* •40 •400faw4 on 4 Hk* <tbi«*l 000Pb** [»4 I*o*oo |HO <■*ol*lto-< «4>* «000*A 00 >4#M <*f H*H#t <o*<***. <• <wr» 04W0 ! 10*00044* 0# oMMoMto<4o** 00#tP»* *o**4o *<o4 00 10* *4W**» «o** 04*0 0400 |*o* 000 4ktt *4 ili*llAW>*4 00 <ooo* !.. p4*o#A» <4O ‘ * <4OO 04<A<P0PP<A *OO . to 000 i <4oo*l <0 #*4o A**o#! mm 0 m •fiV* ib* b*4o la****. tt*«wpwoV*o of : II <4lll 04000 IllbWOloi "WBb tb* *O - »,440 of tb* Mow 11*4# ~ MA. MB f**oo» taw <rmr N 0 *H> Uibs> #*•* tovwrtklt* M Y Tto**4 00*4 itow<4 of fWNOpMI> | tot# <0 Wkrb Aopwrv 4** V? " vu iMMINti THE AAVAMNAN. N*o %. <ooo*l H4OMOOOA 50001 A«*o*o M»* 1 ****** Mt HwoMt4 <Ua « <oo>ag <# cbovN * 9mm Al## WAM##f • jitMWfiV (# \ootm Ift# fit# fi*sm*sot muni tm- I < #l# ft# (ft# >— ii » mV#l m%t9*m f4 mi INiry H#vm#mM 0000* SOOOO o*9o !Mv Hpooo< 04* tort 00 boot prof a 0 lib* At 140#00 1000*4 00* *r»**aaOo ofi -100 toi* M#Ho»nl ttotf b* cwM *w»<o ' ito ttrrt fir* 111#** tortweow H#Wk ■ tiu'ly 40A tb# |l*o 000 North Awg#*- ia brlAfi* tops at ibe * -mil m*a la tb* claw 4, Mr Ft*4 L IV.yo*. tv* writ*# tblaka, afirred <n w.'-tvr IM lbat b* IHr a r.mndt i«wt*l «**t perform Ib* Art, Mi lUa.mowA )m«p Alatoly arr*qM*A tb# piepaw’ilaw OnA 00* 4ft*roooo of tba! w < t 00a 11 |t'nl<d far tb* rffo't WHa 1 tor i 01* run* tb* river task* wet* PwcA ot<k lep-ple 44d there va* a ta r-ctaed fiotllls 0 battraaa «0 tb* y.’Ok'dkM par* nf the river, Mr ‘lltoDOH walked dowa dal to a white hr its rohe and wbea the ref •#** lit "Go* |.l;>wgeA Into tb* **t*r TV* first two <-r three crowpingr rs the Yavawv.ab witr really mad*. lit at the pnlanmer was hor* down heater 44il n< <rrr In th* trlrk fnundatlan < nf the I ridge. II tomiw more and si'* IHe was obliged to BW'M ip the rivtr a *rr*ld*rablt> distance each 1 time be reached the Georgia shore and just before be atrork oat for the fifth sod last time be took a stimulating draught banded blm hy Mr. Rryan Ijiwrence who. ns referee, wa* follow ing la a brat and remarked that It sat getting "frarfnly cold In the water." Mr Hammond closed hi* chattering teeth, however, with determinants! stamped on hi* now blue face, and af ter being In the river jnat one hour and five minutes, crawled up among the willows, within the given nectlon no the Carolina shore and fell down nearly exhauated. A brisk rub down and an additional stimulant brought him around all right and the next day the monvy won waa donated to aome worthy charity of th* city. SUES FOR Sls 000. Action Agalnat the City By Mr. Wm. N. Little. Mr. Wm. N. Little, now In the clly hospital, ha* entered suit against the city for $15,000. The declaration In the action sets out that on July M, isos, In front of K 32 Broad street, he ateppod to the sidewalk, from the asphalt street, falling, fracturing the ctp of the right thigh hone. It I* alleged that the fall Is attributed to ihe faulty construction of the sidewalk, the same being so built that the slope In the sidewalk to the street has a fall of twenty degrees In twenty-nine inches. It will be offered In evidence that the construction is dangerous to limb, If not life, and it will be testified to that others have fallen heavily at the same point. It will be testified to that, after th- fall, the pUlntlfT. who Is an aged gentleman, hovered, in great suf fering. between life and death, and that he will, his complete recovery being ae rompllstv d. be a life cripple as the re sult rs this fall, brought about by the faulty street construction. ' p J. Sullivan. Esq., renresents the plaintiff. Mr. T.Htle Is a resident of the county, and had driven Into the city to make purchase* on the day the hurts were receiver?. Ml LI! ARY EXCURSIONS. One From Savannah Monday and One From Columbia Thursday. The Carolina Guards, a colored mil- Itaiy company o! Columbia, arc com ing over next Thursday. The train that brings the guards will be an ex cursion train and will have on board a goodly number of Carolina oxetir sidljSlß. The company will parade at C p. m. Thursday on Broad slrret. On Mon day next two colored companies from Savannah ave eoming here. They will be enter!ained by the local colored mil itia. Walter Crane, who has been appoin ted to the- prtneipaiship of the Royal College of Art in London, is a self taught artisi, and had his first picture hung in the Royal academy when he was but sixteen years old. 4 n feint Of AAIifIAWI fi to*<oo* <o *«*ot I*l AkBwMMB* tftft#*— ol *••»*## ***** 000 » »#o**«o I00S»' 40* AAA j rtf •** <*A»to» #*A iHAHto* Hrt*f 080 m a* Aw# mm* 00 Ik* 0 to# »*' j t '4o*4 okt A|o* 0 to** A#o> <•# •**#• I 00*004 rtt tlto* «•»•»« *0 000 4*«00»] *0 (o*oo9 $ 9*m fNfeilll ****** *af 9sm *oooss* 90900 ( 090 99* Ift## $m 00$ 9*oso 99*900 #• : *om *099 90 $004*900 9s*s 9*o* I mssom*ms ## *•# ##Mft #f Ift# ** ■####' ] Ife* *oooo*o $i l|# 000000$*. 0 *mmi 1 *9o*oo ssmm. $m mwm 9s* . I 9*os 900*00* 9 s9*9s 90$ 9**s Ift# i *o9* j ' I# *9OOO 00 *o9* sm s *9O 00$ 9 \ 900' 0$ s*sh*9s 000**9 90 000 990- ] *OO 000* *o* %9m so*9s *s*s* *099 *9*9* ■ 000*000 f 9 $m If#- <##<#> o*osm *9* SOO mt # i *os tsmo*%99o 09* s*s9 *oo* [ * ,f *9s 90 $90*09 M# 9**s %099 9*009 00$ (#—l 0* Toooso- 4$ *9*9 ##W *9* s9 l I# I##* it 9m l Ift* 1 00090 9$ 900$ 9099 j f#t •s### OO 9*oo*ooo**s . 0* ii— ft# *> Itf—lH —MI *om*mfmK . •I—l I# ««## *O9-0000 0 00mm mt ft ; I —MS. Tl# Wm##.# I—4 o*9* 0 HH# 90&h I •nil 9m* *oos m'•ss* *OO. ii# ! 90 00090. 00$ $ **sss om'o**o 9ios J 0000*00 mi 00 00*00* H M# • j I 9—ll—ft mi s9*o Wt **o9o*9 f9o9s *oos 9$ 0044! rtocrMkrti #4P*rt4oto# <0 fi ipmA s<44*fi <oo4* k#o wkrtto Art <044 w*< *•' 000 flw# ito# towAl of Ik* to«opas< *wA 1 #n# rtmwglr tot? M tokektoow*# 4*w44A ttoai f*i#k toilt fihMM Am Work to# 000* 0 towwdk*#vto*rtf 40 o*- 4100*4 *to*4*o 4001* <4 frtiwsn* wps'rt t<g| auk 0 *40*4400! a*tom of <•# 0004<*A flog 104040*1 40 M, To<* 0# 14*00 from arvtoMPl th* O#HI #1 0 Art*A foiai»k aO<AMO 004 ito# va-0# of •pas-v isttom to# kaA to##o #AN#v4 0 < - to.ll tort M. KM tto# «otAtoo ktov# *#wtoa*to*4 tot M«oioofc BtoMkP. M##riik» #*a* atom*. t«m 00A aMitosA d**Wo t« lk# tv*#! ,0# *4 j o*or*«w! *WO*» I'i# fi «• fi4F» Mo*rt. toe wop iw Am 'to*4*qfcl II too# 10 #ort ' ft* Tkoicm I# krt k a ffawmia ktow? t tto. 1 tow wa* 0 111 Hi Ik# U# of 10# llvlm #4O r#i4t# 10 Ik#oi kla ikiHli4o NprtMn* of »»f Tto# •oi-ttort ko> * soppttosl totol Hkofolly wuk fwo*<a *# suit* to# to##4c4 Tk# waakaots ppo Ik# rsJnmda. too•#*##. omd# 11 00*0*' s «4*y (hr tola* 10 m»k# 0 d*#oot **d tk# morning to# ta firohahly ID Allan!a tw ala# *p#o4la< towards Ftowtda from. tto# ffoikt. M.#Tilln Aorlartw -toa' noth tiff tool a aotoftor'a Ilf# will do f<v toim. and if ( lk# krjr la ui rrltoriow as ito# man poop# dag. #.w#>rr or la?av. Ik# rnwhy, wilt nng tvilb tto# 4##*?p and dnrikff of ti*-o#ral Hnir lln fitooarv COL. TIU.nAN’S HARD U«K. Me Lost Mia Horne and I-a ter Ml* Diamond*. Col. Jim Tillman, th* gallant Soulh, Carolina military man has b##o (May- : lag in bard lurk, il s#p*om Tto# coto- j nel't many froods will bo sorry 10 ; hear that »urb to so. The colaael ha* been having Proubla w:lb hla chargers. He can’t keep 'em. I .aat June wheel the Souito Carolina military was or dtortl to Chtcamauga. Col. Tillman, raroe lo Augusta lo get himself 0 char-1 « rr ' lie went to Pedigo fi Lyon a aale sta ble 10 get a ateed. The# gentlemen l had several eacoilnot horse* for sale.! an Col. J.m had no trouble la occur.ngi a horse. He got a large chestnut sorrel. When he came down to Augusta a few weeks ago. Col. Tillman called at itoe stable and said the horse had been stolen, with three others, one night, wh'le at Cbiramauga. How Ihe horse could have been sto len In a cloeeiy guarded camp seems | rather strange. However, the horse was missing. According to a letter reeelvrd by The Columbia Htate from the First South Carolina regiment, the colonel has tieen having hard luck with anoth er animal. The letter contains the following: “Veterinary Surgeon Gaffney has been attending Co. Tillman's fine ani mal, which was kicked by another horse the other day. An artery In the | left foro leg. near the knee, was sev-, erod. The poor beast is getting along fairly well, but hart a narrow escape. Col. Tillman has had had luck since entering the army. He hart one fine horse stolen and another nearly ruin- [ ed. In addition, he has lost or had j stolen a very valuable heirloom, a dia mond scarf pin which waa presented by his great grandfather to his great grandmother on his wedding day. Each generation In succession, the groom has presented this pretty token to his affianced until It came into the posses sion of our beloved lieutenant colo nel.” G. A. R. Encampment, Cincinnati, O. The Southern railway will run special cars from Atlanta to Cincinnati on their Cincinnati express train leaving Atlan ta, 4 p. m., Sept. 4. arriving Cincinnati, 7:30 a. m. Monday morning. This route has been selected as the official route from Georgia and South Carolina n account of the superior service and fast schedules. See that your tickets read from Atlanta by Southern Railway. LIKIEA ROSE O ARDEN. Cologne Drummer Breaks Bottles of Extract in Arlington. There was an odor of sweetness around In the Arlington lobby today. A cologne drummer had a misfor tune. He was engaged in showing some samples of cologne to a party, when he dropped a couple of bottles or so on Ihe floor. The atmosphere was at once fumigated and for hours after wards everybody who had occasion to talk with Day Clerk Walker was ask ing him what kind of exfact he used. The office bad the odor of a rose gar den on a May morning. Pain-Killer. lit*#! OPOOO4O*A fi<o*>ok 04K00 *a*«S**tl*4k. MMMAiA •*•**# #4 PtW*#*### fio# 04*4 *4O 004rtrt#< OFFER FOR SALE. M 09mm mi fftrift ‘lftr ftM#»ft mi H# #«v% ► —mm m$ 9* mn —#9«— mm 90$ SOO §M*» 900 *9*0009 9m 0000 '*o*9*o* (Nlßt sm*o*ms *0 9mo*s ift# •o*4l 909* *9Ol ohmMl T><p— fi> 00$ #■—P fittn# Aos*mm* m | . CAHS£ HO4U* FOR RENT. Aleiaoder&JobDsoD tm it* Hi fHiHfej —fftfiN., ffiwMM# *0 •« Hi ift *m 99991*4 » yii»in> ... ,* .. «| m i #4f |lfto«4 ft 9#Ml#Mlto.o 00 m*o\ 90 M* llli’Ati utrvffi. t ,, SS. •* I## m ini i»li fiirwt ft niom> .0 a. J* ] ftlt Kli». ftrvfi#. • ror*m* «« •• #. Ift ftft | #S3 mtrmm*. ft rmW .. . H ftt { HI |{e« n'*M« It rffl. ? lufeiil fi # # |l fi# 111 HfiinoMfi Mifwt. 4 mom* .. • * 4» I ft; j.mupm MlffiATf. ft 534 Tr|f»ir Mr*vt. ft 12 •• I tm Walker atrart. ft Ift ftft I HI Witt# rtrrH. ft rtrnmm IM* I IT! Walter irtrwl. ft moma .1# ftft I 42ft Walk# mrmrnt. • r«n*itft I**4 #ftft rmfikli k rtffft, ft foftlftft .0 00 12.2 ft I ftS (Tftff*# svanwft. ft *9f»tmo .. .* Ift 4# I lift Ktftf at rm*t. T rwiin» •• .. *. 12.1 ft | 1424 Kart** Hr«F(. • 904000 •• •# #• 9$ $* j HTORV9. ?14 Rr<a4 ** *# *• •* ** **ftl.ftftftj 546 HnXkd itritt 00 00 *# 0* *4 40 4ft6 j ftftft Hr?#*?! atrwl .# #. 466 | ftift Broad atrrM •• #• #. #• .0 #0 266 2#7ft Broad .. .. #. *• .00# 9(0 1 1246 Broad atr*6t •• #. .. #. #. •# I** | ITftft Bro«id atiiHrt .# •# #. •• •• •• *$ j 17— Broad ftrrrt *< •< MS ft&« Broad atroAtof 17ft# Broad Mc’liitoah *# #< #• •• *• 21st I JO7 Mclntnah street xnt M. lnt‘*b j 302 Mclntoeh street J*J Mdntnsh street ?-; n Msrbury. corner d'Asntlgnnr. WK 765 Broad street ®°° ALEXANDER * JOHNSON. 705 Hroed St. Tin Wedding. Mr. nnd Mr*. H. R F"t>d hsve Issued cards to their tin wedding. The cards sre unique In design snd sre of tki. regulation slse and read ns follows: Mr. and Mr*. R. H. Bund. At Home, Bept. sth. St 8:30 o’clock. 1888-1889. No cards. His New Post. Mr. Robert A. Davidson, who has been spending a couple of months i with friends at Sharon, a., has returned | to the city and accepted ft position I with Jame Daly & Co. Mr. Davidson Is a fine salesman and Daly & Co. are to be congratulated on securing his ser vices. fIOSH! JHATS QOOD gTUFF hotrollsfrom PERRY’S gRAHD QUKE- Housekeepers Try it— Nothing Like it. ©®-JLL FIRST CLASS GROCERS KEEP IT. ftKrriMßK* i CALL *O4 Augusta Brewing Co * EXPORT ttKK* L* B E I, L E OF GEOI-tO-I-A. Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —call run— AUGUSTA BEER. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE Land's Headache Capsules nonaud * wiLUsrrr nnva co. Special Schedu e For Richmond Camp Meeting. «¥*r lb* Auiu.l* fculh.rn Itallroad. . ■mimrarlnc t*p»rnihnr 4th thrrr will bp operated |b* fOl towing whrlulr dur iii* Tt"Ur*HiuJ Cwi» Uniiti at • imrrwnod Tr-win* Ira** AiWHU for tlrwcrwood: At Ml t. m: 1* 11 a. m.; Ip. a.; 4 p. ail Iff p. m.i » M p. m. Tram* Irav* Urairw.wxl for Aucuata: M nooßi t p. m ; t>M p. m.| 7:M p. m . 11 p. m. Ttir running tlma between Aucuata and tirac rwood I* It minulra. Tlcketa for lhr round trip will ha plarrd on rale at » rente. P.iaitlrety no tickets sold on thr train. Tlckata can hr secured from agents. JAH. it. JACKSON. Hnrlvrr. Augusta Soulhrrn H K CHA9. W. JACKSON. •• Cl. P. A. Augusta, Oa. CEO. Routt F^W***^ And T.rr W* PHirT* Ui** A 1» ririt. VAi.vit* «nd riTTiltoa. in- OINK*. »01I.Mt*,Hlll.»*»4 RBHAIKS. Lombard Iron Works dt Supply Co., AUBVptA. oa. The question of college and finish ing achool 1* now agitating the mind of the Tubman graduate of ’9B. B K L id E OF O EORG I -A-