The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 03, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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SATURDAY 4 THE IOCUSIt HERILD cruses-..-*. IBwHUi **** *** ' tT > —. C* «* "• HCOHW. MWIIM ** |NM i (MlnmpM l * r mmrn~»******** m w mux HNO WI ****“> _g» ah»—• --*» *** *** ■, *, iw ti*i» h#* - * m ***** mmim *** tJ ' ,<l<ir .... .- u, i ini'- —— 1 "MnMMw-* 1 <*• <*—»* onj* 1 t» *»#» t«l <■"»"*' *** , ••* ,,, *"* '* tT . rtfl a a*»w*» turn* ~r.ry— !Ti*»w ** •*••***'• *•** Herald Prize letters From American Summer Resorts. i • • *!•! !,««« ltd Ml IM to **** <l ttm >aii — Mki V**#** *#*• , .ntoJ L ••£"*«•# ito kw «MM >n »ktaa •*' flM.Uito •»'»"*•* " U ***" »** **• •*•«**•«* V** »tol •H - '* ” inter. **•»** *~ * •tarn*, Ml mt* r **p*t'T •*' * mm •»•* * *— • fa lha fwn «« >•»#««.*<■• ftk4H a , . CMM*a«aa«* wtot #•*••# , * , ' r * * * mm* •« * tmmmmU* Mill* ran **»• •* ■»"» Itotar* m ttor wt»fc ,k * _ I^ip %MBt r4 l l9>t« i 9f Ar.* #AM „nt, to*. »# tto priara a . . Tto Herald •••«• »Hi •*> r '* h »- Ip guMpr hrtMH. «* ' tto .Mat will to «wwrd«d f»r Ik# CTiinto tal#ra*nn* »nd mart raadsbi'- Uttar* as Bufito **• ■an Hi** . Contest Closes Oct. I. FOR THC »WT LETTER FOR THE ID BE*T LETTER.... I» S FOB THE U> DEBT WTTM.... •■* A SPLENDID ATLAS. The Herald R«* secured a few copla* of the magi'lfk ret War A tie* issued hy Hand. fIUNeUy A Co, the great mp mater* 1 hi* Alla* I* a map of the world, aad It you waatto keep ported on Cuba. I’orto Rico and the Philippine. you ought to have It. The regular price of thl* Atlaa, which 1* prtated la* live colera. con. tain* map* of Cube. Weat Indie*, Hawaii. Europe. A«le. Alrlca. spaln, Philippine*. North America. South America, the World, Oceanlca. Chine, Portugkl and harbor chert* of Havana. Santiago. San Juan. Malania*. Clea fuego*. Manila. Cardena* and sanu Clam Hay». la go cente. To Herald reader* jo cents. Thu Atla* I* u**4 ieche* and can* tain* i* page*. You are sure of get ting your money’* worth when you get the HERALD'S STANDARD ATLAS. The Chine** emperor i* ill. And to I* hi* empire. Georgia day nt Omaha promise* to be a great occasion. Garcia lost command of himself and thon of hi* troop*. Ice cream poisoning continue* to get In Its deadly work. Paderewski says that muaele Is a perquisite to melody. Hogan against free stiver! Then what Is he running on? The rain has materially damaged (be trop In Columbia county. Blind Tom la still living, but he ap pears to have played out. Alger hopes that the country ‘‘will not ineke a scene.” Naturally. Autumn l» here and the country edi tor Is gunning for delinquents. The oyster season almost slipped In without Ihe ‘‘R t here” Joke, but some- Jody caught an. Are the working people to We Ig nored* Are they not to have the perks which might be given them practically Without cost ? It ie time to act. ««• p*u leunii *m *■* •*** e «■>.*«#« 4k MMWMrt M pNMI «§* Hi ******** MMIMHI fPMttMMrtM #*■* HMHHIi p*M 'niEiirr T *mi Aa**r«* *mwmm % *# «nn(C gsmm a t WtoMMWa ***** gtowiap pH amp** 90 |hut'" **•*% Mdaui am **iaito *0 mm** ’4* m*mm*t a* MMi ♦ IMMi # w fi» %OH§ Ml ! Ms # f» fiUHHI I 8 * * * CtotoEl •arama. at fttoMpa. ***** #• MHi «ppua *a ah* 90*9*0***** *t Alpanto* f*waa» law ah* (Mum mm Pep 999990 9*o 9*99* 9*999** 9*9 •** pal u et| a npad *99* tnahMaa HI *h PI a 9*9999*90 *M*PU*IH 90 'h* 09*099099* h*ag 09*99* *to * * nCWW toa *9 haa ■ 009*9*9 99* 9*9* TV* ***** Till tit* P*fi <4 • auwMt hi 4**aaaM 1 <rtpu awnt PMpar< *% 99*m 900999 99 90* 099*90**0 9*o 99*9 99**9 <0 OtoUMto 99009 « *9999 09* I t* 90*099** I >»*ra 1 to* fto >to map m*» mm *099*00 ertth 09- 1 9999 ad iaa prwhlhMMMl it* MhftotoMM ( 90 epmr*«n ip **A tpiliah *4ll aha elap* ad taal a raw ibaw* •*• auw eiallp ra«tw«tot to 'to * **A"** *f i Ffwmaa ttod tap f d ***** ad iltoaua hup irarhaM*. HI 90 uhlrh imrtiad HI hto<h Of ih«a* that* 99m»0 to : U9**o to d* aartMto *f Mrtupaaa pawai 1 uMtotoed to ftawaMny a*P IwuM to to ■ ha* fa«a* utttow I Jdl «*M es »■* I am .*4 111 toil* nm M.Mftoj rued Pf all the *9*9* 90 Waiaa aad to t 1 p*r «**m 90 all aha daaiha mm* raa*«d . pp ah* eeH*toapl PM 90 E*e*pau * pork •he a waa *«*aaia*P ta Oaraaatoji aad found *• h* U** from artrhMto Th* ruMlntag raaaa mid *lao ha fruswu to *0099*90*900 ad Buropana toi*L partly *eaaato*d gnd pwilp an* *a- Hdaad aad ton ad to raatala trteh - **. aad p*a handled to 'to traato. to aad ah* «d ito above a,PM rataa rould M be proved 'hal the lllaato aa* eaamud ks Ike*** d America* *aH*d ptrhkto or 4 *ned a'ti n«* to mkM *au*ag* tia*parted undrn imperii d*cr** of the Srd of heptemtor. I toll. Thl* Mate toent hold* «»**! for all Gertnany la aMftrauMtoa of thl* tort tb* aortoty hendahedor* mentioned haa l«aaad pouter* a herein a reward of one than •and mark* l|!UI la oßrwed in the parann who <*n prove that trichinae haa Irena I ran*furred to kutnaa being* bp the ronrumptioe of A inertia* salted or pickled pork or »sacked muaage. improved under the imperial decree of Hope S, itPl, canrelUag the edict for- Wlddlog Ito unportoilon TUI COPT or A EMU*. The raar’a propnaiilon that all the European power* come logrtber and in the *plrll of and fraternal love lay down their nrm* I* it 111 one of the chief topic* of dtnrumlon through out the civilised world. It ran not bo aaid that since the well meaning young man bmarhsd the question any con siderable progre** has been made. Everybody la watching everybody el*e. They art like the prearranged concert of shouts which Dr. Ilolmee tells us about: Everybody waited tor tbe other fellow to begin the ehouting. so that there was never before sueh a *il#nce on the face of the earth. Disarma ment will probably prove much tbe same thing. But the necessity for reducing the wnr footing of the world cannot be disputed when we realise how much It cost* tbe powers to maintain their ar maments. It reached nearly a billion dollars last year. Here are (he figures: Coat of War Establishments. Countries. 188 s ,1898 Austro-Hikngary ...$60,420,000 $74,280,00 France 182.360,000 177,600.000 tlermsny 99,520.000 130.872,000 Great Hrtteln 154,860,000 203.390,000 Italy 76,585,000 67,560.000 Russia 188,2*2,000 270,446,000 Total. *l* power* $758,007,000 $924,138,000 Total, I’. 8 $65,000,000 $83,500,000 European standing armies in 1887 and In 1897 were an follows: Men In Btamllng Army. Countries. 1887. 1597 Austro-Hungsry 309,650 358,697 France 525,711 589.550 Germany 489,000 585.440 Great Britain 208,357 220,863 Italy 265.889 231.355 Russia!!! Total, six powers ....2.608,580 2,864,58$ Total. T T nited States . 27,000 27,000 This furnishes a fine moral forte Tor the war. It i» an excellent argument. But when it eomes to reducing it to a practical operative fact—that will be different. The Republicans are clamoring n» loudly as (he Democrats for an inves tigation. - TTH B 1 .A T7GT7BT-A HERALD •HA ft ** fs«l»M»>toi' Yim pNlMMiti * Hmmi •mi m fi %%* V"* 1 imhv mm m mm *0 §•» 4mpmo4 * * *wom+ mm wmm n *m mwm#+ m mm mrnmmmm 9m 9mm mm P pm PMN *%mm* mm mm %0§ 09*90 * to® ” toP *^to mp ipinpi m mmmmrnmk &mmm mm mm' mmm mmm 4m pmpp • P*p*pp»- omm Pi Pph pppp • **** mmmm mmrn mt mm pmOMNP *mmm *mrnm P i #(R^?#" i ' a, 4 i mm ?! im mmmr^mmmrum* **9 wmm* ■ mm ppm «i | **fpf | pp mmmmm mmmmm mm 4kmmm*tmm mrnrnmm&rnm w*m tmmmmmmm * mmmm f%t fMPM. mmm mm mm tipflp Pp pfliPPim *pM mm pmPppi H m*' *m m PPppPPHPPP• •• mmmm il« •Mp Pi mmmmrn Pi Pli pMppppp ilhH mmmkrn pppMp« PiP p* m PMNRffMM *• gpi# p PPlt* *lmmi P PPPPI *«P4PO* M* 909*0* »*•* Itoariitom* 990 a ***** •**• *»**«•» *to*to 9O tto iiigMiiMna* *0 Ito di*na«v ato 900 90 to wd i mat* *t gsuhthwiwm to** * Ms aiiwk- --r iam*> Hf*Ml Tto miHii —rt — will tab* hto a* wa to- la CtoVlaakto. *tora Ea »w * al Mgud OMI *9 9900*0 la Ito 9009*99**■ •to gat*w made hto p**wl arty adtoto Ito iM*u*h«to Iha ••**• at tom* 'to r*ur> ks* atoMMd 1 OlUtoto 9 giww mg to wrvtur k Tto fhto wgtolf rhamp*"** *to ttoto 90 Faulhiai na» *a* hmaaito R 0*9*9909 tto pt* far* tohkrh ga»* to* utoamd ptora -a tto flto 99*00*9 tot aa ttoa* Wrttov aapa **• tto «a*- imry. o*o* tto fM— II * b*ruaaa •toy reward llto pofiay aa harmtom a *d iwrtftwsaal H* to *> ttohtM tar prahlhMMm He ran do *h»Hi Hti»e tto dl«p»u«*n Wtora awt ttor Mm* <• tovwlvwt to will. 1* ito oplatou of Tto fta*4 a* taw**, mak* a r|-*a~- abler g..v**aor thaa Mlar to. • . Rrpn Huppnrt him Tto r»*w Hat too of TlHmaatam whWh haa agitalad th* alai* *0 kmg. * *<«» aeoriv aa aceoatpitahto fan today thaa arar totar* ll srauld M na* of tto whmsleatitles of polltl 9 If arnhlbitb a iwraaM tha la*drua**at of it* ovarthro*. Tto Dalton n«ia*a aaya ”Owv Al hlaaoa’* apreeh at Du bit a la winning pram* from even hi* hoaeal erstwhile political ouemie* Ttore arc taw trim aad braver *tat*>*m<i» than William T. Athiatop and tto people ar* Hading It out.” If Filer be appointed 'Jim” Tillman lleulanaat onload of th* First South Carolina regiment 10 cheek "Facie Oforge's” t audldacy he made a very poor deal. Tto regiment gate tb* gov era nr »• vote* and Tillman MO. . - Mr J. 0 McCurdy, who ha* been ap pointed manager for Paine, Murphy A Co.. 1* one of the ableit young bu*l uem mew In th# elty and number* hi* friend* by the scura. We wish him great aucce**. Railroad CommUaloaer Thomas wl.l probably leave hi* diagram behind him in tbe next rare. It helped to get him left behind In this one. Gen. W. VV. Gordon haa sailed for Porto Rico. Look for Southern men and you will find the Important move meat*. Twenty bridges have been washed sway In Oreenville rounly during the !mt three weeks owing to the heavy ratrs. Col. 0. H. P. Slaton has become the city editor of the Grlflln News. We wish him great succeas in his new po sition. It Is hoped that cotton, as a result of the rain, will follow the example of the Savannah river and begin 4o rise. Barney Evans finds consolation in the thought that Thomas, at any rate, will net be the next commissioner. The I-aurens Advertiser thinks that very ltttle was decided by the cam paign which has Just closed. There is little hazard In prophesying that Arehbishop Ireland will never be the BUCCfBsor of la>o XIII. The sick soldiers have solved the conundrum. They will be In transports nnd yet not In transports. The Savannah river, so long neglect ed, has once more become the object of great solicitude. It. Is said that Phil B>wd will be Gov ernor Candler's private secretary. fto* gtowwA**# IWNf# '*om*§ ftfto* *«#»• jnm *mjuf n mmmm mm #n mm mm*** rMH mmm u » wif- ff-iii m rnrnm mm m$ ) tm-'m i' Tnwr't mi §i» ««« f mmm mrnm *m **•■ wrnmmmmm •**& %mm w* ■•*s# ; mm* 9mm» •*s*****. f -*m 19 *»M Ml MPI -J nrt • ~ 9roott fMMPi iNPfMMM * «iMI MfTMt Mum *•*> mmhtm •0 • mmtm mmm 5 in f m mm ******* mmm mm •*» I <IM Bmm mmm Mp 9 MM* **9l* * *««•• tr»*, mm mtmrn* •» mmm mm» •m» [ mmmrnm mmmmmmm rnmm •i, «ff H*f ll mmm Mmmm lan * j ttof«k I*l rnmmmrn • Unit rvtiMf r4MMMM •• jMBfMPMi It ••MtiMNfM | *if 0m CtMMMPI mm/mmrn mrnmm mrnmmm •• -|F •kTelit. »H 4 Hk ir# C•%’ *f#l CM •* 8 <ms -l* Ttoaw** TWrtov Wtse, toe* wr**#" . * 'to toßieh wavv *to Me fa*a • m aw* 90 9*90 ****** an la fwe *efw ; Ire He ••* Hwu M l*a* aad h*a $a ,.... mac* ko*kw •* l Hww* ft.f.B.. • r aad Sto aU U 99- .0 M Ito r«t*l *»% v f-ihn R 199*0. auperlstePAeai 4 Ito pahlF ertow* <0 Davewpeet. la * **» - s-in -1 paipit •auw'eepav' «f *•»» 'Fto I irui t'urte P**a ass 'to raaiewulta# A I Meal paper gerlaem lhal to h*»» tto I **SP* pautee *Uk watWf *haeea ; ki rkt .wtMhlad by a»aap aa»l*a. while j wh mMiih * I*m *ad *to«** a* grral j gasaraktaatwi as *'ha*a<‘»et. I Aw DHio paWtmaaHw ha* gw." or rr» g *Bd nta*lw#d a bank lhal wa* preeeat**! , ii. wntiam M<-Ktol*v to k* faitoe •* j yawra *<m Tto pammartee to* frarwar * gag fto roiwa** 1° the IN •aSdea. Al II to Ume yowag M< KlaWp tacalved tto ' taeik to •a* a v.Jttai*** aeMataPl la tto m*a wto »«a return* It and wto I wa* ttow poalmaolec *1 I*. I»ad O. • 1 Walter Damrnerh to* rwmprwed a “t# ! fleam” In honor nt Admiral Dewey* I virinry at Manila *ad tt will pmtoMy to euna neat wtaier at one as Ito enw ■ .art* nt tto Orat.frta ik*rlety. Thta la tto rompfmer * Aral effort MSm to #■ ! voiced hitneelf from operatic manea*- menl, and it* p-odiMiton I* awaited wltk laurel fcy tto mu*b *l world Fashion my* double skirt* must and ■hall be worn Women who have many gown* will doubt)#** affe<» this style, aa they do all Innovation* In die**, hut tto ma»*ee will rllng to the skirt* that take <>a various kind* of trim- , mlng. which merely stimulate an over- j diem. Home have a jaunty hitch-up on ' one aide, which show • panel of some contrasting color nr material that I* ap- ■ piled to the linlag of the shirt, other* have * foot trimming, either rrtlly nr - flatly made, that run* four or live Inch es up on the skirt lining, then tto out side Is made shorter and falls just over or to meet this trimming. Panels of ; material contrasting to that of the gown are uaed at the front and side*, running the entire length of the skirt. Gown* trimmed with a one-sided effect have always a style of their own. The tradition* of tapestry weaving have descended from mother to daugh ter since the day* of the Viking* In Norway, in *ll the mountain farm houses of the present day In Norway, weaving is still carried on a* * part of the regular housework, and girl* ar* employed to do nothing else, in the ear ly days It was the work of the Viking*’ wives nd daughters to make large ta pestries telling the story of the con quest* made by their family heroes. These were hung In the great hall of every home, together with the war weapons of the husbands and the non*, and the tapestries are said to have been very beautiful. Only vegetable dyes Hpr* used, and, while they lacked bril liancy, they made up for It in durabil ity. A castle In Denmark contained a few of those ran* specimens till a few years ago, when It burned down. The weavers of Norwegian tapestries usu nlly work out from memory any pattern desired The main body ts of some geo metrical design, with a border of llg *ag lines or blocks. Certain character istics of these rugs and tapestries re mind one of those made by the Navajo Indians* COTTON lOLLB. Caldwell, Texas. Worms have de stroyed all prospects of a fall crop., Warsaw. N. C. A good yield Is expected In Sampson and Dunlap this fall. S. Munn, Son & Co. says: "We look for a narrow waiting market this week.” Grapeland, Texas. Present esti mates In for about half a crop, provi ded worms don't destroy it too quie.fc ly. jf Boston, Ga. Crop in this immedi ate vicinity very short Mi acount of long spring drought and heavy sum mer rains. . , t ~ u , , , ROHEY TB lOH. In Jiny tM#n* Meahtml tfwn MOO up*wd», m «*•*•*« ll A liwfl, of on 10 trOftf* **»»•, |*a»«Wk Ml MMfli inttbfll kt«l*i»h«frti Lmmiw roMo ot ‘fliwml. No MfHiflM to Oorwwf ••oocH in# mufti Httofnoy and rooorfl No dflUy in oolttno tho monoy. Aleiaoder&JotiosoD mmmmtm mrnrnmimm rnmmmmm 706 RffWd H« ? PORTNEE’B > C NOI liWAI and ( / VIENNA CABIN!, r / / IIRANDSOF f j Export ! f Beers! ? ARE THE BEST ( S a>K roe TtllEL I Show Cases. Show Cases show WE SELL ;«;>* -••SHOW • C»SES,;a mn* *M» £•*•» »M"ia •Aflff* - Aff© kikue . • ( |,f. allow * allow Bit stock, ob nm'*** •HOW •O’ o * ( ASKS ‘ Ml* show ThoHowwd A Wi let , Ho * Ciii) Drug Com pact <*»& Show Cases. Show Cases Worn-* taw w-r.maa dtscrsdlt this *•- ■srtlna. hut lk<>** wto tovs Irtad a Ga* Rang* could wot k* Induced t* adopt th# old-f**hlen#d m#tto<l ag*>n. You *## II I# *o c*»y t* rsffOtalc th* Ga* Range. If y<>u want an* v(*t»ta to ewttii mors slowly than anottor, you have put to lum ito thumb screw ond you eaa rvducc th* heal to *ny ds gr#s you de*lr# Tbe •• me with your roust. If It I* doing 100 quickly, yo* diwi’t nr#d to throw open tto oven door *n<l run the risk of chilling It. You ran regulate your range to suit your mast. The Gat Light Co. of iopsla, «2$ BROAD BT. KEEP COOL by using one of our odorless Refriger ators —the Dewey just annihilates hot weather. Klondike, Gurney and Kclipse are all good; everyone guaranteed; wa ter coolers, cedar chests; ice cream freezers. See our line of bedroom suits, $25. Baby Carriages for $6. We will make terms nnd prices to suit you. Fleming& Bowles UO4 Broad Street. Rates s>.3oto,j-9o W.M. P. BEYER, Proprietor. THIS IS IT kaaßßtaafl 1 *ta • ■ WIM 0 I HNw MM# UMto tor BARLY PALL ■ I « ALL SHADES $3.00 Just A'ftvsd. DORRS TiHorinf. Hats. Furrmhmft. / Fr*nch \ y Furniture Polish L \ Kaanto* awd krtafctaaa / / rank wto. Hard Hglatod aad > \ pslaiad Surinam. S»nj ham* f J .huu d ksva H. to!llto Mr. \ / Sp.cM For Pickling S y Md rfKtftiM ms tb« bvi Ma C \ ttr Umb tcttM T»y ••. W# »«ll ih* f J bref i f This to Remember \ J n.a- Alahasbn* makss tha ff C nwi Ffktl >s4 hasyilfal Wait / 1 tinlak. Color caid fra*. t C Roaches \ # We have Patarman'' and olhsr # X o* (torn. J J AII of tl.c R«t l o.aoua- f ? AleiaoJer Dru Coipasy < ) M BROAD RT. \ awvwv.a.wwva'ravaTarra'i BILLIARDS > OLD AND NEW. J wwas-to. tw —» -*i«- < > = i^r == Tn * H < K >A ! mswx 5 /iX t y SJS4CSI C-taln*#. 4 7 F-.inr.riar/ i 5 MwSX ; , \ /y\ ; 5 S y7\!s- J K3 l /V' \ wbkfc#tor*i.»»v*«tar i //\ \i fisttato-toft F ij / / \ A, hwiilikew jroe j 1 * \/ How to J Play. \ Cloth. 75 carts, fkilble Leather. SI.OO J U 0 pa fra PU*. MV iW-lkM S_l pn*U. » »•>• mMrr- rwstpt n( *rto. 4 THE AUGUSTA HERALD 1 AUOL’STA, GA. P. H. P. H.H.P.H.H.P H. H. P* “ Tbe_ !| H - p QUICKEST. I H. H. P. _ Tht _ H. H. P. * 11 H. H. P. BxstOr Ali. H. H, P. h h. p. Lifer -h. h. p. Medicines u o H. H. P. H. H P.For H. H. P. the I.lver || H He P. 60CeU '* H. He P. Howard i. „ „ D h. h. p. willet Dm£!i H * H - p h. h. p. ; Company h. p. hThTpHh. h. p. h-TTr ftpirMae. . mm Main an Alligator Wall Ofwwttort ChM and Fwvwf i c • city now Mi E«* ■ff'.smro The River Swamp Chill and fever Curt. Pri&t IQc. arJ IKK) Mtk, in 4 ioU by il Itvufcgtkti. m*** r - *»i i i manM mvmm i 0. mi oopoo mm rnmmmm f *%mmm MOM! m fl mm *m** mm # •mm • Mlb'WlllPto 00*41 Mswf 11 .’T f| tmmmimm mmmmm** *mum wtff lio mrnm ilbp MMI *** iM#t mt *s*»*>* •* ** ** Hkt jtv-4|*ffs- |ofc- ta.gk t ii Ml L. L Gardelle. Otuggiat. For Sale! Tin Irttaitaff aw'it *■ to f<M fMIMMk fT OM 'lffct * m |MMk ImnWIMMI Mm MM MiMl th 4MI I^,, r t t m—rn iMHi •tjfMi mrnm *mmm n . jjt omi tiwi H (N»* It tmmm 9m4 mmw U M m*-* mmw Hm nt fam# M too* • ff».' %o-m fgntttUT NhHI tt tSNiMi 111 ft** - mrnm -***l**4 it M T rrnmm T «*«m A €V Hot,, mtl m*m kmm Wlrtt4 ***•*%. *mm* |M«» iMtrr nmk mm 4 mm* mm n.nifl mtt fool • mnlmml nt« mo# i rn*m Jal **+* | a 4 inimrii■ ffftr i* f**t *** mm nr***, m dm i ***rn*m ti of * f' ,r btffc toosft* |tr*t4 •ifoo* f<7 fool f 9mmm Aim m***m 1 mmrn brta almi It t*+ « fr<m f turf mm stm 4mm It iM Vult#* ,4 tomtaasvvui# fna*!tag »• gffti lawtißg m mrnntom •€ *!■» Mvott l^ ty Mrtlt h* rntmm •“ Ito akcv* flstorttoff Fra*»vty AatoT •• Georgia Railroad Bank. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7tk SI.. Abhisl*. Ga GIVES r RtE EYE Ts STS Pw *ll tofcrt* «a tighl, grind. Ik. propOT »!*.»** »•>* «*B ■AWT* ftoto lMt99 cat into ytmr flr *•» while ym wait FREE OF CHARGE, OUUIK VOL * COAL and WOOD —FROM TBE North Augusta Coa! A Supply Co Quaatltv nnd Qaslby OflarMrtwd F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Ball ’l’hon* 2164 Strowger 366 n>, Whitely / Exerciser. I l A practical, simple and V efficient Home Exerciser, ys, ♦ \ one specially adapted for fi ladies and children, but \ at the same time can t>e JhmA. W prolitably lined bjr the strongest athlete. / jl dM* V . PKICEB / l 1 fcy 7fc., *I.OO. *i.aa I I / »s«|l Tr BICYCLES—CLEVE- / ’ \ I ! LANDS. *4O np; VIK-I .* I V U INtJS, *36 up; GEN- 1 • \| 1 DKONS, *lB up; THOM-1 ll AS, *SO tip. < all and see j them. Every one guar- 11 / anteed. JJ I Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COM MISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds st=TeleplioiieiSi£^.^ s Private Leased Wires Direct to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton, Stocks. Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margins. Bocal securities bought and sold. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of Augustan or Mercantile Agenciea. „