The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 03, 1898, Image 5

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mturdav Saturday Shoe Bargains Mo mom in (ho oMy oW#f> •wrt' wioweo ■ m#nt* vo Saturday Mmoo and Mol buy#** o§ wo Noco o*» ooio eaaft woo*»- Ivory k*9 of sHo** wo throw out Hi rworfcoO down at k*a*t onoMhtrd. and *n many ono-holf off it t»von. This Saturday Wo hovo on unusual variety of borfoino rooiiy 100 numorout to moniion in IW* It mi tod space. Buy of u»onSo«urd*y, Wo knock *tm Oil out. Wm.Mulherin’sSons&Co. 840 Broad Btreet. NEW SCHOOL FOR MUSIC TM fttftl Eswtfrtw Ttoi b w Ini la Pith J*MI O I*mU Wfl N Ikt M#- «WL* aw*, i aw* 'a i* tiaity M*« tun* farts **ya that a **aw-, «nw N ba4atg f <w» 4 ta wa «*ti v* nlgMta* a .oral Jml #• Hml' «14) hr »h* Ytw ma«»i ii «ftt h* rt* at} C*d- »rd tu pnaan **» hating *« t*# iTr**** famtu** raa* N a* N««a ’»** liana 1 aw MHirt apt*■».*• •' ■ •** •-tv.m# ana Aaa prmaead h*» "MW (to*, at* mkrf ntiirw*"* W*aN*«a* Onlj atari Iwad and »• p* «» m n aM M -a»r i«aw*d <* ••'tium , I vwio* at a b»w rat* -4 liuitnl, tv a * trrbur> alarm ctwcha, JS «**!•■ Lawla J. achaai IMMMt htlimaa. War CmHHMM by TwaOM*. Washington. Oft. t. Two IMtla girls ol <*L Pan- recently held a doll ahem for Iha pat Hour porp-ar of brip In* tha ■MrrMMat carry on lh* •*> aaa mat Stpata. Tha rar*»p»« front tea altow amMaHaf to 91 h, wrra aaal to PraaidMt NcKlalay. aatl by him to Trawrurar Hr ban a. through tha Saeiw tary of tha Traaattry Mr, Rooar.a aaat tha yt uagatara a formal carttflrata of deposit «<• iiupasird by tha following lattar: Washington. D. C. Sapt 1. Mm laM C. ftaanay and Mtaa Kit atu.r J. IJtwlar. Vlrg.uia Avenue, St. Paul Mian. Voting lain Tha prasldant baa race,rati from yon • pos tal 'Rx)«a for f 1.4», lb* proceed* of a Soil *bo* given by yon little girls (o earn noma money to help tha govarn tnen pay for tha war. Your gaoeroo# gift la accepted In tbo spirit In wh! h It la tendered, and honor i* acorded all wbo took part in <'our entertainment for tha love of country an t unselfish devotion tnanifaaiod. Raaparifully yours. Bills H. Ro>*rta. Treasurer of tha I'nlted State#. OAHTOniA. Baan tbs TgJ Hp» *.'.MW fc#t Signal Corps Hen hooded. Washington. Sept. 1. Tha war de partment haa received mar.. - applica tions for muuter-out from men In the volunteer rignal corps attached to General lees command In Jackson ville, Fla. The officers of the corps have had reason to rocnplaln of <1 nor altxallun in the corps, owing to the ef frnui of friends of the signal corps vol unteers to secure tfcalr discharge from th« service, now that the war Is over. _» . Mr. Jamas K Fatrel. of Burnt House. W. Va., has discarded at! other diarrhea medicines and now handles only <"hsmhar!aln'« Colic, Cholera »nd Diarrhea# Itemady. He has used It In his family and arid It to his customers for years, and has no hesltetlon In saying that It Is .the best remedy for colic and diarrhoea, he has ever known. It not only gives relief, but effects a permanent cure, ft la also pleasant and safe to take, making It an Ideal remedy for bowel complaints. For sale by Al exander Drug A Seed Co., Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. A peace commission without John W. Foster upon it! JUST IN x The very latest in Ladies’ Handsome Belt Buckles and Belts to match, Richly deco= rated. ATTRACTIVE Sclweiierf & Co., Jewelers JUDGE WHITE WON'T TALK ll* b Ik* \ I>p» lib (asisc f#* brent. HhM PaWwtudv kasaa »WW lt< w* .wrva. tWhahia-rtr-a, imp: -J—airs IM •iH |> WlMtc «d the t'Mtet **»'#• nups rasa rsm*t what ta is ht Me as ’ha {•ace tssgMUaat.ihrtw *'‘tH •* »h* city par a ghost twee aat hfte sat from can tow, wh*s» ha had i an farted with tha |Spatgea*, t.. r«t»tt «l He arae two «• • *v mm spa pee meg •w 4 goral V ned aa la the rsswUt ad hta • eaterw tup- 'mt hnwly though a od natarority 4mMmsA I# say hwythlng Hi that sabfe. t other than that h# hsd •raw iha Frmtdsnt. hwl s«M ' owshi-r K a hrswch «f roartevy ta dtartaac lha mmlt ti . Ha talheg fyaaty hmaaray, of lha twea pruMean He gpuhe ad a rlaaa «# gssw>»e •ho ».wM bsaw •Miaewa la <waa Cm- W and tbe Phltltytsw wa*a snorted sod be left lha Impreaamw *Mh all bla bracers that hie optnodl was that tha rotted Matas alrawdy bad taa maay « this kind. _____ Cranks Must fVlClwlaj. Clevetaad. 0.. Sapt- *.— •*•*» Praat dent and Mr*. McKlnlay have barn via it ng Col Hrnr*eh brra several craoha have til'd to enter lha Harrtck home A young woman oar night tried to force her way lot** the Herrick home, according tv Deputy Sheriff Brooks and Patrolmen Matinee nod Barrows, who were assigned In apseial duty at lha Merrlrh re si den re. They my that abe vaulted Ike porch rail and wa* speed ing toward the door, which had been left open because of the Intense beat, when she <vaa discovered. In her band at the lime wa# a large open clasp knife She did not resist (he police, und they, thinking her demented, let tier go. Russia’s Assurances to Rngland. Pekin. Sept. 2. Rum's has given complete assurecres that she will leave the British sphere of Influence intact. !> ta believed thal the British admiral was Instructed to Immidlately selae nil the muclnlng Chinese ships and cus tom house If (he Tsting-11-Vatnco a re jected the British demands. Foraker to Oo to Cuba. Cincinnati, Sept. 2.--Senalor J. B. Foraker left Wednesday night for a persona! tour of Cuba and Porto Rtf'} to Investigate the real conditions there He will travel In Cuba on horseback for that purpose. New York Futures. New York, Sept. 2 Futures opened steady. October 5.61, November 6.84, December 5.6*. January 6.72. February 5.76. March 5.79, April 5.82, May 5.86, June 5 88. Back to Their Former Stations Washington, D. C., Sent. 2.—Orders have been Irsucd at the war depart ment that all regular army reglmenta at Montauk, which wer- stationed pre vluUHly cast of the Mlaalsalnpl river, shall return to those same stations. If Hanna had finer sensibilities and less egotism, he would not talk for pub lication concerning the results of the war. The people have not. forgo!ten that he declared there would be no war, and that "only loafers and tramps” wanted It. FIVE MACHINES IN OPERATION !•• as I«mb •*» Urtki M U* pikk hat RhstsadW' * ~ * INanaat ymm VnpN. a*N ** * ******* •* *•’ gwrttAM awMffu***** » **•*•* tw»aaa-4M <w M* •** atNMNaaa* *•*• **-**• •*• »gg 11**a am M*w »w*N»»w*mWa -umvgT-* IB IN* MNNaMpaiwW at •*» u** «%PH» #* Al— HMMI i ii mmm. &*****• ***** ilmp liMfc ***** * Hhma ** % '*■ ■ **'* y _ . -__j _ tiTR,; iliffH VA *-41 P-iv4* ,* It •* * €wwww* ■ IRNNKItNHi t ”MMN|pfA ikMMpMNA#’ ***% '*>♦ ***** *#••**•• Awk ijf-m t pww* *** iwm9***wm mwww Av asgriaff. ha»vwg Ik* *'■*• • ga Him saaMßsavlM mam hat MN Nalaw as «w**m* *M kaeNM «*aw * - <4 ms fuel ingMwayvm’ •atlas Nw fl« mm (fc BWfc J ' ; a*k * w f**W**W AwPk WWW* *W llwi A IMk at *0 •ad kalaglaam tamgna* w*h «•* • vawfwauw ta ah *h tha gwavmt *«m guy mu tw haw «Ba ■mrhibew :TV ms* <i. <agwat«a .**,«# awe <!aß*f ! a NHa Nw a*4 •# that MBumWI (Ns gw raw* ««m*fway saat ea > n |we raw* Tha paraw rwmtaiwa [ >was II fwr taw* as tNa «a***a> *;** ,of tba gain nWNMiWUw TNa p-l.taaiwß j gra tha adhawanamtaw whi«k hwaa I aaaw < r»a*»**M **** as* *** a asttaa aßsawiia* tawh «*a sy>aa*wai 'of tha Arhawawa Alai swat awd FMmMb iWWWWW***' < «a f%* ' I flay #i' Ob •.. • * .fMiM® I o» . .. -MM.. SJ*M*| ! IM)« lAJMI * ||il«*rt|f< rwi'w* «».... *••••• *,^*-*^ i flwtwt Cm > Tn»nff hiaiffi *• •• \ Atitsmi A l^lorlAs On, . • • •• •• •* ••**••*• I M«tt T«UI •>• TM«M, «r«* sow fit# nath itt Ml **p~ j { «#Sf|OS' two K AllflWit Os, AMO Si) j HNvM T»*a*. OB* *• M'rep*l)» J ' Tend »nd <w at Ka»i R»t»n andJ | ih# *owp«»? m ahiMMac threw «wr, , iirTwri •MCI thla writ. Tte »«WHI , l, a. Iwfr «w4ara oa It* t*«#ka f® *tej I Iciwy Mia at flre-flxtrewlh caret s*r p utxl a<sv*ltre i* prw. o««r Iba aquas*] tel* . „. . "Tte five m Hind dollar* nt capital la •II aorereare atorh. a mt tte l*at •»> ‘ w*» at ITS par U*®. It fat pnaalbl# ! tliat (hr at nr It map te IMrtl whan (hr vain* of lb* '!/*(? l'«t’ tea ter® ’ miljr den».n*i rated Tar auak la qaltr wall *r*H*red tn New Tori Hna mn and Chicago although tbr direr -1 tom rfpfficßt (ho ros*rult’AC liiswi It Is sot prnpostri to msho th* sloth 1 HftorulstlVf*." A mark an Cotton Company. Kaquny at tbr o(i<r of thla romta ' up bp a Manufacturer*' Kword ror j laapwdroi el let a tbr following lart* I Tit la company baa 1&0 machine* now in operation, tone of them worktna day and night. Thea* are acattrrrd [ throughout the entire cotton produc ing area from North Carolina to T«re ac. During the cotton year which I cloaca tomorrow tbr output of three Icplindri al-balt mathlnra foot* up 46,- | 000 bale* which have been marketed ! not only In every mill diatrtci of ! America, but In every cotton tnsuufse ’ Hiring centre throughout Great Britain 1 and con inenrel Europe. Machine* are 1 contra' lei for whose output during the renting season will exceed 26.000 cylindrical bales. STATE NOHHAL SCHOOL. P Attendance Largest in the history of the School. i i hens. Sept. 2. The State Normal school continues to prosper in the highest degree. At present there are In actual attendance upon the achool 266 teachera, while the total enroll ment for the session bna reached 4SI. If lhe accommodations wi-re ample to satiaf. the demands, there is no telling how many teachera would attend, us President BradweJ! Is forced to turn de n many applications for admission : every day. The last ten weeks session begins soon and fully 200 mure teachers will arrive. The work on the new building at the Normal school Is progressing nicely. \ The serond story is nearly completed | and thci ocniract calls for ibe eom- I’lction cf the building by the 20th in stant. F* will be probably finished by that date, but anyhow not later than the first of Or.obor. This will give addi tional dormitory room for 30 or 40 teachers. The character of w~rk being done at the school is of the highest grade of excellence. Last Week Selling Out at “Lower Balk’s.” We hope to make such sweeping re ductions as to entirely close out our goods this week. No reasonable offer refused either singly or In bulk. Also 12 small tables for sale cheap: 1 coun ters: 1 office desk; shelving and in n safe—so every cue come early Monday morning and help me sell out and get your bargains. Mostly left—Klb l.ons, Veilings. Hats, Tip*, Velvets, be sides good red flannels and other dry goods. One fine rosewood stand mir ror, coat 126, for 410 cash. TTIX ATJOrJetTA HKRAMI, R P' ppwoca T*m ffWw* *t % WW* W wW *W* 4U n» mwwwm >h«h> **4 ****** ***** * ***** **** **W* ** Ttw saw 4 ■ sl«4 *4a wrigtaw<e4 ta t' l* it ***** Aa*«aw#a» *** asw aa*a>ag I* pagw at. Iwaws at Flaws*, TNa amaitwwsa aw lha tsiinaN wmha travel wg a*wvt* T*a faa» awabw wvawsw all waws Warnt ■ sitwa this MB A taw iT»tawm» aMMNkM* •*•*• W blffhSM* SgßsxtWMMWt YNttovt M tha weww-wtwa '-*sawla a wf Ba ag fr**»i**i» swtW lie* Atwg auAa ib tha Uatßtsm wa a* ' !»')!; jsr'Oßt*Th< ****** f IWW Til# k I till'll **tWW*W* *W iWt” atabevt WHB gsaaa •aaWaa Wr»«*wl wear tail etaha wall ba a»- gwa se4 M Aagwata thN fall Iwrw* white frit hats are srotw twhaattwg hy tba womew <*f Put Mt That ihirs Iff ffewartl ha* oegaa Htrd • ' that t Worry' maaaswawt. The***"* w-atlo** are flllad with ggy ptaids for Attlama shirt waists The qwa'loa as auswaa hi vlliaa ta •w«pagi*g the attsSMM* of wdewtlsta liSwa g*nl*a •?* the fa#h***ble fwstwa of entertainuven* at prewaat The llatightese of lha ConfeAsem-a \ hold their aanwal twsntug in Route ihta ■ gear j la the hart eat Wtoow th* preaeat one or that of 'ha Mtier p*r» of Mptem t*r? Raapberrles mat he aa*d I* meking several m*t galata'de hot weather ffrtaha. The decrease t* the paisonag* of the electric CM* Wf Bight marks the of summer I*swots I* borsebarh riding have au pmaeded thorn ta wheeliag among the fasbv nab tea Bte-ha should ha rowataiMly aired in this weather na Ibe dampness rsuaea them to mold. LI. llobann was ad orated In the Freni h a bool i»f M!nea. and haa many • arm friends in Part# The dub women of the country are engaged In supplying isolate I sses.ern era with reading mat er A system of ventil«itten which car ries t>ff all rasp.ralory ImpurUiaa in sure* a haaltby habitation Mm Rat el la Reel of Wyoming haa been nppolntad superinlendttit of lha Government Indian school. The engage meat ban been announced of the Prlncm* Victoria, second dauah ler cf the Ptlnce of Wtlaa. to Ix>rd R« vela oke head of the banking huuae of Baring Bri.there WINEIDfeCARDUI WfN MmW*. CARDUI SICK FOR TEN YEARS— Now Well. Axpn*, OHIO, Nov. 8. rregiit Since I wis sixteen I have had jjafo/reß irregular menstrual periods. It w vent from had to worse after I d*’ married, and In ten years I was a ~v perfect wreck. Morphine injections \\ ’/A -/V __ . / were the only relief I could get. \ . \ ,6 When almost in despair I heard of , 'T \ 1 Wine "i C:ar 1 1 111 I have used it with I | a little Black-Draught and am now jl aBSP perfectly well. 1 J Mrs. W. SANDERSON. HlneTOrOC* A woman who has suffered ten years with irregular menstruation, leucorrhoea. falling of the womb or any other ••female trouble” has simply endured a living death. No pen can express the joy and gladness that fills her breast when she has finally drawn herself away from the clutches of these dis eases. No woman should ever permit herself to get Into such a distressing condition. The trouble should be stamped out at the start. If mothers will give young girls a little Wine of Cardui as they approach puberty, after-life will be practically fiee from danger. The organs of generation will be strong and well fullv prepared for wifehood and motherhood. Even _ ...... up to the Change of Life uotES' advisory department. there is not likely to be any For advice In cane* requiring »pe* SCriOUS Visitation of SICKVtCSS. ! When that period arrives. | Wine of Cardui will again be 1 needed to assist Nature in making the radical change. A few doses of Wine of Cardui at the right time make a great difference in a womans life. ALL DRUCOIBTS BELL WINE OF CARDUI SI.OO A BOTTLE. THERE'S FIGHT IUST AHEAD Tit ftrttM IMMK Itaa NIM rWklllMi * Hawdslatm Mw* laliainfWd IN# HMMs fa**** m§* i **'f*m ********* ww* liww fi-mißki -« urtmiplrff *mm*W* Itki IhifMNit rrttm m * Bililiwt \WW T*m j •m ***** ww *9 *w* #>»»♦ **#■■'■ | *t* iUftmi thtt »M'» * *****wws*m. *w* *** \ (3Mh#%'fM9n»# *m ## ta 4# t AW»-#fftm*Bi * «nbn *** *■ ** tIHI w 1 Am >F n .«*«*« • ** *•** !*■'* -«»«•» ij'iij. nu “nr % ft» **m |trr i **** »♦» !<%» Me 04* *•*♦ Ntlwca * TVc f 4B * • frMPw *mv* ***** ft** ****** ill* m«* ** + T~ t JT*!!*r**• V#*«**i tk T%* ft* : - 4 k4* #AM| f-* *- ■ «Aitl f ;, *Nl*TpPft %m* JtmWWNm so*mw*m. *Wm ******* w m* WW* rw*a«dft fha**fiM*i •« •• • %*mm *w* m w mt «mw*w* •* wm !«M*t ** IlftAit !<«*• 1 4Mm0Www*w* Tftwwft **woW •»«*■#■ MNupNgf 4*l HAN fkfw* *** 9** « **f* W |hf(||f*«** i* ***ll f*Jh*ft i f W**im* ****** *t *m*mf j* iir *•** •<■•* •tifi* in •M Wtw* ftHI KMl*l *• W#l ||a* dN »*>»iffffAWWil fN«A t* • •• lit •• »tf*» wmW w*u% •• I*wv* | j Hg «h*«R * ilffilfi Mt t*#® *** Jultir nt9rp*l WHAT HANNA SAVA. m« Off la a Ahwwt tha VawWala la tha Army Pin rtairl.. •» . Weft > Bswwtos Han na has returned aflat a swank's cntlnw tn TsHaarat-wo P»d f'Auseetwr m ■ -i-wi-4 wstferiag in the army cam*. Mr H#e*a aatd ”1 4w wot cat* to ptoro the tdama far tha eet*4Htawa ••»•> anyotse, t will say thal tha a»v«»m«es nf the 4tfle»*»t states atged*' 4 «h* vidMtaor ufflr■ r*. and at* Mel 'he lH» „m aueaid lb* tr-#>*a ewmso fr«*n tba v.ilunteer rtsH The ptaef Mr the f calNdta «<f the «-amna wet* ate ted I*, iraua* Of ‘heir aeaiUdltty and general -1 Itmaf te raodtltrdl# " CABTOnZA. ImN gHWMh#,Am;N< fatal lncolnter. IHoody Affray Amowg Promlwa*! krntucklaaa. Harrodahurv. Ky., tte*>t 2. Wm. I Morgan. hroth*r m lae of Col Jack | Chinn the wall known turfman **• ' abut iwlca In the bmaat and atatied in tha abdomen one*, by Jan** Moher- I ly. this morning Morgan died shot tig after. Thera had Iwagi an old grudg* tatwren thr lan mm whk h ulmloa!*t| in a personal rmountrr. i a. ii Smith * Wasson pl#t«la from H to, Hrvrral g'-rl btcyeha for sale very cbi-ap. flood watch*# from 91.16 to (Ml SB at lirwtv J. Helmut. B< ll<it»le Pawnbrtilmr, under the Arilnirton. Capt ■ Clark's Fariough. Bditon Haibnr, Mich . Scpl. 1. Cnptnln Clark of tha Oregon raealved word today that his furlough hail beau axtendad to thrae monlh#. Ha la rarllag and Ii putting off all aoclal fnnctlnna until be ban regained hi* I haalth. AUTUMN LEAVES v. WIIX 5«0.S tot PttOWtNO - . from Hit imm. Win**** «»• rtroppwc It own our OothHt* D»p»riwmti TN ihrth Mr* t* r*cNf Nw ll* ( iavbb You will Oo nctoor Tor »»*• monoy »ov«0 by our SL'MMHK SALE V -OF - s Men’s and Boys’ Suits tftut*tf «n»MH ft* IT* iifil W*Ht fft W o#* WW **k ****** ****** ** ******* *nn*w ♦•*>* ***** I* *•* Hi- **, ******* W* W**W*W fwrtiQiß'i irf §NI (** W* ft*** lofto# oP WW* ftftWFY ****** flMftMi •offiO'4 ***** WWM JMO 1 - tnr-1 1 ' »N,d- to. -'O |AHN |#ft|NMft ith*R* Qft*-fO *W flNft ftftft ftft |l| ** ft#4 •mmomo Hi# ormMO. (►*• ft I# ft# *m» rot*, t iimftrr# ft-ft* tftotftfti *#*»# Iftit #ftfo |H«ft. fit#! OihO ftft #Moft tl ’ ft#. ft# #«#•' ******* (niff **'**« fVftff# mm* m* ***** *w j. e. hite i to, citiiiit: Dwrnut __ tHff MHN NTOffll— p-rn-a-—--—. 4. m At ft ifftifti' # W WW. wit l VMM £™ ht* Wfi'AU WIIT. L-— The last, but on* of our »omi-onnu*l ('hnUftnyo Salffh win b«> crowntfd kaith «n array of l>ari:win», wuch as any sfora may ba proud of. Soma of tho apseial vitluas ara tha raauHs of our own afforrs carafuily pianad for lha occasion many waaka a#o. Othar*. we are frank to confas*. ara rathar accidantal. merely attributable loour ability to take quick advantage of tha t ne*oact<»d turns the market* tako »» Mmsft # in ail It is a wonderful collection of rhoice Shoe# that will bo sold at our new stora this waak for v $1.99 n Fifteen different styles In Ladies' Low and High Shoes and aiyht different styles of Man's. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Couiay while In the East. Agents for Henan A Son, Stacy Adams A Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE a® 6 a* JfJg BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE EOOBroadStree ■ n .... ... ■ i™ ■ « >M make youraelf one of our cu*to«sr.. <“» fl "- nlsh r '^ r " w,,h too. amt the beat In the market at '»>«•• The reeetlt 25 per rent reduction vnu a quarter hit, hut here', a proeer«lou of home rune: Columbia*, model 40, *60.00, and your laat ehanre to aet th"* P'-PuKr model at •»/***»• "[* »**“ three shop worn (only) mortel ttt. ladle*', wo will let go “[ * ,J ’' ’ ' n , Hartford at *46.00 and ladles' Vedette at *35.00, ladies Jill boys and men there la nothin* on the market to compare with the Keldel apodal al *28.00 and the Jadr at *24.00: second Clevelands. Kamblere Crescent*, Htearna. Victor*. Kldrodge and Ra.-ycle*. fro “ “ condition, and we let them go al any old prlce-they did not coat u« any thing, were given to us by people who wanted to ride the BIANDAHD WHEEL. OF TILE WORLD, and only sold In Augusta at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. Bicycle Department. OFFICE OF Co-Operative Coal Supply Company, DEALERS IN COAL AND WOOD. 1041 JACKSON ST. v THE -A-JNTT N Laid up supplies for winter nnd didn’t get left. Neither will the man who buys his coal now from the Co-Operative Coal Company. Our Jelllro is ex tra In size and quality, but not In pike. To those who warn on equally good, Wit slower burning coal. *' **«"" mrml the CROSS MoI'.NT.MN. No slate or dirt, and your tire «111 keep *'Anthracite and other g.ades of Sufi. Coni and the only drat etas* Black smith Con! sol,l in Augusta. Telephone or call on us for Wires, „, j READ HERALD WANT ADS. MPTIMIM 9 la new runwW* Worn* *f our ►*%# InuilM ara hah cam* an* die oar arc < Oaa miglu a* wall attempt ta paao* the rainbow, a* ta daaatba aU tbaU Baud ouaiii.c*. Tha way they ara «*• In* la a rauttao to those who Ir'ead rurrbasa ah.a tr.ay ran k* Had fa* •*at In* some aawwtlma.- Belter pur chase when they tan ta hod for tuck law prices to wa ara offerla* them. A* for glssawarr. crockery, lamp*. #e.. time and language fail us ta taU as tha woinUrs that wa sail. Don't for ce that our aaro prtcas wIU kaap yaw aool. the plao*