The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 03, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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SATURDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL 4>t» ITI'I AU wM tw **» H<KS Aall J*»c« TMf »I«T GftAOttt Of Ghm> Ciam Ja*u«o , COALH - jkahrattt* i#t and Nui ,At tni) mwmi J2££ **"ciTY ICE COMPANY. LABOR AND LABOR NOTES. BY JEROME JONES. tfirmti r #m ***** #*r - # *** ft*tt ftftft*4 if *!■ piiffiptwi* *# tfe* I |lM*i Ml laftM* *4 Iw • *#*♦ WNftftft*** ,;<Bpttlftßft*M*ft *ft» jpwaair** l ** ft ****** •m «ft* mi* imo ** ** ***• ft'ihp Yha !*• ftftft ®mw**i*mi ttHi* ®* ®*#* • *»v ft WWW*, *# •flu-*** •*» . M|Nf pft#*4* *M»* Ift** - *"'* ••* IpNpi •*■• «ftft*rftta» rm&* •ftjhre* PMMHRUf ** lUMTt-**<*■! tftpt** aft# #■*•**• lift •* ***** *•* rlftpft 4*ftffi»a** !•*# ##*** •**»§ •* . Ipjftnft i*M# !•»** m*i*l *■■ ** * , ••<»*►*• #*f if ■***• 12*"*Tf?5 j jftftraat f* ■*••%• tft* «*t* w ••"■ 'ni 4*ft Ml MM-*# * »W<y. <» * ***• •*>■*•ft■ It M ft*d* «M*l ffMi |l» fNMtt •** *■•*•*' MMMf »* * ***W4*l«M»* “MM* m m ww ,w I tftf* I MIN* •#! I* V»»sM# minify f **»**'•'*# °ft* j 099*+* |NM* aY**# F**Y« ••* * (*»#;****< «|MM »-tWiMPta i»4il ** • * I—* >•- 'i li# f( •#*«••< MM-t* ip*l 11 *f ** f *** a# (ftk## ftfey fen# * IMNN* t** * #** ■** j ttftfftfttfflj **• •**^ #fl * ***•» *M«*MM " fftStfMl I* #**» ' f**a#**l *% I* tMuM Mrtw > iw» N ftrrlawft *** !***• »fc*> ftttflftftft If f ftNk mm% <*»• aliNUHf* •»* I «act A i» MMf *t* ***••’*• iwi” 8,,< *M ti*l •*.? •»•*? I if * iMv* mmA •m*»WNi , ' , mi mm* Hmw* mm 4 N I* •**•» * ******* ftM 1 fMIMiM?*! *• etMMtrM, Iftilri ifttkf* f«*Hi fM* ffMII YW *nrk#« »W* •*«» mm 4 N*m>#4 ttf M/lli • ] irtft*tr r d«f *iM*«\ iMf mimMHom « M|Htr4 Mllfc • lIMO l« •••* j •M f»PI ft ir«M4»*r *M ***+ |*|#H#rHit! i fllMtiihU' Iflrnc 4«|r ilft Minfl f * |HMMtft. ftflM (P*M <MIY fl i l ** MMMftlf l«ri of fftftthMK* ftft ft **** ** Mir* rt tKftft«*ft4N of ftfitr* At fiftft* «ftilirTMur*.M'ft har* j Wfat* AtftfttP** th* v l»l***f | In YftrlMM* fofft*. ftM - ® Mil |f fnrftftf *ti ftft* i* aniod • fif***** |#tri fftf ti *!» ttift j Ti»* day ftdA* • fttlmtilw* t» mov *" •ftfttit. ftftA out *lI tiftt I* ***** ****** I »d*«* ti*t pit l« obop*' fti*t f**r ftett«4) prm* prndiirtlvf •* go*.4 l#t mk *#»tiu*tft<*?n for til* Aftf - Yl tt4f uli £t«t\ »*mi th* mtmn» «f •««*"* *•»<• * j HMfty Ml Mrtefwr » homnr l» r««r n.«n *l*o n»k«- • I rrm t* four I*l»f #»v rt*>mu«»l»*ll«»n. ! Ttir tlmr I* »<*« fliran>i»nt « »«•« *»• habitant* of »!»••*• »»•* l *" lW and dtjr will a*##aithl* .«. th* flr*t M»arta> ta IW-|it*mb*r and pay hnma«* to labor. Ti* fifty wai not obtilncd without *n and I am |rt*d to ««<•• th» »#»rt h** bean appraatatad, and all ovar thla broad land pralar* to labor talll ho •uns. Tha ralahratton In Atlanta Monday arlll b* a *r«t *v*nt Out o* it all will om. »ood lo th* maaara. Aa I aald ha- | fora tht day la but a mltaatnn* In ona | aanar. and *» look hark, and what ran i wa aaa? Tha tnduatrlal rlaaaaa aia building partlrl* by partlrla that aub- | atanttal rlllaanahlp which will glva the ; world an actual equality of right* among all man of round mind and j heart On labor day the reprenanta- 1 llva* apeak to their fellow wOf Harm and | to the world and there d. monatratlon* command the attantlon and reaped of all Wa oould not aroomplt*h thla n* Individual*. Thu* do men who have the ; Courage, nerve and Intelligence to bring to a aucceaaful laaue a labor day d.-m --onatratlon deaerve un*tlnted pralac from the toller*, nefonn* fol low In the wake of there tlemon*trn tton*. The development and appearance of numerical atrength h»* alwaya been a great promoter of reform*. It war the caae In the early day* of Hlsmarclt and LaSalle. Another thing muat he borne in mlnd—on that day the very cream of the laboring people turn cut. a/t1 are proud to he numbered among tht* cla**. Tueaday, I received a letter from my old friend." Sadie McGuire," of the Wes tern Workman. Omaha. Neb., In which he desire* to Inform the working peo ple of Georgia, through the columns of The Herald, that there will he no labor congresa held In Omaha in the great exposition hall. The manager* made a great mistake when they allowed this feature of the exposition to fall through —all the labor leader* In the United State* bad signified their willingness and intention to attend and deliver one or more addresses, and also assist In the discussion of leading labor ques tions. I nominate the l’arls exposition as the next place of holding a labor congress. How will that suit "Sadie”? Information Is received that Prescott, of the International Typographical Un ion, will be a candidate for president of the American Federation of I-abor. The same old story! They were going to beat Sam Gompers at Nashville: the story began and ended with one chap ter—Honor and Honesty triumphant. Whenever a man is announced who Is as bratnv and capable to govern as Pam Gompem then I am ready to talk a c hange; but T am not willing to stake the future Interest of the great Amer ican Federation of T-nbor on every dim Crow third rate politician who bobs up for its president. The printer In the labor movement must not think he is ttje only head on the liquor, there are iother smiles in the glass. The meeting Is only four months off, and the “Col.” {Will be on hand once uvare. _ . tgr t«« ftwftmtM it M **#*9 *«r*~*t feftt ft * »#* rt«iM ft* fMftftr* %m fra* ISM** (• fcrtMft i«ir My iMtittMft ttk»fM «• • l*f*t •Mh i •* fv* fr**niftft witt Ac* Tni (lift *«*•, will h* Mtiftflwl Tha wmtins -pie vt|)| htir ft VMtly In ft fr« 4»ia •in iinmi ttMift# tMf 4ft*MftftAw kiw*|A. ftiftf fk* rvwMwwl *if it# r«s* %km from ik «*«t»iir will br uft# A Clcvtr Trick. It ecrlftlftly look# ltk« It. Ni ih#r# ta fftftlly ft# trtcfc fthmit It. Anybody fftfi tfy It who Imip !<ttn# Vtark and Wrmk Kidney ft. Malaria or Rrrvoui trnyhka W«* he ran rto rlchf «way ky tftfctn* KkHrif Blit#fv Ttiia mfttktt# Umra up th# whd# ayatrm. •eta mu ft atlvnulftiit to Uv#f and Kid* n#ya ta • Hl.*d purlSer and n#rva ton ic. It rufftft O»natlpatlofi. II an da*'Ha. riantin* spalla Rlaaplaaanaaa and Mel ancholy. It la P»ir*ly vafHftbl*. a mild laxative and r#»at«raa tha ayatam to tta natural vigor Tiy Klc frlc Hitter, and h* convinced that they are a miracle worker, livery bottle guaranteed t>nly S«r a bottle *t Howard A Wilin'* drug ■tore. SIUMA NU. The Annual Convention of the Order at klacon. The annual eoneeniloll of Ihe Pigmy Nu fraternity will be held In Macon next October. The following notice ha* been sent out to member* by the president. Mr. ICugene Anderson, through hi* secre tary. Mr. J. H. Krndrlck. of Dawaon; "The annual convention of the Geor gia Alumni Aasoclatlon of the Ptgm* Nu fraternity will be held at Ihe Hotel Lanier. In Macon, on Monday night and Tuesday morning, October llth and 12th. the Tuesday aesslnn .losing in time for Ihe delegate* to take part In Ihe patriotic parade of Macon's great diamond jubilee. "Many important questions will come before the convention, one of which Is a resolution adopted at the last con vention. providing for a discussion of the advisability of raising a fund to educate deserving young men under the auspices of the Sigma Nu frater nity. “This will l>e the biggest convention ever held In the state, unless all signs fall, and every member I* urged 'o be present, as hi* wisdom Is needed In the councils. Specially lowr rale* have been made with the hotel, and room* for delegates will be reserved for all who notify the president at least two weeks before the convention. “The follow ing subject* will he hand led by some of the ablest speakers In Georgia: "Welcome address. Response to the address of welcome. Chapter apeeehes on "The Relation of the Fraternlt- to Education." The banquet of toast*, discussion* on educational resolution, general business meeting." The Herald's new Standard War At las is a very timely publication, which seems to be well planned to answer the questions which people are asking about countries tn different parts of the world. The maps are tn sufficient detail to be entirely Intelligible, and the low price at which the atlas Is pub lished, 30 cents, will make Ignorarioe unpardonable. Realtxing the value of such an atlas The Augusta Herald ar ranged with the publishers for a special edition. As this new' atlas Is not for sale at any of the stores, our readers should hasten to send for a copy be fore the edition t« exhausted. Transports In. New York, Sept. 2.—The transports Nuecas, City of Washington and City of Berkshire, arrived at Montauk Point today. The Berkshire had 250 con valescents on board from the Slboney hospital, all under the charge of Dr. (Barker. 3he sailed from Santiago, Aug. If. The Nuecas had on hoard the 21th infantry. Maj. Markey. and two com- I panies of the first Illinois. ,_ . _ tub: auouhta hbraid ftOtal; irnntM V v At-tl tr< ft f'awtotgg (mw at # •***< a >«(*«*»**t • aAfkhtt A 9 Akaa% Ikat aOrta! If to* kt» ft* Lwt, three days after bta tana of see Ilea Water* baa placed a warraat. . ra, www sin bo«**fcf**hMg •wd larceae la tbe sheriff a hands wad Ihe win **• that Dawsna shall b* i tw oght to trial ta tbe rireatt mart. when he wilt, doubtless he ftr*« a ter* la tbs psaltsatlarf Try AMsa'r Ftsat-l-a**. A |«o* Art to hr ahakrn tftt * tha aho** : At thla aaaa>>n your faat fa**l »*olka, j narvmi# a«A hot. anA stat tlraA aaally 111 you hava attiartlaft l*aat or tlirht ahoaa. try Altao'a rw»l*Kt## It *«wAa tha faat and roakaa walkln* aaay. Curaa awollan and aaraalla* faat. hllatrra and rallouM ipoti. ftaltaraa roma and twin },,H| t ,f •11 ftfttft anl itlvaa raal and romfort. Try it tndny Mold hy all truf* fttato and ahoa atoraa for A aftnta. Trial La* ka«a FItKK Addraaa Alla® H. thm atfA. La* Roy. N T OVER 7.000 DIVORCES Wara Asked for In Ohio to a Stogl# Vaar. Columbus. 0.. B*pt. J.—Very Inter eating alalia!lra on th# prevalence of divorce In Ohio have been collected by Sta'letirlan Smith, of Secretary of State Kinney's office. Hl* figure* show that there were 4,470 cases brought during the year ending June 30. while 2.901 were pending at th* beginning of that year. Thu* the total number of divorce suits In the state the past year wa* 7,431, In which 3.379 divorce* were granted and 1.109 refused or dismiss ed. There are now 3,943 ault* pending In tbe state. | Marital unfaithfulness leads the Hat as a eause for dlvorre. For this caiiae alone there were pending July 1, 1897. 365 suit*; during the year 577 were! brought, making the total 942. The husbands brought 479 and and the wive* 433 suits. There are now pend ing In the state 359 suits for this cause. During the past year there were 3,585 suits brought for absence or neg lect. of which 1,047 were brought by husbands and 2,488 by the wives. [There are trtlll pending 1.344 suits. Cruelty Is alleged as a eause of divorce In 1,696 eases, of which 565 are »UJI pending. The husband were the plain tiffs in 206 cases and the wives In 1,490. Drunkenness as a reason why di vorce should be granted in 993 cases. In which husbands appear as plaintiffs 141 times and wives 852. Five hundred and eighty-eight of these cases are still pending. Fraud is alleged in 61 eases, of which 27 are still pending. The husbands were the alleged victims in 28 canes and the wives tn 33 suits. AU other causes figure up 204 cases, the hus bands being the complainants In 57 causes and the wives in 147. Among the larger counties of the state Hamilton appears with a very gvod record. .Suits were brought, as folows; Drunkenness, 399111 adultery, 128; rcg’ecl, 558; cruelty, 80; other causes, 4. Cuyahoga does not get away so welt, as drunkenness appears 212 times; fraud, 6; adultery, 4549; cruelty, 326; other corses. 12. OASTOTIIA. Bear, th« _ypTlw Kind You Hate Always Bought -r Where iloney Talks. Just take a quiet stroll and draw up at the big shoe store. Talk about money talking—just cast your eyes around: notice the goods and pri ces. The fact that will impress you most Is that it's bargain day in shoes and hats at Mulherin's. , GooD IUCK BAKING POWDER. IS THE BIST. Ml®h#ff* of AH If* v#ff*- Iftff PCMrfff. Iff At. |*»T ATti FOR BENT JM fJor*Wr at**r(, t vaaMVkft «• .. •* •• j m " »m\ S U« Ran?* .. «• •* #* .. #. •• *.SS 4 U« Ran** .. * ® » LftW fUftff* wa a • » ton v* x*u\h fttrrat .. .. •• .. .. .tl& «t jia Itrvantfe it real .* .. .. .. .. .. U-R lift Itr ad * •••• • f4| RlMiftlf »|IWt aa aa a* aa aa •• M M •13 Bread fltfMlt * ..MM •S 3 Bread #tr##t .• •• •• *• •• **•• •jt Broad rtr##t >• #• •• •• »• •• IS# Bread atrret •• •• •• •• •• ?<M Rrt*ftd !• •• •31 Broad ftr##9 aa •• •• •• •• tftl? Bread at real * “ HkFptnf rooma 10 wivtxitil loralltiaa Th# ibov# llat will b# chaiifad from day to day. John. W. Dickey Real Estate Agent. FOR RENT 1 J. B. White's new residence* om upper Rroad street. Kpecl t prices. 254 Telfair street, 6 rooms 317 Telfair street, 8 rooms 24 no 325 Telfair atreet. 7 rooms 22.00 329 Telfair street, 7 room* 22.00 333 Telfair atreet. 7 rooms 22.00 522 Kills atreet, 7 room* 18.00 812 Rroad street, fiat 1* 00 414 Fenwick street. S room* .. .. 2f1.00 1514 Owlnnet street. 8 room*.. .. New 1587 Walton Way, 4 room* 15 00 1813 Walton Way, 5 rooms 15 00 522 Broad street, 8 rooms 20 00 522 Broad street, store 20 00 J. B. White's cottages on upper Jones gtrw .t—*6.oo and 8.00 each. This ltat MU be changed from day to day. Clarence E* Clark, Real Estats. 832 Broad St. FOR SALE ggfl have for sale very desirable build ing lot located tn the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. Will eell some very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence lor your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1337 OREENE STREET. TO RENT! [ From Oct. 1 st, Cottage House of 6 rooms, Bath, Water Closet, Etc-, No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. axM- ForßeßifronOcils! . , - e ~ * fffffffb J ism, nr nl • ewaffto ~.. I m$ lent* • Mae .. .. U m 5 S 2 14Jt Jones 4 rnrima .. .. t aa M4M Jnwes 4 renae .. .... t M 11431 ft mad • rnosaa ~ .. .. .. 33 M [1433 Rna4 7 rnoaea ff.M 141* Jmmw 4 ronma 8 to I t4a3 June* 3 roraea .. .. .. .. I.M 1434 J«a*a. 3 root* * aa I 941 TeMatr. 7 room* 16 73 943 Telfair. T room* 1t.73 (II Broad. 7 r .»m* 15 w I 111 Me In lns b S ronma IS.A 331 Telfair. 3 ronma 13.«• ll* Kill* 3 room* 13.1 M 417 Reyanlda. 3 room* .. .. .. 13.33 331 Broad. I room# 7 03 333 ffllta, 3 rooms 13 53 -3—"• STORES. M*' *' * 1248 Broad 113.00 219 Campbell .. .. 33 S 3 331 Campbell .. .. .. .. .. .. 33.53 314 Mrlntoab .. 10.00 513 Broad 30 00 356 Broad .. .. 37.13 1(40 Broad .. .. .. .. 6.50 110 Mrlntoab 7.50 Desk room. 8 Library Row .. .. 5.00 J. B. White house*, Broad .. .. J. B. White house*. Jones. 6.00 and 8.00 This I* my complete list, Walt on longer, but call at once and get the beat. LEONARD r VERDRRY, The Renting Agent. TO RENT 7 Room House, 202 Greene sl4 66 6 Room House, 1005 Broad 16.66 5 Hoorn House, 1004 Jones 14.64 J. B .White Houses. Broad 22.50 to 25.00 J. B. White Houses. Jones.. 6.00 to 8.00 STORES. 303 Campbell ..$25.00 Corner Marbury and d'Antlgnac.. 30.00 917 Broad 66.66 FOR SALE —Two vacant 40-foot lots on Walker street, hetween Lincoln and Houston streets —*300 each. P. F. McANALLY, Real Estate. 3 Library Building. TO HEJSTT. From October Ist, 1898. the premises at present occupied by the Irfsh-Amer- Ican Dime Savings Bank at 817 Broad street. Centrally located and well adap ted for most any kind of business. Apply to P. M. Mulherln, Secretary and Treasurer, 817 Broad St. Ladies Not In It. 40c Fine Summer Undershirts, 20c. 40c. Fine Summer Drawers, 20c. SI.OO Fine Dress Sh'trts, 60c. 50c. Fine Scarfs, 25c. jj.jj 25c. Suspenders, now 10c. 10c. Club Ties. sc. Our large line of Fall Woolens has arrived and our summer goods have got to go at sacrifice prices. Call early and get a good selection. F. G. Mer tins. Tailor, opposite Planters Hotel, Augusta. Ga. Count Valdemar de Rassoff. a scion of one of Russia's noble families, ts on his way to St. Michaels’, having em barked on a steamer at San Francisco a few days a£o. ... BA 11 ><t3h CharltßtoatWC«olins •a* earn * • faffaama * •»(** a •*» ftk sm* 9I yftj# ifftiftj ’ sass KMBBRMttttßMaflftfti - ** ■ * ■ * iSSSZLL* M f tjrui ISml * 35 * i HftttNNtt l :- :rr; g. g33*9Bg ffffitt'* " tttttttttt# gftNfffft ffffft# I 1 * ■S3MPMPVifeKa»# a®. a :bmm j * jNMMI (BBBWpK-rt-a, «3** . wppßWft I ** i a3* •I- ? ** >• I I * M HflNß»****>* »*,*llLttMftflft j I *5 [■ 111 i 4 *****' 1 fmm\ i • fSCE'rt!*.!. *. i11.* . ? ' * + . ta. ,»***. eaa. M ttKftft j As j|. , j g.. •JMMN I ft » ft •*#• tNftft # *4*#• a • iff# r*m mrnarnmrm tor O 0 JftM* ftft ft 4.1» i #>ft» m h i xftafti ** m Mftft «ft ft. ft, L ar4 < 4** P 1!!? I —• •** ••I fti»v Iftftftiaaffif a va iaft^fti ft. J ( iftlft «re tm Aft iCHaU taftf iTtiift ftaftffftpa ftft BLOC RIDOC RAILROAD. AM f*M i~>Afr*e law PM lAM t# ft |am |. M Xaiiartra ,» I aftfttt «• !• •: : nit a«<«» *.,,t i till a i v( | in it • iiftti « - | |® j «a ic rvf? Craafft t i till a • d I ft* it Aft „«#»*# Cr*'ftft*c f\ •-Mil it \ • & Ift H .. iKNACA * T 9 *.3 ft ' t.lft if $ # ,S| Wr«li Ifalaft a I«f ' ft ft' ftft*** ********** • I*f l a|| pn ( girt A#rMra Fit PM. Ko IJ So • *** ** A \ Rpguur ft«a*ir*« F Vkftt *tat!«*n j rwuiftr train# from Ax4tra># ta Waiha’la fcav# rlfttkt ta trar* art? tra.r* <*f tftt itin# Ham Rtnvlxf in oft* '•oftttt fttr#rti««i, tmftta otft#r«#taa *re* | Will a)a« ftAft at followfti# atatioffia ta tali* «• <w lat off pAt#*#f#y*» Fftin* | JmivHft a oft ftan ly ttpHßftf I No. U roAMfti wftft Soytftani raJl wr Mo. IS at Aaft#r*on. No# ft anft ft r«Ma«#t witll Mitbwa "j"r ATLANTIC COAST LINE. mol-Trtf ABP RClCffffffT ROCTK TO TH* *APT ABD SORTH SHORTEST AND QUICKIBrr ROUTB TO TH* EAST AND NORTH. l.iepm Lv. _ Augu«ta. Oa..Ar ! 7 55am ! (9pm j Ly Aiken Ar j 7 4:l7pah Lv....Denmark ...Ar 4 4.13 pm Lv Orangh'g ...Ar | 5:435m 6 *6pm( Lv..3umt*r. n. C...Ar i 4 Team l:2ipm Lv Fh»r#nrv....Ar i lUMiat. Lv...Fayetteville Ar 1 14pm s.2lam ! At Petersburg.Va.Lv j 9:l3pm 4.00 am Ar.. ..Richmond ...Lv ! 5 t2pra 7 tlam Ar..Washington..Lv ! 3.44 pm 9 03am Ar... Baltimore. ...Lv 2:25pm U 23am Ar.. Philadelphia. Lv |l2 o»pm 2:oJpm! Ar... New Tork....Lv | 9.30 am Pullman palace buffet sleep Wig car* from Macon and Augusta to New Tork without change R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt.. 72$ Broad Bt,. Augusta. G*. T M EMERSON, Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON. Gen. Pae*. Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect. March 4. 1893. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9'30 p m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester. C. A N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. - • Pm- Arrive Blow’lng Rock, Stage .. 7.e0 pun. o7W. HARPER, C. F. HARPER. President. u ' 1 ' A ' - y~' ■ The Paper That is Best For the Reader is Certainly Best For the Advertiser. THE „ BEST BUYERS s Are the Wage-Earners-the Working People of a Com munity : : : : s s ! } THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAGE-EARNERS BUY THE HERALD. •■IT’S THE BEST.” sl PTFftWf* B Hiti iMTffft roamt'-J* S. C. i 6. Rill 1311 CO ••• l*4*Kß** M*ft S6M 9i t (J 5 #«we M*. »taa -3 fftomMm fkam | >rr fraattwi Iff It*# Afftass t * TVae**, • ••• ■ ft* ft, - •Mffa "ft#*' ftftftxftpftft * Waft ft# * ftw# *'*■# *4 ftftft ft# ft »3i'—'ft A* ’Matt* » ft# ftMPMft ftftftftftft-ft* 4# fMMftftft ft *ftft |* .■*s. ►- Jim an i* ■ ftn*i# # ffftwMh ftft wSSfft- ftl SSft ftft (pftftftfta Ift ftliftl ,» a Iftftpgl |ft 9 (Mto-utMt# * .ftfift | ft* tftwffUa AWftw ft# ftftftftftft ftftJM| ft4ftmi ft t % i mm*'t** vn»ft I r* a L# ftffta»v, • < f*iH* a# ft*fta» ~ ft# : fivftllf ftftft mH IN lift lillifilftil f%*m*m* »*###• ca aai tt#w I<a Y<4 (Wt aftP 11 * LWj >jt Ft TarH 1% nr j ft* ft om ** i* % aiai—iT mm ## a aw i i m thm t • IwaaftK ft lift a 11# ftaftw ft lftaa i* t Hre [ ft* ft ftft a» fJpftft* ft# ft ft# ft** Y#aft 1 9mm ft# ft *ffr*ftHa* - tftftMft I ftUMMMft tftrefi IftMftf lftMMaft fjuft i* a— torn* aft ft Ift* I YfpftT * Maw \ Uftafti'flft..' t ftftw Mftpft %Mo~* $ gfffiH# Yff#ftMft *-i |mPM* : ftft’. gftft, bMpm ftf*fta jlftaaa. *J 4 49 ftft oMmm i C#«aaTS*iJia. »■»«♦ I->,„ »* MftftftMft IfMNft Baftaft ».*"«3*> ttlft* HftUftftM I aaaafta* •«•*•• •• ,f ftftttMft | ftJNftftl 4i# mft »ww#a ft»«* 'ftftfti • aaftaftffffftft •• * ftftftff 49af ft ftft ft^ft Xm* > w*aN*a attaa ftftft rorawmra ftft jF*ftwwavfia Flik aa aft in* - *aftaft* a aa **• ift a* ffti (ftaaft l##a a* §•#•• ft «m apf . . I. It. *s#Bn. L*. BMSKc<*# lnit> Msnswa*. tuff* Mimaffto p >. a*aims, ism Ar f ••*.-*•*, '*• ‘ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. “ Wms IMsv* • e..v.»»4tto- ItailtH mm 4 ft*## fwafta RftffrW# Jftlf * ft - * _ ■ " 1 " ■ff idmTm %mmOO"mm4. Hatty. Half a» ni iswim -i« mp t■« D i WMauKKMMB. 11 Ar (ausmtaa _■- ..***« •* Ar rp..f«sW» “>"*o , *•* ’‘j^S Ar Aafcsirtlle ... . | *** I *3 D'irrsn.** *»• iris', £3! . ZZZr- f 5& 545 I - jf'ksalrpa Ar (YKaftl'ft Mr “a -• * !S2! !SI i ?“Si tSI 1. I 614 p ISI A - »*•. “ “» M uwffiMra Ar - ... 7a. • PHTtUa r "TTmT II *l*| **l* Ar'wasMngam fTsiliiSS - psuimur* Ps *B. ; • n>iisd*t|4u» JSJJ* O.U, UaUy. L. Hew T«vk.P* 8$ iTSTp I*lS.» - PkUsdstpMs 486 p BMs • Hahuaor* I * 30pi 4it * Lv Wuft'toff. Ho Ry ft 4Sp 11 Ul L$ kL hmontl 7~" K.IWI ItOlm Lv . j"&«•• •Up Lv .Vt.rfoii | f»p Ar (imwlmro ft 45 a' Lt cimn4»ro 706 » J *lp . •* i'burlotl* 9 llftff 10 30 p • flock HiU Ulli IIWp • Vhmtar lo&fta, 11 87p “ Wlnoffkore. 11 41 a 12 * a fr Coma Hlanti# «f 1? 4tet. ; 187 a t. Columbia l'u. dop't. 1 15 pi 4 >«' a *• Johnatoor t M|> ft*»• . M Tnrofoa 8 ft»p; ft&a “ (irmnttavlUy • BMp 707 a Ar A'ltfUfffa 4Up _tt • ! Lv. Aabyvtlla. ...” jTMaI "TB p ' Lv. I r CoHha, H.C aGKy..... 1 3 00pi 7 00a Ar ChtrlMton . ft 40 p ( 11 00 a Lv OcdWr CftP Rr I 11 55* 1*47 a “ Bovannah ; 447 p 6Uk a fit Jark*oovtll» »2S pi Ift a M ! M'lM. I A K >ncvi< K Rxo#*llent daily pattftfir iorrirm ba#wrea Flnrulaaud New York. No*. 87 act!»— W and I.imitftt Hodd VaatiboM train with dimnf car* and flrat olaa* ctmehre north of Charlotta. Pullman drawing room •Saapiafoar* iwtwaaa Tamtia. Jark*<mv{lk?, Savannah. Waahinftoa and N«*w York „ , A Pullman Htocping Cara CMlwtt and Rit'hmond. _ Pullman drawing-room »lt*#*j>»nff oara rw twren (irrrnalioro and Norfolk (/io*r connac- Mon st Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, srrtvtnf there In time for breskfsut. Solid trsm. with Psrlnr <»rs, between <’ii.rle.ton and A.h.vtlle Nos. 91 and HB— L .S. F»"t Mall Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping ear. be tween Jack son villa and New York and Pull man alceping cars between Augusta and Char lotte. Pullman aleepin* vara between Jack sonville and Columbia, en route daily between I Jacksonville r.nd Cincinnati, via Ajihoville. I FKANKS OANNON. J M.CILP. I Third VP. A Oea. Mgr J. M., Waahtngton. W 6jp T A' B y'ashlagtoc. O- P. A- Atlsato. GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1898. Pullman Sleepers between Macon and New Tork. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au. gusts and St. tx>ute- Lv Augusta ..I 7:05aml 3:2opm|lo:3optd Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spmj S:2opm| A:ooam Ar Macoo ...,|U:l6em| I B:4sam Ar Athens |l2:lspm| 7:3opm| Ar Gatne#vHle!*3:4spm| --I Ar White Prsi*l:oflpni| I - Ar Mlirgele .!10:10am| 4:3oam Ar Wash'ton ~|10:10am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m.. and ar rives at Mtlledgevllle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 5:11 a. ttt, 7-46 a. m., U2O D. m and 8:25 p. n», A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOB W. WHITE, T. P. A, j