The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 09, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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FRIDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES Witelvw . . « • 14,00 ** H*irfrMH • • • •***•» Cqiwl , • * • i I** •* •• itm m« Link • » » *i6 B«t#nc« of Cirttm* f I 00 ##Ch. I |##v# tft » ftaw tiAjr* to tH»y ooor foil Hvio. I oon MV> you 2ft to to por e*f*« Of* ON ****644*9 L*r»*#» stuck of Duimooli *n Au«n»ii LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jSweiS. Undo lf>o Artl»ifl©r» Mcrttfil ONE THOUSAND SOLDIERS ARE SICK Conditions at Ponce Now Becom _ Ing Quite Alarming. 3U ' - It It Aooortod That tho Mon Should bo Sont North at Onoo —Tho Doath Rato Small Yot, but It It Foarod That Sorioue Roeutte Will Follow. 0*404., VWts Win**. IN§4* • 49* •##» SSRSMMI 14* t**ftO"fl Bl*!## If*n "fp* Is •S»"N«»I«* tVll Bf# 4«B§ B9**B SSmi II o*4 mat of tSNMi tftli 4wr 4*Hy •l»h * » ftlHs •! • 9*** mm* N* ytsst > UMtB BYB Mil 4*941*f8 Ml |4# Vs 94494 hOfftifuiMi lift* St# IS ppf SMI cf Sfi 4o«rS *HI Iftff. pnifti«)tr tf|N4 TV isrifow *f» III# goat taut# M SMI •• PN»L AOIINALROS ATTITVOB. hr Command* the Water frapplv of a—os. Manila Sept fi. —fma Oaa. Agulnal- In'i saw at Maloti*# Ih* ar Saa eOMultdated thr diverse Insur tvetionsry parti** is tSa northeast pmrtaffi, thus ftrlßß Sits aa wMi - Uttsal teara as fra tfcouaand man and aostroi over tSa antlra north and of TSa tnaorgmt* continue build -111 mtranrhman! on tha north olda of tha elly. Thar atao bold tha malar, mark* is tbair poaaaanirai nrStaS fart ratrlaa with It S ■*«•» flatlscl manaca to tha A man rant, owing to tha ap proaching dry raoaon G«m. Aguinaldo ta alan burr recruiting troops. Is ai planstlon of this warliha anltuda. tha Insurgent leader says ha la preparing LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J. IILLERWALKER THE HATTER KNOX HATS for peslatsuet' In raae the Inland ahould be returned to Spanish rule. The general say# he la willing to rtlalmnd the Insurgent army If the United State# guarantee* permanent protection. The rebels will hold a conference thla week, delegate# from each province haring been appointed Th» Iniurgente have captured every Spanish position In thr bay, and, with one exception, are strengthening themselves everywhere In the Interior. Agnlnaldo desires to make a strong case before the meeting of the peace commleeloners In Paris, and will hold his party together If possible. The task Is fraught with dif ficulty, while each small leader has set himself np ns a rival power The sub urbs of Manila ore tranquil. Passen ger service only uo the railroads has been resumed. To Cure a Cold In One l>ay Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All druggist* refund the tnunov If It falls to cure. 2so. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. OLD SETTLERS WIN PRIZES. Contests Were In Periods of (Tarried Life and Old Age. Vienna, 111., Spt. 9.—At the old set tlers' reunion here L. W. Marberry and wife were awarded the prize—a sli ver teapot—to the couple the longest married. They have been married fifty-five years. J. M. Denson and wife won the second prize, they hav ing been married fifty-three years. The prize to the oldest woman present was cwarded to “Aunt Peggy" McFatridge, who Is ninety-two years old. Fully 3.000 people attended the reunion. Do you eat? Try the Ellis Restaurant. Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything «f value at a low rate of interest. Wa terbury alarm dorks. 75 rents. Lewis J. Sthaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. IM* CwQMtoirfltm IV* •**&**«•&. Mr I fM*tor.**#*- «f 4««<M i# WMll ■ Iroßf**# «M«B #M *Hm tV »m« I Jfcpfl Utrm. tM# |«ibii* fftil t« r»NRff j jflrviftft. tVf sNmil4 Inn inm j •I anff, Th# n«#4 (nr iflifNAfif s | t'OfiMftif •*»! lot fcGR»W*I I* |lmp#rmlfY# If (Iff* I# Mffi w#t | U. the cemgtllos* mill two,**# S.«m WOULD KEEP FAMOUS SHIPS. Navy Depart***! Aailaat t* tfrtaia Avitlarv Vaaarta. Washington. Kept fi,— It la tha da- j sir* of tha aavy dapartmaat that alt I mat la that act fiat la tha lata atf with H|'»« shall he kept by Utn govern -j mein. Tha hoard appolatad la canal !*r' what disposition ahould ha mad* of thal auxiliary ahlpa bought or chartered during the war la now at work, and haa already recommended the aiding of a j number of teeaeli. | Alt of the auxiliary *<**•< defeat! fleet hi* now dlMpiMaml dtapoaulon ha* btra mad* of the veaaeta. and ih* utkro and men have tier dlarharged. But lh*r* ar* a number of boat*. Ilk* the Gloucester. which though bought for temporary service. and tor service that waa not luppoied to be very war like. have made a tailing reputation, and will remain forever aa glorious' name* la th* annata of th* American navy. Tbv navy department think* it would b* a great mlifortune If the** ahlpa *hotild he allowed to be aold. The Glnuceiter haa broom* already a* much a part of the glory of tflr na vy of tbla country a* the Constitution, or the Orngon. or the Olympia. Other vessels, In equal or lea* degr**. have won fame In the recent wnr. It would be n diatinct lorn to the navy to have th**e go hack to thrlr old role a* plcaa ure yachta or tralflc, carrier*. It 1* »ald at the department that if the board ahould decide that It la beat to dispoae of aucb ships, the Hat of them will be turned over to otber hranchea of the government, auch aa (he revenue or light house service to se if they could not be purchased for use along the coast, and thus be kept In the country's irrvlce. It la hoped by the department, however, that this will not be made necessary, as It la very anxious to have the Gloucester and her pera retained In the navy It self. There Is room for them and plen ty of service for them to perform. Be sides, they would add to the glory and prestige of the fleota of tluj country, Just as a veteran corps odd* to the military prestige, It l» exceedingly probable that If the Gloucester, once th* J aclit Cprsair. the property of J. l'lerpont Morgan, of New York, were put on sale, ber former owner would be glad to buy her In for a much larger price than the govern ment paid for her. It. would add to the pleasure and eclat of • yachting cruise In the Mediterranean, tor Instance, to make it in the little craft that had won so much glory in the haltle of Santl ngo. But It is the confident hope of the navy department that theae boata can be retained In their present places In the navy, and It Is probable that this will he the result of the effort to hold them. Why Is It, If catarrh Is a blood disease, as some claim, that physicians frequently ad vise change of air anti climate to those suffering? Catarrh Is a rlimallc af fection, and nothing but a local rem edy or a Change of climate will cure It. lily's Cream Balm is so efficient as to do away with the necessity of leaving home and friends, causing Instant re lief and is a real cure of catarrh. Pistols. Double Barrel Chios— Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new pistols, $2.50, Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, $2.00. American double action pistol, SI.OO. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings. 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. 8 (.haul, Reliable Pawnbroker. TTTBI ycTJOTJBT-A. FUCTtAL-13 DREYFUS SCANDAL [ PUTS PARIS A FIRE IW Reports Put Out iDlleme the Pub ; lie Mind and Cause Sensation. Ceurha/y la Not a luidd*, Bvt Haa F%*sr«—lm pgfoc William's Moat ftavaea Call Down- •li AtJdi Fuel to Rif#. UppurfNM m fHaa !s•##'Ml 9%!?-%# 0*0909:- 440* 4 *“®B* s 4M8Hp , 44 awaa thn Iwtfat eaae haa a**ned aaa stinarh 'mi Mai aagM Ue ,n f *** , ha~nmg **b nwaiadw W# *'* *•* #,«« itwwwn tad* npr**M $ «e**va*v a#« ■ |tetwaaa whan Lalfeaaaa yakamaed tha • •tamewaM (hat MMae'haat ha 4 # 1 itmm Faria The ae»* WtaM *+* *** lAm H*nN*# # (f»t# fiMaaiaC## tIMI 4*4*"* Lw»»i •• U*W**m+ •***■ I t*M4 #n4 I.Mwii »•** \pt9» Qimaaded m ApaMgv TWt 9*4m+4 14# *• \Mtmt MMfcfcMr •* ApßlrtfY *** j I,n* iLfOTImH ******* H ; !•«« lit mtarlitaf «N laM TW pettw 1 !««« %m m* ***** *•*•** *+ \ *9 it** **~ tW I L. and the wkM of Cal. Me., i i>n top at nil thtt mm* tha .port that : Bvterhaay waa not n fugitive, but. tn turn, n auleide The evening paper# amt broaden*! tha Mery of BMathaay'e geatb. No* «Mlf *•* 1* publtahed that ha had taken bit own Nth but tha de tail# were given aa to hi# having hang I Vt ar SHIPS I'OR THE PACIFIC. The lowa and Oregon ta «»• There Washington Rapt * -Either a* a re '.nit of recent development, la the tn J lernatioaal situation or because of the desire of the ndmlulatratlon U> be prr- I ptred for two *»f 1 l( ' North Atlantic fleet will leave ntthlu tha next ten day* for the Pacific ''oast. The** vessel* will In all probability ha the battleship# lowa and Oregon which are now being pot In tha beat possible condition at tha Brooklyn na vy yard. Tha report# tn clrcnlatlon here Indicated that the veaeela had bean ordered to Manila, but It la posi tively stated that they are untrue, and that K In intended to attach the rennets to the Pacific station. There they wlllhe In such position that they will ba able to defend the Pacific roaat In ra*« of attack by a foreign power or hasten to the Philippine# to give aupport to Rear Admiral Dewey. It will lie recall ed that Rear Admiral Dewey recently cabled to the navy department asking that he be reinforced l>y a battleship and an armored cruiser, but In view of the armtntlee pending between the Uni ted Staten and Spain It would be man ifestly Improper for the administration to augment the force now In Manila harbor. The President will do the next beat thing, hower, when he will give orders to the Oregon and lowa to proceed to the Pacific station. To Whom Itm Concern. I have beau In the drug business for twelve years, and during that time have sold nearly all the cough mertlainos msnufactuted; and from my personal knowledge of such remedies, I say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other on the market.— W. M. Terry, Elkton. Ky. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. TWO HUNDRED LIVES LOST. Oold Seekers Perish In the Rush to Coffer River. Seattle. Wash., Sept. 9.—The steamer City of Seattle arrived Monday night from Skuguay with sixty miners from Dawson, seventy disgusted ones from copper river, and $200,000 in gold. It is estimated that 200 men have been drowned or lost their lives on the Valdes glacier since the Copper river rush began. Huddreda of destitute there ore being fed with government rations. Four thousand people are rushing to get out before winter comes. OASTORIA.. Bear* th» 11,6 11 You N aw Bought -r GeL*/tf££&t Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 to SS.SO. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from $1.25 to $50.00 at Lewis J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. i#ki j|ii. aihdwtf *# # #*#>## ii| Ml m**Ko*f** §F#~ Mad n«wd hw* WkWg ** ** f : *>,+-*** ■ * 9 '‘* Mhua »• gMHde# iMkO Ntag aAm t f-t Ikt# w m |gHMk#N ipPRI-: rww *■" ' * ” ■ iwuf'f 4>#»*| *§H*fm4 4*4 tn# **§* 9**m *****m m Omm to*** Mwt m m **m*mVMt* *** i muMw f f «g.s y |fir« f iji #■* -■* • 9m#* it ! •** 9m m*m mm m* ****** *9 1 9m Urn* | #tMi %m*99t*m* 1 * • 9m* 9*9** rtm ***** t*f9t******tm* 9*m* * ** *46*4 i# Uni frirni t>## #■<#■! tm* **B%* [ # iNMfc IVhUM ts9**u-* (I* OiriHl ***r ! twofliiNi4*»r 9*9**w#"4 S 9 f'xHl'-###*. ****• I }#(#e Nr sm**4m *9t*4*m UmM t 9 tm I F>m«hf tk fWffKiieftt f****m*4 9* **mm In dp* fur f file §U*f* 1 9m* ******* I *9 iwiw W« I Hu nu. I It rn 9*99***4 94m* 99mi*r» lm T fcf t f A«Nt front *9m fit*, ft t* ft* fwrtU tlMt ti# i#ft ftrt* to*t RMffct **»4 WAR TO THE DEATH. Havmatayar and Artowkla ar* la FlgM H Out New York dept fi Two ancient an- J taguniata have locked horn* John ! Arburklt threw d< wn the gauntlet to | Henry O. Havemeyer and Havemeyec 'picked It tip. The mlfe* importing jArtn of Ai buckle Itrvthetra baa taken up the refining of sugar. The Ameri can Sugar Refining company ha* gone Into thr businrss as roasting coffee. With the war with Rpan rndlng with the homeward march of the vlrtnrioua army, thla war between commercial giant* Is Just beginning, and Ita vary ing fortune* will vitally Interest every consumer of a pound of sugar or a cup of coffee In the United State*. The I fighting has been along the skirmish line ao far. but If the character of the skirmishes Indicate the kind of fight ing to be done In line of battle one may believe that this war will only end with the unconditional surrender of one of the combatant*. The guns will be loaded with dollars Instead of bul lets, and the size of the ammunition bags will determine the length of tht conflict. So far as Is known (he Am erican Sugar Refining company has no alltea and is making no effort tn secure any. The Arbueklea may get the sup pert of that veteran sugar refiner, Claus Doecher, who sold his refinery In Brooklyn to the “Sugar Trust" sev eral years ago and is now about to open a new refinery and become an in dependent competitor of the "trust.” The Arbuckles and Dosther on one Side and the "Sugar Trust" on the other appears to be the disposition of forces on the eve of battle. Of the result of the fight between the Arbuekles and their possible allies, the Dosehers, and the American Sugar Re fining company, those who have spent their lives in the sugar trade say that It will only be another version of the old story: A lot of capital will be de stroyed, many refineries will close, and the whole business will relapse into the old conditions when no one made any money, when sugar was inferior and dear ond when refineries were not prof itable Investments. Then natural causes will operate to produce natural results, the Industry will be reorgan ized, the weak will go to the wall and the strong survive. A handy companion to the n-ws, these days, is the new Herald Atlas, published by Rand, McNally & Co., of Chicago. It contains sixteen pages of colored maps, among them Cuba and Havana harbor, the West Indies. Spain and Portugal, the Philippines and Chi nn anil North America. This atlas has lhe best collection of war maps that wy have seen. It woulik, not be eon founded with the small "cheap atlases sold at the stores. Can hV obtained only from The Augusta IL-mld. Price 30 cents. uw tT Do you eat? Try the EHis Restaurant. ’ [ UUfli 14 Av 99 9* 9r959 Sf4b Y ■ n %.gM»##«fUßapMu 44m* **** 94m t**s w Kn *46 9*mm - I •<*•*%* *mW 9m mmmm m*6 4m \ I **4 % 9m ffUf *4 *9* sm»m ] # j 144M1 (4 4946 9996--' 1 4.* if-# * tei## ** mm t*m & t ** i I *mrnm*m*9*44 *9 Mm tm&ummm *4 *4f i§- r » ii gg gg-M* |k« #*»*«*! li### ttv# *#.-**'# 1 I wnmu* 1 ! *9 *mm f**** *■ I ***4*4 99446*1 9*4m UnnUl 99m *m*m't*9 l id#### *0 m 44 mm**** %******* mt 1 I Bl4Rr nt *fdi 4 i't *9m nwmm%a4 * 4m "***■ I *44490449 *4* 909990*4 *0 99*4 *99 *O. 1 9*44*09 **4 *mmi m Urt **m9m «t 1 49*90 mm*96 49*9* 044* 949 0 *mm 9*4 fiMBMR* 9*9 hH| 9049449 4999 9*99 - 909949 j j rtMHNR mw*m 9m 94944*4 *99m 4m 999*9* 1 ; MM '4+9*l **9 9m *4 if** ***§**w#f 4 * 49m fmm *** 9*4 JPIHYVf 1 . 4* 04*449 49694 94**m* 1 1*0 944499949999 vmm t4# Iwif 9* 9**m ! 4?.*0 9* 9m tlifti *9 990 1 994099 fSP4 { [fmm ** r .l****-* !* ,m TL W* 9496 99494mm** 69m 99m *%♦ I t‘|lM 490*"* o** « 4*69* f * At* In MU ' f f Jtf. .i -■ • <#### tgk M f-’vf NF;fw| *44 i ••*•♦••• 499 9449 (MtW*# I INF fmfknMS* an I Ylf>tty 94*4* t 0 *4f *494. *4 Ml ftTlf* fit# |« rifft<f in Mi ftftiis I **4 chK futsjict to **mm* r* ftor I I bnhu: #%Rl>poi»# of *6* trtier and ] woutrf-b# protart or of fill *»fr?y lloaor to whocs booor li dor. A 1 k»?*r of t'utb hot t)i# dwltrfd mr*iiF I of prrtafia# aad bvnlmf of aap kind. I bar# tbr boaor to tubicriba nirrlf, Vny r>#pact fit Up. Tour ob#di#at aarrant. C. rv»| Roarana A M M U. Aufttata Qa.. item. t. It9f Do you eat? Try the Ellis Restaurant. The W Icked f lea. The flea infeata the dog and eat. and when we walk over the floor of an In flated houae Jump* up on our anklea ayd wrist* and bltea very vora<'ii>u*iy The flea uuderg<<«a it* tranaformaUone tn variou*'kind* of dual and dehrta from animal* as in rug* and: mat* that eat* and dog* sleep on. Against all household Insect pests one of the greatest preventative* is absolute (If anltnena, by getting rid of alt dn*t, filling up all crack* In tha floor. hou*e t leaning and tailing up carpet* twice a year. A good flea bane, say* the New York Sun, la pyrethrum powder, which should be plentifully applied to dog or cat thus infested, wrapping the animal in a towel to exclude the air for say, half an hour, then removing the towel, when the fleas will be found dead in great number*. Pulling meal on fly paper I# practi cally uaeleaa. The only flea* caught in that way are those accidentally Jumping on It. Put some kerotjen* in the little tin tray of a carpet sweeper and wheel over the carpet, when the flee* are carried in and kill ed by the kerosene. Or wrap atlcky fly paper on the ankles and march up and down the room, when the flees Jump up a fid are caught In great quantities upon the paper. In a flea ridden college the Janitor in that way quickly batiishes tho pe,«t—putting on thtek rubber boots before attaching the fly paper. The house flea is the species that Infests cats and dogs, al though there is another species some times found on man. RECENT INVENIIONS. Cows are prevented from kicking while being milked by using a device consisting of a wooden or meial bar. to be fattened to the animal's leg by straps above and below the knee Joint, to prevent her from bending the knee. The gas from an ordinary Jet can Ite used to heat a room by means of a new appliance, consisting of a metal ball built up of shells sprung together, with an opening at the bottom which fits over the burner tip, apertures be ing provided at the sides for the mixing of air with the gas. An Improved boot and shoe drier and warmer has been designed, consisting of a water chamber, having an airshaft through its center at the bottom of which Is placed a lamp with a pipe open to the atmosphere and provided with an expanding end for conducting the hot gases to the toe portion. A Virginian has designed a rematkn ble dark room for photographers, form ed of a small folding box, which has a number of mpitetlnie panes in the aides and top. with elastic sleeves, through which the operator manipu lates the plates or films, tfie box being mounted on a tiipbd when-ln use. QET IT NOW J-Smi— -1 r* 1 •• * - 4 * fST «§§ 0} TOOK CBOICS OF THRIiC LEADERS DOMESTIC. KEN HUME, HOUSEHOLD. Sett ing HachlncA. 4ft Wo* mm 990944*4$ US—4 4JO4- 6 9* 904 m **o4**m* •'«*% *49 li t4O •9060 9*4 04$ 46 # bn Tab 11 Chl Parte Ma*a yaa a*>* *ka Migb-AtM. iM* l ••New Royal'* at SiAoo 4 M 4 Lattflpl 099*449*$ 6149*9*494*09 *s**4*6* 0*94945*6 Tboias & Barton, w. vi HAVtiunrr. m*4mm. Tit *f. 9m*9'9. o*. ONE CENT A WORD SITUATION WANTED [ A TAt'NCI L*AI»T THAT HAA H Al> »i| nr ftiijr t«f| of lit# Itn4 Al4r4Mi Mi## J, ear# J. 91 foirj', §l9 WAKTED~*A ItA PT W A VTA A f*rv I j* ITI *iX a# ao«i slant Mmls»## **y worfc IB <4krv. A44re*a MR T . H#r- WAKTED-A PDIIITfOM A* PORTKB SB at#*# hf rotiabl# ro!<»r*4 boy. W. WAMTMD BY TCRfftfl I#ADY GRAD* 1* »tk of Oitg rnf fi HuunoM i Ir|# (*o#ittof! aa atraßbof. AiS4f#o« 100 Cfilltf*. ill lary r#aa< BabM. Bof* IS if \ vTKIV--f:.§,Tl<*N I Y Y**HfTIS nar ** rlorii m 4#llv#r#r m yrorory fc .orr »W 1 of A4- (tiPßf I*4 91 Ic \* ilfift. 4%pf § WANTED TO BI’Y niTTOK AT THI4 ylar# for mm%r amid Auauaia .Salary «»r Havo ba4 a*P^ ,ienrt> Addrcoo I*. O. B«* So. 57, Bam berg, tt. C. O# WANTED-A FOBITIOW Aft BUTI.BR. hostler or any king of wmk by # col ored hoy Of » »*#r* Al-pty #>s Wat kins street. *riK 14 HELP WANTED” agents wanted—For dr. dhum- MuNDtS Lightning Remedies for Rheumsllsm ; S4OO for an incurable case; ie*t"rr* stiff Joint*, drawn cords and hardened muscle* If your dealer has not got the** remedies, we will send the full month * treatment of two latge bottle* on receipt of IS. DRUMMOND MEDICINE CO., M Nassau Bt., New York. OctS WANTED —A GOOD SALESMAN TO work in South Carolina on a com mission. A lively man can make from $l5O to $175 per month. Some capital required. Call at once. »50 Broad street. Auguat*. Ga. WANTED —COMPETENT OFFICE clerk Apply X. care Herald, stating salary expected and references. Sept 10 WANTED —A BUTLER. AI PLY Stewart Phlnlsy, ° ct 1 for sale for sale-first class saddlb hovse., Apply to J. F. Murphy, S4l Ellis. Bopt 10 f7)R SALE-BUTCHER'S BUSINESS. including tools, fixtures, racks tables, license, etc Apply to Frank B- Man grurn. Augusta stock yard. Sept 9 777 SALE-SMALL DRUG BUSI NESS. one of the best In the city ac cording to the amount invested. Ad dress Druggist, rare Herald. • ept 1- CREAM—CREAM~AT 2t~JACKSON ST. TO RENT FOR RENT-SEVERAL NICE COM FORTABLE dwellings, with all the modern Improvements on Greeneand Telfair street. Apply J. H. Prontaut, 626 Broad street. SPP I The Bell Tower Drug: Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS #w-l-nder new management A full line of Fresh Drugs, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Etc. we make a specialty of Fliysicians' Prescriptions. PATTERSON & WADE SEPTEMBER 9 fti cr* r kl#li>>» k tA> ttut *** **» ad* •**•« Maa*-M*Maa#. m . hi 11 .iMMiMh 4*dM a*-* m gltipK, *os I jia# #(p s * as 0* c tfi*r pVHi S*-t fU| *« •' »'i«i ii—# *^»*-*m*^ mm 4*<'4m *6 mmm mm 60* 9s* 9* 0 ****649ol *0 t 099*06 4m myvf - *»'* ms 00**604, 9m t m** 99*4 *4mo*4 U#Hi 9mm 9 f*» 0%*9 sin 996 HVlrJFifin *O9 » • t •*** tm 0 mm 141#% *449*t49966946‘ 6sos4 4s VT» $ 8 4MV4* ♦%..* Ft tP'.Hk Y ffi fi; % |;' |C 0% ~ 4 9*4s* 90*m$ *444*4 . • < l 4 » |B ’ * fMEAfY 4* * %“** t 9**o*. *9*4 * **o949* WNtS 4*49m 4*490 06 $0*4*4949 4**9 tl 4* 4 It4l* 99$ f| 4114*4 (>t E(4 j«i<| 06*mmm m UmmM mmm . *m I 4ik 4 4ATF - TH4mE Yk*V 4* vilU T** $U6w9 ■■ *494699 44*. «K 44« 4 Af1 ; I** 944 SUO 66*06*90* 6 044m*46.. 49$ MISCELLANEOUS o*l*9s, it fcklVt. Ohm 0 r»ii *i j m4«#f *« m TtIVMI m*m Th f»4*y ( ! WAMTKI* TWo rjfn:HM IfKff ED |fif#fttn4- Admtmm J. I. C.« it# J«vfc* 9*49 9*94*5,, Tom «Qm| ITf| —up—J' —a—————in mu I———— I Hl—y# Special Notices: Notice PuNk School*. TIIE PI'BUP gfii m>l j* or THR City of Augvaaia will ngra THI'HA DAY MnR.VINO. BEITKHHEH lith. at NINE O'CLOCK Nats pupil* ara raflutred to at land tfca sch .!» of tha ward ta whbb they raalda, Tha prtn (l pal* of tha arhoota will ha pr» aani at their reap** tlva building* Meg. day. Tuesday aatd Wednesday, prs* reding tha opentng of tha acHoola. from I to II o'clock, for tha parpaa | nf eiifflSßtiii and grading haw pu pil* I'uplt* will ba enrol ted In tha or ! Art of their application The Normal Cta»a for White Teachers will meet at Tubman High flcbool. Wcdneaday afternoon fleptembar Hth nt ( o'clock. By order of the Bonrd LAWTON B. rVANfI. gecretary. NofkC. THE ArtRRTA FREE (NIOHT> gchoot begins it* annual aesslon MO.VT>AY. ttEPTF.MBKB I»TH Can didates for a dmlMbm ahould prsaent thsmaelvsa for enrollment between T:M and (-M p m. Thla school fa open to alt boy* and ymtng men who do not attend achool In the day. Sten ography la a pari of the course. JOHN L. IRVINE, Principal. Special Notice. August A Oa,, fiept. (. ISg(. WF- HEREBY RESPECTFULLY AN NOUNCE MR. AI.FREP M. MAR TIN, JR., aa candidate for Council from the First Ward subject to ruatomary white primary. MANY VOTERS. Professional Notice. DR GEORGE w MOUNTAIN WISM gg hi* patrons to know" his office la No. 934 Broad street. Bell telephone, tm. __ Social Lodge, No. t, F. & A. (1. » THE REGULAR MONTHLY communication of Social Ixxige. No. 1 will be bald «t I-odge Rooms— Masonic HaII—FRIDAY NIGHT, 9tb Inat. at t> SO o'clock". By order * W.M. J. HOLLINGBWORTH, W.M. WM. U.CKANE, Jjeaetaxy. J 7 Per Ct $500,000 7 Per Ct FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty in Augusta, Ga. Terms 7 per cent. For further information sea their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan, Es., or Mr. P. G. Burum. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD A WILLETT DRUG CO.