The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 09, 1898, Image 3

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miOAv WAS HOOKED ON TROT LINE In Vt|Wt Dim t %*hi t*t*l t*» nir -r >m» Mmm a*4 #»•*■* (unr - w«fM| (*•>.* <ka *•» *•* W* I** 1 ** I * k*s* -a rtra afWWtvWMI. a* IMt •»-1 ffWMHI M t»»<W*»T »*•» *M • , #■ 0? *<# *MP #* c *.•>■* >'4M* MMHM* ftft j HiMMifr «imm «||gi-y ###, ##4 ft 4444 | UN*# 4### ### ft## s4# ft pH ft iftft* j tlf #s£# 4*44## fr##E»# Alftf mm** \ IlglHf •4t**rt* {§># ft *#l*9 «#*#t#*4#4 Ml ■ m»HM »•* »** **k • #* 1 irnMn w> mini <t» —ftM * ' t ft# pNwmiiM ft miiii* 14* I MW* «• n*4 «m If ifcaro rmm •** #* Jk*B»4ki4qß |«t«t tang MB tk# tAka* ] M 4 090$ •• Ik*? fvMv4 A ffi## • A*' | ■I fwrri Tkt* ra’tw? •*•*?*•< *k**- I Imw ili«t »| H •«• • MpMMWx* «M k* l IIHPf 9*o*l #• g}g{ *W Ik# *«IM >»•» B ka#if Mk* «■• at a **• J«* ••• i* Ik# Hm| of IM Ms |a)!M| r* <fc* IM# •mi* ■?**»' ullN veil a »» ! |i« grofg**# tk* IH* M 4 J*T •*** ®* • ‘ •**l qtanrtk afiaailaff tk# kaal Tw Hgat* »a* 11 1) aaml l>? Ik# *"**"***s ** ikt S## ##4 iwm f##u? 9# Ik* *#rt*ro 9*4 s9*9*4 #rokt#ff s9s th# k#*t TWi i«m> Mr* *•** tkafg**? f?i|JM#M*ff •Ml i*4M»*aw*4 *• ***** k# tk#, kaah ___ Tk* fwfawt Ik# flaw** i# I a*s»# tkaaa awl tk# !•» actn«4 ikit M am* la fall P#ro#t» To n *h» mtmm •«#»• ■t##** i» kt* tta<** kml* «|n> «#*!? aa44»* aa4 tk# ftgar# krtaff Ik* llkklar »a* aMalai u tk*aa priroti »**» »t*r*4 aaika •ad *» Jsm xyw>* k. ”Tka at»» of „M# *ra#f»»t«# cataa k#fa*# <■* - Jtwiag (hat H «**» a*ala» “ <*t MM-aiw skat «**wt W» »«* aarmlax ifc*« ikn (hiM ifcair *: #• »il aaaM *d tk*tr fai* Krr*rs! Klantr* #laa»*d ao «alri<a aiardarMl ihMB or ao “kaa<*" nna«**- »*4 «fc* heat Jo* f|****«l kla •nd rkw* ikaplff Ik* kal fToai«d tk# olijart of all Uwdr faar*. a tear* "E*f four*’ ooda i h* ahard " •aid Jo* "(«! *k*a fo' a* • , ' a *' •*' aSI '*r romln* dot d* ’**<*•* IB 4* aaw* «* itooda*** a«a W «wi»* to I*ll dal N 1 ni-tflß bat a boadl* ob • rm« T*a. #lr. *«’ rmß >■* ,f wan' to. bat dl» y*r stw*r don't wan t*r •** no mo •kb iblam la bia I f* tkaa.“ j w, ItiiHt. of Oab Ow*f, n». hod an attack of lb* nwaalca. a*artr* y*a*» •«**■ •a** *k* diwa** kft him wltk v*r>- a*v*r* iialna la tb* rh*at. «] thought I would da." b* tVfffaai ■•hut to my great Joy I *•< *a**d by Chambrrlatn'a Pain Balm." Paloa In ih* chert nearly alwaya Indicate the a|>|Ho*ch of pneumonia wnd by prompt at plytnc thia liniment on a flannel doth —which ohould l» Iwuad on th«' cheat —an atta* k of pneumonia may be pre vented. It la alwaya pr'-mpl and ef f-<tual For aale at JS and &# rent# per bottle hy Ab-aander Drug * deed Co.. C. R Parr of Belt Tower Ttrug Store. OAMKS YESTERDAY. Boaton la l eading the league and St. Loula I* l a»t In Line. Gamea on natlcnal league diamonds yeaterday were: At Beaten- • - r h B Beaton ? ” J New York 1 5 s At New York- Brooklj n * J 7 * Batllmure 5 11 At Louisville— Cleveland 7 10 0 Second Game — Louisville 3 5 8 Cl-Viland 5 8 8 At Washington— Washington .5 4 3 Phlla Idphia 8 v ‘ 3 Bouton now leads the League. Cincin nati ia a close second. Baltimore fall.i in thirl place. St. Louis la the tatien dar. HE CLinBED THE POLE. Ellis Taylor, a I ln:man. Replaced Flag Rope on Oovernment Building. Ellis Taylor, a lineman, climbed the pole on the government building last as ernoon, and replaced the flag rope through the pulley at the top. Men tion oias made In The Herald day be fore yesterday that the nolc would be climbed. It was a daring Job and a large number of people watched the fcai. The pole Is thirty-five feet high and eight inches in diameter at the base. * THREE BULLIES. Who Thought “De Cops Couldn’t Caich Dem.” Bert olaloy—Torn Williams—Tom Ross. The above trio, charged with a viola tion of the 18th section, faced Judge Baxter today. The prosecutor, a colored woman, tes tjfted that the three bad tried to break up a concert practice, that she and others had Iren indulging in. When she had requested them 'to leave, they had replied that, "dey Wu* bullies uhd de cop couldn’t cotcli dem.” The cop did catch them, and the three bullies were fined J 2.50 apiece. Mies Charlotte Smith of Augusta ar rived here last Friday night on a vis it to her brother. Mr. J. R. Smith. Washington Chronicle. ~ ... t~ ; rr- ]A Bold, Determined Move!; _'HT_ —^ : toth „ low „, di.pi-7 *7 ?t the comb,natioo y of high 'value. andksTprices thatarajw soMwi>caanZn!yhamd*»tr twmatoroa. _J Lk<Jt#a' Oapdflibant I 1 jrip- r |V ■>•'»» W»*«»'d *»* •**'W# ||lii**Mftt Pllf ii * *Mft vtaft't Mftl ; I fUftftW tfttftMMftir v** ftpint'ii# j 11ftv»- * #*•*♦. ftwft* | «•• m*m n « «•! *••*•« •« j t «» •: I tjirr— Mftit §»«*■# ft. ftfioi W<«* *ft^; I WI MM ***** IM ftMij jiMMI • 4* won't 9*l ***** jmm i M *» t ■. j ftf • *'%**# ftNww* mu* I ft* | j f*Kf i'pllf *Hf mi Mlj COME ONCE AND YOU'LL COME BACK - THEY ALL DO. Eice & O'Connor Shoe Co. „T„ Z X* Rice & O'Connor Shoe Co. INASOCIALWAY 1 mmm it '/ f, ' 1 Iw !K3| \f. / ' wm&W \ ill * # Army and S#»y U»W» Owing to an uaaaßally email aitead- j .ace at tk* railed m* nag of lb* Ar my and Navy League fce’d yeaterday. tk* ».*t waa called o* and w.ll be I held Monday afternoon at S JO o’clork Star* tb* talk o* mmitcring <M ” *k* 'aoldlera tk* l/*ague member* »**m to think that their e«oria are no longer neededa«d they have dropped «B •< lb* #r»t ao<* of peace A moment a thought on tbt* aubject would *ho« them very r’eerly that now la th* time for their gicateat effort* The hoapltal* ara full of ike aoldiera who have tww* .eat to th* front; many who have only been In ramp have contracted fe ver and other mn'adlen and need all manner of attention. Many of lh [ rrg.menta that will not b* muatcrrd out are In a grett men sure d*p*nd.*nt| on the Iwagura formed for iheir aid ; end Twttermenl. to any nothing rs the famlllea left deatltut* by the enllat m*nt of the breed wlnncra. No orgsnl aailon waa ever more cnthtisdaatlcaily atnrted than was the Auguata branch of the Atmy and Navy Iwague. but Tike many things that are commenced most enthuaiaatlcally. the rnthualasid has proved evanearenl and has died out save in a very few of th* member*, .vho In time of pear* are as staunch and petrlrtle as in time of war. Mr*. M. F. Carroll, the prealdent. has laued one more rail to the members :nd should the meeting Monday have as slim an attendance a* the one of yes terday, the Army and Navy League of the Te.nth district will doubtless be reckoned with the things which are past. League Meetings. An enjoyed me ting of th" Wood lawn EpwArth !,ea*ue wns held last evening at the home of Rev. J. R. Lew is. The regular wepkly meeting of St. Luke’s chuich will be held this even ing at 8 o’clock. Everyone i» ccrd al ly Invited to be present. The Y. P. S. C. 15. of the Seron.l Cbriatien rhttrch will mpet this even og at 8 o'clock, when the following subject of debate wl'l he handled: ”Rr f.olved. That tho whites were Justified In taking the Indian’s lands away from him.” Affirmative. Messrs. U m and Bradfield; negative, Messrs. Matheny and Irgle. All are Invited. Pllcher-Tarver. Mr. Thomas Pilcher is receiving the congratulations of many friends upon the announcement of his approaching marriage to Miss X.ula Tarver, of Burke county. The marriage will oc cur October 26th, at noon, at Hopeful (Burke county) church. M Tennent- Wingfield. The engagement of Miss Susie 1,-e Wingfield to Mr. Henry Calhoun Ten nent has been announce*]. Themar riage, which occurs October 19th, will be celebrated at the home of the bride. Brodie-Bresnahan. The engagement has been announced of Miss Josephine Bresnahan io Mr. Thomas tirodie. The marriage will be celebrated the middle of Octobei at S>. Patrick's church. Miss Marie Griffin, a very charming and popular little miss of this city, is the guest of Miss Jennie O Brien in Waynesboro. _ s 4Mft| 4* MM* *** e «M9P* § Ml • If#** , , m , * m |> ! (*#f ***** ftMffft"# m MMMft #Mwft *ft4 *-#lfft •*•** *ft»# !••«•» tHllt . . « „ , • • I ft b.ftknlr fft *4l **'9'AW ." 4 f|MW* *4HI ***** INMI »• •• ft* M** ft Man'l OwpAfioMinl ftNMi • P#M Cftit If*** *4*>i «%****«• M , s M H M |t * MN* » •>**•** CftM ft*#* •*■* *%M4**** ft* Mifftw MM**- • l*«ft*i* saw* Ma II „ H ........ . »» | rhar If *• Watßl ikk taasw Bkd !’“• jytww. mwm m *l»k» fw. AM Wrw* Ms It t« IlMtw bat trtwrwwd ffnai | New York. i 4ism Mailt* Gawtef. as Ontdaak. la, Eia flu city i. tat. Mr. La* KUutitfl ka. rHwraed I from New York Mf* ('bfl* ('mfntY ft* flfttlftl fflU* I 11IV** IB rta> anaak Mr bb4 Mr* ft K Wtiilaam. Jr. i.t, I bark from CVdaatbwa Ob Sira K J Krbeldiag rvturaed tkla. nmniiaa from Mcidwtt*. Mkk. Mrs W K Ml'lw and Mra li*ary, i oh-n have returned from liro**to»n. i Mr Edward Wingfield kaa returned from Ham* Ulbla Spring* and Atlaa — Mra Julia Idwarr Thllngi and Mias Madia Brown harr returned from Hill man. Mr. La R«y Hart, of Alhroa. I* lk« guest of Mr. sad Mra Allan Boat wrigbt. Miaa Hattie Wyman, of Abhavllle. 8. C., In the guest of th* Mlaaea Wing- Arid. Mrs Rnykifl Wright mlcrtalned a few friend* ai an Informal cgrd-pa.ny last sfternoon. Mra. Kiln and Mlaa Pearl , ■ Mcars are vUlling Mrs. Wheeler Meats, at Mo*ro«, Ga. Mr. and Mra. James P. Hugh** and family, after summering at Belalr. Ga., have rrturned to the city. Mr DeWltt C. Kgherl. who has been rpmdlng a couple of mrnths In New York, returned home today. Mlsa Mamie Dow has returned home after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs. William Frey, In Marietta, Ga. Mrs. I/Oiitle Keane Harrison will en tertain a number of friends this even ing at an informal pupils’ recital. Mr. and Mrs. William Dunham have returned from an extended trip to Port Royal, Culm and other points. Mrs. Oswald R. Kve and Miss I/Ola Sibley Kve, of Washington. D. C., are the guests of Mrs. George Sibley. Mrs. Florid* Adams and Misaes Min nie E nd Margie Adams have returned r r om o visit to relatives in Laurens, S. C. Mi:-HPH Ruth and Merlrn Weigl", who have li'en visiting Miss Jennie Chap man, at Gracewcod, returned home to day. The many friends of little Herbert, Griffin will be pleased to learn that he ir- convalescing from his recent ill ness. Mrs. A. J. Adkins, after a few days’ visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Aid red, liae returned to her home In At lanta. ■/ Mrs. S. E. Dunham and her three lovelv children, after spending some I weeks at Belalr, Ga., have returned to the city. Miss Adele Adkins, a very charming and popular young lady of Atlanta, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. F. Aldred, cm Chafee avenue. Miss Frances Cleary has returned from Asheville. During her stay there Miss Cleary contributed very much to the pleasure of the guests by her voice, which is conceded by all to be one of unusual beauty. Fresh Ginger Pickles KOSCHER FRANKFURTERS Just recehe ! by KEENAN & CO. Remember we keep open after 6 o’clock. THK AUOUBTA BBRALD ft** 4 | jlft #ftft * ft# II «4 »« i> Wft M*« * Raw* 9kN*k« kana «A»M U«*w —4 C%#ftft*ll*i ftftw*alk, *ft ftp|#44ft9 ft*4 |ft4ft|l*4MMl* ***4 111 lift* Iftfcl 4ft *1 4* #** IftftNi m mm *• ** ** 14## Ttr-jitt i* 4* flmfti#4f ft#** IWiiiM nil I.4*# ftftft f'VftftHftft. ft* •*• **** ft* #** H 4* ft* pm ftl lift* t-ftf : f *•» 4 fftftl *m mm mm ‘ftftmi >*»4 ft** **»*'• itMRf •ftft’f ft* ft**# 14* #» mm ft# *%*#» **# *** iftft** <ft#Mftft44 *4l ftlfs* tW l4ft* ft*4 I lift* •lift* v*i» •* - , 1* « ft**# 4 ##MM| **# •# T»# t-Tp#Pw» i 4ft* 44h1 •*• ft- *#■4 •%«## •* #ft4#»4 I4ilir» 9ft*f ft* • ft! #ftft* mm* •• fmm l #ftft 4*ft#.. HAJ mtmiTRD A ftAP. lift fftft Uflft** *+wd 4 Ifttfift 111 lA* ft#* ft**ft ftftM TW llftftli I ft# j mt lift T#ft«4 ##f# Imh l* llw | lift fttlftt ftlftftt* I f»Jft llftft ; rvlUfft I* r*4»9 lift? 4rft# Hf4fi»4 I# ft aft* * rifttl of (Mr mit i | Tftl* ftKftftlftg CV4 Wllftfftft r*r#i%'ftt •4 fltlriit NMr opt 4lr#r4*4 14 . «r*ll I Cftaf** |4 till* ft*a 4 mmp 4rm *f lift) 1 4 aftal*. almartft* ‘hr n#4 lalirft 4«f• I ! I*4 lift 41*41 an* «« r»| alalftg 4ft ' itfpfft*. IT 4* |v«it»( •mi 14* ft#** **f* | (.rath nurked Tke Oaorgta railroad with *tgh’ of tk* Bill* poa«a *k«wlßg I vat wadi pktorH Tk* Bonk rtar. wl*k I** polßta. *•* lab*l*d a* Cap ■tala NdtlM aaw It" fwr atara rloa* ! toßrtkrr r*prv**at*d bow tk* aortfc •tar k» fc*d wb*a btdk tk* raplalaa looked al B at OBC* Tk* wood# wk*r* ib* g*Btlwm*a wandered was a tangle of pallia running tkk way. that way and everywhere Tk* roionel alt* atrlvlag to follow not thlTlla* of marrh «ak*B dorlng that lonely Bi*b» and ih* taro rarwalna pray that k* will I* aatUfled with Ih* diagram and that they k® 4 have to go and ahow th* root*. NORWECiIAN TARS. Two f'orelgviero at Court Today Wko It.,n't Traval In Pullmans. Two Jolly tar* Wet* al court today. However, they w*r* n»t quite a* Jolly a* they might have Inm-o. They w.-ra too far from lb* raging main to be feel ing comfort* bl*. These nautical men were charged with being tramf**. To I* a tramp I* a violation of the l*«h aaetlon In Auguala. >( , „|, r |i the |.alr were found aleeplng in a vacant houn* la»t night they were brought to the police station and given n room on the ground floor. The police had a difficult time In finding »ut the fartlea' namew. a* they are Norwegians and have not mastered I’nlled Htate# I* ll * o ' * . The nearest Lieut. Desmond got to finding out their titles was to wrlle down Oscar fVlsl"ti and Yel Yetsen. The lleutensn* Is no Norwegian schol ar. that he admit*. Judge Baxter had a lot of trouble himself In learning the pair'* name*. ’’Where do you live?" asked hi* hon or. _ "Norway, but have been In Savan nah.” "Did you walk here?” "No walk: come on sailing vessel.” "f mean how did you get here from Kavannah?" ■Tome up the track.” "Get out of town by noon.” "We will. Judge.” Oscar Oelaton and Yet Yetsen left court. A New Drug Firm. Dr. Chas. H. Patterson and Dr. Ar thur C. Wade have recently Imught the Bell Tower Drug store, corner Ot *ene and Jackson streets. The have added a complete line of fresh drugs to th'dr prescription stock, and Isith being phy sicians themselves, as well as gradu ates In pharmacy, it goes without say ing that th dr prescription department Is as well equipped as It Is possible to make it. Among other Improvements to the "Old Bell Tower" they have ar ranged to keep open all dai’ Sunday Instead of part of the day as heretofore In order that the requirements of phy sicians may bo furnished without tho usual delay of sending for the clerk to open the store. Both of these gentlemen are welt known and popular i.n Augusta, and The Herald predicts for them an In creasing business. ST. MARY’S ACADEMY. It Will Open Thursday Morning, Sep tember 15. St. Mary’s Academy will reopen next Thursday morning, September 15th. As the classification and registration of pupils will be taken at once, u prompt attendance is desired. St. Mary’s Academy Is one of the best schools for young ladies. IN THEIiTNEW QUARTERS. The S A L. Opens Up Next to the Arlington. The. Seaboard Air Line has opened up an office in the store next to the Arlington Hotel, formerly occupied by the palace market. A ’phone, new desks and all other articles necessary for the office have been put in, and It is now ready for business. HgHnOl ftHMM Mißomo* «fwt ChUdrwn , « IftftMfdMM fft 4wm4 ft**##. FftMpNft #*’ 4 * , *Nl j 'flmti IfcftftMft I! I* f m •« m *• H*. 4ft#M## 444mm# 44iM#ft tftftftwft ******* j Bail 9m*m 9ta«*a4a TV H Wt k A Mwawv tt«S Haw*a. RM aa ll ’*** 99**" j hv,M OM |*m U«• I liaßlwtttti I tisavi ratt $m try a waitr wf rear fawt 1 'B«wa rkaai Bps*** k*< •**»»*• 9m \ tdfftMvl Wear an> itaw para as IB* I i tin in ao»d it ka t .. - . a - r Aj m B»|<« 9 ft* I • > W rnmmmm lift mmmm *m fTvil4*i*ft |v«o Bav* w»b**» *o*o M* II | alar* at rcmicp. staiion h*MMg IlMkrf “w« Is *-«BBa*o Raßway t* (Ml *W Ahwot Ira o r bar t tkla BWWBIBt tk*} i rlipkrir- bell at ysUrt NaffwiWß row Awntrngr ram* oyer tk* pkow*' *Waßd pottr* gatrk to Bootkera raft way depot, troohl* aanai tk* a*- ; grow* " lieterttrrw Wla* aad Itfceroa Jumped jwe a twiggy aad drote poat kaat* for the depot la a boat two iboto mtaute* another ! meeaagv rata* IB! I "Harry up tk* police" Tkiaga lagan to look alarming, i Meat. Cart!wig* ordered Ik* patrol , wagon out and wltk aaotker edro jaad a couple of reporter*, uko bap ’iretied to b* at tk* atattoa. urot out to tk* Boutkera road yard at doubt* 1 quirk par*. Everybody at tk* atatton ■li wight a tied waa »u and tk* reporter* j amiled la antlripattoß of "a guod lory." Tk* Aootbern yard era* reached. N*> . riotrrs were ween, ao *rr*ama rent the ,alr. «.'thing out of the ordinary a**m ,d tahmg place. All waa aa aerepe a* a rooatry Babbatk. A parly standing 00 a earner was asked where was tk* riot Hr aald k* b*ll*v*d two Mrdwa had had a arrap down Ike afreet a bit. "Drive down Ike street,’ aald Lieut. Cartlrdg* Th* patrol wagon rattled down lh» street and persona who parsed by gaxed st the two reporter* and remarked that ’ those two fellow* are going lo jail In a hurry.” “Here we are." remarked the police, aa a small crowd was area al the cor ner of CeoUr an<l Telfair atreeta. The rlotera were found. It was a *m«H riot, a very amall riot, only two participant*. Henry Baker, a colored man, had been hit hy George Brown. George had run away. “Come to court tomorrow, Henry,” ■aid the police. The party drove hack to the atatton. Lieut Cartledge mentioned somr thing that aounded like "Much ado about nothing.” The reporter# put their penella in their pockets. The riot was nipped In the bud. ■— mo FOWL HAUL. Mr. C. E. Descomhe Lost Thirty Chickens Last Night. Last night Mr. C. E. Descomhe. who 'lives on Walton Way. was visited hy a chicken thief, who did not believe In doing things by halves. The thief walked away, or, perhaps, rode, away with thirty chickens. It l» thought that there wns more thnn one thief, ns one man could hardly have carried off that number. THE WEATHER. Augusta, Ga., Sept. 9.— Office located in United States government building, telephone No. 1572. Forecast for 36 hours ending 8 p. ra., September 10, 1898: Washington forecast for Georgia and South Carolina—Bain tonight and Sat urday, continued low temperature for at Ipast three days. Local forecast for Augusta and vi cinity—Bain tonight and Saturday ; slowly rising temperature. Maximum temperature In Augusta—.o The river at 8 a. m. was 17.9 feet, a rise of 2.0 feet In the r»st 24 hours. The rainfall in the cotton belt In the past twenty-four hours was chiefly con fined to the south Atlantic states, with light scattered showers falling In Ala bama. _ fVI . A moderate cold wave now covers the entire northwest country, Bismarck re porting 28 degrees; Huron 32; St. Pau 38, while generally over the rest o. the country temperatures have risen. The disturbance mentioned In yester day's chart is Still located In the Gulf and promises to cause unsettled er over the South Atlantic section for the next two days at least, while Urn barometer has risen rapidly in the northwest, where it Is highest. It used to he the custom, when the chief priest of one cf the Congo tribes showed symptoms of illness, to kill him forthwith, either by strangling or by aid of a club, the natives believing that, if he were allowed to die by dis ease, all the rest of the world would perish. , Lmro o . mm I fftMMftwft# ft.*4 4||iiftlft H<#ft, |»#tfi*4, Iff** -vM *f%g- ft * I *d» |f ~ S *■» ** H* I .flftiifli wft * l|M H*r4 ****** }tftik<# flft •t# |f .j 3 ;c ,, ft 4i ] >^iin»in*> • ifipiftii. ft—4, ******** !t%«d#N TV «i f ft* ft 9 c . 4 4 | i y• • ||«4 Rftawfft# M<h»4 ft|#||i#ft. Ir#**#* tv i ft* t , ft 4 1 ABhs • fwß BB» *r MwawW (Aw* laid ||i#«id#k • t far - «♦ iftk#* ***• I Tag ' ■'Smdhßdks* | ft#ftf V#l iVT 44ft**< 4*4** , ft ft 2 * «## *ft«wft TftWT' A *V*f ft### ##*» Id Raw IbiiM tk t ib md Cftm agf*w» § I T4* 4*4#**-# TU\/ P*y othMm «uch hl#h pr*©«*l f or Cro* VV H V 4 »r«>* when you can #-t 4 <> ‘ VV 1 1 1 for toft* money *1 w,ck * r A P,,c f?LJ 7 W« hnv« junt rMC,y»tv*d our fall »tocK of X«n Good*. Pick#*. PrMSMfv**. Map# Syrup. Ac. in fact Havm anytltina you may d«*ir« In ih* lin« of Staple ana Fancy Crocaria*. 2 pound can Tomatoaa . • • o g® 3 pound can Tome too*. 3 can* for Cordova Coffee * • • • Sugar cured Ham* • • • • ir~ 15 cakes "Harri*’* Pr»de Soap for . 25c 8 cake* Circus Soap for . ■ ■• *”®j Best Sccondpatent Flour 50c *«ck. $4.00 barrel First patent Flour 05c *mck, $5.00 barrel. Wicker & Pilclißr. Wreckers of High Prices 054 BROAD STREET. Fall Seeds • Fall Seeds' WHOLESALE QUANTITY Georgia Rye Seed W heal ZZJ r '~ cfce “ | Seed Barley White Onion Sets Red Onion Sets Crimson Clover Native R. P. Oats Grazing Oats Multiplying Shallots, Cabbages, Collards, etc. THE HOWARD i WILLET DRUG CO. w in ip iff HOJ ROLLS FROM pm jjRANO [jUKE HOUSEKEEPERS TRY IT. NOTHING LIKE IT. All First Class Grocers Keep 11. In Germany a newly designed boun day stone is being used, which Is east of cement around an iron tube, with u short tube at the top of non-rusting metal. The object is to form a fixed support, for surveying Instruments,and when not in use the hole is closed by a marking plate having a stem locked in the tube hy a key. Divers in the British navy, before be ing passed as proficient in their craft, have to be able to work in twelve fathoms of water for an hour and twelve fathoms tor a quarter of an hour. a,z. _*L^ij*u.xiy..." #CPTKMttBP $ s fIM dOM «$. <** ft*# 4 I#!# t ft § §4l . dd ** e# ~«* lift Tft 4 ft## ft mm *Wrns ftftf* left## 4ft# | -ii-gs ##ft «4#ft #44 ft4#444 T§# "T#**# * #4 »■*#■•#• 44m* 4ft# •wet* Mi* Bt'iiaav I t« • M M w M M Tk* Yuapaa tgwtw.d fa mil «m. Badl Cklf !•■ - Bk«* tt b I t. * * 1 k # <ft# fv 44 f **#*•»# 4#ftft CVNL 4 4*44. jmr## #ft* II ft « ** .« ae « ** »* 44 fftt * ftjif l|e#He ****** 11*41 Ida < m> f “#ffft #*4 • 4## 4# «•###« t ft II .. - te ft * fft# IjH# f|»|> ~ fftftftk ft! '<% pa sits. a tl —f-- Tftl 1114. 9 lfe #l##K4 TV § ft# tl N »• «e •« eee# ee 44 ft 4 ft CALL FOR Augusta Brewing Co’s EXPORT BEER B E I. L E O 3P <3- EOBGIA 11 prrogr mm* ** (|i ijSTA B(?EIViN(i j Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. CALL FOB AUGUSTA BEER. SOME PEOPLE M’T LIKE FILLS. They want a quick acling Medicine, acting simply on the LIVER. Tale B. H. F. Fur the Liver, 50 Cents Bottle. Hl-l P Will take out the yellows • •I • a • in your face. Hu p Will take out the yellows • in your face. The Howard & Willet Drill Co. Manufacturers 11. H. P. In a new method of bicycle propul sion eccentric disks are mounted on each s'de of the crank shaft to impart a reciprocating motion to two vertical pistons having toothed raokb at the rear meshing in pinions on the driving wheel hutflft'aitcJnafcly apply power from the cranks and impart a rotary motion to the wheels. B E Xj Xj HI O E <3- EOBGIA