The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 09, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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FftfDAY 4 THE IUCUSTI HERIIO 9BmJSJh** ■■nunp .= «»! '■= *• **l KLmi ** . * *«***’ M*. «*** ~ »•*** m§m» ** ««- ■ 1 “—»«* •» tw i Jfcwar~T~ t Mm ll *' ♦*•»•** ** 43^MyaBBB> !|4p94ftgs&ife' : m• « ‘ * * ittnai I* 'PKOMI * ff*m***** M i •••I* ••*' & ffy hh«i •#*•*•« ygy %kMX 99# IHf HI If Al l* In Alla*.* *• •*•** •MM *** *.*«.* *••** , “* , ‘** M **&•** # lip#* 4*9 *4 Hi «•**•>**« «•» *** •** ESU-m. m •—— t<»*»* *• IB* «*»«4 ■ •"2*' - VMI «• *♦ «•» **•“* ■«* r#B **••** ****** mm - M*r* write* '*• •*** ** **** Herald Pr«ze letters from Imerican | Summer Resoits. . tt. M*»*H *»«* **•» •’» •*•* # * * mtm to 9nm» *» »»* MM* tmw** «£**•* ... *•«—« »«"*< »**«•* ** J ... |«« MM* *» M M| M ••*»* • i * * gae*, de s»te*e#, M (Ist *b* »«,»•#* MM «MM *M» »MM* **- Ms Bin W wMi lW •• • *® m ‘ •**«•( Meftortto! f**!’ a,,,,.. I* Ik* awerdie# "f I# fMM« The Ml ***» <* ,h * B *Mn. •• •*•! •• IM ,w **" •* MtVM*. rowet *** •®P* R I ** f k totter Ml »• M f*ikß«*«e*e tM M r M** °l iMtl'k 1 # «" - rHMMfe* M m m (BMIMMM* * «"®M rim*"* *M»» lUftßfl |<l t 9ft9#o(9#)4ft Com*••»«!• rta •• w*** Initnn a* t9fty 4i*9 fw turiji**. l*#t »*# **9*9**ftS i*** '** mlm imly an* «f >h* i»» !•** • ■ * TM Heteld **»'» H*e. |y g«.lpr te’ter*. e*»d »k* p.tre* oil) he awarded tnr !>.. MNrt. (TOM lllHMltllf »»<• M*M readable letters us **•* ■ert New* Contest Closes Oct. 1. FOR THE BBKT I.BTTW .....W * fOH TH* ID BHT LBTTBR ... 1* to fOK TUB IL> IIKT LETTER ... A SPLENDID ATLAS. Tha Hr raid ha* secured a few cojrte* of Hu matnlflicni War AUaa leaned by Rand, McNally A Co. the great ■up maker* Tbla Allaa la a map of the world, and If you want to keep ported on Cuba. Porto Rico and the Philippine* you ought to ha*a It. The regular price of thle Allaa. which I* printed in H* e colon*, con. talna map* ot Cuba, Weal Indiae, Hawaii, Hurope, Aala, Africa. Spain. Philippine- North America. South America, the W orld. Oceanlca. China. Portugal and harbor chart* of Havana. Santiago. San Juan. Mntanzaa, Clen* fuegoa. Manila, Cardenaa and Santa Clara Haya. la 50 cenla. To Herald reader* .to centa. This Atlaa la 140 a inches and con* tain* 18 page*. Vnu are aure of get ting your money's worth when you get tlie hi:kald’s standard atlas. Srptomber la an exrellrnt month In which to take rare of your health. The opponent a of Krai tier mono call him the "drug-store-barroom candi date.” The free stiver wing of the republi can party la alio iu favor of free lead. The Edgefield Chronicle wanta the people to "give Foal heratono a rhunce." * The Ftllpinoa are ringing, “When Ihc Spring Time Cornea, Gentle An nexation.” The prayers of the Routh for Winnie Davis recovery seem to have been answered. “Turn the hose on Cuba.” says The Memphis 6cimitar. Perhaps they are Dot striped on both sides. Wllhelmlna tried on her crown and then went to church. What a remark able woman, not to hnve worn it. According to present pinna the Rough Riders will he mustered out ne.xt Tuesday, and the historic troop jkvlll be no more. They are good fel lows. hut should remember Teddy's julvice, "Don’t get gay.” , #Dp£ »■■■*•♦* •*« , *>* !*#♦'# . A*A4MMh|SA amMI vwni 4P ’ 'MR# lH'i jjAW#" *** YYMHMIMt % Plw® ** »»».. db|Ti - tggaaM iwMbb*** til i t*. b«« haadP « taigßMM’am •Hwt •**• liHLUiN S*i *•• •“W I ußbm % *■* MPi H—«tl. •* f twtahg tma* tarn tflwptsmiMM *a t Jim mi * m'l* t ~ aM *** tma** MR Maw MMdßwaMiaa* aw •**#*•*♦ |wl *gMt«#M» !•*!*• »• *•» m«m y*«**i**»* *• mm. vwlii •"■*"*•* I rn tmitn W ***** *m |p*i% : 1 i<rtri m !igm «• iip %40***t*** !| * tt< ***^ 1 «p iiiiiw »« ihp m*4 ********* **** ***** ***- | ilmni li **» **>*** I *•*•►-* -vats »«t Im** wa *tt* **autu' iff Mi (Midi • Jab'i.r ttni ab** »«Mbw.ri» aadwpwri «ba* Taamwat ■—*d dw abytMtW hM •wR up • M IMwawaa ■*l ,rt, » Mwit ikw* tmt**o*m* mm* *• .mm t*M *9 a map».<». baa M •** atM*. ha tla Mhart tbla ' ty-«b««* Raawlituaa mmatomm «( rt* iliani' awwM'htf ta«a* ••**< Dwm tbMt .*• Rawat'd t* Maw* fba R» i,l mil >a twMM*t> was atwrtadl ru*> i tf.aMß-1 p 411 (n ftg||] *ipi» tiff PP4 K<|PWP>tpN* *P <'# fIP Wp»wM*rp> Aj uiiMM HNmi YUMI m * Hufttfip will «ot*i inpAtai INw i rtf Iwttat Mkb bat adwnmm tala aawatb •bile mar* aa.II ba b*id oa Or tubsa i Tim <•* ba »• dmabt that Matb* will wad • aolM Ragmbltraa bhiaUna. wor that Georgia will staid f alavaai laser ti'a. II lb* states abhk at* to boM their ! fhc t* a» oa Natrottf S reaper! 1* el y j r.wa .a* to*at as tbs four above or*. ! imaod tbo com pi* 1 ivo of tba oast Ooo greaa attl ant ba omeb altered. Hut oUI tbayT l llOUli l Ull LAW laquirte. art fnqvtatlf mad* by | uur aportaoMß oa to wbat art the game j laws of South CaroDoo. Tbar* aro a number of Aoguata people who rroaa the tiatannah un their hunting agpadl Uoas and for th*<n. aa well mi tor our I large numbar of 80 tilh Carolina eeod ' era toe present the law. la a brief sum I roar) Dear—lt la I Hagai to kill or hunt deer, or rharr them with (log* between February I and September I. • crept la the counties of Clarendon Pwkaley, Georgetown, Marlon, Colleton, Dar lington. Williamsburg, Horry. Mari* j boro and Kenhaw. In which It la now ' lawful between Febuary 1 and Auguat I. Other Hlrda (open aeaaonl—lt la T j legal between April l and November 1. j to hunt or kill any wild turkey, part -1 ridge, quail, woodcock or pheaaanl, or, ' between March 1 and August 1, any any dove., or kill at any time' , during the year any of the bird* i named, by tire light or flash light. Noa-reeldent lJcenle—Non-realdenta 1 may purchase a license for shooting 1 game of any kind. Cost. )25. This j doee not apply to persons hunting or killing game on their own land. THE BdAVERY OF OCR OFFICERS. The official records of the War De | pnrtment so far as they have been completed, show that thlrly-three commissioned officers and 231 enlisted men of the army were killed during the war with Spain. These figures Include the men lost In Manila at we 11 aB lo Culm and Por to Rico. The comparative number of officer* ami enlisted men present another high tribute to American arms It shows that the leaders really led —that they were in the forefront of the battle. U Is said that the percentage of of ficers killed lg the largest ever known in any of the battles of the world. The contrast presented by the battle of Omdurman fought last week, gal lant and deadly as It was, Is very striking, for In that conflict, while the loss of life was very heavy, only one officer was killed. It will be a tong time before we ful ly reallce how great was the achieve ment of American arms in the recent war. The republicans lost thirty-three seats In the Vermont legislature by the election on Tuesday. Which way the wind is blowing is not hard to tell «... afilf hfc \M**r*ui NSht t t *• i » • i TBB -A-TrOtTST-A. HEKALD if li f o*9*tmt*** > & MP* *** Ini f mm.o’***' ******** ***** ****** ** fl ******* <4 «h* .**«**#l 4f **' aw*** 1 | j'Mli Ti <1 frf si# It#. rn-****** i 4ft# liftft (Hlftift 11 ®# #### m**-' #"*«* , gtf iini *•••» om*xm p***m*w**v - .%i */&-'&**'* ** **** *** ** ■ m 1w 1 . nt ~ t. ■ - i..*#. inr mm m -M. «. **F Igf *t%' : ### f * VPr ■ | I iiirtnr%i w***mk§ **&*'- ** ****** hVm BftNft ***** ***** ***** ***** ! #f#f#v| I# ♦## •##•* #w#r***" w* \ ij# 49 ******* ** #*> mm**** w*mm*m** i 9m&wm.m*m ** fim****** ** ***** ** ( #r#ti» j -t ** m**** m******** *Mom*** **** j 94k# ♦♦*#*.<'■* ■# f #&| *.«i **mmm ****** *m ********* *#* ■ lift —til *** * mmm*m «* mm*** m** j mm** Mft4 %** ******* m**m*****L. mm* * ******* iftHW «W ****** ***t I# «#«»**! 44 49# t*m* mm* l#4ft ß *** 1 uriMift 9n **t*mi ***t*m* mm fwm*4 1 99 <9#** M4ft9 9«9i (ft 9#** 9*<ft ******** : , *9999 #f *m**m*. H 4ft9l ft**999# t9#4 I s9# 9ftr*M9 n9#9| • **s-•<* r# , 4 : lift* 49*0**» «#4N*ft 99 9499919 9t T9# 9lUf 999994- 4M9 941*9 s> *K. t e ter#« i ; m* Hf Wilt |9hi'4 4 • 9ft9919l 199 Mftftf #it9 * *t*' i#*9M 4 |#w **p'w l #99 fj>9f9#lirr 9**4* OW 994** Tba T, M C. A. M Mt» *f th# -awnh j !*,„ ibmilu*b>*> fa th* rttf at Auguat*. Why I* H *o» mma Dhatally aupportaw •M thus **ahl*4 t* ram piata what . would ha um of our taafwaat * bulidlags The continuous rain* have mad. | raws Roots in cellars hack late. ate. At 1 the fire* pmmlhla opporiuntiy they ahouM he gtva* attentloa ta the latac mA of Mdlut oft, popoVrvßeptibltran fnafoa la the , Eleventh district has struck a song , I Th* self-respecting populists will not be caught by suck transparent trick- • ! cry. New Tork la determined that Alger shall not prevent the parade of Gene ral Miles’ victorious ai my. The occa sion trill be one of rare magnlf.cenee Some of Rllerbe’s enemies hnve avl- j dently Induced a poet to poetise a few : : soft bars to praise of the governor. I He should not thus he sncrlflcad. Booker Washington la making some impressive speeches In South Caro lina. which are attended by large crowd*. A case ot amall pox has developed near Gordon and the cltlxens. natural- j 1 ly enough, are very much wrought up over It. General Wheeler ha* the deepest, J tend crest sympathy of the whole coun try. In the loss of his brave young son. Editor Harmon of The Lexington Dispatch issues one of the brightest and newsiest papers In South Carolina. POINTFD PARAGRAPHS. Learn to say ”no.” It’s better titan "Nit.” A man’s unreliability often exceeds his assets. As the twig Is bent the limb Is In clined to grow broke later. A dude often turns feminine hearts.— hut in the wrong direction. Time is caught by the tall more fre quently than by the forelock. Every nmn knows how a wife should be managed, but few are able to do It. All the world’s a prise ring and all the men and women merely scrappers. >»ome men are too stubborn to ac knowledge the corn until you step <xn their toes. A wise man halts h(s hook wrtth in quiry. hut a fool halts his with Imper tinence. Tteer Is said to he fattening, hut too much of It will make a man lean— against something. Actors always like to tread the boards, hut It's a deadly Insult to ask them how the walking Is. It somitlmes happens that It takes a speaker rtonge* to clear his throat than it does to clear the hall. Whenever some husbands and wives agree it is to the effect that they mad 1 a serious mistake In marrying. It is said that men who never drink smoke or stay out late at night to live to a ripe old age. Perhaps that’s their punishment.—Chicago News. The duty of a county to nay mem bers of a sheriff’s posse romitatus is de nied t.n Sears vs. Gallatin county (Mon tana! 40 L. R. A. 405. in the absence of any statutory provision for their compensation. _ i • r*HMM # »4#. $%-«# 9 **-»* * ■* «#*ft. %m* ! 999 19 ******* * 9**m**mm* ** *9* zvt-zrz ; < -.afifktn fco# (*> f##9» *’ ft 11 *f4n •94 m>%*» mh ##99 mmr* Mft 9#ir Mfc .n I*4 *%•• r4rtfttft9<wi ft9# **#l *#4 1•• Iwya a*A t*s» gfrie at her «aA a i«nm tuu fa fh* h*»t* greve we've tald h»m. Who was «*c* wuc gride aad yay. I* Rta wrecked aad ralari We have garied fees* wt kwyt Ke was MHhe aad hanpy-heerted. « WH4 9 MlU* f*»f ft49l * 99ft, *II hI ftia jtiiib 994 |*| f tftiftiftftfti Hnmmtnft o‘*r 9119 fi*9. Hut ftft'ft |*Q* —hf*l 09C'ft 9# fUfM# ******* 994 99414! In ftlf Wfft* a 4ift4 #94 9iftl»«Hl fn#nho«nl W* 9ftftft I#l4 9f*« t# Ift* oft#ift. 4!V #4# |f‘<f ff»ftfftt Hlft tllll4tMu4. w9ftn frtmi #r9##l *f p»*y 9* <9«M. Wtt9 M* mftrnr •»*• *ll lift#4ll99 Aad bt* rw»tdy rhavha aflame And M» youth with aa* ambit km*. For (be deariy loved, at home. How' he planned a noble future. To cvpel » from the land Ah' w* feel hut for the tempter To our genemue-hearted boy. He would now he living honored. Still our pride, and hope, and Joy. But he’s gone—our beat beloved. Once a» nolde. strong aad breve. In hie wrecked and ruined manhood We have laid him la hla grave. Ironical it*. If all flesh I* grass, old atre must ba well cured hay. If you have occasion to criticise a mule, do It to hla far*. If It I* bred In the bon*, the butcher alwaye glvea ft a-welgb. If you loa* an opportunity. H I* use less to advertise he It. If a man I* always giving himself away he la not worth having. If g woman can get a voter she does not care anything about a vote.. If bootjarks were bouquets a cat's life would be strewn with rosea. If you can't live within your Income you can't live long without It. If g woman Is lost In self-admlratlon, she may be found U» front of a mirror. If you are looking for a swell Job, all you have to do Is to atir up a hor net’s nest .—Chicago News, PROBATION Full stow to start with her beet gifts Is Fate: The choicest fruitage comes not with the spring. Rut still for summer's mellowing touch must watt— For storms and tears, which seasoned excellence bring; And love doth tlx his Joyfullest estate In hearts that have tveen hushed 'neath Sorrow’s brooding wing. I Youth aues to Fame; coldly she an swers, "Toll!" He sighs for Nature’s treasures; with reserve Responds the goddess, "Woo them from the soil.” Then fervently he cries, ’ Thee will I serve — Thee only, blissful Love!" With promt recoil The heavenly hoy replies, “To serve me well, deserve!” —FLORENCE EARLE COATES. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought TRY ’EM ALL EXERCISE YOUR JUDGMENT— ANDTHEN SPEND YOUR MONEY WHERE YOU GET RESULTS. HERAbO PRIZE LETTERS -i*ub fa#-**. SOSIEK RESORTS. fttft 14 <k* ftp*A. til fw #» SM k«4 fti Id tft M «va* to AB a seen lease. Banglß l so* * BMP. kaaaaetoMrt **49# <’■*# **>.»•## ##w§ «49#ft «4ft*ft 49*4 t*#9 tftfNftto 19* 9#II «r Itft 4«toNTft "ff tmy- ■' I* ?9#t f*m **rn*m*u mt **994 ± A 9#* *44 4ft!!, 4H9 • ft«ftftf». hrtii#- i Inf #9 9#rl9ft 4H9 mtlft fNft lift f#r9 l#4. 9ftrt9r, *mr* ** «*«9 C4* j I4JI 9ftrr#ft lit MoniiMk #*.«*l4 |iv* ft)* by vniMUfl if***#, •«!! ft 9#ll 41* vtdinc H fr**« ttift iw*«9*«. ftfcw* grmm |ftir*fu!iir • 9#r4 **t 991919 i harß iß| tht f#4 a* ram fiS* v ftlt 4*y. T9ft bM4li#|ftr 9 # rharmin# Vlr* fttntft 9trl, 49«» m#9ftft It ft |4ftft*««rft to |mv v<iiif HU. *ht a #t brft#9f#*t #yf Mi • ft4ftftt low voWs*— t Hftwft • hlttftt4rms for yo#**—for t9i» mo4ft* l#«i Mft #ftlt9ftr odU# w*r 4ftftk (14 T9ft 9ay#ftt <b«*|Mßr ft at tmposing Iftrgft •omrttody who mtk«* you Afraid Ift compUln of ft«tvt9!ng. And the proprleior. a happy g»-tu<hy woman «f fortune—who la <1 tng thia Innkeeplng for fun—wlll promise you anything on earth and forget It. and you, the next moment. Take noth'*, ye erstwhile "lord# of creatton," of the perfect clerical force of this inn. which makes It a pleasure to pay bill#,' afraid to complain, able , to secure at least the promise of any* 1 thing you want, be It g lily-pond or a lock for your door. I forgot to aay w# have «o locks of "j any kind In the houae. and a tramp or ( burglar la unknown In this blessed place. We din# in the atone basement, with a great old chimney, and the fare ia j good and wholesome. Rut the trail of the serpent Is over It all. and we have a rievous swarm of (ties, such a, afflicted the Hebrews of old. and the custom of getting rtd of them, while not ao effective as a fly fan. la certainly amusing. We, all twen- | ty of u*. stand In a line, at the lower | end of the table, slowly progress to the ; upper end. wildly waving our napkins, j and thu* frighten away a few of them. The scenery, vtlth its faraway blue j hills, quaint old stone walls and grey barn* and massive trees. Is tM-autlful beyond words, and the climate delight- t fui, even tn August, We sketch every morning, 1 ntld the j country is rich in study and pretty : little scenes. Our afternoons are spent tn any way fancy dictates, driving, cy cling or reading Then In the evening, j we all gather, for this art school Is j a most charmingly Informal place. In , the studio, and read or play games. , sometimes have an old fashionable can- j dy-mahing and once a spelling bee. We have a wood Are, for the evenings are chilly. In an old Franklin stove, and the studio, with soft blue portieres and old antique china, and lastly our sketches, make a mostly delightful pic ture. When we ndd the charming group of women from all parts of the union—in the art class—there Is one philanthropist, who went out and made the milk man take off the yoke when he turned the oxen in the pasture for the night, and with her own hands car ried a pail of water to those dumb, sad eyed beasts us burden. There Is one bright society girl, who would have liked to hnve a lover to pose for her every sketch, and the sad. serious girl, with a heart history hack of it all. our gentle art enthusiast, so full of posing, that we dared not sit still in her pres ence. lent we he put in the sketch book, and so on. Men were not forbidden the place, but only a few were there. Ah! it was well worth the tedious ! Journey Of many miles to lie down in the sweet grass in the old apple or chard and see the sky through Its gnarled old boughs, and for one brief j hour be bads once more a child, when i THIS IS IT wmt* Faff as to* 4 mma I atom csrr zZ POD EARLY PALL STIFFS AND ALPINES. ALL BHADrS $3.00 Just Arrived. DORRS Tatlofinc, Hitt. Furimhftfv ■ Bftl W m 4ft f # * ft*j .\ # f 44 \ For the \ C Benefit of the Sick C I r,H| Dari >r» lot tb« Motfit I / right »d a«>4 s i M twrvnl la f l cm: •>!.! • 1 !.»»<■ as f J i9# 4r#§ drift o*7 the N 9 9 J V * 4 C ft*t# »»—9* #ft*rf ft#** \ i y< 4i pree- rtpUea# **tf rervlally L / Do You C S Intend to Move ? c \ R, mm ter nothing vnekn f | prMt’er sail* Mitt ptoberiine— J 1 I. pretty cuton. Gri color c*rfl # ) Again, Again. ( \ B#rnprubor t# cm fiirnl*h y©a 1 ( is - Uj« boil *ta C \ r tweacLir-y € up your ##4 hotue*. J / AlriaDder Dru Coipaty ? I T iom TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexaifler&JolißsoD Agent, Scottish America Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St ? PORTNER’S S ( HOFBRAU and J / VIENNA CABINET f / BRANDS OF f j Export \ ? Beers s ? ARE THE BEST < S ASK FOR THEM. C all ttje world was sweet and fair as this. n Ants cradled once again in the great bosom rtf. old Mother Earth, ,we rise strongef* and braver for the. Wattle of life. . . a. ENON’E. SEPTEMBER 9 ROGER i GALLET. I h*v# not* f#c»>v**l II (lift itt !L**oi ft Cam*' • fm« To ft Pour* #f|, ftoatfx* KiDAfls Britl W»f»#*, f h# tmttwaiy c»f ff»V (NfMßt ®wl Of lba*a good* ♦of aavtoil tarsetofc• to** I9MII lb* Nbw VtOr* IftHM com# not •ut’(t | y th* m oft *c * c own I ®< U# inAtMUty of it# m*fltiV«e<urvr« <n P*n* IO iftocuf* Affto(tt*n to*f r*v*»ri u# Bl*ftof*B. T I'sas good* *r* ft t»# demand tottA my (In# roiail trado And innw to ho hav* not utod tham I adv>aa to do BO> L. A. CIARDELLE o mnk*f Ift Ih4 Finctt Of V)9i 4 ANM§ ft) 2 BROAD STREET. T&e Augusta Herald Lirtal, Britktetl»( it Bat fitoW 'I Tin Seem .-t * IRBT TO-TC* A rtf XLwd THE KKWB OF TIIF WORLD WHILE IT 18 XEW* is m in Hoi RH ahead or oritKß GBOBGU A!«D IIUITII aioUSA J I papers. «■» Itltl Bill CONVINCE TW arvam^T^^ PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7111 St.. August*. Gi. Brvts met m rtm an defect,« mill. (rtwi. Ihv glmw aad h .UU II thrai- cut info jmur trim white yea vuL FREE OF CKARhE. - ....ORDER fOCR COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augnsta Coal A Supply Co (juaotilv and Quality Giiar.nte.d- F. W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’Phone 21«4 btroegvr 305 ■,, Whltely / Exerciser. \l W A practical, .impleand X efhei cut Home Exerciser, 103; /aA one, ptcially adapted for 1 !}/* .Kl ladies and children, bn V /\,\ at the same time can be Tjv—\ t protitably used by the /TTTCJtoX strongest athlete. / II «V , PRICES: / 11 v 75c., yi.oo, ii.stf I I f n BICYCLES CLEVE- I . I LANDS, MO up; VIK- / 1 I lN’i.S, F 35 tip; GEN- I \ DRONB, FlB up. THOM-1 LJ AS, SSO up. Call and see them. Every one guar- \j / anteed. J lY , Richards & Shaver Paine, Murphy &l Co. COMMK-eiON MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds a^TeleiilioiiciSl&.r/ 1 rivate Leased Wires Direct to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton. Stocks. Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions fur caah or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies.