The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 10, 1898, Image 1

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fHJ| " ' * *l** Mat _ m !• tote dtetoto • HTtlW* i-to um. teatetototo Ntoto ttoto'tote i din in 111 m VtrMtet* CuMm MartUac t> ll» Mfe Hi Hatau* MrfVn UMatMt UR ta«i ia 1 ttfm A* Nialii llm m !*••*» »* tt Now »mte C*y. g*pi M tv immuit to«M Mg*** Ml iteMT ftggr* Up Up* , toil* tote* km* m tor Rate* tor* = •to Hm*'»a ttotelt >M»I»««I Mr '•! ■ guw*r*l ml mwtt iMlttr awd Ifc-topk •Mitt to ywar* ml mm fc* M** Mr* On—i Mt irlim ***** «w**w M* to* km* M *d» otUHiwi toldlm MMI *gpbi**t ♦tel tote t <ew»ad Me a—Mite* to • mao ad ftowteto. Ttonto w%*> •♦** te«t*4 ml ite ****dgi«w m— it* to*t»to—t te» r* mm garyrioad to <h< •*»• MM tkr «MV <*kMb «M to tt* Hutto ttoi •tot Ikr t tea* jr-awt*! »a»teite Ite* r*to KHrktoto MM • ntoMiwM I* Iter arm* *to» Mr •*• teal to ***** at as* la tffi ha tetoti to iter Holy Im— m M •tped.'ttew <4 **r**y agdar Crater Ik IRt Mr fartrytl Ute atete * J I 1 • ffe@pr« X . ' 1 MAJ. GEN. SIR H. H. KITCHENER. of Galilee. He surveyed the Island of Cyprus end In the Nile expedition of 18x4 he was deputy assistant adjutant and quartermaster general. He fonght at duaklnm In 18X8 and at Toski In IXB9. and was rapidly promoted. On their victorious trip up the Nile the soldiers of Great Britain have been ac companied 4>y Said Pasha, who knows more about the country than any other living man. Though at this distance it seems much like a pleasant triumphal march for the victorious army, the trip was accomplished under great difficul ties and the ability of the offleers In charge is clearly shown through the excellence of their handling of the ex pedition. Nothing l* heard from the victorious troops today. K'tchener Is as popular in London today as can be. Interesting Ceremony. Khartoum, Sept. s.—(Delayed in transmission.) An Interesting cere mony took place today when the Sir dar. General Sir Herbert Kitchener, on visiting the Khalifa's arsenal, found dra-m up outside a hundred of the principal Shiekhs of the city, who tendered submission and promises of allegiance. Among them were many old rulers of Soudan departments that had been reduced by the Mahdists. numerous Turk- and Egyptians, who were offi cers in the army of Hicks Pasha, de feated at the ha tie of El Obid. in No vember, 1883, and the native doctor of j Gen. Gordon. Secretary Stallings. Secretary Stallings of the Y. M. C. A. Is expected home tonight or tomorrow morning. He has been up in Virginia on a vacation. ~ T , MtMt MBtn THE HERALD'S NEWS IS THE BEST* fcO IS ITS ADS KfeiH UR AND READ THE HERALD. ff* ittorlM a im THE AUGUSTA HERALD. WtHI S* Trtiu* NVtl irilHf. ttto 1-itoMIMH tMrtote Htegk* a— Kmmma tote Item ttttertwHte* liMute'-* Itef* to Mate to*—l • !»■•*»% Item Mia ***** «wrg »wa a* Mtote ttoto Hte* tat mg tteM* a»r* tea# .«•*• mi Mm to*** <*4 Mte <te**% ****** ite Itttef* tfcte la tM* tot* l 'M*«l l*l«t tote* MteM Hte am M Mate ! . Ml tote*. k-H . A f»m . I . N«w Tart Ha— Ml -Tte* pan»*ag > :*« of Mte raaatel MM** €*a——>» • ki'k atf*to later* mm I* I arguin' ww luted Man fte'g*. iM* w**«MM.. t**te M*aw»t Mrtetetote Mr* toatek irate* ate* M*k»* •*— Mt* Main** vm to—M tk* IteiM Unto*. Twtrtew €1 •*** Ml- TW umrgteg •*■»** of lk# AgteWtga N* <»*l Lrt- Ir* Carte*** **»**#ttrw *rr <ki*k* 4r> ite.i i* «k* I'afcjtel at awgn "* M*' latottow, Tkr trite m***ur* *a* Ik* r-tlrlag toll ia alto* fgrrwrr* to trurc *a a pm- ; slon after thiryt-flve yearß of contin uous service, and a second preposition Is to create a pension fund, the gov ernment retaining » certain per cent of each carrier's pay each month. It was decided lo press both before Con gress. THE FEVER. nontgomery Now Confident of Es caping the Plague. Montgomery, Sept. 10.— The yellow fever situation here is much Improved and there is strong reason for hoping that this city will not have the dis ease this year. Business has not suf fered. t Trouble Feared. Pana, Ills., Sept. 10. Trouble is feared Monday when the Penwell Coal shaft is started ’dth non-union labor. Both whites and blacks have been em ployed and the latter will be housed in a large building on the mine prop erty heated by steam and surrounded by a ftame resembling a stockade. The non-union men will be guarded by deputy sheriffs the same as the ne groes at the Springside shaft. Nine, negroes from Springside paraded, through the streets roday. They '.-ere not molested by the strikers. Mayor i Penwell fears the strikers may at tempt to bum the buildiugs, it is said, and has placed men at the volunteer fire department with instructions to ring the bell and arouse the town If a blaze Is seen. Mr. James Oliver, a progressive young planter, is visiting. Mr. Frank Oliver, on Noith Augusta. MM II mi nv At Italia* Vtt**H fat* Hit la il» Ratfi Tla fiMart ArtoMH ia4 H \« HrMia t *M*4i Ite* IM* tafcra Ik M»r Mte Ikaa*»M*r n.*r»* PwMamttoMl Hrf* N to lh»r*«*r a* IMA aaa aawto'< ) al tt* NuM tor***..tor IkMf atoatamr* I to a* aggrttetoto aka a** ktoW H rtaltorl to* ana a ri.Wto Tk* Kwp.** at Auwrtg aaa kwa Wte-mte. jl tott Mte »a* ite» mugteee «te ikr ' |«*k* Mn'aiii** ml tottett aate to** nto Ik wad# jwwpb l&pprtm Aaa- i tt a aate tKat M *»**>» hotel M. I«M Tkr* M Iter** tkitonm. Ik» Artktearkm* Otocto. aka a*a ktofttto to man ItoHtotete «t toatMi*. Arrk teak* Nate—aM «*ka Utefte Ik* Item i m* M«aka»i* *te to—am aate ate* **» iaaraaiatly* *»ia*rtk#i*te Ik MMM. •« ik* ArvktearMra* Mart* Vaterta, ak* «*»»«.to krrkteak* Kraaa flktaato*. at A»*Ut# Taaraarf. Tk# l—» faa pres was nn enthusiastic horse-woman. How It Occurred. It appears that her majesty was i walking from her hotel to the binding place of a steamer about l o'clock i when the Italian anarchist suddenly. approached and stabbed her in the heart. The Empress fell, got, up again and was carried to the steamer uncon- ; scions. The beat started, but seeing i that the Empress had not repovered | consciousness the captain returned and the Empress was carried to the Hotel Beaur'vage, where she expired. Who the riurderer Is. G neva, Sept. 10.—The murderer is a man named Lucchooi, born in Paris of Italian parents. Confirms the News. Ixmdon, Sapt. 10.—The French for eign office confirms the report of the assassination of the Empress. Has Not Heard It. Washington, Sept 10.—Baron Reid enau, secretary, is the only member of the Austrian legation in the city, Min ister Hengelmuller being at Newport. Up to noon no advices have reached the legation or the state department of the assassination of the Austrian Em pres. The Island Disappears. Victoria, Sept. 10.-HNews cpmes from Suva by the steamer Miowera that file Fa!c:>u island, recently situated be tween Tonga Tabu arid the Haafai groups, immediately opposite the No mitka group of islands, disappeared be neath the waves owing to the volcanic action. There were about twenty na tive fishermen on the island who doubtless perished. _ . . ...... UK MNt UtIQM AT CMCiuruui*. ter a at to—H.» Aw totem— AMMtoat. Mto* ttoto tatto. Mark teMk* to tktet* to** tatkmkk Tkaa la aka* «a—a* mm <*t ik* Item liter* Haute* A 'Mte teaUtet ml* to to « «*•» Mattel ate totek* Ik Ute stet ate*«to ilk team *tok* m •to* (toMrtM amte aMte m tt* u—if •Mlto tk* kte* taamMto m a— ktok* •ate •• *k*a» Mato** «a*» atort to •* a* Ikto Hrktekto totoa Mto ate— Tkto wrteto to a— aMtokte a*te4 Mte— ter w* tote to ikto* ktoittei—te H •« t'k* it..*— *a* ik*t tote **** te*. a •mrtt Mktetel *> i*»am«to*tta •kkk •to* to ik* rtete—«»*'■* at tl* tern—• Mate* to Mte »'•»»* to Ik* Itortkrrti nmitete*** I Itettotto Mte .wtete teM to ikw «Mk# Tk* ****** #t —I Ute mm ton. a> m*te <«r*lte am to tout MM a* amr » ik* i tri —M—m' rtmite ***•* tk* fteknaaa* a** to a*a t»«tmi Ateato* AftMMto (tote Ma*kk» ten* tom tem*n Fkrkat, Mf—tk. Mto- Mttk nitir dim** mm* M*—** tk* arttfla** »a* taitete to to Tk* HnaM mn H» **M ik* «m to i*kv •at*maa te— tern tortwi a **t» kaite fkwrtoM Tk* fauna* Utet Mto tote to Ute to—**.* I*— aate ifcm amrtt «*a***te tte maa ktete «fcal iarr «o*M am k* «w«*«*«m wai. k* mite J Tk*t «MM aamte lllrt* team fc*m, aate «rt«l tete**rto nm m itolr m lam to «Mto te tk* nmw***toa ifcal ArtlflTM Murtoo calam A tear teat* man ito ato*rt •hvk tk* Aacmua* a*to*m to *»a* amte (m ' *"*«’ TknmM to Cate* tfortto* Tk*f farm a kH k*U*f mtlmr arrlt iaa itor* IV nnr. ito —* teofc'aa t*rt toll ukai M tfcm* ***• to «k* ♦*• pnn*tl. im«rtlteM to Itolr *raal dl*i Tto aUHMiftete a ateit ftlmte* art h**rlM «k*m totes toteat t*»tM akoai («**P Ufa. COMMISSIONIiHS THERE. naktm g Ready »• silt* «•* out of Cuba. tlsvaa* Asp* W - T 1» l'«IW Biatwi ii*u*poct Risolme. hating on board th* Awrrtma waniniim ranntei ia. »», ai 1 a'eiork tbi* womtwi fro* Mom Castle and mlarad ihe port at Hnnnaa al 14& Abe anchored nnr rb~ plot"* called Trtncncnlo. tbe mini heurtby pari of the lay At * o'clock General H-rlnno, chief of nal, and Maj. Garcia 800 lto at lha gener al’a atatr. left the palace In a cnrrlane nnd tei a little whlleaftererarda Gen. Parado, member of the Apanlsh cotn miaaon. and Dr Congosto. aerretary of the German governmerit, drove In a carnage to the lamartlna wharf. Bnh parties there embarked to a ateam launch and went on heard the Reanlute to welcome the American commla»ton» era At the palace Captain General ha* been prepared to <ii> honor to the Am erican commlalaoncra. The stair* have been carpeted aa upon the occasion of greet reception days and the commla alr.nrra will be rerclved In the union of the crown Captain General Blanco will be in full uniform. ALGER TALKS OUT. Won’t Oet Down With the Sensa aatlonallata— Inquiry to be riade. Detroit, Sept. 10.—Gen. Alger, being saked to make a Btntement relatives to th" charges against tils administration of the war department, the secrcetary r piled: "What do you wont me to do? Get down In the sewer with thfre sensa tional people? They are not worrying me. There Is nothing to the charges except somebody's desire to make po litical capital. “The work that the department had to do in so short a time, lias been a very great tax. The commissary and quart ermaßter'w departments had the distribution of more than 900 tons of' provisions, rations end forage, likely it jjart of which has involved transport tation more than half around the world. It Is not surprising that some few clips wera made. 1 have asked the President no appoint,the strongest commission it'is possible, to secure to make Inquiry Into the conduct of the war. It will be made up of some of the ablest army offleers.” The News From Canea. Vienna, Sept. 10.— According to a dispatch received here from the Canea island, Crete, the troops of the various powers hoisted their flags over the town walls of Candia and the admirals sent an ultimatum to the deputy gov ernor and the Turkish commandant de manding all arms to be laid down by 5 o'clock this evening. The warships, It is said, are in readiness to resume the bombardment of the place. One •<’ the foreign warships has gone to Uctimo, where a disturbance has bro ken out. Snow in Colorado. Denver, Cob, Sept. 10 - The first enc-w stoi rn Of, the season is reported in eastern Colorado and threatens to develop into acblizzard in western Ne braska. NOesnow has yet fallen in IJOnver, but it da quite cold and the in dications aret that snow will follow a fall of temperature. Esmy» 11 ■ w "I km Vuitet iWaN«i J H# Ste»v Na* M*MMto A«te*tteate km Mm Ite km Aatkt fan* H*ai »• At.** Ml 'to «a ntlnteii Thmte kna toteat to kte la »tot«* *ate t—ia mte teiteaai k*i«to* a tetok km a Mate*. *1 aaa a—ik*r a lUtea am a l*4a* * aa aa— **m»r*i»t ~ta —M*r «mte» I aaa* aa* raa '»»' am tot* l kaaa— mpmP T»tea. anna itoa ai aa* itea* ten llrfttt • mn tte* imato *»■— te lata I*l ia to*** to l«r**f** tto Ik*, to Httintoa Tk* 4iM- all* toteat • Ilk Ito mm- M*t* te am teMtertkm la ntiawa kto atom afc*i Ml** *Mnalte ttotolaa to nmaaatoaterte Mtolalto to Wat *af j tiateto trtll ami mraawnate ratMaa oa ito atttaate to ito I****** trial tottaa hr*a Ittoaal ter MM* a**M to a ttoto - lIM opoa Ota.. Mtottet aaa *a* •#» atialtoto a a** Uwtm •*» taater**- r te Oraaiiac a tatlatoa Vt«w to II- MpalM? Migki »**a ***** paat*kaa*ai ter Mttrter llran Ik* anaMto* ar* • *•«)»■ atoal tor tok*r p».a* ter a to ttotok. W k* to tto Nrtl tekter ? (tel llrnrj aha kilim klum-lf aate Ik* M*niai« U* Mnrtn «ko »#* klltete I ia Mrlr*. •*»* ito irto to tteaaaac* Ototte* T*tteat I m»( m*a oa Ik* knatetarte* aho «r-r* telarirartna ahnfc •r ttetrrtuutv or Col. Ite l*»tt (te Clan artiuM to ito a*tt mind* jutikr CnarMted ht I’riatr. Ttot al*o mt ikai lb* Alaartea* tot* to«tia lo look for prrprtoal »n n*t*tlan »Hb n*rtaaa» toraa** jiirtir* ito tolas rnrlW by Fraart- la the perme to ike Almelaa. Iteayfua. SHAH BATTLE. Hoar tkr Troop* Htlll at Chickamauß* ara Hmplo)l*i Ikcmaeltr* Cklraniausa. Itep 19. No totel ateat* Ito- ckmp Thoiaas inday. Tto dm-nnd Kealueh? a:)d lb* B*r-;a«l Ar-j kaaaaa. lb* «aly t»n left will learn Monday. Wlih lb* departure of iheta only Ute Hlilh lialted HtaiM Voliin leer* and the boapl ala rema a ai t'bl< - an-auga. The Serond Kentucky eogaßed In a •bam I untie at Hnodaraa. Ilill tbl* irornlnß The reßlment wa* lormeU In two terilona one on the lop to the hill and ih* other In the wooda at iha toot of the hill. The halt!* mpretieti led mlnutel?» the faroou* flßhl of Smulßriui* Hill durlna the eivtl war. The r*p«»ri of Generate Sanfaf. Mai- : look* and Ri*. rlvliir In detail the r«- aalt of their of Ihe ramp honpltHl*. te made public. Ii aiatea the roadlllon* In the arlnn* ho-tillala were found very unsaitej'artory. They gay ihe liiwpllaia were not provided with ihe proper naceasltle*. did not have a «ufflrlenl number of attendant*. ] rare badly Iwuted, and in every way; Inadequate. THE AGREEMENT. How the Parties There are Getting Together. j Colorado Springs, Sept. 10. —The con ference committees of the different parties In the convention have reached rn agreement today giving the Demo 'ciats the governor end one regent of ' th- state university, the sllve Repuli llcnns the auditor, the treasurer, the | superintendent of public instruction and me regent, the Populists get the ] remalnedr of th e offices. Ihe agree- | ment further provides that (he patron 'age lie equally divided between Ihe: i three parties. The agreement Is not | acceptable to many dlegatcs in each convention atul it may be defected. COTTON IS OFF. The Cotton Condition is 7Q.8, a De cline of 11. 4 Points. Washington, Sept, 10. The Septem ber crop reporiß show a decline of 2.9 points in oorn. The cotton condition is 79.8, a decline of 11.4 polnldfe 'ring the month. 1 Fire in Chicago Chicago, 111., Sept. 10.—F. Herhold & Sons, American Wood Him company, was damag’d by a *70,000 fire, today. The homes of a number of families of the neighborhood caught fire by sparks and the occupants were forced to seek refuge in the streets. Town in Danger. Victoria. It. C„ Sept. 10.—Albernia, the centre of an immense mining coun try, is threatened with destruction by forest files which have been raging several days. Unless the wind blows the flames away from the town it will lie destroyed. Mix:, Frank Robbc will return home next week from a sojourn at her old home In IWiliedgevllle. mi ***» *l* A Tl AH HAfIHHAk. SH,tt iHnA TU.iUU If a f AI KM* «*T : ftapm Mad to%*• ttom»• OwM* im tto** aw* • a— at amtea aa <M* [aaarma mte* tarn a mb' tte* am*— tod to an amiteama *4 •»« to ate ttetotew am* Ito torn* at H tto a>« aw *t to* *wd* mtotowtm •«* piwumi to a**.-* to* .matiau te* pwuM tt* «wd* tto Ctowawte te* tote* prwMM tt* tea a* teHHte «k» •mi- aw* award** to tto Chum arte A »w*pl» at ato-wwnw p—i I— to talk nw (Mrtteto A tort* ten** toadtt mwwak and ptowit —at* ■-* mto ik* rntor <k*a totorfMaMa te t * ••rd ky will—a* toMtvaaaa «*» tk* rawrn at toa atard'* t*"raal **nf» and •kdi aato at awtk nuikuki aa* •aaiwd »♦• w*« t—d toa awed arm »..d*d a Rwardtea ami tt* wan a«vk "Ito «*wk. aw Aaa’l waM teto*'. ttor* war* bar— emd* ami «m*r* •mto Tto 'rtitriaa ap at air to" wa* rkarato awd a*«t*4 la tout word* and ito laid* aaa b" bard tew »aipkaat« : tab* It waa al naa* to* awklte | and m» atoiah* | "Wa” am i want 'b»* m «b*i ia ito totem teltaw'* ward. M "ram la »k*l raaw'd ikr wiaanu EOITOH tel Mill If I V l|'i|'.k to te AteHltolttok Me l.«*l WNtowl .tealMr III* Wan* la Aayam. Kdl'ot WiaUwrlj, at Ik* A•*•*'» lam ba» pa* M> Waabiagtca 111* •owg waa rnddew. It kaa rtuwad a re amt •• #f loiar. Thai iwamr la ikal he km aoa* io artaaa* abnai bolding down a ROi-raateai |ob la tk* ire*#-< ary defwnmeal under Judana l.tnaa { Now. ik* editor did *«>i .*♦ that to am Riung If ike repfial tor that pur pnae la tekrl. be gate nobody ant rea na why b* weal It* la ib-r* *«i buaiaem." told oa* of bla odlr* Itere*. Ill* wife aa* a*C d It her biwband bad gone to get a poaiitea a»4«r Ly nn*. Hb< *ald to bad am ic’d tor why be waa going He left la a burry New. u party mart Item*, who ha* been bolding a poanloa under l.yon*. j to* lately reaigaed and gone bark lo| h i* home la Home Oa., lo leach • bool j The aupporttlon l« that Kdlior Wlm- j torly hm gone lo *r« about grrllag' Unit'* place. He may be thrr* c* other bu*lne«a, j but. a* Mated. It look* like be might . be looking for "a plum." TO OFFER FOR COt NCIL. It I* Slated lo Reporter* That Mr. W. A. Mattteon la loße Announced. It I* stated io reporlar* that Mr. W. A. Mu iron te about to be announced by hi* friend* for eouno.ll. He Is fr« -n the Fifth ward and i* an excel lent gentleman. Ill* (riend* ibuae who know hl.n he*' - *"» ‘hat hr te a man of I I.u-k» ability amt f un gur*i ion ante Integrity Mr. Mgttlaoa conduct* a grocery bualneaa at 41# Crawford avenue. He la also collet-or for Mr. R. E. Allen. There are lb*- kindest thi.igx being •aid of him In connection with the report that be Is lo be announced for council. THE CHURCHES. I Dr. A. O. Kicps. pastor of Ihe Eng lish Lutheran church, will hold service* in that church as usaul on Sunday. St. Matthews t.uthean Church. 9:90 a. m.— Sunday school. tl a. m.—German setvl<e. Tuesday, 8 p. m.—Luther League. Wednesday, 5 p. ill..—Young Ladies' I.uthertt Society. 1 Wednesday, 8 o. m.--Church Coun cil. Thursday, 8 p. m.—T aohers' Meet ing. St. Paul’s Church. Rev. O. C. Williams. D. D., rector. It a. m.—Morning player and ser mon. No evening service. The young men's Bible class meets at 10 o'clock. Services (luring the week: Wednesday morning, 10 o'clock, Lit any . Friday evening. 6 o’clock, evening nrr ver. Christ Presbyterian Church. Sabbath school 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Special topic: ’’Matthew's Call to Higher Duty.” Christian Endeavor meets on Thurs day evening at 7:90 p. m. Topic: "The Triumphs of Christianity. Luke 1, 16:22. A. S. Clarke, pastor. Hobson’s Promotion Washington, D. C., Sept. 10. Among the naval orders toda” were the following promotions: Captain Higgirtson of the battleship Massachu setts to be commodore, from August; As sistant Naval ,Const rue.or Hobson to be full naval constructor to date, j from June 23, the delay In making the ( lasi promotion being caused by the impoßHibilPlty to have an earlier ex ami notion. To Stop the Fight. Buffalo, Sr,pi. 10. District AUdCicy Konfix stated last night that it was his intention to stop the proposed fight be tween Frank Erne and Kid Lavignc, which is booked to come off before Ihe Hawthorne Athletic Club night. mMs ****— t«a* * lame «*mg*n ♦*wgy '•*•* * «tep. I*#t mawrt tag iitHMi • m-r •**••#*# ItlftllM IC AH AHH NH NtolM to Ills Hi ■HI H# Vttait it* Tlr) MMI Ht Mantotoi (IM Hr Hair* • totttK Kto* ai tip V«t IteyhiiawtL rtetor* -*!•—•—ag (tea rtnugto TateMV torn* aw haw tfcdi Im T—Mto toga Ml Ore-* •mdeetog oal 'to (tewrgla iwwto to** Ai a * liitoPMn* Maeod rm'ettoi b am ptmimaild to ektod In awaMiw «m tto fTto* and third real mean hedtoe ttoe*. Today. totoaum. H-r"*» a<lta Ttodd..* appeared *• -to mpa * •**•!. myiag *a*k aertna awuld to aa a|ua- He* to ito Itooed »*gtto»wt Tbte rt-gtMwM to aayt. *w r*wlt* •*» ntm Mi mtt-te* and te Ftertde i*»dy to gn to ito tewet *fc*w ih* maw** Ml *4 ito FMw am r*wapte*«M. Nagged to I teeth Tto rwgtwwwi bad moni «-td«rd< 'ateaad and ito mder* *w> enwaim nunded. and It tod tent a*ot*d *mmi fmm ptet to pirn* Mill Ito «ddwr» amt* ilrwd id ito urtk* Tbl* r*p .-rwralailo* earned a delay la MaoluH lb* order, a*'ll farttor m#»id*tMiM* roo d b* g«»*a to Ito Iteugk f«rpk No Ordte*. Knot till* kept I#, He rrdeea *e* tee*it*d a* 10 'to •»a*«#»lag nut of ito Firm iSaorgt*. allboagb the ngleor* of ito ceglMNtol l>ellev* It la probgbit. LA' OK MCTBOH RX NO. II Waa smm la I all te INteol* \ rati Ago. Il -b.lrw 111 . Hept. I*.- tern wo*b- Ing on tbn road* la raiung a dirt found a bard autmaae* which la ap- P*realty an atroHl*. M weighed iwmv ly neten pound* two oanr-c* It I* earn (u sed largely of Iron and atone reaemk ling granite. Thin Is ted te ted to b* a part of the large aerolite which waa area in fIMI near tort wa. day* ago. The visitor from eelestlal apace baa beep prteealed lo Ihe nimin of tte High School at Nmhvlllr. 111. ~ IHU m;o HOOS. The Officer* 1 bat M ere Isorted la Cincinnati Cleveland. 0.. Si pt |l. Tk» Oinrtt ended Order of H<*» Hooa elected of fline «• fellow*; Hnark of ihe univrae, S' A. Gladding. Indiananolla: senior koa boo. Jossph Mile*. Detroit, junior hoo hou, P. H. Walker, Mlnni-apoli*. Minn.: arrive In lei. J. H. Baird. N'a»h --vllle; Bi jum. K. W. English, Denver, Col.; Jnblwrw'oVk. R. D. Inman. Port land. Oie'.; 1 usl ration, H. W. Ander son. Atlanta. G» ; artanoper. D. Tram way, Call. Te*.; flerdcn K. M. Kett mter, Pittsburg. I The next annual convention will be hailed to order ill Denver at 9 o'clock and 9 minutes on the 9th day of the 19th month of the year 1899. Alger at Home. Detroit. Mich.. Sept. 10 Secretary | Alger arrived today. Accompanying him were Mra. Alipr and hi* non. Capt. Alger. Who 1* gradually recover ing fit in f' \ft go:|jracted In Cuba; al to Col. H ;c»VSod* MnJ. Hopkins, the se rctury's war aide, both Detroiters The general* tip,op alight'ng, first kltdfid his lim*- 4 grand laughter and then warmly gt/iflpd .Gov. Pingree. To a rcrinriT's nuextion Gen. Alger l r tiicrki d l ff\ vP he would say now wait b was gib'd to gc hems and ea peclnllr to breathe Michigan air again. The uci'etary was driven to his resi dence, accompanied by Gov, Pingree. Struck a snag. Louisville, K.v., Set ß. 10.- The steam er Bjk Kanawha, plying between this city and Carrollton. Ind., struck a w»- jter-eonlrd log last night eighteen miles | above this city. A big hole was knock ed in her how, and she sank In fifteen feet of water. The passengers were smt ashore without the loss 6f life. No Improvement. Narraßansett Pier, Sept. 10.—There is no Improvement in the condition of Winnie Davis this morning. Dr. Cleve land, of New York, was summoned from New York to hold a conference I with Dr. Wilcox regarding the case. New York Futures. New York, Sept. 10.—Futures steady. September 6.60, October 5.64, November 16.67, December 5.60, January 5.64, Feb ruary 5.57, March 5.72, April 5.75, May 5.78, June 6.80. Thirty Buildings Burned. Livermore Falls, Me., Sept. 10. Thirty buildings were burned this morning. The loss is two hundred thousand dollars. The fire is not yet under control. There is no .cohering like manliness; it is the* robe 1 that is left whan the true man is stripped to the bones*