The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 10, 1898, Image 5

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ftAVUWDAV A "’•“"N* WHIRLWIND ■ ,QP— BARGAINS For Saturday SHOE and HIT Buyers Mulherin’s. COM OlIV* to* Teatoee* I«iwMh Imm tM» IWMMf »*•»•«•. 6 Oik P#pi. JM ** w** 1 ** 1 ' ha #• a # •■* * vmm&vm Ht» H A UfeffMßlt, pflMrifMl <1 *' #£#( |vv|l NM|W fmF9 #1 « BtfA%aF# M$MM| IMM *M#4wMWi ***** *** •c«m • tfl few* %#(># i##AP*. •* *MM €MHMNM f t t i#%*#*»*« MM MMMHMMM® “ * T * *»t4 H? Up* mImM *#• #»|ww4* < 1 91*A1 f ?“#*■§ ami (fcf rt»vN«" far**llf mill fc'* mm# *44 Mil* | mt • Is if* b# Miiimrttl 09 HIM fltttt ?!, Mia* Watt Inis fry*** t*#r iMfMttMM at. y- r m»* Tftrf Hi D«rhß»tl Maw iwwllft I# T*«a# MtM K*#* l« Mor «ftt. Ofcto. M«#» WooiWrrt Is M* vanna* Him ll#rr!iM#M Is ltet#tffe. N C . SStl Ml** Kr ISP Is A Is, <rk* - • -—— f (t » ijk* | ass (' t|ih d|)l#| IB fMtoHto » *1 >,» Wcr |i n^n t (n p’Mi •i St BY( (!* < vrsirad for U»r* CoM t!0» r«#r will !*• s d**h*btfti! f+*tnr* To*> kww mill tie itm Horn, Gttvti w*»s sill (lif § HivrtftffStif leriurf. H**v, C. A. Yt »tnf. • UUrftral IrrMire Mr t\ j f rndrrbill. s tin lurtsref! i Dr ftl C* Wh l<* s |> f t ur«* mi srlasts i pfff ivlvtniM Morris, r irfvtiiir os j tsv at tjipilrd to vcffifO: Prof A. 11. Klctnriflijr; Prof. C. M Biftbso s, lKtnn on tm-toiUviure. •nil Dr. W. H Yo« nf. a lecture on the Kori-n. | As effort will be made to wore Gov. j Bob Taykr an one of the fetter m. Among tti# n*w fiwuir## M Lrcjr Cobb wUI b* tfer study of j B|*#nl#ti. This will be taught by MU*. I Btittal. tb* sew Frenrb taarher. JOHN SHERMAN’S nEMORY. His Enemies " ill l : l«u That It is l’n dintimd Nf< York, S«ft, 10 A Wae’ringtca dispatch to tba Telegraph says: "Sherman !•> ironing h ms'lf up tor war. McKinley sod bay, ; ’iaj red squirrel, and Cornelius N. HI Us, the syndicate promoting statesman., wil prisently lie duly and prrp->rly re gretting the day they forced thla an cient mariner es politics and statecraft over the elde of the boat. They said wh l n they purhed him out that hla rer ollcctlon wait gone. Be It noted that his recollfctlcn Is untllmra'd on tha poll*! that be wt'« hunkced cut of his ] •yn ate rial *at fer Mark Hanna and itW out cf his position for Me- j Kln'cy's law partner. He remembers thla plainly and he j rt me mb era also who did It. His recol lect on is Hingntorly bright on the point j cf h.a family reiatirna also. He knowß that Miles is the husband of hia u'.ecc. and that the light o® Miles by McKln-, |ey, pacelvely. and. Alger, actively, is hut n renewal of th» old tight against the Shcrmanß in Ohio. Alger wil! be firat victim. I'pon Alger Sherman will first gratify bis thirst for official j fclocd. Alger ii> at:rely doomed. He has done It hlmeoif as far cs that goer <\ riling his own sentence and putting It in the wav cf execution. Sherman, with the aid cf his own and Don Cam «ei'i old friends, will proceede to tamper with the health of the McKin ley administration. ! DIAMONDS WATCHES I < WH. SCHWEIGERT & CO„ JEWELERS. 5 ' ' ( 1 JEWELRY SILVER I IHIAH At Cl IkfM mM ftpit Nr» AwAH Mi Bi' c#»««4 iomliwlM i ft#'• ’* As ••111 f’MwAW pm** m* »*• I NillAifif ablH Mifl, tMUIA twf. i »A<t iMfl* tlcwMNi bigM TMp iwAltw*"* . 00 im pn pi# Tfe* Mg orgiw w»i Hi la* 1 fotiipl rMp*? b|o M Msir#g MMW. tb# Nttirt MW#br ibprtMDt ••*»! I» > RfMNPW*# r «■ will b# ivMilf 'roam Tb### wftf! tw#p* | f« os# thirl ib#y pow b#%#, #p<i Mat# #«ipl# roup for vkttlir# Hr,,: •ad for prartlr# Tb# imrwar rbapH wttl hr i«R#d at a irHviv rwa tad for i* , m at# Tb# prwttl pttk mot will I#* i*%f rbau>«l aod *m#«l a# arc rooai- Tb# Imlldiag will b# by January Ist. With thla splendid equip. ■Mat and a mwsic faculty of all. be sides Dr, Peters, the director, this de part meat will be tecond to acne tti thr During the rrn*rr the mate build i , n( naa bp* repe'nted. giving H an brick and grenite appear, . n fresh erst of paint. The tlbery baa been moved into the west wing of the building nod there ; given spacious quarters. Hera one will find I.o) hi most carefully selected vol ! iimcs. The becks are all new, and ■ here la not auaeteaa one among them. Abctt* fifty lockers will soon be pla ced In one of the rooms near the en trance for the use and convenience of the day pupils, fit I The correspondence and Inquiry con cerning tin college bar during this | | season been fully double (hat of any I prevtora year. Of ccuratn oses cannot 'be tunlcd until th tt opening but the ,;irony -ts for a large attendance are row very flattering. oAiaTonXA. p„_,l m id* KM sett Hu* (lain BotjM -r --• New Subscribers, ?few subscribers to Augusta Tele phone and Electric company: i 707—8 i endel, H. H., Eighth and Fenwick street, j 47» Brlghsm. H. W. i W7—Doughty. E O | 576—Halt. D. W.. wheelwright. I 776 -r. 8., residence. ' 6X6— Padgett, W. P. f 373- Ktelnbach & Co. jsi—tVhitakt-r & McOathaji, gro cers. "What do you understand by the line ‘Water, water everywhere, nor any drop tty drink?* " naked the Kentucky Major, "Why, that there wasn’t anything but water to be hr.d!" replied the Ken tucky Colopei. "Eph, do you behove that the Cu bans arc colored people like yourself? “No, sah! If dey used razzers 'atid uv dem dar machetes, den I'd tak seme stcck in dat yarn,”—Detroit Free Pre»s. THS AUOUfITA HrBAtD. MILITARY MER MUST CONTROL ))•« ||t Ve« As»« htfitt Its ci## f% Mp» Mi Ml m#a# M#t §mm i Mil« 9MMM AM MMI Ml #|mMl it#ti%MiN#M« MNM* Mfc pt# #pMMP#». I |* • ♦#! » MM #•#•##• ## Mt##* 1 “ *"# j I•k‘ 1 * * IKHTT Want OAWIMW MtY TMfi MijlMiiMi Milt ft# M# i VHCM TBptt i«mhMm!nn «f»« »«mI (Bn*** w%a #r# Mrg pr# it j ■(nrngiKU fmf ik* pmn\* tin tm tßit»ru* mmm > Htt yiq A and ft rspwrt each day *o MMftW ikeir pay aw* fwricuglis, when [ttwy will Vmrn bom* sad spend thirty days ('apt Walker of Battery R ta pnar in ttevoanali called there by the death 'of • relative 1 Unit Palmer of Battery B has been nu the sick Mat tor a cpuple of day*, i The batter tea are under so strict mili tary rule now The men are taking ev erything easy while waiting for their furloughs TO MOHT DISCRIMINATION. Atlanta's Chamber of Commerce Against the Ifallroads. Athols Os.. Kept to.—The old fight between Atlanta end the rat treads on account of alleged discriminations In ft eight rate*, which has Item going on with spaamod r lulls for the twenty years past, la to he renew'd cgaln. President T. B. Neal o' the I’hc sVf of Commerce today appointed a com muter In leke up the.matter under In structions to see to It this time that the ovlle r mplalned of are remedied. This remit' Mice will Invite the traffic men of rnllweya to bold a roufeirnce with them to discuss the situation and If this method fails, as It has failed In the past, judging by the regularity with which the complaint bobs up ev ery now and then, it is understood thal a systematic campaign before! the state railroad commission, together with a boycott of offending lines, will he In stituted. The complaint troke out this time on account of alleged dlrrrimlnatlcn of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Igruls in refusing to grant rebllling privileges here, while Naabvil e enjoys it and ■thereby has a great advantage over Atlanta. I,'ntil recently rebllling was allowed on the sly by the agent of the Western and Atlantic here, Mr. E. P. Bums, hut he was decapitated tinder orders from the Nsshviile, Chatfanocgn and St. I.ou!b, and since the troubles between shippers and the railroads have been multiplying. White the Chamber of Commerce has taken up the fight for a revision of freight, tariff, the combat between t(je city and the roads over the union de pot prob.em still gees on. The roads declined to meet t.h ? mayor and counct mcnlc committee in conference, and Mayor Collier has called hie commit tee to meet today for the ptirpoyps of taking the preliminary steps toward making a esse before the state railroad commission. NFARING CENTURY MARK, An Illinois Citizen Celebrates Hisooth Year. Waukegan, 111., Sept. 10—Tuesday, at his home in the town of Bantcn, Sam uel Voak, a retired farmer celebrated his ninety-ninth birthday. He is In i fairly good health, aod apparently good for a fe>v years more. He Is an old , resident of the county and his growing j age has been watched with interest oy ! many relatives and friends. Pistols, Double Barrel Guns—Pistols, | Harrington & Richardson Brand new j pistols, *2.50; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, $2.00, American ! double action pistol, SI.OO, Guitar, Man- | dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. j m ii •AkiN^ po'VKa KEEP PEACE BY BEING FOR WAR sis ItffMi lißlflMl Vitrl Ilf • trtaf»’i!' »• fmarn* i HirtM#> *Wml# Im (M OffMM frit#. M* I»r«parf4 f«» i w #t ft tut rat* «>f t#t«*r#»t Wa | t#rl»unr alarm rlocfca. T 5 «**«»• Ur*l# J. haul. R#llaW# f^awMljrvk^r. NEW YORKERS SHUT OIT. The Boston tlwh Hllefi Up lhre* Ruw« to the New Yorkers Zero. Lr.-r; r Al n - It H. K. I|l 4| | | | ■ v«*» Y**rk .. •• «• ••••••# I 0 I'm innatl •• •• •• ••••••# * ” «‘M« « • > j Mnn»kl> * ** 4 i ItaHlmorr. - •• •• •• ••••••& 9 4 At WaihlngU#-* I W .NtiiOßf n s 9 1 ! PhUad©l|-h»a I « 4 «. - - IJf# It a v#r!tal>'# f x. t»MI dlftnt llKhtt ar# vlalb!# lnt#l)#rt. Insmlna jt.oti, and alM»v# all #lh# aff«H-lli>n. Tl»# very rich and th* vary poor equal to* la I and eronotnit'al utiltan-1 * cat. \j WINE OF CARPUI < HEALTHY OLD AGE. LARUit, Benton Co. Ark., Aug. 4- I am 49 years old and have been suf fering with Change of Life. I had flood ing spells so bad that none thought I could live. My husband got me Wine of Cardui and K saved my life. lam like another person since taking it. MRS. E. IL TOWNSEND. MitlOi** 1 li it the devout with of nearly all people to live to a ripe old aje. None of uj want to die young. This universal desire -an be realized if care be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution then will add many years to our ex istence. Death can be kept away a long time. Happy, healthy old age will be tlte lot of the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth. Wine of Cardui will take the female child safely over the dividing line between girl hood and womanhood. Aj a wife she needs it to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little dis comfort as possible. At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears in her pathway between the ages of 40 and 50. Then will come many years of truly bliss- LADIES’ ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. ) ' For adYlc« In cases requiring ?pe* c Cluj directions, rfd<lros«,glTln «yaip* ( 1 toms. Ladiee Adviunry Department, ? Th« l battnnooßu MedlclueCo. / i Chattanooga, Tenn. for women alone to decide whether they will be hezlthy or sick. The remedy for their sickness is close at hand. LARGE BOTTLES OF WINE OF CARDUI SOLD FOR SI.OO BY DRUGGISTS. |yWINE OF CARDUI \| AGUINALDO IS BENT ON MISCHIEF |t |btA| Mffß As ft* j f%# tarn## ft Mil fljilMj t>A#M •##••! 4. tut MM fiMMth lafftiif hit 1 amUT |‘ _ - tlf la ■ turf* Ms» f# i uilMttoM ha* I hat** t»t#r» laaiaaiA# ttfll j lt«trtt#l« Ttht AMMtM (ft! Acm4mM# >m* fH#chM. Thai lh# lM#trg#Ml l##d#f hi hHK it* ' % ttfoht rap not mm h# 4 laywl tnaay an orynueiu ro ri mor. .las loye's Meter Been I'lrioari by I HerkeP Orangeburg fietpt I* lt h repot | iin| ht r# t*|#3M ah at »' m# retard na r#* lllahl# m lot nr a km thal Ha iH Murphf j • *h# aU«vM •i#y#r vt t*«»uniy T»#a*- 1 iir## t\*o## * ha# fnotHß 4mr4ovi#4 by jtb vet nor Rllerbe, and ta not now In ■ the peniientlary A* there baa been i no notice of wh official action In the j | papers, a grave douM la thrown over ' the report, which h' wevrr. la said to have nun* direct from Kuperlntendent I Neat of the penitentiary who. whoa Imltnl by a etilaen at this county who was at the penitentiary i few days • ago. to permit him to we Murphy, re- I plied in suhatance Why. Murphy has! ; teen pardoned so ue • <eb» ago And j the rtiUrn didn't see hi n Whether true or a<V. the rumor Is causing eg -1 rlt#4P#Mi I QfTrtiiß quarl#rft* mm 4 unn# f<tn tiPiliTf. how nidi a matter j could' cL-ape the newsgatherer*. or | iiuw lb# (ovtrtaft if b# daairad. etitild « ! MJtinrra# th# iKordi. My amirr# of j i tnfortratiou It r#llabl#, betr# f r#f#r j I to tb# mui **r. Chief Musician Wald of the Flrat I regiment la here ott leave In con»e jijiiftt*# of Hin###. He it now b«*t»#r • laud pxpeits to return to hla ccmmaid |la a few days He regrets the muster ing cut older. The liquor ques'lon or the question J of liquor having had such a pr mineni place In the campaign, our people here are beginning to apply It to tmlivid uala more strictly than ever. ful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last she will preserve that charm and beauty which are characteristic of perfectly healthy grandmother*. It is AUTUMN LEAVES N WH L MM)N III! HHOIHHMO F rptn ihs tr««s. ftasrpf hmhi *f* tlyttfYptfY# fid Ov#ff (Ml* C : tdhihg tv j>atlmfittl, Thfi itrih Writ t** ffC##* *•* IN .gfnvtpk- You #tt (Ml fvt Jtgf to# Ifstp ffVYoOOjf *• cvJ *■ > ttof SUMMER SALE ' I Men s and Boys’ Suits HM’ft ••«««)« at rtw m— * •> ssM »• m mum m mto m ~ ~,, K p. trriK at ttv asw ip n *O4 tit to. MMffa m fimtoM TTLv. "tr y to was bat railmrr .bstow aM -«oms4 ••■•* s«4 . ri ■ tlm m i# „ , p»», .* . tb'-sa ibsi was* to to. tot to |tl to *w4 * **11: w . . psri aad wi — i tr( riw-ttol taftt <bs< mam It* to ft* to it !« .\t!l to* » (to*** r-i-r *to*n ball pswa. asm W «• J.B WRITE t CO. ClaihißS DBjanmeii tin bsw Mu*r,— — m MiY l VAUGHAN •«« s«uad *im 11. b It At I 1 Nbl Mt r AM> ft A tit) A IN went Th« la»L but on* of our fifiml-annu«l Chaiian## S«irs wiiMm* t rowned with an array of tarnim, auch aa any «ior« may b# proud of. Soma of tna Sixh «i valua* ara lha raauita of our own mlfortm carafutly planad for lha occaaion many waakfi a»o. Oth*»ra, wa are frank to confaaa. ara rathar accidental, merely attributable to our ability to taka quick advantage of tha # nexpected turns tha market* taka at 11 mas. An m all It la a wondarful collactlon of rholca Shoes that will be sold at our new atora this waak for v SI.OO Fifteen different styles In Ladles’ Low and High Shoes and eiaht different styles of Man a. These ara genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Gouley while In tha East. Agents for Hanan & Son. Stacy Adams & Co. t Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. SANCHES 'ExPfRT ■h&HKHffN. If you want two thin**, the hlghaat aatUfarUoa and a saving of mousy. Mat diAhr yourself mu of «ur customers. " r ‘an furnish riders *llk torydam# too, and tin- I**! In lbe mark t ai 'hat. The recent ft par canl (eduction «u » nuarirr hit. hut here's a prncra “f homr run* Columbtaa, mwltl to. *f.«on. and y.tur laal rhauce to get th t» popular modal at any plica W» hava thra.' shop worn (only! modal 4*. lad laa', w* will let *<> at 14# oa. Onr ladtaa' Hartford at str. 00 an,| ladlea' Valletta at S3S.W. ladlra' Jill at »JO. and for h-.y* amt m-n there la not titan on the mailtet to compare with tha Keidal ap.rlal at »;& 00 and tha Jack at 12*00. aecond hand tievelanda. Hamblara, t’reaient*. Htearns. Vidor*. Kldredite and Racyrte*. from *l2 00 up, all AI condition, and we let them go a: any old price- they did not coat ua any thlntr were given lo ua hy peo|de who wanted to ride tha STANDARD WHEEL OF THE WOULD, and only aotd In Auguata at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. Bicycle Department. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE So9BroadStreet. _ Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed .... per Cord Good Dry Pine . . . rSS Good Dry Pine, long, . • • $2.75 per Cord Special prices on three Cords or more. Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices- R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. 7lrt Bell 'Phone SIM- Strowger I hone 740 - . ID HERALD WANT M. *,f KTfMßfft 10 rv Dic|cles .*3, B«TC-e Is now running. Corns of snr priaa bsautles ars fish gams and dlansv sato. One might ss wall attsmpt to pass! the rainbow, as to dsooribo aU thsti good quaJHlt*. Tbs way they ars sck. ins la a caution to thosa who Irtsto purchais when thsy can ba had fov "6«t tng soma aometlma.” Battar pur chase when they can bo had for tuck low price* e* w* ar* offoring thorn. Am tor gloaaworc, crockary, lamps, Ac., tlm* and lanruafe fail u* to tall of the wonders that we eall. Don’t for et that our zero prices will keep yaw cool. Remember the plaoa J A RAIMI AIN u* iM sia RVIII IANC%