The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 10, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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SATURDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL • «H* t 'UMtI A*** mMIt ******* »% 9U4 a#* J#**«9 THC PCHT OWAOI* Of 0«W JwWofl i ! OOALH *•» -mi 4t »*• J#**«LJS*££ """city ICE COMPANY, j lILiTS I4GNIFICENT CflOBCfl; GONDOLA BIDE IN VENICE. 0V M. ROftCOK PERKINS. «, mmh| WM Mm MMMI *#■ (MM Bkg»* MM* *i*M» MM iMKi'MMI Mwy *« W* MM »—*#— mm -00 00 t'Sfr* l * 9wm 309 M9ooo>>- Bpiw *OM* *• ***•* 444 ***•*-- #**Ml *» *•» W* #99* * i#|l9pip|ftoo ff 94 rNn*'* 4 vm* «* mm «'-m* ****** •• a **#* I MM. ►<*•• *»"• ** iaHKfe 39ft i* fsit *$ | t rrr trs-fftrl 1001 If (#•*** **# ■mm" ffi»w»w Mm ■■>■*»» •* MttMM ** « HMWWH ********* MM M lIM WkWPhftw, *h* ** h#W ♦* ******* *m»> >• < *-.**wh. *•«•*# —* *T* »—■» otth «••**■» BhW* M «<M» «>■— Impmi it Mips 4W4 wßf r 4 | * l Nl *49 • m 4 4 mm* (M* mw»** 4m *• #a>^ MWB ? It 0008 Y*OW 9*30 «"*** "T™ In S MM**s ••f BB*» It IN l ***"*7* aHF #s##* o"**4 409 04#* •o*'*'44'4 • 009 jjtMr OfIO9MMOO9NI #O4 903*09 Mt; A*TJk C %TNI!(HfAI MMml MM #«** Ml »• j 109 fSHt ****** 10499P00 1 4f •*** pfltfiwS Mti Bfi44ti4oMßo*o *** ** *** ZTw *m* p**+m » i t 9«» 91 4 ill «tM prtfr»P»»* t 4 iMs t^ssHMfT T*R IStfR ••*<** It ># Mill "t Ip* H*t iMslp* 4 *f isl» tIMr <ff • MtftM IMiWM ftof« ai Hty lit lllPißt |t* — *9 miSMirs tP»* MHMIf ftt4 fWH IfrlM^t mi. T%nmi* -a*e as '**“ •**■♦ *r»lv •I ku ta M m •* !»•***■ pi r i ir - iMnrur Hm* »i» *»■■»!<*» rlwrtr t a*4 tafcvn under rfcarg* t»r IV Ini I*4 imM l*M rt ** l IW«* •* MU*a la «**> M «*• •rrAfc»*»>* • «*•*«“- 4nl Daa In tIM 4»rtß*. IW* fh*w<>» " a«T> A*c*frtl*» la •!*(*• rant •»»». frmn • Awl It APP*** 1 I* l *' ar waali. *Wt* »• raalH*. It *• •*» a*4 liifMt W IV »wH T*** m ***’ ,n rant rfcnrtA * wtllwlr "I aWl*Hlw>p ,, >n airkf* la r»x> Aaroraln4 all* itia- HM a*4 hr»a#M f«Uln# a«n*l atta MadrlaMn Waanvar, I** m-a* atrlktnc Inlif* la •** alalaaa. TV wbnia MttMdral la r»H*l* »*H Ik* i"'* •rl tali' Mat oar* IVi* *w ala ih*wa and auto** la aH. Mtf a HoaiaM nf (Mm Mine cm IV aatrflaf. and aarh on* of tv 1*» aplroa l» hr a fipara on lla auaamlt. Pt*>ta Vlv* ill* atafuoa ***m Inrmat. VI wltan I moumod la tlw p>«.f. 1 »*>un<l tkt'n ■<> (m rolnaaal A «lan<* o**r IK* lop of tK* roof a r*«ular 11*14 nf alalu-a. *a*h on# Aal*K*<l with IK* utmnat art and ear*: It aaama. la tK* wK«l*. a rarltaM* laervork nf mnrbl* ao Inti h air ar* IK* fa*a4«« altb ihair niim maa flfur*a aa4 fr!t»**» "f «l<>n* ‘'»n th* lai*rl'»r. ' tha lara* na»* la 1M f**i hlgK. aup- , porlKl by two columna "f hug* mona- IHKa. f.* *IIK*r aid* of * KI*K ar* num- ] amu* rhapria. rlchljr oii»am*m*d and (Mltainlng rtgur*a of lb* Virgin and erurtlt**#. la Impnalng Th* lr*gaur* of Ibla rhurrh la nc-rdlngly rlrh. TK* gr*at door that l*a<la in It and oj • nn mly In r*a|w»na* to a allv*r key, la a ma»r "f Kaa*r*ll*f In Krona*. I aaa aa tound*d by Ih* gorg*«ua rl«'hii*aa all around me: ther* are larg* allv*r alal* u*» of aalnta, atudd*4 with prwhma J*w*la that mak* lh*m malty apl.ndld; Vim allvrr plat* In evtry Imaglna bla d*algn . batna of gold and jewolry of Ih* moat inagnHlcent kind long trenailr*d up: In fa*l. all the nealth thm mllgloua piety ran rommand and from thouaanda of eoffora la h*r* ae eumulat*d, and la being frequently *n rlthrd. THE EHANUEI.. ARCADE. Vlelor Kmanu*l. th* fathar of th" pr***nt aovemlgn. aua lb* main agent In the unlflcalbn of Italy, and may be termed the lleorg* Washington of, that country. H* la very popular .throughout th* empire, and mauy mon umenia and atatuoi" p.ipatunt* hla m*hi»r> : Km non*. I think, »i* »o wor- t tlhr ofFniflee aa th* glgantlo an ade In Milan th dl.alid to him. This a rend* la nearly one-quaeter of a mile long, nod <» filled with alatuew of Illustrious llal- | laps. Not fading muoh to Interest us at Milan, and having such h place as Venire ahead of us, we hasten. We were nenrly all day making the trip, and a miserable day. too. The railroad service In Italy la not ao good as else where on the continent: the trains go very well while they are going, hut, once stopp<‘d. It lakes no small amount of tooling by the guards on their lit tle brass horns to get them started again. The guard at the front toots to the rear guard, who. In Ilk* manner, replies: then th* first guard to th* engineer, who acknowledges the signal by a long blow on his whistle, whlr.h nieans ‘'we start In about ten minutes.” ENCHANTING. Venire la, to me. an extremely Inter esting place, because there ia non* oth er Ilk* It. In the first place, It Is built upon piles In the Adtiatic, and has ac tually no streets, save canals. In which the ebb utvd flow of the tide may be per ceptibly noticed. There are thousands of gondolas by which all traffic Is han dled. arul If you want only to cross the street, you must engage one. or swim. The gondoliers am adepts «t rowing, end, although they, stand upon the rear end, and row was only tone eat . nn;l that always on the sains side, yet jou asver see two gondolas touch. They go •* • mrkAl 4f»*M rr4 *-4m* w *WO 441114 **•« r*4 1*44 wm* **«#*% 444 Mi 14 944 |K4i #4* VI If §4 *444*. #9*4 if*' lth4l 9.MMA 444 ••#*.« Ml t j> i k »ajsfi~ f i ¥%m * **f t4#4 4fJNfiM49 if B* OWK 444. 44 IN4I #4 MitPlf T 4MMHI44 Mug fit* fniif V 4 i»4i.rt fit • yntt 44N44RR 4* +m*tß** «f IK W«4f ’ 4 4*44 tip oniMMt*'f« iNMMNI 444*4*1 ji 1 Ift 419 firntt fWV 1444,. r«N» «4N ftM «4 §M$ mr «4 4-44444 4Hi i iMMi 4* 4i44 f4of #044w44 44-i4f' Rilfßl’lN M* l|» |4#lf>44l, 444 fipaw 44 (Ell 44 4 -‘f* tt'MV 9*94#, 4E 4144 f 44 414 ’#4 f 141144 %w##4f 149444. A 4444*44 • * 444 **44 f***l4 iff 4M*4 4Hi 444V44 tfe* »*ti44l# ni ||m» *4441 444 minirtT 4rift I #»i4«4f4f m* 444 4 4«* ilh»f»f4l4i <4 4*44*444 4M* Ihrlf #4l* rsf-v't lAis'effi* *h iffiffttir $ ill 449 404 iIIt it !>rr in ftitni ni i< ttw* <*44 wit ttw* *t'44«Mir txMMBMe 4<* irnr. tft fflH*' ’4«*HI |<49«, ti* to«mh«4 944%4rV4tt«M4 *«f iMr haw*? flr<uinni« <»r tin marrf iU u* hirr «f rtilMrTt hrmliini ffwwint lltnirtftr I h**4f4 4 fr« |4414tf?4 tm m guitar. «i»4 hf Nm4il«»4 H<*4rl? F 4Rii»|iiliM4 an liallan orTi far* upward mr.v-1 in the attvary light ~f ||,r wroa. In say aalhualnam. I If , | rusek d neamr. and nwa th* girt Ka gan la sing I am not emtlmminl. I think yM nnyona who can llai»n ta a brautifwl gHl'a Ml » noftly fi.wtln* Invar the wnl*r In auth auldlm* and ap -1 pealing sfrains, and ha n«d Is sympa thy with tha romantic arena. Is l*as ao. Italian volrra nr* funlly prnlard. far they daarry* tha woeldwld* fam* ae i-ordad h* Ih* world'* master* »o«n ih* **nMy rlalng and falling not** dl* away over Ih* rippling surfnr* ard th* arpiaua* of hundirds who had t*lh ,r*d round d»uhtl**a, th* moat h*aity Is i*nd*r*d l>y some *nrnptur*«l ktv*r. who has l>**n aldnl in sur<«a» by her inspiring «on*s. As w* eonilnu* our rid* along th* *annl. w* find -»ors#lv*n constantly amid surh groups, and. though II war* past tha midnight hour, w* mluetsnily glided homeward, ro rntiring were Ih* siren note* dying swsy behind. Truly. 1 have not had a mor • n \el or thoroughly enjoyable e«- iwrlenen this ride, comfortably cushioned In a luxurious gondola and listening to ri -h Italian voices under th* m<st propitious conditions, I was prepared to enter fullv Into if* tn ehaiuldg romooce of this artistic peo ple. NOTHING LIKE VENICE. Venice'ls worthy a visit, on account of the novelty of the place. If for noth ing more: for no where elm ran a e|ty be found built In the water like this one* Of course. In the labyrinth of ca nal* are to he found small Island* on which at. large open plasss*. usually adorned with churches, palaces and publU buildings. The principal one Is the Plaxsa dl San Marco, which con tains tha singular church dl San Marco, « peculiarly and richly ornamented combination of Ciothic and Oriental ar chitecture. Here I saw the tomb of the Aposlle Mark. One of the numerous rich adars rests upon pillars from Sol tpon’s Temple, pillars of alabaster so pure and perfect that light stregms thioUhh them in dear and graceful beams. \y > n ,>xt -visited the world-renowm/1 Venetian glass and lace works, of which, with my indulgent reader’* r*>r niissl.m, I will write In my following letter. The Herald’* new Standard War Al ia* Is a very timely publication, which seems to be well planned to answer the questions which people are asking about countries In different parts of the world. The maps are In sufficient detail to be entirely Intelligible, nnd the low price at which the atlas Is pub lished, SO rents, will make ignorance unpardonable. Realising the value of such win alias The Augusta Herald ar ranged w ith the publishers for .a special edition. As this new utlas Is not for Sale at any of the stores, our readers should hasten to sen,l for a copy be fore the edition Is exhausted. There Is a species of frog which dwells on the Western Tiers. Tasma nia, whose voles resembles the bleat ing of a lamb. In the olden days a shepherd, henring the sound for Hie first time, thought he had discovered a contingent of lost awes and lambs, and followed the sound for some days, returning in rags and half starved. - . J The hft etdo of the face is consider ed hy artists and photographers moie beautiful than the right. THE -A.TJOT7BTJA JC3CTt-A-U3 CUt, M 4 flt 1 M %s» (ft %Ms% tiftm M At**** 94 IH*## flkxwpr g tkMS* Mth «• - m 94 j 4"nme# •*# hf «m> m»* 14449-4 '4% tvWM %jilill>i< m tin if t n4n44ii 1 ■ f '♦•«44 k f iAt® 14* 9 fT’* f: 11 iim <11414414 • <%? f**4f4' MHi 9444N4404* 9**m 4A41141 IHW i I W i444)4* i 444 iK4 li4 4100'"' "i ‘-j# i . 1 <> 7 4®* 400 *MV44I IMftmft44l4i 9R094 9N44f 44 14494 |i449M4 <- i>44 4<f«4 i#*4ift •mmW ttrfrnn - mrnmm 44 §** *i» n 1044 40|V*lii04 44 4490 144 ; *4 |%4 0414444 if UP t % 4ONNi #>0404 | Aj* f- ■* 44*000 -h, r "•# 0 *O-9 [ ***** |9OMNI«O| lip 14091 40 94:*tft40 $ 4-00 ■ >4fo4t 4* 49WM0 444 f * 9*4*000 , 44 , 40itM0i 40 440 0444 44 Wn* 940»#04* 44 04 44 CNPhi.... 9i4i 4* 44400 4*w#4o ■ 4044«i44 4*09*40 44 44 9490410 *4 *»* i 9004404 004 Uft4l 401? 4? *9 44 404 00 4404 44N490 004 0Rft494M44"9 44 9094490 04 *o.9** i 40 fo*< Iww If 0 00tWl40 9409 4*999044 i* mMM 140* 04 4Nt4*4 9*4 fiol 0 o*4 44 04490; ‘if 104 099104* 40*04941 ft** 0* wiiillfct : I<l4 00Mf f4P 04444494 * *o* **4 ' 904 9**M9*K 004 «40«; 4* 0 '100990 10 «444 l '4O ****%' it gl P l / 9 'k*, * f is* It fWt 4 0101 CMP 9009494 404 MiftANHl 1V4004 10 4Mrk 4# 049 *990144 44 00**4 lit 11 MU ■0414 I J 0. 1(04# ro4lrm4l» w H ClHfta 04< rHar? Oats IJssaeab WO4O Oil. TIII9MO f|ol*o44 0340** lag a h*rfeet |MM4*muat., n pr*vajad • t .nag potttlea to tK# regiment, but (hat h# MM gaked •Kens m tflwf of th* r.*« that H had ham •hr*m*n*4 hat *O4 901*099* 4WIW *o*44 If W4TIO I t iwversmr BUaaha becatssa had rt'led with tha man in arklag to be maatar ad out, that this ragtmav would vrda for ht* t’ol Tillman with dmtnatle rkgsaflat which moved tha 1 tv**'l. ,|« la red that thay nugh* to vn*« for RMarks, ns ha bad grosan h ntaatl thetr friend. Krom tha cat look tonight Ootarnor Kllarha sslll not losa Its ntts I® tha regiinaat. A Statement. When Get. Tillman was aaked fttr a staietneni In ref a ranee to th# Columbia affair, be said ”I do not think It proper that I should any anythin* In (Kt It wss both unnecaaaary nnd tinealiad for. Hint Other off leers should have rushed to the newspaper# to publish tb"lr grlevanre. If ahy they had. I stopiwd In Columbia to see Oovemor Ellerbe. and In the afternoon I drove out to rang* Lee. with the Oovernor’s errl tary. to pay my raspaet* to the ofllcers of the camp. After I had done ao. I nuked to slslt the three companies that were formerly under my rommand —I tha Darlington Ougrd*. the Manning Guards and the Edtslo Hlfiaa. reception I wns givan by them was In-j deed gratify. rf The bo? s seemed to; want to go home, and I may posdbly have made some remark* unlnlentlon-i ally that ofTendcd certain i Hirer* I regret the whole occurrence. All the officers I regarded friend*, and I hope I may Mill look upon them as such. I think Major Bvana and mr self both acted too hastily. There Is no man In South Carolina for whom I en tertain a higher regard than Colonel Jonee. and had he been present I do not think any trouble would ever have occurred. "Major Enve* did order tnc out of camp, but tielng his superior officer I refused to go until I saw fit. I told the men there as 1 have told them here that If they petitioned to go home they would be sent home. If this be a crime then lam a crlmlnnl. It is very Improper that military affairs should be discussed in the public print and I re#ret that t have been forced to say anything at all.” Mr. Janies TC. Ferrel. of Rurnt House, W. Va., has discarded all other dlarrhoe medicines nnd now handles only Chamberlain’s Colic, Cflolern and Diarrhoea Remedy. He has used It In his family and sold It to hla customers for years, and has no hesitation in saying that It Is the best remedy for colic and diarrhoea, he has ever known. It not only gives relief, but effects a permanent cure. It Is also pleasant and safe to take, making it an ideal remedy for bowel complaints. For sale by Al exander Drug & Seed Co., Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. The cost of keeping up the drinking fountains and cattle troughs in Lon don is 18.500 per annum. A single trough in a busy thoroughfare costs $250. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of [Good lUCK BAKING POWD&R, |ISTHE BEST. 4* AM In U«»in irtff Pn»*f trtui. i sfAir. | FOR RENT HI fl|p»w44 f14944f I §toMNMft •• • 014 00' i 114 * 4ill 10*44 *09440 4 f4MM4i4 ~ * 0$ 00* j ts «* ix j *4,g Wt*** • fh<««WMt ~*,4 4 *•#•«*■* 9 t- 10 9*4 9 ffiwii -rrffi 3@> 90 ■ffiNiMaiiniii atr m t ? J 4 90 | 4 |j« 91A09P4 «• *• so ot •• •••• * ~ 2 111 |tr*«4 *lrF#t H oom •• *«♦••• nt**kt\ *«9t"*4 .Yst* ..* .. 0 m Mfh 09444 49940* efl •• •• •* JJ * 910 ptrWt •« •• •• •• .70 llft»4i 4ir*>#t o# •• **»«.♦»• J 0 •*! |»H* * nf 044194 Hi? 41944944 Hf-*1 j s,me» ssr<wtslty .farted t-rj d TtrTi- , "e ,r\,H hT*changed from da? 14 I*9> John. W. Dickey Real Estate Ageot. FOR RENT J, B Wblta’s new residence* on upper Broad street, dpeolal prices. JIT Telfair street, % rooms ** *' SJR Telfair street. 7 rooms .. .22 M S 2» Telfair street, 7 rooms 12 lk> SJS Telfair street. 7 rooms, 22.«0 522 Kill* Street. 7 room* 18 °® 41, Fenwick atreet, » rooms .. .. 20.00 4tt I.lnculn street. 5 rooms ~ .. 10.00 HR IJtiroln street. & rooms .. .. New 537 Walker. 7 rooms 20 00 15«7 Walton Way. • room* 1100 IMS Walton Way, S rooms ts 00 522 Broad street, store 20.00 J. B. White’s cottage* on upper Jonea street -M 00 and R 00 eaeh. This Hat will be changed from day to [day. Clarence E* Clark, j Real Eatate. 831 Broad SI. TO RENT! From Oct. 1 st, Cottage House of 6 rooms, Bath, Water Closet, Etc-, No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. MICKEY 2 1 2 Bth Street. FORSALE yvar-l have for sale very desirable build ing ’ot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in tkefeity. Mill sell tame very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. . CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. NO. 1337 OREENE STREET. When the transportation lines to Cuba are completed ftlanco may bo able to express to tib his feelings of chagrin and disgust. H- A* ERR RENT yrnf, d§O4OK § 104004 #§# 9t §4# *4 1 I f%O OVO 44m# l*Mh#9M|o ,s , • mm 8 of9* 00] i # It OYO|Mn 4H9MO4’ , R"‘' j *N(4o # ,, ,**s#( it |of 04 000 0f >9O | t. «. H ...... . •» » «M t* ■ L. F. VERDERY. The Renting Agent. FOR RENT ALEXANDERAJOHNSON 7 40 o*#o • Ht»ro - |9 9W449 ~091 90 I t-* or«»e4 "*|4HN"%—■ 9 94W0M4 *• «* tS 10 j 091 |fer«*oo 9 r»;444 M • St S 4 1 ill 0*9440 99m WNh * { tft >t» -se4 99944 > t« 9 11mu 14> 440 I 49* Tl Hr ffijr -0 94*t499 , „ 01 90 | 499 <3v?«or' - fm«#* • rm*m* ** 30 01 { Hi Urwiif * f444N1 «• ~ 0* #9 I f4* 9‘s *- r T ffMMRNI ** f« J 4.09 1 MNH 03H# f r »4*»# -T twiiwi •« .. oft-09 1 90S f-JttM «• rtmivie 30 90 * &3014 it**# r?#***# -■* rtmflNM *• *. 30 ** i IMO M< t4l*'4o- IlflHl 4 rnumi . 30.90 ? |99{ 3t«*|4» w>* - - P*» 4ik# HKiIM * • 39 99 j 1399 Hr*** 4t9##t. i ***** m m .. 1* 0 f iu: mt*+i 4 ***** .. .. « « I ft 9 (Ciiie ffitrmt. € r#***ii *• •• •• 10 •• 339 W4H94T 4tr##9. < 909444 .. .. .. | 441 Watkwr 4tr##t, 9 p*"iM •* ♦. ** ** 12 M venu<. € dmmm „ .. U 0 ; 1134 K»t#9 *tr##t. 9 m#*i»i4 .. .. .. »• •• I ouif)m#rvi!)#. ? r#'mi ant 4 TI4 Brn4<l .11.3*50 914 0*044 009094 - L*SO | SM Broad itr**t .. fill Broad 900 347 Broad •• ** $44 Brond * * ***> , Broad •• I*9o Bread . 17« Broad **• 17(1 Broed atreet .. •• •• 1* 22" Mclntosh street •« •• .... .. M 1(12 Crawford avenue JOJ Mdniosh street 12 doorel ... JO* 12 Smaller stores —Utt at office/- OFk'K'KB 705 Brnsd etreet. all or part. 712 Brood. Montgomery tiuildmg. sin- j gle offices and suite*, tie Brood, I room. 110. Numerous offices and sleeping room* in all parts of city. List at office. Alexander&JolmsoQ 705 Broad Street. TO RENT 7 Room House, 202 Greene $1« 8« 6 Room Hotpue. 1005 Broad .. .. .. 1« •>« 5 Room House, 1004 Jones .. .. .. 10.18 J. B .White Houses. Broad 22.50 to 25 00 ' J. B. White Houses. Jones,. 6.00 to 8.00 STORES. Campbell $25.00 Corner Marbury and d’Antlgnac.. 30.00 917 Broad FOR SALE—Two vacant 40-foot lots on Walker street, between Lincoln and Houston atreeia—s3oo each. P. F. Me AN ALLY, Real Estate. 3 Library Building. TO BENT. From October Ist, 1898. the premises at present occupied by the Irish-Amor tcan Dime Savings Bank at 817 Broad street. Centrally located and well adap ted for must any kind of business. Apply to P. M. Mulhertn, Secretary and Treasurer, 817 Broad St. OFFER FOR SALE. A piece of land—the heart of the city —5 houses oji it at present—lo more cart be built on it—property all rented—wlll sell for $2.500— big bargain to quick buyer—party desires to leave the city— on Marbury, between Florence and Mauge streets. Address W. I. 8.. CARE HERALD. k a BhUg P BA-v 4- h* Uwltitcn U Cffiffima .‘"♦—’TlST".*#- iii|9o ii n$ ****&>** * ( ! *~UT*I *§b4f» toww/km* ** j 40jp0*^ *0090900000 - s«p mm * **** #* *mm , * IniMw 0 . f*- - : iHtMWt 8 £ *#94 111494*» | * •00-4000 j A 49094.;.. : ■ | * .; «!•»««-. ■ * 09ft0p !.»f # tj| j4oop4flpp»' ■r- : %-m ffilll Itl Ts _ 440001 ■ " 9 4NMW <•##* OMOOO ?l w ** „ * jftwwiik 4011900, it#*** »9’f# ■* *o||o4oo9o : *-'7S i* .j iffi|i>H t | 040009 : : 1 4 f 1 s »■? :?< a > , V. 0044 _* 9 ' AWO I A # ( m fc -Tiwtl f«M4 a. 9 49M01f )HH yIMFt 1 00 jBBHHp *♦♦*■•»* rns* *♦ ■»»»*»* I * 099004 t »•>•>' » o **'»*## ’> I ¥ 0004|-'**** >** I Mm I# 099-410 I IIHT InttWMj IBpo] 0# Mmmm «««.»• ••«/»•*—*•»«*• 0900941 * #099049 w* * *** H>* |a* * * ■*#•* *0*904 ! * f fIOMMO99 n ' 0904 < » 0044 1 * foT9ti»fr lii nl[ Tin" - * 4j||9B] t • (ffi*4«4 I »• xl ** 00M4 1 * rrTarm - taw * #L n BjW#4A ft 00H4I (LJOM4 1 **Vma#4m** * ' 1 44m0i 4 ONh44 1 00P904M4i*** •»**., «** | VMOO9OI f * KOM.. . *M}«O 1 * 01b9i18.,w.~». ...M, w.s itiHM] ■At Ao9'W*4 - .„mM I *»«: > U 9 m ) | #|o **4oft 19N4 JtNfJKf 9409*4 9900 J 9#flHt4V#llNo •* 4 40MV 4# 9 flw9ft OMV 90 3<#99 I i «• A A. L. (MteW'ktl 6* Bs»>* **s h* 68* j «• S A. i. m 6 a#* heasvetwa* skk * is<B m lte**BNy V.« ma rwesssti **6*wee ve (mA*w 1 uaa ii,i(v a *«#.. *A*w» 18.1 I BAWkIWM, »W AM. , K- M. BO hi *, BbNhNMm Mk J K gM kkfavh 7*h<ht Hstaaee* A tavern t#„ BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. H f. BAATTIfc H#t•»»!* ! foirlfrr-90-4 W«9lo*9l' 3. | I m 9m ”4 4 rit4i «*# 9 ! Mi** 4 m Mtt 0 Mt 14? * 04914)44 v a* jf A g £ f9#ll 9NhA < AM PM f *Afff#9. l#ift PM ]AM to 3M t 94 0,- A4<l#r*C'«k t 39951 90 - »l* |g | |g 3 M g)#fi##f „,J 3 <1 It S 3 |9 *: 234 19 . Avt«A .. f 1 1911 9 #s« $ :tt« f044<0 0 i Pi* 0 i 9 |g | 99|9 t *%» *-f-? t fnwi g f I 011 M | t c 2 MI W A-k.m « < r •**« rj * UII *» •S, I tt 28 . IKVACB .. a • 2k 71.31 * 4 IP p w»«h HaMm » 8 # wathaita e( $ Iff AM PM I !L#e*e AnwsFM PM, MeU HmM » »» »“? I “V. KMttht listM “IT na, IMafloe All irialM trams from Attann* te t\'a.h*:riglii I# <ra>fc ###f . nf ffa, mm* < i4#4 movini ** «♦** aw,' ft lift Air# " t lti4 u n)tNM of o*l' 14144 Of##* ifM 4# (o*l ot4*?». Will 9144 rn**p •* N1»«0* Ota to 1404 ,91 Of *#t <*o pM#n«rr* I*4lo* t j am<# Ifiij/y 4fMiaig4 «g f> ix rtiTitirriff tub Ifiiihrm rail orgy Ka, 12 9t Ao4*v»'W- g m*4 4 foioirft iMh i rati### 004. U 97 01 9«4H1^0 I •«pr*ow»4»« ! ' ATLANTIC COAST LINE. iJICNTRf AVI’ UPKtMT AOV’Th ICIIIK KAKT AK!» h‘»BTH PHOBTIWT AND QUICK BBT ROCTffi Tl' THIC KArr AND NOKTH. ir*«p»|*Lv August*. Oa. Ar 1 1 ttstt 1 «q»m! Lv..... Alkea Ar | i. lipni Lv.... Denmark ...Ar j 6,17 pm 4 Rufsti Lv oraagb'g....A* | $:80at» 6 06pmj Ly. Humtrr, *. C...Ar j 6 2kam I ttpa. Lv .Pb renew....Ar | tttam JO:Mem) Lv...Fajrett»vUls ..Ar | I Mpm I 21am A, Prterahurg.Va Lv J * 12pm 4.06 am! Ar....Hhhmond ...Lv I 8 12pm 7 .larni Ar. .Washington..Lv ! 2 46,,-n k-ttaml Ar... Balllmor*. ...Lv ' 2 25pm II ttaml Ar Philadelphia Lv jl2 o*pm 2:o3pm Turk—Lv I s:3Cam Pullman palace buffet aleepWig cars from Macon and August# to New Tork without change It. A. BRAND. Gen Art., T2S Brosd Bt.. Aogusta. Oa. T M EMERSON, Traffic Manager. H. M EMERBON. Qen. Paaa. AgL CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect. March 6, IS9S. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. # 30 p m. Arrive Cheater, Southern Ay.. 7:18 a m. Leave Cheete . C & N. W. Ry 7:t5 a m Arrive 1-enolr. C AN W. Ry 1:16 Pm. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2 00 P m. Arrive Green Park Stage .. .. ~ <*> Pm. | Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7 30 p.m. G W. HARPER. C. F. HARPER. President. G. rA. } BILLIARDS : OLD AND NEW. Ft JOSS A TMJ.TCMXX. C,r«m ("uMlpinc nf 1 oLoWW. *a~t •* *> lUMu-r. 8: th- 6 ; ],,. r u>«n»m«o on moot*. nnJ Iko onlr ptorw , : n!!T..« ta»< I"—oo no 4 It« LO Oto »to« $ TV- «tnUin« 1 V diffifframg ill ii «t rating k f I m.»rv than 1U) ihrvsk f ,\\ mUob 4o'i.ldiM- 4 /V \\ I fe#*gtra»chtrail 1 I A \\ j onm>, etrery atyk «»f b C / \ \\ bffilk-iina B»n»P. \ \ j r \ r T _-X\ runflt* 4 \ / n r -F -V*!. V, JT D-nch t .yrur-T gama. / ; /fe«y } \ I V/vT., " BHMit mconla from J \ JUght rain / a many o t ft \** Y/\ which hUTSMiorho- V j \ // \ fora h*c:t ptibligbcd. 4 \ / / \ Th** author #tv« . I \ / / \ many traluablc aug- » V / \ gr-i k*» to rorirea \ /\J \ which fierve to render 9 / A \ dearth# incthodacm- a / / \ \ pUtycd he the. world a f // \ / "irSil ftnrm 4 I ‘ V t 0 5 SfACTiH'Si*: * ,a Y* Cloth, 75 cents. Flexible leather, SI.OO 244 page*; Sira, b*2% indie*. Sent, prrpai'l. an- •mM-*-* «n rcceirvt of price 4 THE AUGUSTA HERALD 5 AUGUSTA, GA. ► MPTMiIR ' >0 a* t»ti«tj a#4at*uiJ4 Etil. RUtfIAT CO *• .» » e at«— *a«4 yffiwei r«9 f IftMsea# law wkk he. e- m" s t iji f « fpF * **9 ■■*** *-0904 t * flpmw* 4$ \m94M9t09* 9904k i* i«000904 90004 Jfti * 4#* '»*m 14 :<#9ok 04 *«# •* ti lt J# $ &0* 3ft 00 ONOMP& 4* 3*919# 04 * '9ns4* #4 9903404) ®9MO|O4 9*9 Wp *9*" # H-4' I * ypfttM#--* * mmm .» oft49# 4* (hiiglMfti »»0H l « % #k ****** I # f 90M00I • 0.0"% ** As tOWPPB4 : * ***** * * 0.009 |i tm MOt>4 fIMB if ll # i* «i%9 Q 990»*a,# 4 |9r99 0* 04090,6, * 9fo M* * *#(o4o 9«94» 00|» fcif'tM %§4 040114 M ?9*Mt#9 • ***** to 9#4 OMO o#3ft f «*#9 ;G* 0990#-4 -1»0 «90 I # A| ** m* 9004 i 4 * M mM> NM49 9#94 I 0# 4* -#p i* I«##*% 4lw !0# pMMtapll 3-000 l# 04M4iin0 gs fit ** 0# i«0 94 t#9» i*l4«4 0# o*4 t *Ol flftl|W» A # * #4OO *4044 00i*094Mft _ 0499 <49 V4>* (t|«» liaHßi ft 040* * J?'pp* 410h*9 iI a r»»ior9t 300. * Jof4o’ 0 30|99 1 ißft ** I 0 i|»%4 f 4P90M0 , : I 4*f 4a ; *F*f4* 100 «• «Vi 4 , I 99M*P • 994*h « -.n *ft * , kv r $ # > « . » 1 m Baaoo4. aa■ ex aa* •• x o|mM994 liiTT jparift 1004M4 tl»M>0l , I*lo4o vMMpiHN m«*<ni •* • 109 MB ; oJoftoß (9444 009909309004*U0M4 « 034094 1 4 to*** M *ifW»9 *••••• 0-4*309 * 9%00 ■ ##»»««■» •* ChafWgkag >*•• 1 \**k ••eausasa. eh* eek ■"«»«" ijana ill » #”**. aatnafUN. Aeaustt • aa tge <*«•#*# "*6 taaa* tneea aitiaaaw a asn a*" «**ea. I M ukia, f.A, INMKM mo* kill)M Tna*fl« Weeagah B, a, akeftsft '-aa. Aa* P *w*aa B^. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. "51^ tm. #s*atd*v»«t4hfti •**•*» thaw *»«■«— «• laaihw md «Mfte* thuaw. MfcWhea Aft# A Mtt ■' "■■■- .%• Sm, m Um** t Wrnrn4m . Mlf ", 1-37 I* SS SSSC : .•'"!«-tj ** * u nwWftt*k I i •• i- SEs 145*-wwl a. at j ‘J; HUa A* ****** 1 >w I IMpj 9MO V (trim *»£ ' • J.*!tnn«w» • !!.. *t*e tl the ft, t. aOk dnft*. ( J*** 1 J** L, *'d te* Maud (•• ■ j J {J* : l;:." **? !«». - m. i • j : ftj. :an 0r ~ .... || tfla £# IfcpPWMflßßP* . L» itrsedsw *•#“** Ar SnefcO ... -- i • **** * »*«**»* i ll ”k * **» ftr Kh-hnoneM . .. ***** **t Ar WmPm*'* ■ J?' ii 2» - Phi mu tow {£* - hew tfcrfc lt *' * rj-.Hilr 1,. it- *•.*:**»* Mat!,, limit,. L, K,« Y»rk. Pa Aft. ' t» t , U l.'at - Plqladihkh■■ BMr t tea “ bmuusoet IXp tala Le Xuktia. ho. Ry Ml B#r< U Ik a L, Richmond 1.- IWi Melm L, Daaettte 550. I tts Le Norfolk » ftp Ar (Irwodon * t IS, Le tiimukeo 7OR a 7 ftp ” Ou-rlotte 0 ft. K' •'p * fbick Blit (loin. It USp " (Vwter . 10 Mr tl ftp " Wlait.l.iro- It <l. 12 M a ir (M !i. hland'g M ,12 45a-i 157 a Lv. o>lamhnl'n 3q>'t. .. ! I 15, < B'Pa *• J'llovtnna *5*H «ot»a •* Trenton ... > kthti *J#a '* Uratotevilla 6 Bsi> 1 >Bn Ar Augu.ta .. . |4 Up .Oua I.v A-heviUe! lam »«Rp Lv RiArtnnnrf ... U (O', 6Up Le OoChto. ACftti-Ky S'Op 7uua Ar ( hiulcfon 6 40 p| 11 txi a Le Col bta. KC *P Uy~~~~, 11 M a 12 47 a ” Savannah ......... I Blf p | Rosa Jantaenivi Sip : 15a si im pm. < * It «ERVIt d Bx'wßsnl daily paiwenger -orvi.-e he'ieeea kitirklaaiid New York Noa #7 and 80— W . dim#!on and soetbwwurn Lmted Solid TealiboTed tram with dining rare nnd first einsa cache, north if ( Harm'!e Pullman drawing room . ice pin, car. he: wean Tampa. Jark*oucUJe, havanuan, Waahlngtoa anil Sew York . - _ Pullman Sleeping Cara lietween Charlotta and Richmond. Pullman drawing-room ,I repine -'an. he tween i.rcmlen' and Norfolk. *lw onnnc- SSTnt NoiSntk for OLD POINT COMPORT, arriving there la time tor breakfu-t. Solid train, with Parlor ear*, between Charle»Um and Aahfvtlle. Noa. .A and ft-U. 8. Faat Mail Through rnliman drawing room buffet .leeptng canto tween .lackwuivilla amt New York and Pull man alecplng cars between Auguita and Char lotte. Pullman alneptng cam lierwern Jaok a. luvtllr and Columbia, en route dally betweoa Jackv-nville and Cincinnati, via Aahevilla. PRANKS.GANNON. J M. CLLP. Third V-P. ft (ten. Mgr T. M„ W a.hlneton W A TURK. g. H HARDWICK, ti. P A.. Washingtoa. <*■ P- A., Atlaata. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (»oth Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1893. Pullman Sleeper, between Macon and New Tork. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and Si- Louli. Lv Augusta ..| 7:06aml S:2opmj’o:3opui Ar Atlanta ...|l2:36pm! B:2opm| b:ooam Ar Macao ....|U:lsani|. | 6:45am Ar Athens ~..|l2:lspm| 7:3opm| Ar GalnesvH!e|*3:B6pm| | Ar White Plsi*l:o#pm| I Ar MlU’ga’le .|10:10am| I B:3oam Ar W'ash’ton ..|lo:lonin| 7:lopm| - Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at MUledgevttle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augrasta 6:15 a. 7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m . and 8:25 p. m. A. G. JACKSON. G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. J