The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 10, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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WPmkA\ «SBg* H if 4 !! JU I i v \ m % 15 »JJ I r y kr «' H> I t I A di fu H BVAWk A»4 fJ*i» • #••• AfWf* Mp4* **■ •~fc_ »., |. • «*4-, 4 in ttfc-ft *+m f * m& Itt «k tbe W%M* MUM' homer. hr* (M> g, mi At* Iff Th* Ifwl* h*«kg “ M All As to Of* <*#•» IHL *«■<* **• •»»*"• A pJTalfei IH«» Wl« u»«*4 TV weg tstl •*!»•» mpm th* bewdtdg All li *lO. fwedy »IU lk» >«•*» <«« #*T Wt« lei lii Nil* IV rtver *t m»*lM*. A*#* mirrored sbr »•<* tltm4 sod tank* end twill A m*ti- wr rld raftil lit mnV * l#4 K..r bum? by ant Main swmmer »'». Hal ow tb* wood* tfe* tbwwder ftoada bsag dark Abut* lb* gnidew Setds of ripen'n* ear*. —Mary A. M Mark* tb (load Word** damn dad Architecture. Rtnengrrs frequently rrmar. apod ’ tb* Moaofoay «*f th* Augusta srehlter tar* Trur, Ikm la 00l tub «** th* fearful sameness diwioigul.hing the block it lb* larger cities, utaerc H »« possible to dUr.cguitb oat’s boait fr.-m ran neighbor* only by Ibt number abovt Ibt door: but the g otral all't la limtlar. and very frt Auguatam m boast of hirata entirely different la rharirtrr from (boat surrounding ttiaia Tbt early archliacinr* of oor city la rarely beautiful, but ibt mo4*rn ( houe* rsnnqt compare with It. A certain style la aeen to be mliaunllal and rather graceful, and Immediately ev erybody copies it. This Is partly be* raise property earners do not care to go to the expense of purchasing -wig- ! Inal designs—m this way Sliding it possible to dispense with the servicesj of architect—but principally because very few women have any ideas on the subject of houae-bulldlng beyond the i undeniably useful ones connected with plenty of closet room and the best , plumbing. Now that all of the do-, tnestlc sciences are becoming so popu- j lar for women's study, why would It j not be s sensible Idea to add to them i a practice! knowledge of architecture? i Women would all then know Just what they wanted. and would Insist upon having It, without the fear of making themselves ridiculous by Insisting up-t cn certain require meats which utterly exclude —as was the esse In one re- j markable Instance of amateur house plcnning—the possibility of getting in s stairfaee, and »t the same t me they wruld mrVs all of the restd'fie.s far more satisfactory from an artistic standpoint. A Home Maker. I'nqinwtionably. thk woman with n knowledge oi architecture make* b far mor- slice- srful horte-maker thau the on whose imowledgr «kK>r not extend beyotM the proper crderlflg of a din ner or tlic corteri, make of a bed. One cf the mo*t charming housee In Au gusta today ia onp that was remodel led by Its owner, a very clever woman, with whom architecture has been a fad from her extreme youth. H“r hus band would not give her the money ahe thought necessary for employing an ar chitect to do the remodelling on a grand ecile, so, with a very sma 1 amount she employed a carpenter and did her owa superintending. The front hall was very narrow, but back of the stairs was a large square place, a de lightful reception hall, if It were not nearly as dark as midnight. She did away with this most serious objection by having cut a long window horizon tally placed high up in the wall In such a manner as to allow plenty of light to cmer In without giving a view of th» very ugly back yard which it ever locked. Hangings, a rug cr two, a window-scat wad plenty cf fclllcwa made this a roost Inviting corner. The dinmg-room was, not only small, but it was dark because itts only two windows opened into a conservatory instead of letting in the bright sun- IsAflda me*- * fMitdwl •*» saS-*ewssd''* | I WO* eat 1* A t** WW i fljUi * •** I ? *4M (HAMM! 84W® jff WHMI m* f|» %•%-- '*■* *'• j \mmmm a m*m •** mm #*«► * *•» •#** [ |*** # *»*» «HNI a ♦*— m lAfV omm HI *4b# * f*ll4P •» •• I t|p4 «jf yft* #*»% * *m*m [,M m me»»s **et •"•A**# *"* tmmm** •*** **•***-• •** *p kg,a} m |lMi' fppfilii INmufHj mm 9 a*4 m-d. <*■** »—» **» I pin* fl*| »«*»•# I »it»' iA* t«Q lf>% ftp* H 4 lAi | u# , «4 •• i** m y 1 * * |it ppm ppHftii hipi ilmmi AivpwNi -* 4 ■t# p« in ypipppi • ««p# I Sgy a. - ttie | If hft wffrT ipg 4 | M rwti IMNi A ImmhAm## IMMM <>ilf | |p |pif •*«#*•* fw lAt tp h*t %mm* iM» «f rm*m**% i^pruM # pinni4 nrntrt lA'lPp* AA*- r A ANt puppi* ft«f t**f «C Mrt fiMHI pH tl# Aifft** «b<ri ip iPt PiMTIP Pitiip * fVPI 1 fPftpM* ppi Ml IMP# PM tipppiMC ilmii l%i %*m Plp#np'i IP Mpl jp»'iPWl p»»p «nt* * tup put Ppl| r tP PMli» tP# «pi|f# ■ ipilrrr *np>p for vtttitollai i |mm Ip pskrp IM >it*m Ip «ri«A t M Ml lac*A 44m fv«4P tP# pnam lPPl#*4 <%f ffv*pn |Pp pffliMMt pricb swwswt vb*«* the idA sash towed amahm dr* aasd Ab» ran acmaa trtml pi*a»tag •wd useful Istrsthas ta tbs lias at to* sM* bltnda. add ah* dl*»a««rw> that latet lork*>g rnhhsr ttiea mad* •yhadul vug* tor th* tiMh-nKsai hnr. hwt th* gr»dt**« wioniM id howa* bdltdidd •he toddd to h* fa th* latrtMlarttoa ( mineral sronl IwSMdih the dorrs dead • mag that ao«dd of tootaSepa which Is so Irritating whea the room ahosw udt'a head ta occupied by a rsgileaa psrsoa Recently, la UlUag ta her anAltee. ' tural reaewnhes. aha lßi#e**t*d her frtrads ve»y nsrl by a description <-f ' m Invention for t'abtlng by natural i proceaa. which while It la to be na*d principally by large buataaaa gonam I# utilised with good edort tor baaranants that wotild be aplemUd lltrtna apart mcfits If they were well lighted H*r •toscrlptum Is worth quoting, beesuan the process I* something entirely new. and It I* Interesting because few peop pie knew .f It and because It la about ito rerolutlonlse the building of larga •torus In big cities. Lighting Through PHaons. When a ray of light passes from on# transparent medium, such M glass or aster, to another. It unoMaoe* a i hang* of direction at the surface of separation. This change of direction jof light rays Is called refractions Thr knowledge of this property of llgbt has i been utilised in what Is known a* tbs l.uifer method of lighting buildings. i Th» natural light of a room comes di rectly from the «ky and striking the floor within ten or twenty feet of the ' window Is almost entirely lout. The 'quantity of light utilised In very small In comparison with that which enters the window. In the new system the ■ light Is received upon a piste of prisgis j and under th" lens of refraction is 1 J diverted and borne back Into the room. No light Is lost; no light ia created: ■ but daylight Is diffused uniformly throughout the interior spare. Base . nientß are lighted by the use of prism |tiles placed In the sidewalk with ver tical frames, of prism lights of Iho re quired variety bung below and oppo site for the purpose of carrying light back Into that portion to be Illumined. The 1-nglUh Mouse. There are. of course, fashions in ar-j ‘chlu-cture as well as In gown*, and the woman who would be the envy of all h?r dear thoueand-and-one friends l«i- j islats upon having some absolutely new, 'designs for her house. Strictly speak-i jlng, theie Is nothing exactly new In , this line, bul one certain style Is more popular at cue time, and another dur ing another period. The American Ro | manesque Is the only style we can I claim* as exclusively our own, the Re- I nr-issaues being borrowed from both the French and Italians; but we dis tinguished ourselves, in the South, by cur adaptation of the Classic, known ns the Roman. A visiting architect re cently charmed a group of Augustans by his praise of the old Colonial man sions, end their clever modern Imita tions, on the Hill. He was very con servative, so he did not hesitate to say that the Americanized Classic style of architecture was the most thorough ly satisfactory, because It was always In good taste, and never either glar ingly new nor deplorably old. From h!s point of view, It was some- i thing on the order of a woman always j liavifll? a ghod serviceable black silk j for long wear, However, there are! plenty of wetaen who prefer the frlvola ! cf dress In homes as well as in gowns. | Three, upon Inquiry, will find that the i very latest fafi In houses is the Eng-! Hall half-Mtr-tKrei. Honker? of this I charcater are very popular now In the ■ North, but they are only slowly win- j THE AUOUBTA 'HIDIf.AX-TJ km# Mk*tf as* swash *d tlw * a AM > momm Ah* da *h* ♦<*'»*• dh* a* mid j Mp h» id mfl—pa»»id m td» w isl>»« # a j I A l *** <m wa# 4 *4 **-wd A 4 <Aa j fpHMda Id 4dt'W* *•*>#► 7 tads h It A 4h»* dud* •■as **■•] Id*»'■» « aaMg > •*» • a aw*a *«e | I ... m a,. I piMi wm * txrw>i4tA» mt tMi mmmm* I ■ iMi l 4th a *4nm dim fciyi».'# | di> Ms m%' 1 I f%» Mil «M IdlA mm mmmrn I I «av (i m M4A m Aw mm fm *im I |dOM • >mm4 MAM* 1 — Mi «# M4l (****** wdm urn ml mm *mm I j |Adt#M4i <t# m*d» • m§tm*9 I i tMMm wwfaim A Add «%• ****** j IM «• • Hill ** •*** I [mm * AM* UH| M * *mm**l I 11i cu»».. 4kc-w* #« MNI dNNm i *•*' t 1 j oMw* isss awato pepva w*w«i i Up dwt IV <4M ad idem was aav j ww* idwrwwddt* apnsHt hr pad very [vsaadtfwi wad haul at an. Ida **rp - lataag UHdt aw< U* Mi) <MH Tim *"•* 44* Ipm ptf Iv mumt** tMt Awv tiMfdfwff ®M' immli Ami pm *• dr- as «mpmp«dm. mp mPm li PPM 1 imp tpm Pmti pi tpimpm l*» »* P»mm * I . TPm pimp ms tAPMP IP p«* Pm 4 *ll*4 *!• I TMi Ml *• fPM m# r» iP» «»mr #• Mppm pdl *• PpAitmi *«* M IP* I I (tup A 4 «tm« Mi IPm ppfii Tp P*m‘* I pp# Mk vmrf ppm Pfe P*t Ami mp 4 pppm* I •IMP pp 4 pptlm «P# Ppmmm th** fmi 1 0% #p«tr it *mm Mimvpdpm., *P* f* I Ida* eaabwm da*w we* A* * **■ dwwIVUo A-*a>« M»* hands will Math bewwtltol «d the beykoaeda wdsw she I Hays •< Id* V*tx*“cy Mode (Twh rea ran* dm win***, tut ah* hn* P '*>» <4 time to tab* rdf* of them Thar* taj an otlva oil bath tar them every da* I and be* hands ar* always immanatw*. ly rlewn whan she retire* and *** rreamed and rtitared Wild Hiamwt* Then ah# tahrtrataa with a bome-asad* saftewer a hen ah* washes her band* This I* made by •>■»•«•« glycerta* two third* tooae-third nnp flow** water and thia Hka la imgrovad by drop* Hag iato U a sgrtaki* of gowdeted .boras Mailer* of the toilet do sot eacroa* , all of her attention however •* la I learning ta make all aorta of dHigb’fui hot-weather dieheo and drinks; and the men who have not time to g> away tsf so# the lo*ely creator** at the re set!* think* th* h< me gtd «b» most charmingly domestic Milts rrxolure he has ever knows N< thing could be ' nicer than sluing oa her cool glass* ia 'the even lags sipping fn»;t nectar and . lialealag to her bright chatter In sll 'aorta of logk-s of Inlereat to men Tor the stay at-home girl ha# improved her ' opportunities mentally and can talk politics with the wisest of them. 8ol!d friendship* are formed for the coming arae-.n amt altogether the stay-al bum* girl has the best of It all around. The Pltv of It. A group of Augusta women recently visiting Fort McPherson, stopped to talk to a private aoldler muklng hla painful way nboul on a pair of rrutch i-s. Ills face was drawn with pain and his rye# had a hopeless look; but. thanks to the efforts of th* physicians sod th* good food to be had In the Dietary Kitchen of the Daughters of th* American Revolution. * mure healthy color was gradually ateallug Into hi* cheeks. *'l shall never again bo of any use ‘o anybody," ho said, "for the rheumatism has deformed mr. I should not mltid if I werr wounded, or If anything hail happened, while I was fighting for my country. But I never saw the enemv. There were no batllea. For all of u», It waa Just waiting, waiting and dy ing by Inches. Now my life is over, so fer as Its usefulness Is concerned, and | I <vlll never have the satisfaction of knowing I struck a single blow.” L adics Can Wear Shoes. ! fine else smaller after using Allen's j Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes j feel easy; gives instant relief to corns land bunions. It's the greatest comfort I discovery of the age. Cures.and pre vents swollen feet, blisters, callous and sore spots. Allen's Foot-Ease le a cer- Italn cure for sweating, hot, aching, ner vous feet. At all druggists and shoe stores. 26c. Trial package FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, Lc Roy, N. Y. MARSHALL O. K. The Case Against the Gentleman Re cently Arrested Here Thrown Out. Rpecinl to The Herald. Savannah. On., Sent. 9.—A. A, Marshall, the hook agent representing T>. Appleton & Co.'s Atlanta agency and who was recently arrested In Au gusta on a charge of cheating and swindling, came out with “flying col ors” In the city court here today. When arraigned, he pleaded "not guilty.’’ After hearing the evidence, •Judge Norwood ordered the case no! prossed. There ate other charges I against M. Marshall, but he was at i lowed to go on his .own recognizance, i The Chatham artillery arrived at home this afternoon at two o'clock. !The reception accorded the command, which Is officially known as light Imt jt«ry H, Georgia aitlllery. was immense, i The men were met at Ihe depot hy a band and escorted to the armory .where a collation was served. The streets .were lined with cheering people, as the I troops walked up from the depot. ..-r i f. |\di»k»lh'< , Vnp-dw*hml»Aa ■ i amdUtgll •» fowl amt Mrg wM ■ g fnyyypLßi i.Tum > I I llfoTl*A*»«WTlt. J I kk.wtimframdvsdV fcwfiah P 1 mwm too* oriuir I uset w*v e* w»m* . fIERRY'S [XCELSIOR HfllLlS ATTO-TJST-A., Q--A.. t£\ ' - *A . ... -d]m,a 808 WHlTE— Becond Patent. GOLD MEDAL— Fancy Patent. ABSOLUTELY PURE WINTER WHEAT FLOUR. I fully realize the supreme disgust of consumers for Flour, adulterated with Corn Flour, Corn Starch, and other Foreign matter. On and after this Date, August lOth, 1898. I offer the Wholesale trade the above Brands Flour Guaranteed Absolutely Pure Winter Wheat, Goods of the Highest typo. Ask for prices Flour, Meal, Grits, Bran and sh ip stuff delivered your station. J. M. BFBRY. THE MERCHANT MILLER l#Z*Ueorgis and Carolina l'aper. Report Kilimste on Above Space per month. Rome few women discredit this as sertion, but those Who have tried a Gas Range could not bo induced to adopt the old-fashioned method again. Vou see it Is so easy to regulate tt»9 Gas Range. If you want one vegetable to cook more slowly than another, you have but to lum the thumb screw and you can reduce the heat to any de gree you desire. The same with your roast. If It is doing too quickly, you don't need to throw open the oven d#or and run the risk of chilling It. You can regulate your range to suit your meat. Tie Gas Liill Co. if Aopita, 622 BROAD FT. vr ; Smith & TJVppson pistols from $5 to JS.SO. Several' good bicycles for stale very cheap, 'hood watches from $1.25 to $50.00 at Lewis J. Sehaul, Reliable I Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. emiii u fdf Idfhdfe dd l The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / t ry Jft* The (Tr *' n( * V/ You Have Always Bought. MSTMH Am# AA mtdsmm >mmam m a m»gp •■mmm dg*d ■ KEEP COOL by using one of our odorless Refriger ators—the Dewey Just annihilates hot weather. Klondike, Gurney and Eclipse are all go ad; everyone guaranteed; wa ter cooicftG ,cedar chests; lee cream freezers. See our line of bedroom suits, $25. Baby Carriage! for SB. We will make terms and price* to suit you. Fleming& Bowles UO4 Broad Street. JHE f( ERALD gTANOAHD yyAR flTus It It popular b#c*u»« It U Juftl t%h«l iho liroAt ni»w»|»<ip«»r-r#aitl«r»il publfe wfnti. Tjm Mfipw Art largo And clear, and fully doubt# «h# •i/d* of Any o)n#r« publlthdMl* Th#y mr* b«Aull* fully prtniod In f»v» colon on h«Mivy mop pApor IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EO6RAPHY you will find th« Atlai An ndiap*n»Abl« Aid, It will help you to obeervo the dally change* In the situation, and enable you to k*#p pac* with history. You Need An ATLAS! N (Jet the I attest and Beat Coniems of The Herald Standard War Allas: Cuba - 14*21 inch** Th* World - 2U28 .nch** MmwMtg two*** <d .team <t*wl> uahds and IcVgrwg* How*. Wnt indimg ... 14*21 inch** North Am*ric* - - 21 *2B inch** hhnwtwf «*M# Mwn*. South America - - - 14*21 nch** fthwwtwj vnhts Raw. Phillppin* Island* - - 11*14 nch** Hawaiian Islands - - 11x14 inch** Europe ... 21 x/8 inches Spain and Portugal - - 14x21 inch** Asia ... - 14x21 tnch*a >ho* lag new Traws-Siberian Kailroad. Africa ... 14x21 inch** Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B inches China - - 14x21 inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba. Havana, Cienfuegos. Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Haiti Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents QUR p fALL SJYLES I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA, - . - - GEORGIA ID HERALD’S WIT ADS In Men’s and Boys’Cloth ing show all the newest textures and weaves in handsome fabrics, that are made up and finished in the best style and handi work of the tailor’s art, and are equal in finish, elegance, fit and style to the best custom made Clothing. A glance at our stock will show our lines to be more complete and of larger assortment to choose from than can be found in the city. 7