The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 10, 1898, Image 8

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ftATURDAY Look at the Hat! ••Our Broadway” Derby at #3.00 “Our Special” Derby at... #3.50 la aa good as any at $5. Same shapes same everything. You don't believe It well, the ex periment doee not coet any thing. Your money back If you want It applies to hats as well as everything else. IOC. HACK FARE NEGRO PEOPLE Gsfcu i* Drift l» ftrriagft If TWi lUit I*4*. Vwwrt* n*« Crafts *• BHM to tto MMrit.l '«* IWf*f Tto i* ••*-'- * *c»i i *<•*• •sSsr »to rsqynaHta tt te ns»ri.n |||§| tlMfl |S # mO**4lM*nt OS I**l* •* im pan of dun I i»»ei* to **»ab;»sk a awe naratra far «»'«** pw#i». »to •w* te ae Mtacsta si lee rests Tto bach I tee Mill he owes t«> sbtte sNNe vMi to im* It. Set the ffrio* to tfee ftfhto sms *lm«sM he *»h anrooi SMMleiMae. Mill he M code u» rite peso This le fMIJtsIM *he Mm nt the Cslsrir d senate le make aeotral ■salne< the eaieeeeearet of the Is* »eq»ee*te« ss «hr*e‘ ehshf) rmferop ahrftlao* the rattan rmru nt the lew resatatlns ss eiMI rare separate aorosaaaoto ltm< tor the re ram. The negroes rap that ttir. htww the Augusta ratios* ns4 ets>trK root pa nr have so opttnn la the stall.' Then ear ttott they are •stare that the rani pen* 414 sot *0 toree the las until «MplW to do g»; fed they sent In s»k* such pro test sa «Ui toftura the prtgier m ,„: le egret the repeal nt the law. There has hern so etsihtr or apparent hsproti of the street railway by col ored people Colored people oho •lop to think keoo that the manage (pan* o t the ned la not at halt lie* atgea eolored people la Augusta do pot ride much for pleasure The »d --eke to them frets the puipll to uae the mm was only Idle edvke That Pee really been the custom In Augusta by th«o» for all time peat. CA*TOnXA. lhs lad fat His Maw jtaflt HR. J. PINK WOJD Ad|. Orn. Corbin Orders Ml» Honor able Discharge Front and Regiment. Col. II B. Oyer received a telegram lest night from Adjutant General Cor bin. of the United State* army, aavlng that that ofllrer bad ordered honorably Alfs-harpeil from Co. C. Second Georgia regiment. U. 8. V,. Private J. Pick Wood, who enlisted from August*, mustered in at Orlflln. Pink Wood la ehief lineman for the dtigusta Railway and Electric co. IU U very popular with th<* men and oftl rers of the company and the boy* will all be g'ad to learn that he la about to return home. Mr. Wood resigned a well-paying and satisfactory position to enliat for the war when the call to urma under the Star* and Stripes wan rounded. Noth ing prompted him blit pure patriotism. He la a splendid fellow and a good elt lacn. He has made « splendid recoid with the regiment. TBAfl RUNS AWAY Wagon Is Smashed Before Team Is Mopped. 1 his morning u team of mules be longing to a farmer got frightened In front of the Howard warehouse and dashed away. The wagon struck a tree and was nearly demolished The negro bang on to the portion left and man aged to at.op thorn in front of the stole of Christopher Gray ft Co. Mules or driver were not Injured, but the wagon wns badly damaged. je-year Ailed gold watches In ladies' and gents' slaes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from $7.00 to $12.50. Guarantees With each watch at Lewis J. Schaul'a. Reliable Pawnbroker on Jnekson street. about rice. The New York Commercial Says Dam age Is Overestimated The New York Commercial today has an article on the Georgia aud South Carolina rice crop, it says that »he estimate of thp damage done by the flood has beer, overestimated ami tlvu the crop will be a%ood one- Tpta will be welcome news to ti)p&c who deal in this article. MR. I. D. HAHN MIKES IN ARREST Urtfe HU Rile *• • Hitt Ur iri Ilatfe Ilia Far H» Falk*. Tto Crtosl—l Cragtrt (M to B'fbt. MNtUlwtiW Mr Aafta i) Hahn nrato • eery Mb* j par aft* tftMt this morning Me fte torte* • tmnrtof omsriftg the Lamar atne«. The Lsaaae *#om M oex ffcaar , la Mr Hahn'* atrwe When Mr Hah* ■•* tto bwatar hi tto »e*t rM g he menmff b a dflt letrittg tto weapob upon the umui ang ra*- iu hi tug to mn»# at the peril of being iMg Mr llaha seat for a ftolfcr* P»- 1 tie* Ofkw Murphy rwpoatri and ami the negrw In. At MaMtttttn the prtanner. who prated to be Ptnhey Rlmora, ralorwl. waa turned wear to the detertlvaw The Dealer atom had tom robbed low dot * ( urday Mr. Itoeer rlooso up oa Sat arday to go to the ayaacogue The detect t *e« gotrhty brand from the ne gro flues through which gnoda stolen Inal Saturday were Nit Deter uvea aauure report era that the evi dence la an thorough that only formal ; cony triton la nacmanry The negro ! had been an ancresaftil la his raid of ; !aat Saturday that He returned today 1 1« repent It. when Mr Hahn deeded land arreated him Elmore atole rI -thing and gnoda of I that kind Mr. Ilahn » gun was not I landed HOI.ICI ITEM 5. one Party Took dottoa. Aaother Took Chair# and One Threw Tack*. Edward Addison, colored, siole throe chairs from Rudolph Skalowskl lam night. Edward was engaged In moving some furniture and Ihe rhalra were among the thing*. He did not leave the (halt# where he was told to, but carried them to a place where he thought they would not be found. Hta game was caught on to and the police Informed. The offlcere did the arreet act and now Edward la In Jail. He will explain mattera to Judge Eve In the city court. Plnbey Elmore waa this morning ar rested by Detectives Wise snd Sheron on a charge of Healing clothing from a store ou lower Broad. » The police are after four hoys, who threw lacks on the atreet and as a re sult was reported hy Frank Shannon, colored, to the police. Judge Baxter will look Into the matter on Monday morning. SH(X)TINti BIRDS Authorities Should Put a Stop to the Slaughters. Reports are reaching the city that pol hunters nro shooting the young partridges all through this section There promises to he an ahttndanee of game 'his year, but unless this merci less slaughter Is ended they will he nearly exUrminated. The young birds have scarcely got their wing feathers, so of course have no chance lo get away. Every sportsman should Join with the authorities in trying to stop these law-broaklng hunters. Death of Mr. Alphonso Spink. Mr, Alphonso Spink passed away on yesterday afternoon at his home. No. 1429 Sllcox street, after a lingering ill ness caused by consumption. Mr. Spink was by trade a carpenter and was at one time an employee of the city, but latterly ill health had preven ted hint from engaging in any active work. The funeral services will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon from his late residence. River Takes a Slump The river has taken quite a fall, lu (he past twenty-four hours there bus been a decrease hi the height of the water 4 feel 2 Inches. It now reg isters 13.7. 'Those who are fixing up th's fall should get' their paints, stains and en amels at Alexander drug store, they have the best. THE ttTOUISTA HSmAZaD. SKALOWSKTS PAWN SHOP [ I t eftorf 4mdM lift* <tMttHM*f*f ft it# iihr to |ft ftftMftiHft Wl VKH It #•■*#** •# ft# o%M#si I *n MMhto* ! t§* Iteml b m tete # #*iM! Mtooe ' hnguuto mm «to* ew. Ml - s*###*' ihmm #>»'**»*• fe# S iHMI HiMMfc I# • wPI [ tiri# f 'sff ■# #•*»#•** ss I'WMh f »lw SMNNMMt ■ %#*** •« kit# # f*k****®>*# [ wnlmnwi • iiMWMMfc w* &&&* j |iiijji>~ i #Nifh #ff HHi*lA « IIPPIPM*' ft* ‘ 5 tHHMi W%M I• #*#"• KH |to#Mf% m* iMiwNii ••• >»>*»*< t HtT iriri <MM [MMMOVF, htot*® w Pi wtvto**** 4 *lh# r • PMMtHF **ft 9m itAA fct-t tftt ip w* 9 * I «## m fit m ttf IfMrtpfi't w* 9m imittfHfi *%» wms*t •*••• ittftg ff PMMMPBNtI rnmrnm mmm mmm wm ts f>4 UNMI tit* * If** mU* m*>§ I t%li IHlplwfff* 9m m*m* It tel te wt •ttetete !•••*•# »« fNHFWM te tetei twll • m i if##* mmmmm 9m pti* j • ##>!•*§ f*» fMPf IdfiVMH PBP <l>f#miti it tit jtMl itetef *tet if te jtei ftete-t ite te» fte« te M «•.. | it»4) HuiriNtNl • f*|dnf*4 nit •tNxt itef te »* ftiil ftfNl i»»tt' ttel ite te tei teftt. I «mM» it te ite ffftrlte* tel t*|it ite MteNHl tfi- M# tilt li ttttft j m*mth te iteF wtm tC tMteft Wwftlf tet* | Itfa When aafcad hy Allstata ksIMM where ilk* mmm* WM at prswtaM. to stated Hurt Cttaf Catp tod M. tot M to*»d to say whritor ihe chief tod an •ya to cold a eat tor aad la traded wrae , lag tab or wbettor tto ovw-eoai w-aa •imply th that gaatlemaa * poso*s#!oa. tempi J H Kirtorda. a white man awar* that be tod tod arvrral hoaiaeaa' irahaartk-ha wtib tto yowabrotor. tot a>ly (luring tto taiarvnl whea fftolow akl wan a ttroaa-d toohaf. H» aworv, however, that daring tto ahocan of tto drfradattt la Augusta that to "pat up” hta watch for Sd crata with a young man who was left la .ctorga of (to bus.orss When to wrat bark ta get hia tlatapiere to was informed that lit took a dollar to aaahle him to keep posted OB tto Urn* of toy with that watrb. aad to refused lo pay thia amount Richard* testified that when he "hung up" (to ticker, that nothing was said about a purchase, which tto young man claimed waa (he case, ! Kirtorda' uaderstnudlag waa that to ' agreed to pay tea ceata for the use of l the money for n day. "When asked the value of tto watch ( Richards answrrvd that H was worth stout $2.60. j "Chief Culp and a police officer testi fied to reading ft rlraular signed Tbs Athena Loan Company," wttleb stkn iowtkl had tanging in hta plnee of bua- Ineaa. Mr. Tom Shackleford who proa j rented the eaae for hia brother. City ( Attorney Sharkleford. Introduced this idrctilnr nnd the pawn ticket held by the negro for bit overcoat aa evidence." This morning Mr. Rudolph Skalow •kl. a brother of Mr. Maurice Skalow «u received n letter .stating that the l/ttcr had been remitted Ihe fine. Mr. Skalowskl la now rondurting a furni ture buslnrsa In Athena THE WEATHER. Augusta. Oa.. Sept. 10.—Forceaat for 36 hours ending 8 p. m., September 11. 1898. Washington forecast—South Caro.l na: Shower* coulght nnd Sunday; Continued low temperature. Georgia— Rain tonight and Sunday. laical fore cast for Augusta and vicinity Rain tonight and Sunday. The river at 8 a. m. was 13.7 feet, a fall of 4.2 feet In 24 hours. Rntns In the cotton belt in the paftt 24 hours were confined principally to the Central and East Gulf Sections, with excessive fails in Southern Louisiana, while it la raining generally this morning over the East Gulf States, also in the Western States. Temperatures continue low over a large portion of the country with a killing frost reported at Huron. S. D.. and a light frost at St. Paul, the for mer having a morning temperature of 30 degrees and the latter 42 degrees. The barometer continues extremely high In th Northwest Country with the Gulf disturbance still located tn the vicinity of Port Eads, where the highest wind velocity in the past 12 hours was 36 miles an hour from the east. SPARTA. Will Arrive Here at 5 O’clock This Afternoon. An excursion from Spurs, ,Gn.. will arrive here about f> o'clock this after lioou over tbe Georgia road. The Iratn was scheduled to leave Sparta at ,ioon today. The return trip will be made tomorrow night.. A Provost Guard. A "provest guard from Camp Dyer wns in the city this lAorUing. They came in after a wandering soldier. He was found and taken back to camp. THOS. J. ROONEY FOUND GUILTY jiMHHMwI If ht A I 'tto if |Ji M '' f toe *1 au tto Hi ad ttone Me ton* tett 11 JpFRSONhL^IERTION^ i Hr W J. CraH vu It Atlttlt ft* [itrteTs j |« C write*, of Altetr to •« ite Ar- I j a. Ttofter. 9t MiMi. to tot tte| »I * pptnpp. R s Hodaon, of Newman, to at tto j Mantera i 3 S Kuhn, of Meatgoaaary, ta nt the I a ?ttUfflf* . i | elite* r. of Xfi Toflt. to tt tte • Afllnpiovt. W H Tnppaa. of Chicago, to nt tto • Ar; i(toii ! H. Van Glider, of Naahellto, to nt tto I Arlington. | g, psm of Isoulavlllr. to nt tto j Arliatton |_ 3. Cornwall, of Baltimare. la at ’ the Plaatera. i joaaoh B Caney. of Baltimore. \t at tie Plantrra fieorge H Brunaon. of Athena, ta at the Planter*. CJ. R Parkhaas. .of Baltimore, ta at the Arlington. Maj J W. Oreen of AllaaU arrived in tto city today Mr K M North returned from At lanta this morning. Key. A. J. Qulttlehaum .of Ninety* Sl», g. C.. l» In tto city. Thus. J. Hart, of New York, ta reg istered nt the Planters. I V. E. Dawson and A. B. Andrew* of Atlanta, are at the Planter*. A. 8. Draftl and R. E. Miller, of Pittsburg, are nt the Arlington. T. C. McDonald and L. L. Hardage. of Atlanta, are at the Arlington. j|. Thomas W. HnufdcuU I* quite *lck at his home, *O2 Greene atreet. U. 11. Hlntjm. C. C. Hanson and ». J. Smith, of Savannah, are at the Arling ton. Mrs C. A Rowland ha* returned from a visit to friends in Athens and Madison. Mr. L A Burns, after a visit to the country. Is at his home on upper Broad street. j H. Wsrdle. L. Tulin and C. L. Campbell, of New York, are registered at the Arlington. Mrs. J. A. HnmPton. proprietress of the Willlaton Inn. at Wlllieton. 8. C„ Is al the Planters. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Spighta and Mis-. Daisy McTier, of Harris Lithia Springs, are nt the Planters. Mr. Gey Mclntosh, of Bordeaux. S. C.. Is in the city today. He has many friends here who are always glad to welcome h'm. Mr. Charles D. Kline, son of Supt. Kline, of the Central road, passed through the city this morning en route from Harris Lithia Springs to Savannah. Mr. J. 8. Heineman. representing the firm of Heineman Brothers of Balti more. largo cigar manufacturers. Is stopping with "Col." Dirk Drecer, at the Windsor today. Mr. Heineman Is as popular as his cigars. Savannah Press: Mr. 'Andrew- Graham of Augusta spent yesterday In the city. He wilt shortly return to Savannah to permanently locate. He will be connected with the Plant sys 4em In the freight department. He is a brother of Mr. Joe Graham, claim agent of tbe Central railroad. Mr. Chas. O. McLaughlin of Augitsta Is in the city. He wiy shortly remove here with his family! as he has be come connected with The Central rail way in the cotton d-mavtment. Mr. McLaughlin is an expjtienced railroad man and has for setftral years ueen the Augusta agent, of. the Southern railway.—Savannah The do-nothing is the worst man in the universe. • T BRAVE SAILOR OF THE MAPLE I It# ®Si tt tte tHi mmi tte. to ttel fin ftoto ft tot t ite m* toto (Mftfttofttoft lift* m* teiiiftf Al Hfttiftft iri#Miw»r* fa Kftf w*#« I Tto* Mftttef j*tipr m* m*m ft tteteiftil *4 toftWMNT Itel li 9K*W ftl tor ft | +m* ». mhi mm ini ft irtg» I aid ftiftiifftfl btf nff Nftkl te> A to l I f f Ak ftmm ter eft®***! [ter to tear# to ftfti •* mmm te • ftriftft rr#« o* hemi ItoYftfft! fcdpfti of i [tf I*4 fftrtf • four tel** of (te $ | Mftt ft 111 fttefft mmrm AftOif ter fftf* | [go.* Aft teHilft«fti« # t foJM* tmy ctero off I I'Hlf ftC'llff will fWFvbftfety HWKMIftI to | te* *#** (|rv* and four lua4r#4 dal* j ' Tea know we had Blanc i'i brwitor- 1 In-Taw on hoard foe awhile "After he waa amt from Atlanta we, got him at Key Went and proceeded [to Havana We wmt In unde- t flag of trace and st'lmiM bin*, wl.b a dor tor and taro arrvaota. for thoae two newapnper sea. Blanco ow Board ‘ Bianco came out peraonally to see about the eacbange. and waa on our hoot quite a while. We also went into Havana aeveral time* while trying to get Lieut. Holman exchanged "Once we sighted a ***eet that gave us ; a pretty chase. Bto looked like n Ger man craft and aa we steadily gained in her she ran ashore at Muriel, twen ty mite* west of Havana. We had to leave her alone na there was n tot tery at this point and we were under orders not to Are on these defenses. "One of the day* we had a good deal of fun wHh tto Spaniards. Blanco sent three vessels out of the harbor to' try aad entice our hosts under the Are of the forts and shore batteries. We 1 were laying close In shore snd while , tto Hpaninrds were watching the boats outside we slipped in between them and the shore. "When they did sight us yon ran bet they put on all steam, double topsail* and whittled for wind. Before they : could get back we got about thirty nte* shots at them and although we couldn't! aink them we sure made the splinters' Hy ‘ Those insurgents? They are a scab-1 hy lot of dogs! Ido believe that even j the Spaniards nre a better lot than they are. It seems to me that all they are good for la to tog Uncle Sam to give them things and are then surprised that he didn't give them more. We landed arms and supplies for them sev eral limes, so I had a good chance lo judge. At Isle of Pines "We did blockade duty off the Isle of Pines' Just before the war ended. It was h°re that the only man killed on our ship lost his life. One dny we started to land to get water in the launch of the little Bancroft. Just be fore we reached land the cowardly Srantards fired a volley, killing a coal heaver. They then took to their heels, but not before we hnd given several of the devils a dose of lead from our one pounder. We were on duty at this is land when Ihe dispatch boat reported that the war was over and ordered us home. “On the thirty-first every one of the sixty men on board were paid off and given our honorable discharges. This was at Norfolk, and I was the only Southerner on obard who pitched out for home. “All went well till I got to Rocky Mount. Here I met two fellows and got drunk. When I came to myself all my money was gone. Going Home. “I didn’t care so much, as I ran start talking about the war and pull through on nearly any trato, especially one that has a negro crew',. 1 don’t mind this bumming to much as I do trying to get some, thing to pat. I am not used to getting charity and although every body who sees myfeuTt of clothes treat me fine I don't like it. "I caine from Columbia last night I hftt wlmHm t Hannat* aHwMI Hta HmMMHm «M* Hia j |isuli laaf a ItaHMMMMAf ta • (fttacHbf (Jmg of May tgdamm if UkftMH & C . »fw • j ''fttatay IhftAl hM tfka fnstah tW% «o«W mHi VuuM gtf%wH«*a«ta»taf gmf iff fMfHtathr ufniiitDta A ptanwMMfWtai Altonn wf fUtanHdrp. V C . wriftw ■ ' ”t««af *aHß*i gr* * nft »4 price* PMMhdMt | mmf* (tm of riw Hi«f BitaKart m AmpM* mi Ha mm man wffttg ths a*H 4ijr t "ft#. iWgan mbmt tmm> |Mm ta uriftMlfl ftM MMHi (Mtadtafd I «v»f Aa aft «*Mk ' aft* tutg ysamf* are tstt In a-oti Ht*4HMd Hta M (Hi j fUtr* fm taaft rtwnt las," C HAS f. OftitH ftgAjgcf WON A VERDIGT FOR 59.700 Mrv Stra«hs‘ Silt \r»ii*t Ik 0m Cto Hat 4. taw Mushawd M as ktacd at Mat ledge Mtlevu Month# Ago. |f |hi wiftflMftl lIMW mt"% la###a INfTHiiftk of A ■s*****. test *ftartftfft*B * w*f . te ?te ftftftlftftS Ite liMMaf ftlft nlifftit iMr to rftßMHft ftatoteftf of Ite ftlmlftttto fti «f (te rn*4 te- Itel ft irifiiftU.f# Ilfftf ftft. ftrftft Alltel ftl . ftftttetgft i*M. Ite? If oft« ate ite | , ttei ite ftMMt ft'ftft ftftHptowl6te fnf ite Itell- toll ter $2»««« m*» #ft«*ral \ Tte fNtelki ftft #4***4 mmm ov#*si ■ ifftftMTH, Ilf te** fti>4 Fniafc fti*(#tr yipfywal#! Ite* fot4 Mmiff. IC. T Itelfttei rb4 A Ciftorft* -1 rprwtrd fte plaint IST THE PROTEST FILED. Tto Sotdtar Vote Mm Been Cow tested. Columbia tap. It. A forma! po ’ i tee of a protest and content of tto sot- * 'diet vote has town filed by Mr J, K. | Eller be. through hta nfomey*. Col. H t> Neson W D. Mnitca. aad 0, P. Ia»-, ■aa. The notice was handed tto chairman j of the Mata co.t n.iiee yeetciday. Tto j Inst day tor filing men n paper waa ! yesterday, aad the attorneys were moi ' prepared to say whether the protest e-otaid be proeecttied to ihe end or not. ITto conieatani. Mr. Bllerto ta very latch, and cannot dlncua* tto waiter I with hta counsel. The protest waa (filed, one of tto counsel said, more as j Is matter of precaution than aoyifclng else He stated that he thought there was j merit In the complaint not to, the Midler vote on account of gross Inegulartllea but Mr. Ellerbe no 1 , be ing in n condition to d.acuaa tto mat ter. h- was unable to say If it would le presectr.ed Col. Nelson says that ihe protest ta but a formal notice ask ing that the vole be not collated. Tto ■ state executive committee will meet j •on the lath Inaiant. and Ihe matter | -mIII to presented •to them at that time. Congressman Norton, who was de clared by the sttbeommiuee to to the nominee of Ibe part ' from the First congressional district, was in Columbia ! yesterday. His counsel. C. P. Townsend, was |out of the city on'official hiislncsa and could net be seen In regard to the mat- j ter. The vote was close In the district, , | Mr. Norton on the face of the returns winning by about fifty-seven votes. HE 15 NO MANIAC. Henry Kelly. Colored. Is (letting Along Nicely. Henry Kelly, the negro who waa j struck on the bend by a train named Horace .Smith, laat Sunday, la n . w con-! valeaccn*. The report that Kell:-' Is a raving maniac is a wrong one.. Smith ( was tried before Judge Muse last af ternoon. He was liberated on a bond of two hundred dollcrs. Mr. Ptcquett repre sented Smith. The man who was arrested jn Chi cago for stealing books from the New berry Library, and selling them to buy liquor, probably believed with Bacon, that reading maketh a full man. N Y. Times. —— I and suppose I will leave this evening on my way home. When I reach Mo bile I will be all right, as I am well known and can get a good place on any of the vessels. ■ Sea life Isn't nnv snap, but I am not made for a laud lubber and would rather feel the boat recking under me and eat hard tack and salt meat than live in the best palace in the land.” He rolled his •tobacco to the port side of his mouth, gave » hitch at his trousers and with the scalk to natural to sailors, walked on down the street. His sea beeches, tanned skin, shilor's jseke t and wabbling 7) gbit alii acted general attention, heeding no one he went on,,humming. got ihe sams old “]U#eon .tto Ocean Wake,” but tha-just as familiar* "My Lady loves HeCwSaH or Lad.” ntmrrm*** ift Special Notices: ftmm 11*» 14 nffft.TteL ter tte Hir**** •« Titetii Htftft ft • fforitaaft I Wfc ftl 4 « fNIL Hi f#4#t *»♦ fte J II KVAHA Naiteto TM aiwhta mRr ncinnn VlrteH if* tftnvftt *»'»ft|ci4i Monday *rt-Ti;!Murn itTH r«*». I 4i4«t*fti f r # fti!i ib(4 f»m#ftit ftewtftrKte ter #ftf«4liß»i** Mmfft ? 3ft »B 4ft mP. m. Tin* 9m i**» | f«» ftll tel* iftd yrpfta| m#i mb* 4* I ftkft ft|f*C*4 |f| til# 4*y IMrft* I Bfin hr l* ft jftrt r 4 tte «*»*»“ JOHN L IRVINK. Frtartf»l hpectal Nslki. Augusta ti« . tot-t #. ttat wk itv.HKKY RF.yrux-rrri.LY an- NOt'ltCK Mtt ALFRED M MAR | TIN. JR . ** rsiwlMst# for CotOtA I Inin tto Fitst Ward subject to ! ruslomary whits primary MANY YOYIM. Urntr •*««**! Notice. DR GEORGE W. MOUNTAIN WIPH KP his patrons tn know hi» office ta No, m Broad atreri. toil tclcpbtmv. fl?»a Mmm’i Preparatory School. THE SIXTH ANNUAL BEBBION OF this school will commence on MONDAY, OCTOBER Ad st » * m. ! Sr welt! pains snd thorough ‘ustruc | tt<At given to each pupil. For full par tt. ulats call on or address at IIS El- Ha straal. WM. H STt'BMAN. A. M . principal. Special Notice 'Academy of Richmond County. Augus lISTH ANNUAL SESSION BEGINS MONDAY. OCTOBER Jrd. Full corps of instructor*. Courses in Ancient and Modern Languages. Mathematic* and the Physical Science* Stensgra phy and Typewriting without extra charge. Instruction in Military Tac tic# and Athletic*. For Information, address Principal. Richmond Acad emy. Instalment Notice. lofflc- of Mutual Real Estate Building ! and Loan Association. Augusta. Oa., Sept. 10, 1198. .THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEN’T of this Association is due and payable MONDAY. SEPTEMBER ,^H B/ ord?r of th«* Pro«ldont. W. C. JONKB. Seiretary. Social Lodge, No. I. F. & A. fl. A CALLED COM M U NIOATKiN of Social Lodge. No. 1, will be bald st Lode* Hooms- Mssonic Itsli i Monday evening, nth lost. *t %;oo ° The^Ms-ter's Degree will be conferrwl. By order W.\l. J. HOLLINGSWORTH, TV. M. WM. H.CRANE Secretary. 7 Per Cl $500,C00 7 Per Cl TOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty in Augusta, Ga. Terms 7 'per cent. For further information see their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan, Es., or Mr. P. G. Burum. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION WANTED—A GOOD SALESMAN TO work in South Carolina on a com mission. A lively man can make from $l5O to $175 per month. Some capital reiiuired. Call at once. »50 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. S„-j>t 10 Depot Restaurant. Tie entire interior of the union de pottyeuaurant has been remodeled It is ncc, in charge of ihe Van Noy News company. The place presents an invit ing appearance. i, £r- . - WTntef is coming—put in window glass get-them at Alexander drug store. .