The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 12, 1898, Image 3

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MONDAY * SOLDIER UNDERSSO BONO ttpMfti M «M 4 If MU £94*l9*4* Hi fit Y# 4499 (»,*© #f ft •# it ftp©® Mm 4 9499* ©99194 ft9©4oßfe ■MMftflkft fti© ftft Wl fftii'lwt ftH*Y #« <•**•©© *«••* # iP® W ft PP ' ft©® ft* ©©9ft ©ft©* ©ft 1 TIN) p9(lc©ftMt» tftftft* PPi •*WP **** Park©/ «*•* r©4 *9 Up «4* ***•* ** ounf i r©©mf4J*©* «4 IP !♦ t&s & •?44!«* pf I’pciM* 9©** •* to iln* ftftpttpftra* * MCPf* Pi IN lipH r©rs n« rMPn. Jmim Bm*t*r f*imed IP ft!!«pUr*ft tft Ul* «•» «C ff©t« kmh of IN TftftH® nfl »r«i' ftUMiofMNl PI NPftPlr Hill Mftft* blfth Hft4 MN • «•**** «• *• kPi* IB eCPH, H# inttt APm ©f4ftft n ijct • ap4 *nih- ■ rta- at ini '* MMika i»« !«•»> •» ftoad ».' M Jiwt aa roars »a* Ho»l»i a * #nf dru&lift pui4i*»r of (N r*©li9©tit a* Meaekiah ••• broooht l»*o tba M# wft® too (R'mi' jNt (of tl iP» ft® •il t» ftn<|-M''Nftl!y (i#w lioiMlA r 4 War Altaa ta ihr l~si puMlra««o» of Ih* kind w« ha*a *»*r «»• Th« <>*•«•»' map* ar* duuhl* thr ala* "f any .•«fc*r* pub!lib*4. md rleftrly printed •># Nt v ( paper. fca«h °tif !*• • rn*r|ti»*l PNi anl a pair t» devoted to tb» fl**s of all oatl<*»a Thl* atlaa la timely ana Vftftful It I* But (of "ftp ftt lb# »lc©©». | The Horald haa arranged far a #s»*> tal e'll ten Readers may oblam a ropy py rallln* at our offl.-e or sending $• rant®. iUh.E ON TRACK. Cause* a Oood Oral sos Excitement Yesterday. It was arrrti the rlvrr. Juat beyond Hamburg. that «n old Balaam atood on the trark dreaming of the happy dar* cf h!a youth wb e n he froUetad and never though* of work. In the distant the aound of earrp ng at am and ruah of heavy ear* told plainly that a train uss coming. The sound grew plainer, around the curve came the ren mounter. Th~ an-, glncer u« the mule end put on brake* the whistle southed, but the mole dreotned on. On cam" llic trrln, the* diasance between H and the mule lea j ratted rnd in one ascend mere it will te m the pooor brute. Srddenly nt>v life aeermd to get Into the old beasts body. He probably dreamed that he waa young agan. Upj went bl* tats, fcllortd c'oecly by hla hesla end down the bank he went, aa- , luting the train as It passed with a leng-dre *n luny. The passenger# look ing beck es the train sp»d on sew a fcrlord-lroking creature still d.reatnlng t side tbe.treck. WE GIVE NO REWARDS, an offer of this kind i* the meanest of deceptions. Our plan is to give everyone a chance tr try the merit of Ely's Cream Balm— the original Balm for the cure of Ca tarrh. Hay Fever and Cold In the Head. l>y mailing fer ten cents a trial bottle t<i test its curative powers We mail the.s9 cents size also and the druggist | keeps it. Test It, and you are sure to continue the treatment. Relief is im mediate and a cure follows. Ely Bro thers. r»6 Wan.n Stieet. Netv York. "The minister and the policeman," raid the young end cynical boarder, L"t:Te inseparable adjuncts .of civiliza tion." "Thvy arc very mi c’i alike," said the Cheerful -fdlot. "Onl ft s pairer bod the other is a ‘allatin Torch. Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 to $g 50. Several good bicycles for sab very'cheap. f*jid watches from *125 to $50.00 at Dew.VJ- Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. ‘ee. A Bold, Determined Move II lET •»»••«« That'll don# to «r»ftt<»ftl »«p«ftmN»r in our — ■ -- 1 ~^*l—*—i in ■ kAnaltlitllw aiißltliml tblfh h«fgfdlfl AftinHinlilOtl, Aftl) |loV«*f WM# Wft »*» IIIMIPI w j. *_» .-A . _ ,8* wEE** fsfth*Sn hava eontr.butad imoraiiy to ih# ma*n,ti€«nt display, and l ouffmarval At tha comPin4tion of high valuoa and low pr»c*»* that ar« In pv»d«nc« on ©vary hftltdftt our two ftlorM. . LaftWh* Dominrtbimf ■g - ~ fcfc© Aa ** . m “come ONCE AND YOU’LL COMB BACK THEY ALL DO. Rice & O'Connor Shoe Co. ,r., Z"Z ~T., Rice & O'Connor Shoe Co. LITTLE LOCAL NEWS KnsA^H/WWi Taft •Tib* iMt tm sf »r*i * TW NftM ha* «t#ft(f 4>ir m*m- ! bn»' ••• mcvay-J «• NWll lfft y : ir»l ib4 o**t tf»# staph iard ' Aft tin# *ydrin Th* midierr drawl (loiti( roftil dwtjr llr TN4 Jowftt fNeh. -Mr Thftd i Jowett. «»f Ca C IC»|4. FfYf B w ® i jMipyj, pyrfYad Nrow* rdl ft furknuh < Saturday Nr. Jowatl i* . oft* oF thft Bril r rftutft 11 ©it i*ftftYftft tiftl* term* mbWh bar «m*m him » tl. fur Gta Soydar, wh© fwnftMdf Iba , HartMtd dlrl*i©» of ih* Fourth ftrsr ■ MV, Jouratt hill ha howr tap ;dayft. Rut league Balt* of Hantlagi —Our itota war with Spain haa been the cause of n number of Jokca. puna, ate . and • c may lock for thaaa J.»kaa and aim liar puna lo be aprung by all the min vtral rempanics that show at the aperv honaa ibla aaaaow. At Ktalda. who will be hare ibt* month, perbapa. haa a I roaring hurlanque na a windup to hla burnt cork entertainment entitl'd "The Capture cf Santiago." In which hungrf (Vi-aos. gpatilnida and others wl.l |mtke us laugh. The Law Works Both Wave.—The colored people ahould not raiae any | kick at the separate seats on the trol | ) € y ears lew. for the rule wrfks against the while people Just the same as It dees against the colored The majority of the open cars have slx-eeata in them rnd no white person ran occupy any of U>e thr” rear Beats. Those who for mf rly enjc y»d a ride end a rlgar or cigarette on the rear s’at must now give wey to the colored hpc'her. The law evi ns things tip tnd works against ih" ohlte e» well r.s color'd man. One should kick ua quick as the oth’r. Out in Full Fcree-Broad street pro- Hcnted a lively appearance last Satur ri-y a'Urnocn. The girls were out in scores. Now "Broed slrf -t Ih alwnya crowded on the of the o’v day cf the week, but last Saturday it wr.s mere ao than Jt has been for B-'vercl Bsturdny* past. The young la d'ce tlm old ladies, young mm and oil m n we-e on parade. The girls looked lovely and the young m n looked long the girle. No city in Am'rice can show more pretty girls then on a Saturday afternoon on Broadway. You know the best one, It’s Ellis Restaurant^ Augusta 1 Boys at University.-So far as can l> learned. Augusta will be re presented a. the University of Georgia this term by Mo sis. Pet kins, Garrett and Wall. , , Mr. John Stelllngß. who graduated v.-ith high honots at that institution in ! 11,94, may return and take a law course. \ „ „ The lars«Bt number of young rn -n who evi r lelft Augusta to take a course 1 at the rnidersity whs in the fall oi tt »l, when about a dozen August arts NV€*nt to Ath^n>i.. CAflTOniA. Bsaraths Ha<6 Saif is the Integrc. God the fraction —if deeds spank louder than words. •w TBS AUOrtTA HKItALD fta* - ■ m. H II —g, * ft-* a** • ft: m ftftftft Brrrft 99mm m •< H H ft© tl H Men's OtptilfMni IN ASOCIAL WAY (% !f'X V W V *^l ft I. W,, ml Xjfjf * \g t/Jr % 7Kfi\\ msj WlflW Hnslc at At. Jann. havtn* •c-u.«l th* wwm» "t $*•»• I*, f Mr VVil**n Mrft- Wlllftt hui n l Ih't I**l . . * r,jt isl hes ih© *tlHy huth ft©4 tl)© ©ftli©t r ** ft*ik*4 »i»ftH©4 4**r fftiY Ml© <n rißiin* McCarthy •©*! Ml** imfr h**ftr4 In Vu'ftl mthm. 1)91% ftf IH ©© Uoung vow iH*t* haw© vot<<©« «»f dfttirtftttft atmtlty Mlm ) • Heir, »w«*©t v t |, M n» at»4 Mi** Halin’* ft m©«m« *o r.r«n » of m©H«»* riehnmm Otlft* ntt© ii-ftor win ©#»v©r lt*t©t>«*4 ©lth tn«»r© NijoymtSt ih. - *i) *h«n hi* full rich nnUw * in **On© H*©©tl> Solemn Thmifht." to Du4l©y Uurk * *t^ rangcmenl of "Home f*»eet Home,’ with-Mlaa Saxon at the organ. ' >u»* Galea’ Card Party. ! Mlaa Georgia Bate# waa the charming , hoatesa of a m-iat enjoyable euchre par ity given Friday afternoon. In honor of I tier sister. Mrs. Frank Doremua. and Mr* William Melmond Butt. Mia* E>- lea' home, alvay* altarctlve. gained an additional lo\ellne*» Dona the quantity ~f Dower* u»ed. great mA-es of feath ery golden rod tielng used In Ih" hH, L labile In the apacloua |»atlor# howl# of I exquisite row# filled the rooms with irtt-ir gorgeous beauty and made the air fragrant with the birath of summer, i At the eonoluajon of the gam", prises ■were awarded and templing Ices serv ed. The prls-s, which were dainty pie ces of china, were won. the first and second by Mra. C. A. Withers and Mis. j, W. Schley. The consolation prize w as awarded by the selection of Du.h esse roses, which were given as souve nirs on one of which was tied a plnlt ribbon. Mr#. Allen, selecting this, des ignated her as the winner. Th i*© who enjoyed Mlhh K«t©a ho*- I itnl tty wftift: l Mrn. William M»‘lmond Butt. Mr*. Frank Doremua. Mra. Joaenh H te*. mar. Mrs. C. A. Withers Mrs. Vlrg nta d'Antlgnac Allen. iAjela Walk, f Caswell, Mrs. W. H. T M alker Mr*, f oils Walker Schley, Mrs. Cheater Clark. Mlhs Connor. Miss Bessie Doughty and Miss Emma Carroll. Miss Addle Day Complimented. I on last Friday evening, Mrs. ■ James Tice of Walton Way, complimented her charming-little niece, Miss Addle Day, with a delightful party. In honor of her 15th birthday. The parlors were deco rated In palms and cut flowers anti pre sen ted a beautiful sight. Delicious refreshments were served, and Ihe popular little hostess was the recipient of many pretty and useful presents. Among those present were: Miss E Merritt, Miss CJealand Head, Mho. I. Flint. Miss L. Andrews, Miss M I-. Montgomery, Miss A. Brrtting ham. Miss H. Andrews, Miss L. Utz gerald, Miss C. Walker,-Miss B. Day Miss K Holsonbake, and Allas Eleanor Grdnade Mr. Tice, Mr. Day. Mr. Craw ford? Mr. Granade, Mr. Holsonabke.Mr. ! Wallace Mr. Steel. Mr. Jennlng. Mr. J-’linl Mr. Benson, Mr. John Day, Mr- Yel deli. Mr. Clarence Day and Mr. Vol ney OraiiaOe. Miss Maria Campbell has returned home after a fortnight's vts.« to friends on North Augusta. Mrs. Thomas Rivers s.nd children have returned from Thomson. • t#«4 e»<a *ba M•* il*% % Nftxft ftftM *%*s f 4B® 1 * #**4 pft**«* *'* rm v***m |ii »mr* t ft©# ftft ©ft gitnitfy . §| PNftNjr i» •* *<»*»» iNwftftft Wft®© ftßNft «*>#*«** i* ftp* ••HP'* in i *rT %-t #Pft (ft ft® NN* ft| Ifu* *ft*f. ft* ©MI -.«©* ft. ~- kil It, MMM yflbdMft » ft© I ft© ft**®- © ©**|t**P *“ .jftp* ftk# «.*© BUf- ftß**© •*©%' WmKm «g fft ft® IlfM Hsaf tadw OMb mrnmmmm Mr amt Mr* D. F Jftvft *P4 Ml** Mr* T C iiljpi N» r#liir«u*4 mm L V | 9 || trnfil «crN I© (TMftßd© t© Mi** CT*u4Mft Mill** *N Ha* Nm % i*if me frirnrft I© »*iurm*l 1 mm Nsaab Multartir la. -eb-m-d i ft«*fn (kfi © ©*HK*« ©MU 4© I m»»«* ftnni* ftmftll. ©fl*r ft (NiMfil .it | n fi t«*n4* Im***. hi* frlurftnl lo h*r hnmf In *Ti©rt»*t«4l Mr and Mra. Parry ilurum havw rr lurncd fhitti an ritMutid vMt to New York and Ma*an< hwnidta. Ilka nm Lvllatta. of AHnnta. la vtn- Ittng the family of her brother. Mr. C. Jo. Laltaltr. on Telfnlr atreel. I Prof Houston haa retumed from hla summer ovtlllf. and will resume hi* du nes at Richmond academy October 1. Mlsa Georgia Aahley. one of fbiuth 'Carolina* most faarlnatlng young la- I db-s. ta the guest of Mra. Duncan f gonaa. v Mlaa »arie Allen, who haa been the gueat of her slater. Mias Rebecca Allen. |nt Flat Rock. N. C.. la expected home I Thursday. Miss Htittle Boykin will entertain a number of friends this evening in honor of Mias Etta Williams and Mis# Leila Wall, of Colthnbue. '.Miss Kate Jackson and Miss Kath lc.-n I/itt's leave tomorrow for A hens, where they will Ite two of the Augusta contingent at I.ucy Cobb. Misses Dahlia and Myrtle M<-Glnly will return Saturday from Norwood, where they have teen spending the summer. They will lie aceompanled by the Misses Cowan, of Arisonn, who, af ter spending a few day# with Mr*. Ben jamin Heath, will leave for Due West. Ga., where they will take a poat-grad uala course. Eleprant broiled Chicken 25c; breakfast or supper. Ellis Restaurant. THE MONDAY SESSION. What Was Done at Police Court Thi» Horning. Tom SHrßent. "Judge, somebody put alcohol In the whiskey I drank, and It flew to rrty brain. That's why I hit that buy," so spake Thomas. The boy, a very little boy, had been hit by Tom for no provocation. Both ; were at Ihe police court tills morning. "Thomas. I fine you $7.50," said Judge; Baxter. | Dave Burke. "Yes, I slapped h<£; judge. Hhe I would not come heme when 1 told her," remarked Dave. It seems his wife had been found by Dave In a’n eating house Saturday night engaged in finishing up a ham bone.. She would not leave, so Dave used vi olence. He was fined at court today $lO. Tom Barnett. Jennie Barnett. They had made merry Saturday night. Jennie said she drank beer. Torn did not name his brew. However. Ikilli bad violated No. IS. Both were titled .$2.50. ft —— Robert Vlrgie »vas fined $2.50. ■re Bill Lewis .fin d a like amount. Several other ca,ses were dismissed. Miss Mary M. Wilson, of Macon, is with her grandpfefrents on Bay street- f§C**<s*t Hlioaa M taw a ’ «fMf Cblltf ***s t HON. ft. C »*%l MM*. - TV IValli of a h #ll kaaaa «!»**»«— New* t'rMß Hsykilksk ' rs. H tel v» TV i|m«i4 Hi j tllllwh IVfC tl m llss «r O. YWBftNY. cftftlfft©©© Wft fftoMl* 1 !* ©ft » * ©ftp ' (ft©* If*©©* it*ft Min fft» ft«**l 4|*4 ©ft©*' s H iff ft© Ilf rilnii i •** ft ft©©*! ■* , v j _ rt-i til it f'fiTiit * *ft4 fttft A©oft| ! ftr ©*« fftftllß ©fto Ntf ftf |riv*4 it* ©lt*ft4 tft* felftft x*ftnil ftr© «"* Mr it Nr H«*4ini Uir«v4. Mr H« •©f IKftlMftft© Avft©*f©. Mr J«4i© M Mrlsoaf Rnltti'so ami Mr l»u» Mr rMR JrwUle* Mlaa ICalllh wal ' law OimHsvs. Mtas fhwa * ft'llllMi •on Reaale Ga Rev M I. I'asaphed |«twM aa M cel ten i arruKMi In Ihe MethnrtUt rhorch Ibla tnnenlM He *lll ahi Met F. D j Call well In rondaci lac n «erian of iftf*4l(ifti ftt ll*i lln rfturrrt l**ftlftfttftft toftftf llrftlfiAlftft ft©H HftntlftY Hr|4*Mlft©r It. fti II 4*HftHft ft ftftfift* or n©Hlftf» will begin In Ibe Br. ibamvllle MMh mllst church The paa-or will he aa* •MM by Rev F. P Rjievcer of ill I eik* * church. Auguatn The all end ance at the ftnhlmlh arhoola today was 1 much larger than uauat. owing to the fan that quite a number of children who all end the day school have ra . turned to the village The exerrlsoa la the Rspllat school ■ were unusually Interesting The augier• I mt. nden* who haa been absent nearly all vscat 100 term area at hla poat to day. and paid the lenchera and pupil# a high compliment The music waa well selected and rendered In a very | pleaning manner. VMtors In the village: Dr, Wright. Messrs J. C. Acton, Dave Cantrell. W C. Turner. August* I The box of sundries which waa pack ed and shipped by the ladiea of the ! village lo the Orphan#’ Home In At lanta. ha* been received by the home. The receipt has been acknowledgd aa follows: "Your box of donation# rceiv |ed. Rest smured your kindness Is ap | predated f often tell the children i ive ought to he so much better than we i are for ive have so-dnany good people who are alwaya thinking of us. Al ways think of us at twilight. That 1* the hour ofy our evening worship. Our children are all happy and well. Accepl our many thanks for your thoughtful Itlndness. In loving re membrance lo each kiud friend. I am truly your in the work. “Mrs. A. J Chapman." The Methodist Sunday school chang ed hour of assembling yesterday from 15:80 p. m. lo 3:30 p. m. There was a song service In the Methodist church iarl evening—the .weelest and best, music ever had in the church. The ser vices were Interesting. Harlem Happenings. Special lo The Herald. Harlem, Ga„ Sept. 12.—Rev. Mr. Glb son preached at the Methodist church yesterday morning. Preaching was al so had at night. The Sunday school services at both the Methodist and Bnptlst churches were well attended. Mrs. I). P. Hazleton and her two lovely children, of Athena, Is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. H. A. Cook. Mrs. T. P. Hoyt, of Oglethorpe, Ga., is visiting her mother’s family in our village. Mr. Emmett Morris, who has been spending the summer in Harlem, left this morning for New York. Miss Corrlnne Burch, of Augusta, is visiting friends in out thriving little (own. Mr. Howard Cook, a popular young gentleman of this ploc ■, left thiH morning for New York, where he goes to accept a position with a large con cern in that city- Elis many friends here wish him a world of success. Mr. and Mrs. H .A. Cook and Mrs. Emmett Morris, who has been spend ing the summer with them, went down to Augusta on the "Pie" this morale* to upend the day. Harlem has been filled with summer visitors this season and each year gives evidence of increasing popularity as a summer resort. Fresh arrival of Fancy Crackers at Keenan & Co’s ■M©| * la* ! |h| *|. { ft* (ft M p A*** * tmt* ttitt© ©I Mi©**© JF’.«ms $ *»«« M irHdWf 1 HOT ROLLS FROM gERRY’S OHANO pUKE HOUSEKEEPERS TRY IT. NOTHING LIKE IT. All First Class Grscsrs Keep R The Happiesi Families OF AUGUSTA ARE THOSE WHO USE Eagle Baking Powder, 25 Cents Pound. DON’T USE 10c. lh. Alum and Ammonia Bak ing Powder that kill your stom ach. ' DON'T CSE 50c. lb. Baking Powders, whose price, according to price of mate rials today, Is jusl .twice too high. 50c Powders kill your pocket book. BUY EA G Lljr“ "Me Howard & Wi'iet Drug Company Make IT. "Ever notice Warble's habit of laughing at his own joke? " asked the Quiet Man of the Cheerful Idiot. "Wall, why shouldn't he?. He has no hired help to help him,” retorted 1..« Cheerful Idiot. •fPTfMftft* IS Ntff ft—i. * hm ft ©*© I ft* I Ml 3S m .. II M fft© * fgM* «4 ©ft* ”N** ©ft*4ft" IftftKP nr*»”ft*/ST s r I m fHu -'lri*4©* * *ft ■*■#■©» ftftm©, «n4I mmth *«© mmm ft I© 114 * ** •* M f f) i*l »ftft, N*ft* IMif Ift mm (ft ft* I M II & gft©» N fti %wwwf9tm Him*© tlftftf,. # (►***• mrm ©(m h m § . *, m • - f rift* ~ i-* ©**MMI N *■* |* v ©w© r*at #*4 «%©#*%©© «Nft m it©» ■| j i(ft* •(*©•* ** fw*ft* ftfcft*©*. N t r| H-. 4 Vftfft ft»4 IN®**©# * •ft li 14 m «* »• W | ,« tIM ft© Nl9 Doors, Sesb and Bliads. rough and dressed YELLOW PIRELDIBER and mill work OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. f actory and Sow fMM I qwintwd * **k I air*i liwpra; fw». and iwgowtrotlon Thmajh la llviff Ihsaftoral. fjTl Mil | lay to Mwk an J Pro»pt SKf mrnla Aaanrod. rricoa, (kl*kfw>. «fw a»r**cMinn. K»TAhLlsliEl* lo*a Perkins Manufacturing Co., august*, ga. CALL FOR Augusta Brewing Co's EXPORT BEER —— £ Vs | IB E Xi Is, E O IT G-BOBGI -A- Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. CALL FOR AUGUSTA BEER. FMOtHi AUGUSTA FENCE CO., 310 10th .Street, Augusta, Ga. ot Town Work Solicited-^® 'YOU CAN HAVE THAT OLD STRAW HAT MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW. It will only cost you 25 or 55 cents. It will then last you until “culled in by Mayor Walsh." Enlse’s Steal Dyeim asi Cleaning: Worts, >vb.. »t- • 814 Jackson Street, opposite Opera House. Ibex, lb of geobgi a