The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 12, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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MONDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL tt-itoi §: 1 M t %so mfv mi tit - m toto* # N««l AMi fir-fir TNI #ft#T ON AO** OP iMiiimMMl 00/. I*H *||ltir>rif *ff ff N# ,w * ’* JSS2I **"ciTY ICE COMPANY. QCUMttmi HWtA th» ft*#* »*»»• tkift'**** •»..*> •»vw * Hi in i ■jurnrn Jhßfl *• *■ H®4 I« fp* | $ 9Mm i *toM4» 00 #*#*44## §0 OIMO o*o IOOmH* -11 "O S%OO *p ffa|r»l** HMlittf* H» |, of OftOMRo H 0 **»•« *tf to 004 •§** Hoi I*lo*o 01 ; ill Ho o*l*o Itf* 0001 Off OO* fONOOOI *« I*l#* tttffif OO o*o o**o«| *4"* *4 f IpOIMO, 00*0 • pHOMiOI 000 OooMooo of HOtO 10*0000. O# tt#4*> HtfO OO* *0 t#**«#4#® H# O #M# «0* 00*0 of OOf OH Oof o* to* r.*** Hi ###!• #4 o onm OHOO o* «* ||4o UMI #«## of 1 f *O4 I*o I*ool #* I*ooo* * H*9 | < j«<iNr HU I***foif ft* oo #• Ml'* f Corn*. *o oHU HOO om. Ho i 14*44# T 4444 _ I Ht, J##«4 of A«o**4* *o*ol CHOpf | pi st###t «**• H «o* • •••*• 4® r*o# ■ lijgOt* *#i #1 Hiii**o^ Jf ** Jitofi WIW-to M* *# m Oi OOj Tr«4*f ttiOHNl Ml 00*04 * m 4*f* 1 j H«** IQ* TlMOWMiri* *O4 I*| o**no iooo oO o» oo woOoono* "•* f ■ooMmpo 10« «Rl O** In OHO* o*o*4 Or 4 *#*#44 fViOoo OH* MPOOPOO ’** I IpsiPfts*' IWW! h# k( 4 Est i -ffft—e I Ml mi S »—ll «f**' W4it **■ i M»»4i Mi Ih# rMf Us OMU T. -I*l *1 sag SM CbSrtblhg : will •> >* th#*» softy. . Mr Ahdia? HIM mM M*#» «•* "»l (til* week tor • ommiiA * mi * K*« * • ! IfiM MMm Kftllt HMI ffftttoi frM Xm York m Thuraftf. A Xffft* *M»I* of frlnM wslew— fcR «U4J> t* •" plrarrl i* hira *lft lIMM *•*•* Wl* MIR to rifVliil at IMH* **** “* '** j Mth m Mr W»d Mr* P-IHIM •" I ik*ir toiiM* Rtoi toftirad** FhH- Hr arrl** ft tom JoaegE* *&•* * f •• . mm to f» ■ for tto I*ll *Mto»* Mr* M*«»Y CMm Ml Mr* H**rjr j Mlitor **r* mmlcom* |*r»U *1 Pl**, H*t|M< thto «Mk M>m bill* Omu*t Irft tor Awm* mi frlbi to brla* tort k*r Mothoi Mr* O. H. Omw to r»< u*»»t»i« to QrutMuwn fruMt * **»•!* Hlmm W * u» gl*4 to know *h* M rto-or«rtm aol rkpintji. Mr* Pluming Mo **T •• •*t* e, *M \ Mr iWrr, Mr* tllfl Brnrk« from gouih ('arotlu iM Rom Oirtrn to. looking tto Kncllwt to «*lrooM IU (OMI* Ixill o 2 our Mil* rqo* tort tn»n» romp OMMtlag iod*g Oitr llitto friend Mte* Utrf l*o«k Morrl*. *rrl*ed H**iw , duv and report* • ghrrlou* time, in •pit# of tto «e*th*r The r*ln * in-; pip poured down on Itoptlet* and Me tbodlft* alike, and Milled all detiotn j tMtlonal dllferenci* by ba.ntlalng the. arbole er< wd. Mr. Wallace Delph la (jack fiom lhe j war on a furlough and la taking In ramp meeting. He aaya that during that fearful battle In the ativrm the •oldter* had only cue meal, and ramp 8 eeting I* ■ Plenaanl change He de-; rlftrea It will take two week* for him to pul in a aupply agg’M' H>« Umej v-het' he muat raturn to the tender, consideration of the government of hU j mother country. SMK INTO yflUB SHOES Alien’* Foot-18***. a powder for the feet. It ruree paluful. Bwolten. eniart- Ing. neivoua feet and Instantly tabes the sting out of corns and tiuntulia. It’s the greatest comfort discovery of the «*o. Allen’* Pnot-Raso makes tight or tn 'v shoes feel easy. It I* a certain cure for saenilng. callous and hot, tired, ailtlng feet. Try It today. Sold by all (Muhlt and shoe stores By mall for 3c. in stamps. Tilal package* PTtBR. Vddi-es*. AUyt S. Olmsted. Ixeltoy, N. T HIOH ÜBHTS. Ccasmnpiton of tho soul la the maln d* most common to man. Timidity, irresolution, procrastina tion. are nil defect* of love. Pride being an aristocratic vice, the poor are fascinated with It. Back-suffering and tuifforlng-before hsnd Is the greater twrt of human mis ery. Creation Is ransacked for man's brain and nerve, yet what return Is on his'conscience to make? Vellow Jaundice Cured. Suffering humanity should he sup plied with every means possible for Its relief. It l» with pleasure we publish the following: "This Is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow- Jaundice sos over six months, and was treated by aorr.e of the host physicians In our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters’, and, after taking two bottles. I was entirely cured. 1 w»v take great pleasure in recommending them to any person suffering from this terrible mal ady. I am gratefully ymlfs. M. A. Ho garty. Lexington. Ky." Boi l by Howard ft Wlllet, druglst*. m»"l r«AkN|iH a IMAtukßtl u«mnm agwiiwg (to* to Mgs ag Mato* •mm (toll Mil—■ I* totoatoktow • ggsawsto (toi to (» 11* m • *MHto«MRt> Ktototo «#>»«»»■ •* . m **to* toww ii Mtowi to tor Mto •• . «to«etottos wtosto pmgMltot tot totort (to •* IHt *•• IS VMM (Hto WtoSto* «4 Hr» m mQmmm H Hm m*M» 1 CYl' immm Hl*«%*toutor mi sm* p 9 (R# (B* lagm 11 RumtiNii mrtf *•« mt* fut Mi IN* #1 tmUH» ms H wRkANRf mi i m mi rtwi #* lI4NRRBI Mm 'to rwM 4lmm«* Wl* f 4o*» • lilt I# ftl'cw Slit# J## cm# cmH <*f >Hi# pom r#f###tc## ** mnh 11» *ffwl CR><HtiOl. «%SS# BW#> Is. MN ig fttfel#*** aft ! to I# I#rm* bofl HMld Mli|#t|Gli| Wttff lißai tl<Mt tnm il# rnwHiT Mmi? (4 < [lll# iff «#HI (B Itttfkf Hi ! room* ##4 *r# familiar till kIMMMP. r<m»lrf U4# »r? MitrM t© ilfr lo*i*4 »td Hf far Ifcm ’’ Dr, V»ticm # pffNl fbi Tw#lftli durtiis til# #-ffl wmr lid h# t#* jaKmfr#f* hti'Htig M»# *rmy | r#t<rsl Untt #p##Miss ®f fcom*l»'k i 0r n V author vt *’Tk# MiMlml Jnrl*pr%u\*vr* tor Inaatolty ** When I asked h'm about nostalgia fie deferred to ne tbl* eerk Mid. banding It to me. allowed me to reed for myself "No»* la the par- Uirular a Mint lon of people who raw from mountainous rountti**, aueb at ! the Rrendlaavlans and Ssrtaa The | simple deprrtoMcn of tiomeslekaea* I* fn-cpently fatal, and a return to horns 'will promptly restore rheerfuta*** and | health.” Further on I read: ”No*- itnlgta or hcmeulekne** la a depressing jiause. Bo Idler* and thoae who bars {lived in to'HUtinlnoii* region* are more ! liable to thla extreme longing, whlrh ||s comparable to the disposition of isonv an'ma.a to pine and die In rap j tivlly. The young and country dwell jera are mure liable than older peraons {end city Inhabitants. In this trouble, (the npr'lHe leaaena until food la re | freed, digest tea is disturbed and som*- Itim.a phthlal* develop*.” Ilr. C'levcmger was a drat lieutenant [Li en nrmy during the l«t* unnleasanf- I liras, lie remembered hearing the aur-, IgecßS any on varloue oieislons: "Such •cd mit a boy is suffering from homo alekneea. If I onn get a furlough he will get well.” H< s'cslckneas .end* to gmulne mel ancholia. Thore who are predisposed in Inscntty nadlly fall victims. ONE DRESS COAT FOR SEVEN. Ingenious Method of Making a Good Appearance In the Navy. A number of years ago an order providing for a chnnge In the full dirco* coat burst like a bombshell upon the . oung officers of the United States s’camsblp Alert, which was to sail within a week for a cruise down the coast. The commanding officer, tvho was a stickler for nnval regulation*. Insisted that the order be obeyed before the vergel left San Francisco. A stay of several weeks here had depleted the! pockets of the aleerage officers, and the paymaster would not. listen to an advance. Seven men needed seven coats at the collective price of $329. A hasty "tarpaulin muster" resulted in a total of less than $75, A happy thought ftrmjk a bright young ensign. The coots would only be needed when It was necessary to accompany the cap tain ashore on official visits. Only one officer went’at a time. Why not buy one coat and have It altered by the shin’s tailor each time it was to be used? Although the largest man weighed almost two hundred pounds aud the Froallest tipped the scales at 130. the suggestion was gladly adopted. It Is said that when the Alert’returned to San Francisco that full drsss coat con tained more seam* and stitches than 5 crax.v quit!. ■ THB Ak.XrO’TJBT-A. HBRALP • imuitai 4m# m J »tWto»» f- m t . - -sfr- w . f to- Aft, 0 mßit n m *4Rfl)» •**« • >1 mhtoai‘'to( to (Ato toßtoto- atopßlw to*.**—* toawto WP' WH/P m tii imp an urn ana *d •*. •#*»< *w “*• at toto«» (M (<• aw tototo •• •■#*'* n#j# m ©rMRmM Hi#**#•## •• »'M#ui li##i HM'iMI WM 4MR# kM# *** mmRNBh» nmMR « fMMI 4mrl 4H*#"4 Ml # UK *4 lam#*## MM 9m . ** mmm I' *m 9m fni rnm *rnm *m*ms §*o9k mmpprnm I *nh» «# I#*— H*R ##«'* mm 49 H IMM (NR# fa#*M# to '* ftoip'MNf •#*• •"*# * * I ##N| *#♦ if -'-*£#s Ml#* #MIMi #M ## ###• •### m* ##•*»«•## ###JT «T|Wd , f*fll *™ r * “ Irw-*» * —„ 9 - h«4 oharrv-4 t (I. weut |. tk. »t»<1»» la rwasiar - klmwtf *ft Ikt* r«*at and tke»v by Itil.TM Aa the keuvea at a tfaa at ;away uklrk »as partly nkaruf-d •• I the Isatee **av*4 again. Her* *** 'the eaptanatMg after alt Tl.e light liras f asd tn be Hi a pslUn* tn make '*Tb. ~,!.. , (n ,| siwu.i inf »k* Hgkl an the wntl wara (naftf *<t for U» tka dlslam v «f the llgfct. It* l-arttnl nharurntlnn by learns, and the tn il.m of tba taava# In tba btaage. The ■ otbar light spot was similarly act ran lied for, by agoiher atreet light *1 * still greater distance and .übjeat la lb* same roeidlltons of Interference by moving leaves. The demenatnslkm was completg, and U I* realty very In *tere*tlkg. because ii Is due 10 persist - girr In looking for the real cause of n tussling phenomenon, the like of erhtch has probably been oh# -rved by many 'persons who never look Ihe Irouhle to jriear up the mystery. A Victim pi Advice. I “Just been giving myself (redlt for 's27 in my i»»rson*l aecounl.*’ announc 'ed a fleshy professional gentleman, who has his office In Griswold street, ar icording to the Detroit Free Press j' Rold my bicycle. It cost me a hun (dred laal season.” I "Bold your bicycle?” asked a friend, in surpriae. "Why I thought you were one of the most enthusiastic !wheelmen In the city." j .So I waa. Came mighty near being Took long trip# and thought imore of that wheel than I ever did jof any other thing that couldn’t talk. | Hut w hat made me tired waa the eon- I slant advice given me by my nolgh j hors and friends. One would tell me to ride before breakfast, and 1 did an. Another wotftd come along and tell me to eat a good, hearty m -al when I ttrat got up. rest for half an hour, aud then take a spin. I would try thsttur awhile. A third told me pot to ride In the morning at all, hut wait till even ing. when I was tired or worried, and needed something to divert my tho ughts. I adopted that plan. At hist 1 went to my doctor ftfr advice In the premises, aud he laughed at me ."or ton minutes without saying a word. I’m Just watting for bUn to send In his bill. The whole thing made me sick and disgusted, so I sold out. and will take my exercise some other way.” "Oh. you'll get the fever again and buy a new wheel.” "Not me. I've provided against that hy promising my wife that the next Investment I make In that line will he a tandem, and I'd Just about leave i ride through the town on a rail as on a tandem. You may put it down that I’ve quit for good and all.” The Herald's new Standard War At las Is a very timely publication, which seems to be well plauned to answer the questions which people are asking about countries In different parts of the world. The maps are In sufficient detail to be entirely intelligible, and the low price at which the atlas Is pub lished, 30 cents, will make ignorance unpardonable. Realizing the value of such an atlas The Augusta Herald ar ranged with the publishers for a sp.-c at edition. As this new atlas is not for sale at any of the stores, our readers should hasten -to send for a eop.v be fore the edition is exhausted. The colonels are going to stand toe gertier in this fall’s campaign. Col. Waring, of clean streets fame, has is sued pronunciamcnto in favor of CoJ. Roosevelt GooD iuck BAKING POWDERs 15 THE BEST. Hi|hM of AM In tfgifaf'* me Pow#r. »«%i nn am FOB RENT J Ma MMtTr# «Mi t ! fNM I til flr it? jlipMl f fu.. iiUHig „ §g# fl# ! s»-_A , - a ft N# ## I •sh ft-, j _ ft* gigur * 1 fVc-toM wft u-w fll j « ftft Mfewg * ? g i liflli a to* Ml ■ #M* 9mm 4 rmmrn • *• ** I* ** #T «<H* • # An tit. * r****m» •* •• Ml! m rtoi-omi N fat*-*9fs• * I* Hi I Rigphtft rmmrn -«a 19' Mj ,rr "T . tt tl IS# flkf k(ft * H #t f l ##• ** a* ea aa aa ! mpi _ ** ** * tnj mv#h .. •• •• •• - ***••! # RR > M# I ft fotr##t * - *..**- « 4N .* 1.44 «rt| RR ' i H; S::: S " M|l JJU a I*® 4# tto Herat tore#* .. -• yy *® j Part «f desatably toluated Re.-« < ... .«rertally stapled fori «f*et atoee. fnroswr o dressmaking eetaWlshnaakt. . as w _ lit *-... rhanged frOftt I Tk# »l#vt tlot #WI »• cn#©w«a Irw " da? to do#. John. W. Dickey ’ Real I.state Agent. FOR RENT «a j. ft. White'* net* residence* on upper fOoad atreet. BpeeHil prteaa. 3tf Telfair atreet. » 51 ®* JtS Telfair atreet. 7 rooms 71.00 *«* Telfair atreet. 7 room* 2* jjj Telfair atreet. 7 room#. .. .. . **.*• 527 Kill* Street. ’ room* 41« Fenwick atreet. » fodma .. .. 50.n0 (It Lincoln atreet. S room* .. .. 10.00 415 Lturoln atreet, 6 loom* .. New , J3T Walker. 7 room# .. .. .. •• .» *«.00 tMT Walton Way. ( room* JO « nil Watt on Way. * room* J* 522 Broad atreet, store ~ ,0.00 J ft White’s cottages <>d upper Jones (trr st—M OO and *•<* each. This list will be changed from day to day. Clarence E. Clark, Heal Estate. 812 Broaa st - TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, Cottage House of 6 rooms, Bath, Water Closet, Etc-, No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Sth Street. FOR SALE glff-l have for sale very desirable build ing Jot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. Will sell enme very cheap- Just the place for a handsome residence for your family* Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. be NO. 1337 GREENS STREET. Pope Leo XIII is an grdent lover of chess. He has been a,fonstant player for more than thirty years. itu |MR f 4> FOR RENT I a!# mmmrn I mmm «#**»%%* §#• l] MM jftfM «* *# 4* *• #«*•«# ** *4. H » m#4#M »« #-# •• 1# 1 R#R IrMrmmll t« *« .*• #»*•♦«••• • 4# j j || Mf%ft# Immtm H **«? * >■* |M| ##4 tn 4# I I fR Hit# I n#! Jkmm •• •* •• **»**• . N. 9 ##4 1 «• L. F. VERDERY. Th« Renting Agent. FOR RENT ALEXANDER#JOHNSON 4M |i* #4 9Brt« 4 t# m rh ,« ..fat 44 Rfi# >im#4 4rkl )« f#m< •• •• 1-St I RM ftr-rt 4 H r i* Ii 4 fw#H ~ ~ Ml, 44] Rti (tr'told Rrkl t fMMRWt *• •« SS 1 j &M Hrvli • rmnto#i .* S 3 5# fit Hr«#4"fa»iM*t IMM* .* •* 44 44 | TTJ ttreid #tr##l* I rmmm *#4 iMi finrm IHi4wi» > .# •• 14 44 iff t;rrr-n+ MCft I ##»#•*• >• to. 44 11 M 3 <) I rdf#* •• •• Mil U$ *• •* I*l 7« Tetihti qy ’ ••-22 su a .m i Itotik- • nmm .. «i mi Captii Jfciii 1 p”tom | 1M EH# f##i 7 r-etoT.. .. *«•! T^Mbs'^P:::: f.j*s> (3hs FiPWP -7 room* .. ».** ■ I (ft Melntosb -llffck—• rooens .. . *S.Og | io«] Mrlaiusb -Fiasuf > *»■«** - : H J.inato—Brick- 7 nsP* „ 5J *• ISM torotod to reel. I room* .. ~ - J* *• . ((A ftrwad street. 7 iwwna lilt On-atoc attof • n-oto»* .« ~ ** •* ftl Rills SI re to. # re ntoM .. •* it-** i .„ deto. * • -oms I* M E 522 Kilts at reef, 0 rooms .. .. .. M P MW *|VtfAtr tinH> 4 ntomi »• •• •• tJ.OO !3* Walker atreet. « rooms .. - ,5 •* , | ((1 Walker a*reel. ( r-mtoa u ** I I (ft Walker street. • rooms .. .. .. !*•*• [ (Os Fenwlek street. 5 rooms „ .. 18.5* 52 Chafe* a**fu«. • room* .. .. H O* 1 tot Chafe* avenue. 7 room# .. .... 15 ! njt Ksirs street, • I Hummrrvllle. 7 room* and « •ere* • • * * ! 714 Broad street | M« Broad atreet 1 :«0 Broad Street * Ml Broad street * 557 Broad street *" 545 Brxstd street *T Mft Broad street 3 17110 Broad street .. " I7M Broad street ' * lt«4 Briwd atreet **" 2 ft Mdnlosh street J* 105 Crawford avenue •• SOI Mclntosh street (< doors! .. . w 12 Smaller atorew— at olltce. OFFICES. Broad atreet. all or part. 711 Broad. Montgomery Building, aln glr others and suttea. , *lO Broad, 1 room, 510. Numerous otflera and sleeping roams In alt parts of city. List at ofhc*. Alexander Uolrosoii 705 Broad Street. TO IREHSTT. From October Ist, IS9B. the premises at present occupied by the Irlsh-Amer- Ican Dime Savings Bunk at M 7 Broad street. Centrally located and well adap ted for most any kind of business. Apply to P. M Mulherln. Secretary and Treasurer; 817 Broad St. Gilder s Pills Are so combined as to do four things: 1 THEY WOTtK THE LIVER. 2. THEY EMPTY THE STOM ACH. 3. THEY EMPTY THE LOWER BOWELS. 4. SICKNESS AND GRIPING ARE PREVENTED. Some pills on the market do ti of this; some tj. GILDER’S does all four things. » The Howard & wlllet Drug Company Manufacturers of Gilder’s Pills. Just the Game For Him. “I’m surprised to hear that you're so enthusiastic over golf. Sligher. Do you play?” "Not In. a thousand years. Wouldn’t know a link from a balloon. But my wife is so completely talten up with tho game that she has quit trying to run me.’’—Detroit Free Press. AtoitJMMti* P**Mh*»M» •• Chailnoo i W CuoMna to* a Pa*to • **••#<••('# »(—* jjkto (•psPMa ft fltowft s*w ""to pp* P w SSSSI M " '■■***# P—- • MR4MMmm»'”« » +**' * J IH : i ' t>#RM **M ii ii toto-au: ;i 4 <#4*4 m *mm # pMM# H|hm #t*«| jjWMN. m ——l WP? 1 * **■ m»m 9 - to * IMfca^totortttototo to MflMMiMMPHPto****' ** l mm \ I * AM"**"4l* *« ; A44##* • mmmmmrn >■■*— * a###* m Hmm * M#MMMNO4to- (v - * »•*■** f## *#4# f * AflMiM©**# PPtoto ..j v » IftP » * **tototo to Ml4MWMMi»to>i» »• « «MNMI ?'•<##,?*** , At A##MN4 * .i- ptototo* ■ . %4||R# j 1I i •I# ClwiMMI Pm tiff ’ f 44MV# m*«# :.*pa I JM JfaMMP Htt K«(N j 44P44R (iftto* to pifMpN totototo 1 fMI.BH -»• j jAt taKfifa *»v!"Hp.toto(— «fttoto»to) ah « i * lßMfa4#to#to«»•« * * •♦( - *t * (ftoftw * 1 #■# to . •••. . »* , f IMM: %IMN» 1 ■ffejal • nMM<>«>»o.M»»nM«i» ppip I * topftftw ■ «m. ... • ;(('*«■ *» i—it. I^Mto, I•# ft (tuft **i! | tof *•**• •** ips»in»wto a»t a'kswp IM tto aa pasto* pkik _ (toss aftUUIP ft >ft»ft< * pe (P PMaw *p 5 A. t to* <• ♦ • P ••«»» apt a«pi*apkpft to»k »«pft»wt pPPWf •ft sfty tatoeftaftft ktokw ft Mhst* ***** W. J I PA it. Mss rw* Aft. C. M kcikTF k»i(P«(ltoa Aft- Y M t.NKMP#»4 1«#M» ll*mn** At#### 41 BLUE BIDOE RAILROAD. M C. 44ATT1A M#v#^#«# 41 toU l * ■4. id r£p 4 4 <4#i (toy tty. ; (Mtba Ms ft g«J ***** **' AM f'H I ypkk IPtoW* 'to** ’to®- I# 31 2 # jkmmpnrnm. *»# 4 34flt 1 iRPM Sail tl.*p« •• (taff 3 .Mil I M |4 #ty 3 414 A#f## I -Mil 44 tut *t4Jp. r#»<!*♦♦«• . (41 i POL# f I#' SM 14 ill ♦?> CY*#R#’4 f K Mil U • 4* |:«ll A4LPC* ITP‘I f| (tl* U •• » »' | ft Mt .. ’(BN AC A .. a 42C! ft • lit { J J **toj 5 ft m- Wes'! t*aloft a’ s.ft! ( ft; ftl . . WalksUa . P 5 If AM-ttoM i ,L#a»* Arne* PM PM. Me lJ N* ( to** ll Bapuivf gta’loa. f. tola* ktatloto. All regular train* free* Aaderaea ta Wa.halts have right W track •»*» trains «* (kn same daft morms ft o»* pnaHs direct lap. uelsaa etkarPPa ato*e tAsd k» train ortoara. » . ..... Will nine to”P Wljwlpg etntlon# to taka perk* •( pnm*nc*r* Pk»n est's. Jam- a and Aaady kprtaga. Mo 13 connects with Southern **u «af Me 13 nt Anderaon Mea I soft* tosnaect with kwttun railway Mon. 13 and 17 at e semes j. a. aNDEKHuM. •unertatendeaL (TLNNTIC CONST LINE. (MOFTKf AKP tJt ICKWT ROUTE TO THE EAST AKP MOW ■hobtiwt and Qi’icKftrr rgctm TO THE KAUT AND NORTH. | b-pSTto Augusts '..1 Ar 7 Haft 3 Wtomi Lv.... Atken Ar | 7 !*»m (:17praj Lv.. ..Denmark....Ar i (;I7pm 4 |opm: Lv.. . .Orsngb'g.... Ar | I 40am I wipin' Lv..Sumter. R. C...Ar j 4.J*»m S,s3pm! Lv....Florence....Ar | *:3sam 10- 33 pm; Lv...Fay*tt*vlll#.. Ar I I:J4pm 3:2tam Ar. Petersburg.Va.Lv | 112 pm 4.00 am! Ar....Richmond....Lv | ( 12pm 7:4lam' Ar..Waahtngton .Lv j 3 40pm 0 03am! Ar... Baltimore....Lv | 3 3&pm U ftamj Ar . Philadelphia. Lv 113 otpm 3:o3pm| Ar... New York....Lv | ( 30am Pullman pnlace' buffet sleeping oara from Macon and Augusta to New York without change R. A. BRAND. Gen. Aft.. ?2* Broad St.. Aaguata. O*. T M EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON. Gen. Papa. Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule tn Effect, March «. 18(5. Eastern Time Standard. L eft ve Auguata, Southern Ry.. 5:30 p.ra. Arrive Chester. Southern Ry.. 7:15 a m. Leave Cheated. C. & N..W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. W. Ry 1:18 p m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2 :()0 P m - Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage ■■ 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER. C. F. HARPER. President. 0- to. A. BILLIARDS : OLD AND NEW. J r, Joor A That- ii**. t'Mhx* CVmm CV»m»M3* oT \ Ohio ‘U ’Aft. WIMIKT ot St lAAii. llwdbAD t.. rh, ( i UiurnA':.-:' on mwt. »»J lU WlWe w s, w SM.I, Sl«» ad Im!• *am f - „ Tk. work oonlAint ( \, _ nf l dikgrfturatnootrftilng 4 more than 100 thrwa- C y*\ ,\\ rush ton fcbo< >. 6* hftp- d I yr \Y X \ fffr tßtrftitf ht rftil 7 \ / \ X\ Iftlk tine gatfcto. all \ \ / r\r> iv«X'' r.urniiijf p*ftltions. tb« 4 II i / feS/ Tira£s.M k K tsrzx&Sm \ \ n iS?&Uu/i 1»S to Im. ...any ot k \ M // \ which httvto never be- \ \ // \ for* btocn puUuhel. f \ // \ The ftuth op give* . \ / / \ fttatiy Vklnable ftiff W V / \ . Cfttioiui to nonce* \ /\f \ trhich serve to rehilcr % /,\ clearlhe m«’thfHlaem- n // \ \ ployed by the world • f /J \ ) “YSi*" B - g * \ Howto \ Play. 5 Cloth, 75 c.-ats. Flexible Leather, SI.OO * 244 Size, sxJ\ inches. Sent prv‘ v '° 'd. tn abv ."d»l*toft on receipf of prio*. 4 THEaUGUSTAHERSLDS AUGUSTA, GA. b SimMIIN 13 •(Itftoab (HkOMH n. t |ST i 16. fUILWET CO L totaft *•♦»*#♦» «■* to*aft aftto Itr tft smnm ii#- mm mm tfa##### 9Nn ito M -fttoft 4 to * • - *•* *'* i to * * |pft» (Ml ** (#44# to* to '4|'toiW»# to-, to •#4 #ft4# t-'-kMI * V to ' *4# Afito##®# S T # to 4## towto liMi ft ■ * . « * I a* 4 | j# ' * jp#S * JM? f 4BM#4f: m&m #to ■pMßflNlhto 14MMM4 | * #«hA##> totofttofi 4# 4 cftMpftto -k#- % #h| #£HfM4 A*%tl**# jl # 4*#### to 4#Mto ■* * •#» - f fc%44 4> 4<##». v, Igj###? to* to 444|#to {4* #IH 4MI# fKtow 11l %I# 2*4.4114 M I -rn#f H|# «# ##| 4#4# 4## %«## ■ It##### W * to 4 ** I • pt# T <np#.#itotow# ( #* f1T1,... ,4»4%41 i* WM# ### ill j 4# PlM|> lyi U tg#i#iito| A t^## -#* ff# fi# ’# Jt##to# Ito # ft* # # * t|#N# |i# f#— -1 Jim tAt 4## Yuli 4|# U to*####, 1 Mmm fmu Mfin. 2. to *ftv* INimmCib# *-• * * i Ammowmmmm * i ii## 4#*##® 2 4*®## { |®«pp#, .. 4fftp# lUtoto fttHii Rtoiik--.lM#ft,. f . .. I -•aTTTTaSBfciOK *• * **•»• *•*• 9 484441 tU4w i#4#4i44flrikto••«•*• •• * f #■># I U#to#4lii®4»#4fa.•.. (.* fjMi I if^ai t 4 IP## A to#### —ft twig 4#4M4 *®fto# l#4#HM#M## #1 CltoM#l44M® wmP IN#® , \*ft* •###### #l# #H# #i#i#|tototo 4# ! J*.ftwft*Lft ffts oftoMkn***"*- dkffaft • ft* ft. 'im ia*a wad (sand bast abgaftft 4ft«M to#4 to###tto __ I. M ngfttft. Lft. UIMM. t.ea.ft Maaafft Iraftr ttaaoftft f. Ikasaft Est. P*a aftba SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 3 Mftdiu >#»# mrnrn ■ »•■■■ CM. wrnmmm - i arjTsi * if <NftlMtoM<# JLUs: 4Sj i; . iffiTS *s; - Wmaftarw . }s! :Sft’.’’;.;.T: isS is: I*. j* •» «* >«» L* Ar SurfoU P ' m *■ Dsseitie [IIMp I»P ' ««*» »»> ¥ "T rTil: II Sy • Bwetwn w«r >.» 17 *•. Ml I VS3P-“~~ Ifijlfi U Witrnk‘%em. I«. Ky M 4111, tl »ft CTlKirhnw d ItMhlj l*uT« lie. D—BMa , YBs‘'"« L*" *«£» • atp Ar. on-esatore ..... *«»»,,,. L» areensbore . 7B » 7Bp “ ChwMH - MBp * R.»k Bill lotos 11 Bp * <>••«« ................ i#h* unp * WuuMhMo. 11 41a UDi Ar AI M* heed get II Baa 1W» Cv. QelambtaCa dept ' lUp 4Bn “ Jchaatonn IBp *«a “ Trento* . 3Bp «Se * Orno.teeW. ...I. I mpl f«e *4r Augusta . .... * !4j> tOP l. Ev Achevill# 4JO a SOCp v. dpertaaeurg |ll toe tUp rTgol-hja, HC-W.1j......... S uOp T»« At Charleston .. « 4Up 11 00 a E 7 (tol'bla. rCMPUy ■■ .... tl Ms H 4? a •• Savannah 44t p t«a Japkaonvlll.. . » Bpl »Ua SLKiriliu CAR SERVICE. daily pn*ee«g*>r aarrica between Blonds and New Turk Non*? and B~W eahtngtna aad south waetern Limitod HoHd YeetibuTed train with dinm* I cart aad drat elaaa conubwi north of Charlotte Pullmaa drawing room ettwpingearabMwaea I Tampa. JackKonvUla, Savannah. Waakiaglon I aad New Vorfe pullinau Steeping Cara between < harlot ta and Biehinond. i I'ullman drawing-room sleeping ran bw •ween Gneadbol* aad Nortoth. IJy djlW ! tiou al Norfolk for OLD POINT COMrOBT, arriving there In time tor breakfaat. Solid train, with Parlor oan, between Charleston and Aakevlllr. Nu-aiSand B-C. X. Fast Mall. Throogh PoilmaS draw lap room buffet aleeplng can be tween Jacksonville and New Turk and Pull man sleeping ran between Aupuata and Char lotte. Pullman sleeping . arm between Jnek aonvlUe and Columbia, «n route daily hetWben iackaonvtue and Cincinnati, via Asheville. HANKS. GANNON, J M CLLP, Third VP. * Gen. Mgr. T. M . Washington 1 W ATOM. B. H. HARDWICK, I a. g. A.. Waablagton. <3. f. A., Atlanta. GEORGIA - ■ RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, ISIS. Pullman Sleepera between Macon anl New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ..| 7:06am1 3:2opm|lo:3opm Ar Atlanta \..|l2:3spm| B:2opmi b:oQam Ar Macon ....!’l:l6*m| * ; «» m Ar Athens ....il2:lspm| 7:3opm| Ar GalnttvllH*3itbpm| I * Ar White Pl'»|M:oCpm| I Ar Mill'gß'le .il0:10am| 4:3osns Ar W'ash’ton ..|10:10am| 7:lopm|.. Picayune train leaves Augusta daily except Sunday at 5:15 p. m.. and ar rives at Milledgevllle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 5:1? a. m, 7:45 a. to. , 1:20 p. m.. and 8:25 p. rn. A. G. JACKSON. G. P. A. ; JOE W. WjpTE. T. P. A. ______ j