The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 13, 1898, Image 1

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IF AUGUSTA IS TO 00 FORWARD AND NOT BACKWARD IN THi NiXT FIVE YEARS. REMEMBER YOU MUST CO NOUR FHARE. TH* • **'**• * >.aaa a ff«toMMrft tltut t, lAftlft}* If*** uxt. «»l Dii #» 9*1*411 BB HEM use mi |t» TmM feMi 14* Mltlt ts Hi* I■■ \ j1 5 MB TV Luat ii i iMftwi* i t%f |d iinl« MM tKw<• I ••••#• gt« |di«f mi vhbm. rrl»« »i *frriuih»} If mn>#r«*r . i )ft|D rltildt* tuQ itnili} pfPtitßi" t>i* |rtit*4 It vtli proNiMy I |. (Il# jpfDfil c§d if I T%<» 1 rtwinHl Ilf . « t | | kj* niiiMkH) pfloff Hrfir* D'OrlOßß* Blfkt Oil* W#® In# MKlntMt nf ■]) (V«p pont iIIOC >#JB drum htJB up IlM* tm ■I Hu*. n<> dlrru— hi* IIMOO utckM tkol >hm» Who ar* ta HA or* I!••»'« to bs Ur*o‘* for bloodthirsty ronnwdr- * Tbs hu man banal* do not ronnon. Thists *lf lha rsn’fw t* a mrprr Physical r I, 0O pru'arlloa tplod tba I talked with the prefect of police. Hr fid he maid not explain why ao mane aaraaalr* come lm !U»:>. <**- let* It be ba-anae bltln* poverty develop* a detractive *f>lHt The de mand for ibe 'e-eslabllihtsent of r*> Hal punlif r ren* ha* rorelved an Impe tii* from th a murder but the Oene ve#e are too conaer-atlve to do any thli'S borrledW. Ijwt him I* In bit call and roortanth’ singing Ha •« In the be*t of aptrlla and incoaaanfy •*- prestlng ,»t (.faction at h:» au tea* In the rj o*t cynical. revolutionary pva rea lepeatin*. ”1 fear no punishment whiiwir," Fr#4#rtr B*H#r. her majesty* read er. who --a* with her In B>vl cerland. ,-yg the eroprev* recently exclaimed: "What 1 wish la quick, painless death l should not like to die in my bed.” Vienna. Sept 13. The hatred In Vienna against he Italians ia Increas lfag All the Italian slngera and gondo lier* of Venice in Vienna have been dismissed. The e rperor. after two dys of flrtrnera. la collaps ng. Today he has wept almost constantly, ARCHBISHOP IRELAND. He May Vet Be Henated to the Cardi nalatr. Rome. Sept 13 —Moosigaor Guido, au ditor cf the Vatlc.n. Raid today that up to th: present Pope Leo XIII. had not given any order for the promotion of Archbishop Ireland to the Cardinalate. Nevertheless Monaignor Guido would not exclude the probability of this pro motion. A powerful faction Is work ing to Induce the Pope to elevate Arch bishop Corrigan, of New York, to the Cardinalate. Vessel Probably Lost. Philadelphia, Pa„ Sept. 13. Pri vate ad-ices are received in this city from London to the effect that the British bark, David Morgan, Captain McMillan, has probably been lost, to gether with the crew of nineteen men. The Morgan sailed from this port on March 25, for Nagasaki Japan, with a cargo of oil. It has been out nearly 175 da' $, while the voyage should, under ordinary conditions, have been made In 120 to 130 days. Transport From Santiago. New York, Sept. 13. The United States transport Saratoga arrived to day from Santiago, with 250 colored laborers, stevedores, etc., and about eixty signal corps men, the latter land ijodsnufi aq.l. BotU/A dtruo in Suj brought about nine thousand rifles, part of the surrendered arms of the Spanish army of Santiago, principally Mausers and Remingtons. (tftt* A AIM Till] AUGUSTA HERALD. ttM . Ml 1 ft. Hil O Oltlltf | VUI TKU fV iMDffs An Hrthrf am is |*lilii MMI Clß# HNPOBBMNMI Up fH* #b4H>*4 fB f Bm# CoBHBBBI 4p# Nl 4,.JET kA EMM I'D K# PtM YOk N Asa laaal My • hb.i M to**d e VkBC'TBW tapt II ltalH*’f IjOBB * • Jr*r;*iT M|j .ft * it W #Bt : Ausinllß MH PH***®*- TV [|mt*» fiikif Übi fwtaoßl t© l#n _ a. ■-- «k. ~,...1 mfmm f iun l IB** »«*f r * f l --—* ' Ndfflt 4ft? I,HI Btf B#?B plVfffl m , (foß< iKHißtlUfe*! pmbHt 'Mb tit# NiVf laBBS Bl ißßßtll ll# ctid (V wbb *• •!»# *•*»!# of r lirkV ml tw* k«4 («llf4 II Ilk# lßrrt4 b«4 (kl4ti MrUt,** Mi It #** N*b tw* m th* rtwlt of * »*•*<*• M raoß to * foor Hut hot; pßfi#h loßor It hmd V i Abc «p hr Viol fßld#4 bjr ill# p#ri#Woß#r Tlir BBBBTt h*4 b##B f«BB*l r’BBB Bfid WJ* IlDdi M If ail f##t BBdf t til# : #t'rffcf*. o<i tli# KorßßlfMi mud B |Uf l#f cf b bm*# from tli# tt#*rr#t bk" Wfe*B (V Bi'Sfrl mil r«MMt#d #B*I tb# ids# 9 indh f i#d iti# cr>#4 Bid# | wild rush for tli# #|Hfit Hr knifkii, w . tld"B#dMM ki £ 111 OB foot- SOUL LOTTERY IN MEXICO. Vk Isarn Hava Fwll IMry to Para <Ue. A aoul lottery «u held rereaUy at Pi .•bta-do-Uw-Annelea. Megtra. The affair wa* under the acperlatandeate of the local clergy and aroused much in tereat, many ticket* belug taken. There were three arlaner*. and reault* «vera enneut e-1 as followa: No. 340, the aoul of James Vrlaaquex ha* been delivered from Purgatory nad has nr ! rived la Pnradlae. No*. 41 and 782. the aoul* of Mine. end the old widow, Mme. Franciaca dr Farraa, have been delivered from Purgatory and have entered into Pnradlae. The next drawing will take place at the Church of St. Savior on Jan. 1. nrxt. and the winning member* will i release feur martyred soula from Pur gr.tory with free right of entry ivito paradise. THE D .EYFUS CASE. _____ It May Yet Precipitate a Crisis In France. j Paris. Sept. 13.-~The Reppel and Matin tods; say that yesterday'! cabi net council Minister of War Zurllnden explained the reasons for opposing the revision of the Dreyfus esse. The premier and minister of education, j these papers add, urged Zurlindcn to j change hia determination, but Presl i dent Faure sided with the minster of I war. An excited discussion followed land the council adjourned until this Saturday, The newspapers here are unanimously of the opinion that the pituation is serious. They say tempor izing will only delay the deelß.on which, if favorable to the revls-on of the case, will cause the resignation of Zurlinden and which, if hostile, will I lead to the withdrawal from thecablnet cf Briseon and result In a, general crl ' sis. THE WRONG HAN. ! Officer Hatcher Came Near Running in Provost Guard. Officer Hatcher had an exciting time with a negro soldier last night. One of the many who were in the city from Camp Dyer was out by Whiteley’s bar and having become en raged at one cf the provost guards, pulled a pistol and fired on the latter. Officer Hatcher rushed upon the scene and by mistake arrested the guard, the other man escaping. The officers discovered, hiß mistake too late to corner the right man. Mies Jessie Paul has returned home, to the delight of her many friends, after a pleasant visit of three weeks with friends in Savannah. Mr. W. J. Pollard is confined to his home by sickness. Miss Laylor, of Charleston, is the guest of Miss Katie Collins. ui 11 !tl 1 PUS Tki I fliai (t«!fifti*6* IBin i Vsm till It TsMs M Up ©■ trstM as ifcr I%IU|fUMs ll# ji i—lmmlmß M|B Ml Fbv thmtm BB BbBBMPBB# If MR IttBBMsB BbBB IS Th* I **#BB# ffa ■ ■ ■ • T th* Atii.pp.le* la ih* fcnutf ■fi i l n‘ nni Bl Fori# Bill V hf th* i ntirU |Nbs#b of ih* #Btir# I#- Ibbß of I*4ito# iOfdVr vlik iV §»ro vi# rn ,k .f i*D||fd fHtlw fbmli k# ~ f lim m r if fat nphllt-m iB th# mtf t rtlprf f ,th r tf 1 ion, ###B Hrtin h#r#*lf rrtHß iHi# Hhili b #oi# will a II j. _# |K* a 11Ii Isr* B# IBB#B •'n Mil |»#rT» Of »BP »«o|rr., r»t)c*ftc from tH# rttmtlot of tb# #b livf #rrhip#t#Bo 4cßn to itwt of tH# hartMsr and city of Mjibllb Blau# Tk* 4npr 'HM ft»ff)mla#i<iO**ol Bill I# |n#tn.#k#4 td QM#( #Bv d* RfMM OB th# I art Of Spa I a tooktag tv, sh- payment nr (rarautee of the Cuban data by the ! Hatted States or hy Cab*, with the miljaaTliia that Speia should pay the ' debt of 1337 'ncurred by the Called Slate* la the prosecution of the «vcr. They will also be fnatrucled to combat the anticipated Spanish de mand for cnotpenaatiou for governtnm building*, railroad* and highway* and n’her improvement* that are a e*oee eery part cf the territory over which S;uiin I* rePnqulahlng her sovereign ty. Siege guoa in Cuba and Porto Rico will he retained under the term* to bn offer'd Spain, hut the l!kld artl.lery and small arm* Spain will be permitted to uke Bwpy. Court records, containing titles to lend, etc,, and all other document* per *trining to the government and control of Cuba and Porto Rico, must be left intact tn their proper archives. It has bren reported to the administration that some of these papers have been sent to Spain. If this turhs out to tie the case, no pear* treaty will be sign ed until they have been returned. GEORGIAN COURTM A RTIA LEI). Private Sullivan on Trial For Killing Private Burris. Knoxville, Sept. 13. The Sixth Virginia regiment, colored, reached here this morning. The Third North Carolina Is on the way. This makes two negro regiments here. A general court martial this afternoon will ait on the care of Private Sullivan of the First Georgia, who killed Private Bur ris of the same regiment. Word was received today from General Brecken ridge at Camp Thomas that he would be here tomorrow and review the troops at Camp Poland on Thurs : day. YELLOW JACK, FOR SURE. Clany Victims of That-Other Diseases at Ponce. Washington, Sept. 13. The follow ing cablegram was received at the War department: "Ponce, Sept. 13. Adjutant Gener al;—The number of sick among the troops at Porto Rico Is 1,886; about 18 per cent, 177, have typhoid fever, 477 malaria, and 1,262, other diseases. An Investigation of two deaths at Ponce show's them to be yellow fever, which originated in the quartermaster’s hos pital. One case has developed. All the troops at once have been removed to camps. Brooke, Maj, Gen." Not Yet Signed. The decision of Judge Calloway in the South Carolina and Georgia vs the Augusta Southern case has not as yet been signed, but will, in all probability be signed late this afternoooti or in the morning. Second Georgia fluster Out. Washington, D. C., Sept. 13. The Second Georgia infantry, now at Huntsville, has been ordered mustered ou *" .. i . -i >ji.. i t-i i i,;. Aim al a. aA vHit min tut imum ft# t#4N (HHp B#tH .nf# # B ffM# tbbbbt* MBMBMMH4 9m4b# «B# B ftUBBt HhM # |BBBMBB9 < HUB Btt% Mb* I H !#>♦## Bf <%# : yt#B#Bli Mb# Mb bbbmbb «b«b« I ft### Bf fit# IT# |i«Bßß**#B * #t#» ##B t#4 i 188 888 iM fc# tß# jBBB#B ##BB# SBBbhBMBMB BBPBi \tm iM* pifißßß A ■*WW. BB IB ■*%> BHK'HABB BfMRI BB | t'BMMMP## 4«##b fH# #BBM©BB# *HIBB But. ff # th* BbcwM* JM* * I #i >l4#| 'ts BImI tIBB >B«i #f bnlb# BB# II k# •B jKDtfiTifiditr D#f*4t ««Hf #d4 |||. iMB BBBBBBbbBI9 *#!»"« *4 B# B# k«ltflfl#4*B #4 fß* Bnn>< TbHB jAMMBB BB i#>#*>#>sb* * #• |D#* «B#r9 a#4l r -~A| -* tom BB H«w»# §»*!#»■ nf apam Isir l ### It i# iw# bbp fgw *%rn Ml wlgk# MMf ttav&tu# ## >tr#Bdj hr<B bbib#4 th# *t#it#i licht * and » the efcawpeal tUamlnaao known | Mlßr BB* ff*B#Bß»*** Iff# B«fB#B fk#MBI Ih# Bl# 4turn BB? Bill## BB# It VB» it## Bit m«rh Mb Hi • «#>» whm #»4 «ifii our hum##, 91 H#> mn «#*rt on * rt*« or fli#Bf. M<l ibb Ib bo wb? V iniwyiotti to #Hbb4#l;**#> of ifttar##. (ItWlfßlkVll#. #9#,** SP4NISH N V Ml Ahaen*> Name* th* General* Whe W ar* Iwcompelent. l Madrid. Repl IS.-There waa aaoth day. Cuoal Almenaa. referring to the •taiemeat yemarday, giving the nasv* cf the gewerala he recently aaidvmght ic here rashes lied around their necks Inal,ad around the waiata. aamlcg Warier. Blanco an 1 l>» Blver*. after which he atan lac.wded Cervera in the re-egory said Liaarea was alto ineom and ought lo be arraign'd Thereupon TVayler hnatlty pmeared agnlnet these cbrrgr*. and IV< yler railed on Almenaa t > name these a»n erala .v'tom be a< u* -d cf fal’ina to 'lo do their duty, and. beadded. If the ar i nasito,u» were true and th* rolpri's were not to be legally punished, the g< neral* take the matter In their own hands and inflict the proper pun ishment. A great tumult moued, the senator* standing, shouting and threat ening each other. The president of the I senate vainly strove to restore order and broke the bell let attempting to do ao. SPEEDY JUSTICE, THIS Crime CommitteJ Friday and Mur derer Sentenced Today. Special to The Herald. Savannah. 0a . Sept, 13. Sava n-1 nah made a new record today in ron | virtlng a criminal. Friday night of j laat week John Chariton, a negro, »hot ;und killed Mr. Harry McLeod, cits' 1 food Inspector. He wa* arrested al j once and on Saturday his case waa a*- | signed for trial In the Superior court. ‘Thi* was before he ‘van indicted. Mon day he waa Indicted and today tried. ! Hi* trial lasted about three hour*. He wa* convicted and *ented lo be hang led on October 28. Thi* is one of Ihe quickeU trial* in the state. Solicitor General Osborne, who prosecuted | Charlton, believe* in trying criminal* a* *oon as possible. Last week be rent a negro to the penitentiary for 20 year* for *laylng another. The crime wa* committed In le*g than ten days before the conviction. CERVERA S FAREWELL. He Thanks the American People For Their Sympathy. New York. Sept. 13. The following is a literal translation of a letter re ceived by the Associated Press, from Cervera: “Portsmouth, N. H„ Sept. Ih, 1898. — To the President of the Associated Press: My Dear Sir Tomorrow I sail for Spain and wish to say to you, as the representative of ihe United States, that, I sail with my heart full of gratitude for the sympathy that has been shown me by the people or this country. My farewell takes with it every assurance that the memory of this sympathy I shall warmly and ac tively conserve (luring the rest of my life. “I lake advantage of this occasion to subscribe myself as your faithful and obedient, servant, who kisse.-: your hand. Pascual Cervera." Turky Must Answer. Constantinople, .Sept. 13. The Uni ted States, it is announced, has replied to the recent note) of the Turkish gov ernment, declining to accept Turkey’s repudiation, of responsibility for Amer ican losses during the Armenian trou bles. ■, II) ill I IMS fnirr, va|tF»f>*4 i# lu*4 *ffl Arm: Tim. TB Dra Imli as Ij#n> EH#' BB * ImibMM. M flgw* a X«a*u at IN* MM fl»*8 tth> MWgii CirMfl. VMHW Bam. w » IfTTi «*m as BN#®, fSsrlß# tHm HBBPft#BIB 1 »T ■ ii Hf -# hrn Bi>liß4 hm BM# «BV IB# Jk4l#B#lßß #•#*••## B ##K#bßl | rti ff | A,, MM# aw f |,| W H«a# i.4| l^D#*. r%pßl BB# tBBBt#4 #Hk »hr r* H# t T fa » m ■>! j TB# |i>!!>#. AMfYklßl tf# jirttrf n# lidD T j|Fii >##» ##f t* IB# * t c*rrfw* B# It k» H#lk##r4 Ifetßl H fra# tH#f tin ll*lLllf(tl |ka AAiftWlaAflfm of i (*Bfßot ##4 ('inot» d#| t*»«iill y. t|i# f#4 lk#y lßri»r|»htv r#ftw# to *i%# th# who Art M Mltfm Hf* *| tb#*B hit# not | y#t mrornM la CHIHb? H#?ob4 f#4B Vtolrot Alißchi t>« ftaflaa#. \a n 4 hi. P*t>t t!. flfMßitl diffwK'h * Vt#an# «B? th# #stir# AurtHats Muu# Li#: #mp r# I# (atari* I*4 #cßtn#l ih# lydlf bi >t a r#>u)t of th* Miißflt!(>n cf th# Ftyit>f#» Ktit.i b#th bb4 #iol#oi anti- fialUiß dnaoD* Bfro ions tut# Uihtß piar< Bl Tilbbii yh#f# ih# Itftltßß# nor native# if# fig, lag la th* strait, with *Uck* and *ioars, arm lime* using revolver*. Six dralh* are cpoi t -d to have (M-curred lh,r*. end the troops wave railed out to iupp,**a Ih* dlalnrbaacaa. At rati, an Italian ptddler is* been lynched and at Vienna fully 1.500 Ital lna* cmi lcvcd on th* municipal werka hsv* been xummarlly dlamlaa*d In or der to av*rl a popular r*voll Th* Ital ian embassy at Vlcnnan la guarded by a strong body erf Infaniry, Anarchist Arrested in Milan. Rom*. Sept. 13.—An anxrrhlat man tf»«'j, signed by "The Revolutionary ICcmraltte*.” h»» been distributed In ! Milan during the past few day*. The ! police yesterday arrested an Italian en- I gaged In distributing the manifesto 1 A prisoner who had just arrived from Switzerland when he waa seized, shout ed: “Long live anarehy; death to Ihe King!” Some people In Ihe eto«vd present at the time of the arrrest in terred with the pollre officers who made th* enpture and several person* , were Injured on both sides before the anarch Is was lodged In the police de pot. The newspapers here remark that the recent riots in Milan commenced in a similar manner. NORTH CAROLINA VOLUNTEERS. Second Regiment Paased Through the City This Afternoon For quite a while today the city was full of North Carolina soldiers. Blx companies of the Second North Caro lina volunteers were en route to Ral eigh. These six companies have been sta tioned at St. Simon’s Island. Two companies of this regiment were sta- I tloncd at Tybee, two at Port Royal and (two al St. Augustine. The first division of thirteen eoach !es and several freight cars reached here at 3:15. With this division was I Col. Burgwyn and staff and the regi ; mental band. They were followed shortly by the other division. The officers (lined at [Cashin’s restaurant, so the men were here quite a whilp. j The companies are R, F, H, K. L and jM. j These came over the Charleston and | Western Carolina in Seaboard Air Line I coaches. The Seaboard Air Line gets | them at Greenwood and carries them to Ralajgh. The regiment is on a thirty (lays fur lough and it is probable that at the end of this time they will be mustered put. Capt Stevens Back. Captain Stevens, of. (lie third regi ment. arrived home today. "He will re-! turn to Griffin in a day or so. Mr. C. V. Walker has reeoveied from his recent indisposition. mi ictMß* a »t*i ttr«t*M, Mtl t£> «#■# Hlft tOLofnTk' L\fVUL Itß DBlftM H*t IImBM Vftt If# TMIIML IBM ffnwM **w IM * l*a# #l a i auMM. ' B yflW#ft#B#~l l| I ? MNb #i • * * -* *--* #•* B ‘ Bnapt' F*# MB##*4 t# BB# IB #•* !>####>4*B4 « >? d4‘ H«# M n»# ;t# Auffuttl hrr court for Its iß#MM#*'ti'i#k Th * illffstMi Mid |M*tlitoß Bf# an true. .4 ii##l 'ring |iar»crsp!« I*f pliioiln # aHtl# In K#?##lW# Vlrirtniß. »H • wt upy s House s hl<*h Is lit# t»iOp#rl? of p#tliiuO#r« ( Further answering d-f ndanl say*, that plaintiff h*» le-eB Ihreatenln* •» sue and obtain from de.vntlanl a dl vorrv for more than a F**r ra»l. * n< l ha* recently renewed »ald inreat. and that plaintiff’s conduct for rometlm* past letch toward* defendant ha* l*e*n entirely undutlful and IBcoH*td*rßle. Plaintiff Used Policy. 7. Defendant further answering say*, that plaintiff has beat her and whipped her on three oceaal .ns without any pro vocation whatever, that *>ne night while lying In lied In Augusta, without any ,'auoe defendant wa* awakened rom sleep hy plaintiff, who was abusing her, and exclaimed: My G-d; you have brought me from my comfortable home down to this place where I have no comforts, and I am mlseiahle." and then kicked defendant out of the bed. and forced her to remain on the floor the remainder cf the night. Next morn ing. after breakfast, defendant asked I lalntiff why he had treated her so latd the previous night, and why so kind and polite at the breakfast table,w here upon plaintiff replied It wa- | K >llcy to treat her well In public. S. Defendant further answering, says 'that she has been the wife of plaWtlff for more than twenty-five years, and that (luring all that time he, life and conduct has been beyond reproach, nnd that she has In no Instance neglacted any duty due her said husband; that for several years defendant has been an Invalid, and physically unfit for active household duties, so thnt the boisterous conduct, violent nnd vehement threats alleged against her In plaintiffs said ’ petition (ire manifestly ridiculous and absurd. i 'mat defendant fears nnd so Hlb'g les that It is the purpose of plaintiff. | now In her advanced years, to rast her !entirely aside, nnd that If he succeeds I In his manifest purpose to tills end. she i w ill he absolutely helpless, and without * means of support. | Thut plaintiff is the owner of a house !„nd lot In Keysville. Virginia, and thnt In so far ns she is Informed and be lieves, he Is also the owner of two lots, upon one of which there is erected a house ill Danville, Virginia, the aggre gate value of which is $5,000.00; and that defendant has besides an Income from his services as musical director, organist and other occupations of »2,- 000.00 annually. WHEREFORE. Defendant prays: First, «n order for permanent alimo ny, of an amount per month suitable to ’her condition and circumstance in life; . „ Second, for attorneys’ fees, to de.ray thf* expt?nHft» of this Migration. Anu now having fully answered .etc.. SAM F. OA KMNGTON, I>. J. 9t?LLtVAN. Defendant's Attorneys. GEORG I A—RICH MOND COUNTY. Pmso.naJly appeared, Josephine L. Solmnuns, who. being duly sworn, de poses and says that the statements in the foregoing petition are true and cor- I'GCt • JOSEPHINE L/. SOL*OMONS. ********* 1 #t * BHHBII fill #B4 ** B tlßffi ft BB# HP® B 4*-Di Oi# BMM9I SOL SIDEiI wsmum ft* ftftftftftßft Tit TIM irffftli fffll B» »*« («i#l fM t tiff Iff#, I# Rffk ill (tftHfft IrMCA JftlrAl Offkv f f%*a« niilkaif* <W»«ag MM #**<** t an—*i uaoffMliNk j <i« mm. u* «*m ii "Oat MMt A. “lair-* imman'ltg iff* I%t*t| ♦*•»* D#BI IH# B6# 4NpBB#*BB"BI Hb# ■ #4 tB NBNMfe IB Cta* H*m ta##*>Ho4 l h* H'-vIbBMHI Brf9-*4I * yt* "I *H* BBf#4Bt<B#B« B# f#4* •4B#i of MH# ##B>#*#** BHIrB VB# MB* . <v*#4 Br# Wto# of IB# tart IBB® i Bml ftMftffß • #*f D»t?i' , 4> fß# «*B 5 )P<>n> db 4 BB# i IB H# H9BK \* ****** * tß# B#o4tH ob 4 It### at ! | B>a : |ji lt. 884 IB tVBIB lIMNB BB BB iB dibH# >Wa at BBMt op# fa III# BB#afß* ■ | |H|# Bl B IHB# aBBB (HH# I + mf mm || oHit# mS H# rßaa# I tHailM !H#f# aa# a tHbbb# *tt •latßi bp4 wr+h M iH# amirf at iht I«pb4 * f IjMB Oxailißi bb4 IB ops mi *H# b##b mtiiirnlil •• H#bK I <aldtl ibbb? r#q|#iniiiil for arrtl## ««4#r m*. mm* b> It BP>r *Hbi H H«b 51 *B f(9 ffi :| * tB f'fBMBtB tB anlrt t ib •ar# «H»t • muJarM? mi ;h*w nrilt *)# la remain *s4 flu (Mar* fall? whatever duty M*t b* aa*tffffa# , And ao tons a, tk*t **h to remain. It am b* m« piraanr* to fa me i a xr,ib beta "I cm gtad to am from tb* prana ta peuta till all thorn arbo xriab dta abrrt** **a a*< lira I have fnrararfl* cfl evrrr oa* to tba war •-t wtnual. but few bov* bar n mafle an fa*. I am dad to kaow that w* *r- to b* aasiga *d lo Oao I-ee’a com maud I«m rare that lb* fsihar*. atodwra and wive# erf mv m»n will f**l that under him f b*Y wilt br wrll carsd for." « 111 Rio ffe*t*a ? Mm that lb* Third rntinwM la to *ta> 1a tb* arrvira. th* re at ton of OoL John fl. Handler and Major Marcua Beck lo tb* beech urn* mom bacoaam ao Ixtbrattni gitottax It haa heao imdaoiteud that udh of the** geatlo m*r> had tak*a th* purlttoo that th*F w tiqld rv* gn Urn beach a* ran as they * era fgd' trd obt of the atato. Th* otder for tbl* regiment to go to j*. kaoovlß* wa* annulled hut Ita res toration wa* momentarily expected, and thla will bitng the criaia which ibe rep«,rt*d declurallona of theae ofll , ar* anticipated. It ha* tmen reported within the paal few daya that Coioaal Handler and Major Back had made up i heir annul* to telegraph tbelr resigna tion* of the bench to the governor on taking the train for Jackaonvllla. Thi* wa* gradually understood to be the fact, but t yesterday morning It was reported In well Informed quarter* that a movement wa* on foot among the people nnd member* of the bar la Judge Cundler'* circuit to urge that he 1 will not resign ao long as the county or the other ronrta fill* the place on his bench. I It I* generally heflqyed that inattera •will take sliffpb about the first of Oc tober, or soon/uliM tb p meeting of the peace eomn}lif*i<rd’i It will soon be come apparent If tAere la to he more II rouble and more need of soldiers for purposes other thgn garrison duty. If liter* I* no each neqd. It 1* expected thaL many rupTe pf the volunteers, probably ftA»,thousand more, will be mustered otU- • ’ Condition, i» Cuba appear to be mote favorable to the speedy restora tion of order than they appeared a few weeks ago. nnd the estimates as to the number of the soldiers to be, needed there and in Porto Kieo have been considerably reduced. The fact that the Third regiment Is to he or dered to Jacksonville to become a part of General Fitzhugh I>ee’s corps, which Is thought to he destined for the army of occupation in Cuba, will doubtless lessen its chances for mus tering out soon. All these things, no doubt, are being carefully considered by Colonel Candler and Major Beck. NEORO HURT. Was Thrown From His Mule This Morning. A negro hoy living out on the Sa vannah road started to the city this morning on mule back. The mule be came frightened anil threw the boy on j, pile of rocks. Medical assistance was summoned and It was found that although the boy was badly shaken up no holies were broken. STRAYED THIS MORNING TO WARDS Lakeview one cow. with horns and sole hack, stra :' round her neck. Take up and return to T. L. Sheets No. 1604 Wood lawn. Sworn to ap,d subscribed before t.w this tilth day of September, 1896: GEO. R. COFFIN. Not. Pub. Richmond County, Ge^-