The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 13, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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TUISOAV 2 NO WAR PRICES ImlMlM’** Ittft tof W|HN» * * * * W'W ** Hair BfMtt • « • st»By ** ** ** Qwp j t . ♦ * *®o ** ** lay Mi teg# t | Mi y*tt <*’■ t • • *7O •Aten* • «>I OtotMto* $ I 00 00RJY. I l#dk % • If* A f#W UiVl to l>M) ('• * f*o ,|l '* I K* l tflV# ynu 90 I# f«4 i p#f < c«l till AD (*4*f tltoth#* of Outmomtt in Aufwti» LEWIS J. SCHAUL. jewnm Umln «h# Artt«fUw» Ho4«ft At in* wt»tw M*m ** Am —»• a—* bw *Mt to—to *"Mk if **f m» te» to Ma -nr l ** *•*»« jUto •+» *** * #t ** l *** ito* _ _ mru-—— *%*»» *• •***»« •*♦*** • •>**> ito** *ft** to** ito •**# y p||ftMMNN» Bifti *i ftlP toHtoto *ftft 9*o* feeftft SMS ito rnm ***** ***** •** to’ jgrrai UMiiwv* fto * lift to to i*«m’*«* mm *mmm tmmmA %*#* mAmAM ton ~ta rii ft*MM» BftiMff. * - || <? tow»f#*% m*m* HP- C vtoMfttfto- ***** ■■■ol *—•»* VMMB*. IjPlKfth ******** w * oa» hHi—tiwi ii —i» ’ Jtof to** #*# *am %**■♦ • •**■«< %•• 'to m **l ■#• **■» % ■>'« rnmAm^mm * fto «*k #to" «rt» «toi m *>m m**+ fMto • I*# *tpm* • IhMMMi b*h Ito** toft# **♦'- tofff •*#% <%*• to totoßAtf * *#•••• ft 4* 0* t Hft A (to* ** «H» (to ffmmMm*** I; fto* iipptWFiif IP Ito totDr»*M ft4M9 SMtototoStoH »*py oftftfttoftpNl tot (to#*# (MtoH oM|f niRMf ito •**■• ft* *«** to #»«**•*•» ftto** toiHiy Uto* i*4 ito.* tot totot toMtoto »**» tofyi#* Tto sail** «Mk> p M<» *—4* a »H— --(R,# •*••#—*—! llttfllMl —O* OMI 4l— I (Ml «f 14# I l l—l »4y , • A May W—l*4 >M t— -a her «4 4lrt< gty*s until <ll# psifbfWI *la a V Mb* mrnxt y*rt in lb* rnw— rty aa •>» l< *» <•♦*•*•«» * iln* Hsvw* and waluw* m* ■mliim IMn |i |i» w* *Mt b>!'•«« tbfMMbnt A—tH. #«4 to** Mb4* I— Ml* iH »brl'i— r—f faiMkb* lb >•»» f*»* b" 4 l*m— bii 14 *H It bill l#r —4 *t lb* Ibntlf u at #v#*#»l* «if VM&T til u» tscion fM bn<n«ll«in «# *" br*»**4 r#™« lb br«4 lb —4* *• Klbbk* K'bl I *» |. H A. *•■ M—AMmm i» n*4*r **»• Im*# nf Util n#Ml Ml# li* 4l«n • 411* Mbt*r tb* toflunu* ateMbU# to hi* faro* at hi* trial. Wnb ibis tan* t* a —r M)4miim« «h* Ja4blat iWiWunr •ail al*n tb* oftf*!‘**» <4 tb* «rt<*t* •.« tb* wl'l* ' i«—M byfm .iMwn Tb* murrurr ta aantb*r atat* wh*r* ft a «aIM of a 4lnr**4 a#— in»ai>»- 14* at rrmarryina by iba laa «< hla LADIES TIES SOMETHINQ NEW J. MILLER WALKER THE HATTER. KNOX HATS domicil la bald. In alata va. Hhatturk (Vt.) M l>. It A 4st. alw valid at hl« tfonilnl, unlaaa the Manila expressly provide* to th* contrary, although ha want outalilr thr atata for tha cxt>re«* purpose of evading tha law and Imma dtalely ratumnd. That right of a alty to a Judgment of Indemnity against a landownar for In jurlaa oauaad tiy hla nagllganoa in cou rt ruction a atdawalk la dantad In Wlt halm va. Definite* (O.) 40 1.. It. A. 244. aa It wav tha right of tha city to lonstrue t tha walk Itself Mid assess tha costa thereof on tha owner Tha union of a fire fay which no re sponsible cauaa can Iff ascertained, with otia which waa dua to the negligence vt a known paraon. la held. In Onnh va. HI. P * K. SICs 14 It. it. On. twin.l 40 1.. It. A. «7, to preclude any reuoverv ..givtnxt the latter, where It la found that either fire' alone would have I teen sufficient lo rugae Ihr dam age. Fresh arrival of Fancy Cracker 9 at Keenan & Co’s The Rand-McNally naw Slumlord ’War Atlaa ta the heat publication of the kind we have eVer seen. The coin rad tnapa itra double the alac of any other* published, and clearly printed on huavy paper. Each one baa « marginal Index ami a tkie I" devoted to th* flags of all nation*. This atlaa la timely and useful li to not for sale al th# stores. The Harold has arranged for a special edition. Renders may obtain a copy t>y calling at our office or sending SO cents. Baseball. Scotch on national league diamond* yesterday were: R H. W. Philadelphia 1 5 < Boston .... 7 7 ® Baltimore .. .. .. <ll 1 Washington 8 s 0 Pittsburg n Chicago 1 < 8 Boston now leads the league, with Cincinnati second In the procession. 20-year filled gpld watches In ladles' and gents' sixes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from $. 00 to $12.00. Guarantees with each watch at Lewis J. Helmut's. Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. Black Lustre for Hearths and Fire jmsfig VVRiftt hfttUHfc Ugf ileUfiC, i Piano G&aianieed to*, toto •[ ' A 1 * f f2i Jki \| i 4HtotoHHMtoY 1 for UAIiKiM Tto Xut U • to IwrtiaaMt The Hverctt Piano ' I* iba* raat«»4 bt ta* aaatwAa* ma*M wth* ar* —rf*r»M nHrta# *M I * *l4 a—a* i» Mala** Ant a*#** * >f— Ml M*tbtaaHi'bt> *ib 4a ■»*»*»! J«f wiyMifA at *aat 4* ta* «*a*r ’tbit— la aa4 —ta* tb* tatNraaarat* •*4 r—4 lb* gHarabtua i IPUNOITI HCMIRIL fTICf. TUI HARVARD | it* Oto*tfiK'i*'*» ftoftr* toto. to . ii* ||i ttot **t to *§>• A Reliable Instrument With aa*b ta«lr*w>»f "r a* tb*a* rtgiM at »—* Aaari. aaf at arii** aa4 tana* »«r< t#4 bf. IT Isl AIMiIU Tl TItKA MiN tm ram ta «4n »ai| tr>— b—ii Tuning and Repairing Our Specialties. Art Catalogue Free on Application. Tbotnas & Barton, w m RARiiirrr. it *******. n* ttre*4«*y, A—l*. Ua. * STARVATION IN i«ji. The W orld’a food Supply WIN Be l ee# Thau the Need. I We who manage to haltte along in jtltl* o4d world till Ike year INI will [then ptohably find not enough food sup \ ply la the world to attstatu va. hi aaya Mr Wllllaaia CYooks of Um d**n. IB an address to the British Aasmi#- j lion a few days slare. Mr William h- I viewed Ihe of the preweal and possible wheal supply, and argued Ibat Iby lhe moat fa volatile calculation the {supply could not keep pane with the .world's needs 1-eyelid the year IS.II, hut 'starvation might be averted thr-.ugh the laboratory If the problem of flxa tion of the supply of nitrogen In the atmosphere was solved. The prublem la how to utilise It. If these stores of fil ial nitrogen were applied to the suit they would raise Ihe average wheat crop per acre front twelve and aeven tentha bushels to twenty bushel* en abling Ihe supply to meet thr demands. | Mir William was of the opinion that [the solution of Ihe problem would lie the burning of the nitrogen In the air by a powerful etc trie current. Bu< h a current might be obtained by utilising Niagara rails. FRATERNITY BANQUET. Delta Tau Delta Fraternltp to (lather la Atlanta. On Friday night, Beptember Mth, I*9B. the members of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity will meet arotlnd the ban quet board In the Kimball house In At lunta.itml again renew Ihe fraternal ra relations . listing between them, tween them. The Delta Tau Delta fretemlty IS ona of the oldest college fraternities In the country, having Iwen organised since January I, I*6o. It began its existence at that time at Bethany College. Weat Virginia, and since then has establish ed chapters In over sixty or the moat prominent colleges of the United States ' In 1880 it abeorbed what was them known as the Rainbow fraternity, and In this way It was enabled to place chapters In the leading colleges of the South, ill wtpeh there wae no chapter or Delta Tau Delta. There are several Delta Tau's In Au gusta. among them being Mr. Frank Miller, Jr., llr. J. M. Hull, Mr. As bury Hull. Mr. 11. 8. Dunbar, Mr. G. W. Reab, Mr. Langdon Thomas, and others, but from what can be learned no representative will go from Augus ta. out ruia hade Something About the Only Carpet Factory In the South The only carpet factory in the South Is situated lit Columbus. <»« This fac tory makes excellent goods In carpets ;nul port!era. ami puls their goods so much cheaper than any other manu fuctory that It "ell illustrates the ad vantage of Southern mills. The progressive Ann of 1' I>. Horkan A Co. bought the entire output of this factory. They have enlarged their store and will give a splendid exhibition of 'their goods. They are on exhibit in the i window » Qf Uje iuuk -*■' TBK AUODBTJV FtUTRAXJD A HUMANE IDEA IS THIS. If MAW |l MMMM Tina it I M §t if—ftiliM ti Vttpfti toMNMto to | off t 0' *jj|t % Urn tw. : eom § IftftWM (PAP tol> P to ft a* we v n I Mto # * d WpP Ato 4m 4m*m I w e ppHpp ft 1 to ' iMpppto ft* p* la* bat *ba I* **t Jb * t<""***** • |#*r* • ft** M* ft** *A» »*»** Tb* ftb—t tab* brfb«4 *Wb [a—f t ttH4 tbai bta 4b*a a*M a* lt» bat* afa Mi —*b «bt b■ *# •*** jat atbaf ft At f*r— M tba »I*t. f*A jp* fto **l ftpf PPf toift WHIP* '* f ' A * 1 llift Ir W *f ppp*tfti Ai* tolf Aipf ft (to top* 14 to towril { by tba attbtrafaaraai baay 1 **t y* .*ttt* | Tba <4— M—t a 4*4 a—, Tba tnaat ! —l4 —t tN— »a*b aa4 tb* f*Mtr taa—l 4a tb* raat. Wa, aft a •«* yat*** —4 atbar It*** • ***** 4at AMM a*afa tb* f*e |•« #— 4a tub aatb •»»** ba»* I fatb—a Ml tb* ftftal ttbn at* ta a |wta iat—t art# a**4 a bM «4 it»«» It—a b*'p tb**a «H* sttat tb* ba—a itba MftMMaU— 4—a ta* fattiiab tbla ‘tray ab—l 4 H* null tba ftl—ta i a fa**al W art t— fa— ta btt* *0.4 Util* twawrt** a r— fttatt tr , M—atMva aatlf f kit* att—tt— mm rail— ta tb* a**ttt— ky bttlai Ik* knt*a ta atfM l*ir» »>*kt ka larllaal ,ta tint a fft tb— ka4 §at*b*4 at A | iiaftn tka t—aftaal*- Tb— ao«M aa oth— —J— iba rrntlaa atati»r **4 no ka4; *r«M —ft tb* aorat of. TV jb*»;»itai a«*»paf— bra aboa!4 ka tftt*4. Yon aoaM h— ta IV at.rmar tba ,k— —ua*4 tba abut to tba a—*- i i»»y*t aaa * * H ta ao otb*r than oar trail kaoaa jaal bla-b—n*4 yoatta—lrr Mr W M . Hitiiio— trbo, II a koa wa* p?ar*4 la Üb* fntrnmtnl koll4ta4 attlt pat a ’ rood *bara at —rra ta It. Ta Cura a Cal 4 la »a* Day j All drsftfiAl nfVMI Iftr fftftHPejr If It j fell* to cure He The gcPttin# lift* L iH. W nfl fftfii !• hint IN LOVE* Wttk a Cuban W bom M« «111 W*4 and firing Mom* Cntkbtirt. Ky.. Rr|>t. II.—A ro* tnanr* at lh* »ar la f*mtah»*«l M a lat- j t*r whtrh l»aa t*#» twaly*d from j L*wy*r Marthkaw. a aotdMr n»* •* j ttaan—o. Marrhtaon Mr* k* ba* r*ll*n lu lorr with a ts ban *lrl. dau«ht*r of * ol*nt*r oho waa drlvrn off hi* ra mi*. Hh<- rrtum* hi* affrr'llim*. and «h*n lh* war I* ov*r th«*y will b* m*r rlrd, and will go to W**t to farm. Bring your old School Book and help to pay for your new one with it at Pendleton's Book Store. In th* high arhool* of Bw*d*n hoy* ( ■rut girl* >n> *dur*t*d In th* asm* l lama N**rly al tlh* I*l. graph, trl*- phone and poatofflr** *r* In th* hand* of woman. L*t*ly th«y hav* lnvado.l *v*n th* at*am»hlp »*rvlc*. Home Life of Women. • Several Utter i from women whan catarrhal trouble Pe-ru-na hat cured. « jte^lASSniM W/> f/ .JOfcp i' fW is not laziness: It is a symptom. My Something is wrong with the nervq». ■Vv A cold In the hond when the nnrve* i ure not normal soon develops into IJ J ' dependent of curing my catarrh it II 'nl ij '1 'I t V|||F V\ I has greatly Improved my general ’ jj 1 y health. I cannot describe the change. ' ’ ' Any one suffering from catarrh and knowing that it can be cured, would be very unwise not to take Dr. Hartman's advice. Follow directions; Pa-ru-ua does the rest. —Miss L. Wiggins, Berlin Heights, O. Pe-ru-na is a scientific remedy for all phases of catarrh. It is particularly efficient for women's troubles because it acts through the nerves. Surah Uallitz, of Luton, la., writes: •' I was suffering with the Change of Life: I had spells of flowing every two or three weeks which would leave me nearly dead. 4 had given up hope of beiug cured w hen 1 heard of Dr. Hartman'S remedies and began to use them. I am entirely cured and give all the credit to iV.-ru-tiu and Mau-a-lin. The catarrhal nature of female troubles is beyond question, and the certainty of l’e-ru-na's action has been demonstratedlin thousand* of eases, l'e-ru-ua drives out catarrh everywhere. Mrs. Caroline Daft, Evansport. 0., writes: Dr. S, H. Hartman, Cal ambus, O. , >, ~ " l cuu testifv to the merits of Pe-ru-na. 1 Ttave taken of it anil one bottle of Man-a-lin, and they both are most excellent remedies, lamas well and hearty as I ever was in my life, and give the credit entirely to vdur medicines," . > if I j I The Peru na Medicine Company. Columbia* O. will mail DW Hartman's bodli# on catarrh free. Special book for women. All druggists seiUPe-ru-na. M rt*tN*» (MeAt Jw btU tMk 'b*t*« - * *— i * »* t*«—a est ItoPANPftNI ffW •tor iiseif Ito ftMRAft *4 (Mi ftto : *4 a to t »—e x-«j 4 fto toft ftPftMP to toto jirr«jMi- ,J ‘ t t* itotoP iftNfft fto wee eiwM wflfttoP e toftotoPtoP *4 toto* Aatbl—!*• Arab* «4*f —ta »rwr Ml.— ta it* «« a** t bgj-f e Httoeto IMnmp.. toil Ato* ee pii'-een, Tefttet citoyeeA llewto mu* ito l erto •p 4 pH (Hilp ta—am— *a4 a«—»t**ft» Hbna to fta to# *w^a 4 •«*..'* i || ftp Atof pteeftl ftp •ftp* pwpton flHfltoprftfttoi e# Htotofjy *ll nft * # toft** 1 H id pwf to« to.ft|ft •Aid Ilf IlftiWAAttt A A M l.fT LU MX4 Ml IfvH AM* IMJ9V. Tb— ara Mabla* H—aaaMa fttfira- Um# tar IV I aa IftaA* Las—aa. 4 C bf It »- O— all—• aooa taat a—b. iNrb IV— ral—4. waa art*—*4 la tba city aa4 an* tb •Jalk V o—ala— M* wa* fwnaf Mi •aa—ton as a w—rb a.—iti ta Dr < I'tt iA 0, Dl4pi , Mowatylll*. wbtcb waa *—)■• wbaa Dft. Tailor* b— ■a— Stabaa tata *pmi* ntnatb* ago Ninaty-flt* Milan pnMkli MoMa ,tV mma )M—. w’li a— ba —aa**—4. , Th* a*gro *oof»—d *aon b*l.t» —tea lag aad >ap.k*i*4 aa—Vr a—. Daa Kali—. who M at— ta —study at tba . auih—lH»« i M*irbaat* at Iba *Hy ara a*Utnr r*a4g tar tba k—loan* MtMott AMaw#t alt at Ik— baaa t—ily f »*'*d a—* b«rn a—rb*t* aad larc* a—ltla* of •u.g« ara arrtvlag daily. A — iwparon* trad* anataa to V —*tad though i tka firs tel* of eottua —ld a f*w d«! * ago brought oal t fit# aad a guar- I |ff irstf Mr J. K Ha— manager of IV <ot . tna a. llt *suro. oa« of lb* lawt an taryrs— la tb* rtiy. MO bar* la** Vr« I**l w*ak for Ballltnor* and Nta , York, th— ba will pure ha— tba *i i*lva Una of good* that tba mill flora i carrl—• The public schools open Thursday. A full stock of both new and second hand Books at lowest prices, at Pendleton's Book Store# TUL’RISTS FOR MIARTOWN. An Baidanca ol Brltiah Enterfri— Pre tented. l*Mtd«m. H*pt. I*.—Th* tourtat ag*n rlr* nr* already pUnniag trip* to Khartoum, which this w**k ha* d*ra nn*trated to l* !**» than nin»* day* from I-ondm. I#**t G*n*ral KllcVner dlapatchrd Col. from omdurmnn. th* form*r d*r»l*h atrong hold. on th* Rlv*r Nil*, near Khar toum, to Cairo, and hr accompllahrd th* Joum*y In *lghty-**ven and a half hour*. FEU Of SMALL POX. Tito 1 Tt>ft ; Itiftottoi ito j |j|f $ m&tm* mi 4 toft (HNhpp Ii 9r tofttoto toto Ato HwppPee fHMvft * «..«• • ♦ ftifAM uftfi ’"’W* Ito, t#* toft*# *4® rnmm •ito itotowpi tow j *» *!• to toitoftft * •ft ft to ppto Alt «totot ppto *1 top* t tomm wi towwi tto *mm* I to* ttoiH** ito •• wpt wtoH-pto to< ! «fft' pwM lit. Twtot ***** Uftt* pftotto | m to to tto mi* Alto Tto «•**» *** <«WfWi HI toe fpJM f pp 4 ftft ito* «•* Oat price* on both new and second-hand Scnoot Books at Pendleton's Be fore you Buy your School Books At ADY W!MIST. ■ - Wbtffadaa (Nd Mas aad IMted F— lb* Otlamm i Ot—a—atl*. lad.. S*t*. It A lady —•list wWdiag a b—wbe °* Vr a .*g#g trad— f«wal»k*d ij»bbbtM—• 'al trial at tba tow at t**ta *V Pm*- nafi rousty —I Hlu Aaaa Swta*y —aettr— it* dwntal art at Ruarbwdat* j Anonyiroa* Mtar* and yuktkatl m*. war* , irrnlatsd rou*sra»*g Vr whlck j I*4 ta tV ra«t uaimi at CMw—tm* ffk* ton I* front as »V »tlla** go—of- ‘ n— ! 44* toa la ali*» r—« at am H*j I a#—rt*4 kM taaa—ara as tV rhar— j ■ r i..i rim Otto Rtr* and H— ry 1 Hi. b wat* al— *— l d a* °* Mu. Iteln— haying a»d*4 to tba am —alt TV trial nerupiad two day* aad tV Jury returned a yardut aorta- * «>ng a fla* of tto on rath of tV d* i fandaat* Th* fto— iM «*ta wUI »« gregal* W». SANDERSVILLE NEWS. TV Con sty lo Itav* Pra* tkally a >•» Coart Mon**. I Special «• TV Herald. I dander*trill* Oa. tt*p« II Saa dar**l!la I* to bar# practically a new jrourtbou**. tV grand Jury having rw -1 <ommended that m tbou»and dollars l>* spent tor rwtnodellng and improving th* pr#wn< *tru*lurw Our eitl— I are elated over th* Id— aad are loud In Ibetr pral»* of the grand Jury tor th* rwommeudar 100 Mr and Mr* P P H*le will I—vc In a few day* tor Omaha. lienvar and other point* of Inter—t In th* w**t. Ml** Altc* Walker, a .harming and talented young lady of Tennlll*. t* the gu**t of Mia* Kmma thiglUh. Mr Carlo* D. Rodger* left I—t night for AtianU. which place he will make his future home MENU a la_ war. Mr. John B Carr Show* Reporter Unique nenu Card. Mr. John B Carr, the well known liquor dealer on Centre street, has Just returned from a few months' visit to hla old home In Ireland To a Herald reporter Mr. Carr showed a rather unique thing in the way of menu cards The card was used at dinner July 4. on the steamship Anchorta on which Mr Carr waa on board en route across the Illg Pond. The menu was gotten up hy a friend of Mr. Csrnr and Is, as said, unique; It reads: Little Neck Clams Soups a la Dewey a 1® Sampson Kennebec Salmon and Notne Sauce Entree* Mutton Cultets, a la Slgabce Curried Blanco Hobson Patties Point* City Dress Prime and Tiles Pudding American Ostrich and Philippine Sauce Ladles' Delight atid Ice Sauce Vegetables Asparagus from Porto Rico, Green Peas from Cuba Sweets. Hawaii Pudding and Sauce McKinley Old Glory Sauce Volunteer Jelly Tax Cukes Alliance Ice Cream Red Cross Candy. Fruits de la Victoria. Cheese Coffee Mr. Carr Is looking well since his trip, and Is doing a large business at his popular establishment. • OUR OEORQE.” Oeorge Stallings Will Continue to Manage Detroit Club George Smiling*, who has been man aging the Detroit National .League ball team during the summer has been con tracted with to manage next season. Manager Stallings has pleased the Detroit chib officials and they want him to steer the nine Ihroogh JBW Our George will do that; all right. Philadelphia, made a misiake in re leasing him. In some parts of Italy the govern ment has to spend $3,M00 to collect $2,000 worth of taxes. J w ONE CENT IWOM) I I r" MB* MOP (■ in if MlWk ■! [ |PITUAtION WANT HO 4 a ftft f-ftfe tt ftp 4jtft4* A r%m*rwm HI A MAHift QiJfHHil lift Ptotoiwipft tot *4 wmA ■ AMto to Atop ***** ***** ifttoi #to j Mav-** « «*" j . totoiTtoftH am e*w*m ***** **t ftk' MV fIWT% APft 4*o P ptotftftfkaft IwwMft Apto# *4 in* QftMWftto* Plftol. i HELP ANTED j *•.»*NT* WAMTKD nm DM. t»H*'M I j pohlrl tdgkiaatg ftt»m»g*»* Pm ] 1 h—mm t V* f*w aa lavaratA* i • aims to#f<*rwo ot*lft |*:vipj|o,. Aftpww r^*f4« s a nA ftd(ft) >it4 fP'ftHkrftto -ts ft4*lo7 tottor I h* • WPi to* *toP» VftNWftoto *+ *AP Pto4 | I full 1000(1 0 tfWPtPPtot pf «w« *'»•*• | hairlf taPl oil VftNMPipftl *4t Al IftH t* M Uofft" fft I Mft'lMt tM CD , M ****** m M*m\ FOR SjkLE *l*r»R pa Lie Hoiisr ASP nur at | TI.T t» T. It M*tV»**to. to® Hr**d jatr**t Vp« to rttr AM- C l;BAM AT M JACtoPOM TT. psTlt HAIJt oNK MAKHLK and rouat*y. It fW I—g. 4 f**t wl4* •ad thm* »n*V* th»*h Pp*ara * Co.. | **s Mn« 4 Df t I RIR PALto— A LAPT'P RICTCLK IN good nrd*r. CVap. A hlr#— a. rair H*—M. P*pt II - ——■ I" • I f pvm PALIS-BfTrtfßß P PPPINRsto iiw I wiling trot* Aaiurw*. rarka. tabl*a. Hr—. *tc. Apply t» Frwßk R M*n grum. Auguata bw* Yard. P*p» 1« TO RENT roR rent two rxmuiaira) room*, with hath rontrally located Addr*— TL“ **r* H#r»ld Vpt It rOK RKNT-RKAK Jt" BROAD. froatlnr J" f**t on Ellw. 171 fact drop. Pultah)* fur Jobbing bu*in-*« Apply on pram!*** - B*pt I* FOR RKNT 1017 RBTNOLD4 f*T., (-room dwelling. Apply *ll Broad. BARfIAIN- BRAND NKW HIOII UIIABE rowing m*< hln*. oak flnl*h, S drawer*, drop head, automatic ten sion and bobbin winder, laieat model. Owner muat gll. Addreaa H. II , car* Herald. Pept insert Vpt 1J 20 17 10 17 24 it TO RENT-ONE-HALF OF CEN TRALLY located house with pleasant couple without children, references r*- i hanged. Adilresa Couple, car* this of- Ac*. Sept IS TO, RENT—REPIDENCB 1224 KLLIP, with *ll modem Improvement* and ionv*nlence*. Apply 102< Broad street. Oct 1 TtT RENT—THE DWELLING M* Walker afreet—aeven rooms, kitchen, two room*, all water convenience*. Ap ply to D. tlralwm. Ot 1 TO RENT-NO. 437 TELFAIR ST~ containing S room* with all modern convenience*. Apply to W. j. Ruth erford. Sept 17 TO RENT-THREE NICE FURNISH ED front rooms with privilege of par lor and hath. Apply to C. H. Luhrs, 460 Broad street. Sept 20 TO RENT—THR BRICK DWELLING No. 280 Greene street. Apply A. H. Davidson, 330 Greene atreet. Oct 1 TO RENT—STORE NO. 714 BROAD street, next below Davenport & Thin lay, running through to Ellis atreet. Price $1,350. Alexander & Johnson, 705 Broad street. Oct 1 TO RENT— DESIRABLE RESIDENCE No. 121 Center street, 8 rooms with Kitchen ind bath. App.y T. T. Doris, SummetvHle. Oct 1 TO RENT—DWELLING, F. 14 CAMP BELL street, near T’nlon Depot. Ap ply to John D. McCarthy. Sept 19 FOR RENT—STORE 805 AND HALL WAY 807 Broad. Apply Commercial Hotel. Oct 1 mTsCELL A N EOUS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING 1 only $5.00 per month at Osborne’s ■ Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come «r call at icnce. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts MISS DOB KY WILL REOPEN HER school at 444 Telfair street. Thursday, September 15th. Sept 13 SCPTCMBCR 19 |« a#<k* it *9 4toto4yto I |f lii to* 'to* # (tow- * (toft** ftoPiAMHA to n ■ tojatoA to fr- -i IffttL iftn-lfeft 00ft'0 toft i *sl 1 | m * totoi ’' ( %ft ’ tttitoto " pt*c(pl Not ken. toito toAto (Mtowto f»• f 00 ft*ft 4*ft ftPftP 4pHl ft ftft i tftjft. 1 fftp i** ft *0 ftft "tot* Top* ’(toto ftftHl n-wi f Tw**»— tote* 4*n*HL w. **■»••* ; #«—>- •#,<«*»Me- tma at • •—tot f My ■*4m <4 v VH t t nftiw a nr a ton a**—#y r»«s tun *Ta rap« iMHUrrt . a* a— 4*—— He mm : e— toAMDtt * ,Hgpt— * * a4ma— tor wM p#e*#a* *4 **—**!'— ba aae4te**»t Me— I ft at end a* p n* Tba* *»b*w •* «*•— i a* •• 4—e »'««» awa wa* be < e > at*—4 erbMto t* «V 4 • a**n I a —pbp I* • —to to tV mat— JoN* L IMfIKC bt—pil Ttoftt tlim AMMt’AL atoSS»r*J» nr MoXtraT «wT*>MK*» to al * a ta. 1 Py*. te* —toa MM tk«*"Wgk amt ear- I Cto*» wibtoAi to iftil ppif fft AW Ifttt paw* lii Stftp.f 0 jfftftll toftl ftpf 0# ftftopto pft If Aft ft*f ' - t wm N ItriAAl A M VTMMrftWWIa Spm—l Halite 4ro ;toooft ■ f WftPftMl 1 4to• f . A ftßftPWP* it Op. 'itcTH thgrtt. ■MOM HKrtllta MOMDAT lattlkK* M 4 r*H >nrpn pf Mh»< fftftrft ’TCP... m AP* 44*pf ) pM Ijtoli'fP Ipufitito HpfttofiftWfttoP •Aft ito l*%|E»*P* A-towrto* AioWP«rp> |p» pp 4 T>f"to«?ittpp Pit tow! fiifft ‘ h*nt+ (• H»**torf Tl^ fftli ptMS tpf«riwwtlpw. [ a 4 fry ftp RklOKfift A» a4* fNBBf . 7 Per Cl 1500,C00 7PifCi POKRtOM CArtTAUATg Wtt-L UtAS MALT A MJI4JUN DULUARS i„a malty ta Aug V-a. tla. T.vma I per **at Tor further Informal u*i —* tlwtr attorney at taw. f* t. PutUvao. Km., cr Mr. T. O Buruta Fall Seeds • Fall Seeds WHOLESALE QUANTITY Georgia Rye Seed Wheat -»«*- Seed Barley | W'hite Onion Seis i Red Onion Sets , Crimson Clover | Native R. P. Oats Grazing Oats Multiplying Shallots, Cabbages, Collaids, etc. THE HOWARD i WILLET DRUG CO. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE Land's Headache Capsules Mad* Only By HOWARD A WILLETT DRUG CO. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Thursday, Sept. 15th, CHAS. E. BLANEY'S Big Extravaganza bocc—i, A Boy Wanted 3 HOURS X SOLID FUN A Company of 25 People Two Big Shows in One. Pric •—JI.fA 76 und 25. Seal* on Sale at Thomas & Barton’a Curtain S:3O. Between <ilrl Friends. ■‘He said I was a poem,” she told her dearest friend, gleefully. "Oh, well,” replied her dearest friend, "some people know so lltlle about poetry that they think there's 'nothing to do but feet.”—Chicago Eve ning Post. Reminder to Politicians 'T wants ter remind dese yere polt tloianers.” said Uncle Ehen, "dat do bes’ Job ob white washin’ yoh kin git done can’t be guaranteed foh mo' dan six months or so.” —Washington Star. CASTOItIA. B«»n th. Kind Voti Have Always Boujfit % 7