The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 13, 1898, Image 5

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TU«9DAV SELLING CHOOL ? HOBS 1' W« have m*4« it A rtwrfy Kflv v IN# *t W# Miv# tH* Vintf that wUlKind <h« rack#!. Owf |Hcci cr« 75c., SI.OO and $1.25 Tht wtif owe T 9 Shoti * ■ th« 91 ,00 ind 91 *29 Shot* trt for INi akl*r onvi. Thty All wtir wall* Wi lliinn's Si & Co., 846 Broad Street. MAKIWI HW 10>I;V. A 1 A iinifm Am* Hw !>»■»< I*. MM|. ku .dml Sign al ,r*, of tha bat*'* (*?**! ftnioags* a VO* .■ 1,1.n.t1n. ifc.t .K, •a* prontWi* 10 w lot*. ** «»* Mw v*. * bring oQlf 0 t!i|bi ia It p*}*, ill, * fi*i *l *to tali oat sht fu'l c.rrsi*. ] ,t..n aik>««4 b» taw. Tilt* Third Ns- j Moral bank ha. jus. increased It* cir rnitikM op to the foil Unit altevrd by taw #•*.«* Th# tncr**«#s ta the amount of Ita Mn bleb ba* Jus (m« into effort I* fat ,M 0 All tbe nr * blltO am now a* m. mrvi oo uy ta* banka tool am a,t of ior dattonlnat-ion of flva. TY»H now money la Min* own , throb*bout tba as 'ton. Several Ihoa aantl* of dtillara of It baa already bean dlairlbtttrd with which to buy cotton ! It n It] be new money In every nenae, of the word. It may be of internet to] know that to make nil the notea legal! tender. 11,500 signature* of each offi- 1 rer of the bank wbo signs the notca it required It la more or lea* of a job for a a an to write bla name thirteen thoua* and five hundred tltnea. Mr. Jordan remarked yeeterday afternoon (hal be had slgn-d three thouannd of the note* derl-g that day and Saturday. Hr : wrote while he talked the low of hi* pen never ceasing at all. When the] pile of crisp notes In ftont of bln] grew to an inconvenient site he called ; to hi. porter and that Individual shuf fled together the mas* of bills In a manner that would almost have seem ed aacrilegtous to the ordinary man. •Sailings of the Ocean SteanuH'p Co. H.-alnmna September *ih, there will be five sailing* each week from New York to Savannah. itnd four sailings eaih week tiom Savannah to New York. On the IMh «f Beptamber the Ocean Steamship Company will reaume ,Hre< t service between Savannah and goaton. Steamer* will leave Beaton for Savannah OB Wednesdays, and Savan nah for Boston on Thursdays. Dlaaa pointed “What'a the matter with your friend, the musical theorist? Everybody ap plauded hi* new composition, and yet 'he seem* very blue.” • Ye*, he's pretty thoroughly dlacour aged. So many people liked it the first lime they heard it that he says It can t possibly be good music.”—Washington Star. Pistols, Double Barrel Quns—Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new 1 pistols, 12.60; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, $2.00. American j double action pistol, SI.OO. Guitar. Man dolin and Banjo Strings. 2 for 5 cents, at j L J. Schaui, Reliable Pawnbroker. 5 DIAMONDS WATCHES j 5 ! Wfl. SCHWEIGERT & CO., { JEWELERS. j JEWELRY SILVER j 1 Aft HtNNONA* lien llf ftift IlfcX Pint «i III# 4 nmpmm* M» a«4m*h Mi Cap< - O#**#®# 11 HA a# Hfka of tlx r<NM S> f#£i' i • «• w vwAkA XU •N 4 * * ||c paa **n 1 i |f*»** fXXNHXt (MNI V*t£t fX9I9 I* Am- j Id fuff** Rlcf* r*r (‘nil* nr tfe# |*%|) faAii 9mp"A a# thf <|im ti f i (M «nlrl«i 9|Mit AX li 4# tl H Tlrntwaa hAA 1)M|I fA th# fflf rA*# ft## It • I*l be qatre daw between them today It j Iff c*ae rally believed that Hr....a will] )eaMl M. Mahan in tbla roualy People wbo ynrl and (ah are moot lateceat- j rher ha. settled down to hard wort ’of the beat fanners in Ibe neighbor * hood In speaking of hi* defanl. be **t afn AttH aptjl iff of J|f tXt IOUD I tie* in the state and I will roatlnne . to iippono A p.uitiptifAtkHl of a#j j officer*. And tUI mtioaxd on I* . . and (Off) {q All Nor will I Allow xiy Alii ; to trroxf a law ttmpty to provide pi*- rfg for pal Uftl p#i» or fiivumiii r* . . mart hate vent out 'to ihe Uerk Comer yesterday to look after enme of the auuteroua mooushloe es ablisbmenta said to be ruanlng Ini the dark rnceasen of the mountains. ! They made a raid and Ale* Hobertaon and John Miller w«ie t*oth peppered with bird shot, nod their horse* were 1 wounded. Robertson la not seriously . ! Injured sad Is at home. Mark Dor- . i p #m ar re*ted one of the moonshiners, v ho will be brought Into the fl'y to-1 day. Lsten. You W't do you let vnur hair keep Call ing’ In mu cases out of ten. I can stop It If you do not let It run on too ion*. l' v e brought out nice full growth* on scalps bald for » »«>*l 10 * n ' , 1S y, ‘ ar * Done her In Augusta, too. Come to ree’me at 3Z5 Broad street. MRS. SMITH. EYE-OPENER FOR POPULISTS. Wilkinson W'ould Rrefer to See the f egroes In Office. I Brunswick, Ga., P’ot. 13. In a i speech to Ihe democrat* of Coffee coun ity. made on Monday last, at Douglas, Hon. Robert G. Dukeraon, tha demo cratic candidate for state senator from that district, made, among some other statements, the direct charge, In a ptl vate letter. Republican Candidate for CVngrcs* Wilkinson had stated that he would “prefer to eee negroes In office than to see sliver men gain a victory In • that election.” The making of this charge came In the nature of a boinb *h II to the Populists of CofTee when It i became kn »n amongst them. After i the speaking was ever the Morning News correspondent interviewed Mr. I Dickerson at his hotel .and he reiterat ed the charge in substance, and said the 'letter could be produced to anyone [doubting It. Only steel lihed and hurgiar proof cases used. Money loaned on anything r,f value at a low rate of Interest, Wa terbury alarm clocks, 75 cents. Lewis J. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. TTIW JkTJOTymfA AM">. HISTORY OF 1 SNORE 11 if llr t# Villi" t Mi [ ill MNM MM* *4* !*•* tH* M|lil • ttoM J . ».* m ? (1 # *%k€ t % |ll i&SA WmAW* lealfii a* wax aw • • #A|9a9 iVMMMXfI *W*^X^* I A AMdlWf Of mn tWAA* "•* **9W w m ttMfi 4a t Alt Awri 4allca*a rxAfkiA#' fttnarlal Qaa Ceil vlll a9l grx ; anA* MMA A# a Kf*A •• ti# cwld §tn Ml 4 , y u. ri'in fV>bh I Kbaf 1 # A fifW ta ith of frm If fdi 4a M 4«#A» It A A WtAll IA IW€i 9ifil'* »oti if p^* {at Me I would deem It a high ma.M *r ,tlon no your part If yotl could pise aot wore, la order Mutt I may wjoy a good Bight a sleep He seas a!! atteetloa to the CVuaCa tale iof woe. and at Ita rotnplet loa said ■ Nothing easier, lay dear Coual; your request shall be greeted aad la order ! i.rokca by aay such noises you ahall 1 alee.* bv me ** I Tb* Couat waa perfuse la his thanks. 1 sad If It had been In hi* power, woull (*ave made flea Cobb prestdwt of the Called UUlea. Night ram- anj I with It came the hour for retiring. Count Cartlge looked tea year* young er by reaaca of the pleasure he was anticipating He had abaolute guarsn jly of Secretary Cobb that hie nlghl a slumbtr >r< uld aot be broken by torn* scoring neighbor. What mote could j be ask? ] c.'tunt Cartlge stretched himself out ; beside Gen. Cobb and both prepared to go to the land of Nod. Gen. Cobb I rer.ched those poaseaslcna first and hoisted lbs American flag over them, j Count Ccrttge went pretty rapidly In 11 hat direction, but when Juat in sight jof the land of bllsaful slumber, when ' Just about to enter upon Its Joys, he made a rudd<« jump, and sat bolt up right. G—n—o—r —r-h! G—n—o—r —r ~h! ft a -tb-r- r h! There v.ns music In the air, hut the nett* were quite d'arordan' and grated upon the ear of the Count. He couldn't loccte ttio aocree of the music Just then, hut a mrm'uit later he happened to cast his eye upon the form of Sec retary Cobb, and the mystery was solved. Secretary Cobb was lying flat on his back, his arms thrown back over bis head and his mouth open. The Count ] couldn't make out Just exactly what he was ringing, but it went somewhat like this: W—h—u—*—*—*! W—h—U—*—*—*! W—h —u- i t —z! Then a pause, a deep brath and a troubled look, followed by a slight movement by Count Cartlge away from the snoring secretary and then again: G —n —o—r —r —h.' 0 —n —o —r —r —h! ' o—r-r—h! Another move on the part of the nervous count, and then a livelier tune. The secretary was going Into battle and his song ran In this strain: W—h —o —k! W -h—o k! W-h-o-k! j That alarmed the Count very much and. he came near shouting for help, but not desiring to figure In any scene,] refrained and went on suffering. This lively fighting suddenly came j to an end end the warlike secretary; changed his tune, rolled over with a snort and B'— W—b —o —k—k!! W—h-o—k—k!!! frightened the Count out of his senees. This circus, in which the genial sec retary was unwittingly playing such an important part, kept on throughout the night, and the Count was on the verge of desperation long before day light came. As day came on apace, Secretary | Cobb rolled over and awoke. He look- ; cd around for the Count and saw him sitting in a chair, all drawn up and shivering. “Well, Count, I hope you have had e good night’s rest and are now quite re freshed from your slumbers,” said Sec retary Cobb. “No, no," replied the Count, “I AN A*#aA 4 AMMAA *** IP* * * ***•• ww* ■■■ * WVfti* Hatvil At#?* a Art*A*" A#*! | vxM for f*m «li« I pl*r*4 i .... . . .* f * f rf»rtirtl W*i4l • - i matt fipltt iWul I* til# ' - tniAh< u* r f rolfX* | It nut unt> it t i*w * *** u * for Wa#l r*»r #*l# »*f Al; eAAAt'. r pruA A *•*«* Csa.* I*a»r «f I**l Tu#tf'ttM Alois* sC«rr Ml PRAY DEAD. A fla'lattl Aoldicr from Anderson It i)*ad -1 An >rw«. * f.. Nest 13.—4. •roll this city He wa* I* > «»» •**•• and was know,, s* a b'lght*ln* young roan. When efforts acre Host made to raise » onipatty fiom Amler- M,n to take its place In th * Klrat H.»ulh Carolina regiment In the ear »llb jfltsl t«» volunteer, hi* Influence ant : energy eonlrlhuled largely lo 11,.- suc eeoe of the company. PVotn the day the Company was mustered In until his nturtt home emaciated and weakened by typhoid fever, laal Tuesday, he baa serve) eoHtltlucusly a# a In:- soldier, winning the rate m and confidence of his stiperbu officers nnd along with It t>*«*rvirt promotibi) - His friend* throughout the state will Ik- saddened at the n-»« of hi* unexpechsl death. He was a true friend, a loyal son and brother. Mrs. Orr th- ag.-d widow of ■ the late judge Orr, Is lying critically 111 at the residence of her son, Dr. Ham - M. Orr, In this city. Discovered by a Woman. j Another great discovery hits been made end that, too, by a lady In this country. “Disease fastened Its dutches upon her, and for seven years she with stood Its severest tests, hut her vital j organ were undermined and death ! seemed Imminent. For three months Kh. coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She finally dlsrovcied a way lo rn in >ry by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, and was so much relieved on ‘taking first dose that she slept all 'night: and with two Isittles has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hamnick Ac Co., of Shelby. N. C, Trial bottles 10c at Howard A Wlllet’s drug store. Regular size 50c and SI.OO. Kv ery bottle guaranteed. j Critic —A genius who points out what he author has left out of his book. Royal makes Ihe food pure, wholesome and delicious. jfflßl feoV/TJ POWDER Absolutely Pure \ ROVM BAKIMj POWOEO CO-, NEW YORK. SOME CREAT GEORGIANS : fAxi Al ### <%* aMmnaa m$ Ha#a >M|iA»iiwl llf * #Ai ,*• A#* *Nk I *> §«v- VtW» AVAAAA j ||. r yWpnw■ m# f §y|w t -Wv • <gg* I ImA ' I. furtf A#*4#**4N Alf AAt #A AAXMM ttlA In tin t «XNIA#M» «• a"*#a4l ! !*»•# i*A*ji mm a pAMitA mm I mmm (4*#*r4 * # AMIM-AMhXI !>### AA lAt A A ' Maaa«# rxAfix r«« irnx a progr***; **4 tlx IkXtIIAAS ffiXXAANXXApiAIt MAt4 liMai ymmt x tlx liMfgXy M MMaaM ; | A A9XII 4*Al Ms AIaMXIX# fAXPAfAIML 1 VwX r |»writ tAAAAAfeM A Mm4NPCA #AmX9 » bill Ml tl *AA AA |V4* ; TW TfAAxiA At AIX Am at Uv» Mifixn. fTn#ni of TAtAAjy! t*ffi fcn* |)r**4 Vl§:f*t J iJAIf. Mal| Urol Ax at MaAoaxl W. K (•(*'? A c*r Np>fl>»x4xl at tA# I HsrAy *'nnp*t. Aum a TahilUq ll^r l biit~ R 1 Wiinif# MkA N no*roof £*NttA A#r (XftdAlto I. ttrrmi) tin ft AAA. A ffAAIUV# of *#»■ * imt& Salnialnif Adtlr##* Ia IxtiA AB4 ota* (tf»o In tA# NriMN* yroAtikm —llAnrf Oa thr |V*r# - Mlt#s C Nfftbltt. Phillip* KukigV on HukIMUM “ H H Randopb. Kstract from an oral loa delivered: July 1. IklJ ■ K LaitkgsUm. ] f)ri Kloquenre K II Appling. On l*alr:otism - J W Jackcoa. A Comedy Abroad and at ll»me. HramslU Personae I sir Simon nourish U Q C. M- I Young Kiourbh-John King I Old Testy- J l.amnr. I Capt. O'Nelli Briscoe. Han out i Appling. Scare- Pimielt, Bluff —Newlon. Keeper—C. Mailhews. 01ckey— T. Scott. Ball If—R Ba >k*. Women.'- Klonrlsh— Goode. Kilty Roberta. Mia* Hanley—Tyson. Among those who look part In thin ! program will Im< noticed the name* of I, q c Ijireßr and Henry Hull. The form*i was the father of ihe late Jns jtlce 0. Q. C. I.amar of the IT.l T . H. Su preme Court. Mr Henry Hull was the father of | Mr. Augustus 1,. Hull of this city, and ! although he delivered an address In ■ on this occasion, It afterwards I transpired I hat he became a professor of mathematics. Those old college commencements were the occasions of rarest Interest, and the college chapel was always crowded to its utmost capacity. In fact i the hoys ulways played to standing room only. Tu Whom it Hay Concern. t hove been In Ihe drug business for twelve years, nnd during that tlm ■ hava f-old nearly all the cough medicines roanufncluted; and from my personal knowledge of such remedies, I say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaellom than any other on the market.—W. 11. Terry, Elkton, Ky. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. n. Purr of Bell Tower Drug Store. WON THE BET, BUT DIED. A Queer Wager Between Typhoid Fever Patlonta. Lexington, Ky., Sept. 13. Albert Fls!-, a private In company E, l:’tb New iYork, and James Mitchell, company M, r,ih Illinois, lioth typhoid fever patients, .who occupied cots near each other, dls- I puled over which would die first. They settled It by a wager, the New Yorker proposing to bet 50 cents that he would outlive his fallow sufferer. The New York man seemed to get better last night and rested apparently well, but this morning there was a change, and at noon It was seen by his nurses that the e,nd was near. His vitality seemed to vanish, and 111- died Without a strug gle at 1 o'clock this afternoon. An hour later th<* Illinois man expired. Ho had won the bet. Three-quarters of an hour | later Private Stephen I'leardsle . com pany H, 21st Kansas, died of typhoid. Special prices made to teachers on School Books, etc., at Pendleton’s Book Store. An Honest Pact iiXX Aiw A MxftoM «AX A Aii*-- Ml Ax X'A *l* Axn# xmA ! iX As AA Al *Ax «x# fH* *%* 4pp*iMf M Ir’Hj KMiIA It VMA I |N%A %AX imfi Ml AHNMA |j>*« MAX 4A-f MA I AM# AAAHMA AAAtM Cooipl8(e Linsor Falland Winter Cloi)iid£ X# x# f|fft »| XNI XX4AHIA4 AM4 At Xw*A At-4 AMXiI M* AA*A CAa i ffaaiMi m «•#» *# »M» fm tmm ♦*» •»»*>* *sm •** hh**» Men's Fine Trousers At $2.50, $3.00 and s3’s°* J. B. I BITE & CO. Cloiliing DepartmeDL 1 ——rtiii mM Miwm— * H 41 ft § wi . A AMNIAPI CM. GIHII m S M HfifOAl* fitNIJ T. L——— The l*»L but ofkdi of our »Hml-*nnual Ch«n«nge Sal*» win ba i rim nsd with an Array of bargain*. »uch a* any ttor* may ba proud of* Homo of tha Bpaoal valua* arm tha ra*uita of our own assorts carafudy pianad for tha occasion many waaks ago. Othars, wa arm frank to confa**. are rather accidantal, maralv attributable to our ability to taka quick advantagaof tha fnexpactad torn* the markets taka at timas. All in all It is a wonderful collection of choice Shoes that will be sold at our new store this weak for v $1.99 — Fifteen different styles In Ladies' Low and High Shoe* and eight different styles of Man's. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Couley while in the East. . _ Agents for Hanan A. Son. Stacy Adams A Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. /tf-fUrt i Btr cLES *“i . ‘ 3«TC-e a • J ,»rS'J # LL ,1?s **«- , #Sjgag U* ch E s 'S&P If you went tiro thin** *h< hlaheet eatlafaetlan and a saving of money Jqet nwk* fMiiwlt in* u( «i» raMoaun We i*n furni.h itdrr* with bl<, 100, and iht- beat In th* maikrt at that. Thi recent SI par rent redu lion «aa a quarter hit. I>ut hrte’e a prcx-e*•l'<o us hum* run*. Columbia*, modal K, l> no. and ymir laai chance to *r< thi* popster modal at any »>rh e. " , hava three shop worn lonlyl modal 4«. ladle*'. «•• I' - * *« *1 **» » '»•«• ladle** Hanford at «0 and tadlee' VoMti at ladle*' Jill at |3«. and for Imya and ni-n than- I* nothin* «n Hi.- market (o compare with the Keidal special at |2* M and the Jo, kat $21.0® second hand t'levelend*. Rambtars, Creacrnl*. Hiearna, Vhi or*. Kldtedge ntrl lUrych*, from $15.0h up. all Al condition, and we let them *« at any old price—they did not co*t ua any thlnic. Were given to U* by l» |.|c Who wanted lo ride the BTAXDAIID WHEEI. OF THE WOltl-D, and only aold in Augusta at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. Bicycle Department. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE So9BroadStreet. OFFICE OF Co-Operative Coal Supply Company, DEALERS IN COAL AND WOOD. 1041 JACKSON ST. ' THE ANT B “ Ik - READ HERALD WANT All VFPTtMAiN t» J* not* running. Foma of our pita* beauties are Hah game and dinner net a. On* mlslU as noli attempt to pacal the rainbow, a* to describe aU that* good qualities. The way they are "Ch inn l* a caution to thoea who Irleod purchase when they can be had for “get lng eome sometime.” Belter pur chase when they can bo had for aucli low prlcce ev we ore offering them. Ae for glesitvorc, crockery, lamp* *c., time and language fail ua to tall of the wonders that wo sail. Don’t for et that our aero price# will keep you cool. Remember the placa