The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 13, 1898, Image 8

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rufftftAv NEVER BETTER PREPARED fife fefe 0 #' I ft 0 ft* IM4 W v §0 00 Jfe | fit**# *i iMM! gHMffet# Ifetf *# | |ferft* «Nnl C 4#l§ | % 04^• ftfelfe Ift fMft f SO|M4 fV* »f*»* Ow ft** MfMTT •** f l« Mi FORTY-FIVE MILITARY JAGS tl* Nkt 04 Vrit h 1 fnpM (m4lim U*t Mrt«* By Actual Cmmt OnMi iw gaMla># Wm t»■»■»< VttoMl TV. petto* hto*a» M «M •**■»» #£M# ftf ft feftftftfft 04 ftft# ifeM •? ftH%fti mwt Mr •** ****** r * •ft* e#fttft># IlftW s—its fNif 44# 1 ft (ft life* t At 4:0 ftHftNl Iftfe ifeftftftOft **** tiiftjftlt r# * «nI tip# *# (If ftfttift 044* ll fttNtMMMMt *44* ftflftftft ((ft (4# o*** Ifttf |>f—>i*>* 0 t#4*ftl •••* tbm ftrmr njiftfe wi* ftt4l4## *i»i ft! (M Iw.uf 44M4# (4MI ftf (4# feft ft*** 1 > • ffutka fftttfel ftp ft! ffeftftft'itiKWft • ’*» • pmtwt fttftfei oft kuH tv ftrftftnft mm liw l» Hft «Rh fenmtoftft tolitod, I#®*# t« ftftftNp TfttoftfT*4»ft Mitlftl wr# fftft•••♦<* (ft Oftftfe Ojtof. ft! f •ftod tftto ftcMmiN IV ftftftia ftrrltfti •* tM elation ftft4 41* fjptft tftff ftNftfef 4 ft# MH 4ftWW ♦"‘ft iiafp cftftvafoft to fftftift Ttoftl t#ft •••* on m (toft ftftlto Ran at the soldier* w#y# iflH hf the *l,ll gwthuritt#*, *»«p( Corpora! On RotSns n. trho b»4 w sail Bwl Reu polarwl si r#cril#r'# («rl lo ga> Ml Mm with • Vm#' 1 Ural Maitbew* m ■ wit- Th# rate *iwlKl by Roblear* halo* fined fJAfi. ahlrl aa# paid by th# lieu tenant and Hom »* which there was no ltout#.a»' to *o (be art for. Second hand school books taken In part payment for new school books at Rich ards A Shaver's book store. A FAITHFUL IXXJ He Pall* to HU Death Thl* After ■lH Jtipi before the Routhern train rolled mil of ll*» t'nlon IV|mt nation today a Mark mongrel tlojr waa alt > loee at tha heel. of a negro man Aa tho train started th man toanlid the tram, and attempted to run the dog home, saying to aomeone standing near that the dog had followed him away and he did not want It The train rolled out and the entire way through the rltjr the do* frolleked around near the tear of the roach. At the train reached Pay alreet o>e engineer opened bit throttle and the train atarted at a faater rate The faithful animal alao quickened hla pace, attempting to keep uii with the train. The roach gradually gained ground on the animal that waa following through the treatte. Suddenly the do* made a mtaatep, then- waa a plung forward and the black body dlaappeared. Aa the train pulled out the other end of the treatle a black dog could 1* aeen drifting In the current of the river near a large log. Thla told the tale aa plain aa worda, a fall of many feet to the water, where the poor brute waa rruahed on the log. one dumb creature a life gone, given up In lla effort* to fol low Ua rnaaler. Second hand School Books bought or taken in part payment for New Books at Pendleton’s Book Store. Small (lirls Apron. The email girl's apron is receiving attention and the little maid can have several varieties from which lo choose. One of these is ine little Fife apron, the pattern of which Is taken from the apron worn by Ihe eldest daughter of the Duchess of Fife. The Bkirt is plain and is the same length front and back. Around the edge of the bib is a broad ruffle ending in a point at the waist. When the apron Is laundered the waist Is separated from the skirt and washed separately. By making two waists to each skirt, one skirt will often outlast two waists, both In the laundry and in the wear and tear of the aprons. J. R. Putnam of Ohio is at the Plan ter*. . fpt sytMtl rtw‘ii need for the MWtJe Of IMS bay Os' »unf«nl Is the loufK furl weinne (doth ****** isthy Bsiior Junior. Veetee •»*<* fteefe# ftwtti oof#t el ftl ftO end ftft ep nhere ytm* pock eltwuiii Pkft® e hah. fttp bnyi' start at 4400 and wo. Ootftior* everysrhere marvel how see can crowd to much atyle and goodness Into CJothee and chares such small prtees. This *t the ONdin* gutshed feeturs of oof pokey* DECISION VS. ORDINANCE Vti Qssutss ktM fsßctmac (Itfa M, Vcliss 4. to • Means fcafie ItoSto Ms (Ktot harty Sa*i Sto»i tt t ttosei SesHy. orVe ansSsHa a tot at iat Kims ew*„ »•» ses»» is* : reectSer iSto awetti eSarsej silk * . iatlas aaeOan # si .VaMee M sf tSe TSa sxtoas re towns to to tSM one ; ntor-S n»r» M ssa * ton rt*4ert a a tor :or to* m l*> is»lu» 11 eSnil Mtee jnasto after Saatoeas Soar* or as *<«» day. TSe ardtoeor* to m» aMeatoe Us as T. isi i »*»»nl SSeSS and Mltosaa Mm |4y aad Pnlieeaaaa Straitord aaa*»red las wiisenea for tile etr TS*y tmll ! Sed that ■ key took oeraaloa aa laai ! toatoy atahi to took ibrooch the i Mss hole la M.* Sally‘a her door sad | troa etot ties of too Interior fhey i ro«M got. sort of a sum’s aSrtoldera lend hAd a rate red Is Ibelr Sold of *la> ks They roatd a too aee a raoairr aad i befctad toe rtmaier Mod the Man Tfct Mas sat tot Mr. Srally TSe ' traiter goattoMaa saa area a fee reta iner later ralmly tout as <m hi* front ptirh. The oSera reported the men Mr Srally mid If aay one saa la toe bar It saa aot si.b hi* peraMta. Ju4«e llatlrr ruled tha t aa Mr. Krelly did a« brow of (ho aiata beta a | to (hr bar and It saa out of hla poser to hsos • bother (he parly saa to there, ho saa aot guilty and ao did sot Sne hits. The Judge’s decision (nosed some or gu-nrnt al police station. A rather ini guaalluo *aa raised. According Is the (rC.aance. Mr. Scully «aa guilty, even If be did not know than any one was In his place of buainwae. Thlsj looks tike a hard law to comply with, but be that as It may the section of lb* ordinance that refers to the case reads: Chapter M (amended) sertlon 4; paard September 7, INK. “If any liquor shall be sold, furnish ed or glvar. away on Ibe premises of a liquor dealer, either by himaelf, her self. Ula, her. or their agent, servant or employe in violation of tbia paragraph; or aurb place where liquor It kept for sale shall be opened or entered within (hr Inhibited boura or on Sunday aa herein Inarrlbed, whether by surh llq ucr denier, hie. her or ibelr agent, rer vant or employe, eiirh liquor dealer up on whoee premises auch violations oc cur shall be liable to the penalties and be punished as now prescribed by the ordlnnncts of said city council of Au gusta.” Now ts Judge Bolter’s ruling In sr conl with the ordinance or is the or dinance faulty Mud one Impossible to comply with* A complete stock of School Tablets. Pencils, Pens, Ink, States School Bags, Book Straps, Com position and Exercise Books, Lunch Baskets, Pencil Boxes, etc., at Pen d eton’s Book Store. Capt. Cameron 111. Capt. Cameron of Company A. the captain who ao bravely served the sec ond cavalry In the fighting In Cuba, and was promoted from a sergeant to a captain, Is here on the sick list. He ts suffering from fever contracted while In Cuba. The largest tablets and biggest sc. composition books at Richards & Sha ver’s Book store. Rub articles stained with eggs or from baking custards, etc., with salt. The brow ns stnlna will at once come off. Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 tu $8.50. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from $1.25 to $50.00 at jCewis J. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. ItfSS * U tod tod ( ladMSg WOS ’ Tlf* AX7OUOTA HIRBAtaD. - ■ -■ - - toMBMMRMHi THE THIRD WARO MEETING fk ItoOMStk* if t i ssfifdid If Ik Ms# tfllfk ik«ftft ftftgfelNftftfto ft.dft# ft tftft* I'♦fwfts * d jtotoS ddf - t'ftftft. ftfftiap’Mift mm 0* mm lfta» [ ftl life #4l It'ftiifti't ##wft ife^ I ftkkft 1 ft# pmsmmn# ftMfefepftv ftftftftftfht *m |ms 9m (MftfepMl ftl ft ftft ftTflMW# Ifewftft ; ftMMipftftiMft 4ft ftlktWl ft# • Iftfft ftVft##ft I• «# mm Immmri ftMNft I# ftwiift vmm iftfe* | (-ftft ftftfeft ##» ftft ftHMftftftiftife, I ftft# ft|#i ftftkft# ftfeftfl. ssaftftP'ftftft i ftftftftlf ftft tos»ito4-'* ftft ftiftftftftS I ftft# Iftfe" ; fft mwftTk Ift# fftßll «ftftfeMHlftii4 ftft# • (•# > ftf <(ftft #%•;■** ftftMfe * d|K Vtftft • kf# f ftftft § I 4*ftMlfs—# ftftft* Mft fiftftft## m ftft | |»hfftftft> (an (M## ft## m skfefeftftftft l*w (flftft# ftftftft t fek# Ift# (#ft# l l ift ftftftlftft a toss <«mss «f to* to* ad *Ss sard Lfitar 4fttS ftftfttiMftftft ft*#* •#■• ift# #•##» Kwift tftftftCft.ftwNp mm tftftftft ft#* ft# tw fttftpftftM In mft ftk #h ftftf tkiftft ftkft ft*#*# lift ftolftftftl Ofh/ f# ■ *V •• fftOftto-O# »*-4 •I fftft (ftftftftWft ft# ftft# ftftNl Tftft## I (Pfttf Imp. W'l'kwwftS kkk ftwokftkftft. ftft* (ft* I iopfwfwwi fv fioftft ftftftft ftft# (NftNMm ftft Ift# ftft# ft CM* 1# tvv# ftl## •## •*# •####•«#. 10ftI* t%if# (MM# ftftMft (ft#! ft# p#Mftftl-‘ j I ftp# Ift Ift# ftftflftftftftl- til ftl ftft Ift# * i# «M#ft IV' oM#«f ft## rfefetft A(ft»* j ftifftpn# *|*ftn ftsfkoftlt# fftftfe I Ig# ftfetMkPftl Ift# IftNft ftftftfeliftfk ft# Ift# I ft#Mftift#f ft#* ftftft pPftMftNftl' I A ***•«*. oft «#««.. If. !•* Hr Al. oft«i#r CVf lft# ’ W# Mft ftfeft ftftftfltMfcft V# fftftft#*! I (MMft I ft# t%lf# ftftt# ftft# 0 ftM#k# 0 fttftl# ft <rr»ftiftft# ftftmftt ftftM i [•(ftft## •# ftrrftftft# # ftiftH# |Mt* (fttftf 0 (ft# ftftNl IkftftftMfftft# #t#ftWNl. fynftft • fttfeftft ftfttil 0 ft>ftft% ft«k## = ftlftH### 0 00 04*#|# lft*ft# 0 *## ltd *lt| fftftlf? IW Tftft 0 UN# ■ t ftp# (»iift" | P#ift(>*tT"inf ftft# m? m*n*m f t ftft t#f? (ftftftfttfttit. r Ann#mftft | Mr Oftftfef*# Iftft •# 0 N* (ii.»« Aftftft##. oft . **«M. It, 10# Mr 1 Artftfttfwft®, Atftrftpfft* ria - My Hear Sir Teare of the IMS at hssd and ewatost* rerofally «*«*• itrod The rlttaeaa of the Th rd sard hold a susdag oa toat Thursday the «h laataat. at shlrS <S# fWWrsta* ■ rewdatloa saa aaaalauioaly adop led Mr S. H My era aond that (ho steed Inc ha ptstpaaod saill aril Taee tda" alfb*. •* 'bs* fWSfd of the Third sard maid he no! I fled t brooch the S mittmaa of Tha Chroale'e and n fill meet lac of (bo rot era thereby aanetn btod for the purpoee of notnlnnllnc n . andldaie end Iranaartlnc aay other * rasa tor buatyona. The aaotloa sa* on* antoMHiely mrrtnd after which the neat lag adjourn'd " I it* resort would * accent that f am a candidate for council before that mealing and am arllllnc to abide by aurb action aa tha stodom of tha eltl tena of thajuril may decide upon at . ihgt austlng- I cannot naanme that 'yon and I ha*e tha right to dlriata to the sard e»hal they ahould do; but aa humble aaptrent* for the aame honor we ahould proropl y nmuleace tn what eeer tbm ahonld conalder I* lo the (mat Interoat of the nrnrd. I ntn a can -1 didate pledged to the aunport of the I admlnlatratlon of the Hon. Patrick Wash, and on that platform I appeal to m« fellow dtlaena of the Third ward for their support aa thelt; can didate for council. Very truly your,. A i Oouley. To save money in Buy ing School Books pet them from Richards A Shaver's Book Store. TOMORROW. THE LAiT DAY. The Registration Book* Close at 6 P. m. Tomorrow Afternoon. The time I* drawing near for the cloning of the registration books of Richmond county. The time limit Is Ip, tn. tomorrow. Today mrny are autographing with “Col." Bohler, the registrar. The to tal. or as near aa the registrar could give the reporter figures at noon today, was 2.200 names. Out cf these about 300 are colored. The registration to day has been heavier than any other since the books opened. This is noth ing unusual. It is always that way. Ixits of persons put off the matter until the last day or two and then rush down and autograph. The books will close at fi o’clock to morrow afternoon. You want to be In before the finish. If yon have not registered,go down today and swell the list 8. Cream Cheese at KEENAN & CO’S. New York Futures. New York. Sept. 13.—Futures open ed dull. October 5.66. November 5.59, December 5.62. January 5.67, February 6.71. nMroh 5.76, April 6.78, May 5.50. June 5.83. School Book*, Bock Straps, Panoll Bo»ea, tsrga Tablets. 11? Composition Baoks, Slates, Bans and Pencils at Hicharc»& Shaver’s Bock Store Mr. Billups Phlnlsy. a well known •? cotton man of Athens, is In the city. i Special Bargains in school books at Richards & Sha ver’s book store. MTIBRH #ss Nti ktoMto*# ‘ •topaass* f : >»*>ltol* wil to# kkto #wp ViMtotoS# to# **** I toMRMkt 4ftftfe#»S«ftft kfti ftlwwftftft# k# 0# *o^ I lift ftftftft#|##s (•‘•ft ft# * M * r ’ ®' r C # lift if 0 ft# hftfti Oftftft 4 ft #fti t pgf o »t Eitafte B#N BftKy.M.) T# (CUT IUII U#ICT ft ft (ft »«"»LMmsus ■ ww fU| da toMNt *.'*>■ to> - ftftft* t i' , ft* ** mm** ViMMft ftw m&*'-** **** ft# #ft^ •~t s<gto»* ft-toK»*to ; ‘*«toi' ftw ftw* ft tostotoft#tow w»* t . r , T-.r-yr I#s MST Ito ftt * toft eftft fttoto Wft* ftftto* ■ *••• ft# «*•* •• (%• tftW M«sft (Mm# toafttoft ftytototoftWtoft *** •#* MPtos p»- «t ftft WWW toft ft «• tobr»*ft wftft §■«•*•» rtftA# ,1* r<| — * #«ftb • Vtoft a* • #«*-# W||L fttoto ams to# SaWMsft ftp* *ftfti toft ftftft# - f-ir-if Ifttoft rn 4 4 ■■ w * ft-wftfttojftito ift. Iktoftk 4>"Stoi •’■‘tosstoh. ftoikftow. toft »* '■'••••ft •* STw' as swpaas* M*s p» »**f_ ******• " *** cu• i• r CUlittsl CURKII ILODO UIM CO., Ufta, Gwnii. |^PERSON*L^tHTION| ! K, a. Cowan, of Hoss'to, to at the Ar- ItngOto. . H r. to’albar. ®f Ha®®.- at the ! l*te.t*«a- .. | |« N Unit, *f NnrfolN. to at th# 1 Ihsatri*. | j H. DtsM of (hitoteavtlte l* at the Art nun* to. y c. Amtth. of (Tnctnsll. to at th* ArMngt to. , a l* KU*y. of N*w Torh. to at th# Arlington. . „ _ .. • t! Marks of Phllndelphtn. to *t the ’Arlington. <l. K Pickering, «f BuvtoA, to at th# Arlington. .. T ft Thnma*. of Blaehvllle, to at th* 1 CMinMttsl. | j. w. Wlllta, t< Atlanta, to at th# <\>mmrrrtal . _ j James Vraaon*. of T»rh. Pa., to at the Plant*r#- Walton of Aandemvllle to at the Planteta. Ks-Oov. McDaniel of Monroe to at the Planters. j J. Hi'lehbuck. of Charles urn. I* at the Icwsnmercla). j Jonas Itlee. of Alleghapey. Pa . I# al the Plsnter*. ‘C. D. Kramer, of Chattanooga, is at •the Arlington. j K. K Frank, of Boston. Is at the Planter* today. C H. Gregory, ot Atlanta, l* at the Planter* today. Oeo. J. Uowery, of Paducah, Ky.. t* at the Planter*. John 8. Borden, of Alexander, Va„ t* at the Arlington. K. J. Hudson, of Iroulsvllle. Ga„ 1* at the Arlington. -If y. CMtellard of Charleston 1* at the Planters today. Pre*l»n Herbert, of Savannah. I* at the Planter* today. 11. M • CttifH. of Wlentoß, “• ” • 1* at tl»e Commercial. _ B. !l Marvllle. qf Barnwell, 8. C.. is at the Commerolal.* A. Hamilton, of Wllllston, S. C.. Is. at the Planter*. T, F. Johnson and A B. Johnson, of Atlanta, are at the Planters. J. A. Hack, a tobacco salesman, of North Carolina, Is at the Commerolal. Mr. James White, president of the National Bank of Athens,!* at the Plan tprs* Mr* J K. Lloyd ami her charming daughter. Miss Holstein, are visiting friends In the city. Mrs Dr. K. R. Stevens and her love ly little daughter. Ruth, of Macon, are visiting Mrs. A. D. Wright. Miss Annie Laylor, a popular young lady of Charleston, is visiting Miss Katie Collins on East Boundary. Miss Lillian Eve Wright has return ed to the city after several weeks spent pleasantly with relatives In Maron. W. W. Woodlam, J. W. Woodlam. B. B. Easelosty and G. N. Black, of South Carolina, are stopping at the Commer cial. Mias Viola and Miss Lillie Hollings worth. who have been visiting friends In the city, have returned to Mlllydge vllle, Ga. Miss Gllle Harris leaves Thursday fw the Industrial Collegtrat T/illedsevtn*. Mrs.' Hardwick and'TUlss Mary Butler ITimftvi' k left this morning for Chicago, where they go to visit!Mrs. Stires. ' " Vartioal Ink anti Pens for Vertical Writing. Recom mended by Prof. i*e ot. Use n<l I other, gold at Rtfeharde & Shs j ver's Book Store. CONDITIONS OF THE MARKETS [•ill At fs HI •»* ll*** : <Sa«S SaPtoto AaStoMSg tSsto to to l-4Sft 0 : f*"-# ' tii|go»4 (ftftWwlk M# 0 **o 0 *Aw ft*#* ; 0 ofe#oNl (kAMA ftftft-totoft if#oo *## I liwtolk kto (|p# y -'v#|,<to» * ..toftxfm M lift# FftMkk# #>>»A #ft((ft4 (ft ■## * * (ft* | |tM < *«M ftftft ftft# tftfti r■»(t —ft t##fttw #O - <0 -, flfepts lA* 00* *** j Aft# ftftft #4olfe r ftio4 ■ HM##!Aft4 . .. ••*«**•« •# i A-« 0% t Hfet %mm ftfeHtfti *• to .ft Ml##ttft4 . .. a, .... .... % t 10% I j*f Hr f .. „ .... „ I ft 14ft % |fl**kl .to #. 111*10% KRTKIITI. I Wftl Mkliftl Ikftl 0 10 ftft# •##• I mktiftUftM r«n#4Ui 01 ft#*# 10? I 0« Uit«H«r .. to* - •• - to. Mi 14 fw!»y «0 10 tlrtfe? V. •• •• ** •• AMi 1M? j W#ltoo| .. - •• •# - AIR I rn#«ft .. **. **. •• tkMft! 99741 AIM | BAI.KB SPINS FRA. BHIPMKNTB gale* .plotter* Ahlpmest g*lunUy .... Til Ml •» Monday .. .. 47* * •••• Tuesday .. **J R M# j Total .. .. ItM 44#l TMt mtitss rwkiptr .... ETAOIN **«fllf4t cmfwy *hruu i*»: ism Net receipt* t«toy W 4 l® 7 TSi rough wttos today .. 8t .... Oro. receipts today .. •• M** **27 STOCK AND RECEIPTS. I**7 I*** Htiu'k tn Auguata today ~ MM Receipt* rtnee Sept. I ..15744 4*17 COTTON LETTER. • Auguata. G... Hrpt. IS. The flr»t l.lvert* ol cable* ihl* morning were about H • point lower than yesterday’* cl-wing. Spot sales were i.tKto. at un changed prices. Liverpool’s rloatng was :flrm. with prices practically H • pdnt I letter than yesterday. TNe New York • market opanrd quiet around la*t night’* I price*, tha first sale being made In 'January at S.S7. The fluctuations have i iteen nartoto—confined within’* rang# of 3 point*. January aclllng between S.SS and 5.M standing at 2 o’clock at 5«« with the tone ateady. While the cotton market ha* not as yet Jeveloped any pronounced recuperative power, t has latterly showed a marked resist ance to much further decline. X>-wr Orleans expects tomorrow 45J0 to 55<KI vs. 5*14 for the same day tost yes.r. Houston experts 9600 to 10000 vs. 9897 for the same day !a*« year. PAINE. MURPHY & CO. The following quotation# the closing prices taken at 2 o'clock. ar« over the special wiics of Paine. Murphv & Co : NEW YORK COTTON. Open. Close. January «■« February April 8:s 5 - 7,i May - 6.78 5.82 June •• 6.83 5.83 October .y .. •• •- •. -• 5.56 5.55 November .. .. j. •• 5.67 5.59 December 5.62 5.62 Tone—Steady. Middling .. 5 13-16. LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 3.07 3.07 08 February and March .. 3.08 3.(1S March and April 3.03 09 3.09 April and May 3.09 11 3.10 May and June 3.10 11 3.11 June nnd July 3.11 3.11 12 Aug. and Sept 3.11 12 .... Sept, and Oct. .. .. .. 3.09 10 3.10 Oct. and Nov 3.08 3.08 Nov. and Dec 3.07 3.07 OS Dec. and Jnn 3.07 3.07 08 PORT RECEIPTS, 1897 1898 Galveston 6346 New Orleans 5532 3664, Mobile *J 3 • ,? 10 Savannah .. -i .. .. 1 ' 2716 Charleston .. :. I**9 466 Norfolk Hi>« ' S3 New York .. 663 Total at all ports .. .. 29052 17000 TO RtAL ESTATE AGENTS. * A# irf (M ktowi <kff* # *•# ••*#• #4 j %MI s#Sto m*4 Iwtokaf MswUhlkgjA tiatopM, 1 wA. MWaAk WIH. Ntoggs, Ml# «#tof 1 thangt IsS Mi # W*|*toig fti Jtotoftofth # *W|K | In nM tsiimkk. M l» flwto «MMC Mk IV | jMrs W ft* totstoMNstolalMi # ism# kMMtok I Wsi #1 4mm ### ami mmm mmm 1 taWll *«to MMtt ISSfSAIi # titotojl ksf Wto to f Istosti atoslsf fSNRf t'Stoitoi (fMß SM#K\ ktop M SNMfI. to# W S(ifto 1 (*#•4 I pfSSMNM Wto 0 ptaMp gMftotkto | tolMk Sift tods* vs %sm ktoto Ikg asstory gfa, * si . tasaktoji gilaf 01 utlic §t*m gltst pM kgvt ! ‘I !•# Mtktos •# #•. Itiptato «k tofNt ; VM» I*. Pt iff H. tWMJp. j TiuqnSffi lurafif r(c Tk* flaji <7 i ,rr hc» > **t! I SECOND ATTEMPT TO WRECK TRAIN f»«v«cH Triti \* (. N# r« ikfinM. Vet Qkimito. l agtasav I stsg’a to araiag »* » a«»- MftVft l|'«(oft*to*ft *•% ft# (4 ft«*t4 TV# oft*4ft#lft 0 ftrtftto A III# (Vft# (#ftft lltil OMM#j oft Alilft" l —A4 Iftr Mftfttnwaftftvk 9k CU ft###ft#4( : ftflfllif (#44 o’# mi 0 TV ItftNM# f#- *#? J»t It (Kjft ftftNftft- 0 - liftlil tfefel .ftuftftlftft tip 10 Cftft# Lik" kftftlft ftft* (ft# 10 ftftift 0# ftft (ft# list# (•#Vtftftft (MMPft ftft# I Mft 04. ell 1011 (ftft# 04## tIM *fejft*‘( (# t(|to 4r 111 s ,j*ft * vt-f H tm* #*C to tsy Ift# (4# lift# Tftfttft Mft 4 (4ft! MU 4#r# fl# I 4 4 0 #v#4#f(op, 4»w4# sot Cft4rM#o *. ftMft mft Iftln 4 pti# 0 «M# ftft4 olt# ml of (0 «p» «rft#r# (4# (VftMit I Just tfftlft MTftt'k (4# oftpifttoM# Wftfft Rft • glßlif Kftlftp'ft 1140 ftftM tfftlft lift 4 ftl (4# w*»*tiift pM#ft (41st •!## (# M(ft(ortfti. (0 #ftfttft##f o*# Kftftl n##r IMMmoo ftf t4# CfeifftwiA M«#4 tfftlft c# (4# ftl> ftf tie* 0 ftft MniHl ftft# •*• toft*# 410 0 0 ©ft iV Mote***! fur ftafti4#r Moinartios om (0 r»iM. T4M ftft« ft ftftrftl ift t4ftt 0 ftftti ftl#- m an# ftft# 4##d## 4y (0 of (0 CliflcPvft tfftlft. Ho# ##r4 ftot o«ft doft# r4#r# I# ftft totUaft wVt •Ikdikft# olft4l ok# t*##K #©o# (ft tfftlft No, ft. Engl.eer Robinson after leaving Moot.norenrt hound east kept aa ea gle ey* on the Ira* k If id Rare | tie. war# In the way he was prepared to stop bto train at a moment'a no tice He peeved Ik# slot where lb# Co*-« Lite train had struck tk* lie# and ran on for . mil# without seeing any dan ger on th# track Hla sharp lookout, •toml him In well Sure enough about a mile and a half beyond where th# Brat pile of cross Has had been placed another pit* loomed up. The eagln ! ecr bad hi* ponderous machine under | full control aad slowed up sufficiently to knock the tie# to on# aide and break them In several piece*, the wood | heirg quit# rotten. The warning of ■ Engineer E viug had no doubt saved tha train from an accident. Evidently some party or part lea have R in for j (he road and ate determined to wreck : a train. They usual have been on the watch and saw their first attempt fail to do their dastardly work, and Used things I for the other tialn. Had the tie# not been as rotten as they were a serlora wreck to the Coast Line would have no I doubt occurred. The miscreants should be caught and aeyerely dealt with. Two attempts to wreck trains in the short space of an hour on the same road is a serious thing. Second Hand retool Books sold cheap at Pen dleton’s Book Store. CHICAGO PROVISIONS. WHEAT — Open. C!**##. September December 6-'* May September December 3fl1 ' May 3 -* 31T1 > OATS— September *** May PORK— December September 4 - s,;! LARD— December 4 - 9 a SIDES— October 6.30 ' NEWTORK STOCKS. Sugar }37f 136% Tobacco 14 6 o' b‘ q. v. w:‘immi Chinas.. ;10 k tOt ! LouisvlHS and Nashville . 57% 56-, Manhattan *6‘i I Omaha .. - 84 ’J}^ L’ntcm Pacific 30% 29-.* Rock Island 10218 101 * R. G. .. .. W* St. Paul 1° 105,,, S. R. Q. 34 : ' 37^ Western Union 93 92% tormtoMJfe Y M CAS NiGHT SCHOOL TV FirsH* !i*v W« |MM 19 Fit IV ir«rfc. Mvaf Mgw P M*w aai to*. Atoa to MM*y Ha»a COsafß* Hcsstog- TA# llto'-j #‘-4 ? ft (MMft# oft ftNPkftft ofe* of 10 T A C A kftl’ «r4ftftl. I < |ftv mtrnmml vtil W 1 ftftft 4 tanuft 0 (4MHRP ttoiftftg 0 *0 ft*f ft*# ti 3 ### fepfftsft 0 (0 •*:«*#»# roiftft# lift# , - - ,_ „ * a, _ a | %• toM ■ g’* | ft gMNO 0 AkftTftM* ftft# #MO ' VMf* T4# flar4i«il will 0 |w Y« •• 10 f, y ft a 10#fp of 0# Aftpftfttft H old 0 • 0« t#dtftf# 0 T, H* c. A. tots* Ms A««w*!t hat M «wa triad tti other plows and grwvai a Aa lb* Baa** «<***• «k* tohaal. s.U ha fraa. The ■rbstota stoy hata to gat* >tas tarn hotCsk hat tha! atll ba all Tha srbetol totll ha oganad oa tha T-t*,; of Octobar third, and »#a*loas nvti) b# N* every Monday W»*-!**adag aad Friday eights. Th* Y M. C A.’a itrga hall <to the third (aw of tha ,m> idlaa totU ha aaad aa tha glare of laairurtloo Tha hall will ba partloaad of bg movable curtala# la ahlrb tba vailaoa depart men'a trill be altuatad. Tha ntirw of lb# asUr* faculty eauaot ba an nounl today bat totll b# abortly. Hnwavar, It ran be stated that l*rof. ’ 1 j^ } p Butler who to coaaartad wit A 'tba Rlrh nond aradcuay «U! bar. ,-hsrg* of arrhltartural dratl:ia Mr. Alas White#* «bo lately graduated i from Comell Uhlvaralty. arIH hata , kars* of tba mechanics! drawing de part neat. Mr. Whitney la well qualified (# con duct this pttt of the work. Tho litialJOgg department. consist> >g ‘n tho • tudies of bookkeeping, mathematic*, iwnn anahip and stenography, will b* in the hands of a practical bookkeeper -boae name will be announced It- Tbe hour* of *tudy will be from 1:30 ! to 10 P m I The school will admit all young men ! over li OABTOXTIA. had. » *■«*«»*» ; Second band fFunil*ated school Books *o <1 at Richards a Shaver a Bonk Store TOO LATE FOII CLASSIFICATION WANTED—A GUOD TO work la South Ciroliaa on a cotn | mission. A lively man can make from JlliO to 1175 per month- Some capital required. Call at once. Broad street, j Augusta, Ga. U Special bargains in school books at Richards & Sha ver’s book store. A TO RENT—DWELLING "10 ELLIS dtre-t, seven rooms, twelve per n.rnth. Apply J. W. Jansen, to® Ellis clreet. Vertical ink end Vertical Pens fir Verloai Writing. Hroom mtnded by Prof. Pelot Hee no i.her. So d at Richards ui Sha ver's Book Store. FOR PALE—LOT CANARY BIRDS. I Fine singers. 12-50 each. J. W. Jan« sen, 706 Ellis street. . . FOR RENT. ' NO. 849 ELLIS STREET. BUILDING three stories high, containing elevator, |etc. Especially desirable for pbusiness. Price $50.00 per month. JOHN W. DICKEY, Real Estate Agent. Fresh Pickled Pic Feet at KEENAN & CO’S. Second hand (Fun) gat-d) school books so n at R'chards & Shaver a Book Store.