The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 14, 1898, Image 1

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IF AUGUSTA IS TO OO FORWARD AND NOT BACKWARD IN THE NfcXT FIVE VEARS. RtMCMBER VOU MUST DO VOUR mu ••****» AIMMKtoA j t irtMt A unw* •axx. £*£•/£££? t*toA§ <#to IHFt II in mill TV t Of Ml fclMt %*• fWiftl MM If Oilrf Ntrtl mI 1 .y at Jill \ iltf fi(n 49# %t 4B IN PM I* tMM ft# #* «• tkf m **«}*. i»f tiMN |ltv 4Nto Mi Ik* k? <■* J TM *rto% tod« c»tm*** **pi II —1 Ik# MM* ' Hi UfvkMN till* flMHlttt to 1 w Wth*-f fe|i # f rftvn|o gilltl rvtoif|n n# > tof' • Ira T bta Iw it#* flltllCMl M«l ml 4. Jr "Tl» fart tM I ■i!iprw< ih» • m ■mm •txmM cm wr id *ttr|*rl#—. toe I m* oo •MtvfeM Tm rnght to kooo •rhat thol wtM. Wrawa* wv* of oar kMtm art* atrtfo4 ta f%tn*»> V. H t I am th# HraWk of all Ik* aaf 1 <»f ikMWMi uko kfctoVto irt, • hfl #§l tool t>4 wko drtok tool. H Mi Ik* oily; totof v# lev# ts Invlif toltttotkM) *c* i (.(if Mid tot. It Mi MtotoktoitM' m 4 tototoit* ttokald#. "Xtl** MM* it I rOtodftMNM kito Oil** »* wMat tft. ttod aoHtty OMif Iry to rtaMNfy oar lilt to# Mav# Mltt#d •on# of It# tofeitolnx llfki* **A«f obi dtolltrly proalitofti would kart <h»* !<:•< aa wall a* Ihr eniprra* Tatt put k«r la ■»* way. f heard »h* waa here. It la wholly lidlfrml to m* »hrthrr I ha»r a trial bar* or la Austria If 1 kit* m* rhoioa of pualaa pimt tslkial hy dtfrrni notion*. I should rrlart that of France where oar la gnillottned. I hop* I shall ha put to drath. for tbra f ahall hr a martyr ta thr prittripleo of anarchy. Think wot that my oceomptlee* arr few; they are aa anmrrotia aa thr multitude of thoae who suffer bitterly by reaaon of unjust aerial eon dll lon*. ” THE EMPRFSS’ RELIAINS. They Were Conveyed to the Railroad Station This Morning. * Geoera. Sept. 14. The casket con taining the remaina of the late Em press of Austria, home on a four horse car. and followed by two other cars, almost burled In floral offering*, was conveyed to the rallioad station here this morning. An enormous con course o. people witnessed the ceremo ny. Temporary Interment. t’ienna. Sept. 14. ln accordance with the emperor's wishes the re mains of his wife, the late Empress Elizabeth, will be Interred beside those of Crc vn Prince Rudolph. The In terment Saturday will therefore be on ly temporary. THE FORTE STANDS PAT. A Collision With England May Be the Result Constantinople. -14. —■ The Turkish government has sent a circu lar to the posters alleging that the British provoUed the disorders in Can dia. claiming that the present situa tion Is due to the measures adopted | . the. po'.vers in Crete, and protesting against the bombardment of Candia The Porte announces his refusal to withdraw the Turkish troops from Crete. In spile of the decision of the admirals that such a step is absolutely necessary. The circular made a bad impression in diplomatic circles. Wimberly Returns Sunday. Editor Wimberly, who, os stated in The Herald a few days ago. had gone to Washington, presumably to get a position under Lyons, will return on Sunday. Nothing further concemtnrj the object of his trip could be learned today. Colored Citizen Dead. George Barnes, colored, aged 65 rears, (lied yesterday and was buried at 2:30 today from Hosannah Baptist church. Barnes was a well known errpenter and stood well in the estima tion of all who knew him. ft* itwv* * Milk THE AUGUSTA HERALD. mißf ia pot til lUfcfeM* VAX MhU ll»* H#4» I t*9M «hk IttPMIM. to•• A-ftoto+*4# to fkitotoMtoMto (Mr** flMxkto m 9t*m*mm** [ toAtoXMNN #to4 topAtok# «f AttoMki Mto . »%ji toil ilm MnMtoAtoTT jtoitoUcito THE PEACE C jMMISSION. : ** IkM WHk Ik* FmMrM m 4 viMari Twsrriiw like ptwr* niwaMWX k*4 a emfer s 09** toft Ik fti'* |*r ■* toltoito * toN>t7t ii? t I Hut It frtoto tool • Mitot ototo. It toM #i pr<Sr«) ttktot toll (k# MMRtofi «as lk* I tvmmUrnumrnru will tool k# k#rv totoill tiitoorrf« #f#tlß|. vktoto tfc»* to*lt ’4)m tollti tfkto Pf*il4#«t In mmpmmr tottM ttk# Rl*tob*r« of (It r»b)RH At ' tkai flaw II * ezperted that that lo jat ruction* a the rotnm**t<jti will ks i gone ore* Anally Pn*i4*»! Gilman, of Johns Hopktna »*«lv-mtly, Haiti- BHwe.a member of the committer to larcatigarlno the conduct of the war. i alao hod to deal with the Pml4*it JAPAN 15 WITH (A Wants l'i to Retain Pnsaesston of the Philippine-. Waahlatgon. Bern. 14. New-papers reaching the stale department In the >title.a! malls from the east show that the almost uni vet sal exprerstoo of the public pres* of Japan la In favor of the I'nlted States bolding permanently and governing the Philippine Islands The position taken Is that this wilt he In the interest of peace, commerce and good government. The edtortal* in sist that this Is the only Jamie of the matter that wil! satlsfv the hlgbevt Interests of the Inlands and the de mands of civilization The newsfta jpers deviate that the United Slates, In ' aeruaptn* control of the Islands, will | receive the moral support. If not the i active co-operation, of Japan and | Great Britain. WHEELER MISQUOTED. DM No: Say |McKI tley Thought War Vv as Not Over. | New York. Sepl. 14. General Shatter and Oe.teral Wheeler returned to New York today b. the same train. General Wheeler denied that he had said. In an Interview dtfriug the jour ne: \ that McKinley had observed to him that the war c.-as not over. ■Moreover. 1 ’ said the general, ’'the president never used anch an expres- 1 slon In my presence. It Is true that in snswer to question* as to mustering out the volunteer troooa, r expressed the opinion that a considerable portion of the volunteer force would be retain ed until i.eace was signed.” General Wheeler added that In h i opinion the Cubans and Porto Ricans would be found tractable to the wishes of this . government. GEN. BRECKINRIDGE LEAVES’ Camp Thomas Practically Deserted Now. I Chattanooga, Sept. 14. Gen. J. C. « Breckenridge, who has been in com mand of Camp Thomas for some time, j ; leaves tonight on a special car for Knoxville, accompanied by his person al and part of his offirial staff. Af ter reviewing the troops at Knoxville tomorrow, the general will leave Fri day morning for Frankfort., whore he win pay hts respects to Governor Bradley, and will arrive at Lexing ton. his permanent headquarters, Sat urday. Silver Plate Trust. New York, Sept. 14. The Meriden Britannia company and Wilcox Silver | ! Plate company have issued circular s to stockholders stating that the Interna tional Silver company has been form ed under the la.vs. of New Jersey, the capita! stock fifteen million dollars, preferred, and the same amount com mon. Mott of the stockholders have agreed to accept fifty dollars ca - 1 r and (50 preferred, and $25 of common stock of the consolidated companies for each share of old stock. ins i ! IE II KB! t Hi luff! fl l !§ 4ltotoNikH|' I tHiMI §f |%t sht§lPt * Wft Ukitft lliit Htti Hi* ilfff tVw*tod ttoto Ikttotof • I toad tm Ik# Iktoftt tv AUtofto* tl'toMMtototoito I* C . to*#* li *** Tito Afto AtoAtlM 'lf A ;.«** |n ||gA k'“A T t (| fllllto tllltotoito tolNt t»4l«toto itoM. to ItoffiilA Ml Mm# ftotoatotot Mtotototo Wtoftto* ; win tok (Piiw* tiNi Idk b s (•* to ftorttoito Xtolto of Ototo toll 4 ftotoMtoblt to Xtolto of tMr»to fr«to Mt* kiitoto U Htox tMI; Ikro# Iron ||ti»««9lto. ttoto tot ktoll «*4 prwbwhly the*** fa** lows owe hnw , \« liiuAka »i*d two fVowi Now York. I* tk» «•*< Now York M nprMl to »iwl IbwiM* 4*uwi>rxn N*« Jww> two *O4 hOMVbUIX BIO# Mart loud will rortolwiy *l*(l two 4*worfiU 004 B‘wt Vlrglßla <** prohobly tkreo. JhilM 4«wo*r»tlc 4#!#catloM frowi Al abama aad Trxa* or# -mooted 00. oa la a gala of aw# frowi Mtewvirl tnd two from Kewtarky. Tk# committee nutlloed the remit . today 00 follow*: Proorntr ICT; r.-puhlk-aoe II*:: fn*too El. duabtfal. U The full membemblp of the house la IM Should the repuhllcana capture all the i doubtful dtslricta they would atlll 1 have only 141 vote* or It lea* than a { aaajortf y, In thl* fort.-a-t It la aaaerted that I the democratic It ten have been uodrraetlma'ed the committee prefer ring to rely upon a reasonable compi lation. rather than trust to aperuta- CAME FROH JACKSONVILLE To finny Her Soldier Lover of the Tenth. Another love story ha* happily ter minated to the unbounded Joy of * cr.ember of the Tenih regiment. When the *var ea-ive on. Win T. J. Harold of Tallahassee Fla., enlisted In a com pany. and proceeded here, where he joined ihe Tenth. Just before his departure he bid farewell to h a nwevtbi art. Katura Odum, who lived |ln Jacksonville. Time wore on and each day dreams of the loved one earne i before Harold. Emulating the example of hit colo nel, Harold wrote beseeching letters, for hi* bride, asking her to Join him here and have the knot tied. Thl* Katura refused to do until the proba ble departure of the Tenth for Ken tucky came to her ears. Then she at once set out for Ait gust a. reaching here yesterday rooming. She was met by Harold, who had things arranged A license was quickly secured and 'late last afternoon tha-couple appeared before Judge Muse. Harold wore his uniform, spotless and as tidy as could be Katura wa* attired in lilac sal In. el bow sleeves, white silk mils, white sandals, which exposed the dainty Unit; hosiery. A picture hat completed her toilet. Witnesses were summoned and the | ceremony performed The couple then went merrily on: their way and were the mark of gen- i eral admiration as they walked along, j A RUHOR That Second Georgia Was Coming Home Tonight Has Got Loose. It was rumored on the streets today that the Second Georgia regiment would arrive tonight from Huntsville, Ala. The reporlcr, while not putting much credence In the report, endeav ored to authenticate it, but without Bucness. Capt. Howell Appointed Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 14. —Capt. Evan P, Howell was today tendered a posi tion on the commission recently order ed by the President to investigate the war department in the recent war. Capt. Howell is expected home tomor row. Bayard’s Death Inevitable, Dedham, Mass., Sept. 14. -+- Thomas F.Bayard is much weaker this morning than at any time since his arrival. The doctors say death seems to be only a matter of a few days. . A( IH At A OA f t'SNf'wM F %N |N tMM IM t O* %mm mmtmt B>o 4»« M •■# two*4 •o fnoi O«o FMMMMk HU. (N§* It - Mt#** 1 1?m#m ItoP *»« f wttoMMM** (to***. ] S %to itototo* Ml to|k WN»' %MNp4 ; |Mk • MT* *** «M H um k . lit a totoMl I'M lito kto : toito Am# AltoHßM#to kitot * s-tototo'*® totoi I■* rtotoii to.. A*to Im to Ht MM ito ; «wfiNNto* «to»»i * tot tof ito<# **%♦ IPto. wtoto t l***NPN4(i(to «M -toi wtotokk #to*s#tototo l toito to !toM4AIM# M MatolMt toto# Ik iftotototot* m I*a* tonitoWl ItoltootoM- I iff ~ tototo to'iM Ito ik« *g>to» tot H n: 1 H4«| tto* totot tototok* <MM I to •* to totto j StoltoH mm IM p tolM artototoi tot j ((l n M'kto t toMil M* **! ftftovl tof Itokto to# wito# to Uto JtoAito J H Ototott ? tof i, lto m xito •%*> |, t# ~ rm m |g| toMlt toltoito ||mM *knx c fMki into H# ftoixtoi toptoltoito tofftotoV ] toiito toltotowl fiiiVtotoHNliNl Ito totontikltoto to 1 ZJ' Il'fZto lwM*tototo toi'liito * MX sos itoc !'*• ■ * 4* « to# j t. ooM to hot# pm+*4 «h# -Nod l—T of hut tScuta oitk lh# too of hi* Mto* | (hi Kwith of lh# TiooMta* aagtoo-oi I 4«a#ly rrgtvu th# o4IOOi ohlrh th* rrtat* coola ogoo lh# «»oim#o4 H* •111 Cl OB pel oil the on •*» aorwtolec itotr aotpot 004 tooy roMrfrt th»4» liberty to th# to*•** Baa Fraorlaro. Bn>' 14 - lot) Bight * aiir4>r nwNl Cooral Miller 004 OoL oo#’ ttwllb to o#tt4 o«t goorda to or rra drvnkra *ol4tor» aa4 r*f*t» tk*o to rasp, aod thl* work raatloonl satll m *orly boor thN axiralog TV *p priraoc# at armed guard* no th# pmm kiitotot totrMto ftwtod ron«i4#toihl# #i• { fiiftnrtn A (irliiiF Im to Ttoto###**# mfttotoM to bo gav# kit ntto# •# Jt®## Jokßton. irM torrrttol f«»r ilrlktorilii a pl»tol j LYCEUM DIRECTORS MEET. Na«t StttMt Attraction* aad tNhcr Matter* Agreed l poo At o meeting of the Lyceum director* held at noon today at the offl-v of Mr W, C. Jonea, the Hat of at tract loo* for th» teapon of 98 M wa* 81 led out. It wa* unaoltnoiMly agreed among the director* that the lecturer* should not deliver the same lecture both nlghla of their engagement here, but should, at the choice of the Lyceum, 'vary it. Alao that the Lyceum should alternate no ea to avoid giving either pr c deuce, aa, for (oatonce. Lyceum A will hear tbe Aral lecture, Lyceum II the aerond; Lyceum B the Iblrd, Ly ceum A the fourth, and ao on. It wa* Dirthermore decided that tb# lecture* for A and II shoo Id Ire deeided upon by drawing from a lot, and In thl* way no partiality ran poaidbly be shown eilher. The following Is the list compiled for Ihe r-Mon'i attraction*: Robert Mclntyre, Oct. 12-13. George R. Wmdlliig, Oct. 20-21. Fath.-r Stafford. Nov. 9-10. I>r. W. D. Hlllla. Dec. 15-18. Prof. Morse. Dec. 21-22. Dr. Robert, Coroveil,Jan.2o-21. H. W. Mable. Teb. 13-14. W. H. Sherwood. Feb. 22-23. FldPtte Conc'rt Company, March 2-3. George C. lorrrleuer, April 5-8. ~C. L A ITEMS. Gymnasium Class to Be Formed —Lec ture Wednesday Night. The C. L. A. gymnasium class hsa been organized and will meet at the C. L. A. hall next Friday night. Physical Director J. A. Toland will the Instructing of the class In charge. The following young men have Join-, od the class: C. P. Mulherin, J. P. Mulherln, J. T. Fogarty, T. S. Gray, W. E. Joy, Joe Armstrong. W. A. Her man, Pat Kelly, J. S. Maloney, J. T. Mulherln, C. S. Dunbar, Edgar Miller, T. T. Miller, J. A. Sheehan, J. N. Walsfc, G. W. Andrews, T. B. Rich ards, E<i Gleason, James Parks, PL J. Mulherin, John Mahoney and R. W. Hanklnkon. OtherH will have Joined by P’riday night. The class will meet twice a week. After October first, ladles nights will he inaugurated. These special nights set aside for lady visitors proved quite popular last season and will be so again. Next Wednesday Mr. Charles J. Bayne will deliver his interesting lec ture entitled.“Dronesand Dreamers,” at the Masonic Hall. The lecture will be for the benefit of the C. L. A. Tickets Will be 50 cents. All who attend are in for a most enjoyable evening. The e!even"*veeks old infant of Mr. and Mrs. BoSe-.Hall this morning. The funeral oocurred at 2/ o’clock to-, day from theiresidence on upper Ellis, street, Rev. Mr. Jacks officiating. H Cl I i nm jTiftoo - fvvti Hi* Rfi (mv#N li mwito. Via Hu Hu# tffiiM# fltfFt |Mm4N tin-fir *!• MoOoo fto*4oai oom# IN# A I—HI. ißpooto’ to th# HmM . I paMoku R P R*M II TV- Mar- Ifttoto •*« wßti«# tolto»| Ito to MKI t%O toil Kto# ftollilrifltoto tobto btotto Itototo lutoblM to#«ttto 4tof<M <k# Ito or ttoflto tototo toPNi b#* * . MRMHiMtopl# tk* b*»to»tof- bfltoMto* A bawl |A itoto ttotto Itotf k*#» b#tN fttotoi toftb t J Nßto*btoti | A®toto 111 Ik# iNHI. into •itoftltoto Tib l» itotoUmi I «• bto to A#tolbb*nto I TV# Mtootog M Mt# «o*» oft to i KB*ito fl ITi F*oito**«fO» ft Iff. ; Tomyh*o# IT.IBS CNmgwf 9* 401 V HikM WJW. »»WWB IMN. Flort II.IM. HiytV# IS UR U«f«to >4 904 TtoHM* 10 tog. TV* I W**#lh H*or ttnahr. t%- haoiMH #4#v*mth boor ram (Mlsutu* wo* tk* wo*4»r of lh# -toe liati Mt I hi* r>d of tbto |b#. Ttlto K. WwV» odvorol— *nw4 10*1 lb# <tfr» log o*ooi4 4a him ook gno4, vhil# I ito ooil-KUorto vol- ihoogtn II would holt him, ooi *o H «*#oi Thl* *#m— '. l rewtar la Ithrly lo to o mott#r at uoiM«tokl( mnmmi lo ito fq|«r* Th# Hfrtht may to icyf Bled Her* K IDI-rto a* * glolo firmer and BJ l#fV* o* O politic too Read, r* fleet, ood com poor lull tot for governor for * "Governor Kllerbe ho* left hi* cdßc to elwttooeer for him*e:f He ho* •luted lo ou*ltet«MM frt**4* lo l olom Mo that rlsce ito rompolgt ho* (**i ed. he bee lhoughi ihe mailer over. | *o4 if re-elected governor, lo hie first | nit *tmg# to lh# general oaawmkly to [ will advocate each rousty *e4lHng Ihe Itquor question fdr Moelf. If soy county wool* pcohlMtlon. high llren*c torsi option or dispensary they should have H. I "This, mind yon. in Ihe eleventh hour. "Why wa* not Governor Blterbe man enough to state tbl* la hi* cam paign speeches, lavtend of gt thl* time? "Why? Becaure he *t riding four homes to catch votes Don't be de ceived by thew promiae*. This I* no rumor. Ask Governor Kllerbe If II la true. I "jf he denies It. affidavit* can be se cured to prove If.” Now. Ibe question la. Dl(l or did not Governor Kllerhe express himself here In private a* favoring local option? There are tboae who say be did no tably one dealer w ho stands well here. Governor Kllerbe ha* positively refus ed lo nfflrrn or deny tb* rumor on Ihe ground that It hud Its origin In The Record, to which paper he give* no at tention. R j Associated Press Charleston. S. C. Sept. 14. The re turns at one o'clock th'* afloraoon from the primary election f'o* that Fentherftone, the prohibitionist. Is pushing Kllerbe very hard for Hover . nor. I Th« county vote Is not yet heard .from, but II will probably K» to the In cumbent. The defeat of Kllerbe will end the dispensary *>’gtem In South Carolina. Cooper for secretary of mate. McMahan for Riioerlntendont of ieducation. Floyd for adjutant general, and Garris for railroad commissioner, are elected. WILL GIVE A FAIR. The Junior Battalion. Oeorgla Volun teers. Held nceting Lest Night. The "Junior Battalion Georgia Vol imtoere” has been the name adopted by the young military of Augusta. _ A few nights ago the first meeting was held and last night the second meeting too It place. Toe boys decided at the first meet ing to make a thorough canvas of the city, starting tomorrow, and solicit donations and subscriptions for their fair, which will occur some time In the near future, the exact date not yet having been decided upon. This is a worthy object and should he encour aged hy the people of Augusta, as the proceeds of the fair will go towards buying uniforms and guns for the boys. New York Futures. Ne w York, Sept. 14. Futures open ed steady at a decline. October .. 5.49 November 5.52 December 5.56 Januaty 5.60 February 5.65 March .5.68 April 5.71 May 5.74 June ....5.78 MYti itjuv* A *r»« Is I |»M * *i*l. *♦ I t • g «*■• Ht 4(1 ! lit «Tfct% ‘ stf# Tift Hui 1 (to t#* | mm** U 4, Um#n tot ito ItowtlfcP# l*i m*4 HI Hit Mlto 1 •)/ <1( *» ' Tijll'hto to*- IM** # #H ! I %ijmh * £*m§ tor Imi toltottoM • ■''•iNtotol' * ito Ira* toXt lit X-'fimt w* •* -to | i ,rin • Aigiftoff tof i( -. Mill Pi'i» | Pt*4 HitolTtoTl *•» (iMN# *'<m*** 9+' i t*»to m 4 ******** ** rn **** | •mNKt I mmb*** m* brnm* 9* nm t%4to AfiiA • if® t r #Mi »%i# l>to ff# 4IA Mt Ittt tk»< tk# Mtofl « Ire totot Mm to *<** k»t» Id IM« j * WM Ik# MNrttaft #••# *p far tk# « • itiMiMl • Hr run ; Itoilikf m®#4 it lt#f I X Ttof*. \ !vM hi «mA fiat rn»r Ctr(«ri«k! kIA #M vn| Ito l«k# ti# fmitkHi W ti*4toti i Titos ttrttotoUt if '« v* 9 \ rvtFtoti lotto I itoM trot o*e4m\*s toty itorf ktoHi toltodt tir jwtotlflto** JW*| i*ftn*ito»of fkxMltolto itoto to rrtotojr til* M to fit Hoard fitol trH CifitHiHlj vtoto » P*#A<vt#ylat lid it* • R*t JI •<* l«#t §. X. r%af* d#tJ#»l tito. dkiitto” n .cat koqolry ho* obowo *hol Pfal ( un ought hod b—o oH*m»Uv • lUp I 'tt*i hot prior «o helog -I **#<• <« • p|*r- m t-*ih»r »« lh* I-or? lo»*v •rhool t Ptwobylorloo I b* b*w*o»r » prc*h> trrlaa aod rrpr**e«t*d lh* . tcircb at oo* at th* g***r*l oa*-m --tdt** At ynwot h* I* slßHotla* with j ih* B*ptl*4 rhuch ht* Brat lov*. hos Goodwin f**l* that b* wg* not . m tf tfooted iUopourtooo*ly. hut nn • j fs**iy. AH thl* bavlog h#*n arrang'd w’lhflOl ht* *-nwl#4p* Of ronraut !o •hr lor* of hi# uoqu»llß*A *oc-**o lo • v*ty department cf th* work. Hon**,: He < pm* hi* own shop, EIRE DEPARTTENT. Summerville Volunteer* No. i Mel Last Night. t I-ant night a ipee.tog ,rs ***#’ iu«r»#r vlllc volunteer flr* d parthnnl No. 2 wa* held. Th* main purim** of ihe meeting wg* to adopt the eonsiliutlon th»i had tieen prepared by a committee .appointed al the last meeting Thl* eongiltullon w*» adopted. Oth-r butlneo* *va» then reached. Mr John D. Dawson’* resignation ** Aral lieutenant was accepted and Mr. Joseph Gann hi. Jr., wa* elected to fill , his place. • Mr. Roger* and Mr. George Fllach e,ere elected to make out the four lleu tenant* called for In the oonatitutlon. j The ofllcer* are: H P. Burum, caotain. J. Ganahl. Jr., first lleulennnt. Geo. J. Heckle arcond lieutenant . R. J. It'ger* third lleufetiaill. i George Fllach, fourth lieutenant. The first lieutenant will serve as 1 c'ftary and treasurer find th" captain ! will prealde over all meetings. | Th • offer of the botel allowing the use of Us fire apparatus was gratefully . accepted. n k. JAHES DEI ANEY. Naturalization Paper* Granted Him Today. Mr. James Delaney was today grant ed naturalization papers and mode •* full-fledged citizen of Fnited | States. Mr. Delaney Is a native of the | County of’t Ipperary, Ireland, and has just attained his majority. Usually In taking-out naturalization papers it ib necessary to he a five years' regid-nt of the country of your adoption. If, how- j over, the person comes over under seventeen years of age hp can, upon the attainment of his majority be granted these papers. Mr. Delaney has been a realdenl of Augusta for nearly five years and Is an enterprising young man, connect ed with the M. J. Downey wholesale liquor establishment. Anti-Italian Demonstrations. Trieste. Sept. 14. The anti-Italian demonstration? were renewed here last evening. An attack upon the Italian : cluli being feared, a detachment of 200 policemen were sent to guard thoj building. The police and soldiery ar rested one hundred and twenty rioters. I Many of the latter had arms in their, possession. County Home Supplies. Arrington Brothers, the well known grocers. furnished the supplies for the County Home toda ,r . Cashin, Gouley & Vaughn furnished the boots and. shoes. I tt*nm If J# 4»t> MtiUi Nil # t (mi ' 9#* to *Mto f#M* Mt | <«* 41 (*•'!»> I #-#*»• *#♦ 44# *t»*4 » *•* » •*• >*> tH4( «4MI *•#*»! 144 ■ f,i ill IS ill ICBtoßtoi «ti lift 44#t)9fB KtNUI If Or Punk I Tift Mtirfe DU * ito tefcula Kill (lllfti I*l}lM- Mkowtkog t Ho* lo# IN# AourkiQW IN i yk* am Ihty tko MtotoflA- Ikpfto 11. tmm XlMk ImHXPMMI *■’» to<f «*to#u4 tlto »totito#%# tot Utotoito %****§ i tMf Im mm* *rtm* »i#TT k in • mhi mmrif Hi ttoto *u*mm*4 ttoto* mMR <Mt rtfltoto tot#* •toNtotto totot* Mfe*. Mtouito *itoXt#Ml % itod A err Mato Mt VMt fillflkto ! I 4)>9n * *#tto utptoH ktory ! IxitopaMt l| |*R u* to in • st «tofu4ff#Ml to! 1 •• <NiHf dfttor Tdiiir fF*totototoi u»«r*m, I ttoltotol #to«**lf to* t *to *MUntol», toltto I |(|M Ik# *!§*«»( 4to«ttoto I TtMl'ti TtoftoMf Ttofi mnfto 4*#( (toXtoK• totoill Ik# Atolto ®H At ilotoiftl (Uj f Mid «Hi«Mittotoi to tjtoltoilAto if* «jkfitoto ik#»#r»l tot t*to at a* |»tol tm%s m tnm Ik# (Mktrkt of )ft*«iltto to hr tor# ItoM ’ Mrtmm «H*l Hto*l IX g#ohl*otolicol hot he geohoMy will. With hk* mo following hraohiog *woy, tinlnglNi roo B4e4ty lleul to bcaok oilh Ht# % »«tkw* It I* esMkiukk oh—her C-o-ral I Ito Ft la# enmoUMMllOg the (rdOfO qtior- I Ito M*lM#. tt *|| ofitopf tk# ofXtfto Ito wltMrow. Ts the order |* .inoheyoU ■ trtate •U! have arrived Th# orrhlH#lK>F ts M -u-‘* deoto# eot phstNtolly 00 y hottwlodg- Ilf the eilot -or# of ■ plot on lh- port of tbe ftp#o - I*h clerical port) to tola AgiitooMo'o ii#(u## the *' r** "•o>»l**k»o hy sllrrittc up rival litoufgeot trader* to 'rt mmlt *otlte over' on which will pro ■ tpUot# • rooJUct with th- Azn-rtcoo*. "|||ery MpgnUii prlra’ who ho# lh# goad of in# rNurah gt hrarl. sold th# >• k!>:*hOP to ate. "%O%nM only to u* 1 A im-rieo »•«*' tmoowalon of th# I*l - In t*(h pn#*##*loo IN# the «i!y 1 pnihli fotiif* for the ehurch here.” ITivste m«b«r. of th* Ftral CoUfttr ulo roftvmrift 4l#d yr*t*rd*y of dyoro i i#ry. NBQRO BOY ARRESTED. Is Wonted lit PerFv, 00., By Officer* There. Thl* morning Chief Hood received * 'letter from M L. fpope. ihe sheriff of Houston rounly *1 Perry. Go., for the arrest of Jim Wlgglo*. color #d. Wiggins ha* lieen *t the Paine lo*ll- Inte for some time Detective# Wise and Sheron were immediately sent for and noon had the man locked up The I sheriff ha* been tvlred and will come for hi* prisoner. Wiggins said the! he went to Perry with a missionary delegation »nd while he wa* there a fight took piece In which a negto was *hot. He »ays he haJ nothing at *ll to do with the fu*a. SCLDIER CONVICTED. Guorgc Hampton Sentenced to Six /Tooth* on Gang. There were only a couple of case* to engage ItujW “ tu ‘ ntlon R * ‘ -,,5r court today The first case was that of George HaT.ptW a colored soldier, who was bound over to city court a few day* ago j« ihe rew-jgr... Hr was charged I with chnylng werpona. Ho got , ’ff niofltW. Will Dallas, charged with vagrancy, 12 months. STATE WARDEN HERE. Mr. Jake Hoorc Inspects County Con vict Camp Today. . Mr Jake Moore, state warden of the convict ramus, is In the city today. Mr. Moore waa taken In hand by Judge Eve and some of the county author! [ties and laken out to Inspect the ! fUchtror.d county convict camps. MR. SILL MCDADE 111 With Appendicitis at the City Hospital. Mr. Sill Me Dude, a well known far mer of Gracewood, was taken to the city hospital this afternoon, suffering with appendicitis. Mr. McDade's case is such that it Is feared that an oper ation will he necessary, and the doc tors' verdict is awaited with much un easiness. Decision Signed. The decision of Judge Calloway in the case of the Augusta Southern vs. the South Carolina and Georgia rail road wfis signed yesterday afternoon after press time. The decision was as stated in Tke,Herald of Sept. Ist. in favor of Ism .((glists Southern. rhs lease was annulled and Mr. James U. Jackson mid .folerffit'H. Sande appoint ed permanent receivers.