The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 14, 1898, Image 5

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WBDNtiOAV ■ ill .. ***** rm ** t mItUTiT. * im^njSrtyiC Zmm * " ****** Georgia Railroad Bank AUCUfcTA. OKOftOIA CitiiaCMCfß MtATtt Mhr*iMW a *•»*- »*■*'— V.. K<lCWtf - 4. tiMV Im» fSZZ*mm~St r*l“-. ,i *mtm H AWWHH le— ■** .•scirsa, zz'rs. , Ss.^ic- fttvoif m tnt t, »iwuw» TV NMM* »*•*• •*♦—*—• ipM* MIMM «—* fiMi'tw toy M ■ TV *"•» IMM **—pi at t*KMM* •* *•’ ft *ht* %hm ft* ft ft— MM* yHXN * •** Itob— if IftM It—ft Ift ll* *■»*<»_ to »ft* gary— fti *lftftd a—i fb*» ft*** K» M Ik* «»» (ft —M» «***» *** TV a— *—• m— la* tnitM —wft mrIM •i tft» ruft*. V*» »tot»* ftw*» «f >ft* y—p *l*. hall —ftft —•* ••* *l'V >«l —ft— a—fta —*ft* ■•* dft‘ •to—d • t»*— »——*•*(l th—» •*— •.4 b—ftft • ftftf *»»•** U* *«*•** T V Spa a Mud. •—* ift*ift*W» - «* * rw.K -to H —, Vftft tft*l (V «ft it*** m* im* •'iMi tv ftw ftl'ftrked Wt»h —*ft *MMf •»* *• •• ,fc ft*—l i- n thftt It* ft—Mri** •—* «*• foiled Ift IMIWI *4 'ftft» ftftftOft* Ml lift MW* »*** I** tfc ' mabroi gotorftft (ft— to i *n* tor • 4 to* m ftirtotoft ftft*— ■hr t—f lift A**ftc ft* * ft* f»« <M *M lift •«•*«“•» to ihftft ft—* >st»tteg TV t*wi«—» did •** t*to* to To* to it* Gmttm «** ft** •* ll—ftft I**! *V *M to*. TV *to Miito art* tbft* aV hftd to** »• toto o—vy ftft-i tto I tto I**"** pMTtftoa «ft Aftril—ft* to«ft rfttoto to Per TVt* *** Ito totoftf* to tnt ttot •*** to—'lf *i'ft •arasonittoft a*d to «n ftoft-itoa lo re •MM •p o oixot *Ua«k Tto »<totw*' tMft W tkftl tV to» ** r*to*r** and ito t*p*a»*h **-to* *•••—!» % on* Tto to* |«>* »ito* tto *!»■ lard* **4# »n uaeip#—ed •*•»* »"** te top iktft tto* to i*wtoftftH* a< tto MdiM. Tto hwmrtrm* ntoktoMiftiww »r* |*p tobit ftftl*. ft* »to» otftftd **ll wtift lift mi I n*. Mto Iboftgfc ttojr 0M« ft* tor* tto ftitoJiito pft*tr*:«r;t. lorft tto Atorkftftft Tito »u*t to. ran firm'd toy Jaw* Wlftor at Mofto lnl i ■* rtoftftHp r*lur»ftd I® Havail from « l»ar to Ito r«ro!lo**. H» aftid that at ttoal ilftto tto aailvra tor* «li% natntift and tot* fr*|tartoft for ft rrroli. H* ft’ao Ml.l • h«I ito Aiftrrkftftft •»* wcicmani wftrtsl. toy tto naUraa of ttor O»rolto*», SftlMftftft id ihefkctn ItrtnoklpCo. tMClnntftft toftomtor **h, ito** *lll to. ft** wiuna* ft*ell w**i Imm N*« Twk t-> Matannah. and f»ur *ftU«n»» **. h **ftk from ftavannah l» K«'* Tnrk «M» Ito l»th of ll*id*tnl>*r tto O **n Bi*amrblp i'(«npary will r**um* Ilr*< i err vice Iwtwrro Savannah and Jtoaion. HlMimftin will leav* ttowi m for ftnvannah on W*dm»day*, and itoivan tiah for Moaloft on ThurnrUy*. We have bought a very large stock of School Books and they must be sold at some price. Now Is your chance. Richards & Shaver's Book Store NEWS AT DUi*.LIN. Republican Speakers on the Slump- Accidental Killing. Dublin, Oa., Sept. 14. Wlllli.ll Ram-«t>\ an old negro man. wa» killed pi.iday night by an Oconee and Western railroad engine at Rove »t,cet crowing. In tbia city. An In guest was held this morning by Jus-1 tier T. D. Stuth. and the Jury found that he was killed by the- engine, but held no one responsible. Col. J. M- Wilkinson of Valdosta, republican candidate for congress from thla dfatrlct, and Major J F. Hanson of Macp-i. one of the leading republican* of Georgia, will speali In Dublin on Wednesday. September 21. i and in Wrlghtsville on September 22. * An active cgpva«* of the entre dis-1 irlct will be made by Col. Wilkinson. Tbo democrat* of this county are hard at work and promise to beat the popu listr In October and the republicans in November. 1 Special prices made to teachers on School Books, etc., at Pendleton’s Book Store. Grase stains and berry stains may be removed from cloth by scalding l with boiling water before anything! else is done to them. DIAMONDS WATCHES W n. SCHWEIQERT & CO., JEWELERS. JEWELRY SILVER mr tnei Ai*%b». 0«i toftaai aft to*«* <*• lift etoxfta** •toftieak (to top* »» tto *to**«* Iftf aidtoiifttp (towtoftaMtoaft# tktMtoiM |fc*w m ia* red far* Mi » awi i at (tto tftftft ft« 4 toto*** aadMMto aft Ito I ftmwfti* toftt tot* tto* to*** ato»t It •way Wfttto to tto mmrnmi ■« mtaiaa w [rtoftoft «f UMft rtoftar-ft* tto •r*a4 ♦*»* MMftto MW* ft* *to*«to«Ml dt ft tor* 'Mr er. U ttotof to rtototoftft to* m- 1- ft »** w»to>»>> f*ft«*n ftftato Uto* tfttonr* to Hto ftl— < tors tofcoi •• , ito >MMfttawai«ftl Ml ito •**—•» .ft**'—- 1 w>«to «t I— tofttp tto #««Mtort*> Um*mmm9o» Ito* •»*«>*>•«• to toto* to. }*»>ftrw«ft Ito ftfttoft am A' rtofttj (to—* l um ** ft itot H to ft— •• • *• ’ a*. iMaftft* Tto* Ift atoto tto «toty tod fn«a4 » ti (to »«•*'« ***•• «t 'tto naiina k»«A toe «** ftwraeM— |V m la *to torlb *ft *«f totiM** «to «<**« aaft aid or** **# ito*-to* h tft toM tbto Itoa la • tod Htoftww to ? r**to Iwy—*t •Vr ta toftt to ito tto'***— 'MM itor* »t«bt to mmm i M*r* »f rrtonftMW Oar* to toto aft tto to—. Mi*i**f. bto atonrifttftft at ft of ito ft awl tp|ft ftftd to awto toaaMft** wo*** tbaa to *«n ftto baton* All ftoftftft rt ftutolftft b.a* ftto* mm a •**’<d cKlftt Ift kftt «toT to ftm* ib* *lr*r*a «4 #r «• —* Aft towftty wert »tib tto tMtor rtaa* rs rr»«SMl* Tto to*"* rffrtoft rs ft »!***•»** ratortpator- Mill bft 4ft* it ftpoa Ift tbla rrft. • *trn to***# fully ibaa tto P»aa* aebjftr' baa Nft# ifMaft •» tnrmmt r unm it*#* Tto ld«ft bf **T*»toi!ft* tto ***** to* •mr town tborwuMy bdtwaird by a nadtlft aad i •*> to **•» »« la ibift hwUaw. Elegant broiled Chicken 25c; breakfast or supper, Ellis Restaurant. NF(1"0~$ EXCEED WHITES. Hate • MiJofMt of toe oo flltas'* Ht-gi«tratl»a Backs Hrun-vlck Oa Rtf*. Il lif pres eat is the biggest registration ever known In Ulyna county. Over l*tw I name, have so far been registered Of these the negroes are about JO# In the majority the given the negtoea Icoairoi of the political situation The vHtes however, antli inate no trouble from that source, and think they cast keep the negroes spilt up so they can not unite on nay candidate The heavy registration I* due to n hot 10-, rsl flghl for county offices, but it be gins to look very much like the regis tration business has been overdone and the whiten have put to nfnny on the hooks (bat they are going to have I trouble with the negroes In future else- I I ions j The brother and the brother-in-lew iof Kngineer Heslep. former engineer, of the Southern railroad, spent several 1 [days here securing attorneys and wit-, I uesses In the prosectitlon of Section [ Foreman Burns, who Is charged vlth Hilling Heslep. It seems that Burns I has failed to secure attorneys for his defence owing to the fart that he Is penniless. His wife who Is the alleged cause of the trouble, has gone to her parents in Washington, and It Is haidly prob able that any part of her testimony will be placed before the Jury, as she is the only living witness to the tra-, gedy. and whatever the knows will be, hard to get at. Mrs. Bums ha=f made several statements in which she ex- 1 onerates herself and Heslep from all : blame and It Is on this line that the prost utlon will work. WE GIVE NO REWARDS, an offer of thla kind la the meanest of deceptions. Our plan Is to give everyone a ihance to try the merit of Ely’s Cream B«4m— the original Halm for the cure of Ca rol rh, Hay Fever and Cold In the Head, by mailing for ten cents a trial bottle to test Its curative powers .We mall the 50 cents size also and the druggist keeps It. Test It, and you axe sure to continue the treatment. Relief Is Im mediate and a cure follows. Ely Bro thers, 5* Warren Street. New York. Eat at the Ellis Restau rant. Pistnls, Double Barrel Guns—Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new pistols, $2.50; Harrington A Richardson second hand pistols, $2.00. American double action pistol, SI.OO. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings. 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. THX JkTJOXJUTA B»f«ALD. COSTLY wm ' FOO SPAIN h laHfW M Wuif ftTi. to aaa *ftmft totd t* ~ Aaato to— Ift# . «aa ad Mft «*■ ****** ton# V *•*-*» totoi »*d ni ****** —a ft#* ft** ’ a mi •%# ti*—ntoaaMt id S*t* t— to* taftnl—Mill Ift to «tot <dto* to* [to— lift— fti Ito ftftftft dPi—**• i«*to «to * to— to to— «** - in»— p- -mm to —w*npft»»«* t to« ;♦*♦ ftp* • ft—. to to* tto* to— «t» m ||ji f §isjN| ffHIMi Mi MpMNM 1 ♦-»* ft ito ml* 4t mMI Cwftftft ft*#— r. mm ; ♦'**— tot —lft ftf to ft— tbit— ft—Mt ,nf MM *» ftoftftt i— «d —to* tmmmm to r— » #♦ an a* to a* §•* toft.4— Tn— tto aa*« aft •!*** ttot A*ft t—* rs to ***** ad I— l> ay to : «*— *—aaftt’a*. Ct> •*• a— l (—• ad tto tto* b«t ftpaift to '< -a*— ft—ft*to •«* Jftftftto .. t—ft ft* to VI ad A#— —* t— oft »—if t— ia— -1 L—■ aft to tot at ft—lft 4 p»* «—• I* ataal AM ttftMftftft* <%«—*«• <*»•* MT «—.ft— T%» ftftp*. am—i 4mm mm to'ftdr d—l* ft# inMpMMtiM —tf»md ft* to tot ftr* It* t ft **>ft»*| -l| H? —ft— Arnarft *« t# It* wt—toa Ift tto ft— ft** m at ito d*t—fti «r tto —* * *#• a aft to* ha— —n'ftdad **ft«4tltM4 'a* I* to —*-•<•«, mV— —a* *«**—•«< win aftMift—. «-»: <4- ft**r* a«ft ftboftt Tft* (—rata (If to •aiittopa rapradd bat ft! (a— aa* H*M If Ito told! Ift •at pa—* ll* aa« *1 Ir im Tto ID Man da. of ftpaM.. rt—»tft« aft— tkla pftiall #ftf«'ft*tat(— tar Ito fta*y ftft— aaath a l*—a tmm «*# **s«—d»d fa* .to army poiala mr I ttot iftt* **«ar •** *uft> im* tft to** boaftfct *»d taa w talftrd a MttMd «f t4di? ■ ft ib lb* lira ftftftf—im.* It << Minna* *ri|t|«i hftlllMifttftft non It bft*» 1— **—l" Arr.woiftft to (ft* mfwrla ***** *#t tor* It M rrtdrat that Spain ito*p>- !.plo"« tor Milt In add a tar** uaftttot at ahtfta lo h*r nary Mi at—4 <4 rrtdy ns at M*ft« half of to- appr *p-'*- *l* rttrl* by to Oort*# lo Ito *na t* of to army It hi rpprrr a tad by to Madrid ftnrornmrot that it. via* rs tto rendition rs tor tr—attrf. and tto fardtar fact that tar «av»! Icrt# Ift ao« ftrnally tfttrrior il wtnt’d to ra*U— to ftttaiatit trf c. nllao* tto at ruff la. a—arlail* a* tborr ta no «a i!na of Rnropa wlllln* lo nopp-trl 'i 'r In rata aha ahr uld ryain raaort to tb* a'hltralion of arm* la rlaw of tbta fart tto antborltlaa tov* no r*M>on to batlaya that I torn will ba any aariou* hitch ia tto rnanll of tto naftoUntitma of tft* poor* root m'-nat; a and whila toy a*paat tha gpanlarda oil I do rmrylhlnc poanlbla to da lay tto rom plat too of Iba t rooty tollevinf that thay may briny romnlf ratioa* ailvantaynou* to tbalr yoyaru moirt. the Atnailaan rapream tat Iron will ba In a poattion at tiny tlm- to briny them to term* by a alnyle thrt»t to wiibdraar Maul may bo kept awaat aavnral d«ye by roverlDg It entirely with miik. Sour m Ih or buttermilk I* k* good a» rwMt milk for the purpose r CAR D u IX WineTOr^ Horrible dreams are often the forerunner of insanity. Wo men who neglect their peculiar ailments will find them con stantly growing worse. " Female troubles ”do not cure them selves. As the affliction increases, the nervous system is wrecked. Terrible creams follow, and the asylum is not very far away. In the insane asylums are many women, raving behind bolts and bars, whose pitiful condition came through carelessness. They failed to heed the warning of their dreams. They permitted the unnatural drains to continue. They failed to regulate their menses. Gradually they were dragged down to the engulfing sea of despair, and then came the blackness of insanity. Wine of Cardui will cure any weakness or disease of the feminine organs. It soothes the pain, stops the drains, promotes regularity; strengthens, purifies and cleanses. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. y WIN E OF 7 C A R PCI l_ nrr^nrrr Pain Killer. -gST* l»»MN 90 #1 •**fcd*A m* Mi * MMM Att ANfAHttAtf-ft A JAM • .ft— tft— ——aa. «TM V A»* tft Dam A—l. lift, (toft* H tftftftftf Oft ftft bft* yftft— m# tkoft Aflftft— ft** —ft— ftft ftMPftft «—*»*• * —Oft tft #«•— tft* **— ft**•* ft—*—* M* ooftft lift— Ift ft»>—ft ft* —*•* ******—ft f**p—* «ft* ftftd tod to* t'dftft —ft—*«a* tptt* ft* —da tft** it •nr ft •« ftftt—a tto a— of to mm ift oft— o*4 **•■»»• tto —*• f* fti*!paiMMm ***** m ■—•*—<* A'tlMMi W'«U MtMl MM ft—attoft Ml Sift * ftalofk—k tod »ft ito pi lined ifto— *P tft i—l 'ftp* p«l lto —i—two UM Aft dll ’ rid— I**— r—lft'ai Mo toft (bMd iWftka »to M—»»—• 'oar aftfty >• Ar— «%4 to ft-ft# to— ftMft —tor oaawptty Tft*' •—ft ftft* Pa***—M toftftify tra— I*l It— ftfthtftft « Att—Ml will oto* —t» tft *— to— tmm tto- —a. ftftd Mt'M Ol—l r—l«rtMftn too to— ftftt —— IV —i«— ad *#!t— to*** —fftft*— tto ttto W at —«*n—a « t—< to—— m*i ttot tto 0— «t tto «*tf a— oft— st—ls to ftlt i J Mr Moftftatf «f (taw*#, th tod ftitoaft ad 'to ■».««*■», ft—#ty > aaw> y o— oftd tto' tour— toft —■l ftttft aatft —a* ftalft* tto Had. I ttoftftto I ft "Will die to ftrtt-ft I '—t tft ft— ft*ftftl toft • » rad to •>• i—tft to 1 * l**tft kali" “ thrift* In <ftr rtoftt nr arty nlwaya .odtrota tk • pftft—rti .f——— 4by ft*"—*» •t r-lj ft** t*ir WMftlftftt “• * to— r—ft •to" h cto—M '« tm—4 lto* rhwat OB ftMft* k«t pftfft—lft —ay be ftre «anted II P »lft*r* M—M •*< a»* (fa——t. r# aftto- ftt » ftftd to <—(a par I bottle V Ale-toy Itoftß A fte— O* . C. * fart of Hell T— !» *«•— Second h«nd*chool books taken in part payment for new school books tl Rich ard’s & Shaver's book store. ItAPIIST CHIiftCHBS AT W Ag. Caused Bv tb* (Nap—ry Ayenl at Atheii*. Alton* Ob.. Ita.t It TV Bapt!*t rburih at Cafttar, a town a »•« mile* from Albaaa. b— ftlitolrawb W loftahlp from tV r»r*l ItaptUU rburrb of tbla city on the yrrnnd that H an aofttayaa lairmparasa - by eadoralnK ana of ito m*mebr* who aalla liftoo— at the Alban* dlapeo—ry. The man referred lo la Manager M C. Johttton. of the Aitona dlapcnaaty. The Athena rhurch will aland by Manager Jobawut and * 111 d*f -nrl llaetl to for r '.ha dorlpia UapUat Aooocltol—. ■rhtr b Bi'eU r>a the Dl'-Si Into. If tb" a—oriaUuu —rraa with (be atanrl taken by tton Kim r-hureh of tbla ally, it will yet out of the naaodiiiloii. Tbl* dia I'uaotun will aettla Iha religion* alalu* Of the dlap-mwiry ko far nn the Haptlto Aan cialion la 'Oncerncd. INSANITY’S BEGINNING. Dallas, Tkxas, Feb 8. * I have just commenced taking Wine of Cardui, and it is helping me from the start. I have been awakened every night by horrible dreams, but since using the Wine, I have had sweet, pleasant dreams or none at all, and have waked up in the morning smiling. JULIA BOLTON. LADIES’ ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. ! For advlca in cows requiring ape- i Claldirections,address.Ktvln*(iyrnp- ( torn*, Ladity Advitorv JHpartment, , i TheChsftnnooßS M«<)lcluc€o. , , Chattanooga, Tenn. MR. COUIEY NOMINATED. ■tl Idyendl IHH *•* M ft! 0 ft* (ft— MM* ftOftaa 'l ftf lift I tVaft »#*« —ad ulna* t afti— I w*a— yaatMto ad ——d »«e—— lot ttoifta— MftU ii—ft— fti •* *• ftftd [iiH*ftftae Xu— tßr ft te ttM— jmm *mmm »ft*la—a* ftft* ft* ■ to (ft** [ ftftat ftp— (ftft* V «**•♦>■*— I— «(t MM— «std Sf toft* —att— ftf am mm —aft—* ftf!** IV ft— lift— jafttftft to—ft M» M t* OHM— -1 —aaft tV fto— mat a—to aft M» A. 4 ft—ftr» to* a— Iftri ft* ft*— lit—) If* CMaftt— •«* to —ft ft—ft ift toa— ftftd • ftto V ft— —ftto left to tftft —ftft— «f to* aft*, 'ft** I raft— Mb* rdf ucM ft— ft a—*M tft im far to* ft* ft— bad He —ft pawl ftf (ftft—«l ftftd «ftto « l«to—t ,tm —to »V —ld ftftftfcto M» to*]— tft ***** »»V t—»« «d Ift* a*tf tor ft * to*—* tft— ftto to fttoft MUrib— IV ***** at V Vat Atto Jtkf Mr Wlftto (ft— ftdd—aawf < V aaft— ! [He ri*»*at Uhftl V ftft— MM* tod— (•hda— tftMUft w »•** a*d «*—*» TV tft# eftftdtdftt— •*— toftftda ftftd jibe tto— ft— fttoftV TV *Vif !—tto V aifttbMW ftto • IV! to—* ... key* ■«* V * **•* *V *b—* * ‘'Mkg wwwto j_mj irad ftft lift— tftft* •—to ha ftft hatftto W t V tftatotftt MW—j t— ftftd f IV toftftd IMVa ft—d I——ft* Mr Car—lt tft— «a*d* ft totob— V j the %ft— V tft ft— ftf VftMftft Iftt—ftft 4*—. tVt t— tad— V ftp—tad | ft—i a—ft a*4e t— tatoftda at Ml 1 a—bay and It— ad Ur AftoMfft«. j rhftl tfta— HMa— Mi t—ftftl IV I ant— lft— ft—to Iftt—yft tv dr— Mr O—v a V—da pnafttftg, Ibtrmgfc tV rtyfti Vad door aad Mr A i—ft*'* trie art* llir—tft tV ftft j bftftd done Tft—ft I alto— war* to aerertalft It all »o*f« Itaed W Ibe Tklrd ward Mr Nendow"raft —naad tVI IV rrrrtlM bft 4—e by VIV; lAt# van atwended by Mr Howard »M wtaVd Iba pan— of 'art voter lo «n oa Iha nllp with tV aaft— of e»adldata —4 Mr Cairo!l objected •*(•■« « •—« take too bang and that the oi bar way wa« tV awr—t Mr Walker favored the VIV ay*-, tetil he—ii— tV ratorteaaa of all vo lar* could V aacartalaad aad out elder ronld vote |l hi itigyealed that thl* objftetl— could V Va. away with If all men 'not living In the Third rver# aakad to ...... IV hall The chairman made Iba raajuaai and all outalda— wub dr—. Votlag. The vote was then taken by the rais ing of the right hand. The chair ap pointed Mr. Nixon lo assist blot la the coast. I The vote stood 101 to 4$ In favor of Mr Carroll'e motion. Messrs. J. B. Keener and Ham Myers were appointed teilers for Mr. I Coulee and Messrs Hugh Rice and Mike llaUahau for Mr. Armstrong I Mr. Rice and Mr. M>ers being laced |at the door Mr Oouley's voters were (to pass through and Mr. Keener and ; Mr. IIhI In lion at the Armstrong ) door. 'I lie chair InatmcUHi th# to! l ecp count and see Dal only Third 'ward voters went through ’ Mr. Arm strong was present and voted for Mr. Gouley. I Mr. Gouley was not In the hall. After the vole was taken and the 'hall emptied, the vote stood 111 to *l2 In favor of Mr. Gouley Before this I vote was announced Mr. Armstrong said he wished to lie heard. He said j that he wished lo thank the chair and the voters present for the way the wav Ibe meeting had been conducted, and that he moved Mr. Gouley's nomi nation be made unanimous. Three cheers were proposed for Armstrong and they were given with a vim The chairman then put Mr. Aimsirongs motion and Mr. Gouley was unani mously chosen. (Cheers.) Mr. Myers moved that a committee of five be ap pointed to notify Mr. Gouley of his nomination. Mr. Oouley Notified. Messrs. Myers, Carroll, Neill, |Nxon and Armstrong were appointed and left the hall. Renews was rieelar !ed until Mr. Oouley arrived. Some | one proposed three cheers for the I way Mr. Armstrong had acted and they I were given. i in a few minutes the committee re turned and Mr. Armstrong walked Mr. j Oouley to the front. Mr. Willet addressed the voters, say j itig: “I congratulate Mr. Armstrong on the way he has acted, I congratulate the city, I congratulate the Third ward land I congratulate the voters on the orderly way in which this election has been co; ducted.” He then introduced Mr. Oouley. His Speech. Mr. Oouley said in substance ho thanked the voters for this mark or their regard, and the orderly way in which the meeting had been conduc ted. He said he was glad it had been so, as he and Mr. Armstrong had been friends from boyhood and had agreed not to let anything they heard in this election mar their friendship and that nothing had done so. He said he loved the city, hue espe School Shoes $1.25 Host wearing Shoes wo hav« #vtor bought. Latest Style*. MulherirTs, 846 Broad St. natty t V Tfttid wwrd wbea* V ftftd itaw (f— m mmt *— toft ftindpad Iftdi H V ft— f H—»tl v —ftfttd «S Wftftt V tft—MV «P— 'fftl ftftd f ito mattmra ftf W Me a«M Ikto atlftamSft • *ftd V— ftftftaw—aftd .ftto V w*a a awadMft— pot ftto V ii|l rr Mr Wfttak, «V« V *•* ! - ua ftft ftMM. ftftd tftft> V —tew dad Ift dft • ftftt V tft Vto. ftftd bft— Mr Wftiaft ftutod ndaal— ft— •lto dftlftd *w ftftd tftto V a—— wiikad If —ft rftto V ft—» to —tl • V —fbM *t trtMM tftftt i 'at tft* a—4 •# *•* mmrn’jM m roftftdl «M IV CM— ftf IV Third ftftd tV [city Will V wall —Hefted Wllft MM [•waft, aftd tfttfth I Vva d—• mt 4m <?TV ta—*tftft Ik— adloftfftftd To save money In buy ing School BnoksgMt them from Richards & Shaver s Book Store. ill. kiaftvllto will Vve ta —aabiieh a quar.nttn - or the pr«*VMlittoft ft— IMA *V will kft»» •« eatotw. to « town, artdow* aal "tftftf —toft-id* feminine* wtorh will arewlly arippto ftft* ,».| U |*ii«a A Mtobiyan mao to advrr iifttny ta tM< t«wft ft# a wl»*. He Vft reference* .mean* aftd » ftfttontoce b«.»ft j Li P..uth Otand Raplde eftd want* a ■ Bice b—tftft fttrt or aft aoetorambeaed Ifttdnw If tv imprewat— abuwld ft— „ver Ihe elate the. wlvew are la eoch |great demend Ift Ml. Mywa. tto 'nod* ‘will have a barveftt *T—ler Ibaa lhai ewaaed by tV movement to the f ff'Mtpi • Only at—cl lined and hurylar proof ..fee ua—d Money loaned oa anythin* of yalue at a low rate to inter—t Wa terbury alarm dock*. Tl real* Iwwt# J 8. haul Retlablft Pawnbroker. Rfteond hand iFnmlfta'ed ftchoo Hooka fto'd nt Riehftrda • Bhaftftr’a Book Son OFFICE OF Co-Operative Coal Supply Company, DEALERS IN COAL AND WOOD. 1041 JACKSON ST. v THE -A.2STT „ la»ld up supplies for winter and didn't get left. Neither will the man who buys his coal now from Of- Co-OperatHc Coal Company. Our Jalilco I* ex ! tia in else and quality, but not In plica. To those who want an equally good, but alower burning coal, we recom mend the CROSS MoI'NTAIN. No slate or dirt, and your lira will keap and other grad-s of Soft Coal and Ihe only llrat cfaaa Black smith Coal sold in Augusta. Telephone or call on ua for price*. HARRIS LITHIA WATER - - FOR-- Dyspepsia and Kidney Trouble. * . I have a New Piano for sale on easy terms. If you want a Piano call and see me. i 3Ft. L. FOX, 816 Broad St. SHEWMAKES. COAL & WOOD | THE BEST|COAL& WOOD FAMOUS CANDLE COAL—AIso best grades AN'iHRACIIE, KGU and NUT. WOOD —PINE, BLACKJACK. OAK AND HICKORY — WOOD Trices as Low as the Lowest. Btrowger~’>dion«~643. R- J. RUSSELL, 1f26 Walker Street. Sf RTiMgiR 14 m—• I—•' Tv t—std ivt mm mm to—k P— V*« a— Waa* —am Sawih iM IVMh, I— a—Mß* ft—iaftd tarn ftto— Mt— her at—a a— wwl'—ftd waMft! Al d—y** aft* «V atoSed *■«« ft— ftft tv tft— IV defttk p— W—to • toft—. tMwvw I—l- •w**—' Tftftf <«* »* mama, Ir- ft* y— y—#red —■» y— bawk. a aha* to *ft— I—ftf I—* * ■rs deed* tkfti »•—afted trtraftft And an a 'oeia—ft —ftto f»— • Ifeda —M ftf -at—a **tot ft—. Tkftl Mt— Ttmft • ftto ttoft 11.'da IVI P—cbMm ft Milo* • waftk. Aad trwwft tV U**4 'Vt ftav# tftato toftk. America but aw*«* I* greet And Me— jrow. kßeeUw* at Mr f**«. Y « atandarde fair In I—w fftrtftd. TV pmadaftt nttoker I* »V »<—' Cmm v—ft* TV Vad tVt a—t ram forth. p— Maal and t from Vatft *»d North. I«4u »lelfullr ley— ft— gat— i Kateßda her arm* and walla* . - KMIHEXI'K KAItI.R COAT**. After helng yrmd foe a time bm* enough to tain tV eon Men. .• of Mu owner, a Tattnall eoutlfy mule got ft chance Sunday t« Indulge In acme of Ihe general . uaaedne— < harmrtertotle of IV he—l The k—i fturrenry were itrlvia* borne from church at Tl*. n. »bra tb. animal made a do— ihruiiftft Ihe wood* Jerked tV bu#a» flweeß ike tree* threw out IV occupant* and continued Id* rwirw ad libitum over but* »ad atufnpft The young ladle* wer* todly Chaken up but tV bu*g> w# mule came oul without afty perceptlftto Injury.