The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 14, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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• Witt ***** «* Km wm.i mnn Am **•* mm »•*«* fX» mm| *•» KMnnuMy Kwm *4 t* j »»M—‘ »*•* •*><» » "•’•M* MKM» ‘MM mm MM* PM •» «*M •» KkM SK* f*M K*NHM > 'fN***"*' **• * Km* »•*, »Mt *•* M **»•» - •*» • •* M |MMM MM' M *•* "Ml* **** «**>«««» «4 *•*!* A** ' MA« m **» m *• - •fra**’# **f * HBH m ««* *«Mtf •*** »M— ««4 m »*• *** t|M Mi Mat* *•■** «****» ***wM. j (M |k*#M m MX* •» *■**•-* '*** : M MMMMI * *** ■ PMKK ♦*Ms j |«MM «f MM W* MWMWi M «•*»* i|w Min v ,At KM #*wrt Ms* MM* *•] It# (Mu’* »m *«4 *#*» *#«M M <*• j *»* i%a MfpM MMm M MM llw 1 •PM M MM Kp<* *M» M • MM* ** MM MM* * I»MM ***** M#i MWM l>Pfl>- p >MM MM ♦*>« <MM **t* ! >MP y M K*M* M ***■• "» M* iMiPM* * #pp| Art* MM* Pi *•** | |p * M*l *M**M M iP> M ♦* |p )* #* M* 1 **l **rt IM* *•'• M* ** MMAMP #** «* MM lull, *M IIP* •** >'«*M (*-*« .pp HP M mm I PM* TM» ; MM PM ******* M M Mi *P *■ * PP*A *M •* 90 » tort MM *"**' * I*3s Imp* ** < '*"K* 1 1 mmm ft# JNBBBP ** * m»m » *» mmr 1 #« «* %# «*» **► •* *4**h '**• #9k**Hl fc* f***lllk9l4## •*■ ** % * * fcl * *•*» 4ft *4k# «l . * v *4# m«*'%** * #ip* -M*M»” |ptw**i ***** *4# •**■ ** "am# 4MNk4 lwirtlk.ll 9# #4l#®# ®4# *** ##4® e# * •*-< 4 *» * If* I*4 14*4*4 IMI, * 4 » **< V- ft.*** % %* ## Upw** . ftp- 1 »**■*•> MM •M**** **f ’*** •**- r <MR ii*Hilf # IWMHm* *•*»•>••••> IM** % IrtiMt *M MMWNfMNi fmiiiMO foilwMt I*4 Ml *r r«M« 4 • I* IM IftMlMi *4 IM IKpil Kpi lm#p Ami mhoo* MMiP illpp* • f***MMtM l *l MB**. ** tpitfDMIIKOM Ml-Mlfy *»» Into r 1 4»mi •* y Mrto fIM MM* MMM « M « *rMt pwM *► »** »*»*• M M. til AT* * f • i, *" p ■ ' „ J| ppi •* mmpp y «»■ »**■* *4 *HftflMr% <4N» •o«l« M .* ,. r nf A r hHtt** — s j. || :# , o 4 lorm4*Mi4 j . *1 .. .1 ,Ms | M (HP «Hf|p «|tf#* STfSp*” ■•>*.» *.M M <P VoPP •* *'"* m•# iMMPMVfM '* * mmm. Mi l«4»fin# t# M •* *• U*mi* TMm f•«**!? »m> , ’ Up *M M<M» • a, ** ,, <# . yoM* ‘*4 Ml*- MOB A IMM(f p ( | * Mi »«*M M «p. «K*a> VMM *«»*M4 »*> O , V**T; Mr W*>* M TV WWW , f '"T l«4« V. r •*>**»• *K* m '"* '*■'”*'*• ■ Mlft of lh# fAflf _ T|p y «T* lt«lMf>* *PMW V««M l*M •,■4 b» * rtftil i» lfc% «»«»! Uof folW! pr«4Ufo l*T tMf f» M.o *l»**nr- *K*J» wM« M ■«i4*r iIiMM « ul ** >**' w, »" Mrtprlan r**uli» »MI p*" JV *tao4 *h* »<»* ,n ,h *' < , *J t , r .. •'pi— IV l*>V P'l •I' ' * ',ZZ k. w. **ll BourUhed Bui lm« 2*** driver V—M. <*r*4 pmhlrM ft*r nr* w*if.M -f s*» r „d oaiuiaily f„*4 «M »‘f fT. , tll . ,Bd th* •*•»*» onep K*«-n M- .In* (W ._ . ..tinnuAl vnKi** lif **"01 M «•• «ht* .ounnu*< B h , thr to (h* *Mi lh*‘ •* ur,u * n.tarlnu* !raffl« to licit: TV flr*t «* » h,rh ,hrr, ‘ “ _ _ . W B< «*rn* • child A»* ITTn* (IMM who Ml down In IK* ■l*« mark* on It' * 4,h *** r ' h 1 * ,,, • 2nd wV.«- >-aM. havlnc com* l» >V ftnOPPiCU •>* wi' Ml Bl*«M* of n»»r- Hy ««. r*OH>v*d to th* H.PPitall do KBfant Jcua. wh*r* h«- died three dav* later. It »** only w,,h ,h '* « re * 1 * .* dlfll' ulty that Voaaa would let tn» chlkl enter the h-pltal. Ita depurttara b.m* a direct ioa" to him. A few daya la./r.noth.r lad named Heappa tori fell HI Ttir*at» h*d *Men B**‘ ' °** to pari with him. lojt he died ahortly afterward In the hoap'tal at Finally anolh-r lad died from tuV>r , ulrail*. and thla Mriea of d—tha called the alttentl.m of the authoritlea to the Monadure adopted hy Voaaa. Hla oth er “alavea” we hal an opportunity of aceing recently, and they arc aimply an many human frame*, mere maa*.» of akin and Vine. Their home. If aurh a hovel can heede«lgnaled I.y tV* word. con»l«ted of two room* about four yard* hy three at the tKittom of a court where light or fre*h air couldn’t by any pon rihlllty penetrate. • The fariiltur* conilftH o* three iron 1 idrtoa'.s. and « mnttrea* stuffed with liutlid atraw. The lada were divided In to two shift* a day and a night v ut h —one Vi slept while the other work’d, so the beds were never unocetlplod. As for fted. If the neighbors are to he b«i!eve<), the lads ware given just enough to Steep them alive and aide to work. Black bread >’as the stable Item, although there was not much of that. Raw vegetable* and soup made out or places' which ihu lada. in their leisure time, were sent out to pick up In the streets, completed thPlr hill of fare. Such. then. Is this atory of nineteenth century slavery. As to the principal*, the wife of Voara has been arrested at St. Denis. Vogsa himaelf having been arrested In Italy, where he had doubtless gone to find more children. His eldest son has fled, but It Is some satisfaction to know that the two prin cipals In the drama will have to an swer for their misdeeds before a court of justice. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made end that, too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her, and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, but her vital organ were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep- She finally discovered a way to recovery by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption, and was so muc h relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night; and with two bottles has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles 10c at Howard & Wlllet’s drug store. Regular size >oe and SI.OO. Ev ery bottle guaranteed. mi mm m c«rt- v, * tmm a* Mm t*mm I—f Ml *• I • r, Up II - ffcwww»j m» Ml • ***K <0 kMM Mhi—| m—k 0* Mv Fv****** —%** ' »Ms *f 0V M—l KM* W MK4M pg Mm M* *♦** *—v «nAi Ml »A* mom —M MM M** l **• M »**♦**# Wit MM Wb T%Mk M MW i ■ *4 »k» mIMP** ### i s n 3 -mtm ImBBI 9f*Bß imIMI ♦ | ****** ImNN W 0 Wt *4 j | *•* MIW ■—•*» MM «W **« •».«—fw—v Man mw #«w ' * 11»| 'iiitiH 44 IHNBN'BB #1 Bkßi# fUf | ■ t Apwhk %§"• **4*4 *4 44 BHHMi 4mm4l * 4b4 pwß'gm T%m» m*«<* 4lf* i '44i t||*« «k*44l I#h 488«44*»4 (4 9N44PMKi : *•# t|NMMM4NIi *4 ft* Bfc. 444 Bl p|44B i MOM# fiIBII 4w*4 «4 <BlN4' 4M4%44 | f%4444*M4t #44 H*B4-I HmMBBBb *4 ,1m fttm*** |1m444 €%4b 4 ' «4 IB# f*##-14# #44 4 BN##'* ;i4 i«M yiiflf#** 1 # 44 tr#a»lllng l#f' 44 life*# 4f* 4##l4 T%P#k I# ###44Wk#k* : *# S l#»4i<4 %»** 444 <4 414 1#44»8N <*##4 •*4 Iwit'if#' #f #4i *4tf#%*B #44*4 #f Hk%* i 44 . #4 *4 #4mnbi li#li'# 4N4# ##* 4».f# f4f #4k r *Bf## ##4Mi #44 4#*4#fß4 ■ tfc#4*fi ffiWkf# #■%•*• 94# 44#84NM1 *V4* . 4#### ##444#t« **4 94# H##4#Mk* ‘fril* I|fi#il4#f| PPM###. #t# ##44s4# : #9 ##4 |4 «#4'# I# k«*# tfcßf t#<## -#4#4-# IB 941 t fit# #1 #*#• *4#MaB49MiM TV 4#» f J##t#4 Bi l##i *#4 |r<4*44 tt r 94» 4* kß*##H4§ *%!«• 4914 : 14# VBvT tlßjiV'. If tv tMHI # #944##• . 9# •414# 4# B #4ft# #»'# 44# 94# 1414# ! k i# 44 (V #nm4. #f f#ti#4 f#4 #r- f#y4t9# H##i #4 94# ##Bt#4 *>f j »4 ##' 9#f It ft# I#i4 v##N4tlt4. ## 9k# mw4 4m firiWilrß I# tV Mt 411 «4# 1 Ir1l» f4#i ###4 444 4o4##t# 4911 4# • «« Mapt* prmti MW *Mc t< r-TWf M W* *kn to Mrt a—rM of # lt*#i ts 14b fktßßff# 9#r*4i# r##4 94# pHik# 449 #9 tV t#j»r#9l r«#l#4 884 ll##4 II ##"#t94l# fto4l *4#t •rk»r4 i# #■■'• 9# ###4 tV# 40418 9#t Mktk# B ##oß rf4# #1 rt*B4 r 4b» f*f 14# I# 4#«r# 94# rollo4 §B#kiN| of 19# rc*4i*i«s4 If tVy 4 (4it tV #r ## 4ttl 4#fß*9 f4f sos 14# ftitt T4# Hts |ft4H tr4oo4i f*##4#B 04 M**a4#F aiornitß TV #lNnl buU4tii#i ltd #r#4ll#et lav# b##4 pt< I# tkllf* o«|h rt#Blr m 4 b iy#l#r of •»#»»#• 4#tia 4#tr# ft## (M>l# At IV color## arhoel. 14# ftaiidlac 4## b##t #ft#rg## 4? (4# B##itlo4 #f Itro I##B# roOBtB. FlnfHif# 4 Bov cotßlviNi hy 9#t#* pbot# tltft rißfiifkßtOß #4ft4** Bk# TißßfltivilM will H# t4# 4#b9 l#9#* #4ci4# rotQHiion T4# Üb# 4#tv#t# 1 he## (v# place# I# boy b#it| cob* •imciwl 1 fid #rtt4lo t#B dtfi till 4# 4 tofTltf order. T4# Rfll #ot# vllt h# 9# C#rt#rtrlU#. 04 (V wt#i. bbß 10 Mtitm. I•#tit, arA Dillon or th# #4#t. Mr, Jam## K. Ferre I. of Vluml 19 utc. W. V# . hat BVardc# all other <9l* rrho* mcdlrlßt# and #«>« htn f!< t only f*4#m bar tain t (’oik. CbolMra tad iMarrhora Remedy H# Ha# u##d It in hit family and told If 9a hit c uotcMaara for yearn, and ha» no hcaltatioa in saying (hat 19 It th# b#tt remedy for r oll< and dlarthwa he hit ever kn *« R It not only gleet relief, hut effects a per msimnt cure. It I# also pleasant and , safe to take, making It an Ideal remedy 1 for bowel complaint#. For aale by Al exander Drug 4 Seed Co.. Parr of Hell Tower Drug Store. BABY KILLED WITH AN AXE. A Shocking Accident Occurs in Ben ■etts\ Hie. li*nn*tuvilie, 8, C„ B*pt. IS. Many j farmers will plant when! Urgety this fall, as Marlboro land* are naturally adapted to wheat culture. Mr. A. J. Matbeson la putting In a very large turbine water wheel at bis j milt at Egypt, for tbe purpose of turn i tng the new machinery at that fine | water power, on Crooked creek, four j miles west of town. Cotion today brought 5 1-16 cent* 'on this market, but the business out look Is Indeed gloomy, notalthstand j ing the fact that the crop is im-, nuns*. | It is said that nearly all the mem bers of the First battalion of the Bec jond regiment, now at Camp i Columbia, are extremely anxious to be •/mirtered out of service. They were strong the first to volunteer and have been retained at Columbia ever since, j Col. Tillman was right and the Mar!- i boro people agree with him. Those j hoys in the First battalion do not | want to go to Cuba and many of I hem | have good homes and good Jobs, and | they have stood it Just about as long ! as they will. A trust lamentable accident occurred here yesterday afternoon. Three or fdur children were playing In the yard of Mr. D. C. White’s, at the woodpile. The baby, 2 years of age. was there vdth the other children, and by some reason, as yet unexplained, received a blow on its head with the blade of the axe, cutting through the skull into the brain, from Ihe effects of which the) child soon died, Tbe sympathy of the entire community goes out very ten derly to Mr. and Mrs. White, who are among our beet and most highly re spected citizens. Mr. C. S. McCullough of Darlington, Is in town on business with the Marl boro Mill company. Subscriptions to the Bennettsv lie Cotton factory continue to come in, and i. seems certain that this thrifty and progressive town is to have a cot ton mill. . To Whom it Hay Concern. I have been In the drug business for twelve years, and during that time have sdd nearly all the cough medicines manufactured; and from my personal knowledge of such remedies. I say that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other on the market.—W. M. Terry, Kikton. Ky. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. THK AUGUSTA HEH,\JUD LEGAL NOTICE h art HU*'* I *M'M' #to •**“«** uirt#*M *•! 0M IMM4 *•» •#•*♦» *»* # <»"*• M» iUSmm»mW **• *»—V.» a* AM ** wmnMk (—***•#» 6 **•* * M Mat*— * M —**“** A M# ***"*' a<%*K | .«t *•*•>#—. II a# KfWtM A !4m* f** 4ii -’iff-iiyfTr Hr #9 949# B*##N- #• *• j #» |<"ii4'4k* fait *4# 44##kii# * # *•*■##*# ] w$ 14# #4#MMffi» tWV #4*l .4411## **• | 9a| «V #l####94' 0$ *4# .. #*#*•■ 4p#4NBI 44# II BBMBB## #4 **• *sm**' : t #49 ## 14* #»#> *B * «*•' *#'**■ ' «4NI II 9# 49(444 #iifty| wi 4k 4484V98# «4 «V »• #»■ T4#i r*»*#»##4 4 «B •*b# .. «i*o4 | 0$ 4 #B *4» ftß#* i ßkk * t Hpii #***• 4# 4# I#** 4 *** \ #k#w» «44# 9*44 4k 4# ll #'* i# 4f* l* TV n#i <# •# 14* pttvt* #4 1 * <44^ •0144m:*# IBwVßklaMkk# ###4 V *4k#4M I# r »%»•;««■#• »*lm9 14 IBM# 4# #i*k»w a# «V «lio#i'#»#i 4##<#Rl#tt# #l' «V *44 #i|4R» at f4# #«4aef4l •*#•#•«•# 9pBB #tp#4 #»#>#»♦ B#B9 f#wa#4*4# Ik# #Bh »ii#|kw4 #4 t4i»t> iWßfti'""#*## »#9 I **w> ###*" »*B#»B l'4#l Ik# #«#*#••■## Vt W 94 11 ' YffeMfe# f##aH# *49### 4# Bf k## ■'o m ■ |4# 4i»t 4k# jkMMMBIV* 49Mk. **• . •##*r#«4 4# 94# * At 44 •»R4wl 4v 194 Ik# IV fAll t»#94 #t t#4# I #*4#k ** I V f tk» 4 94#flkPt a#-## 9*4 4# *V 4f*#a##(B TV* o*a#BßM»#Bi * #9 #a#9lk4 I #4 ##4vß# 4 aB 94# c* ,v 4#i*s &* |i#k Yt 949# 4941#. 4# A4kP4V4 V *4#* |#4k4 (vraßß'Bt h B4#H *44* ** 4<P4M| TV #*#• #t IV fwA##B k# fs* •*# nlk im « «4|*»#«*#a (■#-*'• V 44 v4*a4#Ma* BV*» k»#9# «m» * *»• IV ** 14# f «# JaA4#f» 4fl## tV'li #(M*tV V*a# #4# #4* # «#"#4a4#B4Nl V B##l * I t#ai44a*ka4 49 #l4 < *t 9N4M944 b4b!l ## 944N1 hy 4f4M4H4MP4I# #f IV fV##*4«4 «#i*t ilk# A*#® 4at «B !••«• *T Aft** *V •MW—I .MftP* Art* MS*I ««M* I# MM 0 IW«* AsMA »M— *A* IM» ##Hk *vr»4*"V «##49*' 49 #444 #B*#o |,| A , a #a§i* '•»#•*■»» th# |Mr t. Vi# 99 14*1 V# » '###(#* *"t s4# * YUMafty 4lk####t|. That f 49449444 ft «f tm* i|#4 It at MtM# A a* 9 V DBBI* 9411*14 #f lit* 94At#. 4# AhMhW v* ft44l tk# grir •Imkll 9«aß a# Nktl, t##tl; "*Th#v# a hall 9m a anthlta# tVkoaat 4#r ,» V MP< «# Ail a %##*«tryft ahali M 4»* I 94#V4l9Wt# Wail 9M #*B#i#4 il*y IV ihw 9nr> of tV tMe a(At# <#Ai |V4I A naurTfihl) at III# A#fMf4l #l#rfhfl h#tA R#tt pf###*!• 44 lV B#A#9Al #1#991*4 1 K f ij. 11 KRtcilTt tafm IC% »#y %###*• «'y n.i-A*ioAr| hy Mil. frt|fn«li«a ’< Ah #r raaa# ahaM V BIM4 V A|H#>i49At#at nf ihr Qo*#ft9 ttAtU ih Brat day nl Jan«*#?y ift#r IV fHMftl iWrUoa VIA m k a f|Kf im riHiwhi #f thirty 4ar# (9am hr llm# well WMVAcy A##44h •! Yhlrh WcrlhA a a#frra»r>? f«*r lV aa#s* a—m a- - .. i, i* | M niillrll l4r#d l#*ii atiail o# #*#• »#' *• that It# aur« amfi f#f all Ifw Mit»t»#4ia ■, ■ —■, w« I,l*. ,ti tut MfiifK (In# VIHMM* IrTlfiK rl|)|lF * ■ «• w ***” t«4 by th# OißHal AAt-mbly at Ha a#a aloh far !*•*• far tV full i#rm of f'»u# «y#ara.‘* Ik i 4 19 further #nan#«l by au ! ihnrliy AlhtuaiH, Thai «*h*«t#v#r iV I above prrtpaari am#cwlm«>nia la th# *Cofi#9l!utk»n atmtl b# arrrrsl to by !••* lof (he two houM-a of t)M o#4#f4l A#* a—mbly lb# OBvrrn *r kmII, bO 1 It# I# hereby aaß Inatru* t** 4 ! t«» | hi at l#aat iwo »#%%apap#ra In #arb con . gr—sloiuil district In this 6t»lt for ihe 1 pcrKat *>f tM m«>nili» next piwrtlM J the lime for holding lbs n—i genernl * Her. S. Be It further enacted by Ih* »ulho, ity nforessld.Thnt the above pro pofled amendm—t* shall b* •ulsttlui'sl for railftcatlon or rejection of lh»> d*c tors of this Rial* at the next general election to be held after publication, a* provided for in the fourth aectton of this Act. in Ihe aeveial diatrid* of Ihe State at which election every P*r»>« j shall be qualified to vote who I* *nt>- il led to vote for member* of the Gene- I t,,i Assembly All petvona voting at •aid ele*tlon In favor of adopting ihe . proposed amendments, or either of ] | het». to the Constitution of this Slate, 'shall have written or printed on thetr (i allots the words; ’’For ratification of ithe amendment of paragraph 2 of sec tion S. article « »f the Constitution’’ i (for election of Judge* of Superior j Courts by Ihe people), "For ratification of uni r.dmcnt of paragraph 3 of section Is of article 6 of the Constitution” ffor election Of Judges of Superior Courts 'by the people), "For ratification of |amendment of paragraph 1 of section U ! q f article «of the Constitution*’ ifor ' election of Holleltors General hy Ihe ! people). And all persons opposed to adoption of said amendmenta. or either ;or them, shall have written or printed lon their liallnts the words: ’’Against the ratification of paragraph 2 of aeo- Itlon 3 of article « of the Constitution’ I (against election of Judges of Superior 'courts by the people), "Against ratifi cation of the amendment of paragraph 3 of section 3 of article « of the Consti tution" (against election of Judges of Superior Courts by ihe people) "Ag ainst ratification of amendment of par agraph 1 of section U of article « of the Constitution” (against the election of Solicitors General by th,- people). Sec. 6. Be II further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor Iw. *>nd he la. hereby author ized and directed to provide for the submission of the foregoing proposed !amendments to the Constltutbn of this State to a vote of the people as requir ed by the Constitution of tin's State In paragraph 1 of section 1 of article 13, and by this Act; and If elth'-r b- rat ified, the Governor shall, when h- as certains such ratification from the Sec retary of State, to whom the returns shall he referred In the samp manner as in case of elections for members of the General Assembly, to count and ascertain the result, Issue his proclama tion, for one insertion. In one of the dally papers of this State, announcing , such result and declaring the amed ment or amendments ratified. Sec. Be it further enacted by the , authority aforesaid, That all laws and ( parts of laws in conflict wit!) th" Act be. and the same are. hereby repealed. Approved December 21, 1897. Now, therefore, I, William Y. Atkin son. Governor of said State, do issue this my proclamation declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment to the j Constitution Is hereby submitted for. ratification or rejection to tbe legal vo- | p“ ml— # * • S •J# Mr - ijtjt V# 808 WHITE Second Patent. GOLD MEDAL Fancy Patent moiumt pure Winter whe*t flour. I fully rcAliu th* »uprcm« duurutt of coniumtri for Flour, •dult*«»t*d with Com Flour, Com Starch, •nd other For***r» malttr. On «nd ml t*r thl* Date. August lOth, leos. I offor tho Whol***i* trod* th* •bov* Brandt Flour Cuarant**d Ab»olul*ly Pur* Winter Wheat. Good* of tha Hl«h**t typa. A*k for prico* Flour, M*ai. Grit#, Bran and »h Ip stuff delivered your station. J. M. BERRY, MERCjUNT SILLER (^- u . —4 CAswlMa rw—i Art-Ort »«HwM mi ei—• *om pet am*tto a Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed • • • • sl*so P** Cotd Good Drv Pine . , • • • SI.OO per Cort. Good Dry Pine, lon*, . . • $2.75 per Cord Special prices on three Cords or more. Bcal grade Jcllico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices* R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. AtfOYAtr ‘|*hoi>* *95 • . . - - - Ball *l*hoa# irtftl. ij,»n (o b# »v«'tin#»*iAy, iiciowr •» W. y. ATKINfiriN G«ver»nr. Hy ike Gtiteruor; F. K. Ottawa?, FAMOUS FARRIS CASE. II Haa Been Owing on In Beaufort Recently. lii-aufori. 8, C., ll—Owing to ike heavy erlininal docket of the rourl of of general aesalons and (he numlxr «>f prlaonera that were In Jail, Ihe caae ngutnat W. D. Farrla, for obstructing the track of ihe Savannah and Charles ton railroad about two years ago. which baa been once tried and a n<-s trial granted, whs not reached until Friday morning Inal. In conaequence i of the number of wltneaaea i xamln-1 td the case ccntiuued .all Friday and part of SalimL) up to the time of the adjournment of court for dinner, after which the arguments of rounael com menced, Mr. W. H. Townsend assisted the so licitor In the prosecution, opened the case to the Jury, and In a masterly manner laid the foundation of that which waa to follow. I An array of eminent counsel appear ed for the defense, consisting of W. T. Tllllnghaat, of Hampton, leading conn lee], assisted hy H. S. Smith, of Hamp ton, nnd the Hon. George Lamb Hulst, of Chrrleston. Mr. Smith made an i loqucui. and exhaustive speech. He ! was followed hy Mr. Tllllnghasl, who i Ntioke up to the hour of the evening ; adjournment, and resumed the thread of Uls argument the next morning. Mr. 1 Rulst closed for the defense. Senator Bellinger, always strong and vigorously presented the state’s cate. Yellow Jaundice Cured. Suffering hufiifnlty should be sup plier) with every means possible for Its relief. It le with iileasure we publish the following; "Thin Is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was | treated by some of the best physicians |ln our city anil all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; and, after taking two bottles, I was entirety cured, t now take great pleasure In recommending them to any person suffering from this terrible mal ady. 1 am gratefully yours. M. A. Ho gaity, Lexington, Ky." Sold by Howard & Wiilet, drugists. Journalists Safe. Key West, Sept. 13. The Norwe gian steamer Albts, of the Munson line, has Just arrived from Nuevitas, en route to Galveston. It brings the crew and correspondents from tho newspaper dispatch boat Kanapalia, wrecked off hfaievitas September sth. All on boad the dispatch boat were saved. cAa*roniA. Bears the KM Y° u tial<l S o # l Gilder’s Pills An* mo combined an to do four thing*: I THKY WORK THF. LIYEIt I. TIIKY KMITT THR ffTriM ACH. I. TH KY EXm THR LOWER ROIYRU. 4 HICKNKHH ANI) GHII’ING AltE PREVENTED, gome pills on tlx- market do Va of lhi*, some V GILDER’S does all four things. The Howard & Wiilet Drug Company Manufacturer* of Glider * Pill*. AuJml bOW I’KICK* l.»r*» sloe*. Ain. VAIVrI *».l riTTINIfa. KN. I i:k, HOH.KKK. Ml 1.1. N *n<l BKPAIKfi. Lombard Iron Works & Supply 00., AtravKTA.uA. 11. K. MITCHF 1,1.. AI.KN McDONALI), hii|>arlnlemfant Secrotsry ami of Construction. Uturral Msnagct Augusta Electric & Construction Company 312 Mclntosh (Street. Electric Huppltc Annunciators, Tele phones, bpeaking TtUi*g e!C , elc. Repairs to ail Fiectrlcal apparatus. F.lectric IJghi W;rliig a specialty, ball ’Phone 13. The Happiest Families OF AUGUSTA ARE THOSE WHO USE Eagle Baking Powder, 25 Cents Pound. DON’T USB 10c. lb. Alum and Ammonia Bak ing Powder that kill your stom ach. DON’T USE 50c. II). Baking Powders, whose price, according to price of mate rials today, in Just twice too high. 50c Powders kill your pocketbook. BUY eagle— Tbe Howard & Wiilet Drag Company make it. The present population of the United States exceeds that of Oerma.ny by about 22,000,000, and that of Great Brit ain by 31,000,000. JHE ||ERALD JTAHDARD tyf AR It It popular because II it just whit Ih# •ireat newspaper-reAding public TR9 M.tpa are large and clear, and M y double the si/* of any otnnra published. They are beauti fully printed In five color* on hoavy map paper IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EO6RAPHY you will find the Atlas an *ndiepeneahle aid. It will help you to observe the daily rhenges In the situation, and enable you to l eap pace with history. You Need An ATLAS! V Oct fits l-alcst and Best - - N Contents ol The Herald Standard War Allas: Cuba - - - 14x21 inches The World - 21x28 inches jfc4sP4»t4f c 4409 4 #I94N %•###(•. i#4f 04<9 Iglsgfßpk * 4fß- West Indies - - - 14x21 Inches North America - - 21 x2B lnch*s Mm* tag ••We Man South America - - I4x2llnch*e Mh»H| .aWc Mims. Philippine Islands - - 11x14 inches Hawaiian Islands - - 11x14 inches Europe - 21x28 inch** Spain and Portugal - - 14x21 inches ... - 14x21 inches -tAowiag mu TfW«»-Sib*rto« Ksilrt—4. Afrlca - 14x21 inches Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B inches China - - - - 14x21 inchas Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba. Havana. Cienfuecos, Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Sants Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It Is just out, and entirely new. . The Maps are clear and distinct, ana twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the flam Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents QUR p fALL £TYUS I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA, - GEORGIA READ HERALD’S WAKTI in Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing show all the newest textures and weaves in handsome fabrics, that are made up and finished in the best style and handi work of the tailor’s art, and are equal in finish, elegance, fit and style to the best custom made Clothing. A glance at our stock will show our lines to be more complete and of larger assortment to choose from than can be found in the city. 7