The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 14, 1898, Image 8

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WKONtftOAV (10NE- 1M (HMMQU* *rra**e< mow maun Mrt-comeM csscy at t*w • • ” nppirtnr «mi powerful cutiom taMor*. Trwtir fßtim »• • memory » «*•*' (usngM Mi « Br#4w» i W## •M#4Ck*nty »• • ' delwmiort. TN family bfehMM contßtn rt»cMtpit th** ffiv* for SuH« At MO. §3B. •40 tnd M 6. Thoif iff r«eortf» of ««- imvAßAnr*. Wm Ar* r#talHn# Bull* ju»t «• R«od. At • 15. •18 And *2O. Our* ms •duAi to ihA*r» In m* lAiiorm*, fm»»h Ami material. And y©u*H find no pr#te*»lom or fsMUM About Uw character of our good*. Buyer* h*r» ata ntntmr prquAd by Interior work mAnsfiip or IrAAhy lining^ Our Affort* AcflpM tha strain And i(yyn rnAd* by comblnAd compAtltion. 9mm aM M SJ.OO 52 SO 53 00 S3.SO WOO T)w m Pl*# 9%*rta Om frta. •m»* bk* v jm turn k. WANTED run FOR PRESIDENT Htfl Tmferrf Mr. V. E. had at CaatraiiM M*htk«* (H «4> • 4asr at ao a#!» a t ttt rntrsiii of Mr. W. R Flat: if Hf ttir. tftir nt«*4iti tb* N»- throat BwtaiMn AwritUM'i r«» rsat ion at Cnigiabro. Okie A *U*bt fyrw era# mail* hi statlag that Mr. f>tat< hod b#*a fhrt#4 wcnM *l>* pnMdMil <*f Ik* MHrhilM It iko«M ha** Nm* Dm iNt pr**44#at. Mr. Riali Hitdi very l it) la Ik* aaaorta- IMI aa<t raa4 s*v*c*l paper* im*l his praf—<i.<>n Out of lk« lari* body that gaihered Mr. Platt *ta* t»*atmo«**ty re-elected chairman at Ib# lagtolatlw# coromlt ta*. This I* a r**ptm*’,M# offl-# lit a blah Isl •M'll kWMB m llamlctr* this th# timf »ks pr#Bt<l#n rs wh» ilss BiuMilatoUS Hut th# dm ■KMIItrsIkNI of Iht lid OIMMI to Which Mr Walt la held by lb* O**o elation did not atop lh*r* **« •** dmlrod to b* prrotdeat of tb* asoocla item but derilned I nf**or at Mr. W. O. Norwood of OtltMlnfi Trxa». The aaaoratton then declared that Mr Platt raurt accept th<* prroldeacy next P*ar Mr Platt agreed to thla. All tbl* Itoe* to tkn* ho*t tb* *Ol - of tb* country feel toward* Mr Platt, tb* confidence, the hl*h eo teem and the splendid work he haa done toward bringing the profession to the high at»nd»rd it now oeeu ptea. Mr. Platt'* roan* Augusta friend* will Join In congratulation*. At the meeting, many Interesting paper* were read not the lea*t In tntereat being that of Mr*. Huddell of Ohio, on "Wo men a* Kmbalmera." At the conclusion or her psper, Mr. Plait had the floor for a few minute# and airongly In dorsing women ** embalmers. citing their eepvlal adaptability for the pro fession. An Important feature of the meeting was the framing and printing of a law which will be sent to the congressmen who will be ashed to pass tt through congress. This law If passed tvlll make It com pulsor? upon arm; l and nary surgeons to perfect themselves In embalming, so that our country's dead heroes may be properly preserved for shipment heme. Second Hand School Books sold cheap at Pen dleton’s Book Store. HE WANDERED UNWISELY- A Very Drunken Man at the Police Station. The last place in the world that an Intoxicated person Bhould wander Into Is police headquarters If he desires his liberty. Regardless of thla a colored parly In a very jagged condition staggered Into the station about nine o'clock this morning. He could not tell his ttt'e, but that made little difference, as he was in a prime condition to occupy a cell. He was so Intoxicated that he tried to walk Into the wall of the station and still protested that he was not drunk. Strange how drunken men will never admit their condition. To save money in Buy ing School Books get them from Richards & Shaver’s Book Store. In case of fire wet a silk handker chief and tie without folding over the face. It wiil prevent suffocation from smoke, permit free breathing and ex clude smoke from the lungs. tMMi m». A PETITION FOR ELECTION Fw a Mactsinb Far (be 600tl, DbirkL H#Hif Mgmod Tf*4my m 4 WM Be f*rt* m«l#4 Jm4go E%#. I A pttltlM lhat will A# pt+mmUrd (ft , Jwlf» Rt* Aburf if rv*iiMßf that m rtorttoi f«*r • Bi|Mrtt<> of tA# *4s ikii4f*4(l wlilllß liitfld bn M 4 •fid to tw»9Vkg rtrr«)»f#4 IfMIBR bjr i rftiHi gw.lit****”* *ff tb# Fourth Ward, #k*#A viht wiiif rif m tb* main part at tb* shove rotlitie district. Tb* Mid at a magistrate for that district ha* b##e fell by tb* r**ldeat* for him tine. Judge Ndkllsg. wbo died a few ;» *ks ago, as* roagtetrat* for sever*l iyrmn Alar* bl* death tb* ward ha* j Iteea without sa oßrial la tb* above I peoMfcro * Tb* petttioo we* shown a reporter his rooming It had on It about <*o hundred name* of citterns of tb* fourth ward Tb* reporter learned that four par tie* were alrcedy out for the oAce. ami that by the lime the election !a to be called, at least six or seven can didate* would be Is the race. When a sufficient number of names tie signed to a petition and presented to Judge ECve. be will call an election for magistrate. The required number sad more have been signed lo the pa per and that means that In a few weeks the election will h* Held Among the candidates. It Is said, a certain well known constable la nam ed. Special bargains in school books at Richards & Sha ver’s book store. BUS ABOUT CAMP. W liil la doing On Out at the Tenth Regiment. The disturbances at camp this pay day were much less than la»t. They consisted only of drunke and funalt disorder)!. Many of the cases have been passed <m and the disorder ly men sentenced lo pay flties of dif ferent amounts. The hacks and wagons have been do ing a line business since pay day. Some fifty vehicles have been on the road and all have had all they could do. The hucksters and venders of small wares have Infested the camp and have made small fortunes eelting their wares. Everyone In camp I* looking forward with interest to the receipt of the or ders to move. Many do not care par ticularly about going, but since they have received orders do not wish to he In such an uncertals state. One of the lieutenants was In the city last evening looking up men who have overstayed their time. The lieutenant is well versed it? the dives most fre quented and had good success in his undertaking. The regimental band is dally giving fine music. Everyone esjoys the play ing and the comp followers flock there is the evenings so as to be In time to see and hear their concerts. The brewers’ wagons have been kept busy sending out beer to the camp. Several thousand bottles have gone out full and returned empty. Yesterday the battalion dress parade was quite a success. The men went at It like old timers and a splendid, show ing was gives. Only one private is in the camp hos pital. He is not at all dangerously sick and will shortly be on duty again. THIC AUOUOTA HTHJLLD. SCHOOL BELIS RING TOMORROW f|» PHte k* tarots if tfe# tH): Ibgtt >»*t|#f ApmAa. * mmi in mm lAt* Cf VbWfl) Tii ■*> in r *s in as eg It wage AHU W«>* »i » *Ae 'MI i * The ««#**)» A grow ro »■«# sag ik< iwsMwt 4*tom *4 lias AhffMMM) seAsaM j !•*♦**• M tout* f> RBiiiii *y>B B 4 # a t’htm % I'lrnk m 1 [ (WM*# • lit bbßb Unbb #!»#*# «m»BIB# 1# I [ tUm-p 884 inBII 4Rma iwRMRhBHI RifHMBBjNiBi fe* t tlMttfP BB (Ml 1*90%- ] INMNNIr bßm! wttWf# C|!4Bnoß *ll< PRBBMK#! I Mb# 0) 00 llx RMMVBRI BBamM i | i mb# bb»% I#ii AM t» 990009 f*4 MB l ' #*---«#•■■ |OO iß# | A- A 0100 000009 0000000 tX|l# IHPMB mt*4 0090 f tiißß## 1 #BV9BB WB# lIMH 0000 000 900 Mt%aif« . ! BBT* 90000 BBHI f**oo IB Aft 9*0000009 *•- | •NNFII r*JO VlM*## A# t A f*■ io* < f Bt llwNif 000010 0009 00t*****00 I FNMB ftk# 9009009 0090 li#' BBBlfc## #lll . lA# BMMftf HM# l*rm TW 0009 ImmaAa 0900 fiMNI 90900 #ffl I# |#B#f«#Bilf tA* MMB# 09 900090 ; 0909. bb Abb# 09$ iw»»a.a •hi b» im#«i ] % tttl#tl 009t00000090 frill A# bAmbAbA IsCsiWiat the etrotv at ffgwwieh. *u W9m\o %# •A»|"< 00 lA*» f*Af Ib f##, BKAMBAB 90 9000 f ‘ ‘HMNA- ll 0009 A# •#*■•! i • lit 88l Ab iBBAIn IB «A# 00000*0 IBfAf nB fbeahtew of tb* gebwat* Ifeb t*rs* Ti*fr Bf# B# t 000)09 « •! 11# HohiANmi 000 CMMrml bpAocilb- At Ib* DevtArow. Mr*. fUrAger fw rifsnl as *rrowwt at lit hegfth. ssf ibr lege bet* of Ibr gvgTOw brk w Ibte n*» w*«* proro'«*d srof tb* tssl »ww»< t tiled by ib* #tec 1 low of Miro Murot* (iardlaer Mlaw Wet la taylbe 414 hot apply It* reeled low. got (hit v scene r •as teroponsrlly tiled by tb* gppotgl oienl of Mis* Maltl* Pnumelle bl lb* Fifth Word Orawaror *rbnnl Mlaw ItogaiMi read gw ed og grrowwl of 111 baaltb Mia* Csnell sl*n resigned ns ax coast of nrooval at ber rwaldsoce to Ttm hos lke*e tearkers oren pled place* la Ik* highest grade* Tbe tswrker* below wee* prowicKcd an t Mlaw Annie Campbell wm trauferred from Ike Woodtawn school lo til I bees vacanrle* Miss Belle fit Herman wm elected to til tk* vacancy la Ike Wood lawgarkool. Tk* principal of ikla school reeigned pad Mr. W. H. Clark wm elected m principal. S'hesl gswks. busk Streps, fwdt texs*. Largs Tablets Sir Cempesltlc* tasks. (Ist**, fsae sad resell, st llctsrli A stair s Beck leer* ALEXANDER M. SHERMAN Mss Been Aprofoftd Janitor of Oovera ment Building. I At* iMt gflcrnoon Alexander H. 1 Sherman, colored, received the following official nolle* from Washing-. Ion; Treasury Department. Office of Secretary. Washington. D. C. Sept 13. IS9*. Mr. Alexander H. Sherman, 521 Calhoun at reel. Augusta. Ga. Sir: Th« Vnited State* Civil Ser vice Commission having certified that you have been nominated and fouud j qualified, you are hereby appointed a Janitor for a probationary period of six months In the United States Court House and Post Office building at Au-1 gusta. Ga.. with a compensation at the j rate of six hundred dollars per an- I nuro. payable from the appropriation for pay of assistant custodians and, janitors, vice Mr. Richard Wilson. Jr.. I deceased. Tbe appointment to take effect from date of oath. Respectfully your*. I* J. Gage. Secretary. Mr. Frank Stallings, who has been acting as Janitor, was simultaneously notified that he was oul of office. The first notice that Postmaster Stalling!) received of the new appointment was when he was handed the appotntmeut paper by the new janitor. A COLORED HERO. Peter Kent Shows What Me Is Hade Of. Yesterday a four-horse team be longing to Mr. Bugg, the well known saw mill man. ran away and broke the tongue of his wagon. The broken tongue was at once put in a buggy to be sent to town. One of the run away mules was hitched to the buggy. Deter Kent, colored, and Mr. Kent worth'started to the city. The mule became frightened several times, but cias controlled until It reached the la dles’ entrance to the Arlington Ho tel. Here it became frightened and turn ing sharply ihrew Kent to the ground, leaving Mr. Kentworth In the buggy. Kent held to the reins and as tbe mule started running he was dragged over the rough stones on to the asphalt. Clinging to the reins he was dragged some twenty or twenty-five yards and finally slopped the frightened animal. His gameness probably saved Mr. Kentworth from serious Injury.He was congratulated on all sides for his bra very. Miss Maude Redfern. a popular young lday or this city, returned, home yes terday from Appleton, S. C.. afier a five weeks’ Visit, the guess of Miss Mat tie Holley. BOILS GartuncSes RUNNING SORES CVttO IT TWH 7)tf Cnwi Jllrn/ JfjwiA. t in--Slid kimtitf k* % 11. rolli wwf • turn# 94 M -j, „ tmg -* - *»■ ** «4 **ro*e-“dlk 4 -g, * r BA## P**— I 9 i ' * *444 ## ** Mk# HBMI ft A 9 * W #'■'***’’* **4 4**"** -ro# Ji * tT*# -w Vmßi |- 88,- MNMB ’"’BIMI 4M444 J . l l ~ * , * > ..* f zTV o+TZmi m -44% F* o*4 9 *' **!: / .-s—a »* a. tm omr * * •*>«3 l l* W*IM Mtß Bar# I Mr. If W. Wlnfttd ••• l« Mm*** ; yffttffhUr. j Mr. Jf#«*k l if * mß»r IB Bl A#m# #b * furlHifh fa 9 m tm* 0000- Mn. Alfred Ttotof hmm ftlwit fw4 fr#m iMf r» r#Bl to«ll»poiHNi. Mr An«r) mbom IB Mvtac hi* 09**** rmpmtr+4 «#ft uw#f hr#4 IB Wi*t End Th# ChHftttftii 9*09000*0 Mr 4 «C Ml#* •litlli will BH rmi I At* ffWlftf ft) tM rhurck. I Thr fri#ndto #1 Mr. Ou» B*t#* *r# ragfrly lonfttiif furvftnl lo kft* bitlvbl In III# ritjr. i lt#v J K Pur#a witt #r* vie #* *t A««bu# rburcb [till# rvriiinf Mrv r P Hprm-er wilt conduct the prayrrmerunx aervte* at M. Lake's church t.,night Mr. Leltov Hart, of Athens. Ga., haa accepted a (Miettlun a* draughtsman at Lombard'* lmn work*, j Mir* Addle May entertained her friend* very delightfully lost evening at her home on M»y avenue. There I* a great deal of talk in the Fifth ward of a white primary for th* eeieetton of • councilman. Mi** Mary Bracer left ye*terd*y to resume her studies at the Georgia Nor ms! and Industrial College at Mtlledge- Vtlte. The sale of rest* for “Buff Wanted” I* progressing nicely, and Indlcatkuia point to a large audience for the npen- Inr of the Grand. Mis* Hel -n Gehrttcn. one of Au gusta's bright young ladle*, left today {or Charlotte, N. C.. where she goea as a student to Elisabeth College. A meeting of the B. Y. P U. of the Berean church will be held at the rhurrh at * o'clock this evening. A fine program has been prepared for the occasion. Work Is progressing nicely on the Stafford building, corner of Broad street and Crawford avenue. Into which Dr. J. P. Smith win move Jits drug busi ness the first of Ootobe* A fine concert under the direction of Mrs. J C. Browning will be given on next Tuesday evening at Red Men * hall. The money will be used to pay a small indebtedness on the Second Christian church. There 1* some discussion a* to wheth er the Various men In the city s em ploy will be allowed to resume their positions when they return from the war. Several firemen and other* went, and their friends are anxious about the safety of their position*. It I* said the mayor stated at the beginning of the war that nil who went to the war would be given their positions when they re turned. ...i i ' We will sell to the high est bidder on Saturday, 17th inst., at ! 1 a. m.. about fifty horses. C. V. Walker, Auctioneer. John ston & Pickard, 736 Ellis street. Back From New York. Miss Mollie Murray returned last night from a five week’s Northern trip. Miss Murry enjoyed a delightful stay iu the metropolis and was on the go all during her stay, attending the early fall openings and selecting, with her usual exquisite taste and discrim inating judgment an elegant line of millinery. She reports the styles for this waiter as being MiusiiaHy bright, showy and elaborate. {Fliite and black being extensively used, and army blue and Cuban red among ilie leading col ors. Miss Murray wit have her for mal opening, the early (part of October, when the very latest p millinery will be shown Augustans. ij Fresh Pickled Pig Feet at KEENAN &-eO’S, -r A THIEF IN THE TOILS )4NI CfW«k Vi* ■ Art • %*909. (lAHIti I lAr HbA A % 000* A (00000000*00 «A po*om. I*o*o9 9000 f>|A» Vroaroro *M *ro» V-iwsi Nro f« Vwv'tww- Wlkiks Newcuro ro«*dod •>» Ft« f Frowt Om w.> 1 .ithM land w< mwhrod# Ik Ok* >Mi Book ktnr*. THE M\RM I>. Tiro#-iron*. jBi««f••• 9*m*m >• •• •• •«,*»• •« S9bbf% [IMfV« •« »• •« *• •• *• ## 4% J U*« WltMltot ** M M M M •• 44 Wfc lirld ft## BiftAAiMA « m •• I A* 14 MHlilnf •« M •« I Mi ifftltftrf mWilin# •• .. ...... i AW l CAa#A RdAlUfti •• *• •« •• • *** * *l**4 mmsim I Week KAdlaro **(>* M. 14*. and ewe -liru#oft4to f r#r'«'i|»9B Ifttl f*9W IWT ISM t ffMwrday .. 4H i M «.d*> .. .. «** I*** Tu.eday .. 4M 107 jWetfAewday .. .. ...... U 8 IMt Thurodsy *47 • I Friday „ .. .. «** TVKaI .. 4**7 «4 SALKS. HPINNKM, AMIP4EXTN. Baft)##, ftp)Aß«*r» HhijMTVFfil (Uiurday .... T» Ml •« IMuadwy .. .. IT* 5 .... . Wednewday . W *4 I*. TVHeI .. .. 44 *ll *4* ■ (miawTitw HI IT*. IS*T 14* | Vet receipts today ........ 44 134 S Through cotton today .... jfiroaa receipts today .... J7M IM* STOCK AND RECEIPTS. IM7 14k Ktock in August* today .. U*T* | Receipt* *tnc# Hepl. 1■ * - 27262 »I*l COTTON URTUL i August*. Ga.. Acpt M.-Liverpool ir«bl*S this morning Mowed a decline id lit to t points. This was especially dis appointing. In view’ of the vety IwilHsh i weekly crap report. The New Yoik | market re*f*,»nded to the weaknes* th I Liverpool, the first call showing the prl |re* to be 5 point* under IMt night’s close. Smsll receipt* «nd gloomy crop | reports .nake no lmpre**l<>n on the msr- Iket. end in response to fuither wesk ' nes. abroad New York eased off further j—(he market *t 2 o'clock showing a ! decline of ten points for the day. Liv erpool spot market declined l-32d. with ! sates of 10,000 hale*. It 1* rumored that Neill Brother* are out with another 'crop estimate even larger than the first, j New Orleans expects tomorrow 250» to (3000 v*. STM l*»t year. Houston expects 12300 to I2SOO vs. 179 M last year. Cotton looks extremely low at the present pri ces, but the tendency seem* to be for still lower price*. PAINE. MURPHY & CO. The following quotation*, the closing prices taken at 2 o’clock, are over the special wires of Paine. Murphy & Co.: NEW YORK COTTON. Open. Close. January SSO February •• •• T'- 8 ! March 5 71 5 - 8:l May R -74 5.70 October November December a- 88 5..>2 Tone —Steady. Middling 5 11-16. LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 3.06 3.05 06 February and March .. 3.07 3.06 Mutch and April 3.07 3.06 07 April and May 3.0 S 3.07 OS May and June 3.09 3.0 S 09 June and July 3.10 3.09 10 Aug. and Sept. .. .. .. 3.11 3.09 10 Sept, and Oct 3.09 3.07 Oct. and Nov 3 07 3.06 Nov. and Dec 3.06 3.05 Dec. and Jan 3.06 3.05 PORT RECEIPTS. 1897 IS9S Galveston 12«* New Orleans KSIB e 430 Mobile 1079 Savannah •• 8042 “ 39 ® Charleston 29 « 2 1429 Norfolk 818 “ 10 New York •* -T** 4 •••• Philadelphia 161 .... Total at all ports v .. 31760 22000 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. •yt'Lj Open. Close. September 84 82 December 8 - May 84 B ‘ ; ® SHINGLE WEATHER, ftH# #* «444k|i *#4 igi mi Mffff wunlMt* mi 0» tm li mi ««i *>#f> 44# im tmm w#Mft4l mi ftMftv tmo ttm 4 an f*w fsrwga. M tm tyttmUh rlgjM Iro ymt rvswkrro* in dk Ol)r «ff 44 #* V«fi4 I Bfti Nb I 0m Mk#n 9199 9m HaM | 2’’ *T IJ# - - Rat 4 ffUft* ( tjhvw St*mon ». *l ' Ifwfwp Ml ttyammt at mm B y#F» 14 »»W (MmlmF hsuyncsi I HgWg WVff 444 Miff olm§o% #44 9mm h*- 4 o*4t C#4D SftMkghn at mmt | QUS t. UtUtV Bmm tt '(\nmi.sta FITZHUGH LEE Will ATTEND i A A. *09099 P#i4c4 (At C9U00990 ftßitl—riß L AX9 Bl 00m B-FBMI m [A# ##bl4 Ab A#r# CAA- Hr* bb A#- 1 r |.)B#4 gtt 188 BB Alt 099900*0 VW Bo# IB lA# Bftßß BB# 0-0 848 090* to appear la pob'k Yusy Ml ihoP pa*- , elide Tk* carnival people are »*trJor«t ihai General Ls* Imp aegept**! tkMr ip ; vltathro sad they propose to «1»* kms I tk* great eat rerep* toa ever accorded Up Aroertraa Tk* geaGemesi so# «k*, i were royally emeelatoed h' both jgeatleroea who were la*bed lo come | They regret very rouch that Colonel j Bryan cannot come bat tkey are de j lighted over tk* prospect of ha) tog 10#B 1/9 Already preparation* ara on toot get ting up entertain®*ats for hti*. Kv jerybody In Macon who ha* heard tb* news la highly elated and the committee 4 being congratulated on their excellent suerea* In aecurlag General I*4 to come He will proba bly remain here throughout lb* four day* and It I* expected that b« will *P*«k 1 ME WEATHER. Augusta. Ga . Wednesday. Sept 14. IkPA. Gfflic located In United dtrt** Government building; telephone No. liTS. Fn-ecast frr 3« hour* ending * p m. ! September 15. IS9S. Washington forecast for Georgia and South Carolina: Ruin tonight acl Thursday. Txical forecast for August* snd vicin ity: Fair tonight; Increasing cloudi ness Thursday. THE RIVER. The river st * a. m. was 8.7 feet, a fall of O f feH In pas' 24 hours WEATHER CONDITIONS. No rain fell In the cottos belt during the past 24 hours, except In the lower l Mississippi valley, where the showers were ligh and seatt red; there were si te light rains In the upper Missouri, upper Mississippi, and central Ohio vallevs and about the great lakes. Tcm> mture* have risen over a large portion of the rjuatry. the rise i,*irg marked in upper Mbhlgan and central Texas. The | reßsmr* contlhues high over the upper Atlantic coast ant Tis lowes* in the upper Mississippi valley; the bn roro*’< r la sUD low over southc wtoDi Florida and weatarn Texas. Ncufchatel & Philadelphia Cream Cheese at KEENAN & CO’S. COHN - * September 2929 ' 4 ' December 29 Jv May 31 * vOATS— September 24 - 8 "9 May - u '» PORK— December 8 ,0 8 85 LARD— December .. .. S- 88 4,9 ‘ SIDES— October 5 32 NEW YORK STOCKS. Sugar .. .... ~ 429 128 '9 Tobacco 144 , 4 j ß T 3 R fP .. . 51 7 18 c ; b.' q. , 4 r ‘ i Missouri Pacific 32 32% Louisville and Nashville . 55% 56% Manhattan 98 98^ People’s Gas .. •■- .. - Union Pacific Rock Island .. 401 48 “^ St . Paul T 18^ Southern Railway, pfd 33% 33% Western Union 82 92 14 MEET IT NOON TOMORROW Trfttl IB lirrr. Tb ttiß#—ibblb tA*#> # tl Tlbbblba fit Cibiwii • ruBfTII 888 WUktßßft H FMBfttBA f#B*>Bl tjft# T 4*#tA M-»ft|ft*il«».ift4 Ail* I*k|. *0 lYfit linn ffft ynt ImBBBB #lll A# th# <t#;*Aßl#* ft## tt hUftOtiA hitr k Wm M J, J. ftowffet#, \c H r«A#». Jbbmb T#Mb P Ha «ttr*. W II Toobb CAbb i Bbstb# B. ggj* Rt OIkTERLD. if 10 h«MI TbAB% Ihßl Mftll) Vft#tl Orßfd IM Book*. TM cotißt? book* fs«*B Bl ilx OcUKh IhU Bft#rn#oß Tluif - ! hft roa v<ti b# Aif frmß«‘bft#»<l from 11 otioi Ib tb# gutivrcftiortftl flfftfto# bbsi Booth At boob today 292* n*m** «#r# ob tb# book* Five hund.ed of the*# are name* of colored voter* Fifteen registered up to noon to* day since the books opened this morn ing. Ther* will not be usaa-’ more n tbe list. Perhaps twenty or more will lie put down before «b* book* *r* closed. A Pleasant Evening. ; mti evening at tb* lovely home of Mr* Ci.rapls?ll. on Marbury street, a vny p'eassni entertainment was given by M.sce* Hattie and Etla Olive. On a<count of <h<* extreme (line** of a calld r.xt <icor to Mr*. OHve. Mr*. 'Campbell, with her usual courtesy, .it the aociable be given #t her borne. It \va« S-ven comp’lm"ntary to M:*s Robert* Prather, o cf Harlem, who .leave* to- her home on Thursday nex’. a song, with accrmpanimeat on the guitar by Mr. I. Merry, was very;. jy tendered, as was also the aong. Rox'anl Pue.’’ by Mr. Harry Vaughn land MJ«s Lila Williams. Mr. Fharl-y ; PaskeTfile's reefer get wa# fine snd up-to-date. Those present were: ML* Roberta Prather, Miss Irene Norris. Mss Flrrence Hopkins. Mis* Sadis | Campbell, Miss Eflle Hopkins. Miss ; Hattie Olive. Mr. Joe Campbell. Mr. | Oliver Rhode*. Mr. George Tommin*, Mr. Will Fielding. ■ ■ ■■ r j— lll •■ 1 Mr. Charles McCarthy, the well knawn SnotLall reach of the University of Georgia, passed through the city to day. Mr. McCarthy 1* one of the best known athlblk men in. Ou- Suulb. and C-orgla is fortunate tie-secure his ser vices nguin this year Hevernl of the old University boys had quite a pleasant chat with him. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION FOR RENT-STORE AND ADJOIN ING room, southeast comer Twelfth and Greene. Splendid stand for grocery. Apply at drug store. Sept 16 ! COUPLE CAN GET BOARD, HAND i SOME new residence, centrally locat |ed References required. Address 932 [Reynolds street. Sept 18 WANTED—A POSITION AS COACH- I MAN, hostler, by a first class driver, by recommendation, best references, j Apply 1246 Roberts street. Sept 16 FOR RENT LOWER FLOOR 3 large rooms and kitchen. 743 Reyn olds. $12.50 per month to approved tenant. Sept 14 WANTED—WORK AS OFFICE BOY. Can write a good hand. Give refer ence if needed. Office Boy, care Her ald. Sept 15 * WANTED TO BUY—S OR 6 HOUSES and lots. Will pay cash for them if you have any for sale. Come and see us. Tutt & Boylston, No. 6 Library Row. Sept 14