The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 15, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES tflrfi** MMr QNityki WalctMM «... §3.00 »» *" IJijjifc . • . * .Rj »* •* iifm imil Smceiet * * » •**> BsWinr« of Qiroig > § I WO MCfl. I )MV* Ml ft f#MT ifOjTT M t>U|r fMfftto (toll ItTMI. I CAO »you «§ to SO ptMr t mfrt cm AM inta *#»•*«>• La?»*»• ol OtAfiiQfMtA Ml AuffWAtA LEWIS J. SCHAUL. jSSSm ffntfrr ID* Artlrtjton MtHit _______ , MAI»r»OM *«* A A tat» *r ituMtrt- A »to* Mm ftatat jyfiffl IS am |§# H**Wf j 0$ t§M P'fema OmpamSi # iammMmi ! ttumM tataMv Mta ••*ss• «• * tagtomtak A nn*aa *•*• to«*Mg tata*K» Ha tom* • ta*A> A Itart* 4m mA A M HI *l| AM Ml Mil** •It Will «Mta IMU» Ml fitotaW »*•* j I ip §SmmmS fpM|| a pßH|bil§AHf' A MSa thUMft •tam 4 * A HAM wttato Btasgaewl *44 M MM A (A* lAMM *• |g r , w T ftatom MM **ta liA* AMI mm* Fka Itatoa* w«4 A**' • n>* AMM Mllltain MMIMM Mm m mmi> t Am —km. >M A | 1* Hmfmm* m* (MAtn *■ * *M M •Ml mi A Bar Mu- »• mm A * t JtAa* AM to ißa m*4mm A*M Ml* . ■MM ■■Aiiirn* U- I J j AtaMtwWM- AIM | niMMI to* {■MM‘to UHM Aim IJMM Nam * flwMl | taM tows i««M toil to! I !»•»«.■* lM • *to* A M • m*M* ; a* tk» fMwt A M* Mm »*•» I* *M ; •M ».« ArttoMMMT itottM b«M* rrMtot . AMi AMM! Twrtow A iluMw Aim • AMMtat iAM u> iftoMm mm : Mttorto*.) AM toiltM ••, AAt _ _ ARm Cartaa* itowi at *:»•«.!»l» | *ta) tetowtad lady Altar A TM Am ] ••4 Pres* vlcttal toM MUM toto 4utoe> 1 Mr m 4 At*. 9. 4, Am*. Mm j MM I Ifr IJrhMpAa*' * A'AtoA *wr»* A fTurt—t in rhn 4toi Ml r*ey i* ’•lMftot tto Ml UluAmi A tytota* d taw rmmmm. rgrwnU* '• <*•* <*t| »r rtw SlM§f* on MAI » rupatoi* •# * I t* egrsni rt on Or C A fluak to to land Mr. J C Ltghtigf. OA A. A Utah atod fMwrll A'Tlrr *r*r - udttoetoS I ** In Ik* WO- Ftorvl* ‘ t|f §tMfori foift loot | p MM; LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J. lILLEB WALKER THE HATTER. K: IST ox: HATS 810 THERMOMETER PLANTED. - - U la Savaaty > : aat Loaf and Will Measure lartfc’* Tamparalura Wtarhaalar. Ma«a.. Ha pi 15 Colon*! Knight. of Harmtock. U having placed la kia growad* a thwmomutw. aavenly fat< long, for the measurement of the earth's temperature. It la placed In a ahaft eighty feat de»«*>. The plan la to determine the temperature at that depth ft>r a long period. The Urgent thermometer made previous lo thl* one wan lhat made by Forbea. who built one measuring nearly forty feet. Thla wa* considered a great accom plish* cut and Forbes' thermometer be came one of (he curtoaltlea of eetenre. With new thermometer (he tem perature of the earth can be taken at twice the depth It haa been possible to take It heretofore, and the records ob tained will prove of unusual value In science. To Cure a Cold la Owe Uay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drugglate refund the money If it fails to cur*. 2Se. The genuine has L. B. Q. on e«rh tablet. The latest fashion news from the Jeweler* I* that Papin and London lap idaries are making history repeat Itself In the setting forth of earring, not the little drop *c.*ews and knob* ao long worn, but the.penilant, Victorian ornament* anch aa her majesty wore In her young day*, and *tlll *elects when It pleases har. These barbaric looking pendants are no more likely to ancceed of the water than the Victorian tvonnet. which was donned by »o few women that wearing it rendered them exceedingly conspic uous. Get prices on both new and second-hand School Books at Pendleton's Be fore you Buy your School Books. A gold nugget weighing one hundred and fifteen pounds and valued at $35,- 000, ha* been found at Lake Wynn, In Australia. We knew we lost a nugget somewhere. Listen, You. Why do you let your hair keep fall ing? In nine case* out of ten, 1 can stop it, if you do not let it run on too long. I've brought out nice full growths on scalps bailor 30 and J 9 and 15 years. Bone here in Augusta, too. Come to see me at 825 Broad street. MRS. SMITH, A Piano Goaraoieed r*~i . if rot r»nmud n*4 Nut to • Otto I»»t i. mb! The Everett Piano ha****. m%» §§§ p»<»hMt§ nos nwfwmi r«f 4nfl>»A Sat §»f«H Mi Mi «ni W r«pn*f^ |«t f»f>—rr*§ «i mm rmrn %m lh» «*•■* jrVMnHP Mi aa4 ••••hMmp tfc* sMMniinn*aio I§aS tvtMi itM jiif»>lw , I PilNO AT A NOMIKiL FRICf. THE HABVABD j Itt CWMlimwi. Tilt, AtUaa Ac , j A Reliable Instrument WMh »«trto |Nr«w«» •• tv rt»hl »t .Mit 4totorc. to*4 *1 IHtowt mrni Hin t i.|t»A tor. IT 14 AWOMTIS TAR a to«»M tar ram to Mtor to*«r trim data* Tuning and Repairing Our Specialties. Art Catalogue Free on Application. Tioias & Barton, W H BARIUrtT, IIMIW. n# Brato4»ar. **•«>•!■. U«. WITH MIS HONOR Business Was Mather Slim at Pvtke Court. Huai aesa at tin court of the record - ler thl* morning was rather sllta The I first character who bobbed up hafnre i the har was' Willie l-ark Willie U ja small boy. colored. He had lamusari himself laat afternoon la put ting Turpin Hilt trolley car inotormen (to a great ileal of trouble by Jumping oo the pimtform* anti pall ng off the ! trolley | At leant. Willie was ia a crowd of ismall boys who were engaged in thl* game, and Mot orman 1 jsuterhack ar teeted him He protested innocence, and as the testimony was not enough to convict, ao thought the Judge, Willie wa* dismissed with a warning to never attempt to puli off trolley*, for If he did (here was a splendid chance of hi* spending thirty day* in the ea booaes Henry Bumming*. llenrv had Imbibed of the flowing bowl tor was it a whiskey flashtd He that as it may. he wai fined *2.5* to day. I .ark in White. lasrkln had gone forth laat after noon and communed with spirits. Ho paid $2.60. Vincent Moss. He wa* charged with violating the Fifteenth section (shooting firearms In the city limits). He was represented by Attorney Julian Zachary. The ev idence did not show that he was guil ty. so he went his way without paying a fine. A compl®t« stock of School Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Ink, States School Bags, Book Straps, Com position and Exercise Books, Lunch Baskets, Pencil Boxes, etc., at Pen dleton’s Book Store. The Rand-MeNally new Standard War Atlas ia the best publication of the kind we have ever aeon. The colored maps ere double the slse of any others published, and clearly primed on heavy paper. Each or* has a marginal index and a page is *‘Voted to the flags of atl nations. Thy atlas Is timely and useful. It l» not for sale at the stores. The Herald has arranged for a special edition. Readers may obtain a ropy by calling at our office or sending 39 cents. '2O-year filled gold watches In ladies' and gents' sixes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from $7,90 to $12.50. Guarantees with each watch at Lewis 3. School's, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. Saoond bund (Fumtga*~di school books sold at B'charde & Shaver s Book Store, THE AUGUSTA HERAJJ3 at I taMT lAttniWtoto N » S MM fAttatol M44MI **» ta •«§.«»« M IMI I Ml) [ Mil ttitoM #* AMI »«ta»4 Ml M «Sk#«tMEM *Sm t§§M|fP §M§ mi, ’ * ||wM t.♦ # .S4SMI <Mll St § t SpR “ # S’* ’M I VMfll TApHMSnNH <ssi« §m ntawsf *Ms Mhmp § HIM tM§ r . %n M T iMM» fssm rim taMMV* V* Vitakto 1 I tNMHMaa MrtNOM sMiSMtMI *§s fMMIf ' M-MMil M§s HEM® M*§H Ml Mi fMMS ss4 It# 'ftSpiiMt form- mm§ mpS «swTMi» !4Ji§ J bit \~. wk^ iMißmsi M#m§4 MmAM CMimllmi PssmM Mrsma %mavm *s lnfiMHrt Mi * fM®M* MM *■>§ Mi flM.. ts. * nm fir# JAnpHshi 4M| ff§Hi I Mr" sM*4 M fIML TM«MM§sw§ Am#'- i IMIMMI. < "irnp w»Sl— lit §*4 fl. | >4 C ttatoM A—MTtota Itartatota tMor* llftal 41 tori Orl*» **■* ■»« | iHMMMta QtotaVr«ta»tir tanMwita r»’ HQ) litnul Hurtln® ~ CNi tw* •* I s n iAcmw WM •#»#* ••rod'll I totlftttaft, €%•§•■*•*• Ka r, w |na§4> , yijiit Tlii4 taaiialina I K L and M. A4JW*sH H—a Mag. VMlatant fiargson Or VHha. Hwapha • tt>rr %rd Oehanm. Beglmaatai •n»#e«h. Ua>>r Tatud*. Chief MnaKtaa Tsow Hf* |WO pift it t|Ml ’ Pros bridge and ®*h*w. #f hand • p m la front «f the gavlHna asA will rTnf HVOT fRWIfrTO wifi wm w !at S ltd WftlOM Is Wt* Fired ata rrivals. There waa a aaaaatbm created (Wi reeurdag aa Umvda rirari. caaewl «/ I the attempt to arraei ynrate maatiu# Ls Company » of the Bcc-md ragl imUtal m a"Ja^ f [ Ing of Corporals Tate aod Carroll and jJ n rates Ho at aad H Ik waa detailed ta arrest Chattlnr. and when ha wa* , f,s-ated he refused to yield to the order j of the guard. laanad of rubmittlng he proceeded to display his pugilistic tendencies, and these were suddenly checked by the filing of two shot* lo am da the offender At the tUa* ( haatine waa under the influent*, at , whiskey. _ j The prisoner wa* tahea to camp, whare he will be arralgaed before the ' j*roper authorities, aad triad for ewh miaconduct. ’ The two scholarships In the Nash ville Peabody Normal College for thUj 'date have been ivon by L. R. James i of Greenville and Guy W. Morris of' Anderson. Mis* Heulah McMillan of Charleston la the first alternate. Mis* Alpha P. Raaor of Ureeavllle second alternate and Mis# E Gordon of An derson third. Mr. James recently woo the citadel vacancy from hi* covoty and It Is pro bable that he will not accept the Pea body acbolarahip. A Military German. A delightful military german was given by the young ladle* of the city last night at Shandon. complimentary to the officer* and some of the pri vates of the Second regtmeut. The occasion wa* greatly enjoyed by the large number in attendance. The ger man was gracefully led by Mr. Sin gleton Green with Miss Lottie Hey ward. A meeting of the cUtsan* aud those In terested in the State Fair association will be held tonight In the council chamber at 8.30. A great many of the Columbia* who have been spending the summer at various mountain resorts and at the seashore, wo daily returning lo the city. Abandoniqg Camp Wickoff. Montauk Point. Sept. 14. Notice wa* received at headquarter* for the removal of five more regiments from Camp Wlhoff at once. The Tenth in fantry goes to Huntsville; heavy ar tillery batteries A and B of the First will report to the commanding gene ral of the department of the gulf by telegraph, and A and F of the Second go to Huntsville. The orders indi cate the determination of the war de partment to abandon Camp Wikoff as rapidly as possible. Mr. B. D. Gardiner, an old Augusta passed through the city yesterday en loute to ABhevllle. N. C„ his* present home. He has been stationed otv the island near Charleston With h!s com pany. .While In town he was with his sister, Mrs. M. Gardiner, on Telfair street, who was more thun glad to see him, a» it has been six years share Mr, G»r<li«er left Augusta* , , -- ■ - Sl/tMtai** fta * «#*. 3P w’m • *»* totowAl** SCHOOLS QptrMEO TODAY. i«• t««to the tawrtaa •» tha 'rWßMßita | Thl» •uraitog tk* erba*A* ( bruahad aw*v b*.*ka •*** b u ndied to- j i fc*# 1 hHBMI • mm kir*!«4fl»' tiff i» M 1 i f „ •„! «rHr*l*r* M ToWRr ifftal mui m I rrEtct tMf TM#* wr ’ (fiHihit tlf you*c HNt 'fa tonrmif an 4 (ft# lIKMiEiM* . I* n * j*. * M#ii anti m «d« n frf ike ccMning rftatnry Rlrkuwad county la jurttrularly fortunate ta her '(diieitloaal syatem and ike men wko a dsn in tat cr the same At tke k* ad ta oßkert* la n man preeminently nuaUfS-J j f ,r hi* a (tore, both In lai Itotatio*. tat tta equiptneto' au4 tmining. Super'ntendeai Bean* la the right j men i* tk* right ta** 4 ?. Cooperating with ! •». It would be dlilrult to ctouu am ahk r or more ronw letot'oo* body of men than the Board of education. In , .talking will, the wetter. Superlß'endeut ( > Evens* reeswtly tißful led aeverta toMna ; he bad In view for the matting Maana, 1 more toartieulaHy la the rural section, j I This waa along Ike line of centralisa tion. a eoncentrgtlnw of puplli, ao to' 'speak, by which aeveml iatereati would ( he aubeerved. ft haa been decided lo abando® a number of the smaller schools, the 1 Idea being to have a fewer number, hut larger achool*. In the 124th dlalrlet where there have been seven email schools there 1 will now he but three, and while the iiumltr of scholars will be the tamo, the teachera will be reduced from aeven to five. T»'o purposes will be aubaerved by this acfTon, economy aud better re aulta with this economy. Another fea ture of this centralization pr consoli dating,will be the transportation of the children front their homes to and from school This I* the New England and the j Western plan, where It haa worked i surprisingly well, not alone for the children, but for their parents and eld ers In a social way. This transporta tion or hauling of the scholars will be done by contract among the farmers, generally ttje possessors of suitable, ve hicles, and who, t>y this method, can materially Increase their incomes. Thus children of tender ages, and particular ly the girls, are protected from the In clemency of the weather, and are not tired out upon arrival at school by tramping from homes miles away. The county will bear the expense of this hauling and notwithstaning the additional Item will save money through the smaller salary list. Mr, Evans spoke of the substantial ami flue brick schorl buildings which the North and West have been able to build by means of this system and commented on the fact that in certain sections of the country school houses were the centre of all social, as well as educational, functions. If this plan should be more general ly adopted in the South, tt was the opinion of the superintendent that far better results would be achieved. The public schools open Thursday. A full stock of both new ;,and second hand Books at lowest prices, at Pendleton’s Book Store. I f smt 9t§i i ft |4»M «M§ Hit iMMNSMMP §4M Mi PMMPMtI | tip .riu* iHiini sm4 MkOMirs; 1 ' lsv«H ar <t Cttftr I'Mtlrf. Srstt a i n I «.(M tolto't.l [' rtsta. AT A- ItatotMi,• .. .. .. .. mi cti HUlltara tV * .*3i I ta .stT Km Urk ... ..A U .s’! f*ttl*t»t| kia .. .. .. ..VI M> .511 IxMlHvtHr .* ~U T 1 111 R-nok } ■ ....... IT .51* to ’t*toi|loi . •••...*• II M .Ml »M, loirtj M SI .811 Th* ('tlrifo H » >ri tuyti at licm Ita'i ( total plartr Ui( BUI At- j irfrit. * WkM «k«r tort r>iua4iu op tkr Brrt buraro aa4 Ulktav of (Mir 'acm«« Bill Rrrrtll and IMiaun of tk* Oriolra «tll bto rutotoltoK ern with Mr. ; LTtonacy. Mir at BusUb, (or (hr htth I tonon. BUI EvrrtM to In valuable oi i asrny w»*» aad one la hi. ability eo j play tkr |tmr day hi and out tolthoat ' tiring. Tha local crowd doroo't arcta ! to rraUar that the man h*» bars hi tkr 1 gatnr every day puaatlUr thin araaon .and navtr oaca kl* kta tram la tkr tlur. k. AaWt from kit atradinera tkrru U tola akillty to corrr ground brtwrrn | hi dim If and tkr Brat bag. to skid eaalty ami aaturally on wild tkrowa and skill in throwing hack acroaa Ihe diamond ! with Barry McTormlrk wkrn It lanrrd rd. BUI heaved rra ovrr from third »o long hr knowa tkr route backward! When Barry lesrea a runner at flrat and Bill ships them back fur the man going to third the tana are a pretty piece of combination work—one at the many the present team la capable of. McGano'a greatness Ilea In hla ability to scoop up the low throws off the i ground In any direction Tenney Is I the scrappiest of the three and hla overdone efforts to start a free-for-all Is the main cause of hla present retire ment. A elever man nnd all that, but that enlarged took him a trip tc*o far when hr bumped into Sandow. Special bargains in school books at Richards & Sha ver's book store. RESPECTED COLORED WOITAN She Died tot an Early hour This Morning Alice G. Clarke, daughter of Clark*, the well known and trusted porter of Alexander & Alexander died , early this morning. The death of this estimable young ' woman casts a pall of grief and sad- j ness over upon her loving parents and the community. She was a consistent j member of the Union Baptist church,,! bright, Intelligent, Industrious ond loved by all who knew her. Deservedly popular in a wide circle of the most cultured and refined colored citizens, the idol of her parents she deported herself in a manner which makes heT death a grief to hundreds of admiring friends. The sympathy of numerous white friends goes out to the father and mother ici their bereavement. The fu neral will be largely attended by lov ing friends and acquaintances. It oc curs tomorrow at 3:30 from Union Baptist church. CASTOHIA. B*ars the J* Tlw 14111(1 1™ Hate AIMVS 808gflt ONE CENT A WORD SITUATION WANTED HELP WANTED A' IICN TH W A ■■ IPfIMH t>Vt j ! M un «•> total 4 to «**«» t Vl-D <4 r-4 addle* »vdr Jtt tal 31 FOR SAJ.E_ rit*Aß—rr.RAM at « jackvoa rr. r«»R UUtoONI! UtRKI.R tot, Aft I hto4 cutoter. n feet it wig. > fwt «4*, •M lkr«* lnrtoaw the k topwtora * O*., !*A ttliipd. Oft I r**M toAi.*--u»T canamt mibub 1 n» .lnger» B M Met* J W dan sea. tto* Kills totrvwt. A»h to R»»IX-TOP OCSK4 ta»K 4A1.8 | Obento this bar * ffllltoiM 4sp( IT ! ri.ATT*>f OH4K. TVPrWAITRR < TnbtaS and rtonlrs and l*f E'urni lure, tunhar * Will tarns Heft IT. TO RENT gltß KKNT-RKAK «ta BROAD. fronting 1* fact am Kiitg. ITk feet deep. Suitable tar Jobbing business Apply eto premises. Brpt 1» KOR KKKT—IOI7 RKY.NOUD4 4T.. *-room dwelling. Apply *ll Broad. TO HKNT—-BBBIDEKCE IJJ4 KL1.14, with all modern tmpmvcmeVts and conveniences. Apply 103< Bread slieet. .Oct 1 TO RBNT-THK DWELLING 5« I Wslker street—seven room, kitchen, two rooms, all water convenlen'-es. Ap ply to D. Graham. Ot 1 TO RENT—NO. 4J7 TELFAIR ST.. containing * nxws with toll modem j convenlettcea. Apply to W. J. Ruth- J erford. Sept 17 jTO RENT—THREE NICE FURNIBH | EI» front rooms with privilege of par lor and hath. Apply to C. H. Luhrs, 4SO Broad street. Sept 20 TO BE NT—THE BRICK DWELLING No. 200 Greene street. Apply A. H Davidson, 330 Greene street. Oct 1 TO RENT—STORE NO. ?!4 BROAD street, next below Davenport A Phln t*y, running through to Ellis street. Price $1,350. Alexander & Johnson, 705 Broad street. Oct 1 FOR RENT—STORE SOS AND HALL WAY 807 Broad. Apply Commercial Hotel. Oct 1 TO RENT—UPPER FLOOR OR rooms, at 454 Bay street. Sept 17 FOR RHNT—STORE AND ADJOIN ING room, southeast corner Twelfth and Greene. Splendid stand for grocery. Apply at drug store. Sept 16 TO RENT—LARGE, COMMODIOUS Store. No. 821 Broarl street. $75 per month. Dwelll-i No. 1646 Walton Way; G rooms and stable. W. 8. Gardner. 115 Eighth street Oct. 1. TcTrENT-PESIRABLE RESIDENCE So. 121 Center street, 8 rooms wjth kitchen ind bath. Apply T P. Doris, Summet villa. Oct 1 TO RENT-DWELLING U 0 ELLIS street, seven rooms, twelve dollars per month. Apply J. W. Jansen, 706 j Ellis street. * : MISCELLANEOUS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only $3.00 per month at Osborne's Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or cal! at once. Great d4mand for stenographers. June 17 U _ ,/' - . - ... SEPTEMBER IS 9M*H|k§ I hPMVS m spccial Notices. §mm E#>E|§4- Mac i, E4l f|p , m #Mhm§ tommm** Pfwfmm*** MM RmsMl VHhf M #(!(#. •mj » At*fit#TA fifties* •Nintm i ? Si •m&f Si m Tin* mcEmm4 •• „ mmA vM'Af »r»*»fl •tv 4-t ■ “ • i* 1 * * * _ _ * * . I ,fl v l IR VI ME PniH ;|ki * , 7 Ptr Cl UOO.COO 7 Pit Cl j Fount ON CAPITALI4T4 Wilt. LOAN HALF A MU4.ION DOLLARS realty Ito Awgto. a <M T rm. 1 t *,eir aitonxry ta Mot. P J 4taii«toa. Kb.. »r Mr P O. Burum. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Thundvy, Sept 15Ul CHAS. E. BLANEY'S Rig >: itraragtoi'M *»uceaa». A Boy Wanted | 3 HOURS ‘ SOLID FUN A Company of 25 People Two Big Bbow» in On*. Pric ! $1 80, 75 and »• Beat! on Sal* at Tboroat 4 Barton'!. Curtain 8:30. On a Short Furlough. The Fall Good* I have Ju*t received will not remain, but will at onoa be reduced to the bottom prlcea. 75c. Underahlrt!. at s®c -75e under Drawer* 50c -25c Oee'O Suspender* ISr -11 oo White Dre»* Hhtrt* ®oc. ldc Club Tie* 2 '' 2^- Butt to order «®. upwards Pant* to ord*r sj.oo, upwards E U MEBTINB, Tailor and Gents Furnlcher. Opp.wtte Planter* Hotel. JHt jjERALD HOLDS THE RECORD. ITS CIRCITLATION MORE THAN DOUBLED THROUGHOUT SOUTH CAROLINA , nua GEORGIA. Why-Why BECAUSE IT PRINTS THE BEST NEWS PAPER IN ITS FIELD. "A Newspaper these days must grow ua Its merit! as a Newspaper." The Herald’s Wonderful Advance and Growth Proves the Correctness of the At laertion. The Khalifa’s propensit:-’ to drop hia wives bs r the wayside is no doubt re sulting lit their being the Mahddst wo men in the country. _ , >