The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 15, 1898, Image 3

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T MUftftOAV WHERE THET SPENT SUMMER A nrnw frtt> i* k*tt(i fM UtMMMiiflt* §®l '•••AMfc Wl M*HP T®—® l *# WW ha ft#W Ml Ml CR*O off twW M s » Jc Ml r *WI- ~ y cttrln PM mi v niwm l U *Mn Aml Ivy HUI t* luawioi it Hr». H J Portar upKi tha sutatiiar Rav and Mrs. C * Wrltaar aßjoyad a trip north. tn Mad MW. Mn. Edward HUI ataltad reiatlvea In Kentucky Mlmm Mlnnl" and Maria Moor# am at Elko. 8. C. Mr and Mr* Jr«m Thompaon ware a: Orovatoara. Mr and M*> Ural* Doolittle enjoyed a western trip. Mlaa Eunice Cairo vtaltcd In Aiken and Jofcnaton Mr*. Omrp Cunningham visited In Richmond. Va Mra. C. D. Perkin* rliitnl at St. Georg*. S. C. Mr*. H. I- Solomon* summered at Kevsvtlle. Va. Mr* W. A. Garrett and family *um m'trd at Bath. Mr*. N. A Tea*ue and children sum mered at Saluda. Ml** Addle Plcquet spent the sum- OfT in ChirlMton. Mra. Thomaa Hopkln# apent aeveral weeks at Hillman. Mr. and Mra. E. B Hook enjoyed a vial! to New York. Mra. Annie Walker apent aeveral wec.V.a In Edgefield. Mr. and Mrs. George Fargo sum mered on Bath Mr*. P M. Whitman spent the sum mer In Michigan. Mrs. John David Clarke summered on Beech Island. Mr*. W. 8. Brand spent several week* at Brevard. Mis* Marie Alien spent several week* at Flat Rock. Mias Rosa Ravta visited In Black ville and Charleston. Mrs. lla-Stone Watson apent aeveral week* In Blackshear. Mr*. B. <C. Wall visited friend* In the Cherokee country. Mias Elisabeth Ignore spent a few weeks at Sumter. 8. C. Miss Adelaide Morrison is spending the summer in Virginia. Mrs. John Willis and children sum mered on Beech island. Mrs. Luther Arrington spent the summer in Asheville. Mrs. A. H. DeVaughan spent some time in Washington, Ga. Mbs Addie Barnes enjoyed a month's slay in Washington, D. C. Mrs. T. C. Jewett and Miss Ella Jewett summered at Saluda. Mrs. Carrie Berry spent some time with friends at Isle of Hope, Mrs. Wallace Barnes and children visited in La.vtonville, S. C. Misses Maggie Thomasine Seward summered at Saluda. Mrs. Mary V. Foster and Miss Annie Foster summered in Virginia. Misses Lottie and Louise Force spent some time at Greenville. Mrs. Hardwiclt and Miss Mary But ler Hardwick are in Chicago. Mrs. Thomas Rivers and children j spent the summer at Thomson. Miss Hayes, Miss Janie Frazer and Miss Ida Meyer are at Asheville. Mrs. Felix Luck and children spent come time in Waynesville. N. C. Mrs. Walter Doar was at Monteagle, Chicamauga and Pav/ley’s island. Mrs. Leonard Phlnizy occupied her summer home at Fiat Rock, N. C. Mrs. Tracy Matthesvson and Miss Lillie Rountree visited in Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Doughty en- I MM*f I SMI * p* ft*'* •*-***' ® I Pl« t***MP P p»~ ***** *****•»! 18Ml*SM #1 %MK* »•**&•¥■*# ipm*** €i»##Wwi» M*** P** I PkM'Mb*''# #flpp<H. MMwW w ** j m*+k* »t Hot nprmm. S C . Mi now it AifflHf. The Inrge&t tablets and bißfrest sc. composition books at Richards & Sha ver’s Book store. WEATHER. Fctftrut for 3f h(»i r » ending Bp. m Heptemtier If. Washington forwiit for (iiorfift Light nhowen tlOOlght ami FrJ«t»*; light north***! feinda p*or South raroi ut Rain to-. night and Friday; light Bonh<*ac( I /hal forerait for Auguata and vi «tnitv Orra»iooal light rain* tonight I and FHa*y. I Tbe river at 8 this morning waa 8.5 f««t. • f*U of 0* feet in the past 24 Little or bo rain occurred over ike (lotion Belt since ln*t Wednesday morning, wnile shower* were general in the iipixr Mississippi and upper Ohio valleys, over rhe Great Lakes, and to a great extern In Florida. I Tempera'.ure* are higher this morning over by far the greater portion of the country, but a marked fall bas oc curred over the upper Missouri valley, being four degrees above the freezing point at Bismarck. The pressure j continue* highest over New England j while slight depressions are located over South Florida, upper Michigan, and the low Rocky Mountain region. I Second hand School Books bought or taken in part payment for New Books at Pendleton’s Book Store. NOT AFTER A JOB. . i ■ Wimberly Says H; >* ill Soon Return tn Augusta I Washington, P ,C., Sept. 13.—T0 the j Editor or The Herald—Sir: I beg tn | state that the statement that recently j appeared In Th ■ Herald to the effect i that 1 had come here to accept a P<>- . sitlon in cno of the departments, I* r itbout foundation, absolutely a mis- j 'take. My business here Is of a private j nature, and I* In no way of Inti rest Ito the public. I tak- It for granted that the accommodating Individual who gave jyour reporter the misinformation feels a peculiar interest In me Just now, and 'that It will he gratifying to him to know that I rhall within the next week j .return to Augusta as I left—"a states- | 'man without a Job." Thanking you In j advance for the courtesy which T seek, j T am always for Augusta. Very respect- j fully, A. W. Wimberly. Low Excursion Rates tc Boston. I The Central of Georgia railway will Jaell excursion tickets to Boston, Maas., land return at $28.75. Tickets on sale via | Savannah and Ocean Steamship Co., i via New York and Sound Lines, or all rail from New York. This account meeting Gfatld Lodge Odd Fellows, Sept. 19th to 24th. Knqulre of Ticket Agents, or J. W. Nall, commercial agent, for rates, seedules, reservations or other information. 3 t. School Bocks, Fook Strrps. Pencil Fog<s, targe Tablets, Mg Composition Book", Slates, Pens and Pene Is at Kichards & Shaver's Book Store. Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 to $8.50. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from $1.25 io $50.00 at Lewis J. SchauL Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. Special bar-grains in school books at Richards & Sha ver’s book store. Tine jk.uaxjm'rjL hkrald WHIT lOU WILL TIRO C. B. FOIARUBS. I fjpjp ** * & *mM9 •*>.» *• -■<*■»■ p* f sturiiMp C. H. HOWARD. JR'S.. ELLERBE HAS BEEN ELECTED M# lT*i*rß (Hit * fpm % ®*#® fNff Nail). Th® lar«e*t| tablets and bißßest sc. composition books ®t Richards A Sha var’s book stor®. A* CacMw Ini Ho»#. L h**4*4«|U*fl «*ri for *ll ft4+n. land ftiHirr »t <t®. hm* Wl o^h» i, 4 *»> t *, \l#*x ji j * iff r tNtntfNisy. £8 Ilr***«t litrcH This h*»*i#** has tong f*nJoy«** Lpp o| th< «M#ti rrfMttAllonii for r«4t*> thi.mshnui the South Num f of t rut Im* ml* I* rr**ti» rrrry pan «»r [the R«*«h *P**k i* Ihr highrot prmi*** i 0 f th** pr®di sold bf Ihrtn. *t*n of thrir iitturary *ti«i prompt nr#*. ¥**r* of **• 1 nßfliMCii In •rlawrttnt *h ‘ ht»at v*rir<ir* f W rrr!r havr mat thrm In pMith* to • luio* rx*<t|v Ihr itwda of in«n pmni* ilng Thrr art glrlng thl* Impor tant bran* h of r«»mmor« lal buainr** ih#)r undlvidad allrntlon, handling Mb | largr quantllio* *v*ry varlriy of gar-| 'd**n Iraplrmrntß. rott*»*l **»«*<! mral. maU- Ing a aparlalty of th*lr lawn IT-ana rrd. By Ita ua# a rich. gr«N*n 1 vrlvrty lawn ran hr mad# and main tained with only aurh ran* aa l» H#r#» nitty to do *<». Wht-n you are filing anything In thrir line, glva Iht? AJti* nndrr Rrrd 00. a rail. OASTOniA. B«*n tkw '* m H ‘"* * lw,s News at Stlllmorc. (special to The Herald. Stillmore, Ga.. Sept, 15.—George I. Berwick, democratic nominee for rep ! r sentatlve of this county, passed through town yesterday. He Is opposed •by Nelli L. allies, populist. The race |ls warming up and bids fair to tie an interesting one. Friends of both par ties are claiming a victory. M. A. Lindsey, travi-llng passenger agent for the Stillmore Air Line, is 111 town. He is now at work advertising (the auction land sale for this place, I the throe first days of November, that | attracting marked attention In this | section. ! J. A. Woodward & Co.'s new store near the Brewton A Plneura depot. Is by far the handsomest and most attrac tive structure of the kind any where in (this section. The front would do credit |to any of the larger cities. ] J. 11. M oore has moved his sodawater ! business from Swulnsboro to this plai'c. Mr. Moore Is well prepared for the i business and has a fine patronage (throughout this section. He Is consid ering putting in an Ice plant. In con nection with his establishment for next [season. | Prof. Bargeron Is succeeding well with the college at this place. He has lan enrollment now double his expecta tion for the first term and considering ill being a pay term, he has made a | people here. (most favorable Impression with the I Since the rainy season ceased, cotton lias been coming to town. Considerable damage haft been done by excessive (rain. The best farmer* plare the loss i at 25 per cent. ' Before purchasing a pistol or gun, call on me. I can save you money. Lew is J. Schaul. Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1890. Have Buttons. The members of th* Telfair Guards have secured quite a number of com pany buttonft. Each roemljer wears one of these on the lapel of his coat. Vortical Ink and Vortloal Pens for Verlicai Writing. Recom mended by Prof. Pelot. Use no other. Sold at Richarda <fc Sha ver's Book Store. Mrs. S. B. Fleming of Chicago is visiting relatives in. the city. IN A SOCIAL WAY I • I w7jr ' wjflkf \ • t j / BT:#-m» •*a ItMWdl* %#* » I**W *# * t t*»a* *• | IfWtfMl lNa*Aat 8* All**!* Mfw 1 I f'trika r la f*%saa I%' ##Ba|*BMNl I Ml** C—■* I stwiikn. I rt-wttl ! ii aiißn Mr® Mfa Caa* li y r# ituiwr)( Mra (bMiaiir#. ] i y|j Mta* IC*(~ • lira mtHf Mr* Oskia. Mra WrtglM. I Mi* lias? Mra WunftrM. Mra ll’Hk* I _ S( i uim Mi l * M*A*U|K*ar Mia* Lula Rtr* vlallfM I* A (last*. Mlaa Mam.# Kally la )« S>«r York Mlaa Moll* l«»rr*y la I* Nrw York \ Mlaa l-owr IrR Ibla «**»mia* j [far Maeoa. Mtrar* Carrlr **<f Uitl* Sulllvio arr . lin K**W York Mm# Lrniir# IMl#bli«t baa rHurmrd | from Nrw York. Mra. Harold l-amb ia ap a ftw days la tbr Hly. Mr llydrr Farrow 1* aprodia* a few j ! day* in 8 par tan bum Mrs K T, Miller ha« relumed from | Red lUrrlogiou. Mass. - - Mrs. L M. Burma* I* expected from j | Warm Spring* next week. M!km » Robbie and Klla Smith have returned from Appling. On. Mra. Hogan. of Savannah, ia the guest of Mra M. J. Egan. Mra. W. E. Hearing and Mia* Jo.vela .'.unira<'rn are at Cartersvlll*. Mra. T. K. Stott and Mlaa Helen Scott leave in a few days for New York. Mra. John Frye, of Burke eoonty. la the guest of Mra. Charles Burch. Mra. John Law. of Spartanburg:, la the guest of Mra. Connor Cleckley. Mra. James Wilts and Mia* Carrie belle Radclllfe summered at Brevard. Mrs. John P. Manly la In Atlanta, the guest of her son, Dr. Doughty Manly. Mrs. Willie I*evy enjoyed a sojourn in West Virginia, New ork and Sara toga. Miss Amelia Krein summered at Wilmlnglon Island, but is now In New York. Miss Corinne Burch has returned from a vlalt to Miss Kloy Shockley at Harlem. Mrs. William Bee Mitchell, of Char leston. Is the guest of Mrs. James Walker. | HYACINTH, TULIPS AND OTHER BULBS. Premium Pansy and Choice Flower Seed. Easter Lily Bulbs should be planted now. We have them. ONION SETS. From now on we will have Extra Early Pearl, White Silver Skin, Dan ver's Yellow, choice stock. Yellow Mul tiplying Shallots, no garden corfiplete without them. HUMP YOUR CARDEN. Plant Turnips, Beets, Cabbage, Spin ach, Lettuce, Radinh. Georgia Rye, and all Grasses ami Clovers—we have them. LAWN GRASS SEED. Our Evergreen Mixed Ixtwn Grass Seed has been tried here with much success —should 1% sown now. We carry a full line of Canary, Par rot and Mocking Bird Food—also Gojd Fish Food. I'l Call in and ask for our Seed Cata logue. It is free. fILEXJKDER SEED CO.. 632 Bml St rtl* Lmr'**** ** m* |.| |wJ rl| ft Aft* fk*t* I i«Aft« Aw*inr*tY fafmtßtk** M |#Mtf I 111 ItlllMAH NEW®. rw Hlgfe Aktal Haft Of— 4 NA Wh a I larvr Mirada** iferf; Mr t>*ati*ai ra*o*. Jraralla. Mr land Out land Gay. Thrift; Mr. Jas. Rif. ter Mcttesa: Mr Roger Stalling* An* snsts Mr Henry Norvell Blythe, In the tillage, the gwent of Mrs. J. H. Prof J. O Sm'ih and Mr Jan ft I Garrett, of Augusta, acre la the stl- j Rev J, H Oliver Its* completed his I ' series of meeting* la the different i, hurche* la h>* charge The result* . hare been very gratifying He per- ; ! f irmed flfty-cae Immersion* Ills : ; < hurche* were greatly revived and a ; \ good religious feeling prevails. He . I Halm* io have immersed the tallest! gentleman In this see'!on He mess- i litre* six feet, eleven and one-half Inch- j Mr E K Ijtnsdell has rented the I store house formerly occupied by Mr. Inman Davis and will. In a few days, iipen a beef, fl-h and oystrr depot. Mrs. letnbr, of Poverty Hill, I is visiting Mrs. W. H. Baxley, Jr„ at; ' Greens Cut. Vertical Ink and Vnrtlonl Penn' for Vnr'lonl Writing. Recom mended by Prof. Pe Ot. Ua» no other. Bold at R chorda A Bha ver'e Book Store. Events at St. George. !kfirdal tn The Herald, j HI. George. H. C„ Hopt. 15 —We are having delightful weather. The farm er* are now busy gathering the tleeey I staple. The Hi. George High Hi’hool opened Monday with a laige attendance. We antiripate for the school a prosperous year, with such an side rorps of tea chers: Prof. W. W. Hlewart. of Ham- Im-ik, principal, Mis* Lucy Minims, of ist. George, flrsl assistant: Min* Rosa Flshhurne, of Blaeltvllle, second assist ant. The music department Is In charge of Miss Jennie Utney, of St. George, nnd Mrs. W. W. Hlewart lakes charge of the art. Mrs. H. F. VonLehe and little one re turned from the mountains Friday, much improved by their trip. Mrs. Lily Young, of Florida, I* on a visit to her mother. We are glad to see Mr. Jake Mim ser home again. He Is connected with the Armor Packing company of Atlan ta. The St. George Rifles have hart their measures taken and will soon he In re ceipt of their uniforms. They are go!n,7 to he ready for the next war. Vsrtienl Ink and Vertical Pens for Vsr ttoil Writing H*commsndsd by Prof Pelot. Uas no other. Sold at Hichards £c Shaver's Book Store. TO GREET THE BOYS. Sixth Georgia Band to Give Them a Blow Off. When the Secdnrt Georgia regiment returns to Augusta they will be treat ed royally. Among the many arrange, ments to greet them is that of the Sixth Georgia band. Capt. R. J. Rus sell of the band says that all he wishes is two hours’ notice of the boys' com ing and he will get his twenty-eight men together and meet the Second at the shed. The Sixth makes great music and will odd much to the occasion. BARBECUE TODAY. Captain O’Connor Entertains Captains of the Tenth. Capt. E. J. O'Connor tendered the captains of the Tenth regiment a de lightful barbecue today. The genial captain was the toast of the occasion. The barbecue was an ideal one, CASTORXA. Boam the *’ nli YoU HaVe A ' (Va,S I ’ l AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. MT as* awaffhtthh* in tit® Tiaih tv cat h IMsOtY Ts) • ltt x 11 urt In®' *t® TH® fftdi> c: a« rtm (A nJM* erto mix »jxafynHA* A® tn n f * at® tt tag f OR SAMUCI. PifCHER. es Nfffwni, I<nairAM4k , H!* Ikr *nst**i<* »/ **CABTOBIA * U» *ms tkst flic <a lA® mgtmt -CASTORIA* a*irA bi In® **4 I® Uw fc ff®f of tk* Mdktto of A nrfini for amt |ftvfl. LOOK CAREFULLY at U* w+*ff*r and mt that U t» dtfosE; ptt. So iM# hot aulhanly Pom ma to ®jm* my xwc rntfA Tkt Contour Company, of r httk ( hat. H. FMchrr i$ /Vwf*t Jf/•*.•**? , t/a *i.O« Do Not Be Deceived nr ,| rnfUnevr ihc life* of your chikl by a< rrpting .< i h<Mii Mibnltlul® Tthich M'ltir nny onrr* yty® iliffAuvr tic nukri a frw mure jsrnnim on it), th® in* crrdirnt* of nrhkh even he iloe* n«H know. “The Kind You Havo Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. H®«t®t«ff®®®®®MH t» »■—«« !♦•»» rnnwommn ms. ■iu :*■ •Bj M! IHfll’S GOOD Slllff . HOT" ROLLS FROM JERRY’S gfIAWB pUKE HOUSEKEEPERS TRY IT. NOTHING LIKE IT. All First Class firm Keep 11. Tor I KT.V’S CREAM BAI-M 1« a poftltivenire. Apply into the noßtriln itla quickly absorbed. BO cents at Prujfirißts or by mail; samples 10c. by mail. KLV liKOXUKIiS, 00 Warren St., New York City. hMUMOIM 18 Doors, Sash and Blinds, ROUGH AND DRESSED YELLOWPIKELOMBER AND MILL WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Factory and Saw rtilt Lqulppod with Latest Improvements, and Orgsnisatlmt thorough la Every Deoartmant. tarl utl Fin* la Stock and Prompt Ship ments Assured. Prices, Catalogue*. Ktc., upon application. tMABMSHBD IBM. Perkins Manufacturing Co. t AUGUSTA, GA. CALL FOR Augusta Brewing Co's EXPORT BEER B E X, L, E O E G- E OEGXA Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. CALL FOR AUGUSTA BEER. Dewey and Merritt, by their Joint achievement in capturing the City of Manila, have clinched the argument for the retemtion of the Philippines. N. Y. dimes. i's.iSliu BELL ZEU O ZF G-EOEGIA