The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 15, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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t* »*»»»» ■ iiiin«u * #*• Watt. MM Wrtl»»i« **«N «*» m mm> * <* • h»* W #*#*,. |M<tM# '•MM* *<M» I )»« MgH** <*i4 •*«** WWfc uhn |m###no|M|o l|llofcAoHl #m—|p #*••**- #m Mm mm mvwmb* »*»m» M MM «* •*>••** NMt >*<«» $•-• M*** **4 ■><♦#» *%* ****** MM M* ■ ■«■ *»«4 MM wnaM ***** ft ••••* «*» **M At * i> ***** ***** ft* *M#M*MI'. insm* ***** ******** tv* • «•»*•** •■** §***mm4* T** «*•** Mi ** «■* 9M«*imi**m #*4 **MM A* * «*****## fMt **>*> • • *MMMI** M*w*** , «*i Tt m n ««■» fUMHI »—o* *ii<l 0P«0 0 «•* -0»»t#00 4l»i iMte «# * f * »%* —t**# twite# W— l fc4te 10# «f • #MNte* I Hl»f lip 4M*«rft' ft 100 00» Mlw tpM *M» 00»*0K |pp% #f###»o «Nl*# Vw* ■"-•##— • #*•#». H>« ««N < footßg I* #•*• TW «#• ii—i w#i «Ml »>• ***** N4—r* *# flgtl! t*p tfcCtP IMO <H ti% inumi— f» H(H Its ft* r*loo «##* TV Urt —Mrtff*§ Il» •» TV# ii—• *— r ** a * f * ***** v|iff (000000 f , t iM 4#*4 *M «n— --ft—t m f—n—» ***** *•** • Ml,lk A Ih—k* tv#« *v plpM—W «•*■*• i tfA i t«tt» pm #— *ik*'t •—P tte#o «**l# ****** • i■ 11 iii rl lit t »•———*» 0* p§ooph» t» llpri «*• ,<r I*+**, **** * f ** r ‘ l tli«A tv# ppi«iy Of film wifWf #•"• ter thr ot *V M*#t#f * hiahah I* toUfrim*' « • fuiiirtH** * THE HISSES LADFORD. Tfe# Mi> litlf'il •rwss Ton t froni |!m> <Hr«n«B •****«• •« »*♦ Mnoil Mtl IwilM •B'* tm wil»wl-* "f pSKICiH' IB fr '* m the RtttlonniMli'r th* I ihrir UaiiM .'linn f.iilrttl tad tort tta *° Laxembnui* Wh»l f«v* « J<llilH»i «n --n»ysn< * 111 lh* fM»r Min lAdf'-*4— «b<> «-•» net vary «M. •’»« only thirty some thing »•» that, not on «“♦«•■* »«4 Mrtrfu'ly terms nrtih the <1 'imin inn* fuan** ah' hail ion tthsbte to lultimi tta ataHouma*!' r at her decided views on (Hiii'ii rail* a J* gewerwlly ud tha tardy t:St p. m from t'ulihnl* In par■ tlrular Har atal r—who »na Iwahiy nothin* *aaitK-d lean t«-i I urbed, hato*. indeed. a youda woman with sunshine In tar fan and oat upon whom It •»* alwaya a plaaaura to look. And Bow." i-omplainad lha oidar Muw Ijutford. “I suppose wa a hall hara Btora ui)I|IHII|IMi arfumant at thla ri diculous hotal. Not a aotll to apank English or French and - " -Wt a hall mnnaaa," said bar younger Bister. hopefully Tha porier. rsrrylng lhair luggage poshed open the door, and Ihey *t'Pl*'d Into a ki. square roozu, with a pvwtar aovtrcd tar at tha aid A few mm were playing with gtubby card* In a corner; the proprietor shif ted forward and took hla pipe from hln niouth reluctantly. "Bah”' cried the elder Mlaa I«adford. "That's not Herman.” remark'd her young Hater cheerfully. ' Kellner, eln ylmmer," | If young Mlaa laidford had known the Oerman for hotel proprietor ahe would not have called him a waiter. It tva* unfortunate tieoauae th“ proprie tor's hrow clouded at the word "Kell* tier.” and he appeared to Ire Inatructlng the porter to lake the luggage out aide. The two ladle* stared at each other dtetreaeedly. ••('an I tie of any use?" ■Mr Wallis!” tried th* young ala ter, delightedly. Mr. Wallis!’' remarked Mt«s Lad ford, distantly. in a few word* the young man ex plained everything ti th* offended ho tt»l proprl'stoc; In a t» w more wrorii he Informed the ladies that he, too, had arrived by lh* train from Herlln, and that, finding the last train for Lu*nm bourg had gome, he had said a few worda .. ... ■ i a.m glad you did that, said Miss Lsdford. And had come straight across to the hotel. Mr. Mark Wjllis further mentions that he had ordrred supper for one: while the ladle* were upitalrs he would amend the older and make It supper for three. A stout, Jff ’ p le-fa fed maid appeared and prepared to con duct them stolidly up the broad wooden atalrcaae to their room. "Mr. Wallis!” said Miss I.adford, "we quarreled, I'm afraid, at Balreulh. "No, no!” replied the young 'man, flushing. "Don't dignify our argument to that fxiont. It was a mere difference of opin ion." He glanced at the younger sister, Mho was following the apple-cheeked fnaid. "You made some unkind remarks In your Journal last winter about my ."lay ing, and I felt hound to teU you that I yesented those criticisms. We had been good friends, too.” "I tried to be fair, Miss Ledford. I had every reason not to be unkind ” "Every reason?" "Every reason!” She hesitat d a moment, and then ] held out her hand. "Shai! we forget all about it, Mr. Wallis?" "It will give me great pleasure,” said I the young man, earnestly. And being ; in a foreign land, where courtly acts can be done without creating derision, he lifted her gloved and kissed *M» * MMWj*** ♦— Mjg ** *** |v«m ***** **Sm&*M» •*• *•>• •"* |U*MM> J* Mm* I* *«#• M - * **i fn ullff rtt • •*** •>• ] ►***• MM <*•» #» ••*** ( | Jf |||*i M<M**** ***•* *■* •** WM**»i ** *M»K* *M M **"* ** it: -|- u*m ****** **■ a■ >M I | M*** MM •**•**•♦"*•*'* *m»*m *M . IMM «*4*-*’**4 * ♦ MM ** MM* M ****** |*Ml «m**4 Mm MM* <M*% i I.*! *•* w-y ; * -■%--* Mint — ****** *mM **•*% Mr*s |*w M 4 MM * • ♦*•** ••* •**• M"** 1 rr~ *m *mmmMm*m •• Mm *** —f —i— ft' ll '—• —l*# f—t—l ’ fteilNPß #*4 | —P— o**«*Mw» i MM—* IMMiiMi I»M*» "#****•• «M«* M lMm*M »*m» m»*m •*• I«M> ***** M M»<«*N MMi • -I'M"** I •■*■l4 MB tfWifTli»Tt~ ~—H M M <***MM (MMli 'Hm pnp— •• •———— tpp—.'* *•» temlteri —— Wl— #•—f • prut V» Wm&m trf «—ilift* *ll am— pMp #mt——- 0 V fMMP 0l t— p— ■ftell «•* llte p*—te—> <NH—i Mm—*— —Mte% w i*i4 »—i — s I 4« —0 * I—ml »0«lk *0 M—** - |r4 p— Hi I—l tefep—f— H* ,Vj* I m M« ***• »»* J** 1 *' jw« la 4m mm mi* *• «• I HiM tMI I* tMMWIM*** I ** •* hHmiM Mi —m MpteMte - -*M M>* »|*M» AM* «• MM VMM I * itep— mnit<rf M-Mfo W|UM ! nf fi iMrif rflrr ittd telfPT fn pMA Iff itmrtl— 1 10 p—Am murm I *o*' KaMh*>u« T •*• I MM I jKtf-Tfl Thl* *tn >*•** *ll IM- charm of novrtr Mar I <•»•* ! at>ou< a hat, io*» l>t i Si hody kni vi ■ ua hare. M *|n-«i, Th.-r walh*-!! 4own th* prthrifal !al»a nf thr »tllarr Thr tun «aa Ift It* plroa antly «rr.*iaua m>"4. traa *Mm*tt -1 that I—, a i«>lHr »«tr»l»«>». Two •tuvt malrowa at thrtr **»»*▼! •mark'd !•> *•■ h othrr ronAdmtlallr tkat ahr »aa oMrr than hr. and aftrr •«ror hantlna rtr.tird that Ihrr* M*a a jilltfrimrr of Itvr yraru Krarlr rrrrythlna harprn* for thr *•« In thl* world.' - raid Mark Walh* j“|f Ihal train had not t*rrn tatr laat 'nl*ht. It would havr t>rrn lon* prrhap* Irforr I had a rhanrr of maklnit my |praor with you ' I ''l ran not prrmltahr aald *iualntly, I "any rrfrrrnrr to a formrr dlaruaalon, • A* n mattrr of fart. I partlrularlv I want to hr on *i-od trrma with you. Mian Ladrord. I havrn't many rnrmtra. and I dont' want to thin!* of you aa onr of thrm." I *-| brllAva." *hr aald quietly, pulllny ! a blade of yraaa aa they walked alone, "that wr are coin* to tie excellent friend*.” | "f'm *o glad." he (tried, honeatly. I Indeed. I hope w» ahall be aomethlne more.” | she did not took at him. and he went | “Do you know. Mia* Ladfoid, I feet very much the want of oompanlrmahlp at home. I'm almost *B, hut already I'm !» Kin nine to dread the poaalhillty of Journeying through life a lonely trav eler. Twenty-eight I* not too young for a man to marry. 1* It?” Hhe shook her head, and put her hand for a moment to her throat. Her thc.uehta went hark swiftly to her flrat end last proposal- Dear, dear! what a long time ago .that was! ; Nearly ten years ago, she feared: she r< niemliei ed how ahe had refused the offer, because she had an Idea that It would be foolish to say ‘'ye*'' to the first. , . And since—Mia* Ladford remembered thi* with a little sigh—there had not been a second. •'What I mean to say la,” said Mark Wallis, with nervous enthusiasm, "that the time comes to every man when he meets some cne he really likes: if he misses that chance It Is quite likely that an exactly similar opportunity may ! never occur again. And although it may appear very sudden to you, Miss I.arlford, it’s not really sudden, you know.” The little blade of grass was getting terribly maltreated. Fer a self-possessed person. Miss Ijidsotl appeared singularly tremulous: she found that when she lifted her eyes frori the ground the neat little cottages danced. I think—l think we had better re turn,' sh? said, hesitatingly. "We mustn't miss the train, and we ought not to keep my sister waiting." “Oh! Alice won't mind!'' he said very Cheerfully. “She's a dear girl," said Miss I>ad fnrd. endeavoring to regain her self pPHScssiou. “Although she's my sister, I've never quarreled with her.” “She can Keep a secret too.” “When you know her better, Mr. Wa llis, you will find that she Is quite un like- me. That is why We get on so well together, I think. I don't like ot think THE AUGUBTA HHIWJV.I.r> ImIMI * MMM is* I ** M**g I** •** i'n*•§* *>' I MM fM* ® _ I "'ft *"H— *V* pOW 001— 00—I tA * I i»ipii4 M—% 'p«— 000 • •**—•*—— | *• * M*M» «■* *5 I #■*# **o ** **l te*i3B, . w * _**: I f gwfM* (M«*m* •* 4T •»•• *• •*-* J f%*4 *• **M(i * ••*■►* '*4> I Mu Poo*’ 00 00— *—*NM*No|te| I I Mat m| 0— •—0 #i— # * *— *** 1 | M— o—l —PWMI—i I 0f I—. M*— 1 0- * 00— I 10I0P tel o—o OO o |,:| o 0* m * t I ,I—o IP te—i M |P— #•— f o***o f |Pp Ml ftte 0«0mI #PO £OO •*'—'*'* ****'■ I MM— npR ON—WOPO 00M—'— o*' • *"' o—l M— |opM«—l (M»# 00— I •» | «Ht* mm* ■ Mm ***** »<«>' * .««■•» •• mmm flMl in ITT-# ►* • •tggMiM' I 4*6d-4ite* O—V #—#**“•#»# #»• i iMffer 4—l ( 0 I# 01 01 *•*«* —lte 00MMHM 0- o—o 00 0*i *OO Bp—M. fM i o** M——Mis W 00 **•—M 00 0 (MMP i lte O>MOT # M—a IMpIMMI ( * * ■ MteMtfMNM iflM *— 0# OMMP —| : »M#oi#teo 0 Cto.o* , ti -<#i#* MI 000 It 00- M0 1 5 list OF AOTMTBW* I.ETTEIS I Amm Ml— tJ— JMMPHPO* Mt Pm—T | i H M— 0— H—. Mr# MMote * |«t#|T. Mi— Kmlt? ’Hrrte» I tv Mr# A* ftettete*. * Karr *Mopp Ml— It—m§ * i Mi## ftUt# H H#lt, Mi## 140 f J—Mr# MMMOOO J#* - !*'*# Mi** M** i f«|j*a Ja< k#’A Mr* r* It J**tit*# Mr* . (aiai Jr*!—#*—. Mi— ivli# J**•♦«#**• Mr« , ; fWMfH J ( ,||||#iHl Ml# Rtt# K J<#r|4 i \, CMm l#»tnkm I M Ml— P#rmt» A#o M***# Mf# 1U j jV, MaiArli. Mailt# M#—#. Mr* Al»r#M i Ma< > ! n- Ml** f»*IM »*»•*•. Ml** Hama Ot ha I NVa.nan (» Mt M KatM tHlver Mr* IdH. 1 (T**Mr* N**rn»« lalae Mr T- 'L'*** Ipa Phllud. Ml** Klkl O. ‘••rkman ! VI |M i:uc*‘l)l* f*otl#r4. Ii Halil# H####. Mr*. Cof#llo# H«ov i M-MVO. MM4r#o T. o#»w»#r#, Mr# I Prtactlla Wchwit. M.m C. T. IJmMh. Mt*. A undo HHmm*. Ml** H**a»h y m Uk. y> Mt## |’f iO** hr A.nv Timm Mr. T. E Teeple. !Mr*. Winnie T>*>l i V—Mirth V*»Bure«l. W Susie Wyley. Mr*. K*tl* WII |HMM. Mr* Annto William*. Mr* BMiM | Wrttte. „ , OEMtUBMBN 8 U*T. I A—D C. Albemon. Carl Any. H-» H Burk*. William H B-ntley. jj»rk HeasHy. David Brow n. Oeurge By p _T M Ca»fel*. Horace D* la tel ler Dr. M. !■• Currie. jj n j. Davis. Charlie E. D«Tr»h. K— Henry B*rle. F - James ray, Augualu* Firmer. It. J. Felder. (1-James Uri»h*n H-HotieM H. Horrlgal, Thomas Hll ry. lien B. Harris. Dr. It. W. Hull. A. K Howell, Janie* IlarrtA O. W. H»- gins. J. 8 Hunter. . j Hubert Jones, Joaeph I*. Johnaon, Will Johnson, colored. Iy—Bam Lindsay. M—N D. McDonald, Virgil Mimm*. Henry Matthew*. N—Willi* H. Newman, Talton Ner guel. o—o. 8. Odom. P—John Patterson. W. R Prior. II -ft. W. n*y, n. R Randall. &—Hugo Schlosa, Jim Steven. Cha*. J. Swift, A. Bimmon*. Frank Blm*. \V—Pari* Wslker, H. (1. Wooten, Major W. W. Whitney, Clatton Webb, H. F. Walker. Y—Jack Young. MISCELLANEOUS. To Any Roolt or Newsdealer. The Georgia and Carolina I’lanters Co.. Fred Forties A Co.. Messrs. M T. Mur f hy. To Master Mechanic for the Geor gia Southern railroad. Messrs. Carrel & Carrel, K. W. Hutton & Co., Spencer 6 Brinson, Secretary of Fair (Z), Sec retary of Exposition. W. 11. STALLING*, P. M. SUPT. LAWTON B. EVANS. May Be the Next Chancellor of the University of Georgia. Supt. Brans of the public schools, was today ahown the following dis patch from Atlanta: Atlanta, a., Sept. 14.—Prof. Lawton H. Evans, superintendent of the public schools of Augusta, and son of Gen. Clement A. Evans, may be the next chancellor of the Slate University. It la said upon reliable authority that an organized movement Is being carried rn in the interest cf Prof. Evans, and that his name will he presented to the trustees with an exceedingly strong list of recommendations from the edu cators of the state. Prof. Evans Is a member of the board of trustees of the State Normal Col lege. He Is a young man, but he has already established a high reputation for himself In educational work. “Well, what do you want me to say about the matter?" asked Supt. Evans. “It is a position that no one would re fuse. I hope the report is so." pin posioß d|[lu AUOUSTA, O-A. * * “ » ■-*_ iTINE*, * I*. zi v —FOPJE'^ ‘■guafScgg 808 WHITE Becond Patont. GOLD MEDAL Fancy Patent IBSOLUTELT PURE WINTER WHEIT FLOUB. I fuNy rMllf* th# luprtmi diifuit of con*um#f ■ fo* Flour. aduKartlrd with Com Flour, Corn St#rch* and other For*i«n matter. On and aftar thla Data, August lOth, 1808. I offar tha Wholaaala trada tha abova Brands Flour Ouarantaad Abaolutaly Pura Wintar Whaat, Goods of tha Hlghast typa* Ask for pricoa Flour, Maal, Grits, Bran and ah Ip atuff dallvarod your atation. J. M. BERRY, THE WERCHINT MILIjR ggTUeargW aad GwaMaa l'*p*e* tapart t*ila*l* •• *M»« P» •*•**• Fall Seeds » Fall Seeds - ty WHOLESALE QUANTITY Georgia Rye ! Seed W heat *"' rt lkrM *** .Seed Barley White Onion Sets | Red Onion Sets I Crimson Clover j Native R. P. Oats ! Grazing Oats | Multiplying Shallots, ' Cabbages, Collards, etc. ; THE HOWARD * WIILET DRUG CO. tm r (jUYER Hat u# Fall style •* 1 \ I Just received, our Fall line of the famous Cuyer Stiff Hat, in all the leading shapes. Why buy a $5 00 Hat when we guarantee every $3.00 Guyer Hat we sell? Also complete line of Men’s and Boys’ Caps in every color and style. We are anxious to make room for our tremendous Fall stock which we are daily receiving, and will cl«>se out all remaining Summer goods at cost price- L. SYLVESTER. Tie Georsiaiolar las Comjaiy SOLE OWNERS. For the right to Manufacture and Sell the INTERNATIONAL SOLAR UAH MACH INF IN THE STATES OF GEORGIA AND. SOUTH CAROLINA Courily rights for sale. Write at owe* for full particulars coeccrning the Machine and Light. The pubjlc i» invited to see the light and machine Which Will been exhi bition the balance of this week at 744 Broad Street, MASONIC BUILDING r r ""‘T~~' y " r 111 W Mm iPy 1 jI,T #Py *-* T ; : ,jK * # f ja feS®*' i 1 f\ V ji ’ keep cool hr u*ln( on# o, our odorl#** H*frt*rr atnr*- thr Dewty Ju»t annihilate* hot ueather. Kkwnllke. Gurney *nd BcllpM are all good: everyone guaranteed; wa lPr cooler*, cedar cheat*; Ice cream freexem. See our line ot bedroom *ult*. sls. Ilaby r»rrla*e* for I* W* will make lerna* and price* to *ult you. Fleming& Bowles BOA Broad Street. SOME PEOPLE DON’T LIKE PILLS. They went # quick idluf Medicine, Acting simply on the LIVES* Tale 0. H. P. Fir tie Liver, 50 Cent* Bottl*. Hu P Will take out the y*i!owg • 11. * * in your face. H|_| p Will t*k* out the y*llow» • I*. * • in your f*ot. The Howard & fillet Dren Co. M*nuf#ctar«r® H. H. P. Anrtrcrr T.OW PRIUKS. bST ■us vAI VKS nnrl FITIINOH. Knl- JilNE*. BOILKRH. MILLS and REPAIRS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Uo., d (/(?(/»>* i. • (JA . B. It. MITCHELL, AJ.EX. McDONALD, Superintendant Secretary and of Construction. General Manager Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. Electric Huppllat—Annunciators, Tele phones, Cpeaking Tub-s, do . elc. Repairs to all Kledrical ajiparaiuc. Electric Rigid Wiring a specialty. Pe l 'Phone 13. To save money in Buy ing School Books get them from Richards & Shaver’s Book Store. JHE ||ERALp JIANDARD W A - R fl TUS II I# popular b#c#uft# It I# |u*t what th# urcMit nowspapor-roaUmg public w#nt%. Th# Af# l#rg#«nd cl#ar. #ndjkil;y doubt# th# •if# of any othnra publithod. Th#y ar# bwuu fully prirtlod In fiva color* on hoavy map paper IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EO6RAPHY you will find th# Atl#» an indi*pens«bl# Aid. It will help you to ob—rvn th# daily change* In th# situation, and enable you to keep pace with history. You Need An ATLAS! v —r Oet the Latest and Beat Contents ol The Herald Standard War Allas: Cuba - - - - 14*21 Inches Th# World 21*28 Inches Jfc|MN#too €oooo# 0§ #(0000 *ooool#. *ooot 000 (00»00*0 | fc Woo#* West Indies • • ■ 14*21 Inches North America - 21 *2B inches (jMt liter#. South America - - - 14*21 Inches »k*»i*| i*M(Uw<. Philippine Islands - * I I*l4 inches Hawaiian Islands - - 11 *l4 inches Europe ■* • • 21 jc2o Inc Hes Spain and Portugal - - 14*21 Inches s i a ... . 14x21 inches .showing mw Tran,-Vhrrtan KmlroM. Africa ... 14*21 Inches Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 *2B Inches china - 14*21 Inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Cienfuegos. Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atias. Remember the Hain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents QUR jjEW fALL STYLES I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, - GEORGIA iiIRMSIIT ADS in Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing show all the newest textures and weaves in handsome fabrics, that are made up and finished in the best style and handi work of the tailor’s art, and are equal in finish, elegance, fit and style to the best custom made Clothing. A glance at our stock will show our lines to be more complete and of larger assortment to choose from than can be found in the city. 7